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Introducing SharpSploit: A C# Post-

Exploitation Library

20 Sep 2018

Today, I’m releasing SharpSploit, the first in a series of offensive C# tools I have been writing
over the past several months. SharpSploit is a .NET post-exploitation library written in C# that
aims to highlight the attack surface of .NET and make the use of offensive .NET easier for red

SharpSploit is named, in part, as a homage to the PowerSploit project, a personal favorite of

mine! While SharpSploit does port over some functionality from PowerSploit, my intention
is not at all to create a direct port of PowerSploit. SharpSploit will be it’s own project, albeit
with similar goals to PowerSploit.

The Appeal of C#
There seems to be a trend developing on the offensive side of the security community in
porting existing PowerShell toolsets to C#, particularly with the recent releases from my
SpecterOps teammates, including: @harmj0y’s GhostPack toolset
and @0xthirteen’s SharpView. And SharpSploit is another piece to that puzzle. With the
added security features in PowerShell (ie. ScriptBlock Logging, AMSI, etc.), it makes sense that
red teamers are investing in other options. And C# is the logical next step from PowerShell,
seeing that they both are based on the .NET framework and porting toolsets from PowerShell
to C# is fairly easy to do.

However, C# does not come without it’s own set of issues from an offensive perspective. It
certainly seems as if optics into .NET are on the way, and from an operator usability
perspective we lose quite a bit of flexibility moving from a scripting language like PowerShell
to a compiled language like C#.

We also need to start worrying about .NET versions. You’ll find .NET v3.5 on a majority of
Windows OS versions by default, but newer Windows 10 and Server 2016 systems will only
have .NET v4.0+ installed by default. Another “gotcha” is that .NET is not enabled by default
on all Windows OS versions either, you’ll find that it needs to be explicitly enabled on
Windows Server 2008 and earlier server OS versions. SharpSploit attempts to deal with this by
targeting .NET v3.5 and v4.0 to get the most coverage possible, but you’ll need to be careful
to use the correct version on the correct system.

To Console or Not to Console?

The most significant difference you will see between SharpSploit and most other offensive C#
libraries that have been released so far, is that there is no  SharpSploit.exe ! SharpSploit is
designed as a library, so there is only a  SharpSploit.dll .
My intention is for SharpSploit to be primarily used as a library for operators to reference in
their own toolsets. However, I anticipate some limitations from this implementation that will
likely force me to add a console-based interface eventually. For instance, Cobalt
Strike’s  execute-assembly  module expects an application to have an EntryPoint (i.e. “main”
function) to execute, so SharpSploit currently does not operate easily with Cobalt Strike. This
is a great example of some of the flexibility issues with offensive C# we will have to solve in
the transition from PowerShell.

Try not to worry about this too much for now, you’ll see some other creative methods
for SharpSploit execution from me here in the near future :) And I will likely add a follow-up
post at some point on convenient methods for executing SharpSploit functions.

So what exactly does SharpSploit include? Let’s dive in!  SharpSploit  currently includes 4
key high-level namespaces:  Credentials ,  Enumeration ,  Execution ,
and  LateralMovement . We’ll walk through the details of each of these individually.

The  SharpSploit.Credentials  namespace includes any classes that deal with…well,
credentials! Currently, this includes all  Mimikatz  functionality as well as token manipulation.

The  SharpSploit.Credentials.Mimikatz  class implements the ability to execute
any  Mimikatz  command.  SharpSploit ’s implementation uses an adapted version
of @subtee’s PELoader and borrows from @xorrior’s implementation as well to
load @gentilkiwi’s excellent Mimikatz project.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention @harmj0y’s SafetyKatz project. The primary difference is

that SafetyKatz provides convenience for using  Mimikatz  on a minidump of lsass.exe,
while  SharpSploit.Credentials.Mimikatz  opens the user up to any  Mimikatz  command.

The following are the primary functions implemented in

the  SharpSploit.Credentials.Mimikatz  class:

Command()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes a chosen Mimikatz
LogonPasswords()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the
Mimikatz command to retrieve plaintext passwords from LSASS. Equates
to  Command("privilege::debug sekurlsa::logonPasswords") . (Requires Admin)
SamDump()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the Mimikatz
command to retrieve password hashes from the SAM database. Equates
to  Command("privilege::debug lsadump::sam") . (Requires Admin)
LsaSecrets()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the Mimikatz
command to retrieve LSA secrets stored in registry. Equates
to  Command("privilege::debug lsadump::secrets") . (Requires Admin)
LsaCache()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the Mimikatz
command to retrieve Domain Cached Credentials hashes from registry. Equates
to  Command("privilege::debug lsadump::cache") . (Requires Admin)
Wdigest()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the Mimikatz
command to retrieve Wdigest credentials from registry. Equates
to  Command("sekurlsa::wdigest") .
All()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes each of the above
builtin, local credential dumping commands. (Requires Admin)
DCSync()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the “dcsync”
module to retrieve the NTLM hash of a specified (or all) Domain user. (Requires Domain
Admin (or equivalent rights))
PassTheHash()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the “pth”
module to start a new process as a user using an NTLM password hash for
authentication. (Requires Admin)

The  SharpSploit.Credentials.Tokens  class implements token manipulation functions, as
well as more complex actions that rely on token manipulation. While many token
manipulation projects have already been created,  SharpSploit.Credentials.Tokens  often
borrows from @0xbadjuju’s awesome Tokenvator project.

The following are the primary functions implemented in

the  SharpSploit.Credentials.Tokens  class:

WhoAmI()  - Gets the username of the currently used/impersonated token.

ImpersonateUser()  - Impersonate the token of a process owned by the specified
user. Used to execute subsequent commands as the specified user. (Requires Admin)
ImpersonateProcess()  - Impersonate the token of the specified process. Used to
execute subsequent commands as the user associated with the token of the specified
process. (Requires Admin)
GetSystem()  - Impersonate the SYSTEM user. Equates to  ImpersonateUser("NT
AUTHORITY\SYSTEM") . (Requires Admin)
BypassUAC()  - Bypasses UAC through token duplication and spawns a specified
process with high integrity. (Requires Admin)
RunAs()  - Makes a new token to run a specified function as a specified user with a
specified password. Automatically calls  RevertToSelf()  after executing the function.
MakeToken()  - Makes a new token with a specified username and password, and
impersonates it to conduct future actions as the specified user.
RevertToSelf()  - Ends the impersonation of any token, reverting back to the initial
token associated with the current process. Useful in conjuction with functions that
impersonate a token and do not automatically RevertToSelf, such
as:  ImpersonateUser() ,  ImpersonateProcess() ,  GetSystem() , and  MakeToken() .
EnableTokenPrivilege()  - Enables a specified security privilege for a specified token.
(Requires Admin)

The  SharpSploit.Enumeration  namespace includes any classes that do enumeration.
Currently, this includes some basic local host-based enumeration, network enumeration (i.e.
ping/port scanning), and Domain and Net enumeration. I think there’s room for a lot of
addition and improvement to this namespace, but it is a start.

The  SharpSploit.Enumeration.Host  class does basic local host-based enumeration. This
class is currently very basic. I plan to eventually make some useful additions, but currently
there are many other more robust tools, such as Seatbelt.

The following are the primary functions implemented in

the  SharpSploit.Enumeration.Host class:

GetProcessList()  - Gets a list of running processes on the system.

CreateProcessDump()  - Creates a minidump of the memory of a running process.
Useful for offline Mimikatz if dumping the LSASS process. (Requires Admin)
GetHostname()  - Gets the hostname of the system.
GetUsername()  - Gets the current Domain and username of the process running.
GetCurrentDirectory()  - Gets the current working directory full path.
GetDirectoryListing()  - Gets a directory listing of the current working directory.
ChangeCurrentDirectory()  - Changes the current directory by appending a specified
string to the current working directory.
RegistryRead()  - Reads a value stored in registry.
RegistryWrite()  - Writes a value into the registry.

The  SharpSploit.Enumeration.Network  class includes a threaded TCP ping/port scanner
for network enumeration.

The following are the primary functions implemented in

the  SharpSploit.Enumeration.Network  class:

PortScan()  - Conducts a port scan of specified computer(s) and port(s) and reports
open ports.
Ping()  - Pings specified computer(s) to identify live systems.

The  SharpSploit.Enumeration.Domain  class provides libraries for Active Directory domain
enumeration. This is a partial port of @harmj0y’s PowerView project.
This class does not intend to be a direct or complete port of PowerView, things will be
formatted and implemented differently. I should also
mention @0xthirteen’s SharpView project, which does aim to be a more direct/complete port
of PowerView.

The  SharpSploit.Enumeration.Domain.DomainSearcher  class facilitates searching a
particular AD domain with a set of credentials.

This is the first major difference you will notice when

using  SharpSploit.Enumeration.Domain compared to PowerView. PowerView functions can
all be executed independently as “static” functions, conforming to the nature of PowerShell as
a scripting language.  SharpSploit embraces the nature of an object-oriented programming
language such as C#. You will need to create a  DomainSearcher  object that is setup to
search a particular domain with a particular set of credentials, and call specific enumeration
functions on that  DomainSearcher  object.

The  DomainSearcher  class contains the following primary functions:

GetDomainUsers()  - Gets a list of specified (or all) user  DomainObject s in the current
GetDomainGroups()  - Gets a list of specified (or all) group  DomainObject s in the
current Domain.
GetDomainComputers()  - Gets a list of specified (or all) computer  DomainObject s in
the current Domain.
GetDomainSPNTickets()  - Gets  SPNTicket s for specified  DomainObject s.
Kerberoast()  - Gets a list of  SPNTicket s for specified (or all) users with a SPN set in
the current Domain.

The  SharpSploit.Enumeration.Net  class continues the partial PowerView port, and
includes functions for enumerating local users, groups, logons, and sessions on remote
computers by using Windows API functions (similar to the native, Windows “net.exe” utility).
A key note is that the “WinNT” PowerView collection method is not supported.

The  SharpSploit.Enumeration.Net  class includes the following primary functions:

GetNetLocalGroups()  - Gets a list of  LocalGroup s from specified remote

GetNetLocalGroupMembers()  - Gets a list of  LocalGroupMember s from specified
remote computer(s) for a specified group.
GetNetLoggedOnUsers()  - Gets a list of  LoggedOnUser s from specified remote
GetNetSessions()  - Gets a list of  SessionInfo s from specified remote computer(s).
The  SharpSploit.Execution  namespace includes any classes that deal with executing
“stuff”. Currently, this includes PE loading, .NET assemblies, and shell/powershell commands.

The  SharpSploit.Execution.Assembly  class includes methods for loading .NET assemblies
and executing functions within the assembly through reflection.

The  SharpSploit.Execution.Assembly  class includes the following primary functions:

Load()  - Loads a .NET assembly byte array or base64-encoded byte array.

AssemblyExecute()  - Loads a .NET assembly byte array or base64-encoded byte array
and executes a specified method within a specified type with specified parameters
using reflection.

The  SharpSploit.Execution.PE  class is planned to be a class for loading arbitrary PEs.
Currently, it really only serves as a Mimikatz PE loader. This class is an adapted version
of @subtee’s PE loader that has been made to support arbitrary PEs. As a warning, I have not
been successful in loading any arbitrary PE with this class, so your mileage may vary. I hope
that this will eventually be fully implemented.

The  SharpSploit.Execution.PE  class includes the following primary functions:

Load()  - Loads a PE with a specified byte array. (Requires Admin)

GetFunctionExport()  - Get a pointer to an exported function in a loaded PE. The
pointer can then be used to execute the function in the PE.

The  SharpSploit.Execution.Shell  class includes methods for executing “shell”
( cmd.exe ) commands and PowerShell commands/scripts. It is possible to execute shell
commands as an alternative user (provided that you have a valid password), similar to the
native Windows  runas.exe  executable.

I’m particularly excited about the  PowerShellExecute()  function.

The  PowerShellExecute() function by default uses @mattifestation’s AMSI bypass
and @tifkin_’s PowerShell logging bypass (which bypasses ScriptBlock logging and Module
logging). An issue with executing some of these types of bypasses previously through
PowerShell is that the bypasses themselves are logged or AMSI-scanned, creating a bit of a
chicken and the egg problem. By utilizing C#, we can execute these bypasses in C# prior to
the execution of any PowerShell, resulting in log-free and AMSI-free PowerShell execution!

The  SharpSploit.Execution.Shell  class includes the following primary functions:

PowerShellExecute()  - Executes specified PowerShell code using the
System.Management.Automation.dll and bypasses AMSI, ScriptBlock Logging, and
Module Logging (but not Transcription Logging).
ShellExecute()  - Executes a specified Shell command, optionally with an alternative
username and password. Equates to  ShellExecuteWithPath(ShellCommand,
ShellExecuteWithPath()  - Executes a specified Shell command from a specified
directory, optionally with an alternative username and password.

The  SharpSploit.Execution.ShellCode  class includes a method for executing shellcode.
Shellcode execution is accomplished by copying it to pinned memory, modifying the memory
permissions with  Win32.Kernel32.VirtualProtect() , and executing with a
.NET  delegate . This class is based on code written by @enigma0x3.

The  SharpSploit.Execution.ShellCode  class includes the following primary function:

ShellCodeExecute()  - Executes a specified shellcode byte array by copying it to

pinned memory, modifying the memory permissions
with  Win32.Kernel32.VirtualProtect() , and executing with a .NET  delegate .

SharpSploit.Execution.Win32  is a large library of PInvoke signatures and structures for
Win32 API functions used by various  SharpSploit  functionality. was an
invaluable resource for the implementation of this class. I will not attempt to document all of
the signatures here, but feel free to check them out in the  Win32.cs  file.

The  SharpSploit.LateralMovement  namespace includes classes that allow for any type of
code execution on remote computers. Currently, this only includes WMI lateral movement,
but others will be coming soon!

The  SharpSploit.LateralMovement.WMI  class includes basic WMI lateral movement
capabilities. Currently, the only capability is to spawn a process on a remote system using
the  Win32_Process.Create  WMI method with a specified username and password.

The  SharpSploit.LateralMovement.WMI  class currently includes only the following primary


WMIExecute()  - Execute a process on a remote system with Win32_Process Create

with specified credentials.

Testing and Documentation

Complete documentation for  SharpSploit  is available

The  SharpSploit  project also includes  SharpSploit.Tests , hooray for unit testing! By no
means have I implemented complete coverage in these unit tests, but I am still working at it. I
think it would be great if we as a security community could try to up our software
development game a bit and include unit tests for offensive projects. They provide great
examples for how to use our toolsets, promote code quality, and are useful for contributors.

More To Do
This is just the beginning for  SharpSploit ! You’ll notice I alluded to lots of needed
additions to  SharpSploit  throughout the description above. I plan to continue working on
and maintaining  SharpSploit , so hopefully you will see lots of updates coming soon. The
format of SharpSploit as a library is also very conducive to contribution from others. I am very
open to pull requests and hope that others will want to contribute to the project to make it
better for everyone.

Defensive .NET
This is really an offensive post and meant as an intro to  SharpSploit , but I will at least
touch on the defensive side. After educating myself a bit, I’ll plan on a more thorough
defensive blog post as a follow up.

To begin discussing defense for .NET, it’s important to clarify terms. I’ve used “.NET” and “C#”
almost interchangably throughout this post, but there is a subtle distinction. The .NET
framework is a library and runtime for Windows for “managed code”. “Managed code” is any
code that compiles to CIL (Common Intermediate Language, formerly referred to as “MSIL”)
and will be managed by the CLR (Common Language Runtime), which is the runtime for the
.NET framework and converts CIL to “native” machine code. C# is an example of a language
that uses managed code that compiles to CIL. Further, C# was created specifically to target
.NET and it’s object model aligns to the .NET object model. Other languages that can compile
to CIL (and thus, can be executed under the .NET framework) include VB.NET and JScript.NET.

So while we’ve talked quite a bit about C# from the offensive side, from a defensive
perspective what we really care about is .NET. Specifically, we care about the CIL code being
interpreted by the CLR. The bad news is that traditionally, defenders do not have much optics
into what is happening in .NET code. And even if they did, it may be hard to identify
malicious .NET. In fact, that admission in this tweet from @blowdart was what first got me
excited about offensive .NET:
The good news is that this appears to be changing. I alluded to this at the beginning of the
post, but it does seem as if .NET optics are in the works (discovered by @mattifestation):
However, as far as I know, there is no official guidance from Microsoft on how to utilize these
optics quite yet. Though hopefully we will get some guidance and documentation as this
appears to still be in the works.
Without these optics, what other options do we have? Well the good news is that there is still
very few ways to execute .NET without touching disk at some point. And if you can recover
the .NET assembly off of disk, it is very easy to reverse the assembly to source code and begin
to identify key indicators (CIL code is still bytecode!).

The easiest and most popular way to execute malicious .NET assemblies is through
the  System.Reflection.Assembly.Load()  method. So how will operators execute this
method to kick off their malicious .NET assembly? Typically, either
through  powershell.exe  or through scriptlet-based execution techniques such
as  regsvr32.exe  and  wmic.exe  through techniques demonstrated by the
great DotNetToJScript project by @tiraniddo. While those scriptlet-based techniques do have
the ability to execute remotely hosted scriplets, this still results in the scriptlet hitting disk in a
predictable location under  %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
Files\  (which I’m not sure all red teamers have realized). This leaves  powershell.exe  as
the last real way to execute .NET assemblies without touching disk, and PowerShell has great
logging capabilities to ensure you capture the assembly in ScriptBlock logs! Once you have
captured the assembly off disk or in logs, you will be able to easily reverse it to source and
analyze using a .NET debugger, such as dnSpy.

I hope this is a decent, if not brief, start to detecting malicious .NET. Again, once I further
educate myself, I’ll try to follow up with a more detailed post.

This is just the beginning for  SharpSploit ! You’ll notice I alluded to lots of needed
additions to  SharpSploit  throughout this post. I plan to continue working on and
maintaining  SharpSploit , so hopefully you will see lots of updates coming soon.

I hope that others find  SharpSploit  helpful, particularly for those trying to diversify their
toolset from PowerShell. And as I hinted to at the beginning of this post,  SharpSploit  is the
first in a series of C# tooling that I have been developing over the last few months, so expect
to see much more here soon!

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