C Programming MID-1 Important Questions

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1) Draw the block diagram of the Computer.
2) Explain the structure of C- Program with neat diagram.
3) What is a Data Type? Explain various data types with their sizes
4) What is a token? Explain various types with examples.
5) What is a variable? Explain creating and declaring a variable with syntax and example
6) What are the different types of operators in C programming language? Give an example
on each operator. (or) Explain in detail about operators in C.

1) What are Control Statements? Explain Conditional Control Statements with syntax and
2) What are Un Conditional Control Statements (goto, break, continue and exit) with syntax
and Examples?
3) Explain Iterative or Looping Statements (while loop, do while loop, for loop)with their
syntaxes and Examples?
4) What is an Array? Explain how to compile and run an array with suitable Example?
5) Difference between while loop and do while loop with syntax and Example
6) What is Multi way Decision Making Statements (switch Case statement)? Explain with
Syntax and Example?
1. Draw the Block Diagram of the Computer
2. Explain the following
a.Machine language
b.Assembly language
c.Higher level language.
3. Draw a flow chart to find GCD of two positive integers. (similar questions)
4. Discuss about an Algorithm in C
5. Explain the structure of ‘C’ program.
6. What is type conversion? Explain with an example.
7. Define a flowchart and draw a flowchart for finding the reverse of a number. (Similar questions).
8. Explain the various basic data types in C?
9. Draw a flowchart to check whether the given number is prime or not. (Similar questions).
10. What are an identifiers, variables and constants? Mention the rules to construct an identifier. Give
some examples. (or) write briefly about the C Tokens with suitable examples.
11. Explain the different steps involved in creating and running programs with a neat flowchart (or)
Executing the C program.
12. Explain translators in C?
13. Explain operator priority in C.
14. Explain bitwise operators with examples.
15. Describe the operator precedence between the operators in C.
16. Differentiate between formatted and unformatted functions with examples.
17. Explain about comma and conditional operators in C.
18. Explain about increment and decrement operators with examples.
19. What are the different types of operators in C programming language? Give an example on each
operator. (or) Explain in detail about operators in C.
20. Explain the Working of unary operator with example.
21. Explain the Working of binary operator with example.
22. Explain the Working of assignment operator with example.
23. Explain the Working of ternary operator with example.
24. Where, Unary operators are increment and decrement operators
25. Binary operators are arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise operators
26. Ternary operators are conditional operators.
27. Explain formatted functions with example
28. Explain unformatted functions with example

1. Explain switch case statement in C with suitable examples.
2. Write a C program to find GCD of given numbers. (Similar questions)
3. Using a nested for loop control write a program for finding whether the given number is prime or not.
(Similar questions)
4. Explain the syntax for if-else-if ladder, nested switch case with examples.
5. Explain various if statements in C.
6. Write a C program to find the given number is prime number or not. (Similar questions)
7. Explain in detail two way selection with examples.
Where two way selection mean if else statement.
8. Explain in detail multi way selection with examples.
Where, multi way selection means else-if ladder and switch.
9. Explain about Iterative statements (or) What is control statement? Explain briefly about iterative statements.
10. Write short notes on break, continue.
11. Explain unconditional statements.
12. What are the advantages of for loop? List the differences between for loop and do while loop.
13. Explain array declaration and initialization with examples.
14. Write a C program to arrange given array of numbers in ascending order.
15. Explain array initialization, operations on arrays and how to declare and define multi dimensional
16. Write to sort the given strings in a dictionary order.
17. Explain string declaration and initialization with examples.
18. Write a C program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not.
19. Explain about string basic operations. (or) write short notes on string handling functions.

1. Explain the following with suitable examples?
(i) Call by value
(ii) Call by reference.
2. Explain various storage classes in C. (or) describe the storage classes available in ‘C’.
3. What is recursion? Write a program to find the Fibonacci series using recursion up to a given
range. (hint :- Fibonacci series:- 0 1 1 2 3 5 ……..)
4. What is a function? Explain various categories of functions in C. (or) Define function? Explain
functions with return type and non return type with suitable examples.
5. Write a recursive function to find the factorial of a given number.
6. Any Specific program using any one of four categories of functions

1. Explain pointer declaration and initialization. Explain how variables are accessed through its
pointer. (or) write short notes on pointers.
2. Explain dynamic memory allocation functions. (or) what are memory allocation functions?
3. What are features of pointers? Explain about arrays of pointers with examples.
4. Explain pointer expressions with examples.
5. Write a C program using pointers to determine the length of a character string.
6. What is the difference between character pointer and integer pointer? Explain with an example.
7. What is a macro? Write a macro that gives the minimum of three values. (or) What is a macro?
Explain with suitable examples.
8. Explain defined Macros in ANSI and Turbo-C

1. Define structure? Explain nested structures with an example?
2. Define a structure and write a program to store details of an employee using structure and print the
details of structure.
3. Give the difference between structure and union.
4. Explain enumerated data type with an example.
5. Write a C program to store details of 10 students using structure and to print the details.
6. Explain structure with example. (or) define structure and write the general format for declaring and accessing
members. (or) describe structure declaration, initialization and accessing elements.
7. Explain unions with example.
8. What is a file? Explain various modes of operations on files with examples. (or) explain about file
accessing methods.
9. Explain fseek() and ftell() with suitable examples.
10. What are types of files? Explain in detail.
11. Explain fopen() and fscanf() with suitable examples.
12. Write a program to copy the contents of one file into another.
13. Explain getw() and putw() with suitable examples.
14. Explain about file I/O operations. (or) describe in detail about file handling functions in C.
15. Write a program to demonstrate command line arguments. (or) what are command line arguments?


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