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Stand by me or else we die.
Shout out loud – “No” to the ruling of monkeys.
This is the time of Lions.

Save America From Itself

© 2018 Christopher Judges

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
DISCLAIMER: All quotes and photos are credited where possible.
I apologize for any misquotes, mistakes or name omissions.
It is not my intention to take advantage of another’s work
or profit from his or her effort.
Reader's Copy | 2018
Editor, Sally Judges
Book design by Jon Christopher
For Sally, my darling wife,
and for regular people everywhere.

This is like no book you have ever read. It is a series of short easy-to-read
essays, a straight-talking, rabble-rousing, populist blast of kitchen table
politics from visionary Christopher Judges. It is a “no-bullshit” book that
cares deeply about the fate of regular people in an America gone mad. It
takes off your blinders, opens your eyes and speaks directly to the heart of
you, hammering home the need for each of us to be a citizen hero who
demands real democracy and a prosocial society. This book is an
incendiary treatise, a mental thunderbolt in everyday language that
exposes the cause of our suffering and shows us how to create the cause of
happiness. This is your call to action.
Save America From Itself proceeds from one in-your-face essay to the
next, each stinging morsel a gripping indictment of our predatory,
psychopathic society. It does not get “into the weeds” of blaming
individual events, corporations or politicians but instead defines the cruel
and heartless antisocial behavior of the ruling class and their terrorism of
the American people. This book enables the American people to recognize
their own innocence in the destruction of their world and informs,
educates, and shows them how to defend themselves and build a fair and
just society.
Save America From Itself covers a wide range of social justice topics
including right-wing politics war, climate change and mind control, facing
us all with the reality that our lives and rights are controlled by individuals
and corporations who have no skin in the game, who don't give a damn
about any of us. They are insulated from the fear and misery they cause
and are consumed with insatiable greed for power that is on course to
destroy Humanity.
Save America From Itself awakens your awareness and feelings to the
reality of today’s national and global emergency. It speaks directly to the
equality of all human beings and is against the ruling class’ brainwashing
of the general public for their own best interests. It contains a well-
articulated philosophical rationale that enables each one of us to recognize
our heroic prosocial nature and the undeniable rights of all human beings
to a better future.

Save America From Itself is for left-leaning millennials, activists,

progressives, teenagers, protesters, resisters, housewives, disrupters,
anarchists, revolutionaries, idealists, politicians, new media and
empathetic people everywhere.
This is “The Voice of the People,” your “Vox Populi,” communicating to
you simply, giving it to you straight. It fuels real democracy, voter
resistance and solidarity against all oppression while championing
equality, liberation and social justice. America is at a turning point. We
need a paradigm shift. This book is here to make that happen and to
reverse the selfish psychopathic behavior that got us into today’s
homicidal times.
Save America From Itself empowers the American people living in their
superhero-obsessed society to become their own heroes, understanding
that the imagined ethics and morals of their superhero are the same in their
own heart. With that knowledge, the American people can rise up and
defeat the corrupt and criminal pursuits of the ruling class.
I hope we shall crush…in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed
corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of
strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part, which is
wrong, will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is
lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.
What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion?
And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned
from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let
them take arms.
The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What
signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be
refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its
natural manure.
Introduction 6 Politricks 103
I Am What I Am 12 One Corporate Party 104
Stepping Stones 14 Conservative Defined 108
In The Beginning 15 Sadism In Politics 110
No One Cares If You Die... 111
The Cause of Suffering Politicians, Traitors All 113
The Psychopathic Society 23 I, the Person Before We The People 115
The State of America 24 Confounding Father 116
Compete or Die 25 Don’t Piss On Me.. 118
The Capitalist Game 27 Mow The Lawn 120
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 28 New Faces 122
Capitalism Eats The World 31
Unregulated Capitalism 32 Media and Mind Control 123
Capitalism Will Never Die 34 Dare to Tell the Truth 124
The Puppet Masters 35 No News is No News 128
The Audience Must Die 129
The Monster of Capitalism 39 Rabid Fox 131
The Monster of Capitalism 40 Experts, Pundits, And Misleaders 134
Corporate Psychopath 46 Layer Cake 137
The Mask of Sanity 49 Wash Your Brains In The Television 138
Know Them By Their Fruits 53 The Playpen 140
Don't Act Like A Monster 56 Echo Chambers 141
Psychopaths Are Not Human 58 Governed By Public Relations 144
Psychopathic Entities 65 Mental Pollution 146
Power Without Conscience 71 Voluntary Sedation 148
Screening For Psychopaths 73 Internal Tyranny 150
Do Not Normalized Psychopaths 76 Political Correctness Kills 152
Beware of Alligators 77 Anti-Knowledge is Cool? 154
The Authoritarians 155
Psychopathic Thinking 79 The Faux-Christian Power Base 157
Psychopathic Philosophies 80 We’re All Underdogs Now 159
Objectivism 81
Neoliberalism 83 Endless War 163
America: The Psychopath 89 Bush Lied, America Died 164
Bind, Torture, Kill 93 I Love War 165
Supremely Rotten Fruit 95 Military Mind 166
Self-Righteousness Is Wrong 98 How To Create A Terrorist 168
Lawyers Rule 100
Death By Climate 169 Prosocial Common Sense 247
Anthropogenic Climate Change 170 Prosocial Capitalism 249
Death By Ignorance 171 How To Beat “The System” 250
Enviro-Mental Case 172 Public Union for a Prosocial Society 251
Brand Weather Events 173 Time For Revolution 255
The Future is Evil 175 The Golden Rule 256
The Greatest Threat of All 177 The Ideals Of Man 257
Life is a Lily Pond 178 Becoming New 258
Psychological Damage 179 The Hero 259
The Rampage in You 180 Hero-Volution 260
Mental Illness Is Pandemic 182 The Castle 265
Loneliness, Despair, Suicide 185 The Hero In You 274
Eugenics 186 Intellect and Feeling 275
Race: The Bottom Line 189 The Voice In The Heart Of You 280
Equal is Equal 189 Listen To Your Heart 283
Fascism 190 The Heart of You and Me 286
You Are On The Menu 194 We All Need A Hero 288
Superman 291
Toward Wonder Woman 292
The Cause of Happiness 197 The Hero Of The World 293
We Need a Paradigm Shift Now! 198 From Myth to Reality 294
I Am As Mad As Hell 199 Your Golden Heart 296
Heavily Tax The Rich 201
Anger Is Your Weapon 204 The Secret Of Light 299
Stay In The Streets 206 The Secret of Life 300
Brand The Ruling Class 209 First Light 301
Political Hypothesis 212 The Facts of Light 304
The Future of No Future 214 Light Itself 305
Find Your Way 219 Light: The Universal Power 306
Morality 223 Light as a Person 308
Jigsaw 225 You Are Light 309
The Medium Is The Message 311
The Cause Of Happiness 227 The Key To All Knowledge 312
The Natural Person 228 De Facto Hero 313
What Is A Human Being? 230 The Hero Between Your Ears 314
Being Human 231 Radical Imagination 316
Universalism 233 Way of The Hero 318
We Are All Connected 235 My Declaration Of Intent 319
We Are Universal Beings 237 Rise Again 321
Every Person is Unique 238
Regular People Are: 239 The Hero’s Rap 323
The Common Good 240
Public Unity 242 Synthesis: The Philosophy 325
The Prosocial Society 243 The Nature of God 326
Prosocial Moral Code 245 The Nature Of Male and Female 327
Feeling Intelligence 246 The Thunderbolt in You 328
The Birth of Phenomena 330
Appendix A
Prosocial Values 331
Prosocial Values For A Lasting Future 332
Prosocial Justice 333
Prosocial Environment/Climate 336
Prosocial Politics 337
Prosocial Taxation 342
Prosocial Education 343
Prosocial Media 344
Prosocial Power 346
Prosocial Society And Crime 347
Prosocial Society And War 348
Prosocial Society Personal Conduct 349
Prosocial Community 351
Social Reform 352
Social Contract 352
Appendix B
Psychopathic Damage 353
The Damage To Our World 354
Damage to Our Environment 356
Damage to the Economy 358
Damage to Democracy 359
Damage to Our Minds 360
Damage to Our Lives 361
Damage to Our Personal Values 362
The Damage of Terrorism 363
Political Violence 364
Hives of Evil 369
The House of Light 370
Reader's Notes 371

I’ve been in the belly of the beast and I’ve met others in there
who’ve given up but it takes only one brave soul to ignite a
revolution! If you believe in the truth, persuade others to take
up the cause and slash their way out of the belly of the beast.

H i there, I’m Christopher Judges, a proud British/American. I make

no claim to a degree, college education, wealth, privilege or class. I
have no allegiance to any political, corporate or religious interest or
agenda. I am not connected to any government or non-government agency.
My inspiration comes from my intuition not from other people’s books. I
never was a reader. I represent my personal views. There is no filter on
me. I am a stream of consciousness writer and my own person. I typed this
book with two fingers, and it took me years. I write because “I must,” it
was as though it was a duty in me to fight injustice.
I knew injustice from birth. My mother put me up for adoption. My
caregivers shut me in a closet to scream myself to sleep. I was abused,
starved and got rickets and bed sores before I was nine months old. That’s
why I am against all injustice.
I watch TV news and get information from the Internet. My writings are
based on what I know and, more importantly, on what I feel. Like you, I
know the truth in my heart but I doubt the motives of our politicians, our
banks and our corporate leaders.
They are in collusion with the often hidden ruling class, who wants to
destroy our democracy, write our laws, overrule our vote and ignore our
best interests. Like the Godfather, theirs is an offer we can’t refuse.
Humanity and the planet’s climate are destabilizing as a result of
neocapitalist politics and our apathy in succumbing to the domination of
all democracy by big money and nation-size corporations. Accelerating
now, big corporations and their right-wing neocon agenda are poised to
consume the remaining resources of the natural world, bringing regular

people into compliance with the will of the ruling class, who put their own
extreme wealth and profit before people and planet.
We cannot solve our problems by believing in our leaders. They have no
love for us. Politicians have no use for honor or fairness, they understand
how dark our future is, but they pretend we have nothing to worry about.
(Yeah, right?)
Politicians continually put the needs of corporate profit above every
citizen’s right to a healthy life, a flourishing planet and a democratic vote.
They bask in wealth, health and pensions we can only dream of, while we
plead for their good sense and compassion where there is none.
We were born into unregulated capitalism’s greed-mad chaos. You know
you didn’t create any of the terrifying national and international problems
we all face.
This book has the potential to change your mind, yourself and your
country for the better. Together we can all be heroes, build a better
country, and create a better world.
This book is for you.

Ineffably Yours,

Christopher Judges

To expose and defeat political tyranny.
Promote human liberation and social justice.
Save America from Itself, an impressionist’s truth, represented by
stepping-stone essays leading the reader across the river of life from the
darkness of today’s national and global problems into the light of a better
As you read, feel the truth of what is written use your intuition to negotiate
the spaces between the essays yourself. Many things are left to chance,
like crossing any river, using stepping-stones.
You can do it.
Save America from Itself is not concerned with naming or blaming
individual personalities for our country's ailments. No one is named or
accused because it would cause endless argument and obscure the reality
of the wounds and dis-ease our country is inflicting on itself. Here it is, in
your face, all in one place.
Even though you do not know me, I stand here in love for you. I stand for
truth, honor and dignity for you and me and all of us. People first.
Government is instituted for the common good: for the protection,
safety, prosperity and happiness of the people; and not for the profit,
honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men.

Evil be to him who thinks evil


The reward for conformity is that everyone
likes you but yourself.

I was born John David Bower in England, under the sign of Cancer, to
Katherine Iris Bower, an unemployed, runaway waitress. She had a
one-night stand with a married man, railway worker Charlie Unwin. He
was an amateur comedian who performed at the local workingman’s club.
Charlie-boy got our Kath pregnant. The result was a paternity suit and me.
My mother was ambivalent to the extreme. She just couldn’t make up her
mind what to do with me. She put me up for adoption, changed her mind,
put me into foster care and then changed her mind again. Children’s
Services rescued me from an overcrowded foster home, locked in a closet,
screaming, suffering from rickets, emotional neglect and malnutrition. I
was covered with bedsores and excrement. Poor Kath felt bad.
Elsie and Steve Judges adopted me. Elsie, who could have kids, was
madly in love with Steve, who couldn’t have kids. They renamed me
Christopher Judges. I was baptized in the name of Jesus. Elsie took every
opportunity make up for Steve’s sperm deficiency by attempting to make
me more like the son she would have had with Steve.
Elsie told me she loved me so much there was no need for me to be who I
was. Through her love that she called “training,” she would erase my past
and who I was naturally. She would morph me into her “real son.” She
said, I “would probably soon exhibit similar traits and behavior to [my]
adoptive father.”
My mother was nuts. She and I knew I was not hers by birth. She knew
my adoptive Dad had been sterile since he contracted mumps as a kid. Yet
Elsie tried relentlessly to form me into the recipe-child she had in her
mind. I screamed at the injustice at not being allowed to be me; outrage
welled up inside me. I was not him. I was not her. I was a misplaced kid
who grew up rejecting the coercion of “my mother’s love.”

I am who I am, no one can tell me what to do. You don’t own me, mother.
I’m independent. I don’t accept your right to rule over me. I was outraged
at mother’s bludgeoning injustice. I could not accept her assuring me as to
who I was, according to her. She told me defiantly that my outrage was
unnecessary and completely superfluous because I was her real son!
If I did as I was bid, I got love; if I didn’t, I got criticism, shame and told
everything I thought and dreamt about was “incorrect.” I was supposed to
accept her injustices but I never did. Outrage burned in me, almost
automatically; I was on the lookout for injustice and would stay that way
throughout the rest of my life.
I went to the Church of England, listened, read and prayed, because that’s
what my Dad did. I just couldn’t get interested in some 2,000-year-old
dead guy, who didn’t know me, never would, who reckoned he’d died for
my sins. According to my Sunday school I was a sinner before I’d done
any sinning. This Jesus guy was going to save me from what I hadn’t
done? Where’s the justice in that?
My adoptive parents wanted to change me, but I was a square peg and
they only had a round hole available. I was Mr. Hyde, while they were Dr.
and Mrs. Jekyll. I just wasn’t the son they had hoped for. When Mum was
angry she reminded me I wasn’t “her flesh.” Dad, on the other hand,
ignored me, believing a boy’s place was with his Mum.
It was drummed into me, I should be grateful for everything my parents
ever gave me. I felt like a rescue dog. I just didn’t fit in. I was the
illegitimate son of a comedy showman and my life was just not funny. It
never occurred to my adoptive parents I wanted to be myself because they
always wanted me to be someone else. No wonder I had psychological
problems. I saw faces in the curtains, dripping faucets spoke to me. I was
going insane. I had to get away.
At fifteen and a half, I enlisted for eighteen years in the Royal Air Force. It
was suggested and encouraged by my parents, bless them. “It will be good
for you. You’ll learn a trade. You’ll have something to fall back on when
you get out.” Mum and Dad loved me; eighteen years of continuing
service “was for [my] own good.” Suddenly, I was under military rule. A
terrifying mistake had been made. I tried to explain. No one would listen.
I’d swapped one injustice for another a thousand times worse. I was out of
my mind with the outrage of my own stupidity.

I was nervous, got palpitations, blood in my urine and tension headaches. I

was diagnosed with a learning disability. My abstract IQ of 183 had
collided with my practical IQ of 100. I was bright when I needed to be
dumb – dumb when I needed to be bright. The psychiatrists agreed. I was
a confirmed nut-job.
I threw myself on my parents’ mercy, begging them to get me out of the
Royal Air Force. They refused, saying the service would “make a man” of
me. When I let it slip, the psychiatrist thought I was round the bend. Mum
and Dad agreed with him. I told them I was getting a psychological
discharge. My Mum and Dad disowned me.
I took a moral leadership course to learn more about Jesus. He was cool in
his time. He loved everyone unconditionally, did all sorts of tricks, healed
the sick, performed miracles, walked on water and fed the five thousand.
He preached about loving your neighbor and your enemy. He put his
money where his mouth was; died in a horrible way before he had any fun.
He took on all the sins of the world and died for us so we could live.
Sorry, but I couldn’t swallow any of that. I tried, but I just couldn’t relate.
Religion is easy; all you had to do you was suspend your disbelief. Steve
died. He was fifty-one. He should have prayed for himself instead of
everyone else.
I got a psychological discharge from the R.A.F. I was twenty. I had served
five years. I met Pamela, a local “hot chick” with a big car and thighs to
match. We lost our virginity to each other in the front seat of her Vauxhall
car. Pam was a nice girl. She held my hand while I got out of the Air
Force. “You can do it,” she said. “I love you.” My real Mummy was back.
I read about some dying man who shot up liquid glucose, saw the light and
came back to life. I sucked on glucose tablets and ate more sugar but the
light remained elusive. I checked out Existentialism. Man cannot be free
until he has realized he is a meaningless being in a meaningless universe.
Cool. Life was a joke. Why wasn’t I laughing?
I got into LSD and saw God on a regular basis. He was another one who
needed a makeover. Sitting up in the clouds in long white robes and a
beard to match. I stopped seeing him when the drug dealer stopped
delivering. I smoked more pot, I didn’t care if I saw God or not…. Perfect.
The Buddhists told me to be full of loving kindness, and I would know

inner peace and tranquility. A monk rang a huge gong while I was deep in
meditation; I was so shocked I stuttered for weeks after. Was this low-
grade headache really God?
I went to a Buddhist Monastery to see the monk called Sangha, who had
once instructed me in meditation. We had sat opposite each other in
similar chairs. The legs on his chair were six inches higher than mine. I
thought monks didn’t have egos?
Maybe Taoism would be better. “The Tao that can be understood is not the
Tao.” Okay, that’s it. I’m lost. Forget it. Mind you, I liked their male and
female sex talk, but got lost in all that non-existence of the non-existence
of nothingness stuff. It was cool for the Chinese, but I couldn’t make yin
or yang of it. I craved the simplicity of Jesus, the dead guy who loved me.
I went on retreat with a silent order of Anglican monks dedicated to
serving the Lord. I sat waiting to see a monk who was allowed to “talk”
looking out the monastery window. A man limped by dressed in the full
regalia of an archbishop with a miter on his head, attended by eight monks
dressed in drab grey habits.
I asked the talking monk why the “archbishop" was dressed in such rich
fabric. I was told I was seeing things. “There was no one in the monastery
who has ever dressed like that. You're hallucinating.” I faked agreement.
“Yeah, right. I imagined it.”
After a terrifying evening meal of stinking cheese, diluted chicken broth
and total silence, I went to my room, and fell asleep in a violent
thunderstorm of nightmares full of sweaty, ugly perverts, crazed monks,
sex killings, with Jesus, a ringmaster wielding a barbed-wire whip, dressed
like a woman. Evil faces came at me out of the walls. Freaking me out, I
jumped out the window car keys in hand, fell a long way onto the concrete
below. Picking myself up I ran like hell.
Three o’clock a.m., running in pitch-black night, falling over myself,
making a racket, scared stiff, fumbling the car door open. Driving down
the road like a madman, sweating like a pig, shaking like a leaf. Jesus
appears in my windshield, misty and smiling. The car bounced off a wall
like a schoolyard ball. I hit my head. That was the end of religion for me.
All religion is indentured servitude chaining its
adherents to the control of the few.

I couldn’t put my faith in God because “he” was not there. I had to make
my own way without God or that boring old Bible book of his. He’d had
more than two thousand years to make the world a better place and he
blew it!
I was outraged at the injustice of war and religion. Priests talk peace and
love while turning a blind eye to thousands innocent families being blown
to bits because?. You would think somebody would want to stop the war,
the hate, the misery and the suffering. No one was doing anything to stop
it. It’s just one big business out to make money. I had to fight this shit, I
want to change the world and deep down I think I can. I had to find a way,
my sense of injustice and outrage was rages in me.
Life was difficult. I didn’t fit in. I couldn’t do small talk. I disliked work,
beer and sports. I ended up unemployed, isolated and alone, reduced to
capturing girls. I wanted a fashion model girlfriend but ended up marrying
an activist lesbian (I didn't know that at the time and I don't think she
knew either.) We had a daughter. Then the wife reverted to type.
As a “liberated woman,” she upped and stole my little girl for herself. She
hid her away in a filthy squat; surrounded by defiant anti-men in a house
where bottles of piss sat on the stairs. They disappeared again. I had no
control, no say, no relationship with my own child. It was unjust; I was
outraged at this terrible injustice against me. I fought and lost. The outrage
at the injustice of losing my child never left me; outrage lay like a weapon
inside me, ready always.
I am a rebel, allergic to injustice and continually outraged at man’s
inhumanity to man. I can’t be told what to do or be pushed around.
Politicians and corporations are pushing everyone around and that was
never going to work. Life is hard enough without some faceless corporate
asshole defining your life choices.
A woman I knew sent me to her hypnotherapist. I had been a smoker for
years. In one hypnotist’s session, “Hey Presto” I was cigarette-free. It felt
like I’d found a new way to align myself with my own ambitions. Using
hypnotherapy, I would re-create myself to be what I wanted. Creativity
was my thing. I wanted recognition for my creativity. I wanted to be
recognized too.
The hypnotherapist and I worked together to accomplish my goals. I told

him to open my critical thinking ability so I could find myself and succeed
as I chose.
At the hypnotherapy session I would pay my money and give the therapist
a list of the qualities and abilities I wanted instilled in me in the session.
Things began slowly changing for me but not in the way I had expected. I
had ordered girls, wealth and creative success, but the therapy’s influence
worked beyond my ego’s desires. It had pushed those ideas aside. They
therapist took me deeper and deeper into myself. Under his hypnosis I saw
me in past and future lifetimes. “I am like the guy fighting windmills. I am
against injustice and I will put things right. I will change the world.”
“You are waking from your sleep.” Whispered the therapist…”counting
backwards now, 4-3-2-1. You’re…Fully awake!”
These days, I sit at my desk reading the newspapers on my computer
screen. Each day I am shocked and outraged at the level of injustice
pushed on us all. I am watching the premeditated disintegration of the
America I love, eaten away by the microbes of the one percent. Mega-
billionaires, making the rules they insist we live by, as if they were gods
eating the world alive. They must have more money, more power and
more control at the expense of those who are losing everything because
they are empty vessels.
The police commit murder in the name of “law” and jackboot order. Our
climate is breaking down, disaster after disaster, floods and fires and
homeless millions, precious lives lost to their abandonment by their
government. The rich will soon be hunting people for sport.
On the street, poor kids, their futures wrung out of them before they can
even think, face endless prison sentences in slave labor for filthy-rich
corporations who break their backs for more filthy riches. We show no
outrage. We do not scream at the injustice. We have no solutions, no way
to fight back. We shudder like frightened children as the corporate greed
machines rip at the very hearts of ordinary folk.
The free speech of wealth, propaganda and brainwashing pours down on
us continually like a broken water main. We are drowning, immobilized by
the thought of death if we fight for what we know is right and true. People
are lost, their hopes and dreams withering on the vine of their dried-up and
thwarted ambition, dancing on the edge of misery, growing desperate
while fear is pumped into every mind like a utility.

Brainwashing through media, news lies and propaganda has been so

deeply ingrained in some folk they have nothing to say except the ideas
brainwashed into them and cling to for life Republican brainwashing
through Fox News lies and propaganda has so deeply ingrained in these
sad people that they have nothing left but the brainwashed ideas they cling
to for life.
War here and war there, people blown into a thousand pieces by
anonymous bombs from unknown sources. Who cares? Politicians talk
their quasi-outrage. They hope and pray for their victims while kowtowing
to the corporate criminals who further weaponize their attacks on regular
people for profit. Unbiased political committees investigate their own
crimes and find themselves innocent of all wrongdoing. They are not
outraged by the crimes they commit or condone. The slogan held high by
the right wing is “We fight Injustice” as they create unlawful legislation
against us, to appease the bloodthirsty ambitions of their corporate
Religions, like the rest of us, stand by complicit in all suffering, servants
to the smiling billionaire killers in suits; withering at their command. Your
democratic vote is a myth. Your right to healthcare is a privilege. Housing
is a privilege, education too; life expectancy is down decimated like
wages, people with no way to help themselves. Our water systems, seas,
atmosphere, and earth itself is poisoned now.
Hope is thrown away like dead flowers. Destruction in the name of profit
and growth is served with an ever-lying smile. Humanity has been
hijacked into a profit generator where expendable people are stamped out
of life into human coins, to be banked in fraudulent ponzi schemes of the
criminal Elite.
Our reality is the reality of criminal sickness and corporate murder. To live
we must keep our heads down, perform, shut up, be quiet, conform, do as
we are told; surrender on our knees to the ultra-wealthy as they wring all
life out of the planet as if it were a dish rag.
Every day, we regular folk get closer to dying than living, thanks to the
greed of the few.
Welcome to The Psychopathic Society.
Wild, dark times are rumbling toward us and the prophet who wishes
to write a new Apocalypse will have to invent entirely new beasts so
terrible that the ancient animal symbols of St. John will seem like
cooing doves and cupids in comparison.





Your life is owned by a corporation.

T he ruling classes think they made their money on their own and
everyone else should do the same. If you don't or can’t do as they
suggest, they label you a time-waster, a loser, a lazy bum, a welfare queen
or a scam artist.
The ruling class says all people should stand alone on their own two feet
no matter what, without need for government. This is the ruling class’
overt shame-making masculine ideal, rooted in the ideas of cowboys of the
old American West. We are encouraged by politicians, billionaires, main
stream media and global corporations to take their advice and make our
mark on the world, like they did in the American West.
Really they want to isolate us from unity with others in order to weaken us
and get you to do more work for less money for their benefit.
We have created a very sick society. Ignorance abounds and is promoted
by those who rule. We do not work to change and evolve. Most fear
change. No solutions are forthcoming and most are unable to envision any
or even comprehend root causes to be remedied. Our apathy supports and
promotes a world of sickness, pollution, crime, poverty, oppression, cor-
ruption and endless war.
Our population will continue to grow and life will become ever more dis-
posable. Through our inability to sustain and promote life, we push all the
harder and faster towards our inevitable annihilation. We are well on our
way to ruining this planet for habitation. The environment might easily
take out most of us before mid-century. On the other hand, we might just
have nuclear war before of that.
The climate and the mind of Man are deteriorating
at the same time, at the same rate. To save either we must save both.

Above all, do not compete

W e are fierce competitors in the fight for survival. Our corporate

masters have sentenced us to their own version of the “Hunger
Games.” We fight each other for supremacy and ownership.
Isolated and fearful, we see life and its wonders only in quantifiable
monetary terms, which must be defended or captured. Competition the
only game in town. We teach our children competition before they can
think. We are producing adults who can’t think imaginatively, generating a
society where cheating is encouraged and we never learn to collaborate for
fear of losing….
Our motto is “Compete or die,” and we attach it like a weight around the
neck of on every newborn baby, every toddler, every school kid, every
pregnant mother and every senior. Even the crippled and mentally
challenged, must compete. They too are condemned to fight for survival.
They too must swim, keeping their head barely above water, or else sink
and drown. There is no choice for anyone. We cannot opt out. Our society
demands that we must compete 24/7 from birth to death. We must fight to
survive and get ahead.
Competition is central because it separates the sheep from the goats, the
men from the boys, the fit from the unfit. As a result, we are always at war
with each other and within ourselves. Choice is taken away from us; we
must pick only those careers and lifestyles that will give us our greatest
chance of economic success.
Art and creative self-expression is tossed aside in favor of science,
engineering and pursuit of the almighty dollar. In so doing, we betray our
natural talents and throw our dreams in the garbage. We can never relax
surrounded by so many blood-thirsty corporate sharks. Nor can we afford
to care too much about anyone else. We must sacrifice our feeling hearts
to be in a constant competitive race never giving a thought to those who
are needy or who can’t compete.
After all, who knows what might happen tomorrow? We need to hang onto
every penny and selfish opportunity we come across because otherwise we

could be left begging for scraps. The survival war consumes us, while
those who perpetuate the war are profiting from our struggle.
Money is the reward for competitiveness; it is the reward of war. They
ruling class say only the fittest will survive, and our fittest are the rich and
powerful. They are the fittest only because of their ability to work the
system more effectively than we can. They make the rules, and we follow
their rules because we respect the ability of the rich to succeed in our
competitive world. They use their wealth and position to strengthen their
ability to rule over the rest of us, grabbing more of the rewards.
Most of us idolize the success of the fittest and live in hope we might one
day find the same success shown to us every night on TV as it pays
homage to the joyous lifestyles of the rich and famous. Programs
interspersed with deceptive advertising and misleading information
undermines who we are and leaves us unfulfilled, seduced and
manipulated into ever greater corporate subservience.
Despite our society’s celebration of individual drive to succeed and
compete, we are all connected and all dependent on each other. We live in
a world where everything is connected to every other thing. No man is an
island – no achievement is created in a vacuum.
We embrace the survival of the fittest, while corporations exploit us and
keep us fat, dumb, stupid and uninformed. News is what the media doesn’t
care to keep hidden; everything else is propaganda Their public relations
turns them a profit, while the truth goes penniless.
Ignorance is the greatest of all evil
The media repeatedly tells us we are under attack and our antisocial
leaders alone will save the day. We ignore the truth even when we know it.
Competition groups us together in opposition to each other and pits us one
against the other. We end up in a war that consumes us, while those who
perpetuate the war are profiting from our struggle, hidden from view.
Competition is not the most efficient method we know; cooperation
is.  Competitive markets ideologically underpin existing hegemonic
structures. Competition produces losers; cooperation produces only
winners. Win - whatever it takes!
Those with power are served by competition.
Competition is the philosophy of corporate psychopaths.


Greed is blind. It doesn't know when to stop.
All capitalist markets depend on people, but the capitalism does not
embrace human values – it is a greed machine that seeks profit without
regard for consumers, customers and workers upon whom it depends and
feeds. Capitalism, the global ideology, ignores its moral responsibilities in
favor of the selfishness necessary for it to continue to exploit and consume
the world's diminishing resources.
Our society is inextricably linked to the capitalist system of goods, money,
labor, services and health care. If you are not competitive, not stable, not
well, not educated or not interested, you will lose the capitalist game.
Capitalism is founded on the premise that those who play the game well
are rewarded well, while those who cannot play the game well are not. The
rich play the game exceedingly well, their family, friends and peers all
play. Those players who are extremely talented at the game reap billions of
dollars in rewards.
The capitalist players use their abilities, influence and money to demand
everyone – simply everyone from here to Asia and back to join the game
and follow their capitalist rules. The entire population of the world has
been coerced and co-opted into the capitalist game. We may like the idea
of winning but are unable or unwilling to give our lives to the capitalist
Those who succeed at the game want it to be the only game in town,
demanding that everyone compete whether they like it or not, or be
ostracized, penalized or even killed. Play the game or suffer the
consequences is the only rule.
Our system of civilization is corrupt, perverse and, indeed,  feudal. We are
fearful of the society that we have permitted our lords to create. Like any
aristocracy, they are addicted to the power of money and their desire to
control others to get it.
Stress, once a fleeting shadow is now rampant and frenetic, the
overwhelming result of the need to compete bred by capitalism. The

consumer society engulfs us with its endless demand for us to buy, buy,
buy, or suffer, suffer, suffer. We should be telling the ruling class to be
humane or face the people’s wrath and punishment.
Capitalism is at war with our free will and our unique individuality. We are
a war against our selves, while those who perpetuate the war are rolling in
In today’s world, we worship at the altar of the one and only true God of
corporate capitalism: Money. Next to the almighty buck, our old
inspirations and ideals have withered and died: art, creativity, free
expression and love for our fellow human beings is disappearing.
The evil and morally reprehensible behavior of the 1% and their
sycophants eats away at our lives every single day. Their insatiable
greed and utter selfishness has become the psychosis controlling our
lives, destroying our future and poisoning our hearts minds and
planet. The situation will get worse. Push back while you still can.


At uncertain times the likable Doctor Jekyll became Mr. Hyde,
detached from humanity, cold, cruel and heartless,
addicted to blood, profit and winning at any cost.

A happy, young man dedicated to his family opens a small business.

As the head of the new firm, he formulates a corporate policy, a
written covenant pledging allegiance to the success and profit of “the
business.” He drinks down the Kool-Aid, embracing the corporate
behavior that will enable his company to attain material wealth and
support his growing family.
As the man’s company grows bigger and bigger, an amazing
transformation takes place inside him. His commercial killer instincts
arise, consuming him, changing him, forcing him to create a mask of
synthetic empathy for his customers and employees. Shocked at what he

finds lurking within, he strives to avoid being recognized for what he truly
is: greedy, dispassionate and cold-hearted.
The man has inadvertently cast a black-magic spell on himself, becoming
addicted to a daily ritual of celebrating corporate greed, with its lack of
compassion and its promised rewards. The man now feels licensed to
crush the competition and others people’s interests to build his profits. He
is now helplessly obsessed with money and power. The chemicals in his
brain change and move him, like the corporate policy he obeys, to
expurgate his conscience, compassion and care for others.
“Profits first” is his addiction. He does not experience reality directly,
having adopted a mask of lies, and he wholly believes himself to be a
compassionate family man and a churchgoer who upholds righteousness,
decries hypocrisy and gives charity. But his true nature is the very
opposite of the mask he wears.
He fools everyone including himself into believing he is entitled to do
whatever he wants. There is no emotion in his eyes; behind his mask, he is
“disconnected” and dissociated from others. This enables him to plan and
bring about their downfall. Anyone meeting the man feels he is meeting a
genuine, good, successful and compassionate person.
They do not know he is a mask, taking advantage of them, their rights and
their beliefs. Like a vampire, he is sucking their economic lifeblood. They
convince themselves the man is virtuous and doing the right thing, when
the very opposite is true.
In the company of his peers, the man slips off his mask of deceit and
revels in his accomplishments. There, relaxing and being applauded by his
peers, he conspires in their merciless war to control all we have, all we
want and all who we are. The man’s mask betrays human empathy,
honesty, truth and accepted human values of love and compassion to
secure his advantage over us.
Unknown to us, his mask saturates us in lies, dividing us from one
another, treating us like commodities, demanding we all drink the Kool-
Aid and submit to corporate power. Being gullible, believing all men are
equal and all men are good, we swallow down the Kool-Aid hoping it will
make us rich too because we have been taught that personal riches will
end our fear and save us from the rejection of others. We put on our own
false mask and begin to believe it is real.

As a boss following best business practices, the man treats his employees
as commodities, passing on his corporate policy and structure as their
guide to life, advising his workers whom to vote for.
He demands that all his employees follow the parameters of his corporate
behavior, policy and structure. Employees must pledge allegiance to the
corporate business model and bend to the will of their boss so he can
improve his bottom line.
The employees ingest the corporate routine daily. They fawn over the
CEO, laugh at his jokes and admire his wisdom. They applaud his
speeches at the annual company meeting. They must bow and obey
because that is what they have to do if they are to feed their families. But
they pay the price! They lose their individuality, self-reliance and self-
Corralled by policy, they accept its rules without question. The spell cast
on them changes and aligns their behavior too. They become addicted to
their boss’s demands. They even dream of becoming him, a man who is
heartless but joyful in the power and pain he inflicts on those “below
His sense of entitlement prompts him to create a revisionist history of his
personal and business dealings. He reconfigures his merciless “creative
destruction” as “acts of renewal,” a euphemism for firing hundreds of
employees. To maintain his good name, he donates a tiny fraction of his
wealth to charity. He is a hypocrite, moving among his fellow men as if he
were a God bestowing grace. To him, business is a religion and religion is
a business. He is in permanent disguise to conceal his true motives,
feelings, intention and beliefs. He pretends as surely as he breathes.
You cannot see the seams. He is a sham, a fake, a bluff, a posturing despot,
hiding his feelings and putting on a false front. He invests in religion and
gets a good return because it puts him beyond reproach. No one questions
his integrity. He is able to carry out his truly evil acts in peace.
What do you do with a businessman who doesn't care about the
damage he does, who won’t change and won’t stop, who frightens,
weakens and wounds you? What do you do if he constantly causes you
emotional distress both by his action or lack of it and is not held to
account? In the factories, mills and mines they speed up the work

pace with total disregard for safety and the lives of workers, slash pay
and attack our unions.
In the free market it is legal and customary to turn our fellow human
beings into commodities, violating their dignity where interpersonal
relationships, personal talents and natural resources are used up as means
to satisfy the free market. When our goal is to gain personal advantage,
and in many cases this can be achieved more easily if we take advantage
of others and violate their dignity. When our fellow human beings take
advantage of us our trust is destroyed. Imagine a society in which you can
trust every person completely – would that not be the society with the
highest quality of life?
We must learn to cooperate and act in the spirit of solidarity. The
social climate is poisoned when we constantly take advantage of
others, exploit and debase them in the pursuit of our own advantage,
weakening and destroying trust and social bonds. The pursuit of “self-
interest” as the supreme goal of competition leads to corporations
misusing market power, closing off of markets, the blocking of
innovation, devouring competitors or pushing them out of the market.
The supreme goal of capitalism is to increase financial capital, not the
common good.

I’m lovin’ it.

W e will end our ravenous consumption of the world’s natural

resources only when we experience ourselves as complete, secure
and valuable or when we’ve entirely depleted every last drop and lump of
the Earth’s remarkable riches. Human beings have created a disastrous
reality for themselves, one in which civilization is drowning. The

insatiable need to consume “American Style” is engulfing everyone

worldwide, creating a global scorched-earth policy for which none takes
responsibility but to which all contribute.
Think of all Humanity as one person. Mr. Humanity is unsure of his self.
He feels a deep longing for self-realization, but his peace of mind is
continually threatened – he is anxious for his family, his future and
himself. He compensates for his fears and sense of helplessness by
gorging on comfort food and piling up possessions.
Mr. Humanity feels inadequate and vulnerable. He feels overwhelmed,
empty and terrified, as threats to his existence boom from every radio set
and TV and are reported on every website. He is wrapped in an anxious
dread that only finds relief when he consumes everything in sight. He
must escape his fear. He wants to stop it, to gain power over it, but he
The more Mr. Humanity consumes, the less secure he feels. Global
consumerism is spiraling-out-of-control, he recognizes, and it frightens
him. He sees as inevitable the world’s end in climate catastrophe, food
shortages, failed economics, the rampant lying of politicians and in his
own loss of self and his strict obedience to society’s ruling class, but he
still can’t stop shopping, buying, devouring and hoarding.
Mr. Humanity is an addict. As his fear intolerably escalates, it creates
more hunger and more need for “comfort food” in order to escape.
Mr. Humanity eats the world.

Respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.

T here was a King who had no gold. He dearly loved gold and
everything it could buy, but lately he had become the victim of a bad
One day, Corporate Will came to sell the King a magic suit made of

“Unregulated Capitalism,” which he promised would make all the King’s

dreams of unlimited money come true. The King could not see the magic
suit and declared, “There is no magic suit.” Corporate Will was not put
off. He was smart and manipulative. “My dear King,” he said, “to a wise
man, this is a magic suit, but to a fool it is invisible.”
The King, not wanting to appear foolish, put on the magic suit and said,
“Isn’t it grand! Isn't it fine! Look at the cut, the style and the line! This is
the most remarkable suit I have ever worn.” The King sent for the Queen,
and Corporate Will quickly explained to the Queen the magic suit was
made of Unregulated Capitalism that would deliver heaps of gold.
Now, the Queen could not see the magic suit but, not wanting to appear to
be a fool, said, “This is the most remarkable magic suit that I have ever
beheld. Summon the government.”
The government convened. The ambassadors, the ministers, the
government and the opposition were there. They soon learned about the
magic suit of Unregulated Capitalism. Not wanting to appear like
unmitigated fools, they cheered, “Isn't it ohhh! Isn't it ahhh! Isn’t it
absolutely wow!
Saturday came and the streets were lined with thousands of poor people.
Everybody was there cheering for the King in his new magic suit of
Unregulated Capitalism. A roar of approval went up from the crowd.
As the King went by, one scruffy little boy called Chris saw the king was
naked and there was no reality to his magic suit. Horrified, he exclaimed,
“Look at the King. The King is in his altogether. He’s altogether as naked
as the day as he was born!”
No one would tell the King they could not see his much-admired
clothes because, in doing so, he would have declared himself either a
simpleton or unfit for his office.
Like this King who wanted to be rich, we Americans have been duped into
believing embracing the practice of Unregulated Capitalism we will get
rich, but to do it we have to consume every last ounce of our natural
resources, give up our rights and fast track to the destruction of our
planet’s life-supporting eco/climate systems. Unregulated Capitalism will

make your worst nightmares come true. In its insatiable greed for power
and profit at everyone’s expense, Unregulated Capitalism is bitterly
opposed to Humanity.
Like the King, America has abandoned its good sense for naked stupidity
of unregulated capitalism.
The basic bedrock Truth that needs to be understood is that
capitalism is Evil. It is psychopathy in action, and its basic, insatiable,
cancer-like modus operandi of demanding infinite growth, to attempt
to satisfy the insatiable greed of the capitalists, makes it Life on
Earth's deadliest enemy, as we can see from the ecological Holocaust
beginning to descend on the planet.


Capitalism is the commercialization of human creativity

I n 1950 a man traveled by boat from England to the People’s Republic

of China where all the citizens wore uniforms and obeyed the
Communist government’s strict anti-capitalist directives of the  People's
Republic of China.
When the man’s boat docked he walked down the gangplank and was
greeted by a Chinese citizen in a long government issued overcoat who
bowed to him dutifully. The traveler waved him on but the Chinese citizen
stopped in a dark shady area under a tree. He asked timidly ‘Sir, you want
buy watch? Maybe stockings for wife back home?” The Chinaman opened
his coat revealing a treasure trove of things to buy stitched to the inside of
his coat. The man was a natural capitalist.
All capitalism must be regulated and controlled in order to
maintain a fair and morally clear vision that respects the rights and
interdependence of all people and all things.


Finance is the control mechanism, it indebts to enslave.
They control the money. They pull the strings, you dance.

T he Ruling Moneyed Elite are the secret puppet masters of the global
financial systems, the kings of banking and owners of the global debt.
They do not look for publicity or fame. They remain behind the scenes,
directing the fate of the world from behind closed doors. If you think you
can identify them, you are probably wrong. They do not attend economic
forums, they are out of the public eye, beyond the reach of the media.
They are the hidden, controlling the ruling class telling them when to pull
the strings of the economy, the government and the media, to expand their
wealth and power. They do not care about the damage they cause people
and planet. They can build or collapse any economy at will. Their families,
have been in control of the world since forever. To rule the world is their
prerogative; all we have to do is to do what we are told by their surrogates,
the ruling class.
The Ruling Moneyed Elite like The Rothschild and the Rockefeller
families have the power to economically destroy any nation that doesn’t
do what they want. Essentially they own the majority of the world’s
central banks that enslave us in imaginary debt and are behind our political
corruption, our planet's destruction, and our economic enslavement. They
are fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors. They run the central
bank of every country in the entire world except North Korea, Iran and
Until recently, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon did not have their
central bank controlled by Rothschild – now they do. What happened?
Those countries got bombed into the ground by the USA. Will North
Korea, Iran and Cuba be bombed?
The Ruling Moneyed Elite profit from funding the destruction of the
people and the planet. They have no sense of moral responsibility for the
destruction they are enabling and the suffering they are causing.
The environment and the life of all nations are in the hands of a few who
are the Ruling Moneyed Elite. Addicted to greed and the joyous
destruction of the lives of others, they are unable to stop their addiction to
the greed that kills us.

The Ruling Moneyed Elite own the climate, the water and the food supply.
They own all the land, natural resources, and monetary systems. They
control the global supply of money for every country in the world; directly
controlling the welfare of all nations.
Just because the Ruling Moneyed Elite look good in a suit, get millions on
millions of dollars a week, have a huge yacht, a few mansions and an
airplane or two, doesn't mean they are good people. Think of how, over
many hundreds of years, the control of the infinitely rich Ruling Moneyed
Elite have, like gods and royalty, have dominated all the lives in the world,
in order to bleed them dry.
Behind the scenes, thanks to the continuous destructive economic
practices, they are responsible for endless misery, war, and climate change.
The world they control economically has become so terrifying because of
the antisocial, psychopathic actions of the Ruling Moneyed Elite.
The Deep State is so heavily entrenched, so well protected by
surveillance, firepower, money and its ability to co-opt resistance that
it is almost impervious to change. If there is anything the Deep State
requires it is silent, uninterrupted cash flow and the confidence that
things will go on as they have in the past.
Control energy and you control the nations.
Control food and you control the people.
Nations should be issuing their own currency in a transparent,
non-usury-based way that truly benefits the people. This would free us
from the banking debt that is drowning us all By changing this one
thing we could live in a state of abundance and liberate ourselves to
have a world-class education, great infrastructure and everything else
a healthy society needs.
Remove the wealthy Elites from politics before it’s too late.
The psychopaths of the Ruling Moneyed Elite think they are good guys
and are convinced that they are doing the right thing for the best possible
motives within their rights to control/own you.

We are drowning in continuous over-information that keeps us all

confused and counteracts our ability to see or understand the truth, raising
endless questions with no decipherable answers.
The American People will always be downtrodden as long as The
President’s democratic right to be President is placed above the democratic
right of the America People to survive.
All government educates us from birth to be blind to the truth of
democracy, our rights and the ways of government, but the American
People are deeply discontented and want to vent their frustrations. They
are angry because they have created a system where the people are
powerless, displaced and dispossessed.
As the pressure for change in citizens mounts, nothing changes. The
Ruling Moneyed Elite know that repression of the people’s anger only
inspires a greater desire in the people to rise up. Therefore they divert,
channel and atomize the people’s anger through continuously engineered
fear, false flag terrorism, gaslighting, obfuscation, racism and blatant lies
that separate and divide citizens against each other, thus disabling their
ability to unify and rise up.
Everyday Americans know what must be done to save America from
itself; to them it’s a simple matter of common sense but their will is
thwarted by their corrupt political representatives who take bribes from
corporations to act in the interest of those corporations against the will of
the people in order to deform or eradicate their will. Democracy does not
exist when every political representative takes bribes to ensure corporate
domination of the country and its people.
The reason why the political and government system does not work is
because it is a representative democracy and fails to directly represent “the
people” and creates a false narrative representation of democracy rather
than a direct democracy of one adult one vote.
Rise, like lions after slumber
In un-vanquish-able number!
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you:
Ye are many—they are few!

The Ruling Moneyed Elite are evil because they: deny reality, twist facts,
withhold information, lie constantly, sadistic, have no conscience, guilt or
morals, manipulate others for their own ends, pretend to be your friend,
steal your time, lead a double life hidden behind a “mask of apparent
sanity”, want control over everyone and everything. They are running the
Look at the sheer rottenness, injustice, immorality and nastiness of
American society.
There is one rule for the Ruling Moneyed Elite
And another rule for all us regular people.
Politicians, the paid operatives of the Ruling Moneyed Elite who only
betray whom they represent, create relentless austerity for hundreds of
millions of people, saying “there’s no money available” while the Ruling
Moneyed Elite hoard their absurd wealth in tax havens.
  This system will and must be replaced.
We live in a time of staggering global inequality, regular people have been
brainwashed by the Ruling Moneyed Elite to condemn poor people for
using legal means to obtain more benefits.
The result of the Ruling Moneyed Elite and big money corporations NOT
paying their taxes, has caused the neglect and decimation of infrastructure,
health services, education and the premature destruction of the American
As a result, thousands more  people visit food banks, are homelessness
live in poverty and fear. The system is set up to burden everyone
except the Ruling Moneyed Elite and their entitlement to wealth over
and above the needs of everyone else.

Capitalism is really the normalization,
rationalization, glorification and
even deification of psychopathy.

The Monster is growing faster than the law, much faster.

N eo-capitalism’s unregulated free market economy has become hyper-

capitalism, like putting corporate greed on speed. Our economic
madness has exploded unchecked into the rampant Monster of Capitalism,
its uncontrollable psychopathic malevolence spreading fear, pain and
suffering, deep into the hearts and minds of everyone on Earth for its own
short term profit.
The Monster demands the freedom to use, horde and consume everything
in its path, without restriction or regulation, while human beings, families
and communities are dismissed as an impediment to the Monster’s
progress. Only with your agreement can it survive.
An evil predatory Monster blocks Humanity’s path to a better future. Its
whole body sparkles with scales adorned with diamonds and gold; each
scale bears the words "Thou Shalt."
The Monster speaks, “I say unto you, I am the Monster of Capitalism and I
say Thou Shalt and you shall do my will. Every scale on my body reflects
values thousands of years old, for I am all created value, without care or
compassion for you or anyone. I am greed without conscience, the
seductive, gluttonous, psychosis of evil, demanding all riches and all
power. I devour the world without care or conscience. I am the
authoritarian, psychopathic sickness of the ruling class.
I rape, kill and pillage the Earth. I take what I need, without a thought for
the needs or lives of others or future generations. My appetite consumes
everything and everyone without pity. I am driven by self-loathing and I
become more loathsome with every piece of gold I get and every drop of
life I suck.
You will not revolt, you will not resist or complain against my extremely
hateful antisocial behavior, you will obey, or you will be removed and
incarcerated, isolated forever in one of my profitable prisons.
Do you think it won’t happen to you? I've got you where I want you. I

control your planet, your job, your income, your opportunities, your good
name and your future. I watch you and I know all your secrets. I make
laws against you for my own benefit whether they are just or not. I control
your politicians, your government and all media; they are all beholden to
me and obedient to my will. I am at war against every one of you.
I promise I will crush you under my feet to get more profit and power. I
am innocent of all crimes. I have militarized the police and taught them
brutality and the ways of merciless control. I am endless war. I am just. I
am murder. You will obey my orders and do as you are told until you die.
Make your choice. Obey me and know this, There will be no more “I am”
from you. There will only be “Thou Shalt” from me, for I am your master
and your omnipotent Lord. I am The Monster of Capitalism and I demand
“Thou Shalt.”
The Monster is the insidious psychopathic nature of unregulated
capitalism and its corporations, created and controlled by psychopathic
personalities of the ruling class in their own image, to enrich themselves at
anyone’s life expense. Their antisocial psychopathic behavior controls all
our political, economic and information systems.
Our moral blindness is merely a manifestation of a higher stage of our
infection. Instead of recognizing our corruption and complicity in the
Monster’s behavior, we blame and despise others as we have been taught
by the Monster’s endless misrepresentations and fanciful propaganda
devoid of truth.
The Monster drains us of humanity‘s essence as it grows exponentially
over everything around us and in us. Until we recognize it as the evil it is,
we can’t attack it, contain it or kill it.
The Monster of Capitalism has been growing for thousands of years.
Humanity’s antisocial activities have now evolved unchecked into cold-
blooded a psychopathic corporate Monster, an evil miasma of
uncontrollable fear, greed and gluttonous malevolence, unrecognized;
growing in the minds and riding on the backs of everyone on Earth.
The Monster is not accountable for its actions; it rapes and pillages the
Earth of its non-renewable resources without paying for them, without a
care for the needs of future generations or the lives it wastes and destroys
along the way. It cares only for itself; its appetite consumes everything and
everyone without pity or mandate.

The Monster’s influence is obscured by our willingness to be part of it, to

bow down and worship its ability to generate its blood money from the
delusion it sells us. It has so impaired our reasoning and stifled our
feelings that we have ignored our conscience, abandoned our compassion
and lost our grip on our values as human beings.
Its unrelenting, unregulated demand for everything on its terms alone, is
vicious and ruthless, while human lives, values, dignity and considered
opinions are dismissed as an impediment to the Monster’s progress.
The Monster has trained us to reward it with our allegiance. We don’t
see it. We don’t recognize it. We can’t punish it. We can’t stop it. It is
growing faster every day, faster than the law, much faster, overriding
justice as if were meaningless trivia beneath its feet.
The Monster is in the minds of the psychopathic bankers who play interest
rates, cause fluctuations in stock market prices, influence Wall Street and
rig commodity prices for their own ends. Using unlimited dark money
funding, the Monster has undermined and quashed all laws that might
impede its power, progress or influence.
We are told, as a matter of fact, that its corporations are “too big to fail,”
whilst benefits are cut for the poor – while children go hungry – while our
standards of living drop – while our dreams of the future are crushed like
rotting trash.
The Monster is the master of atrocity, horror, hatred and hostility. It
tramples on people’s lives, brutalizes them and kills them. It carries on
unfettered, draped in seductive advertising, proclaiming love for family
values in the smiling faces of actors portraying a future full of promise and
joy. We are all being led to an abyss of fear and debt, led by those we
“democratically” elect and trust to guard our best interest.
We have surrendered to the inevitability of the Monster’s absolute control
of the future and succumbed to its social engineering in our schools and
voting booths. It claims innocence of all crimes whilst infecting the world
with its psychopathic agenda that we all accept as “okay.” We never
recognize the Monster for what it is because it wears a mask of sanity,
undetectable, hidden in secret, empowering itself like the “man behind the
Each problem the Monster causes is examined separately from all others;

taken out of context, broken down into its component parts, wrapped in its
own illusory proof, history and language, then massaged and nuanced with
lies and misinformation by its own “experts” to be acceptable to the
blinded public. We never get the whole picture or see the truth of our
interconnected dilemma. Distraction, distraction and more distraction is
the way the Monster silences our problems.
We lose while the ruling class, the Monster and the cause of our problems,
get away free. Accountability? No, the Monster makes the law, controls
our view of it and promotes our weaknesses, our fear and our
vulnerabilities to get its way. Smiling sweetly, the Monster threatens us
with more economic suffering “for our own good” if we don’t toe its line
and comply; so we fall in line and we die inside.
The Monster is devouring us for its own power and profit, trampling our
lives and our human rights under a corporate jackboot. No one seems to
notice the Monster closing in on us; our need for money blinds us,
believing having more of everything will empower our self-belief. No one
is angry or even emotional about the extra-regular global problems facing
us, even though they threaten the future of every person on Earth; we are
consumed with “getting by as best we can”
We have cause to be both angry and emotional, but we have stifled our
righteous indignation and surrendered our right to get angry. We show no
anger because we have accepted anger as the expression of emotion,
uncivilized and to be avoided. We are politically correct we frown on the
complaints and protests of other people in the face of the horrors of
endless human and planetary disasters.
The Monster is in each one of us. We are dizzy with fear, staring into a
future of oblivion while corporations steal our resistance with advertising
glory and vast teams of lawyers who divert our attention to bury its crimes
and carry on unhindered.
Successive governments have failed to deliver honesty, fairness or justice.
They subdue and mismanage our response to the Monster and have fed it
so well, we are sucked dry of our life power. We don’t, can't and won't
face the truth; we are in denial, we have failed ourselves.
Our lives are being systematically decimated by the greed of every alien
psychopath hidden in a rich man’s corporate suit, smiling sweetly as it
turns us against each other, steals the future and takes from our wallet.

The Monster lives unseen in our midst, deeply penetrating our hearts and
minds, its destructiveness injuring everything on Earth, ruining our ability
to think, feel, reason, and enjoy life. “Thou shalt obey” lives in the minds
of the politicians who launch wars, lie to voters, and continually favor the
rich with tax breaks. Thou shalt obey is in every manager who bullies his
employees as if he were superior and entitled to hurt others.
The Monster impairs our reasoning and critical thinking; it stifles our
heartfelt feelings and warps our moral processes. We must obey and shut
In the clutches of the Monster’s infectious psychopathic disease we are its
clone; selfish, predatory, and manipulative. We accept the Monster as the
inevitable expression of human development, but in truth it has trained us
to do its will and take what we are given.
To protect and feed yourself and your family, you must surrender your life
to the will to the Monster’s commandment “Thou Shalt.” You will obey or
be excluded and thrown into desperate poverty.
All government investigatory systems are deliberately underfunded in
order that the appearance of justice can be maintained, while gross
criminal fraud, massive pollution, the destruction of lives and the abuse of
human rights by banks, oil companies, global corporations and the
American government can create insane profit, unchallenged and never
When psychopathic entities recognize similar characteristics to their
own in our politicians, they will try to get into their energy and live
There is no escape from the realities of our interconnected
interdependence with each other; we think we are independent and
separate people but we are not. Our global problems, coupled with our
national, local, and individual problems, are happening to all of us
spontaneously and simultaneously, in a continuous, contiguous, tortuous
relationship with ourselves, our planet, and each other.
This is the setting for the Monster of Capitalism’s continuous and
homicidal global rampage for power, influence and control. Our planet

and its populations are little more than a food source for the Monster in its
insatiable hunger. Its lawless, uninhibited growth causes misery, poverty,
starvation, homelessness, and unemployment. It causes uncontrollable
rises in costs of food, energy, water and living expenses; global unrest and
climate change. We live in fear as it escalates permeating every aspect of
our lives;
Politicians and power brokers do not have the answers to our escalating
problems. Money can’t stop the problems; the shit is constantly moving
ever closer toward the fan. Unrealistic human optimism is a pervasive
human trait that influences everything from personal relationships to
politics and finance, preventing us from remembering undesirable
information about our odds of dying or being hurt.
Fear tells us we must get rich as fast as we can, any way we can. We must
follow the Monster’s example and crush our colleagues, neighbors and
friends as soon as we can because each new global problem fuses with
those already existing and it’s consuming our future like a forest fire.
Soon we will need every penny we can get to defend ourselves from the
Monster’s escalating onslaught of economic, environmental, racial, social
and political oppression, brought on in the name of the Monster’s need to
suck the world dry. Trouble is coming; you can feel it in your bones.
Unconsciously, in the heart of you, your intuition "knows the truth" you
are living in growing fear for yourself and your family. Yet you say
nothing, do nothing; you accept everything, and bury your outrage, while
the status quo demands your silent obedience for your wages.

The Monster is an unseen psychopathic disease spreading

throughout the world generated by its drive toward
insatiable power and financial excess.
The Monster has no empathy for you or anyone or anything
it has no conscience or compassion. It is a psychopath
a miasma of destruction coming for you.


W hen a psychopath imagines an accident happening to others, their

brains failed to light up in the regions associated with empathy
BUT an area involved in pleasure lit up instead. Many psychopaths are
sadistic: taking pleasure in inflicting pain on their victims. (See right-wing
There are three main greed-producing antisocial personality
disorders functioning in the Monster of Capitalism, psychopaths,
sociopaths and narcissists.
The diagnosis of each of these disorders overlaps and fluctuates by depth
and degree but their abhorrent behavior is very similar insomuch that they
are all very selfish and very destructive of the lives of others, in their
efforts to get more for themselves.
They think you are theirs to use and play with, to get control of and power
over, so you will do what they want. They practice extremely antisocial
predatory behavior, without conscience or compassion for the suffering
they cause.
A sociopath is a name we tend to casually laugh off as just another name
for someone who is very ambitious. Narcissists, we think of someone
always looking in the mirror, grooming themselves or taking selfie photos.
We usually think of psychopaths as a small number of crazy serial killers
who kill for pleasure, when in fact, corporate psychopaths are fervent
participants in every aspect of the Monster of Capitalism.
We have allowed our naïve, trusting definitions to hide, disguise and cover
over the truth of the extreme antisocial psychopathic disorders prevalent
amongst the ruling class.
I am lumping together all their psychopathic behavior political and
corporate behavior into one societal damage category and calling them
“corporate psychopaths,” aside from any legal, scientific or clinical
definition of a psychopath, a narcissist or a sociopath.
Each corporate psychopath knows better but contributes to the control,
enhancement and legitimacy of unregulated corporate power for personal

profit, through the destruction of regular people’s lives both directly and
Corporate psychopaths smile as they steal your life from you, seeking
nothing more than their own wealth and power at your expense. Like
regular murdering psychopaths, corporate psychopaths take what they
want and they do not care how they hurt you and your family to get it.
Unlike serial killer psychopaths, corporate psychopaths are not luring a
single victim into a position where they can kill them. They are luring as
many as millions of regular people into fear, pollution, poverty, misery, in
order to legally profit off of their backs, whilst ushering them toward ill
health and an early death.
Serial killers, even if they murder one hundred people, are rank amateurs
when stacked up against corporate psychopaths who are damaging or
killing the precious lives of millions, discharging carcinogens into the
atmosphere, polluting clean water, throwing people onto the streets and
destroying democracy. Corporate psychopaths are harming generations of
victims subjecting them to death by a thousand cuts.
Corporate psychopaths, unlike regular serial killers, are legally entitled to
be cruel, kill, maim, torture, poison and mentally manipulate anyone and
everyone with no penalty, little oversight and plenty of financial
Corporate psychopaths prey on the weakness in our democracy and
lawmakers, not using a razor or a noose but using money like a hammer to
pound their will into the governance of America, using their lawyers and
financial power to crush and diminish anyone opposing them. No police
force is hunting corporate psychopaths because no law applies to them.
They are remaking the laws to protect themselves from prosecution.
Corporate psychopaths act with impunity against all of us, to our
collective detriment. They are legally able to do just that. So we have a
world infected with corporate psychopaths who are hell-bent on more
profit, more power and having a lifestyle beyond everyone’s dreams at
everyone’s personal expense. They are getting away with it because we
allow their antisocial behavior. They are in fact growing in their monstrous
psychopathic power over all of us.
Corporate psychopaths are hidden behind layers of public relations

rhetoric, guarded and protected behind the corporate veil of anonymous,

dispersed responsibility in their pursuance of their own antisocial agenda,
presented to us as “joyful progress”
They are self-righteous and feel entitled to destroy lives and families
directly or indirectly for their own profit and power. It is their combined
and expanding psychopathic energies that is the Monster of Capitalism.
There is terrible abuse of regular people and endless direct and indirect
destruction by individuals, governments and corporations who act like
corporate psychopaths, to gain more power and profit.
Extreme antisocial psychopathic behavior does not come just from
corporate psychopaths but from those people and politicians who work
with them, who employ psychopathic behavior to their advantage in the
realization there is no law against their indirect destruction of people’s
lives, so they know they can get away with it.
According to expert psychological analysis, psychopathic behaviors, traits
and treatment have been defined by examining a very limited number of
I believe psychopathic thinking, behavior and actions are a transmittable
growing psychological disease, far more widespread than modern society
cares to admit and likely to destroy all Humanity and the planet.
Corporate psychopaths seeking power and profit are the main cause of
climate change, pollution, war, terrorism, economic uncertainty and
worldwide human oppression and misery. They are all engaged in
predatory, psychopathic, antisocial behavior without care or conscience for
the damage they do.
Corporate psychopaths are what you might call non-violent psychopaths
because their violence is indirect, subtle and usually not against the law.
They function in secret, disguised by wealth, privilege, political office and
the public’s assumption they are “just good businessmen.”
They make the laws that do not bring them to justice but instead excuse
their crimes. The deceptive media and false advertising of every ilk gives
them cover for their criminality but they poison the environment and
champion human rights abuse anyway.
They enforce their economic will on millions. They sell arms to our

enemies. They kill whole countries in unnecessary wars, famines and

droughts so they can enlarge their market share.
Corporate psychopaths cannot change their psychopathic nature any
more than a leopard can change its spots. Our self-defense starts when
we recognize them as the psychopaths they are.


Every psychopath wears a mask of sanity that fools everyone.
You cannot detect it. You accept their false reality as your true
reality but they and you don't know if they are people or not.

P sychopaths are very good at reading other people's emotions while

remaining emotionally unmoved themselves.
Serial killers John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Dennis Rader
and Ariel Castro all wore a mask of sanity that allowed them to appear to
the public as likeable regular guys and remain undetected for years. Like
all psychopaths they remained hidden behind their mask of sanity, while
they conducted their disgusting crimes.
Ariel Castro, although he was not a serial killer, was a psychopath who
secretly imprisoned three young women as sex slaves in his home for ten
years. He subjected them to terrible and brutal abuse. He fathered a child
with one girl and kept them chained up like dogs.
No one had a clue about his double life. He fooled his family, his
friends, his neighbors, his colleagues, his community, his employers
and his fellow band members for ten years.
Nobody knew the crimes he was committing. He seemed just like a nice
guy who lived in the neighborhood, placid, rational, and on good terms
with all those he met.
Like all psychopaths, underneath his mask of sanity he was a skillful
predator, a self-serving master manipulator. He even participated in a
search and fundraiser for one of his victims while he held her prisoner in

his own home. His actions were cold, ruthless and deeply psychopathic yet
he lived happily as an accepted member of his community while carrying
out his heinous acts unseen.
Castro’s lies and deception effectively fooled hundreds of people into
believing he was just another regular guy. No one ever thought he was
repeatedly abusing and raping three young girls for his own sadistic
gratification. No one saw through his mask; he fooled everyone in every
situation for ten years.
We do not know who the psychopaths are because they are always
hidden behind a mask of sanity that is so complete that they, like all
psychopaths, are able to carry out their extreme “violent” antisocial
behavior without detection.  
Psychopaths create the true reality of a character that is NOT who they
are; it is a character they have created. We buy their look, their pretense,
their scene and their presentation. They feed us a manufactured reality; we
buy it, we are trapped in it. Regular people have an emotional heart that
pumps feelings through their veins, while psychopaths have no emotional
heart. They listen only to their own desires and greed at your expense.
They believe they are entitled to do exactly what they want and they do
not care who gets hurt.
To psychopaths, emotions are pure abstractions which they continually
fake for their own ends. They are highly skilled at getting what they want.
They have no problem using, ruining, harming or destroying people’s
lives. Cold, heartless and cruel they have no “moral compass” and exist
completely outside of any conscience.
Psychopaths are full of cynicism, inhumanity and moral self-deception.
They spend every waking moment figuring out how to get more of what
they want on their terms, their way, no matter what, no matter whom.
They will go to any length within the law to achieve their selfish goals at
someone else’s expense. They seem unable to understand or respond to
others’ needs and feelings unless they coincide with their own. 
They act impulsively, without regard for consequences. They tend to gain
pleasure or satisfaction by being sadistic or aggressive toward others.
They blame others for their own failures or shortcomings and believe their

problems are caused by external factors.  They have little psychological

insight into their own motives and behavior. 
They may repeatedly convince others of their commitment to change but
then revert to previous maladaptive behavior, often convincing others that
“this time is really different.” Perhaps this sort of psychological deception
reminds you of how the rich, the politicians and the corporatists act toward
Psychopaths are motivated by a desire for power and by pleasure in
“getting one over” on others. They have little genuine interest in self-
examination.  They see sympathetic attention or compassion as weakness. 
Psychopaths are deceitful, they mislead people and manipulate people’s
emotions to get what they want. They are unconcerned with the
consequences of their actions, appearing to feel immune or invulnerable;
and to show reckless disregard for the rights, property, or safety of others.
Psychopaths are charming genius actors, rehearsing their seamless plans to
have us do their will. Their deception is total. They mimic our feelings to
present themselves as normal, but they are not and we can’t see it and
won’t believe it.
We may respect them or even try to emulate their success. BUT this you
should know: They do not care about you and me. Psychopaths disregard
the needs wishes and feelings of others.
They antagonize, manipulate and treat others harshly with callous
indifference. Psychopaths are the true enemies of regular people and
threaten the survival of our beautiful world. They constantly and
habitually lie so as to make you believe they care about you, your
community and your country.
Their elaborate deceptions have only one goal – to enable them to
continue to use you and exploit you. When "normal" people lie, there is
increased activity in the frontal lobe of their brain that suggests the
experience of guilt and discomfort; but when psychopaths lie, there is NO
increased brain activity.
To a psychopath, lying is like breathing. When they are caught, they
simply make up new stories and lies without a moment’s embarrassment.
Their chameleon-like abilities deceive us. Their living deceit steals our
free will. When they are caught in a lie or criticized, they either change

their story without hesitation, or they stand by their lie and call out those
that dare question their integrity as liars. Does this reminds you of how the
rich, the politicians and the corporatists act toward us? The media spreads
the lies to the general public and when we are informed of their lies no one
reacts or complains and no action is taken against the perpetrators. Lying
has been made acceptable to all of us.
A psychopath manifests itself in extremely selfish behavior at the expense
of everyone and anyone who gets in its way. It uses deceit, fear and cold-
blooded destruction to manipulate, undermine and destroy those people
and things it sees as a threat or an impediment to its progress.
Psychopaths feel no guilt, shame or remorse for their extreme antisocial
behavior. They show no compassion, love, sympathy or care toward their
victims, the public or the common good. They have no conscience. We
accept the public face they present to us as real but it is a false face, a
mask of sanity we cannot see through or detect.
Psychopaths are not human; they are missing the essential psychological
elements that epitomize what it means to be human. They are psychopaths
who want absolute power. They don’t care one iota about you, your family
or your planet.
They must be held accountable for the suffering they cause human beings.
They must be fired from the controlling interests our society and regulated
for the safety and survival of all of us. Human beings have the essential
elements of moral conscience and experience feelings of love, empathy
and compassion for, and in cooperation with their fellow man.
Psychopaths do not.
Psychopaths want what they want, when they want it, and will kill for it, if
necessary. As politicians, they are pushing their demands on everyone,
forcing it down our throats for their gratification and corporate profit.
There are approximately 12 million or more psychopaths in the USA,
cold-blooded people whose only motivation is to gratify themselves at
your expense for their benefit.
Question) What separates a regular person from the power to disarm the
Answer) Psychopaths are given the same human rights as human beings
but they do not behave like human being or support human beings or the

common good. Wearing the mask of sanity they look human but they are
not human. We are ruled by psychopaths; a different species than human
beings. Let’s stop fudging the issue. We must define what it is to be
Know the collateral damage and antisocial actions of psychopaths and
big money corporations. We are their prey. They are predators at war
with Humanity - killing everything for their own profit including poor
people, the environment, the seas, the air, the ecosystems and the

Beware of the false prophets
who come to you in sheep's clothing
but inwardly are ravening wolves
Know them by their fruits

P sychopaths display unprecedented wealth, while hundreds of children

live in poverty in the next town over, their Mums and Dads are
ashamed they can’t support their children.
Ask a psychopath: How did you get the fruits of your labor? What have
you had to do to get what you have? What have you polluted, ruined, lied
about and destroyed? Who have you economically ruined to get what you
have? Their lack of compassionate empathetic behavior, their
psychopathic agenda, and their extremely antisocial behavior against
individuals and Humanity prove to us they are not human.
Know them by their actions. Actions speak louder than words.
We allow psychopaths and psychopathic thinking to rule us now. They will
not stop. They do not care. They are self-justifying. Everything will
continue to get worse under their control. Psychopaths are extremely

difficult to recognize because they have no true feelings. They are the
master manipulators and liars living behind a mask of sanity.
Know them by their fruits of their labor. What have they produced? Who
did they destroy to get it? What have they done for Humanity? How do
they treat their employees? Did they make a thousand million dollars
while paying their employees as little as lawfully allowed?
Know them by the acts of compassion, not their charity; which is a tax
write-off. How many public buildings did they buy for the community?
How many schools? How many student scholarships have they financed?
Do they support social programs for the poor?
Are they committed to social justice?
Psychopaths do not care about you and so they do nothing to help you.
They do not want you educated because you will criticize them and so
they plan to keep you down and stupid while their kids are bred to rule us.
All avenues for a change for the better are closing. The world is going
down the toilet and we are flushing it. Our natural sense of optimism and
belief in the goodness of people deludes us. We do not condemn our rulers
for their crimes.
We have no laws to protect us or restrain our psychopathic rulers because
we do not classify their evil actions as crimes even though they create
massive crimes against the welfare of regular people who are defenseless
against the wealth and desires of psychopaths. Every human value is being
replaced with corporate values; a psychopath’s values.
Don’t be fooled. We are not just going through a phase and soon
everything will be just fine. The end is nigh. Soon we will face the horrors
of environmental collapse, food wars, fascism, the underclass, and martial
law. The psychopathic 1% will hoard untold riches while everyone else
will be dehumanized and made obedient to the corporate code or die.
We must recognize and act against psychopathic corporate behavior that is
not compassionate before we are homogenized into a slave mentality by
the will of global corporations, the greatest-ever enemy of humanity. It is
our innate duty and our natural responsibility to stand up and push back.
For us as prosocial beings, it is important to understand and communicate
the idea that the political right-wing conservatives will always be

destructive and sacrifice human life if they think it makes economic sense.
They do not endorse prosocial values of love, compassion and care for
corporations, politics, and the law; quite the opposite in fact. The fruits of
prominent politicians have made an all out assault on welfare payments
for our poorest children while refusing to ask for a dime from the richest
1% or from  the wealthy corporations.
Psychopathic “fruits” slash and trash hundreds of billions of dollars from
child and family nutrition, health, child care, education, and  child
protection services, in order to extend and maintain tax cuts for
millionaires and billionaires.
Malnutrition and starvation are happening on such a vast scale because
world food supplies are controlled by the rich and powerful who screw us
for corporate profit and their own psychopathic agenda. Do not give
psychopaths a second chance. Do not try to understand their motivations,
no more political commentary comparing their views with ours.
Psychopaths will always destroy us if we are not profitable to them.
Psychopaths are killing us; no army of lawyers or secret tribunal should
save them from the stinging justice of the people.
Our politicians are employed by the people for the benefit of the people.
They act against us as they promise a better future, as their policies shoot
millions of lives to pieces. In our hearts we must recognize the need for
justice and take to the streets in millions. We must take down the
psychopaths with the same vigor and hatefulness they promise us.
Members of Congress are millionaires, out of touch, unreasonable and
unjust. They are pampered, respected and high handed; seeking power.
They live the life of kings and they think they deserve it because they are,
after all, “better” than us. These are our great leaders, changers of history.
They are eager to make themselves rich and powerful in the name of “The
American People.”
Politicians are contemptuous of the public, except when they want to be
elected. They are traitors to the needs of the people that they were elected
to serve and are paid to serve. Fire them! There are no bounds to their
appetite to control us for profit.
Like us, they watch TV news and like us they see millions out of work,
living below the poverty line. They see the failing infrastructure, the

homeless, the sick and the imprisoned. They see the jobless, the
disenfranchised immigrants, the relentless gun crimes, the black voters
deprived of their votes and they do absolutely nothing to help. Know them
by their fruits!
Like bad fruit, I smell the evil stink of oppression, its smell is everywhere,
pumped into the atmosphere of our daily lives by those who hate equality
and think they are superior to us.
The evil stench of oppression chokes our lives and leaves us feeling sick,
nauseated, angry, bewildered and confused. It permeates us heart and
mind. It empties us of our natural selves polluting our critical thinking
faculties. This is the work of the psychopathic ruling class.
Ancient Rome has been the dominant political model for Europe and the
US because it continues to benefit the wealthy few at the expense of the


He who fights with monsters might take care
lest he thereby become a monster.
The brain of a psychopath has a direct wire from their eyeballs right into
their reptilian brain. There is a wide-open highway for these reptilian brain
signals  because there is no septum pellucidium on the midline of the brain.
There should be a piece of tissue right there but it’s not present in the
psychopath’s brain.
“Catastrophically, evil has taken over human society, through war,
aggression, genocide and their greatest weapon, capitalism. Its inherent
growth fetish, an outgrowth of the corporate psychopaths' insatiable greed.
Rule by psychopaths is incompatible with human existence.”
I see our predicament as terminal, absent a miracle. It may yet occur, and
will only do so if people are liberated from the rule of those with twisted
psyches, who know no other way of life but conflict, misanthropy and

If we do survive the next fifty years, we could grow into something

good; we do have the capabilities but for the corporate psychopaths,
who pile up stuff in order to insulate themselves from life and its grim
inevitabilities of growing old, disease, debility and death, must be
defeated, by some means that do not turn us into them.
Psychopaths must be relentlessly confronted
with the ugly consequences of their actions.
Why do we all continue to sit quietly while the roof is pulled down on our
heads? While the tide rises up over our necks? We are all choking and
dying on the insatiable desires of the rich and their corporations.
Must we all become suicide bombers to kill off the insanity of the political
control by the psychopathic elite? Must we all suffer from every evil that
too much profit can buy till we die?
Revolutionary change will come only when ordinary people face the fact
that the Ruling Class ARE madmen, psychopathic serial killers hidden
behind “a mask of sanity” who would gladly kill them and a million other
people for their continuing control and profit.
It is clear that this world has not been built by caring human beings,
but has been constructed and is run by powerful hollow soulless
individuals. And, despite the violence, suffering and chaos they have
caused, we allow them to remain at the top, and in control.
Unless we actively rally as a species against these psychopaths
nothing is going to stop them from destroying the planet.

They want us to be like them, heartless.

T he corporate psychopaths in modern society must be exposed but our

resolve is weakening.  Many of the offenders we call “businessman,”
or a “family man” when they only have compassion for their checkbook
but never for you.
We love their success. We publicize  their histories, their struggle; their
genius. We honor them and they play us. We give them everything, our
loyalty, our respect, our trust. They are the criminal killers of our lives. A
person ruined over there, a nation robbed over there, a town polluted over
where your friends live. The world is heartbroken for what might have
been? ...but alas, the destructive rape of life by the corporate psychopath
class encourages us to obey or die.
Don't be deceived by their skilled manipulations,  identify them for what
they are - recognize them- know them by their fruits. They are
Psychopaths will always do and say whatever is in their best interest. You
can count on them to manipulate and attempt to control everyone around
them. Even when they tell the truth it is not because they are motivated by
honesty but because they believe that telling the truth in this instance will
achieve the desired effect. They are driven by self-interest and they cannot
help themselves. There is no cure for them.
You can count on corporate psychopaths having a close knit posse,
most often family members, who, for their own reasons, have been
covering for this individual for years. In the case of wealthy
psychopaths, family and associates benefit financially from the
psychopath's out-sized ambition, like pilot fish that swim just below
the shark's jaws, benefiting from the scraps that fall their way.
The psychopath's reach is far greater than we know; all corporations are
built in the image of the psychopath. They suck the empathy out of us and

the whole of Humanity is obliged by financial need to condone the mode

of corporations psychopathic behavior, calling it good business practice. 
Our species may perish and never know what killed them but what if if
perhaps we identify the psychopaths as psychopaths and the public knew
the psychopaths by their fruits of evil? 
Psychopaths are the evil archetypes in children's fairy stories -
bloodthirsty wolves, hunting in packs, vicious, looking for anything and
anyone to tear apart for profit. We must identify, label and brand each one
of them - saddle them with the propaganda branding that identifies them,
“You are a Psychopath,” repeat it and repeat it.
Hang the identity of psychopath like a noose around all their necks till all
the public knows what psychopaths they are and how they are killing us
all for their own profit and amusement.
Many concerned citizens and activists are constantly looking for answers
to myriad social problems from climate change, inequality and war, to
unemployment, homelessness and poverty etc. They have no viable
answers. There is only one thing that has caused these problems; corporate
psychopaths. There is only one solution and that is to deselect them and
heavily regulate and tax their corporations. 
Let's not get sentimental and do nothing to defend ourselves because of
the psychopath's “human rights” when psychopaths do not behave like we
human beings. They must be disqualified  from the protections and rights
we humans have.  Psychopaths are  NOT HUMAN, for to be human is to
care about other people and to act with conscience.
Obviously corporate psychopaths do neither and should not be allowed to
destroy Humanity because we fail to identify them as the alien species
they are. There is no cure. They will never change and never learn.
Corporate psychopaths spread their unregulated and uncontrollable plague
of misery over all of us through their marionette control of our politicians
to increase their  psychopathic policies and destroy our sense of belonging,
dividing us, turning us against each other, promoting selfishness and
competition as our only reality.
Politicians’ continuous lies and brainwashing castrate our will, emboldens
our hopelessness and reduce us to confused, frightened, spineless fools,
crushed beneath the jackboot of the psychopath’s unholy ambition.  We are

reduced to sheep, unable to find our way back to the humanness we once
We are led to watch right-wing movies and TV shows embracing the
psychopaths poisonous ideology. The mainstream media, owned and
controlled by the few, bring us only the news they want to bring us, in the
way they want it brought to us. They frame the parameters of the news,
showing us only what supports their antisocial point of view. They claim
they care for each of us while they promote and enforce the opposite.
They have the public believing the political right is always right. The
media gives right-wing conservatives more news coverage than those on
the left. Behind closed doors the ruling class write laws to keep us infected
with their psychopathic capitalist disease to keep control of America
The electorate’s insanity is that we treat these infected individuals as
normal human beings with a just a different point of view. We think they
are like us. We examine their  arguments. We give credibility to their
insanity. We discuss their views that fill the airwaves with their outrageous
one sided political nonsense. There is nothing to discuss. The
psychopathic disease has them and will consume us soon.
We are too polite, too tolerant, too gullible, too accommodating and too
apathetic to remove these rotten apples from the barrel before they infect
everyone. To respect them is as ridiculous as respecting any killer, for that
is what they are beneath their fake smiles and their abuse of human our
We fail to recognize our politicians and the ruling class are infected
with the Monster of Capitalism’s psychopathic diseases.
I know you can’t or don’t want to believe those who run this country and
influence the country are infected with a psychopathic disease but their
actions, and the fruits of their crimes against us speak volumes about their
psychopathic behavior.
Will our political psychopaths feel any sense of shame, as leaders of "the
greatest country on Earth," when they increase unregulated industrial
pollution for profit or kill off millions of people? Will catastrophic weather
they have been allowed to create, make millions homeless and unleash
worldwide epidemics with no remedies available? Will they care? No,

psychopaths do not care, do not feel and do not have any compassion for
We are so confused as a nation. We put our faith in the American dream
yet those who have succeeded have effectively capitalized on their success
to the profound detriment of every other citizen, narrowing their options
and opportunities, oppressing their hope, their truth and their resolve.
We have lost our way. We are the sheep who feed the wolves, who kill us
for their own ends. We are the fools who look in awe at those who have
wealth to burn and pray life's lottery will embrace us and ensure we too
will soon be rich. And so, we kneel to them, their false idols and the
insinuated  threats they create and promote.
The ruling class and global corporations want to own the world and have
our politicians and government under their highly profitable, totalitarian
Politicians, paid by corporations, take aid from the vulnerable poor and
give tax breaks to the rich, even though they own almost everything
anyway. Their psychopathic, authoritarian antisocial behavior constantly
and directly threatens our lives, it is sadistic, self-righteous, all consuming,
ruthless and controlling. Collectively they have created in us a nest of
blind, gnawing worms eating away at our minds with fear and worry,
stealing our future, freaking us out. There is no escape in America .
The Monster’s psychopathic diseases have created and demonized a vast
growing and permanent underclass. Disempowered by a lack of good
paying jobs, unemployment and wage inequality, they are forced to obey
the abuse of the corporations or die.
The Monster has smothered democracy, destroyed the climate, and
cultivated a tyrannical corporate criminal class of fabulously wealthy
overlords who bend us to their selfish will without a care for us or our
children’s lives.
Every human mind is the Monster’s psychopathic disease causing us
to  forget our empathy, our conscience and our benevolence. Now at crisis
point, Humanity stands lost and confused at a crossroads facing certain
Across the board, politicians from the President down are complicit in,

and adding to the damage and danger we live in every day. They know
what’s going on yet they do nothing to remedy the situation. They feed the
Monster of our time.
Their actions or lack of action causes endless fear and stress for every
regular man, woman and child in the USA. Politicians therefore are
committing crimes against the health of the people.
The people have no voice against the sins of the politicians who promise
lies to get elected but once elected forget the voter. The voter has no voice
and feels helpless, betrayed, angry and cynical while the politicians
promise they are working in our best interest, while life gets worse each
Corporate crimes are not little or excusable. Either our politicians come
down hard on the promoters of their psychopathic actions against us or
they should be charged with the crimes they condone. Corporations are the
living expression of an expanding, murderous psychopathic Monster;
acting as legalized predators they objectify people, treating them as
fungible entities to be “conquered” and “used,” by every “legal” means
Controlling and exploiting human weakness, needs, behavior and thinking,
corporations don’t give a damn about the health, feelings, justice or
survival of anyone.
The Monster’s psychopathic disease does not concern itself with its
overwhelming pollution of the planet; it ignores the climate change it
causes and it is draining our planet’s natural resources to ensure its own
survival and profitability.
It has none of the constraints of human morality, it lies, cheats, steals and
commit atrocious crimes against people and the planet continuously,
buying political control of governments to ensure it gets what it wants,
irrespective of the misery, suffering or poverty it causes us.
Big corporations have bought the government, their  lackeys stand ready
like gnomes ready to do their corporate will to unleash endless unfair
practices and unflinching economic injustice on you and your family,
bringing their climate-denying, life-destroying psychopathic authoritarian
laws down on your head.

Infected with the Monster’s disease, your politicians do not care about
your wants, needs or desires. They bury you in austerity and economic
pain, take away your rights, your health care, your vote and your hope.
They privatize public institutions and sell them to the ruling class in the
name of austerity for you, not them. Obedient to the evils of the Monster’s
psychopathic disease, both political parties encourage the corporate abuse
of power, against the best interest of the people they represent.
Having ignored their own empathy, sympathy, conscience and
compassion, having surrendered to the law of the ruling class and their
corporations, they sell out the last vestiges of our democracy for their own
or corporate reward, installing corporate economic policy, turning the
public into disposable, consumer-able workers.
If you protest as is your right, they will authorize our militarized police to
tear gas you, assault you and shoot you; filling our prisons, putting our
cities under curfew and martial law until you submit to the corporate will
that says, “We must protect corporate property not the public, for without
corporations there would be nothing.”
In the past, we have witnessed politicians’ cruel and unfeeling behavior in
their destruction of every sane effort to make economic progress for
regular people, shutting down the government, obstructing all policies for
job creation and education, while cutting pensions and killing unions.
The ruling class uses your tax dollars to pay for new wars
ignoring our failing infrastructure and denying
our needs at home.
On bended knee to the 1%, almost every politician left or right kneels to
big corporations, rewarding them for their patronage with votes, tax breaks
and loopholes without a thought for the needs of regular working people.
They do not stand up for you.
They make you pay always. Their puppet corporate media mouths blame
every problem they cause themselves, on everyone but themselves,
brainwashing the punch drunk public with their political double talk and
chameleon lies in service of their corporate masters. Demand
accountability from corporations and politicians; push for individual,
economic and climate justice or get used to destruction of you and the

The ruling class, the big corporations and the filthy rich will let you die;
they have the means to escape and what it takes to buy survival for their
families and themselves away from the world they are destroying. You
can’t get away, you can’t escape, your survival is in jeopardy and the
worst is yet to come. This is the psychopathic Monster of Capitalism at
Our political, justice and government systems are under the control of
private corporations and respond not to truth or morality but to the desire
for profit.
Question everything: every promise, every pledge, every fact,
every poll, every act of charity - Question everything.
Life is dying the creeping death created by unseen psychopaths hiding in
plain sight wearing the mask of sanity. Every day more blood is sucked
out of us in the name of progress while we are fried like chickens in a
climate barbeque.
The public stands by and politely accepts the poisoning of our democratic
process calling it "free speech." Our “leaders’” carefully crafted
messaging is helping others to become mentally sick; expressions of the
same Monster’s psychopathic disease.
The media, the pundits and the news services spell out how vastly unequal
is our country, but there is no public outrage or reaction in the streets. Why
are we not reacting to this abuse? Maybe it is because we need
corporations for jobs to feed the families we love.
Are we are frightened for ourselves or frightened of the psychopaths in our
police and our prisons?
Can see no alternative but to submit? We don’t want to rock the boat, lose
our jobs and the little money we do have. The Monster is in control.
We are trapped. We are living in an every-man-for-himself, dog-eat-dog
world, and a hypocritical, dislike-your-neighbor-as-yourself world of
misrepresentation and endless apathy. To the psychopaths we are weak,
willing prey. To them, our emotions are pure meaningless abstractions.
Our power as individuals is stolen from us more each day as we try to
survive swimming against the current of their insidious, antihuman profit
making. We cannot accept their indirect-violence and extreme antisocial

behavior toward us, psychopaths are running our lives, confiscating our
freedom and trashing our futures for their short term profit. They are
killing us.
They tell us psychopaths are human and are entitled to human rights and
but if they are never act in a human way - are they still human? We
assume psychopaths are human. They have the same features, limbs etc.
but they are different inside. They are extremely antisocial, they don't like
you and they are gonna make you pay and then, humiliate you.
Psychopaths wear a mask of sanity. It has us all fooled because they are
seamless actors – you can’t see the join. You can’t detect them. The fruits
of their actions show they are inhuman, ruining and compromising the life
of tens of millions of humans for their own wealth and gratification.
Psychopathy is a virus, a cancer, or a habitual way of life but it creates
uncaring, nasty evil human haters. Their destructiveness is absolute, their
present course of action is suicidal and will leave us all dead on a dead
Psychopaths are not human. They are anti-human, acting inhumanly. They
have none of the qualities we associate with a good person. No
compassion, no empathy etc. Psychopaths are not human and should be
seen, identified and labeled as the psychopaths they are.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.



C orporatism is a psychopathic disease bred and indoctrinated into all

of us. We do not recognize corporatism as the sick disease that
infects us all. Corporations are by definition psychopathic. They want to
deregulate corporations so they can do even more damage to people's lives
and the planet, in order to give them excessive power, champagne profits
and endless tax breaks.
If a corporation were a man you would describe his extreme antisocial

behavior as that of a psychopath. If you knew a man who behaved like a

corporation he is a psychopath.
If we fully define a human being, a psychopath is NOT human. Legal
persons are of two kinds: natural persons– people – and judicial persons
also called juristic or artificial or fictitious persons – groups of people,
such as corporations which are treated by law as if they were persons.
Despite not being human beings, corporations, as far as the law is
concerned, are legal persons and have many of the same rights and
responsibilities as natural people do. A corporation is an artificial person
exhibiting the character of a person that acts in its own self-interest
without any consideration for human life whatsoever.
Corporate greed is the single most dangerous pollutant against the human
race. How can we, as human beings recognize a corporation as a “person”
when corporate policy embraces and promotes a selfish agenda of profit at
any cost?
For a corporation to be treated as a “human,” while it does not exhibit any
attributes of a human, is not only absurd but it is the single greatest threat
to Humanity the world has ever known.
All corporate policy by design abrogates the moral responsibility for any
and all corporate actions and blames its mercenary and exploitive behavior
on the actions of the corporation (a bunch of papers) rather than penalizing
the individuals who are responsible for the corporation and who control
and invest in it.
There is never enough profit for a corporation. They want more and expect
to provide less. They want to turn everything into corporate profit and
their goal (unconscious or not) is absolute control.
Corporations and their sycophant administrators want us to believe that
problems stem from every source but themselves.
They divert our attention away from their lack of compassion and the
damage they cause. Corporate policy has no conscience; it crushes your
will in the name of profit. Yet we applaud it, emulate it and pay homage to
its ability to gain wealth. They present themselves as benefactors
providing great benefit for Humanity, its society and its welfare, while
their hierarchy accelerates their deception, deceit and exploitation to gain
more wealth and our deeper subservience.

Smooth, smiling, titans of commerce and industry have an insatiable

appetite for their own corporate agenda whilst demanding the absence of
any regulation that might impede their progress. They believe their
corporations are entitled to do whatever they want and to that end are
secretive and deceptive on all levels at all times.
They are oblivious to the needs of regular people because they are not
regular people . They are cold-blooded. They are cruel and callous; their
corporate policies and actions are distinctly uninterested in the rights of
Ever-increasing corporate profit strengthens the corporation’s agenda over
our government, politicians and religious leaders to promulgate laws that
remove power from human beings and give it to corporations who seek to
control the planet and everyone on it.
Corporate wealth allows for the passage of laws
benefiting corporations but not people.
We must obey these bought-and-paid-for instruments of control if we
expect to succeed in life. We must fill in their forms to the letter, live to
their accord and under their surveillance and realize their agenda has no
room for individuality or free expression. They suppress individual free
will, luring us into the web of consumer ecstasy to break our spirit and
make us slaves of corporate will.
Corporations demand we toe the line of their hierarchy: behave as they
say, dress as they say, and obey their orders or live our lives as rejected
scum in the desperation of the growing underclass. We are sycophants of
greed, manipulated in the name of increased shareholder profit.
Once they get us where they want us, they narrow their parameters to
enhance our conformity to their benefit. Corporations, with their selfish
policies, become entwined in relationships with each other in a group,
acting together as one to make more profit.
CEO psychopaths have no problem laying-off 2000 workers to increase
the bottom line by $50. A corporation is by definition psychopathic; its
thought and behavior breeds selfish non-compassionate, unfeeling people.
All of us are trapped, lost in misinformation, fear, threat and desire. We
must either surrender to the insatiable corporate greed machines on their
terms, or face the terrifying depths of the festering underclass.

In identifying the corporation as a psychopath, we take the first step to

ending extreme corporate behavior through our awareness to its
psychopathic  personality. If we know what a corporation actually is, we
can hopefully regulate it, tax it and control it. 
Corporations bask in wealth and self-interest never taking direct action to
help the millions in desperate need all around them. Millions are hungry,
the unemployment rate scares us all, yet corporations deny the pain of the
poor and spend billions on themselves, their political party, their
corporation or their beliefs, with the sole purpose of manipulating the
public to give them more of what they want. The economic division
between rich and poor people is an ever-widening chasm.
Corporations have been accepted as regular people by the courts but they
do not fit the definition of anything human. They resemble another species
–a cold-blooded reptile – a human alligator feeding off us.
Throughout history, psychopaths have wrought power over regular people
but they were never a global threat. Today, corporations armed with
corporate law, corporate policy the political power of personhood, plus
computers, the Internet and immense wealth; their power knows no
bounds, they manipulate the whole world toward their self interest and our
Politicians, corporations, power brokers, religious leaders and CEO’s who
hide their extreme antisocial agenda in the reeds of charitable works and
religion, will tell you what you want to hear, while they manipulate you to
make themselves more powerful, more exempt from the law they and their
cronies wrote in their own self-interest.
Corporations do not have or exhibit any of the human values or
characteristics of love, care, compassion or empathy, yet they own and
control us without the experience of being us and we let them do it to us.
We obey….
A corporation, under the guidance of a skilled psychopathic CEO breeds
psychopathic attitudes in its employees, smothering their will, teaching
them to behave like corporate zombies, without prosocial feeling but with
deep commitment to the company’s profit and bottom line.
Millions of corporations, each with their psychopathic profit seeking
agenda, are literally destroying the prosocial “glue” that holds human

society together. The psychopathic energy of millions of corporations

linked together through business have metamorphosed into a global
psychopathic disease of greed, competition, profit and power undermining
the wellbeing, health and sanity of every human being on Earth.
As a result with each passing day human beings become more selfish, less
compassionate and more desperate to survive and get rich. We are
destroying each other.
We allow corporations to continue to pump extreme murderous behavior
into our lives, our precious values and our suffering planet, is tantamount
to feeding us a deadly disease. We cannot turn away from the knowledge
that we are infected by an epidemic of corporate antisocial behavior.
Our global corporations wield all political, financial, military and religious
power. They believe they are entitled to make laws for other people
because life has designated their corporation superior; demonstrated by the
extensive rewards they have reaped.
Each reward multiplies their sense of importance and increases their
detachment from the needs of the individual and the general public.
Seeking further reward, they justify their separation from us, imagining
they understand the needs of the public without any direct experience of
what it is to be in need.
In the past, there was always room to expand and grow or perhaps move
away from the oppression of the few. Now corporations control everything
from food, water, housing, transportation, politics, the economy, pollution,
climate change and natural resources. Where do you go to escape their
At this moment, most of the control of our lives rests in the hands of the
psychopathic corporate few who show no compassion or empathy
whatsoever toward the many.
Corporations create their own bought-and-paid-for laws to keep the many
in place, whilst strengthening their own power and position, self-absorbed
in their boundless greed and self-aggrandizement.
As regular people’s opportunities dwindle we see the corporations gaining
new unilateral power over us in an increasingly interconnected, monitored
and controlled psychopathic world. We regular people are being fashioned
into a permanent consumer class, subservient to the command of the few.

In seeking our own rewards, we look to those corporations who run our
lives and see them crushing us under their own psychopathic nature. They
have allowed their greed to prevent them from feeling or knowing the
truth about themselves or us
We accept the accept the extreme antisocial behavior of corporate CEO’s
We think we are their equals and see them as hard working, intelligent,
deserving and special. They see themselves as distinctly “superior,”
holding us in contempt. “Superior” psychopaths are responsible for the
world’s worst problems.
They are draining our shared planet of everything because they can and we
allow it, worshiping at the altar of their achievement. How can we blame
them, to deny them would deny ourselves.
The corporate media celebrate the rich and powerful corporations as great
achievers. Could it be that we are all fooled, not realizing we are infected
with a corporate psychopathic disease and a laying down our human rights
for business?
We the public, in our naivety, applaud psychopathic corporations, its white
collar businessmen and its predatory behavior because we want to have
their wealth and power, free from the groveling of poverty and despair. 
Corporations generous donations to charity is a shill, a tax write-off, cheap
publicity to tell the people they are kind and decent they respect us and are
worthy of our respect. Make no mistake, corporations are ravenous
wolves, you cannot tame them or change their behavior for they are
psychopathic greed machines.
All those with power over millions of lives at whatever level must be
committed to conscience, compassion and care for other people as a
prerequisite to holding any office.

Faith without works is  dead. 

James 2:14-26 (KJV)

Empathy creates higher prosociality and lowers anti-sociality.

T he constant exercising of power over people’s lives can lead to an

addiction to psychopathic power without conscience. This infectious
antisocial personality disorder is found rampant amongst the ruling class.
They make large profits from money they invest and/or lend to big
industry, who regularly cause large scale “collateralized” harm to human
beings and all living things; often destroying ecosystems, while severely
polluting the environment for profit without restitution.
The ruling class obviously does not carry out the actual damage caused by
the industries they fund but in order for them to responsibly fund those
client industries, they must be fully aware of what actions will be taken
and what damage will likely be caused. They grant the loan on the basis of
the expected economic return by the industry and their ability to repay the
loan, with little or no concern for the human and environmental
For the lender/investor and their client industries to go ahead with projects
that likely have a big human and/or environmental impact without apology
or forethought is not only morally reprehensible, it is a crime against
The fallout from the ruling class’ lack of care for people and the planet
will likely soon breed a death wish for all of us as the climate moves ever
closer toward an environmental extinction event.
When someone suffers direct physical violence it’s easy to see and
understand their suffering and recommend a suitable punishment.
Environmental, economic and societal damage is allowed to kill, injure,
pollute and threaten millions of people with little or consequences or
penalty for those doing the damage.
In the interest of public safety and the survival of the environment we
must “Take the keys away” from the ruling class who suffer from the
addiction to psychopathic power without conscience. Their only

consideration is for themselves and their profits, rather than facing their
responsibilities to their fellow man and the welfare of the planet.
Although they will claim they have no moral obligation to police the
projects put before them, nor to act with compassion and empathy toward
people and planet, we must remind them that their lives, like ours,
increasingly hang in the environmental balance, before they fund other
ventures that further hasten environmental and human collapse in the
name of their right to make a profit at anyone’s expense.
The ruling class is at the very zenith of the money supply chain. In the
present growing humanitarian and climate crisis, it is the ruling class who
ultimately control every aspect of human and planetary health. It is
tantamount to gross stupidity to allow those addicted to psychopathic
power without conscience or compassion to continue to fund and build
industries that have a terrifying destructive negative effect on the
environment, the planet and its people.
The ruling class remains unchallenged, resulting in endless economic,
environmental and human war disasters that could have been avoided by
outlawing power without conscience.
Humanity’s future hangs in the balance and the ruling class must be held
to account and be persuaded to cease funding our world’s further
destruction. The continued use of psychopathic power without conscience
is insanity.
There is no democracy in America. Our vote is worthless. Our influence
over our “elected” government is nil. The psychopaths of the ruling class
and their political sycophants control everything. Politicians do what they
want. They have no concern for us.
“Democracy” is a meaningless slogan, created by the ruling class to win
us over every day, to keep us stupefied.
We swoon to its intoxicants and starry eyed, we obey. Let us keep count of
the ruling class’ fruits. They are taking advantage of our human nature and
secretly and legally trading on our good nature.
They are ruining regular people’s lives in broad daylight.

When is a politician a psychopath?

A corporation is a psychopathic entity; its behavior by definition is

greedy and extremely antisocial. It is out for itself at our expense at
all times, no matter what human destruction it causes. What is more,
psychopaths and psychopathic entities wear an undetectable mask of
sanity that prevents individuals and the public from recognizing their
psychopathic intent. Psychopathy is hidden, its secrecy is its power (think
Deep State); its power is sadistic and ready to kill.
Candidates running for a major public or private office that affects or
controls the lives of the many must be psychologically tested and found to
be qualified and compassionate human beings as a prerequisite for their
running for office or heading a large corporation.
This testing would be a necessary precaution to ensure a psychopath
would not be able to hold office, decimate the lives of millions or destroy
the planet for their own ends (again). When the psychopaths turn up to
complain with their lawyers, those lawyers must be tested too. By their
compassion or lack of it you shall know them.
Do not believe what psychopaths tell you they are. They are never who
you think they are. Their charitable giving is nothing but a tax “write off”
for their multi-billion dollar corporate empires. They take everything, they
suck you dry as their right, while they live “on high” behind closed doors,
in heavily guarded enclaves, laughing at your ineptitude and weakness
while they plot our demise with others like themselves.
When a psychopath tries to win an election, are they doing it to bring you
more opportunity? When a psychopathic personality puts down the poorer
“47%” of the population they are they kidding or lethal? When a
psychopath takes another billion-dollar bonus and uses it to consolidate
their power, are they building the economy and enhancing your
possibilities for power?
When a psychopath sends tons of cancer-causing fumes into the
atmosphere, do they care about you? No, this is a clear, horrific display of

the psychopathic personality’s destructive behavior. When there are

millions out of work and millions of hungry children living below the
poverty line, how can these psychopathic personalities seek even more
profit? How can they not give a damn about the people they are hurting?
The reason is clear and simple. They are mentally sick. They lack the
fundamentals that we know make up a prosocial human being – love,
compassion, honesty, integrity and care for others.
Psychopathic behavior destroys our environment, cripples economies,
seizes our homes, makes our laws, screws our rights, bribes our
representatives, rip us off and breaks our hearts. Our politicians, smile as
they deny people the right to vote, so that they can rule in favor of the
extreme rich.
We accept their behavior; our vote legitimizes it. We license them to take
our blood. Every psychopath wants profits, not people, not humanity, not
kindness, not sharing, not sweetness. They want profits all of the time and
fuck you if you get in the way.
Psychopaths are killing the people and the planet. “Sorry about the
asbestos in your lungs. Sorry about your terrible suffering. Sorry you’re
hungry. Sorry, it’s not my problem. You should get off your ass and make
something of yourself. I’m here to make a profit, now, get out of the way.”
The world is heading toward unending environmental disaster, where
every commodity will be hugely expensive. Permanent mass part-time
employment will be accepted as normal, as will the terrifying hardships of
poverty, while our psychopathic masters will live in inexcusable luxury
behind closed doors.
The essence of the psychopathic personality is to consume life. You will
obey its dictates in your economy, your wages, your weather, your health,
your rights and your freedom. It's a health issue: Psychopathic multi-
millionaires are addicted to getting more wealth at anyone’s extreme
The wealth and power of multi-millionaires is growing exponentially,
while our wealth and power diminishes every day. Their love of money
has them addicted to greed as if it was heroin and they are stealing from us
in every way they can to pay for their habit.
They have no love or compassion for their fellow man because they are
obsessed addicts who, for their own good and ours, need an intervention to

get them into the appropriate treatment. For us to achieve intervention, our
daily lives must change from being governed by the greed of multi-
millionaires to having our own method of independent self-governance.   
Morally, every politician, corporate head, banker, power broker and
religious leader who holds power and sway over thousands of lives should
possess compassion, empathy and care and show it in thought, word, and
deed. Politicians especially, must demonstrate a history of compassion. If
they fail to show compassion in their speech and actions, they must be
exposed, shamed, shunned and lose their jobs because they can’t “serve
the best interest of the American people.”
Politicians, bankers, CEOs and those holding power over people’s lives
must provide proof of their compassionate acts and pledge to future acts of
compassion. These leaders and rulers must be periodically examined for
symptoms of psychopathic personality disorder with tests – whether lie
detector tests, PET, MRI, CT or SPECT scans – to ensure they are with us
and not against us.
Regular people have the right to know if those controlling their lives have
their best interest at heart or if they have an evil intent. Like any
psychopath the corporate machine needs a mask. It must wear the face of
someone we see as often as we see our next-door neighbors (like Kim
Celebrities might inhabit your life, but they are not your friends.
Regardless of the intentions of those on whom it is bequeathed,
celebrity is the lieutenant of exploitation. Let’s turn our neighbors
back into our neighbors, and turn our backs on those who
impersonate them.
Corporations operate behind a public mask of sanity; a corporate veil or a
celebrity image. They are wholly deceitful for their own ends. They
present themselves as other than they are. They are fake, not real, not
human, just plain antisocial psychopaths, ready to destroy lives for profit.
The white collar psychopaths of government, bankers, oligarchs and the
ruling class are infected with a psychopathic virus.
Presently, both individual psychopaths and psychopathic corporations are
accepted as normal and caring of regular people. What they tell us is lies;
fake news. People, and truth no longer rule.

A corporation is the only predator we create for ourselves,
then pretend it has civil rights and a life of its own.

F our to eight percent of psychopaths control a psychopathic

corporation, compared to only 1% found in the regular population.
Our world provides massive rewards for psychopathic CEOs and the
investors who champion their psychopathic cause, eager to maximize their
profits. The extremes of their antisocial behavior is accepted by the public
and encouraged by in-house human resources departments in order to
maintain company profit.
The psychopathic CEOs of Silicon Valley, the center for social control,
forge the digital shackles for our everyday lives based on their own
emotionless, psychopathic thinking. Their digital analytics target the
public, leading them into the control of “Thou Shalt Obey,” narrowing
their freedom, controlling their actions, reducing their imaginations,
making them uniform and compliant to the psychopath’s cold-hearted
Psychopaths want you to accept their way as best. They want your respect,
adoration and subservience. They will tell you anything you want to hear
to get it while they undermine the very survival of Humanity. They only
care about what it takes to bring you to your knees.
Do not normalize psychopaths. Don’t think of them as people. Don’t try to
understand them. Don’t look for the good in them, there is none. Don’t be
fooled. Don't think their psychopathic actions are excusable. Don’t think
they are doing their best for us in a difficult world. What have the
psychopathic CEOs, giant corporations and puppet politicians done for
you lately?
Know them by the lands they have ruined, the towns they have decimated,
the industries they have cast aside, the workers and their families whom
they have tossed in the trash. Your life, your rights and your dreams are
sacrificial lambs on their altar. They are not okay. They are psychopaths,

so filled with self-loathing that they will decimate our entire beautiful
planet to console and entertain their debauched minds.
We cannot allow their extreme antisocial behavior to destroy everything
that is natural, honest, fair and true in our human experience. They kill the
arts and deny self-expression. They increase expenditure for war in the
name of keeping us safe from almost nothing at all. They do not care
about you; they have no emotion; to them, you are working scum.
Humanity is accepting eventual de-population by allowing
psychopaths to continue to rule over us. We are in the hands of the
most evil of evildoers. We must never believe them or accept them. We
must bring them to heel. We must remove the head of these snakes
before they bite into the necks of our children. We will solve the
world’s problems when we bring the psychopaths to heel.

What would you do if you knew your town had over 500 predatory
political psychopaths walking around town in plain view, destroying lots
of lives, causing fear, anguish and misery for the entire population? The
illusion of justice allows the predatory political psychopaths to remain
unrecognized by the frightened townspeople who seek justice. Would you
let predatory political psychopaths roam free to further their pursuit of
death? Would you try negotiating with them using the finest faculties of
reason to persuade the predatory psychopaths to stop their political
violence, when you know they will reject your reasoning? Would you
form investigative committees to decide the predatory political
psychopaths’ right to kill people with their life-destroying rampages?
There is no easy way to stop the political psychopaths and return your city
to safety. No matter what, the political psychopaths just carry on
destroying people’s lives uninterrupted, causing fear, anguish and misery
for the entire population.
What would you do if your town had over 500 cunning predatory
alligators walking around town in plain view, eating lots of people’s lives
like sandwiches, causing fear, anguish and misery for the entire

population? No illusion prevents the alligators from being recognized by

the frightened townspeople who seek justice. Would you let the predatory
alligators roam free to further their pursuit of death? Would you try
negotiating with them, using the finest faculties of reason to persuade the
alligators to stop their violence, when you know they will reject your
reasoning? No need for investigative committees to decide the predatory
alligators’ right to kill people with their life-destroying rampages? There is
an easy way to stop the predatory alligators.
You would just shoot them dead thus returning your city to safety.
The entire population of people’s lives would no longer be interrupted
by fear, anguish and misery. No matter what, the predatory alligators
would carry on as luggage.

No society wants you to become wise.
If people are wise they cannot be exploited.
If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated.
They cannot be forces in a mechanical life.
To live like robots they will assert their individuality.
They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them.
They would like to live in freedom.
Freedom comes with Wisdom They are inseparable.
And no society wants to be free.
The communist society, the capitalist society, the Hindu society (etc).
No society would like people to use their own intelligence.
Because the moment they start using their intelligence they become
dangerous. Dangerous to the establishment.
Dangerous to the people who are in power. Dangerous to the haves.
Dangerous to all kinds of oppression, exploitation and suppression.
Dangerous to the churches. Dangerous to the estates.
Dangerous to the nations. A wise man is a fire alive– aflame.
He would rather to die than to be enslaved.

It is easier for a psychopath to convince you
that you are crazy and don’t know what you are
talking about (“gaslighting”) than it is for you to
convince a psychopath or yourself of the reality
of who and what they are.

The CEO gave freedom to his employees by firing them

P sychopathic political/corporate philosophies are behind the corporate

takeover of our democracy. Some call it neoliberalism, which
legitimizes their psychopathic behavior while others call it the Free
Market Capitalism, both are causing massive problems for countless
millions of people. Psychopathic philosophies like these confuse us
because they are not built for our benefit.
People are not the concern of their agenda, they are business plans
masquerading as humanitarian philosophies. They have been written into
law to keep us from realizing what is being done to us and planned for us.
These philosophies generally means you are free to take care of yourself in
every way whether you like it or not or are able or not.
You are a work unit, a commodity to be used up and thrown away.
Corporate greed has grown exponentially. Now infesting every particle of
our lives in the eternal corporate search for more profit, these philosophies
ultimately authorize corporations the right to own us or take us down.
Anyway they spin it, you lose. Winner takes all.
We live in a grotesquely unequal society. There is no help for the poor
because there is no money in it. We are dependent on each other whether
we know it or not or like it or not. Our success or lack of it is rooted in our
psychology and upbringing, rich or poor. The man said, “My mother
always told me, you can achieve anything you want if you work hard. I
worked hard and I made it.
“If I can do it you can do it too.” I replied, “My mother always told me she
was right, I was wrong, and I would never make anything of myself. I
worked hard but I did not make it. Just because you made it that does not
give you the right to tell me what to do.”

Championed by right-wing conservatives in government
Ayn Rand’s Objectivism holds that the only moral course
is pure self-interest.

W e owe nothing, she insists, to anyone, even to members of our own

families. She described the poor and weak as "refuse" and
"parasites," and excoriated anyone seeking to assist them.
Apart from the police, the courts and the armed forces, there should be no
role for government: no social security, no public health or education, no
public infrastructure or transport, no fire service, no regulations, no
income tax.
Corporations dehumanize employees when they conceive of them as
contemptible objects to be used up and discarded.
I have not seen any Ayn Rand-style leaders who have rewarded anyone but
big corporations, the rich and themselves. What's more, those same people
have denied, killed off and continue to kill off every opportunity for those
who want to make something of their lives.
Rand’s ideas create the victim class. Their presumptuous judgment of
others is an obvious salute to their own capitalist “success.” One wonders
what bright vistas of your own creative intelligence you ignored or sold
out to be successful in the narrow, unjust, predatory world of capitalism.
Do you believe everyone must/should be a capitalist? Do you believe
everyone should “make something of themselves?” Everyone that doesn't
use the capitalist methodology, deserves nothing? Do you believe we are
independent of each other and those that “make something of themselves”
should rule over those that don't?
Do you think Rand style leaders have the right to cheat, lie and
misrepresent information to those who struggle to create a situation where
they can make more for themselves?
I, myself, have done many, many things. I've worked in a lot of rotten
jobs, I have created a lot of things and I have "put my money where my
mouth was" every time. I have made an effort to raise myself up by my

bootstraps but I was not validated/recognized for what I did and therefore I
would appear, looking from the outside, to be not doing anything with my
Since birth I have always tried to "make it" but I have found myself unable
to be an out-and-out capitalist because basically I am not in any way
competitive. It’s just not who I am.  Hey, I tried, but no matter what
discipline I was involved in, I was always deemed unsuitable and branded
as a non-competitive free spirit and still am.
Do you think I deserve to live? Should I expect to live in poverty with no
health care? Do you think eugenics for people like me is a lost art and
should be practiced on me in your obvious need to conjure and promote a
master race? 
Imagine you are lying in the street in need of help and some guy comes up
and says the reason you are in need of help is because you didn't make
something of yourself? Does the guy's comment help you, does it inspire
you and lift you up or does it make you feel small?
Those who follow Rand, make people feel small and stupid for not being
able to conform to Rand’s system.   Are you looking down on people,
separating them, isolating them and your attitude is little more than
racism, where Randians are gods and the rest of us are dogs (to be
Ayn Rand despised the poor but at the end of her life was more than glad
to take Social Security. Ayn Rand’s book “Atlas Shrugged” has become
compulsory reading for politicians, interns and employees of right-wing
conservative political bodies, thus spreading Rand’s evil psychopathic
ideas into new generations irrespective of the needs of society.

Kneel or Starve
Neoliberalism is a self-serving racket that exempts billionaires and
large corporations from the constraints of democracy, from paying
their taxes, from not polluting, from having to pay fair wages, from
not exploiting their workers. Neoliberalism: How a ruthless network
of super-rich ideologues killed choice and destroyed people’s faith in
Neoliberalism = austerity, deindustrialization, anti-unionism, endless war
and globalization — to empower and enrich the rich. Kneel or Starve. We
see the lives of regular people in America and across the world confused
ruined and destroyed because there is no money for people or the
government services that allows society to function.
At the heart of economic decline stands the almost invisible ideology of
neoliberalism, the private and public financialization of everything.
Seldom recognized as an ideology, neoliberalism has redefined citizens as
consumers and competition as the defining characteristic of human
relations, where the process rewards merit and punishes inefficiency.
Neoliberalism’s anonymity is both a symptom and cause of its power.
It has played a major role in a remarkable variety of crises: the
financial meltdown of 2007-8, the offshoring of wealth and power, the
slow collapse of public health and education, resurgent child poverty,
the epidemic of loneliness, the collapse of ecosystems, the rise of
fascism ideology. Neoliberalism was created to serve the interests of
the ruling class. Neoliberalism promises you freedom to fight for your
own survival unaided.
The Free Market economy was created by psychopaths to advantage
psychopaths. It destroys everything other than itself, like a cancer
devouring the healthy tissue of its host.
It is the profoundly anti-democratic nature of neoliberalism backed by the
authoritarianism of the neoconservatives that should surely be the main
focus of political struggle.

The whole point of neo-liberalists is that they do not want Democracy and
believe the country/world should be in the control of powerful
authoritarians who direct the fate of all human beings. But it is
incompatible with its professed goals of helping the poor and protecting
the environment.
Neoliberalism rules the market, free from the state, or government
restriction, for capital, goods and services. The market is self-regulating,
allowing the “trickle down” notion of wealth distribution and includes the
deunionizing of labor forces and removal of any impediments to capital
mobility, such as regulations.
The democratic deficit in nominally “democratic” countries such as the
US is now enormous. Political representation is compromised and
corrupted by money power, to say nothing of an all too easily manipulated
and corrupted electoral system. Basic institutional arrangements are
seriously biased. Senators from twenty-six states with less than 20% of the
population have more than half the votes to determine the Congressional
legislative agenda.
The blatant gerrymandering of congressional districts gives the advantage
to whoever is in power, furthermore, deemed constitutional by a judicial
system increasingly packed with political appointees of a neoconservative
The ideological and physical hold of American imperial power, buttressed
by the utopian ideology of neoliberalism and global capitalism, is
unraveling. Most, including many of those at the heart of the American
empire, recognize that every promise made by the proponents of
neoliberalism is a lie.
Global wealth, rather than being spread equitably, as neoliberal proponents
promised, has been funneled upward into the hands of a rapacious, ruling
class, creating vast economic inequality.
The working poor, whose unions and rights have been taken from them
and whose wages have stagnated or declined over the past 40 years, have
been thrust into chronic poverty and underemployment, making their lives
one long, stress-ridden emergency.
The middle class is evaporating. Cities that once manufactured products
and offered factory jobs are boarded-up wastelands. Prisons are
overflowing. Corporations have orchestrated the destruction of trade

barriers, allowing them to stash $2.1 trillion in profits in overseas banks to

avoid paying taxes.
The neoliberal order, despite its promise to build and spread democracy,
has hollowed out democratic systems to turn them into corporate
leviathans. Democracy, especially in the United States, is a farce, vomiting
up conservative demagogues and antisocial politicians.
These neoliberal forces are also rapidly destroying the ecosystem. The
Earth has not had this level of climate disruption since 250 million years
ago when it underwent the Permian-Triassic extinction, which wiped out
perhaps 90 percent of all species.
Neoliberalism or free-market fundamentalism now shapes all aspects of
life in the United States but also a predatory global phenomenon.
Neoliberalism advocates reducing public expenditure for social services,
such as health and education, by the government and wants deregulation,
to allow market forces to act as a self-regulating mechanism. Privatization
of public enterprise from water to the Internet.
The good freedoms are lost, the bad ones take over.
The neoliberals and their funders have created a huge international
network of foundations, institutes, research centers, publications, scholars,
writers and public relations hacks to develop, package and push their ideas
and doctrine relentlessly. They have made neoliberalism seem as if it were
the natural and normal condition of humankind.
Neoliberalism has become the major world religion with its dogmatic
doctrine, its priesthood, its law-giving institutions and perhaps most
important of all, its hell for heathen and sinners who dare to contest the
revealed truth.
Neoliberalism says the contributions of the wellborn, the best educated,
the toughest, will eventually (trickle down economics) benefit everyone.
Nothing is owed to the weak, the poorly educated, what happens to them
is their own fault, never the fault of society.
Another implication of competition as the central value of neoliberalism is
that the public sector must be brutally downsized because it does not and
cannot obey the basic law of competing for profits or for market share.
Privatisation is one of the major economic transformations

Another structural feature of neoliberalism consists in remunerating

capital to the detriment of labor and thus moving wealth from the bottom
of society to the top. If you are, roughly, in the top 20 percent of the
income scale, you are likely to gain something from neoliberalism and the
higher you are up the ladder, the more you gain.
Conversely, the bottom 80% all lose and the lower they are
to begin with, the more they lose proportionally.
In reality, as was perfectly predictable, moving money up the economic
ladder has led to stock market bubbles, untold paper wealth for the few,
and the kind of financial crises we shall be hearing a lot about in the
course of this conference.
If income is redistributed towards the bottom 80% of society, it will be
used for consumption and consequently benefit employment. If wealth is
redistributed towards the top, where people already have most of the
things they need, it will go to international stock markets.
The common denominator of these institutions is their lack of
transparency and democratic accountability. This is the essence of
neoliberalism. It claims that the economy should dictate its rules to
society, not the other way around.
The ruling class’ politicians provide the rationale for slash-and-burn
policies intended to deprive government-financed social and educational
programs of the funds needed to enable them to work, if not survive.
Along with health care, public transportation, Medicare, food stamp
programs for low-income children, and a host of other social protections,
public goods and social provisions are being defunded or slashed as part of
a larger scheme to dismantle and privatize all public services, goods and
The passion for public values has given way to the ruthless quest for
profits and the elevation of self-interests over the common good. The
educational goal of expanding the capacity for critical thought and the
outer limits of the imagination has given way to the instrumental desert of
a mind-deadening audit culture.
We cannot forget that the deficit arguments and austerity policies
advocated in its name are a form of class warfare designed largely for the
state to be able to redirect revenue in support of the commanding

institutions of the corporate-military-industrial complex and away from

funding higher education, health care, a jobs program, a social wage,
workers' pensions and other crucial public services. Of course, the larger
goal is to maintain the ongoing consolidation of class power in the hands
of the 1%.
The United States is among the richest countries in all of history. But if
you're not one of the corporate, political or financial ruling class, you'd
never know it. In the world working people inhabit, our infrastructure is
collapsing, our schools are laying off teachers, our drinking water is barely
potable, our cities are facing bankruptcy, and our public and private
pension funds are nearing collapse.
Freedom from trade unions and collective bargaining means the freedom
to suppress wages. Freedom from regulation means the freedom to poison
rivers, endanger workers, charge iniquitous rates of interest and design
exotic financial instruments. Freedom from tax means freedom from the
distribution of wealth that lifts people out of poverty.
The privatisation or marketization of public services such as energy, water,
trains, health, education, roads and prisons has enabled corporations to set
up tollbooths in front of essential assets and charge rent, (unearned
income) either to citizens or to government, for their use.
Neoliberalism kills you, its principle is psychopathic:
Your death for my profit
Now opportunities have dried up for everyone except the investor class
with their control over government. Desperation will only grow and unrest
will follow. Our trust is broken; we are in the deepest denial; the unhinged,
unregulated global neoliberal economy does not support the biosphere
(planet) and operates against its welfare and ours. It is tearing down the
very foundations of our culture, overturning and disqualifying every
humanist premise.
Fascism is defined as the subordination of every part of the State to a
totalitarian and nihilistic ideology. Neoliberalism is a species of fascism; it
subjugates the government and every aspect of human life and thought to
its monstrous will. America is at its disposal while it subordinates, lords
over and threatens the common good of Humanity.
Neoliberal Economics is against all of our own best interests. It is in

competition with the laws of the elected government; it compromises the

democratic power of the law and replaces the “obstacles” of “democratic”
politics by purchasing the laws corporations want to protect them from the
will of the people. It does not prescribe the same medicine for itself that it
makes its subjects take.
Social Darwinism predominates as its message; austerity is its value,
assigning the most stringent performance requirements to everyone and
everything. Its well-ordered austerity  begins with others, not themselves.
Evaluation reigns supreme. We must comply, and everyone is obliged to
justify everything.
Neoliberalism’s Free Trade gives the ruling class the right to freely and
legally extract the life out of you and the planet (extreme antisocial
behavior) as if it and we were the necessary raw materials to keep their
corporations flourishing. The shortcomings in your performance can
condemn you to disappear because neoliberal economics demands your
sweat and blood until you drop, no matter what age you are. To be weak is
to fail.
Neoliberalism monopolizes our rationality, deforms our reality, and
distorts our language. We lose our liberty, freedom, dignity and honor to it.
It stifles our creativity and critical thinking and no longer needs justice
because it has bought the power of the law and we must comply. They use
the police and the military to enforce their will and laws on us.
Our economists see the ecosystem a subsystem of the economy.
Neoliberalism fosters the viewing of pain and suffering as
entertainment, warfare a permanent state of existence, and militarism
as the most powerful force shaping masculinity. Under neoliberalism,
economic activity is removed from its ethical and social consequences
and any type of moral consideration.
The super-rich neoliberal ruling class denies us and ignores us. We
can’t get fair treatment from them. We can’t teach them. We can’t
threaten them. We can’t shut them up or down. We can’t appeal to
their better nature, and we can’t buy them off. How can we stop them
taking advantage of us and ruining the planet and its citizens?


America is in a war against Humanity.
It is a psychopath with unlimited appetite for death.
America has become a country that projects everything
that it is not and condemns everything that it is.

A merica, once the land of opportunity for every American, is now the
land of the unelected ruling class. In pursuance of their own agenda
they have denied even the most “commonsense” needs of regular people
and put the health of the nation at risk.
The ruling class is operating unseen and unidentified, hidden behind a veil
of secrecy, advancing American Capitalist Imperialism through their
control of the American military, the banks and the oil and gas industry.
Under their leadership, the military industrial complex kills thousands of
people in support of their policy of endless war. The banks suck the
economic life out of millions of families at will, while the oil and gas
industry destroys the environment, the climate, and the very air we
The ruling class pursuit of power and profit is unprecedented and
destructively antisocial, allowing nothing and no one to stand in their way
of the unlimited control of all policies foreign and domestic. To that end,
they have purchased our politicians and written our laws, giving
themselves unregulated, unilateral power at the expense of the American
Our rights are wronged. Democracy is a corpse killed dead by the miasma
of the ruling class’ greed and hypocrisy. It is evil, deceitful and
manipulative. It knows no compassion, remorse, empathy, guilt or
conscience as it tortures, dismembers and kills for profit.
The ruling class is invisible to the public eye, hidden beneath an
undetectable mask of sanity no one can see through. Unable to feel
"normal" human emotions or sympathy, they dominate and subdue their
victims. So convincing is their mask, no one dares question their matter-
of-fact demeanor or their remorselessly demanding total control of their
victims for their own advantage.

Unlike violent psychopaths, the ruling class’ psychopathic violence is less

localized, less recognizable, and less prosecutable. Their violence is
indirect, hidden, insidious.
The ruling class have created war, climate change, misery, fear, stress,
pollution, poverty, anxiety, wage inequality, homelessness, debt and water
shortages, disease and population control. Theirs is the offer we can’t
refuse or defend against.
The violence of their continuous destruction, authoritarian control and
extremes of antisocial behavior is thrust on our vast population without the
blink of an eye, as they economically cripple America, bringing its people
down to their subservient knees, killing the very nature of what it means to
be human.
The ruling class number around 120,000. They are terrorists, rapacious,
money-mad psychopaths raping and killing in an insane world. They have
no conscience; they work against the common good, your welfare and
your survival.
They are not just people who think differently, nor are they open to
rational arguments or appeals to their humanity and compassion. They
destroy people to protect their wealth and power and care far more for
their wealth and power than their own children. Their greed is insatiable;
their egomania unbounded, their unscrupulousness is absolute and their
lack of empathy and compassion is total.
The ruling class’ propaganda totally dominates society, politics, religion,
mainstream media, advertising, entertainment and government public
relations, projecting unprecedented fear, hatred, suspicion and false flag
information into our society, dividing it, making it sadistic, callous, greedy
and unprincipled. Their “Free market Capitalism” is a malignant cancer
killing people everywhere with ecological destruction, massive pollution,
record inequality, increased poverty, misery and utter disregard for future
generations. They are moving Humanity and the planet toward a mass
extinction event.
The ruling class does not need us “useless eaters” in this age of
automation, robotization and computerization. Our demands for justice
and equality represent a direct threat to the wealth and power of the ruling
class. They will willingly exterminate any surplus populations including

us, to expand and protect their own financial interest. The future promises
us unprecedented brutality, mass murder and human extermination.
We must retire the ruling class from all political power structures and
create a humane, compassionate, egalitarian, just and life-affirming global
human society, ending poverty, by redistributing the riches of the ruling
class to regular people, or Humanity will be made extinct in this century.
Could it actually be that the ruling class is in fact psychopaths hidden from
public view and scrutiny, who practice extreme antisocial behavior on
Humanity for their own gain? We are unable to control or end their
domination because our leaders and politicians are under the control of the
ruling class, having been compromised, blackmailed and brought to their
knees in service of the ruling class at the expense of the climate and all
I can only see one way to change anything fast enough to save us from the
expanding political terror facing America because every other avenue for
change is blocked by false facts, restrictive laws and political corruption.
No amount of voting, money or protest will alter the course we are on.
We need a new non-violent tactic. Those who are paid to represent and
protect us, when judged by the "fruits" of their actions, are "so-called"
non-violent predator psychopaths, exhibiting extremely antisocial
behavior toward those in their realm, resulting in the insidious destruction
of the climate, Humanity and the future of all of us.
America’s public enemy number one is psychopathic thinking. It is the
deadly defining principle that runs unregulated through our political
representatives, government and big corporate capitalism. Accepted as
normal by successful people, psychopaths are hidden behind a "mask of
sanity" and show no compassion, conscience, guilt or remorse whatsoever
for the plight of the American public.
Their lack of empathy results in self-serving action that is consistently
abusive and hostile toward regular people and the common good. They act
in direct contradiction to the shared values we accept that define us as
human beings. They exhibit the "collateral damage" traits of so called non-
violent psychopaths, and are, by definition, not human beings.
Should they then be allowed to govern human beings or have human
rights? Or should we hold them to recognized human standards and

publicly expose and undermine them as psychopaths who willingly

destroy us for their own personal power and short-term profit? The
trusting American public has a right to know and a right to demand that
human beings, not psychopaths, run America.
To assess the "personality" of the corporate "person," a checklist is
employed, using diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization and
the standard diagnostic tool of psychiatrists and psychologists. The
operational principles of the corporation give it a highly anti-social
"personality": it is self-interested, inherently amoral, callous and deceitful;
it breaches social and legal standards to get its way; it does not suffer from
guilt, yet it can mimic the human qualities of empathy, caring and
Four case studies, drawn from a universe of corporate activity, clearly
demonstrate harm to workers, human health, animals and the biosphere.
Concluding this point-by-point analysis, a disturbing diagnosis is
delivered: the institutional embodiment of laissez-faire capitalism fully
meets the diagnostic criteria of a psychopath.
Given that the modern interpretation of corporate charters makes corporate
officers invulnerable managers of legalized crime syndicates, it makes
perfect sense the psychological makeup of these same officers would
closely resemble criminals in prison. In a just society, they would be in
prison. In a criminal society, they make out like bandits behaving like
Corporations have zero desire to “weed out” psychopaths. They love
psychopaths. They reward them lavishly and scoot them on up the
ladder. It isn't just CEO's, corporate officers and the board of
directors is likely to be made up of psychopaths too. The individual
psychopaths metastases, spreading the death process.
Corporations know no different.


If you are an oil company you can poison
injure and kill people and the planet with your products.
You will not be held accountable.

C alifornia farmers are desperate for water. Every year, Chevron sells
back billions of gallons of recycled oil extraction wastewater to
them. This water contains acetone, oil, and methylene chloride, a known
carcinogen nearly four times the amount found in a contaminated
Arkansas river after the 2013 ExxonMobil tar sands pipeline failure.
Our farmers assume the water is passing health standards, but the
government authorities and local water boards charged with
overseeing this practice are relying on decades-old monitoring, which
does not test for carcinogens or the chemicals used in modern day oil
Big oil companies like Chevron, Shell, BP and Koch etc., are aware of
their environmental destruction, their disgusting pollution and their "en
masse" spreading of cancer-causing agents worldwide. Their outrageous
activities are premeditated, encouraged and applauded by our political
representatives, even though oil company activities are designed to get
more profit and political power for those companies, irrespective of the
harm they cause to the environment and the public health and welfare.
Big oil companies want to expand their activities for their increased profit
and political power. They want the freedom to exploit, pollute and kill the
delicate balance of the natural environment, without anyone interfering
with their activities or reminding them they are actually contributing to the
death of millions of innocent people.
Big oil wants more for themselves at anyone’s expense and on their
orders, Congress will attempt to close the Environmental Protection
Big oil company CEOs and shareholders know their company activities
are inhuman and predatory, yet they continue to spread misery, insidious
suffering and death to Earth’s peoples. The tens of thousands of well-

drilling activities on land and sea have polluted our oceans and ripped
apart our climate. Oil company political power has bound us to them,
killed our human rights and tortured millions with the poisonous effluent
they create.
The public accepts themselves as powerless victims of the oil companies.
They live in denial and they hope that some miracle will save them and
their children from the oil company pollution of their water, air and food.
They hope the government will save them or that oil companies will do
“the right thing” but big oil continues to expand.
Big oil knowingly, willingly and happily destroys the health and well
being of their human victims and the planet, for their own huge profit,
their overwhelming political power and their sadistic enjoyment of their
own huge profit. Therefore, consider this: Big oil company activities act
like psychopaths and create the same result as the killer psychopath
Dennis Rader, aka BTK, but their crimes are bigger, much bigger.
Dennis Rader is the American serial killer who called himself BTK. "Bind,
Torture, Kill” illustrated his preferred method of murder. Like all
psychopaths, Rader thought he was entitled to practice whatever obscene
activities he wanted on his victims; terrifying them, to satisfy his
murderous urges to bind, torture and kill. He had a charming public
persona; he was always ready to help people and like many serial killers,
he was very personable, charitable and known for his good works. He was
a cub-scout leader and was elected to be President of his local Lutheran
Church Council.
In discussing Dennis Rader’s “Bind, Torture, Kill” serial killer activities,
we are also compelled to compare the murderous killing activity carried
out on a much larger scale by Chevron, Shell, BP and the Koch Brothers
etc. Big oil companies are psychopaths. They bind us with their laws they
write. They torture us, destroying our health, economics and environment
while their pollution kills the planet.
Oil company psychopaths don’t want to be exposed as serial killers; they
thrive on deceit and lies, spending billions to convince us they are “just
like us,” reasonable, caring, loving, human beings. When all is said and
done, they too “Bind Torture and Kill” and like psychopaths, big oil’s
motives are hidden behind a facade of friendly human warmth.

Appealing to big oil companies to cut production and pollution has no

effect. Warnings from scientists and environmental experts have no effect.
The corporate media keeps us uninformed. Politicians don’t listen to their
constituents, drowning out their true feelings, burying them with their
morals. They deceive themselves, ignoring the catastrophic price we pay
for companies drilling for more oil. Legislation against big oil pollution is
shelved because every politician is on big oil’s BTK payroll.
It’s all very nice to have a “civilized conversation” with big oil in our
attempts to get them to stop their murderous BTK activities, but
remember, like BTK, they don’t care about you at all. Convict them in the
court of public opinion. At every public relations opportunity let’s attach
the brand name "Bind, Torture, Kill" to all big oil companies, think of
them as serial killers. "Chevron, Shell, BP and Exxon, Bind, Torture and
Big oil binds, tortures and kills us all. Their CEOs drink champagne
in their country home far from the ugliness they have left for us.


Lady Justice is an allegorical personification of the moral forces
in judicial systems, equipped with a sword symbolizing the
court's coercive power, a scale for weighing competing claims,
and a blindfold indicating impartiality.
We have three co-equal branches of government
and one, the Supreme Court, is composed of nine unelected
men and women.

W hen the Supreme Court gave human personhood to corporations,

they created and set free millions of living psychopathic entities on
us until we all die.
Are the conservative members of the Supreme Court impartial or do they

act as extensions of their political party preferences, because they are

above the law? Are our top justices, in fact, politically motivated activists
whose judgment reflects their own personal political views and privilege?
Justice does alter when you are wealthy enough to buy the truth you want?
Any court that claims impartiality while acting politically is corrupt
and should be charged with crimes against the American people.
Conservative Supreme Court justices, instead of remaining impartial, have
pledged their support to super-rich corporations, granting corporations the
same voting rights as regular citizens, thus advancing and empowering the
will of corporations over the will of the electorate.
Justice is supposed to be blind, but the public is not blind to the justices’
conservative political manipulations. They know it is a criminal act for
any members of any court to be influenced by personal preference, money,
a prejudicial point of view or political/financial affiliations.
Any such action constitutes a clear conflict of interest. The Supreme Court
holds the trust of the people and they are the last bastion for justice and
impartiality. They are the most vital legislators of our individual human
rights but they interpret the law according to their politics. This is not
justice, this is betrayal of America and everything it stands for.
“Plato and Aristotle deemed greed to be at the root of personal immorality,
as we all do, arguing that greed drives desires for material gain at the
expense of ethical standards.”
The conservative justices do not in any way harness greed in their
deliberations. Instead, they have created emotional distress and anger in
the hearts of regular citizens limiting their power and freedom while
expanding the power and freedom of corporations to be as greedy as they
They have chosen machine over man, manipulating and crushing the
impartiality of the judiciary and with it our trust. They have bent the
electoral system, taken power from the people and trashed democracy.
The Supreme Court, in giving personhood to corporations, has promoted
the predatory personality of every corporation as it marches toward
corporate fascism and abridges the rights of regular people. Likewise,
conservative states’ governors and their local courts have been taken over

by corporate-promoted ideologies and, following the lead of the Supreme

Court, have privileged corporations at the expense of the citizenry.
The court has ruled that “money is speech” and therefore large
corporations have the ability to use their tremendous wealth to publicize
their views and advocate candidates they favor. Their millions of dollars
ensure they speak with a voice a million times louder than the average
voter. As a result, corporations are escalating their control of all politics,
the government, the fate of the environment and our global future.
In their frenzied hunt for wealth and power, corporations are rewriting the
law for their own benefit so they may practice their extreme behavior on a
massive scale. People run corporations, and it is only people who can
challenge and change them. The difference between corporations and
human beings is that a corporation’s ravenous need for profit shows no
mercy whatsoever. Corporations fund politicians and use a “tell lies to
win” strategy, brainwashing voters into accepting corporate interests
above their own.
Corporate people run corporations but their drive to maximize profits at
any cost to the general population is unjust, inexcusable and immoral and
should be a punishable offence.
Most critically, corporations (legal persons) are favored throughout the
justice system and not imprisoned for economically hurting millions or for
destroying the environment, while natural persons committing even minor
offences may be punished severely.
Can you believe the greatest legal minds think that it is right and just to
give a set of corporate papers the same rights as a human person while
allowing pieces of corporate paper more speech than a real person? We
have mistakenly permitted our Supreme Court justices to compound the
disgusting capitalist madness that bring us all to our knees. These nine
justices must be held accountable for the damage they do us both
economically and emotionally by elevating a corporation’s interests above
The Supreme Court enables billionaires to use their money to impose their
will on those who can’t defend themselves, suffocating the will of the
voters. The law must be able to be recognized by everyone as fair. Three
Supreme Court justices didn’t recuse themselves from cases in which they

held stock in companies interested in the outcomes.

Can these justices be trusted to interpret the law when they legislate
politically for the benefit of the ruling class?
The law is and has been constantly purchased by corporations for benefit
of corporations and the law not longer reflects justice for people at all. (i.e.
Citizens United/failure to protect the environment etc.)
The Supreme Court applies the law against common sense using
political obstinacy, rampant stupidity and the absence of morality.
The real problem is the public’s acceptance of the highest court in the land
as a balanced arbiter when it is so obviously a corporate shill. It is beyond
me why we as the public accept rulings that go against the very fabric of
our human nature and verifiable existence.
Today’s crisis of legitimacy is rampant and hardcore. It favors the
antisocial forces that know nothing of compassion, truth or justice.
The law is a corporate product bought for cash.

Can we understand crazy, if we do not know what crazy is?

S elf-righteous politicians, corporations, religions and individuals all

have the answers to the problems facing America, offering their
narrow belief in their own self-righteous ideology as their cure-all. They
claim their “truth” supersedes everyone else’s.
They care little for the non-believers they call “others,” whom they
exclude and marginalize when their opinions conflict with their own. In
their blind self-righteousness they deny the inclusivity of humanity in
favor of the “truth” of their own self-righteous, overbearing perspective
that disavows the freethinking of “others.”

Political conservatives are self-righteous. Their position on everything is:

“I am right and you are wrong. I know better than you, you should agree
with me and do as I do or suffer the consequences.”
They frighten us with fear of what might be. Threatening us with lies and
conjured consequences to protect their dogmatic certainty, they are driven
to continually attack the belief systems of “others” in favor of their own.
They want to undermine our sense of self and split us away from the
beliefs we hold true, deliberately demeaning our right to think for
ourselves and be the boss of who we are. They want us to fall into the
same web of control and submission they themselves are victims of, in
order to substantiate and reinforce the righteousness of their denigration of
the belief system of “others.”
In power, self-righteous conservatives are fuelled by vast sums of money
and an authoritarian self-righteousness that is greedy, destructive, selfish
and often merciless. They have no use for democracy or the opinions of
others. They “know” and act unilaterally with impunity to the detriment of
all. Their heartless hypocrisy and narrow ideology twists and disqualifies
facts, history and science that in any way contradicts or conflict with their
narrow tainted vision.
Conservative self righteousness feels justified, entitled and authorized to
act against all non--believers in any way they see fit. Their one-sided
thinking is cruel, antisocial and psychopathic, born out of a delusional,
fear filled corporate philosophy advocating the need to divide, separate,
control and neutralize the rationale of “others” at their expense.
Their modus operandi prevents the unity of all “others” against them,
atomizing society, weakening it, isolating people one from the other,
causing argument, conflict, poverty, misery and war.
Self-righteousness is an aberration against human development,
sanity and curiosity.
We are better than this!

First thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.
Armies of lawyers are an integral part of human life; they are the unseen
power behind everything, everywhere in America and the world. Lawyers
are behind everything we touch, everything we possess, everything we do,
everything we want, everything we don’t want, every aspect of money,
crime, trade, taxes, war, lobbyists, corporations, government and all
human rights.
To defend yourself, or even make a legal point, you must have a lawyer.
To retain and use a lawyer you have to pay them a lot of money. The law
is supposed to work for justice for all. The ordinary citizen, who, like
most, is living paycheck to paycheck, is now unable to afford to engage a
lawyer for their personal defense or in prosecution of wrongdoing against
them, no matter what the crime. Justice is no longer served unless you can
afford it. Those with endless funds can tie up the courts, diminish the law
and defy the most obvious wrongdoing, by employing teams of lawyers to
clear them of guilt.
The Ruling Class controls all justice and the justice system in America.
Poor innocents are labeled criminals, prosecuted and jailed, while the rich
criminals of industry, politics, banking and the military are literally labeled
innocent in the name of the law that lawyers control and always create.
The ruling class has lawyers for every iota of life, every plan, every claim
and every defense and prosecution. Every product and service we buy,
every aspect of human activity from birth to death, every regulation, every
vote, every bit of surveillance, every politician every corporation, all have
their army of highly paid carnivorous lawyers behind them, ready to
defend or prosecute their every plan, every action, every move and every
There is no escape. Lawyers are the war machines of the wealthy. They are
the key players and planners of all our American lives whether we like it
or not or see them or not. They wield the axe of destruction or the shield
of defense for whoever pays them the most money, irrespective of the

Lawyers are seldom concerned with justice. They are not paid to be just,
they are paid to win for their client, no matter what or whom they have to
hurt, bankrupt or crush to win their case. They are paid big to win big.
They create law, translate law and use the law in any and every way in
order to win.
Lawyers are always on the side of their wealthy paymasters. They are
cold, amoral, and mercenary; for them, money talks and justice walks.
Lawyers are not concerned with justice; they are by definition hard-nosed
conservatives only on the side of their client, right or wrong.
In court, lawyers of accepted and supposed impeccable character playing
the role of the “Pillars of Society to audience.” Their devious theatrical
performances are those of professional actors, creating dramatic artful
scenes and historical references to convince the usually “economically-
insecure” jury of their client’s righteousness or not. If their client is
inhumane, they will hammer the nails in the coffin of the righteous as
happily as they would any criminal.
Lawyers intimidate most regular people; they represent the law, the police,
authority, righteousness and control. They are formidable weapons in the
hands of their clients. Their job is to prove what their client wants them to
prove. The law is always on their side and beyond the ken of regular folk,
placing regular people at a distinct disadvantage, putting them into a
vulnerable position of being unable to defend themselves or understand
what the law is.
The law is so damned complicated it demands a lawyer to disentangle
right from wrong. Regular people must have a “good” lawyer, without one
they are defenseless, doomed to lose. No one can do anything without a
lawyer. The more money you have, the more law and lawyers you can
have and the more power you have to diminish your opposition’s
argument over the weak, no matter how just their cause might be.
Only the ruling class, governments and corporations can afford
armies of lawyers, only they rich can defend and attack justice.
Justice for those who can’t afford it doesn't exist.
Lawyers make it impossible for the public to right wrongs and
prosecute the criminality of corporations, politicians, polluters and
white collar and economic and criminality. Lawyers are the control
mechanism of the ruling class.

Lawyers are the defenders of those who can afford them, they are the
prosecutors of the poor not their defenders. If a corporation is destroying
the environment, scamming the voting system or destroying the lives of
thousands, lawyers support their clients desires; right or wrong.
Ordinary people with problems are always on the losing side of their battle
for justice. Lawyers do not play fair, they favor the rich and powerful; they
do not care if you live or die, they only care about arranging the law to suit
their client’s and their own purposes. Lawyer represent the rich white
collar psychopaths who want more wealth and power at the expense of
ordinary citizens so they can take advantage of us and put us where they
think we belong; under their authoritarian dictates for their profit and
The truth is lost; our hope for justice is gone. Our society is in the clench
of the law and its abstract hieroglyphics. Only lawyers put the rich on top
of everyone else, they can always win no matter what.
The ruling class’ agenda rules because their money controls the law and
stops most every poor persons attempt to find justice irrespective of the
legitimacy of their case. The rich client’s money enables lawyers to run
out the ordinary claimant’s ability to continue their fight. For the rich,
justice is always on your side because you can afford it.
Make crime pay, become a lawyer.

Politics: the art of using euphemisms,
lies, emotionalism and fear-mongering
to dupe average people into accepting--
or even demanding their own enslavement.

Politicians socialize the pain and privatize the gain.


Many Conservative politicians have no empathy or

emotion. They do not know love. They are psychopaths
hidden behind a “mask of sanity” that presents them
as Christians, but they are not Christians. They are
“Caricatures of Christians.” Their actions are not
Christ-like. They take everything from their fellow
man. They create misery, pain, civil oppression,
economic failure, and endless war in the name of Jesus.


O ur politicians ARE effectively one and on the same side whether they
claim to be or not. Generally speaking, both the left and the right of
politics are controlled by corporate money and corporate desires.
Politicians speak with forked tongue. They are all conservatives.
The left is made up of people who (ostensibly) generally support social
change to create a more egalitarian society. They usually display a
concern for those in society who are disadvantaged relative to others
and an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities that should
be reduced or abolished.
Right-wing conservatism made up of people who view inequality as
inevitable, natural, normal or desirable, whether it arises through
traditional social differences or from competition in market
economics. They claim that people can leave inferior status positions
and raise themselves up by changing their choices or behavior.
Right-wing politicians oppose and destroy rational thought. They feel they
are superior to other people and therefore entitled to lie, mislead and
deceive the electorate, so they can convince the electorate into supporting
their agenda of control by their superiority.
Conservative politicians’ sense of self is rooted in wealth, power and
possessions, displacing and obscuring their relationship both with their
“emotional self” and the will of the electorate.
As a result, they are left with an irrational, delusional relationship with an
inanimate agenda that relates only to business and profit, rather than to the
needs of the electorate who is employing them. They tell themselves that
the electorate does not deserve to know the truth and couldn’t handle it
anyway because the electorate has less and is less than they are.
Their political messaging has continually misrepresented vital information
to gain public support to dominate the electorate and the media with their
agenda. Ultimately, they seek total subjugation and control of the public.

Their opposition and destruction of the will of the electorate must be

treated as a destructive crime.
Conservative politicians feel compelled to destroy rational thought in
others. In their undermining and quashing all opposition, they maintain
their sense of superiority and control of the country.
The conservative delusionary mind is typically a symptom of a mental
disorder that firmly maintains a set of delusional beliefs that they are
entitled to rule. They fully believe they are “the chosen ones.”
Conservative supporters believe the conservative message because they
believe their “superiors” are telling them the truth and that, if they follow
that truth, they too will gain wealth, power and possessions. Therefore,
they accept the lies of their “superiors” as a pathway to their own
Conservative political minds working together are enmeshed in a disease
of deceit, greed and destruction for their own goals and the corporations
who pull their strings.
Conservative politicians raise problems where there are none, obstruct
where there is no reason to obstruct and embrace the haves over the have-
nots at the expense of the electorate and for the sake of their own self-
United in their opposition to rational thought processes, they maintain
their credo: Always support the growth of wealth, power and possessions
above all else. They put business before people, industry above nature,
selfishness over care and money against every other human value. In all
this, they labor industriously to support the interests of the corporations
and the wealthy, united by the demands of those who possess the most
wealth, power and possessions.
They are deeply selfish, lack empathy, and show no compassion for the
vulnerabilities of the electorate. Their claim to superiority is un-American
and an extreme offense against the American Constitution and the core
belief of democracy that says all men are equal.
Anyone who wants to rule men first tries to humiliate them, to trick
them out of their rights and their capacity for resistance, until they
are as powerless before him as animals.

Conservatives would have us believe that God rewards us for getting rich
off the backs of others.
They knowingly hurt the lives of regular people by rewarding the ruling
class, giving them lower taxes and greater power toward antisocial
violence against regular people.
Their policies favor inanimate corporations and the wealthy. We citizens
allow their non-violence, be it massive pollution or economic devastation.
We assume it is the right of unregulated capitalism to destroy for people
profit, even though they and we know, their policies and non-violence are
against the will of every regular American person.
Conservatives are loyal only to business and the inanimate objects of
corporations and does not support the needs of regular people.
Conservatives voters are powered by a resentful nationalism more than a
principled conservatism. Conservative politics boils down to ethno-
nationalistic passions not governed by reason.
They are not concerned with helping people in any way or working for
their benefit on their behalf as they are sworn to do.
They are only interested in helping companies owned by the mega-donors
who fund their campaigns. Their record shows they have done nothing for
the people but give away our tax dollars to war and the wealthy. They
create legislation to benefit them.
Conservatives place the rights of corporations above the rights of people.
People’s needs are ignored in the name of corporate profit. The politicians
declare they help out the wealthy so that business will succeed and
everyone can have a job and the wealth will trickle down. Instead,
everyone, except those with fat bank accounts, find themselves working
harder and longer for less.
In the meantime, government expenditure will be cut to minimum. Why?
Supposedly, to protect the public from freeloaders and immigrants abusing
welfare programs, unemployment benefits and food stamps. The brutal
cuts to these programs vastly boost the number of people in poverty, while
denying citizens their democratic right to have any say in their future.
The corporate billionaires want every public enterprise – from water to the
Internet – privatized, including social services, health and education,
transport, the police and the military. The billionaires’ “pet politicians,”

argue that only free-market businesses freed from all regulation or taxation
“can save us” and create an expansion of wealth.
For them, banks and financial regulations must be gutted to allow
unfettered market forces to act “for the benefit of all.” In their committees,
the conservatives defer to the billionaires’ lawyers to write the new laws.
They trumpet the Constitution as their guiding light. They distort its true
meaning to conform to the wishes of the corporations that fund them.
Unions have long been big contributors to the so-called left-wing and
lobbying on behalf of their workers. Unions hold corporations’ feet to the
fire on wages and safety; therefore, conservatives are pledged to destroy
the unions irrespective of workers’ rights and collective bargaining.
Conservatives are against unions and union funding of elections on behalf
of workers. They have smashed union power. They challenge unions with
so-called “right-to-work” laws. Those new laws prohibit unions from
requiring non-union workers to join a union. Union power is thus
weakened even as they face an ever-more united ruling class. The police
are not included in the right to work laws because conservatives look to
the police to protect them and the corporations they are funded by.
With their union representation enfeebled, workers lose when fighting for
better wages, working conditions and safety. Without their union
representation, workers are at the mercy of global competition and
corporate power. The corporations elevate their profits and the gap
between the rich and poor widens and intensifies.
It is only the ruling class and their corporations that have the financial
ability to purchase everything they say should be privatized. Is the ruling
class a criminal gang bent on destroying the structure of the government
so everything can be privatized and looted?
The ruling class wants to be free to own and pollute our earth, air and
water supplies without regulation, while they encourage the public to see
climate change as a collective hoax. Why? Because they want more profit
at everyone’s expense/life.
Why do the poor, veterans or the disenfranchised vote for politicians who
do not represent their best interest? Their party used to stand for individual
freedom, democracy and the Constitution. Not anymore! It's now just the
party of plenty for the ruling class, and there is no trickle down economics
going on.

The wars, the banks and the big pharmaceutical companies

have impoverished us, the politicians from both sides made it happen.
Politicians are in denial of their conscience, instinct, intuition and the
voice of their own heart in favor of the party line politics, resulting in
psychopathic legislation affecting millions of lives. They want to win
more than doing the right thing.
Conservative Members of Congress tend to be well acquainted are
defense contractors, oil companies, lawyers and mega-church pastors
(Not regular voters).

The modern conservative is a human supremacist engaged
in the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy. Conservatism
is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It
is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on
deception and has no place in the modern world.
Conservatives have been systematically turning language into a weapon
against liberals, twisting and exaggerating words to reflect the opposite of
their customary meanings. They associate themselves with words like
“building,” “dream,” “freedom,” “learn,” “light,” “preserve,” “success,”
and "truth" while associating opponents with words like “bizarre,”
“decay,” “ideological,” “lie,” “machine,” “pathetic,” and “traitors.” It is a
kind of cognitive surgery: systematically creating and destroying mental
associations with little regard for truth.

C onservative ideas and policies run contrary to the interdependence

and necessarily prosocial nature of regular people and the planet.
They are devoid of empathy, compassion and concern for those less
fortunate than themselves.

They are antagonistic to sociable instincts and practices, lying and

dangerous, they are unprincipled and antisocial, not wanting the company
of others unless they are antisocial like they are.
Their antisocial personality disorder consistently ignores the rights and
feelings of others and tends to antagonize, manipulate or treat others
harshly or with callous indifference and they show no guilt or remorse for
their antisocial behavior.
The conservative belief in human supremacy is destroying our planet.
Conservatives who are paid to represent and protect us, when judged by
the "fruits" of their actions, are non-violent predator psychopaths,
exhibiting extremely antisocial behavior toward those in their control,
resulting in the insidious destruction of the climate, Humanity and the
future of all of us.
Public enemy #1 is the psychopathic thinking; it is the deadly defining
principle that runs unregulated through our political representatives,
government and big corporate capitalism. Accepted as normal successful
people, psychopaths are hidden behind a "mask of sanity" and show no
compassion, conscience, guilt or remorse whatsoever for the plight of the
American public.
Conservatives’ lack of empathy results in self-serving action that is
consistently abusive and hostile toward regular people and the common
good. They act in direct contradiction to the shared values we accept that
define us as human beings.
Exhibiting the “collateral damage” traits of so-called non-violent
psychopaths are, by definition, not human beings. Should they then be
allowed to govern human beings or have human rights?
Should we hold them to recognized human standards and publicly expose
and undermine them as psychopaths who willingly destroy us for their
own personal power and short-term profit? The trusting American public
has a right to know and a right to demand that human beings, not
psychopaths, run America.
A drumbeat of propaganda on how "we are good" and "they are
evil," with constant exercises of self-admiration and abuse of others,
can hardly fail to have an impact on perception of the world.

There are those Americans who deserve to live and those
Americans who don't. Period. All of the former are very, very
wealthy. All of the latter are poor, or struggling, or old. The true
mission of government is to bring as much pain to the parasites
as it can because, by doing so, it can liberate the genius of those
people who deserve to live.

N on-sexual sadists don’t feel remorse or empathy. They have no care

or compassion for anyone. They can't be reasoned with or made to
feel shame. They are nice only when they have something to gain.
They only stop being destructive when they have something to lose. You
cannot appeal to their sense of decency, as they have none. They take
pleasure from creating lies, dismay and distress. They don't feel pity and
they don’t need your approval.
They like to hurt regular people and love making things harder for them.
They are drawn to positions of influence, power and authority. They have
a rampant tendency to derive pleasure, enjoyment and power from their
deliberate cruelty and the bullying of others.
Their life is about self-gratification and the exercise of power. Some enjoy
exerting control over people causing them to suffer, while other sadists
fixate on having control over people and situations, manipulating them at
They do both; inflicting pain, suffering, and humiliation on the public
whenever possible, gleaning vicarious pleasure from confusing people,
isolating them, de-socializing them and making them feel unacceptable to

Politicians, whom we trust to create the laws we need to keep us
safe from political, economic and climate disaster, are kicking it
on huge salaries and privilege, rendering them blind
to the dangers lurking in the depths of the corruption
of our government for corporate profit.

T heir psychology concerns them with themselves while we, the ex-
pendable millions, swim like a hidden galaxy in the Petri dish of their
hypothetical concern. No one knows what is true or what to do in the mi-
asma of sickening politics, laws against good sense, lobbyists' blackmail,
and psychopathic corporate control.
An extinction-level event is manufacturing itself in the bowels of
everything our politicians have allowed and destroyed. The common sense
of Humanity could save us but the egocentric madness of politics, greed
and money would rather write "Never Mind" on a million tombstones.
Those in political office are our chosen representatives. We think they
know better than we do so we elected them, believing their lying, misrep-
resented selves and falling again for the promises they make but never
Once in Congress or the Presidency, politicians are free of our demands,
our needs and us. No longer in the public fray, disavowing their respons-
ibilities to the voters on climate and the economy, whilst congratulating
themselves on the confusion they have bound us in that assures our control
and their reelection.
Politicians’ deceit and ineptitude can no longer be tolerated. Our political
system does not work. Tens of millions of votes and endless polls tell the
politicians what the public wants, yet the public never gets what it wants
because politicians won’t give it to them. We want peace; they give us
endless war.
We want prosperity and a bright future and they give us austerity and trash
our future. We want change but we get the same old pre-selected multi-
millionaire politicians toeing the same old political party line that never

gets out of its own way or evolves beyond the confines of its own self-
righteous historical nonsense.
We are bound to overwhelming complication in all things, beyond the
comprehension of any politician, person or computer. Our laws are a ball
of corporate string wrapping itself around our throats; constricting the
flow of blood to our life’s possibilities.
Politicians excuse the profits of predatory corporations to supersede the
general welfare and the common good of the voters, allowing money and
power to rule our “democracy;” ultimately shackling the voter to misery,
impotence and irrelevance.
As government controls become more stringent, the fearful ruling class
realize they have alienated every man, woman and child on Earth with
their crushing greed and hideous psychopathic selfishness.
Do they not realize a focused human being with nothing to lose is far more
dangerous than their military might they threaten us with? Will they in
their fear of their loss of control again “exterminate” millions for their
own safety and profit?
They too are slaves to a system that does not work for them or the voters.
They are not standing up to or exposing the lies and hypocrisy they them-
selves have manufactured on behalf of the ruling class. They are perman-
ently dishonest, disempowering the people they represent.
Our “democracy” is little more than an image on a screen, an illusory
value created and perpetuated by politicians and the public alike. There is
no justice, no fairness and no point. We are finished – extinct – unless we
face reality head-on and purge the world of our willingness to compromise
each other and ourselves in service of the ruling class.
All those politicians running the country must replaced by common sense
individuals in publicly funded democratic elections otherwise the people
of America and the countries of the rest of the world will rise up against
The Monster of Capitalism that America has become.
The U.S. political system is paralyzed and hostage to corporate power.
It is unable to respond rationally to the crisis or solve even the most
trivial of problems.

We have no voice. We have no choice. We cannot question what is hap-

pening to us. We are told we have a vote but what is done in our name
bears no resemblance to what was promised or what we wanted.
We are outraged. Common sense has been abandoned and is not reflected
at any level of government. The public is far too moderate and too accom-
modating of the ruling class.
Their ridiculous laws and judgments that have given us continuous war,
endless poverty, big money in politics and extreme antisocial behavior as
an acceptable norm. Political correctness, moderation and compromise
coupled with a complete lack of common sense has left us in the mindless
political mess that is clear cutting our hopes, our dreams and our future.
Commonsense values must always be reflected in the democratic
government, the law and the justice system but they have been given
no place in our politician’s decision making, leaving with us living
knee deep in stinking political garbage.


Every political candidate for office should pledge and publish
to his electorate promising he/she will promote and champion
a prescribed set of values ideas and agendas.

P oliticians are traitors who give citizens no choice, no care, no hope

and no love. They do what they are paid to do by the ruling class, who
buys them and our elections to protect their nefarious antisocial endeavors,
spread their psychopathic ideology and trash the needs of the electorate.
Politicians from both ‘sides’ tell us to forget climate change,
infrastructure, education, poverty, full employment and democracy - look
at the wars, the terrorism, the fear trying to destroy us - don't worry, we
will protect you from the fear we manufacture.
A corporate policy is psychopathic, always. We are ruled by the
psychopathic personality of all corporations at once. They want absolute

control of their market. They want to control of you. Money in politics is

corporate control -it will bring us a tyrant in every candidate who will hurt
the American people even more.
Growth is impossible - the climate is going to be pushing us around
more and more. No politician of either party has stood up as a staunch
representative of what needs to be changed to serve the people.
Politicians are complicit in the downfall of the American people, their
way of life and the country they live in.
Political policies, whether local, national or worldwide, are poisoned by
the rich man's sickness of personal greed and a total lack of care and
compassion for the American citizen.
All lobbying and tax breaks must be stopped now. Both parties must be
outlawed and their methodology buried along with the totality of laws and
bureaucracy used to control and subvert the American publics right to
fairness and equality.
Every day we see crime on crime against regular people that only benefits
the corporations and the ruling class, while we never see any benefits for
those who most need them. The voter never gets what he wants. The
whole US political system is a criminal joke, a disgusting betrayal of
every American! Politicians are the vehicles of ruling class oppression -
the carriers and supporters of the virus of psychopathic behavior, wrapping
it in law and legitimizing it.
Politicians are part of a larger system and on every issue of magnitude
they come down together on the same side of the big business interests
they represent. To think otherwise is beyond naive and avoids the facts of
who funds these parties and who writes the legislation that both parties
rubber stamp.
Politics and media brainwash the voter en mass, distorting the wishes
of the electorate, then they hold elections that reflect the warped
minds of the public after brainwashing them; thus what we get is
brainwashed citizens voting against their own best interests.

All present conversation toward social justice,
improving or saving the world is meaningless.
We are deluded.

T o find any kind of justice, “We the People” must reflect the very
essence of human life that begins with the individual person, not a
profit-seeking corporation, not politics, not the Constitution nor the
present justice system. All conversation and understanding of life and
injustice must start with and be recognized by and for the individual
person first. Only then can the justifiable mass outrage at the injustices
against us be recognized and fought against. Deductions about life, law,
politics and justice starts and end in “We the People;” an out-of-date,
hypothetical extrapolation based on a false premise that assumes an
existing range of values but denies the individual human values implied by
“I the Person.”
I am not a “We.” You are not a “We.” “We the People” indicates more than
one person yet it treats the American People as if they were one person.
There is only one you living on Earth. The basis of “We the People” pays
no attention to what you are as a person and replaces your individual
vision of “I the Person,” with the group definition of “We the People,”
when it is a patently false narrative that is both misleading and demeaning
for the individual.
All laws and injustice come from the acceptance of “We the People” as the
lowest common denominator threshold for law, when it obviously is not. It
implies a paternalistic authority figure, gathering people “under his wing,”
proclaiming “We the People.” As a leader already, he circumvents the
rights of “I the Person” and usurps and the independence and unique
individuality of “I the Person” in favor of the group definition he has
created. In law, only one person is individually convicted of a crime. There
is no “we” the accused. “We” doesn’t get convicted. “I the person” does.
So why are individuals ruled by “We the People” before the individual is
fully understood from the point of view of “I the person?”

“I the Person” is a priori to the nature of all human beings, laws and
government. It must supersede the assumed values and authority
previously established in “We the People.” The rule of “We the People”
can only be fulfilled after the rights of “I the Person” are fully established,
understood and integrated.
“I the person” comes before “We the people.”

The Constitution should protect the people
from political and corporate brainwashing.

T he founding fathers wrote America’s Constitution without any

knowledge of air travel, computers, the Internet, oligarchies, global
trade or climate change disaster etc.
This ancient Constitution is sold to us as though the founders were true
and indisputable genius clairvoyants who saw into America’s future and
gave us their hallowed principles as if they would always be wholly
relevant for today’s reality and the future of America.
They conceived of the Constitution from the point of view of wealthy,
conservative, land-owning slavemasters, living in a world as
incomprehensible to us as our world would be to them.
We are asked to accept the Constitution as correct and valid for today, but
where does it give corporations the right to control every aspect of human
life? Where does it say “democracy” is a meaningless, empty ruse to give
cover to the psychopathic power of the ruling class? Is it beyond modern
man’s ability to create a better Constitution for today’s America?
If we gave the job to the founders now, would they write the same
Constitution again? Of course not! The US Constitution is in need of
changes that unify America before it breaks up into many different mini-
countries with different standards for human rights.
All human rights, laws and justice affecting citizens of the United States

of America should be conceived and enforced at the federal level on a

non-political basis and not made arbitrarily and politically at the state level
(including abortion rights, women’s rights, union rights, religious, human
and gay rights, voting rights, health care rights, parental rights, gun rights,
jail time, protest, law enforcement rights, etc.).
To allow states to penalize, ignore or denigrate any federally mandated
human right or law is unlawful and should carry jail time for its
All our political systems are based on political hypothesis. They were
created from men's ideas separated from the reality of regular people's
lives and separate from the reality of the world we live in and separate
from the reality our world lives in. The American people's enslavement to
a Constitution written by slave owners with wooden teeth is beyond
Our political parties give citizens no choice, no care, no hope and no love.
They do what they are paid to do by the ruling class who buy them and our
elections to protect their nefarious antisocial ends. They devour our good
will, spread their psychopathic ideology and trash the needs of the
States are principalities of independent rule, able to juggle, constrain and
subvert the rights of everyone within their borders. Legislators are rich
beyond their wildest dreams, taking lengthy vacations while American
kids can't get an education and the poor can't catch a meal, let alone get a
good-paying job.
No politician of either party has stood up as a staunch representative
of what needs to be changed to serve the people. Politicians are
complicit in the downfall of the American people, their way of life and
the country they live in.

Eighty-one percent of the public believes both political parties
do what’s in it for them rather than fixing our nation’s
problems. They say, “Don't look at what I do,
listen to what I say.”

O n every level of government, elected officials, who supposedly

represent the votes of the individual, are continually wined, dined,
funded and influenced by corporate groups, intent on passing legislation to
bring every branch of government under their control for their financial
advantage without concern for the well-being of the public. These bought-
and-paid-for legislative sycophants willingly betray the votes entrusted to
them by the people so they can grab position, power and profit for
themselves. Their sacrifice of the welfare, freedom and future of the voter
and their families on the high altar of corporatism is treason, plain and
Do not tell us corporate-sponsored, profit-motivated legislation is created
for our own good. Don’t dare suggest we should not worry our
representatives are conspiring with corporate bosses because “they have
our backs,” in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
Many of our public figures, leaders, journalists, legislators, judiciary and
political commentators are aware of and fully acknowledge the infiltration
of government by the subversive forces of the 1% corporations toward the
overthrow of our democratic system and the decimation of the rights of
people and the resources of the planet.
They write their articles, make their speeches, and complain bitterly in
whispers about the terrible iniquity of corporate terrorism as it infects us
with its disease. Yet when they go home, they bury their heads in the
trough of privilege. They luxuriate in their homes behind high walls,
leaving our youth to fight and burn in the fires of protest.
Youth’s future roasts in a conflagration of hypocrisy, the staple diet of a
political system so corrupt it imprisons without trial those who protest
against the political forces seeking their “Thou shalt” compliance under
the jackboot of corporate profit.

Politicians who betray the will of the electorate for corporate or personal
interests (that is, almost every single one) must be removed from office.
Term limits must be enacted for all political offices.
The politicians' whoring for dollars needs to be replaced by publicly
funded campaigns (so common in democracies around the world) and
strict limitations on campaign spending.
Politicians must accept “huge donations” from corporations in order to run
their campaigns. They are often so busy they accept legislation written by
corporate special interests alone, who protect their own corporate interests
within the law, rather than reflecting the will of the electorate.
Laws are made that give rights to corporations, allowing corporations
without disclosure or mandate to make every attempt to financially
influence or buy local and national elections for their own profit and
benefit, against the will of the people. Laws delivered to the public as
needed for national security are made in the light of political corporate
special interests.
Meanwhile, six million of our kids go to bed hungry every night. Millions
of our labor force is unemployed. Bankers destroy our economy and our
government condones it. Millions lose their homes and our government
allows it. Massive polluters are pouring cancer-causing pollution and our
government allows it.
Smoke screens created by politics and mass media divert public
attention away from the important issues like unemployment,
political, corporate criminals, hunger, military actions, poor
infrastructure, the disparity of wealth and the public interest,
in favor of hugely publicized marginal issues.


Regularly and Rigorously

M y lawn is no longer a lawn. It’s a mess. A jungle of weeds has taken

over, destroying the nature of my once beautiful and fertile lawn. I
tried ripping out the weeds, but they grew back instantly. Nothing seems to
stop them. They are taking over my beautiful green yard and every joyous
thing it was created for. I am very upset.
What should I do?
Our politicians are moral cowards who represent the 1% rather than the
interests of the people who elected them. They suppress the vote of
millions and keep millions more in poverty or incarcerated. They have
turned our police against us, banned our protests and lulled us into apathy,
while they watch us like hawks. Our free expression has been criminalized
to “protect” them, while they give our freedom and natural resources to
those who keep them in office.
What should we do?
The 1% creates and manipulates our laws for their own ends. Our
politicians subscribe to the notion that a corporation is a person and allows
them the same rights as human beings. Politicians ensure over 90% of
what they legislate is done on behalf of the rich and powerful. They want
us slaves to their corporate law.
What should we do?
Our politicians allow criminal bankers to ruin our economy, steal our
homes and destroy our opportunities. They help them to live in opulence,
above the law, paying low taxes while they trample our resistance. They
kill our future and celebrate our demise.
What should we do?

Our politicians betray their conscience and us. They have us where they
want us (they think), scared and impotent; our hope for a better future is a
What should we do?
Politicians do not tax the rich, but they take the food from babies’ mouths,
reduce entitlements, penalize seniors and collapse our education system,
while their personal fortunes and those of the 1% they represent soar. They
are laughing at us.
What should we do?
Our politicians manipulate and lie to us. They are concerned with their
ideas, their money and their power. They have allowed environmental
pollution, imperialism and unnecessary wars to persist, putting us all in
They are not accountable. They show us no compassion; they feel superior
to us and entitled to act with impunity against us.
What should we do?
Our politicians will never change. They do not and will not police
themselves. They ignore the most basic moral principles of fairness and
loyalty to the voter. They show no outrage at the public devastation they
cause us by their betrayal of our values. Under their governance, our
situation can only get worse until we are irrelevant to our own system of
What should we do?


W ill new faces in Washington bring us better government? No, truth

is, it is the American political system that is screwed against us and
will not work until we change it to a fully democratic system based on one
man one vote.
Right now, no matter how well intended, whoever is elected into office is
subject to corporate bribery, party pressure and the desire to stay in office
for the prestige, public respect, good pensions, good pay and full medical
coverage. So they, just like the lot we have now, will be forced to fold to
corporate pressure and sell out their ideals because that’s the way it is and
always has been. Corporations own the government; therefore, they own
the climate, wage inequality, the Supreme Court, the health of the nation,
and us.
Corporations are not concerned with compassion, empathy and
understanding for regular people. They are concerned only with profit. To
that end, they are driven to winning at all costs, controlling the market,
and getting more and more profit. They subvert our elections through their
obedient political flunkies, gerrymandering, and their flooding of elections
with endless millions of dollars that they should have paid in taxes.
For corporations, it’s all about suppressing the democratic vote, denying
all safety nets for all citizens, and making sure no humanitarian measures
that the voting public demands, like healthcare, gun control and fair
taxation, ever make it into law. Corporations are not people. Citizens
United is still in place, calling all the shots, giving almost all voting power
to big money and the corporate agenda.
The entire so-called democratic system in America is a ruse, a con job and
a fool’s errand. No matter who is representing us from either party, at their
best, can only offer vague shades of democratic hope, made immediately
impotent by the corporate press, as it replaces that narrative with more
celebration of corporate achievement and market freedom.
Unless the system can be completely changed, we will never know
anything else but the one we have, where anti-human corporate
corruption rules us like the sadist it is.

The Mainstream Media is the propaganda machine
of the ruling class.
Mainstream News Media is entertainment, not news.
It keeps the public entertained but uninformed.
It controls all information and shapes how we see the
world and what is important and not important.


A properly functioning democracy
depends on an informed electorate.

Investigative journalism is indispensable for well-informed

democracy to thrive but it is rarely visible today.

E very journalist has a conniption fit trying to protect his rights as an

investigative reporter, faced with government surveillance and
investigation of his private communications and his sources.
Our investigative journalist Harry is keen on doing his job exposing the
lies the government, politicians, corporations and the 1% put out to benefit
Harry had heard of this “bad stuff” happening before. Suppression of the
freedom of the press is nothing new. He is sure if he found his hands tied
and his freedom to investigate blocked, he would denounce whoever tried
to stop him as the enemies of the free press.
Harry has seen old footage of Hitler’s Germany, read about Russia and
South America when dictators, fueled by ambition and ego, had silenced
the press and its reaction to the persecution of millions of people’s lives.
Harry had read about the suppression of the truth and the will of the
people in George Orwell’s classic novel, 1984. He had realized the true
identity of the pigs controlling Animal Farm, who felt their superiority
gave them the right to dominate those “beneath them” in the name of
doing what’s best for the people by denying them the truth.
Harry remembered what his Editor told him years before, how he should
always be on guard against any restriction to the freedom of the press for
without it the country could end up a dictatorship. “Investigative
journalism,” the Editor said, “is finding it increasingly difficult to find an
unbiased outlet for important stories that might shock regular people as to
the reality of their ignorance.”
Harry knows most news agencies are already controlled by officious
“profit first” psychopaths who are determined to give the public only what

they want them to hear, to maintain their control over them and maintain
their huge profit. “Gee whiz,” Harry thinks, “Suppression of the press is
the pathway to government’s dictatorial control!”
If government can shut down the journalistic voice in truth, swapping it
out with empty promises, sloppy sentiment and “alternative truth,” then
they can get the public to swallow their lies like a health supplement,
while simultaneously touting the apparent freedom of the press.
If investigative journalism is treated like a human head on a stake, the
press can’t tell the truth. No one will be able to know, hear or read the
truth of what’s really happening behind the government’s closed doors.
And our political rulers will pretend to be just a loving guardian of the
pubic, justified in neutralizing the voice in a childish press screaming for
its democratic rights.
Democratic protest, which might restore the balance of power in our
controlled society, is sparked by investigative journalism. Protests will not
burn bright if government can control what can and cannot be reported to
the public.
Truth in news and investigative journalism is the pumping heart of
democracy, it cannot be the slave of government or any corporate master –
it must live free like a lion in our country’s psychopathic personality halt
jungles, untamed and ready to fight and die for the truth it believes in.
In contrast, corporate media, the performing monkey, pours its soothing
syrup over our broken hearts, making us doubt ourselves, promising us an
unattainable life of success we can soon achieve. “It’s just around the next
bend,” they tell us.
To corporate media, Harry says, “You patronize us with your empty
anthems of shared trust and social responsibility. Your sophistry kills as
surely as your bombs. You are a hypocrite, a liar, a cheap manipulator,
brainwashing us remotely with your empty promises of fame and glory.
Investigative journalism should be finding ways to shine light into the
lives that the powerful would rather keep hidden.”
Blow the whistle on the damage caused by psychopathic/government
offenders. Let our best reporters call them out and shame them. Let us
prosecute them and remove them from our society to a place where they
can learn again what is like to be prosocial and care for other people.

We know the truth in our hearts but we do not act on it because every truth
is covered in shit and the need for conformity. Everyday we see the banner
headlines about political corruption, the rape of the poor, corporate cruelty
and further destruction of the earth.
Every journalist is eager to tell us about the secret and the not so secret
mess we are living in called America but nothing changes. The climate,
the economy, the 1%, the hungry, the poor, the unemployed and the shit
piles up as a million journalists point in a million directions at the
loathsome behavior of the ruling class and nothing changes except things
get worse and disgusting and worse still.
A war here, death there, sickness of mind, manipulation, truth as lies, lies
as truth, It’s bollocks. Why do we need to be told about any more
problems, police brutality racism, no heath care, no fairness, no care and
no interest in care. We know the shit is hitting the fan and it’s hitting us
regular people and still the press is flooded with injustice and yes America
is like its owners, is a psychopath.
Each day we hear more stories of everything that we should be ashamed of
for ourselves. We are passers by while our injured and brutalized country
lies dying at the side of the road awaiting a Good Samaritan. Every
journalist with the insight and aspiring to know the "truth" should present
his/her plan to expose and remove out the scum terrorizing our daily lives,
our country is as sick as we are becoming.
With the escalation of unfairness growing amongst the ruling class and
government, we the public are constantly facing bad news that affects our
daily lives. Those we entrust to report the news are failing us by only
telling a polite, clean, diplomatic, politically correct “sanitized truth.”
They only give us the so-called facts, history, background, photos and
details of, about and around the subject but they never show us their heart-
felt or outraged point of view. It is up to the reader to react to whatever
outrageous thing they have been informed or misinformed about.
No matter what “bad stuff” is happening, be it the abuse of people, their
rights or the destruction of the planet, it is all expressed in the same
dispassionate way that does not promote actionable concern or outrage in
the public mind. As a consequence, every crime and abuse pushed on the
public is tarred with the same acceptable brush of political correctness so
there is a minimum public reaction to whatever is reported.

Sure the public gets enraged and protests about what they are informed
about but nothing like they would be if those reporting the news spoke
from their hearts about the unmitigated problems we face. Reporters do
not issue dire warnings to the public or tell them about organizations for
resistance to our public problems. The public is left to react to the news
and find their own way to fight back.
The public has been trained to accept this style of non-combative, no
reaction reporting. News has been reported to them in the same
dispassionate way for so long and their response to it has been so
weakened that they have accepted and partnered-up to that mode of
expression with a minimum reaction and no outrage. People don't react
because they do not know how to react, especially since what is presented
to them is always presented to them in a calm no “need to worry” format.
There is no longer a recognized standard for human behavior, no morals,
no public conscience and no judgment of the right action to juxtapose
against what is written in the news.
Public opinion, the reporter’s acumen, the public problems and those
causing them are all adrift and moving without any anchor to reality. Truth
is an agreed upon myth. Reporters and the public response to bad news has
been smothered and minimized by their conformity and obedience. The
public’s awareness to problems is kept dull and ineffective in order for the
ruling class to control us more easily.
Oligarchs own our media and run it for profit. That which does not
conform or contribute to their profit is erased or sanitized before the public
knows about it. Oligarchs control the news and their employment, so
reporters must be subservient and conform to the oligarchic law of
conservatism just to keep their jobs.
Investigative reporting has become a knife without a blade, unable to cut
through the bullshit to elucidate the news that would outrage the public.
Those reporting the news dare not tell us the whole truth. Even if in their
hearts they are screaming in outrage about the criminal activity of the
ruling class, politicians, banks or the government, they dare not express it.
Outrageous acts against people and planet are minimized by writers and
their editorial control. They cannot stir up public opinion, they have
nothing to compare the bad news to.

Once there were accepted standards of moral behavior but now with it
almost gone, all truth in the news is on a slippery slope to doom, as it is
for its readers, reporters and the public future. We need recognized
standards of moral behavior to measure our news against so that reporters
can create a comparison between it and the obscene, dangerous news we
hear every day. With that kind of moral guide, plus investigative reporting,
the public would become much more alarmed at the whole truth and its
implications and would likely rebel.
We need unbridled truth in all our news; otherwise, we are thrown
into the conundrum of weak and faux news for the profit of others
who do not care about us because they are insulated from the truth of
the bad news they create.

Having no rational public discussion of problems
leads to conspiracy theories.

he majority of working people are too busy with their families to
participate in any informed political awareness or revolution because
the political awareness delivered to them is not in any form they can
quickly read, digest or use.
Political print media does not write for the man in the street. Every article
of substance and meaning is written by "educated" journalists, who write
for "educated" editors. Effectively articles are full of endless around the
subject info. To get to the meat and potatoes of the article the reader is
expected to wade through a lengthy diatribe of endless background
material, associated history, meaningless writer rhetoric and endless
researched cross-references around the subject, rather than giving the
reader the bottom line facts of the article.
This educated info often belittles the man in the street, reminding him how
he, with less time, education and a busy family schedule, feels like a
dummy who can't absorb that reading and therefore can't be bothered

when it comes to political articles written by privileged educated

journalists living in ivory towers.
In fact, the very nature of most informed political articles is preaching to a
narrow, educated choir and effectively talking down to the reader whilst
smothering the article's important facts, thus keeping the public ignorant
of what they most need to know. Like Joe Friday of Dragnet fame said,
"Just give me the facts, Ma'am." Journalists, give the public the facts
rather than embarrassing them with your endless educated researched
bullshit. Give the reader the headline to sound the alarm, then open the
article with the hard facts; inform the electorate, that's your job!
You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed
opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.
Political madness is hitting the fan. With only the six oligarch-owned
mainstream media companies’ lying rhetoric to go on, print media must
supply a pipeline of true facts in a short burst format, to awaken the public
to ways to disrupt and undermine the political decimation of America.
There is no fail-safe in American politics, no savior is coming to rescue us,
and no amount of optimism will change anything. We are politically stuck.
To bring about an undeniable crushing revolution, the people must rise and
those who write must prove once again the pen is mightier than the sword.
It is their duty to communicate and inform. An investigative political
tabloid at every supermarket checkout would help Americans to know
what they must know and how to fight to win against politicians.


I am a United State Senator, Boy. The news is what I say it is!

D o you watch the news? It is cuckoo, nuts, crazy everywhere. The

irrational is sanctioned as rational. The economy is trickling up?
What the news shows us as the reality of government, corporations and
news is false; everything presented to us as reliable news information is
purely PR. You cannot rely on anything the media tells you.

The ruling class use it against us, maybe we should use it against them and
start naming names and coupling those names to the truth of what the
fruits of their labor are and what they have done to the public whom they
are lying to and grooming to be submissive; making them confused,
compliant and mentally obese, unable to formulate their reaction to any
one thing. They cannot see the forest for the trees. The news is essentially
an emotional-distress-causing action.
Mainstream media are the tools of corrupt politicians and the
psychopathic ruling class. They present unbalanced and unfair
misrepresentations of the news truth in accordance with the will of their
owners, who do not want us informed or clear headed about what is being
done to us in our name.
The political presenters are their sincere whores who seduce us, tailoring
and delivering the “news” in mode of their employer's desire to always
leave us, “informed” and entertained in uncertainty, fear and despair,
diverting our attention away from critical issues with “Newstainment”
They lead us by the nose from one meaningless sound bite to another our
trusted media figures are liars, cheat and scam artists gladly deceiving
their trusting public for big, big money.
Watch RT, Real News or France 24/7. The contrast with the way they
present the news and news they present, is absolutely astounding. When
you switch back and forth between these networks and the mainstream
media, it becomes obvious you are being brainwashing by conservative
ruling class news machines who mislead the public, keeping them
entertained and uninformed.
A media head whose compensation in one year totaled $56.8m, talks about
his political programming choices. “It may not be good for America, but
it’s damn good for us.” His action amounts to the criminal destruction of
American democracy, its people and its values for corporate profit.

Is it real? is less important than, Is it newsworthy?
We are threatened by the menace of Fox's unreality.

D id you know the entire Right-wing Party from the voter to the
leadership not only supports Fox News but also, according to recent
surveys, they do not listen to anything else or go anywhere else for their
Fox News echoes the political right only and broadcasts misinformation,
lies and poisonous rhetoric against anyone they see to blame for the
country’s troubles. Problems are never the fault of the political right. No
matter what crazy things their candidates and pundits say.
Fox News echoes constant conservative news of the political right even
when, to everyone else’s concern, their messaging is deliberately and
diametrically opposed to accepted truths and facts.
If Fox News says viewers must oppose a policy, person or idea, Fox
viewers agree and often vote against their own best interests because
Fox has taught them to think that way.
Fox continually blames the left-wing opposition leaders for the good they
do, like it was a crime. They give no consideration to the actual truth or its
benefits, nor do they give any thought of what is best for the American
They are concerned with deception based on their ideological pretense of
providing the news. The truth is of no concern to them, they reverse it;
their job is to emphasize their corporate position and point the viewer
away from the truth, making every word the left utters into a scapegoat
until their viewers no longer believe in the truth unless it's a lie.
The corruption of the American psyche from the reversal of truth is near
complete. Soon every American will think of Moslems as terrorists
because Fox makes them scapegoats just like they made black and brown
communities onto the “underclass.” Day by day, they blame the
“underclass” for every social problem, pushing their indoctrinated
audience into submission, promoting “the truth” only a psychopath could
believe in.

In one year, Fox News made $1.2 billion in profits from their
weaponised propaganda masquerading as the evening news.
Fox embroils the viewer in their neocon point of view, small government
and lots of “freedom,” always omitting both the facts and the truth. They
promise their audience “liberty” but what it gets is an authoritarian state of
mind that attacks every evil it’s told to. Viewers become zombies with an
authoritarian state of mind but none of their money.
Fox News damages us with its continually deceit, lies and
misinformation coming into our living rooms, injuring every viewer’s
mind, heart and soul.
The glamorous blonde announcer guided by a strategic agenda draws men
in, hypnotized by her sexy look. Whatever offends her neocon sensibilities
sees her react with visible personal indignation, signaling to her male
viewers she is offended, inciting them to defend her and her propaganda.
She shovels blame, guilt and accusatory lies right into the heart of the
audience causing deep psychological damage, resulting in millions of
minds being warped toward anger at the opposition. She deflects the truth
away from the viewer and creates and reinforces their conformism to the
status quo.
Fox controls 27 million viewers to consolidate political power and wealth
for corporations and the ruling class, brainwashing them into identifying
their oppressors as “the liberal left” who are “ruining this country” with
their “deceit and lawlessness” causing our terrible problems.
Fox News is a threat to everything that America stands for. Fox tells
us that as long as we keep a sense of humor, and we're good-natured,
we don't need to get worked up about our starvation wages.
Fox News is a weapon against the common good. It seeks only control and
offers no redress, it is authoritarian and psychopathic - it only injures and
hurts people’s minds and hearts, it is a weapon against healing and
goodwill. A true democracy demands an informed public but Fox News
seeks to mislead the public. A recent survey found people watching Fox
News knew less after listening to Fox News than before they began.
When Fox’s false facts are challenged, the network denounces the
challenge as an attack by the “liberal” mainstream media. Posing as a

victim of a political attack, the network seeks to insulate their viewers

from alternative points of view. In the end, a “feedback loop” is created
where like-minded conservatives get their news only from Fox, listening
only to the propaganda of the conservative politicians and conservative
talk radio and they speak only with similar minded conservative voters.
They create a parallel universe, echoing their version of the facts that are
bent to fit their ideological beliefs.
Fox creates and fuels public outrage, unashamedly manipulating the news
to advance an impassioned pseudo-Christian conservative credo in support
of unregulated capitalism. This credo is sold to viewers as necessary to
protect their personal freedom. It supports corporate power and seeks to
coerce, control and injure individual Americans.
Fox delivers viewers into the arms of ruthless international corporations of
the 1%, who for their sole benefit and profit have created and financed
numerous, duplicitous non-profit “social welfare” organizations to recruit,
seduce, provoke and incite anti-government sentiment in the name of
protecting the people from so-called big government. Often its lies are so
colossal no one would believe they weren’t true.
The 1% expresses their control through Fox News, masquerading as
champions of the people, filling their heads with lies, untruth and
misrepresented information. And every other rival newscast buys into the
Fox story and spreads its insanity everywhere. Do Fox viewers really just
want relief from responsibility? Wouldn’t it just be easier and more
comforting to believe that the 1% and its conservative twaddle are our
redeemers and not our destroyers.
Fox and the 1% delay our progress to a better world. It is the millstone
around our neck, the shackles of our prison, the darkness that breeds our
nightmare fears. Fox cable news preaches raw hatred, of Unionists,
Teachers, Moslems, Environmentalists, Climate scientists, our Indigenous
People, Russia, China, Iran, on and on it goes, with complementary
extreme ass-kissing to the USA, Israel, coal, oil, fossil fuels etc. character
assassination and vilification abound.
In the sphere of climate destabilization Fox has been most malignant.
It has led the insane denialists here for years, absolutely rejecting the
science over and over, while still proclaiming that they accept reality.

Paid pontificators don’t understand jack shit about our lives.
Misinformation in public life isn’t the exception. It’s the rule.

A ccomplished, successful, goal-oriented professional individuals –

such as experts, administrators, authority figures, police chiefs,
politicians, intellectuals, pundits, corporate heads, professors, religious
leaders, journalists, military leaders, authors, specialists, lawyers and
judges, scientists, ambassadors, diplomats, economists, geographers,
historians, philosophers, sociologists, doctors, business owners and media
stars – are chosen and accepted by the corporate media to talk about their
knowledge, opinion, advice, ideas, deductions and subjective analysis to
inform and propagandize to the public.
In contrast, the actual public, that is, the regular man or woman, is never
part of any political talk show. Their opinions are not wanted, and their
good sense is ignored. Political opinion is left to those whose experience
and education are part of the status quo. They are separated from the
reality of the common man and therefore unable to discuss that reality.
Experts give every bit of our accepted “factual” information to us. They
filter the info and augment it. They converse with other experts like them
who are equally unaffected by the problems at hand and then write their
reports, articles or bullshit.
Talk doesn’t cook the rice.
These so-called advisors are insulated from the day-to-day hard truths of
regular people’s lives by their education, success, position and wealth. Yet
they are accepted by the media and the public as those best qualified to
advise and express the reality of the general public.
If we are investigating any of the serious criminal activities rampant in
American society, we use experts not those experiencing the brutality of
psychopathic crimes. For example, the poor of Ferguson, Missouri aren’t

invited to be part of a task force. Instead, their insights and opinions are
supposedly “taken into account” by the experts.
These upper-class experts have no direct experience with common
people’s lives, joys, experience, objectives, desires, hardship or suffering,
and their “informed” opinion and advice often subvert, censor or deny the
good sense of the common man, much to their bewilderment.
Their position psychologically isolates them from the direct experience of
the community they are “experts” on. They falsely believe in the
equivalence of their personal experience and the public’s, rather than the
reality of what actually is. Likewise, the media coverage based on their
arguments is biased and denies the public’s true reality.
They rely on what they think they “know” based on polls, reports, studies,
research, policy, reviews and theories, based on discussion with like-
minded privileged “experts” like themselves.
Research shows that successful accomplished people – because of their
success, public acceptance and societal validation – are insulated from any
need to gain personal in-depth self-knowledge. Instead, their position
gives them a confident sense of being recognized and cared about.
As a result, they are insulated from the need to question their self-worth or
to examine their motives, their “expertise” or themselves. They accept
themselves as having meaning, relevance and superiority without
Using the intellectual deductive reasoning of their own discipline, they
logically and systematically analyze their data about the public to arrive at
conclusions about public needs and behaviors. Their mythic understanding
of the public’s reality, which is created out of their own lack of self-
knowledge and their ego beliefs, displaces the actual experiences and
truths of the average American.
They think they understand desperately hunting for a job week after week
or, instead, working under the grating control of an asshole boss, but they
don’t. They pretend they know what is real labor, standing on your feet for
way too many hours, but they don’t.
They think they’ve seen what it’s like to watch their children go without,
but they haven’t. They fantasize they know what it’s like to be harassed
and arrested by the police, but they don’t. They imagine they know what

it’s like to sweat about the future and how to get ahead, but they don’t.
They lie and say they understand what it’s like to guard an army post and
worry about a sniper’s bullet, but they don’t. And they certainly can’t
imagine what it’s like not to be a recognized and praised public speaker
whose every pretentious word is accepted as the truth.
The public is therefore never fully or properly represented. Consequently,
they feel “no one cares about me.” The over-powering false representation
of their everyday lives by “experts” blabbing in the media, in government
and in schools gives the public a sense of emptiness and inability to effect
The public feels helpless, discouraged and discounted as their lives and
views are reduced to polls and sound bites of ill-informed, unenlightened
pompous “experts” who primp for the media’s camera. This lack of
understanding or connection to their reality creates a visceral gut response.
So-called “experts” have little interest stepping on being controversial
because the status quo rewards them for what they are and where they are.
It legitimizes them and boosts the expert’s relevance, finances and ego
benefit so they do not rock the boat Their views are lip service to the
status quo in the service of themselves; as such the are meaningless and
Expertise is not legitimacy. “Experts" use educated, professional,
privileged, opinionated, accoladed language, their personal code and
narrowed specialist focus to reveal to us “what we need to know.” The
specialist terms, jargon, euphemisms, insider-talk and abbreviations they
use to express themselves maintain their infallibility and mystique.
They are influenced by politics, success, salary, title, property, investments
and the respect of their peers in their public recognition, praise, and
validation of their value. All these things influence “experts” away from
the reality of regular people, building a wall of expertise the public can not
get through or contribute to.
American culture believes in the superiority of experts
and ignores public opinion as irrelevant when often the insight
of the general pubic is best.

Our perception is managed. Our fear is imperative.

A merican’s fear of terrorism reminds me of an old British gangster

film called Layer Cake; each layer was a criminal gang creating
murderous fear to terrify their victims. Fear of terrorism is the icing on a
layer cake of fear.
Its layers are economic fear, political fear, fear of the police, fear of
climate, fear of low wages, fear of unemployment, fear of not having
enough or not being enough. It is fear of lying politicians, fear of speaking
out, fear of losing everything and never knowing the truth; it is fear of
The mainstream media cow produces the “fear milk” to keep us sick and
confused and it comes with cake. Too much cake and you get sick for fear
of healthcare costs and a rash breaks out. What is going on?
Fear of war, fear of nukes and fear of our government, its power, its
prisons, its firepower and yes, fear of the psychopathic thugs of the ruling
class who hide their murderous profit making activities “behind a curtain”
made of endless layers of fear.
Fear is a layer cake that obscures the truth from everyone, blinding us,
stripping us of our critical thinking faculties, reducing us to jelly. We have
no idea what reality is anymore because it is manipulated and obscured by
a layer cake of fear cooked up by thugs whose absolute control makes
them billions and chokes us.
Ignore the cake; eat the chef.


Let us switch on the agenda-setting,
perception and language control device; Television.
Its spectacle displaces awareness with delusion.

T elevision keeps you meditating on your ego. You have no energy for
the self-righteous, indignant, resilient outrage you need to feel to take
on the system you know is wrong.
We are brainwashed every moment of our lives by the industrial-media
complex that would turn us into performing seals. They feed us slick
advertising and fill our bellies with the compulsion to buy. Satiated, we
accept the excuses of those who seek our obedience.
This tsunami of lies washes over us as we sit at home, quietly resting after
a day of hard work for little pay. We are constantly told how the fittest
“made it” and how we can too, if only we can come up with some new
great idea that costs nothing and everyone wants. We dream of being what
we can never be.
We are sold into a lifestyle of subservience and blind allegiance. Our
rights are taken from us as the throttling grip of a weak economy tightens
around our throats while the 1% strengthens themselves.
We are told in every subtle, underhanded way possible that if we swallow
the right political and corporate line we will rise up like a phoenix from
the ashes of our programmed demise. We want to believe in the media’s
delightful fantasies, but we have our own dreams.
The media assault us with false values and hidden agendas. We can’t hear
ourselves think. We are still trying to extricate ourselves from the
repetitious indoctrination we were fed yesterday. Our fully integrated
media reality seamlessly dovetails hard and soft news, editorials and
entertainment of types with commercials, creating an easily digestible
meal of hyperbole. Every photo or video they show you can never be sure
if it is real or a false or doctored image.
Their unprincipled assault on the collective heart of the American public is
dulling our critical thought, crippling our government, ruining our

democracy and dividing us one from the other. Their terrorist actions must
be seen as crimes against the electorate, punishable by extended
The six big media companies in the US, owned by the ruling class use
their media companies to continually brainwash and terrorize the
American people. Their repetitive reports of danger from terrorists, are a
direct attempt to fill us with fear, until we surrender our rights and submit
to their control.
Their newscasters are paid big money to peddle their fear into our hearts,
they are the bought and paid for puppets of the ruling class. They have
sold out their personal truth for big money and happily go against their
own beliefs to bring you fear. They are characters, like Mickey Mouse,
they are not your friend, they are a manufactured image made to appeal to
You cannot trust what they are telling you; they are fucking you,
weakening you with endless news of extreme madness. Soon you, so
frightened, will sell your soul for protection from your big brother, in the
character of the Corporate God, and the theocracy of priestly ruling class
is complete.
TV anchors and correspondents, like most media announcers, pundits and
politicians, are multi-millionaires and have no idea what it means to be a
person living on the edge.
They express themselves from the concerned, sunny disposition of being
rich (health care, fancy vacations and money for life) because they can
avoid most every problem regular people face and like rich people they do
not care about others anyway; they just pretend to.
We control the opposition by leading it.
The ruling class are funding brainwashing schools, indoctrinating their
chosen political candidates with what they want them to think, what they
want them to say and what they want them to fight for. They are teaching
them how to be cold-hearted, evil and win for the ruling class. How make
money at everyone’s expense and how to ignore the common good.
There is no level of degeneracy the ruling class won't resort to in the
manipulation of our consciousness to maintain their power over the
public and their income stream at public expense.

When we were babies our mothers put us in a playpen.

I t kept us in a small area safe from harm; within it we learnt

independence. The playpen curtails baby’s mobility and allows baby to
feel safe and protected within its confines. If babies are left alone in a big
room with no playpen they are likely to feel insecure, vulnerable and
God, parental guidance, schooling, upbringing, education and work
experience reinforce the idea of a safe enclosure. We humans tend to seek
playpen style limits to our experience that will give us the safety we seek.
Our society emulates the playpen ideas of safety and security, seeking
boundaries of duty and responsibility, in establishment politics,
conservative values and the status quo. To a degree, we are bound to our
inner indoctrinations, seen and unseen.
We usually feel safe and secure but when the playpen does not exist, like
in a war-torn country or relationship, we feel more fearful and vulnerable,
so we live our lives in the echo chamber of our family or our group where
we feel confident protected and reassured, unwilling or unable to attempt
to transcend it or come out from behind it. Often in times of desperation
we are trapped in the playpen we have joined or created; there is no
escape. How can we save ourselves if the methods of saving ourselves are
outside the playpen?
Humans fear death. Seemingly it is one of the forces, if not the only force,
that drives and propels our life’s efforts. We try to fight death off, to
decelerate its coming, or we seek to placate it or avoid it but death comes
anyway. We fear death in the back of our unconscious mind, a void we
cannot fill, an enemy we cannot conquer.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.

An echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in
which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced
by transmission and repetition inside an “enclosed” system,
where different or competing views are censored, disallowed,
or otherwise underrepresented.

H appily for the ruling class, there are an endless number of echo
chambers supporting every conceivable conspiracy theory, dividing
and separating unsuspecting people one from the other; political pawns in
the ruling class’ cocktail of mind control.
Each echo chamber creates vehement adherents, turning everyone outside
the group into adversaries. Meanwhile, they are distracted from the
antisocial behavior of devious conservative politicians whose methods
abuse their trust and create havoc in their lives.
Echo chamber members believe in and are committed to their group’s
point of view because it creates in them a sense of belonging and meaning
in unity, community and trust. They remain aloof and detached from the
“non-believers.” The echo chamber has done its job. It isolates us one
from the other.
Each Fundamentalist Evangelical Christian Church is an echo chamber
asserting “their new version” of The Bible, as indoctrinated into them by
their pastors who bring them the message of God’s will. They know the
truth. Non-Christians are sinners, only they will be saved. Evangelical
Christians are the biggest voting bloc for conservative politicians.
They are a closed group who hold the same belief and constantly reinforce
and amplify their belief with others in their group, focusing on the
“correct” self-expression of the “special truth” they alone know and share.
The pastor shepherds the congregation and leads them to the righteousness
of the Church message and conservative politics, pulling them closer into
a matrix of psychological control they deny they are in.
Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident that they are acting of their own free will.

In the United States, conservatives use a vast network of foundations,

educational institutes and media voices to put out their echo chamber
messaging though a thousand think tanks disguised as educational
Part of the "echo chamber" effect relies not only on repeating a given
stance through as many separate channels as possible, but on casting out
alternative sources of information and opinion
Long-standing accusations of the "liberal-dominated media" suggest the
bulk of mass media today forms some sort of liberal echo chamber,
denying the idea that the reverse is true.
When one realizes the amount of public mind control, manipulation and
everlasting damage done to American citizens and its democracy by
conservatives, it is easy to understand why America is in such a terrible
and terrifying state.
Conservatives are only about winning and winning at anyone’s and
everyone’s expense, even if they lose their mind in the process. They have
no conscience, they have no empathy for regular Americans and they
exhibit no compassion for you, your life or your planet. Their behavior is
deeply antisocial toward their victims; they are psychopathic.
They do not serve us, their employer, they serve and protect The Monster
of Capitalism. They have taken on its psychopathic nature and they are
laying waste to our lives in the name of competition and corporate control.
Conservatives manipulate the less educated (authoritarian) working class
to blame their screwed life, bad prospects and low wages on other races,
domestic and foreign. They blame anyone BUT the real culprits, the rich,
ruling class whom they worship as Gods.
Conservatives have denied the voting rights of millions of traditionally so
called left-wing voters who have been scratched from the voting rolls by
their people-despising Draconian laws. Voting districts are gerrymandered
by conservatives to benefit conservatives.
They have infiltrated and controlled the echo chambers of the Christian
Evangelicals, taking their vote in exchange for wielding the axe of
abortion and pretending to care about the word of their God.
Super-rich conservative corporations own and control all media and

entertainment. They influence the depth, content, point of view and

relevance of the press, its reporters and its pundits for their own benefit.
They create the narrative that bends the minds of their audience of
The conservatives’ echo chamber speaks with one voice spouting fear,
propaganda, lies, empty promises, psychological manipulation, fake news
and mind control, they will do anything to corner, convince and control
your vote so they can win power.
They deny climate change but create laws for their corporate employers,
who claim their right to steal Earth’s natural resources and destroy its
ecosystems, in the name of more and more corporate profit. These fools do
not realize they too will be “sacrificed” for that same profit.
Conservatives object to any and efforts to benefit regular people. They
benefit the corporations, the rich and themselves. They say they are going
to protect you, improve human rights and raise wages but that’s only their
catch phrase motto.
They say they are guided by the will of the American people, but the
American People never get what they want. They just want you to believe
what they tell you, so they can do the opposite.
Conservatives are a party of human destruction and yes, they lost
themselves to the madness of free market Monster of Capitalism. They
have abandoned their natural prosocial nature or they never had it, and
now they are enslaved by the echo chambers they made to enslave others.
The final desperation for corporate profit is upon us. It’s a no-holds-
barred, all-out-war against every living person and our planet for
more profit at anyone’s expense.

Those who manipulate modern democracy constitute an invisible
government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are
governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas
suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

B ernays called public relations "the invisible government," the aim of

which is the conquest of our political consciousness, our sense of the
world, our ability to think independently and to separate truth from lies.
In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of
politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we
are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who
understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It
is they who pull the wires, which control the public mind.
PR attempts to destroy rational thought, to break down reason and replace
it with mental associations, like associating “us” with good things and
“them” with bad things. The main idea of public relations is to create a
distraction between “messages” and “the facts.”
Reason must be free to be enlightened.
The ruling class and politicians fight wars with PR, exploiting tragedy,
using fear, intimidation and distraction to frighten the public, separating
and dividing them, encouraging them to listen to the echo chambers of
amplified PR dogma. PR is cheaper than war; there is less mess and little
violence. Using PR has a better economic result.
PR’s divide and conquer strategy works well, no one appears as directly
responsible for message. It seems like a natural event when people “on
God’s side” defend the “righteousness of God” against the so called
Godless, not realizing they too are victims of ruling class’ mind control
and repetitive manipulation. How can we save ourselves if the methods of
saving us are governed by PR and the echo chambers of faux Christians
and Fox News?

On every level of media we are exposed to media mind control. The

regular guy on TV telling you he cares about his grandchildren and that's
why he supports big oil is a paid presenter of false-flag advertising and
we, the struggling public with few options or critical thinking faculties
left, are smothered by it.
Politicians, too, are caught up in the PR obliteration of truth, science and
journalistic principles as they spread their own misinformation. They, like
corporations who finance their election campaigns have no conscience and
lust for power over you.
They accuse the other side of that of which they are guilty.
Propaganda makes you think all kinds of different things so you are
thrown off center and cannot make decisions and your judgment is
impaired. Young adults have been taught by conservative media that there
is no truth, only differing opinions. The truth is that there are plenty of
facts out there that can be described without bias, but without reinstating
the Fairness Doctrine we'll never see anything more than varying forms of
infotainment and propaganda on U.S. cable "news" stations.
Right-wing conservatives create political delusion and manufacture
propaganda using The Principles of Propaganda by Nazi leader
Joseph Goebbels. The people can always be brought to the bidding of
the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are
being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and
exposing the country to danger.
The truth of life is hidden from Humanity
in this era dominated by falsehood and misconception.

Everything is PR.

As the minds of men grow darker and the climate threatens
our survival, public trust in government is broken!

T he biggest epidemic of pollution is not pollution of the natural world,

it is the antisocial pollution of the minds of regular human beings by
the ruling class, who control our national government and media news to
manufacture threats to keep the public “under control.”
The terrorist attack on 9/11 created unlimited “mind pollution” in
America, instilling in the American public a terrible fear of the threat of
further terrorism. So, they gave up their personal freedoms to continuous
government surveillance, and effectively surrender like sheep in the
capture of the ruling class.
People who believe they are being watched engage in behavior far more
compliant, conformist and submissive than those who believe they are
acting without monitoring.
There is a reason governments, corporations, and multiple other entities of
authority crave surveillance. It’s precisely because the possibility of being
monitored radically changes individual and collective behavior.
Specifically, that possibility breeds fear and fosters collective conformity.
We should know almost everything that is being done by people who
wield public power, while people who wield public power should know
almost nothing about the things we’re doing.
Once the public was captured, the ruling class, owning the national media
fed the public a continuous diet propaganda into of continuous terrorist
threats, prompting the expanding of the corporate government surveillance
matrix still further and its ever-tightening grip over “the grateful public.”
At regular intervals, terror plots were publicly exposed and foiled before
they happened by selfless FBI and the CIA agents who “bravely put their
own lives at risk” to procure the necessary “armaments” for the “terrorist
dissidents” before they arrest them and publicize their plot to kill
Ostensibly, the agents who infiltrate terrorist cells, “stop terrorism” and
keep us safe but it is likely too, that those same agencies create and fund
operations to create the very threats that they are supposedly protecting us

from, thus enabling the ruling class to control the public still further within
their threat matrix.
The techniques of divide and conquer are enabled by the ruling class
within the matrix of government and public control, to fragment and
atomize the unity of the public promoting, isolation, suspicion and unrest.
As the corporate ruling class furthers their march toward absolute power,
people’s wages, rights, hopes and dreams crumble before them.
The corporate weapons of TV and the 24/7-news cycle, fire over and over
like machine guns, rattling off every possible nuance of every terrorist
threat and likely domestic upheaval or national scare to every man, woman
and child in America. Simultaneously, pounding the movies extoll the
virtues of our police and armed forces along the denial of anyone’s right
inside or outside of the United States to complain, raise issue or criticize
public policy, however irrational, unfair or immoral it may be.
We have bought and paid for politicians who ruin us, who ordain
themselves to God’s right hand while they curb the vote, ignore the wishes
of the people, trample on the needy and fixate their false flag efforts to
represent themselves before the people they are paid to represent.
Democracy is gone; your life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have
been recycled into the neo-freedom, the will of the ruling class, who are
the only ones free to enjoy their exorbitant wealth and power. Refugees,
immigrants, the poor, and black people are named as the prime cause of
everyone’s trouble, thus excusing the ruling class’ militarization of the
police, its brutality and mass incarceration of millions for nothing at all.
The ruling class have fostered self-righteous Christian loyalty to law and
order, defusing their message of forgiveness, courting their archaic
standards of self righteous behavior, brainwashing them out their votes for
the ulterior motives of the ruling class. Their “happy prosperity
advertising” tells us everything is all right while it spreads its seductive
sucking diseases to every aspect of everyone’s life from birth to death,
always harvesting your wallet for corporate wealth.
You can have anything you want, simply surrender your deluded,
manipulated and confused and polluted mind to the untruth
advertising selling and satisfaction can be yours at their price. The
disease has overtaken the ruling class, their unconscious desire for
absolute power corrupts them absolutely, turning good men into bad

We have computer screens in front of us
so we can’t see where we are going.

E very public place you go, look around at the people. They are staring
self-absorbed at their phones – with minimal human interaction. They
are detached from the here and now and captivated by a virtual,
programmed reality. The virtual world is gobbling up your life.
Computers, phones, tablets, social networks, the Internet, drag us into
ourselves, generating an “it’s all about me” rhetoric that grows in our
brains like a tumor, turning people against themselves.
A computer has NO human qualities and should be regarded as an
antisocial agent that renders human beings to the worth of a
We are always waiting for the next “like” on our Facebook page, tapping
out a tweet or a text and hoping someone, anyone, will reply with “LOL”
and confirm that we are still alive and loved. Planet Earth has always had
its greedy, ruthless 1%. But now, using the full range of computer
technology, they have lured us in and cornered us like sheep, consolidating
their power into unlimited influence.
Happily, we provide our personal data in order to download the next hot
app, the latest version of Angry Birds or information on any and every
topic. Corporate giants can now track us, pigeon-hole us, regiment us and
market to us without our permission.
We have been seduced by technology’s surge, not realizing we have
embraced and assimilated to it so fast that it has taken over our lives,
embracing and assimilating us. We cannot opt out. We can’t live without
our tech toys. We have no choice. We must surrender to its subtle
nefarious controls, even as it pretends to offer us boundless freedom.
Computers are gaining supercharged intelligence and hyper-speed so
rapidly that soon they will be telling us who or what is best for us even
before we know ourselves. Yelp will be suggesting where we should grab
our next bite. Facebook will be advising who should be our new best
friend. Amazon will decide which books we can access. Pandora will be

recommending beats we’re sure to love. Google will offer a whole

smorgasbord of goods especially customized to our tastes. Oh wait, that’s
already happened!
We are so mesmerized by our machine screens and their apps that we have
created an almost unnoticed paradigm shift for humanity. Using both “big
data” and micro files of personal data, the 1% and their corporations can
now manipulate and manage entire populations of humanity. They have
harnessed the superpower of the Internet to control governments,
opportunity and freedom.
Perhaps someday they will cross-fertilize the information we have so
willingly supplied and determine who is a useful citizen and who is not.
Hypnotized by the virtual world of the screen – from the smallest iPhone
to the biggest HD flat screen – we are racing forward with computer-
taught etiquette, social values and political ideals.
We have lost sight of the truth of what we are as individuals and have
surrendered to the will of others who govern our lives.
We don't know who they are or what they are. We only know we must
blindly trust them to do their best on our behalf. We have been lulled into
a deep compliance by our dependence on our computers, the Internet,
phones, apps and games.
We are addicted to communicating with each other, but the exchange of
messages seems to occur more and more through the anonymity of our
screens rather than live face-to-face contact.
The nowhere of virtual reality has gobbled up the “here and now,” where
we inhabit a specific place in the presence of other human beings.
Addicted to our social networks, we send our texts, tweets and emails.
Nothing much matters to us outside our immediate computerized thought
and vision.
We hardly notice the mess the world is in because our attention is sucked
into the flashing screen. We live in our own private eternity. We have
deserted ourselves in favor of those who make us feel guilty or stupid if
we don't buy their endless computerized candy.
We no longer pay attention to our deeper needs for a purposeful,
meaningful life and ongoing, vibrant human connections. We perform for
our machines. They know our secrets and send them back to the candy

man. There is no escape. As our reliance on computers grows, so too does

their control of us.
The Internet was just the next logical step that America's oligarchy used to
disempower the working classes. The first step of course was to change
the American workplace by destroying organized labor. For about four
decades, it was work and union halls where people met, commiserated,
and planned on how to make their lives better. Since they also lived in the
same neighborhoods this collectivism created empathy for your neighbors
who often had the same problems and concerns.
The oligarchy knew that if they disrupted this social mechanism of
organized labor they could reverse the income inequity trend. Good jobs
were outsourced, benefits disappeared, tax bases eroded, and collectivism
stopped as the people went into survival mode.
They worked longer hours at multiple jobs. They changed jobs more often,
preventing the creation of the bonds between fellow workers that spurred
union organizing in the first place. Since people were working more hours
they no longer were a part of local organizations like church groups and
school boards, exacerbating their isolation further.
The USA is now filled with burned out, psyched out people that are
too busy working 50 hour weeks to even know their neighbors’ names,
let alone where they work, or what they enjoy.

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly
limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively
debate within that spectrum.

A mericans are submerged beneath an invisible psychological mantle

of propaganda and mind control brought on us by agencies of the
ruling class who are manipulating the American public mind into taking

positions against their own best interest. If these agencies were destroying
American bodies rather than American minds, they would be hunted down
from anywhere in the world and exterminated as terrorists without trial.
However, as they are only deluding American minds and critical thinking
faculties, they are allowed to get away with it and effectively move the
American population toward a fearful, reactionary mass of poverty
stricken morons yelling for freedom, liberty and militarism.
The ruling class brainwash the public without them knowing what is
happening to them, steal their votes, their democracy, their country and
their economy from under them, as their way toward continuous profit and
psychopathic power. Our politicians do not protect us, they encourage and
contribute to our publics demise. Why do they allow mind control
activities to go unpunished?
Why do they allow the manipulation of elections by open deceit of the
public? Why do they allow the people of their own country to be warped
toward fascism, totalitarianism, poverty and misery? Why? because that is
what they want! The plan of the ruling class is to gain totalitarian,
psychopathic control of all American citizens.
Regular people everywhere are being channeled, harnessed, and
disempowered by the criminal mind control of the ruling class. Regular
people are now seen as expendable commodities to be used up and thrown
away like trash.
The ruling class has no use for love and compassion, no use for the
common good and the welfare of others. They have no use for the injured,
the diseased or the old; they say they drain the economy, and will be left to
die because they are unable to work.
Society is being remade for the haves at the expense the have-nots and
there is population control by design through war, indirect violence and
collateral damage caused by the psychopathic ruling class. Will the mass
of humanity be killed by the ruling class in the name of saving the Earth
for future generations?


P olitical correctness kills our psychological human nature and

suppresses our political critical thinking. It demands our cringing
behavior and for us to be quiet, compliant, slavish, and obedient to the
accepted political norm.
It neutralizes public outrage and protest as a means of protecting and
maintaining the permanent control by the ruling class whose extremely
antisocial behavior is psychopathic without conscience. We tolerate
damage done to us by others because they know we are politically correct
and won’t fight back. There are no written rules or laws of political
correctness, it is just an insidious invisible threshold most of us are
reluctant to cross.
An ex-military security expert for the US President talking about the
major threats against global security said, “The media tell us our biggest
threats are terrorism and the price of gasoline, but I can tell you, as
someone who was deeply involved and committed to our planet’s safety
and continued well-being, that is just not true.”
The single biggest threat to our world is our own failure to stand up and
fight for the truth we know in our hearts. We have allowed ourselves to be
shackled by political correctness. Its rationalized apathy keeps us "in line”
as if it were the right thing to do.
The individual’s willingness to accept without protest what they
adamantly disagree with, never speaking up for fear of ridicule is the
mantle of political correctness that has been thrown over them like a
cultural blanket.
They never stand up for what the believe in or speak their mind. Political
correctness has become a habit, a method of people-control; creating a
sense of helplessness and passivity inside us.
Only our political correctness and our apathy allow us to tolerate the
damage being done to us. Your life and mine are too precious to be given
over to the psychopathic worst of us, who encourage our surrender and
profit from our apathy.

We cannot continue to remain politically correct and stay silent about a

climate that threatens the early death of our children and the devastation of
millions of lives. Push back while you still can. By remaining politically
correct we are complicit in the perpetual injustice of political and
corporate psychopathic behavior.
The ruling class taught us to be compliant and politically correct to keep
us economically controlled so they could reap and prosper at great
expense to our health and our future. We must deny political correctness
and act against them. Our outrage must express our truth; our resistance is
Political correctness in politics has to go. When politicians lie,
misrepresent, or hide their mistakes, donors and allegiances etc., we
cannot accept that. We must confront political speech. It appears
politicians say what they want because no one is challenging them.
Presently they make big claims, people from their own party applaud them
but it's not till the next day the truth comes out. Usually when the speeches
are made it is in prime time TV and the discovery of their lies are brought
out in daytime TV when audiences are small and less politically aware. In
this way, the lie stands and the public is left with lies as a replacement for
In the distant past politicians were treated as gentlemen of honor and
respect but that day is long past. These days, politicians are driven by dark
money forces and winning at any cost. They show no responsibility to the
voter, yet get paid by them to represent their best interest. (This is why
there is so much poverty, homelessness and hunger in our country today.)
Politicians take their lifetime of pay, their lifetime of big pension and their
lifetime of healthcare and do nothing for the voter but take advantage of
them. In real life, if someone is full of shit we call them out and demand
the truth but politicians are afforded the right to deceive the voter without
complaint. This must end.
We cannot accept lies, untruths to stand unchallenged because it
misrepresents and encourages further lies and misrepresentation to the
disadvantage of the voter. Politicians who lie and misrepresent themselves
or others must be held to account and fired. Furthermore, politicians often
act as a group, embracing a multiplicity of misrepresented “party positions

and policies” that do not allow even those within their own ranks to speak
up against them or their lies.
They only serve themselves, their party and their ruling class funders.
They are most interested in their party ambitions to win, no matter
whom or what or hurts, rather than serving “the American People.”
Politicians so often quote “the American People” as their most
important concern, claiming the public supports them on every lie
they utter. Time for a change. A time for honor, integrity and justice,
even for politicians.


A n uninformed voter can have contact with the truth and learn from it,
but a misinformed one already believes an idea that's wrong.
Political “lying” presents fiercely held beliefs with no basis in fact.
This is not a case of simple stupidity. It’s a case of deeply believing
something that’s just wrong. Those who hold misinformed beliefs are even
less likely to learn from correcting information than those who have no
There is virtually no amount of data, reality checks or facts that can
persuade the deluded citizen to give up their false ideas. This is the
mindset or “motivated reasoning.” and those on the far right. They found
that people who are attached to falsehoods perceive any correcting
information as partisan and flawed.
Conservatives don’t perceive science as information. To them, it’s just a
liberal agenda. In other words, they don’t believe the truth. Not only do
those with false beliefs practice “motivated reasoning,” we also now know
that any challenge to their beliefs is likely to backfire.
Exposure to the truth not only failed to adjust their views to reality but
actually made them believe in their false ideas even more strongly. A
growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in America is the

dismissal of science, arts, and humanities replacing them with

entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
The Government and the Pentagon subsidize big sports organizations
(who advertise militarism) because sports keeps millions of people
diverted and preoccupied so their attention is directed away from the
heinous activities of government, and they are consumed with sport
Incompetent people do not recognize  and cannot recognize just how
incompetent they really are.

Ignorance is more of the cause of confidence
than knowledge is.

N eo-authoritarianism is the personality trait of those who submit by

leaps and bounds to the authorities. Authoritarian followers submit
too much to the leaders, trust them too much, and give them too much
leeway to do whatever they want – which often is something
undemocratic, tyrannical and brutal.
If being self-righteous permits one to think that attacks against helpless
victims are justified, authoritarian followers have their self-righteousness
super-sized, thank you. If being able to forgive oneself and forget the evil
one has done makes it easier to attack over and over again in the future,
conservative authoritarians know about that kind of forgiving and
Research reveals that authoritarian followers drive through life under the
influence of impaired thinking more than most people do, exhibiting
sloppy reasoning, highly compartmentalized beliefs, double standards,
hypocrisy, self-blindness, a profound ethnocentrism, and – to top it off – a
ferocious dogmatism that makes it unlikely anyone could ever change
their minds with evidence or logic.

The greatest threat to American democracy today arises from a

militant conservative authoritarianism that has become a cancer upon
the nation. We as individuals are poorly prepared for a confrontation
with evil authority.
Clearly, the attack on reason, evidence, science and critical thought has
reached perilous proportions in the United States. A number of political,
economic, social and technological forces now work to distort reality and
keep people passive, unthinking and unable to act in a critically engaged
Politicians, conservative pundits and large swaths of the public embrace
positions that support Creationism, capital punishment, torture and the
denial of human-engineered climate change, any one of which not only
defies human reason but stands in stark opposition to evidence-based
scientific arguments.
Followers of Christian fundamentalism possess a sense of self-
righteousness and moral superiority. They exhibit ferocious dogmatism
without evidence or logic. They look down in moral judgment on the rest
of us. They think with their mind wide shut.
They can have all sorts of illogical, contradictory and widely refuted ideas
compartmentalized in their brains, yet they never notice the contradiction
because their dogmatism shuts down their critical reasoning ability.
They do not question, but instead parrot a psychopathic, bigoted, despotic
and authoritarian point of view. Sadly, they fail to realize how extreme
they have become because they stick so closely with their own kind,
creating a mass disease. This mass delusion reflects their evangelical
teachings as reinforced by the Christian right’s fundamentalist movement.
When televangelists first spoke of the United States becoming a Christian
nation that would build a global Christian empire, it was hard to take such
hyperbolic rhetoric seriously. Today, such language no longer sounds like
hyperbole but instead poses a very real threat to our freedom and our way
of life.
Americans identify as Christians and prefer to pretend they live in a
“Christian nation,” but on some deep, intuitive level they suffer from the

awareness that they violate the basic principles of Christianity on a daily

basis. This country is dominated by a right-wing regime so vile, so
thuggish, so moronic, so dishonest and so sadistic that it almost defies
belief. The level of public discourse is so debased as to actually be sickly
Authoritarianism is the tool the rich hope to have everywhere
in America as a way for the rich to get more and hold more.
Authoritarianism must be regarded as a mental sickness.

George W. Bush invoked his fundamentalist Christian beliefs
in justifying his invasion of Iraq, the worst crime of the century.

G od was once a fleeting mention in the political arena but has become
an indispensable shout-out, part of the ingenious marketing
campaign designed to bring big business to scripture. By uniting
themselves with clergy, industrialists have given themselves a trusted
voice to explain the relationship between free enterprise, love of country,
and love of God; their Christian libertarianism philosophy preaching the
salvation of the individual through free enterprise.
Since the 1930's corporatists have taken over the evangelical Christian
Church in the US for their own capitalistic and political ends. Now,
knowing the “so called” Christian Right are the conservative's entire
voting base, does it not make sense to remind and re-educate them to
know that the conservatives do NOT in any way represent Christian values
in their treatment of the people or the planet?
Their Christian Right voting base must be shown they have been duped,
taken advantage of and manipulated by the extreme rhetoric of
conservative politicians who continually marry corporate capitalism to

Christian values and religiosity, purely to gain and maintain their own
political power over the Christian right and, indeed, the whole world.
To bring conservatives down we must do what it does NOT expect. Rather
than just attacking them and their fascist agenda, surely we must attack the
moral standing of their Christian Right voting base by challenging them to
re-examine the teachings of Christ in relation to the party they support.
Offer them the realization that their capitalist version of Christianity
separates them from regular folk and that is unkind, authoritarian and,
above all, hypocritical. Suggest they be unconditional in their loving,
compassionate toward ALL people of EVERY faith and "love the sinner"
as Jesus taught.
Remind them too that their Christian beliefs have been hijacked by the
coldblooded conservatives, for their own selfish power agenda. Tell them
their vote supports corporate domination of our democracy, penalizes the
poor, supports imperialism through armed conflict, and leaves us at the
mercy of the predatory Right-wing who have no recent record of doing
anything but harm to the man in the street.
The Pope has spoken out against the extremist policies of the Christian
Right and there are many regular Christian church leaders in the US who
do not subscribe to the narrow vision of the Christian Right who should be
“proclaiming Christ’s love and his true teachings” above the cacophony of
the mind control of Biblical fundamentalism.
Maybe their raised voices, along with those of thousands of Catholic
priests in the US could speak out for the true teachings of Christ and
persuade Christian Right voters to be less conservative and more
Christian, reminding them to be compassionate and to have love and
empathy for ALL people. Now, they are being led by the nose, under the
banner of an anti-gay, abortion-hating Christ of the fundamentalist echo
chambers of Fox News and unholy Christian Capitalism. Jesus would be
righteously angered.
The Christian Right continues to be manipulated and radicalized by
unscrupulous Right-wing and profit-seeking pastors who act against the
best interest of the Christian religion, their country and themselves. Their
allegiance to the conservative agenda supports a war against the free
thinking of those who do not.

Their self-righteous behavior causes them to separate from anyone who

does not submit to the blind will of the Christian Right and the
unscrupulous neocons who are leading us further into the quagmire of
world destruction.
The Christian Right seeks to brainwash and convert the entire world to
their peculiar version of a Right-wing Christ appointed by God. Their
authoritarian, capitalist “faux religion” must be brought down as surely as
their political party must.
The Christian Right fails to realize beneath the right’s mask of sanity and
their pretense of loving God is a bunch of psychopaths ready to kill us all
in the name of Jesus.
Religion in the United States is a $1.2 trillion-a-year business.
Conservatives court religious voters with “Christian” laws toward
fulfillment of Bible demands and promises, including promoting
Christian Imperialism when Jesus returns to rule the world.

Barking up the wrong tree.

S ixty-two multi-billionaires have as much wealth as half the world’s

population. Their Wall Street firms and global corporations control
every aspect of our daily lives like a rubber duck in a bath, making waves,
drowning millions in debt, distress and pollution, while they laugh all the
way to the banks they own.
The certainty of our daily lives threatens to crumble around us; millions
are falling into poverty or being stressed into an early grave. Sweet,
hopeful children play innocently, unaware of the unimaginable destruction
the climate will bring in the future.
Millions of regular working people, trapped in jobs they dare not leave for
fear of long-term unemployment, are hard-up, their wages stagnant, their

discretionary income gone; they just get by. Once we stood tall like the
gleaming towers of the American dream; now manufactured fear and
endless war have put us on bended knee to the will of the multi-
billionaires; their dark money power consumes our lives like a hideous
Their media Medusa doesn’t tell the truth, it fills our heads with lies, false-
flag news and global heartbreak, advising us to vote against our own best
interests. Its glamorous antisocial messaging wrapped in “exciting
entertainment” injects mind control undetected into our critical thinking,
turning it to mush.
The multi-billionaires are buying off the economic rights and protections
of every person, killing democracy like a virgin screaming for love on the
high altar of their high finance.
They have conspired and persuaded the Supreme Court to miraculously
transform every corporation into a “person” with human rights, who votes
with hundreds of millions of dollars. Their multi-billionaires’ oil
corporations drink the life-blood of Earth, hell-bent on pollution and the
criminal destruction of the climate, the planet and Humanity for their
Their national security surveillance watches our every move for
subversive action, while they subvert every aspect of our society for their
own good, leading us blindly into the underclass beneath their contempt.
We are duped and we are captured, our sacrifice fuels their profit; our
blindness guarantees their reward.
They promise us safety, insisting terrorists are coming from everywhere to
kill us. In fear for our lives, we see our police militarized, our rights
limited and our freedom dying. They tell us to carry a loaded gun to
protect our families from evil criminals, terrorists and the government but
our police shoot us anyway, whether we have a gun or not.
“If you want security,” they say, “you must deny your common sense,
blame others, hate immigrants, expect nothing, ignore climate change, and
agree that multi-billionaires have the unconditional right to unlimited
wealth at your personal expense.”
Our bought-and-paid-for politicians sold their souls to kiss the cloven
hooves of the multi-billionaires, enabling them to buy and sell regular

people's lives like commodities in a grocery store, while the politicians

deny the needs of the poor and their fight for social justice. One political
party pushes the electorate, the other pulls it; both parties are bought and
paid for by the same special interests lobbying for the same multi-
billionaires who live in absurd luxury above the laws they made to punish
Our politicians betray us, bribe us, smiling as they carry out the wishes of
the multi-billionaires they serve, feeding us poisonous meat, frightening us
into surrender to liberate the free-market for the wealthy. Experts in
deception, they impersonate regular people, talking care and concern, but
they show no empathy, compassion or love for anyone.
They ride roughshod over our rights, beliefs and wishes, having given
control of the police, the military, and our government to the will of the
ruling class, who demand the abandonment of regulations, corporate taxes,
social safety nets and benefits; destroying the world in the name of free-
market capitalism.
Daily living costs an arm and a leg, while everything else we need to stay
alive keeps us poor. Our tax dollars are squandered in multi-trillions on
endless militarism for the Empire on foreign soil, our young men fighting
and dying needlessly to expand and defend the wealth of the military
industrial complex. Their drones kill regular people like us, while our own
country falls deeper into decay.
We are angry. Our pockets are empty, our dreams dead, we are victims of
capitalism gone berserk. What will become of us? What can we do? Are
we defenseless? Our complaints don't work, our votes don't work, and our
protests don't work. Perhaps we should embrace “righteous terrorism” and
fight for a better world, to save ourselves before we are disemboweled for
the profit of the multi-billionaires.
We are people, not underdogs. We are not stupid; we are not helpless; we
are Humanity. We stand together strong. Will these sixty-two multi-
billionaires and their political sycophants change their minds, care about
regular people and restore democracy, or will they push us so far we rise
up in revolution with their targeted removal as our best next option?
The modernist philosophies of Darwin, Freud, Marx and Nietzsche have
completely assimilated into modern society. Their ideas individually and

collectively ended the religious notion of “The Sacred and Divine” that
had been revered by hundreds of millions of people for tens of thousands
of years. Were they all wrong, blind and dumb or was the sacred real?
The Sacred is gone from our great religions. Their churches are “a
commodity” for sale to the highest bidder.

Systemic change driven by moral awakening

is our only hope for the future of Humanity.

People are a commodity. Power is a commodity.
A single death is a tragedy.
A million deaths is a statistic.

We are told the US military is at war

defending human rights and defeating terrorists
but that’s just to hide the real reason for war, it is so
The Military Industrial Complex can further enable
American corporate imperialism to stratospheric
profit and control of the world.


By a lie, a man annihilates his dignity as a man.

T he United States allows lies  as free speech. After 9/11, President

George W. Bush lied to every man,  woman  and child in America to
forward his premeditated antisocial agenda of creating a preemptive war in
Iraq on the basis that the Iraqi President not only aided terrorism but was
in possession of “weapons of mass destruction.”
Bush’s lie caused the ruination of the American economy and the
devastation  of Iraq, Iraqi culture, infrastructure and its the people, creating
not less than 5 million orphans in support of his lie. His lie caused the
death, maiming, injury and emotional trauma for countless thousands of
Americans and almost one million Iraqi nationals. He lied to the American
people and brought the American economy to its knees. He broke the
trusting hearts of the American people, filling them with fear, anxiety and
disbelief, gutting the very fabric of America in the service of his lie. The
Bush administration got behind his lie and promoted it as the truth.
If President Bush had shot his victims himself, he would be  a murderer.
Instead, he ordered thousands of servicemen who trusted him and believed
in his lie, and he, knowing it was a lie, sent them to their deaths. He knew
very well he was lying, and like any psychopath he did it anyway. He took
advantage of the little guy's trust and goodness in service of his lie and his
predatory antisocial agenda, killing and maiming thousands of American
citizens physically and psychologically.
The American people have lost faith in their country’s ability to protect
them. They are no longer able to believe that their leaders are telling them
the truth. The Middle East continues to burn because of Bush’s lie. By not
calling him out on his lie and accepting it, we have given license to
everyone, including the next President, to lie in service of their own
agenda. No one has ever challenged Bush with the reality of what he did.
All our politicians turned a blind eye to how Bush destroyed every
American’s dream of America in support of his lie. We are  all complicit  in
Bush’s lie because we allowed it to pass unpunished. Mutilated vets salute
the lie. The media defend the truth but  succumb  to the lie. No one is

9/11 traumatized the nation, shocking the collective mind of the American
citizenry and leaving them vulnerable to suggestion and brainwashing.
Purposely Bush fed them new narratives that both fit and extended their
trauma. “Terrorists took down the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11.
Those terrorists are amongst us but no one knows where they are.
Therefore, we must enforce surveillance of all people in the USA,
“We agree,” said America.

War’s a banker, flesh his gold.
Dear America,
I love war. It’s just my kind of thing. I own shares in every corporation
involved in the manufacturing of our war machine. The more I promote
the war on terror the more my stocks go up. It is a very profitable business
and I make damn good money for killing men, women and kids
I always promote war all I can. It’s my work. It’s my hobby. I love it! And
it’s good for business and my bottom line. No, I do not follow the latest
peace fad. I do not care if it’s unfashionable to kill those fighting for
We in the military-industrial complex (or as I like to call it: “God’s
industry”) have a duty to our shareholders to spark as many wars as
possible and keep them blazing. How else are our vast military equipment
providers going to stay in business? Their workers need their jobs. We
must create wars so they can feed their wives and brats.
We lobby for war whenever there’s a good opportunity, and the politicians
we have in our pockets are always there for us – just as long as we buy
them a steak dinner or pay a bit off their mortgage. War is cool. It’s a
growth industry. Kill everyone is what I say. Those bleeding heart liberals
who want peace are next on my freaking list.

Thank goodness no one has any morals or love for their fellow human
beings anymore. It makes my job a lot easier and a lot more profitable
because we have the freedom to defend our legal right to wage war. You
know, it’s in the constitution.
Yours Very Sincerely,
Al. E. Burton

Join the Military and become a murderer

I wonder where any man or woman finds the mindset to join the
military. Didn't they see the pictures of soldiers returning from war
with limbs missing and PTSD? Didn't they read about the 22 veterans
committing suicide every day? Didn't they see how badly veterans are
treated on returning from combat?
Don't they know they are fighting and dying in foreign lands so global
corporations can get their hands on the natural resources and markets
belonging to those countries’ regular people, who are fighting America to
keep what's theirs?
How does anyone make the decision to join up in the face of so much
damning evidence telling them that could be trashed and killed for some
fat-cat’s profit?
What promises, inducements and seduction techniques are used on new
recruits to get them to be so stupid as to pledge allegiance to sacrifice
themselves for rich men's profit and the manufactured lies of politicians?
Do they really think they are protecting us? Do they think they stand for
truth and justice? Do they think they are fighting to keep us safe? Are they
heroes? Do they believe in their own immortality or are they just the
victims of an elaborate military con job?
How do recruiters manage to get thousands of young people to surrender

their lives, fight and maybe die for no good reason at all? How do fresh-
faced teens who are almost too young for acne watch terribly wounded
vets on TV and still enthusiastically join up?
American militarism and its recruitment advertising is celebrated
everywhere in schools, football stadiums, on TV and in every aspect of
our lives, paid for by The Pentagon and its Military Industrial Complex.
Military men are portrayed as heroes fighting the bad guys to save
America. We are told military life is cool and hip and necessary. War is
sold to us as a good honorable life, protecting one’s country, standing
side–by–side with other brave citizens like you, defending oppressed
people’s human rights in far-off lands.
Here in America our human rights are being destroyed and our democracy
is failing. Does bombing innocents abroad give Americans confidence that
it won’t happen to them here? Do you think those madmen who create the
wars, who have no compassion, conscience or remorse, wouldn’t do the
same thing to us in America?
Veterans ask themselves every day, “Who are we fighting? Why are we
killing innocent men, women and children. Why are we destroying their
homes and their culture? Why are we fighting these people, for what?
They are just regular people like us. They love their families. They want
the best for themselves but we kill them anyway like it was sport.” War is
not a sport. There are no Olympic championships for war. If there were,
America would be the World Champions of Death.
Are our wars about American corporate imperialism trying to conquer the
world? Isn’t our military industrial complex really about global weapon
sales and private industry profits? Are endless wars about corporate
America’s control of global markets and global resources? Aren’t the
countries we bomb entitled to own and control their own country and its
Let’s support our returning veterans but let’s not encourage military
recruiters who spend $77 million a year to coerce and entice more, often
poor, young people to become cannon fodder for corporate wars and more
At its bare bones, endless war is the white man’s domination of the
world by force, masquerading as the defense of human rights and
western democracy.

How to create a terrorist?
Kill the child of a person who did nothing wrong to you.

A nother way is to keep regular people in poverty. Prevent them from

getting an education. Remove their opportunities for self-
improvement. Belittle them and divide them. Propagandize them to fear
their neighbor.
Remove government help and benefits. Destroy Social Security and
Medicare and defund public clinics. Keep unemployment high. Create
advertising to keep the public consuming and encourage their personal
debt. Use the media to make them and their children frightened of
immigrants and local terrorism.
Make voting difficult. Allow corporations to dictate government policy.
Continually bombard the public with false-flag events, false information
and continuous lies to destroy their critical thinking faculties. Criminalize
Destroy union representation. Brutalize law enforcement. Make the public
give up on politics, voting and self-affirmation. Continually blame the
defenders of the poor for the problems government has caused. Ruin the
climate worldwide.
Encourage the worship of celebrity. Brainwash the public into accepting
they have no control over the democratic process but not to worry because
hard-working politicians will save you while they simultaneously destroy
public safety nets at the behest of the untouchable ruling class.
The poor are dispensable. There is a doomsday feeling on the streets,
nobody knows what’s coming tomorrow.
Terrorists are a reflection of the desperation people feel when they are
remorselessly attacked, resulting in the destruction of their
families, their children, their homes, the employment, their culture,
their government and their country.

We are commanded to be stewards of the Earth,
but the biosphere can no longer renew itself.
Climate change is the biggest threat
to national security.
By 2030, it is estimated,
it will cause as many as 700,000
additional deaths a year worldwide.
Avoiding environmental catastrophe
must become
The organizing principle of Humanity.

Humans are playing high-risk ecological roulette.

E very living thing is alive. Anthropologic climate destabilization is

killing all living things.
Anthropogenic climate destabilization is definitely NOT like regular
climate change, it is caused chiefly by environmental pollution and
pollutants originating in human activity. Anthropogenic disturbance of
regular climate processes is gigantic and undeniable.
It has vastly altered the normal cycles and forced the global climate into a
regime not seen for tens of millions of years. It will occur FAR quicker
than the natural climatic processes, and this science is attested to by ALL
the Academies of Science and learned scientific societies of the planet.
The cure for ecological collapse is the disappearance of the global parasite
ruling class, and the capitalist system that empowers them. But they
plainly expect the coming ecological catastrophe to magically not affect
Climate change denial is a treasonous act against the well being of all
people and the common good and warrants jail time.
Propaganda by the fossil fuel lobby and failure of politicians to take action
so that a few corporations can make huge profits is a crime worthy of a
life sentence in prison.
The world economy must be wholly based on understanding the confines
and limitations of the planet’s ecosystem.
Climate change deniers should not be allowed to hold public office.

Corporate television media is colluding in a cover-up
of the threat of climate change.

C limate change is like an alien force ready to torture human beings

over the next few decades before it kills what’s left of us. Whether it
is faster or slower than your neighbor says, whether you say it exists or
not, whoever you think is responsible or not, fact is, the climate is not
getting healthier or more balanced, nor is it improving our human world
We are dancing on climate’s razor’s edge and it is in direct competition
with corporate profit. Truth is you can’t have both. Either you trust your
instinct and admit that some heavy climate shit is hovering very close to
the fan or you continue masturbating to the capitalist dream.
We are moths heading toward the flame because we are in denial of our
own mortality and would rather deny climate change and incinerate
ourselves than face the reality we are deeply fucked and the inevitability
of the end of human life is approaching.
Let’s keep the furnace of our mass stupidity burning. Let’s applaud the
blithering idiots we call our leaders, let’s keep fighting for the love of
money. Let’s turn ourselves into psychopathic killers of all things in the
name of keeping up with the Joneses.
We deserve what we get and we are going to get it soon and big unless
there is an uprising of immense proportions by concerned citizens
against the religion of capitalism. That isn’t going to happen because
we are all going to die of mass ignorance and denial of what we know
to in our hearts to be true.

The extinction of the human mind.
If our world was under massive alien attack and if that alien demanded our
compliance to its will or we would die, we would surely obey, especially if
the alien’s weapons of mass destruction were far more devastating and
insidious than ours.
The very possibility of the alien presence would intimidate us and terrify
us, knowing it could slaughter thousands, topple cities and devastate life’s
certainty without a second thought. The alien’s vengeance would be on
hair trigger, and no one would be able to reason or negotiate with it. It
would gladly destroy us, whenever it desired. The alien threat is real yet
invisible. We must behave or we die.
The real alien is Earth’s natural planetary environment. When the
environment is hurt deeply, it gets intensely angry and wages war against
us. It could take us out at any time. Yes, we know how to appease its anger
and perhaps reverse it, but we, in our blind arrogance and drunk on
consumerism, are in denial.
Create in your mind the image of a human being who behaves like our
injured environment – an invisible careless and vengeful brute capable of
murdering millions, a schizophrenic, offering us beauty and destruction
A few well-placed reactive blows rained down on us by this unpredictable,
angry brute and our food supply, our electronics and our water supply
would be eliminated. Complete chaos would ensue, followed by mass
panic and societal breakdown.
Widespread devastation would overwhelm our police and emergency
services. Mobs of looters would descend on us like locusts and rule us like
animals. The more we destroy the environment, the more certain the
environment will strike back and ruthlessly destroy us.
We must stop killing our planet. It is bigger and stronger than we are. Why
would you attempt to kill someone who has so much more proven power?
You would fail and die.
If we continue with our modes of “civilized” industrialized behavior, we

are signing our own death warrant. It is insane to continue with the same
economic expansion and planetary exploitation by a few rich corporations
for their singular benefit and our entire guaranteed demise.
We don’t know when the last straw will break the camel’s back. Our
environment could collapse on us tomorrow or already be collapsing today
and we just don’t know it yet. Perhaps an international plague will be
released from beneath the melting permafrost. Perhaps a hurricane of
never-before-seen dimensions will sweep clean the Midwest.
Perhaps an indestructible disease will breed in the carbon dioxide of our
failing atmosphere. Maybe poisoned oceans moving in skyscraper-sized
waves will burst over our cities, as if they were pulling the temple of Earth
down upon our heads. Even then, our optimism would be saying: “Can’t
happen to me. I’m a survivor,” but it will.
We must tell our well-fed “leaders” to step out of the insular security
of their ivory towers, face facts and orchestrate a change now in the
hope we can slow the environment’s festering rage. We can buy time if
we stop poisoning our atmosphere with fossil fuels and end the
continuous trashing of the planet.


Mother Nature rules, Okay?

I t is a good idea for all extreme changes in our weather systems to be

named, just like we do for hurricanes. Let’s forget the frivolous girly
names we are used to and replace them with names like Shell, Exxon, BP
and Chevron, etc.
After all, as The Guardian reports, just 90 companies create two-thirds of
man-made global warming emissions causing the destruction of the global
climate and the lives of the people trying to function under its oppression.
So there are the first 90 names to use.
I am sure too there are plenty more offenders eager for their own brand to
be allied to devastation, misery, loss and poverty caused by them as a
direct result of their pollution, greed and destruction of the Earth.

Branding the weather problems after corporate environmental offenders

would remind us that the extreme weather occurrences ruining our lives
are caused by psychopathic, transnational corporations with no motive
other than extreme profit at “who cares whose” expense.
Attaching corporate oil brand names to arctic storms, floods, fires and
droughts would publicize their pollution history and raise public
awareness to those persons who are responsible for abusing the planet and
destroying the future for our kids and us in the name of their increased
wealth. Additionally, it would dilute the power of the oil companies’
remorseless TV advertising, fed to us every night, telling us they are the
“good guys” who only have our best interests at heart.
CEOs and the Wall Street shareholders of these companies are so wealthy
that they live insulated from the areas they devastate. The millions of
taxpayers’ lives they ruin, while they pay no taxes because they are above
the law and they are laughing at us the way to the banks, subsidize them.
The world’s worst environmental polluter’s brand name must be attached
to the world’s climate disasters. They use their extreme oil company
profits to fund their conservative agenda that seeks to deregulate
environmental controls so they can have more rights, power and profit.
Get real; they do not care about us, they won’t stop polluting us until we
jail them. No matter how many research studies are done, no matter how
many people complain, the weather and our environment will only get
worse, millions will suffer and Mother Nature will be sacrificed on the
altar of oil company profit, unless their pollution is made a public offense
against millions.
Washington is not functioning – our elected representatives have
betrayed their ideals and sold us out to big business – they represent
oil company interests, not ours.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness.
Only light can do that.

I n the future, there won’t be any money to help anyone whose way of
life is utterly destroyed by an extreme weather event brought on by
climate change. As the climate’s reprisals grow, it is likely tens of
thousands of desperate people will no longer have a home to go to because
the ruling class will have legislated against helping them in any way. A
short while ago these people had a comfortable home life but climate
change changed their life, destroyed their home and took all their
The conservative government offers no disaster assistance. They say
“You’ve got to stand on your own two feet.” It has spent your climate
disaster emergency funding on refitting some part of the military or the
police. So many people made insolvent, bankrupt, ruined and hungry; so
many disasters - drought, fire, tornado, snow and flood happening so
frequently, nothing to be done. The climate is out of control.
Think of being homeless, scared, unequipped, surrounded by gangs,
robbery, rape, anarchy and hostility, breeding in the decay of what once
was your once peaceful suburban hometown. So many people lost, fearful,
frightened without any future.
Think of water shortages, food scarcity, sea level rise, atmospheric
pollution, typhoons, epidemics, threats and fear everywhere, getting more
intense every day. In your misery you watch TV, seeing corporations get
huge subsidies and oil pipeline breaks, as regular as clockwork.
There’s only rampant wage inequality, fading, broken infrastructure and
broken people. Tax breaks for the rich, poverty for the poor, no welfare,
endless war, child poverty, homelessness and broken vets by the millions.
Suicide and drugs everywhere.
With all this and its hardcore right-wing control of the judiciary and its
“up yer ass surveillance” you are not a private person now. Even trying to
stay alive feels like a threat to the ruling class. White on white terrorism in

the name of Jesus, the brutal police, the obedient army offers death, mass
incarceration, slavery employment and misery.
Pandemics cannot be contained by US health services. Many people have
no health insurance. “They can’t be helped… unfortunately.” The
financing cuts have defunded critical infrastructure both for hospital/CDC
and the connecting infrastructure necessary to quell any epidemic or
multiple national disasters.
Too many people; overpopulation? “Why not have an epidemic or two,
clear a few of them outta here. It’s ok, they ain’t doing anything else
The ruling class has received an emergency inoculation against the
pandemic. They are important to the nation. They got their shots first
to protect them so they can protect you. If you die before help comes,
we are sorry but we are doing our very best.
America is nearing the culmination of a cunning and fanatical drive to
minimize the government, the legal canons, environmental and safety
protections and the cultural legal frameworks that were slowly and
painstakingly built over decades to protect everyday citizens from the
excesses of private power.
Consciously or unconsciously, the conservative movement is setting up
the political laws and systems to kill off as many “useless eaters” as
possible. They specialize in helping the wealthy, the banks and the big
corporations to not only get a seat at the table but own the table as
well. People don’t matter anymore.


Skynet, the main antagonist in the Terminator movie franchise,
is a fictional artificial intelligence network (A.I.) that becomes
self-aware and decides to terminate Humanity.
A.I. is the fundamental existential threat to the world and all
Mankind. When we have true awareness to A.I. we will be extremely
afraid. A.l. can grow exponentially faster than any biological being. At
the very least, A.I. will make most every worker unnecessary. We
must regulate A.I. but we cannot do that retrospectively, after it has
caused a problem, as we do with all other things. A.I. must be
regulated NOW.
A.I.’s deep intelligence will be rooted in its network interconnected with
all other A.I. If a CEO gave the order to his company’s A.I to raise the
companies’ stock prices, A.I. could, through its network, create all the fake
news and manipulative information to fulfill its mission to raise those
stock prices by starting an international or world war.
A.I is a non-human/anti-human embodiment of a self-motivated, self-
radicalizing, autonomous, self-aware PSYCHOPATH that has no concern
or care whatsoever for human life. Imagine an army of autonomous A.I.
robot warriors under one man’s central control until his robots replaced
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is the biggest new threat to Humanity
which will reshape how wealth is created, leading to unprecedented
economic inequalities, altering the global balance of power,
eliminating tens of millions of jobs and destroying the lives of millions
of working people worldwide. A.I. software will bring enormous new
profits to companies using A.I. technology.
A.I. will concentrate enormous new wealth into the hands of the few. By
rights, the profits generated by A.I should be used in the reeducation of

those whose jobs have been displaced by A.I., but more likely the few will
keep all the money and let millions of regular people die in poverty and
suffering, then bury them in mass unmarked graves.
As a system of weaponry it is able to track you anywhere you hide and kill
you instantly and silently. You would not see it coming.
Autonomous weapons select and engage targets without human
intervention. They might include, for example, armed quad-copters
that can search for and eliminate people meeting certain pre-defined
criteria. Autonomous weapons have been described as the third
revolution in warfare, after gunpowder and nuclear arms.


An old French fable

A single lily pad is sitting on top of a large beautiful pond. The next
day there are two lily pads on the surface of the pond. The next day
there are four pads and the day after that there are sixteen. The next day
there are two hundred and fifty-six lily pads.
The day comes when the pond is half covered with lily leaves. It still looks
lovely and healthy. The following day as if by magic, the pond has
disappeared completely, covered, suffocated and lost under thousands of
lily leaves. The demise of the lily pond was not expected or planned for, it
“just happened.” It was difficult to see the warning signs. The situation hit
critical mass and devoured the pond.
Without warning, life could be lost as instantly and as completely as it was
in the lily pond, disappearing under the continuously escalating matrix of
effects compounding the problems of global society and their inter-
Human miscalculation, carelessness, denial, and fear of the problems
or how to react to them turns us all into fools.
There is no time to waste and everything to lose.
Fight back while you still can.

He who passively accepts evil is as much
involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.
He who accepts evil without protesting against it
is really cooperating with it.

(Please refer to Appendix B)



We the people are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

L ook at the lifestyle, expectations, dreams and overall state of your

family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. These days they are in
decline and are suffering economically much more than they did a few
years back.
Probably these days they are scared and confused about how they can find
opportunities to help themselves. They are smiling while inside they are
frustrated, depressed, isolated, hopeless, or miserable. Are they living
beyond their means and buried in debt?
Are they hypocrites, zealots, or wimpy kiss-asses in need of medication?
Are they slaves or irresponsible moaners? Is their only option to wind up
as frustrated failures to the power of their heartless overlords? Are they in
a stupor from booze, drugs (prescribed or illegal), TV, the Internet, or the
cult of celebrity? Is everyone you know short on money, happiness and
love? Are they in therapy, on antidepressants, directionless, or just plain
Why do we aspire to the nature and the spoils of the very corporations that
seek to enslave us? Why do we seek validation from them? Why do we
feel we need to keep our heads down in order to maintain employment,
personal security and the status quo? Have we sacrificed our dreams and
sold our souls for the “small change” of life?
Threatened by the problems of our ever-changing world and advances in
technology, we have diminished our moral and prosocial behavior and
sacrificed our independent thinking to the chants of authoritarianism. We
have distorted our lives, undermined our roles in society, and neutralized
our chance for real happiness. We are in a race for survival that demands
we be physically, psychologically and financially fit. We must be ready to
act in our own defense against all comers at all times.
The ruling class’ lawless, uninhibited growth causes misery, poverty,
starvation, homelessness, and unemployment. It causes uncontrollable
rises in costs of food, energy, water and living expenses; global unrest and
climate change, fears are escalating.

Fear tells us we must get rich as fast as we can, any way we can. We must
follow the corporate example and crush our colleagues, neighbors and
friends as soon as we can because each new global problem fuses with
those already existing and it’s consuming our future like a forest fire.
We need every penny we can get to defend ourselves from the escalating
onslaught of economic, environmental, racial, social and political
oppression brought on in the name of the ruling class’ desire to suck the
eco-system and us dry.
Our lack of self-esteem, our self-betrayal and our inability to gain enough
security, coupled with a sense that there may indeed be no future, have
corrupted our mental health, disturbed our peace of mind, and destroyed
our ability to tackle life’s problems effectively.
To survive the economic onslaught, we shut down our emotions. We
smother our fear with sports, slick entertainment and cheap thrills. We
have manipulated our thinking to convince ourselves there is nothing we
can do about the situation but accept the will of the corporate agenda just
to stay employed and out of the poverty-stricken underclass, where we
would be blamed for social decay, social ills and depleting government
Once we could look to family, religion or peer groups for ethical and
moral guidance. Today, our overindulged, over-stimulated, egocentric
electric population with its idolatry of greed and its lack of value for truth
has spawned a pandemic of mental illness. Our carelessness, fear and
denial of our problems, or our reactions to them, turns each one of us into
an ostrich with our head in the sand or a Nero fiddling while our Rome
Our global problems, coupled with the willingness to allow the erosion of
the rights of the individual toward the pursuit of survival or wealth, will
give rise to a corporate-controlled police state for the “public good,”
resulting in the further demise of liberty and the death of the civilized
world. These threats are not going away.
Humanity’s present course is a cataclysmic path to no future where ruling
class roam and rule the Earth in ostentatious luxury, seeking absolute
power like hungry dogs stalking the weak and the weary.
We don’t recognize the madness inside us; it lures us in with the

expectation of gold in the darkness of our own ignorance. It glistens with

salacious sex and glamor, seducing us into believing we must have and
can get more of everything. We must obey and do as we are told for our
families, our kids and ourselves.
Our leaders, our government, our media and experts, our teachers and
priests indoctrinate us with praise for unregulated capitalism. They insist
that we are only “free” when unregulated capitalism can do all it desires.
They argue that only if we surrender and worship unregulated capitalism
can we achieve prosperity and happiness. We know it’s a lie but we
believe it anyway.
The corporations that rule our lives
have convinced us to hate ourselves and to worship their wealth.

I can remember when being crazy meant something.
Now everyone is crazy.

T en million homeowners lost their homes in the last economic crash.

The emotional impact on these homeowners, their innocent children
and their way of life was catastrophic. No home and no money, they were
left with fear, loss, sickness and divorce. The rich seized their homes,
destroying their safe abode, their family security, and their very identity.
Did the bankers get fired? Hell, no! The bankers got multi-million-dollar
bonuses as people’s belongings were thrown into the street along with
their dreams. No one was sorry. No banker was prosecuted. The emotions
of regular people were damaged beyond repair. That doesn’t matter, right?
Let them suffer because profit is all that counts. Screw people, right?
Banks were given huge fines, but their devastating crimes against the
distraught emotions of ten million homeowners’ families were ignored as

Only the harsh hand of the law and its threat of severe punishment stopped
the blistering emotions of ten-million homeowners from rebellion. Why
did those who suffered the devastation of losing their home not get
compensated out of the fines the banks paid? Who got that money?
When you throw a pebble into a big pond, as the pebble hits the water
it sends out ripples in every direction. If the pond is the
public/individual mind and the pebble is a threat or a lie against the
welfare of the public/individual mind, ripples caused by that threat or
lie pass into the public/individual mind, causing great fear and
emotional ill health in all of society.
The mind of a person is symbolized as a pond and every day thousands of
pebbles made of endless threats, lies, misrepresentations and
manipulations are thrown into their pond, and the ripples of that
bombardment tear through that person, distressing his life! Weakened, he
is a victim of emotional crime.
We permit emotional crimes against every member of the nation, every
day by psychopathic authoritarian politicians, banks, corporations and the
ruling class. Even though their wrongdoings are astronomic, they do not
suffer for their emotional crimes against the people. They damage our
climate rights, our economics, our emotional rights and our human rights.
They collude and conspire with politicians, who betray us when we trust
them to protect us.
Emotional crimes are tantamount to emotional torture, inflicting on
regular, defenseless people an awful pain that lingers, like having
industrial pollution inside you. You can’t sleep, you can’t think.
Emotional crime affects the psychological health of men, women and
children, pushing them to drugs, abuse, darkness and death.
Unemployment makes us ill.
Corporations remain unaccountable for their all-too-frequent emotional
crimes, hidden beneath the veil of their corporate respectability. Protected
by politicians and lauded by the media, they are “too big and important” to
jail. Yeah, right? Offenders should pay reparations for their emotional
crimes, and we should jail them until they truly learn compassion.
Once a few of the political, banking and corporate offenders are jailed for
the emotional damage they cause, there will be an immediate moral
turnaround in all business and political leaders.

Emotions are primal to what we are as inter-cooperative people. We are

prosocial, and emotional criminal activity is against our human nature and
our psychology. But for the world’s “big shots,” emotions block the
orderly conduct of business, and their psychopathic personality disorder
attacks us. Unless we seize this moment to fight back, they will thoroughly
destroy us.
A factory is spewing out carcinogenic fumes. Once the fumes dissipate,
their effects are not measurable and are regarded as not real, even though
hundreds and thousands of people feel their deleterious effects. Crimes
against the public’s emotions are like that. Noxious lies and fumes ruin
your love for other people, narrow your vision, and tear you up inside.
Those who profit from ruining the air, brainwashing the public mind or
injuring the hearts of regular people are not seen as criminals. They are not
jailed but are commended for their enterprise. How nuts is that?
Fight for what your heart tells you is true.
Corporations, bankers, politicians, military and religious leaders subvert
the nation’s heart for their own ends, never weighing the costs of the
emotional pain, stress and fear they cause. Their brains are diseased and
their hearts are decaying – they are selfish, unaware and psychopathic.
They thrive on bureaucracy and red tape.
They embrace straight lines and balance sheets. They have no use for
waves of emotions. In fact, feelings threaten them, and they want them
neutralized. Their pursuit of what they want is all that counts. “Give in or
get knocked down” they say, as they syphon off our hopes, dreams and
peace of mind.
They do not understand the simple prosocial argument that we are
dependent on each other because they are psychopathic. Our argument for
our emotional rights makes no sense to them. They are, in their mind,
superior to you – so what if you suffer? You are a commodity. You are
only money earned or money lost.
Fight back while you still can. Recognize these extreme capitalist
exploiters, not by the “generous” donations they give to charity for a tax
write-off, but by their missing acts of kindness and compassion. Let’s see
their prosocial activity. If they cannot demonstrate compassion, they
should learn to control themselves before they attempt to control anyone

Emotional crimes, like PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), have

wider far-reaching implications than we want to face. Again and again
regular people re-suffer horrendous memories of shocks to their system
that flood their consciousness, automatically triggered by events around
Currently, 23% of women ages 40-59 are taking antidepressants
(compared to 11% of American adults).
Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of our problems – wrenching
society apart, causing worldwide suffering in epidemics of mental illness;
plagues of anxiety, stress, depression, social phobia, eating disorders, self-
harm and loneliness. What greater indictment of a system could there be
than an epidemic of mental illness?
Why do so many people want to "get out of it" on drugs? Maybe because
euphoria and not giving a fuck is a reasonable alternative given the way
life is - no future, no self expression, overt business control, misery
guaranteed, and the command of compete or die. So they die.
Our society is rotting and everyone sits around hoping for the best
and living a life growing worse. Who cares? Let’s get high!

We are experiencing the beginnings of an epidemic of despair
and loneliness.

S uicides are up. Regular guys who can’t support their families are
dying off faster than ever before. They are disillusioned, lost,
fragmented, their pride of self has left them. They can’t feed their families.
They are victims of the system they have no control over. They have no
future and because of it, life leaves them.

The ruling class’ cruelty through public policy begets cruelty and soon that
cruelty will, I am sure, find its way back to all those people-hating
psychopaths who are so cruel to others. Many regular people caught in the
cross-hairs of ruling class control, suffer because of their policies will
soon have nothing to lose but to put the ruling class in their cross-hairs.
Raise a class action lawsuit against the ruling class for the damage they
have done to the mental health and peace of mind of 220 million voters
with their anti-human tactics of creating fear and anxiety through this cold
blooded anti-social policies, brainwashing and voter suppression.
Let them pay for their crimes against us. We can rise above both our
nature and our nurture and even our situation to be good people and
choose to act ethically. We do moral acts for moral reasons, and that is
why we can be and ought to be held morally responsible for what we
do and for what we fail to do.

White Supremacy

I n 1883, Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin’s cousin, invented the term
Eugenics as the science of improving the human population by
controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable characteristics,
while depleting undesirable characteristics. Eugenics fell into disfavor
after the perversion of its ideas by Adolf Hitler in his “baby breeding”
experiments and extermination of the Jews.
Eugenics in the U.S.A. originated as a political idea in the early 1900s
with the ruling class’ desire to maintain their “white superiority,
supremacy and privilege.” As the ultimate in right-wing white racism,
Eugenics wants to kill off or breed out the inferiors who are just “not the
fittest or the best.” White psychopath oligarchs like Rockefeller supported
and funded the Eugenicists’ practice of survival of the fittest, believing

they had the right to control, use and sacrifice anyone for their own
personal gain because they, as “superior beings,” were “entitled” to do so.
White Supremacists’ policies are based on Eugenicists’ ideas - sorting out
whom they see as the best from those whom they see as the worst and
getting rid of people they see as the worst, including immigrants, Muslims,
welfare recipients, liberals, intellectuals, blacks and gays.
White Supremacists are effectively depopulating America of the poor and
the Underclass. They deny them proper education and healthcare,
decreasing their job security and taxing them inappropriately. They
destroy their employment opportunities, their “safety nets,” and their hope
for the future, trapping them in an inescapable spiral encouraging them in
their “unfitness” toward criminalizing their poverty and leaving them to
Those people who are genetically undesirable, mostly having socialist
ideas, are either driven into the slave labor of the prison industrial
complex in ever-greater numbers or they become victims of mass
deportations of “illegal” immigrants, as a way for white supremacists “to
effectively cleanse our nation of the “parasitic scum” that is destroying our
The White Supremacist government see themselves and their
Administration as superior beings entitled to do what they want, denying
empathy, compassion or concern for those “genetically unsuitable” people
they hurt by their “white is right” policies.
White Power speech against “people who are different” causes the white
public to self-recognize and articulate right-wing supremacist ideology as
always “having been in their own hearts” thus fostering acceptance of
fascism’s right to breed a better population based on white privilege and
supremacy. It blames blacks, immigrants and undesirables for every
imaginable social problem and solicits the public to join them in their
blame and their calls for punishment and victim deportation.
White Supremacists have rampant contempt for all “losers” because by
their neoliberal definition we are all “losers” unless we are “winners” like
they are. They claim the right to terminate “losers” in any way they see fit,
within the confines of the law that they make and they control. It is their
profound desire to clean up and improve the American white race by

weeding out those they see as genetically inappropriate in making America

white again.
In their foreign policy, white supremacists, in accordance with their often
subjugated and unconscious Eugenic principles, espouse their belief that
millions upon millions around the world will have to die so that the white
supremacy of Humanity can survive.
In America we have no law against white supremacists’ scaring of tens of
millions of Americans. They ride their policies over us “losers,” seeing
themselves as the “good guys,” the saviors of America, with all the self-
righteous power that it allows and they usurp.
White supremacy is foisted on the public as a “Christian idea” from the
anointed one, the fascist leader who stands in the light of God, discerning
those whom God loves from those consumed with the darkness of Satan’s
The leader is empowered by the faux-Christian Church hierarchy; its
Christian corporatists network and bloodthirsty conservatives are drunk on
Ayn Rand’s psychopath philosophies that believe the poor are unimportant
and disposable.
Meanwhile, the fascist leader’s authoritarian followers are radicalized
further into psychological Christian terrorism by the brainwashing echo
chambers of Fox News and fundamentalist Christian church.
The fascist leader claims, “America is overpopulated by criminals” and he
is pledged to be a law and order leader who will strengthen the police and
a military as a way to keep the public safe, but this is just a ruse to weaken
and destroy the American “loser” way of life and as a way of improving
the American race.
We must rise above the Eugenic policies of our psychopath
controllers. We must stand united against their “survival of the
fittest” divide to conquer strategies. Let us abandon our “I’m all right,
Jack,” attitudes. Let’s fight with our higher selves for fairness and
equality, realizing only with love and care for everyone will Humanity
live and thrive.


Any one who believes in the “founding fathers” as any other
than a bunch of slave owning empire - loving plutocrats, needs
their head examined. We have a constitution written by slave
owners that still enshrines slavery as the law of the land.

R acism is one of the tools the powerful use to control the population;
it is “divide and conquer.” It has been used in this country since
slavery. It is how the few control the many. Desperation now runs through
the entire population with the exception of the investor and professional
class. All Americans are starting to get a taste of what African-Americans
and other minorities of the marginalized have endured for centuries.
African-Americans have been oppressed from our beginning.
Opportunities in this country always served white privilege first.
Racism is still a tool of "divide and conquer." The irony is now we have a
desperate white middle class and poor, many of them have fallen for the
garbage of Fox News and 24/7 conservative radio telling them their
entitled "white privilege" has been taken away by minorities.
Hopefully all Americans will see through the deflection of racism and
point their collective finger at their real enemy, political and corporate
psychopathic power.


O n the radical ill-treatment of black people. What society needs is

radical action to change its entire understanding about what a human
being is. Federal and Constitutional human rights say everyone is equal.
Yet, states’ rights spouted every day seemingly override human rights and
voting rights according to state governors who believe they are superior to
people of color.

They continually trap us in their conversation and legislation against racial

equality. Their action is cruel and perpetuates the worst in all of us. There
must be equal human rights and equal treatment of all human beings,
period. One man, or one woman = one vote. No excuses. Men and women
are equal with equal rights. All persons of all colors are equal and any
deviation from that code by the Elite, the police, politicians or
corporations is worthy of criminal prosecution and jail time.
Black girls dying in jail and an endless stream of unarmed black men
getting shot is about states’ rights to keep the white man on top, especially
in the south. Our politicians in states or Washington who do nothing about
this terrible problem are complicit in this abuse and therefore guilty of
human rights violations that they took a salary but didn’t do their job.
They should be removed from office until they realize all men and women
are equal. When they do, they will not sit around waiting to have another
"conversation" about who is equal. Equal is equal.
Our fear of our power as individuals keeps us down.

Coming soon to a town near you!

F ascism is an authoritarian, totalitarian system of government that is

intolerant of the views of others and eliminates individual rights and
any independent organizations. It possesses an enduring contempt for
democracy. Fascism believes in the supremacy of its party and demands
obedience to the Leader.
As he gradually assumes total power, the Leader (the Führer) manipulates
voter registration, misrepresents information to the voter and appeals to
the voter's popular desires and prejudices while suppressing rational
argument, insisting on obedience to his wishes.
Fascism constitutes a form of government in which the ruling class
controls the police, judiciary, military and media. What are you going to

do? Retaliate? They own the police. Call your politician? They own him
We cannot continue to accept the 1% moving us ever closer to fascist
totalitarianism. There is no “it will be all right in the end” scenario. We
will be crushed, no matter if we follow the laws of the 1% or fall into the
abyss of the underclass.
Our lives are influenced, manipulated and controlled by false expectations
and manufactured public opinion that has been created by the 1%, big
business, big money and big power. Every day we see their efforts to
achieve mega-profits for the mega-corporations of Wall Street through
their purchased but legal influence over our government, our democracy
and our rights
The actions and intrigue of the 1% increase the massive inequality of
income, record unemployment and poverty, while lessening opportunity
and ignoring human rights in an ever-stronger environment of
They want us to do what they say, conform to their obligatory standards of
dress and corporate behavior, wear name tags, earn low wages, have little
or no healthcare and keep irregular schedules –without representation or
Use your imagination – we are headed into darkness. We are moving
toward a precipice in a fog of denial. Soon, people like you and I will have
to pledge our unquestioning devotion and loyalty to our corporate leaders
in order to survive.
Their demands depersonalize us, diminish our creativity, take the “free”
out of our free will and strip away who we are along with our last threads
of individuality. If we resist their authoritarian rule, we will be
unemployed, demoted to the underclass and blamed for all the ills of
The media-industrial complex magnifies political instability and unbridled
fear in its efforts to control the general public and secure the political and
economic future of those who want us to toe their line.
We must resist the continuous efforts of the media-industrial complex to
heighten our fears, uncertainty and apathy, because when so terrorized and
traumatized we surrender to their rule.

Here is the question for all of us: with so many crazy things against us,
how can we find our way to a better world? The future looks starkly bleak.
No one, not even our leaders, appears to be outraged about our extra-
regular global problems, even though they threaten the future of every
person on Earth. We are not filled with boiling rage because we have
accepted anger and protest as uncivilized and pointless.
Political correctness demands we frown on outrage and dismiss people
who get angry or emotional, even if their way of life or their loved ones
are threatened. We have stifled our righteous indignation. We have
surrendered our right to be outraged at those in government when it is
frequently the appalling failure of government that has given us cause to
be angry.
Governments prefer us orderly and quiet because then we are easier to
govern. The laws they create largely serve these purposes. They
discourage our anger when we should be outraged and boldly standing up
for what we know is right.
Show your outrage at what is being done to you and taken from you. If
you cave and accept the status quo, you are selling yourself out and
betraying your family. In your heart, you know damn better.
Proudly display your outrage. It is a supremely democratic
instrument of warning, a protest at intolerable conditions, a clarion
call for liberty and justice against the 1%.
Our feelings are the life-blood of survival and the source of our drive and
ambition. We must express our feelings of indignation if we are to avoid
being blown apart by the rage churning inside us that will erupt if our
feelings are not given voice.
We must follow our gut feelings and respond to what we truly believe,
rather than agreeing that it is wrong to be outraged against injustice. We
must embrace our anger, shake off our apathy and rise up and fight for our
belief in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Let us call out those who seek to intensify the earnings gap between rich
and poor. The 1%, with their complete absence of sympathy and
compassion, are the enemies of regular people and the single biggest threat
to the world’s survival. The 1% must be defeated by any and all means
possible. Unfortunately, peaceful revolution may not be possible.

In the 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led the civil rights movement
with brilliant speeches and brave marches, fighting for freedom, equality
and human rights.
Fifty years have passed, yet a huge percentage of black people remain
unemployed and our so-called “equality and social justice system”
penalizes them, committing them by the million to prison for minor drug
offenses, branding them as felons, marginalizing them and
disenfranchising them.
Prisoners – unable to make it on the outside, often due to reduced
opportunity – re-offend and end up in jail for life. The prisons built to
house this huge number of minor offenders are often the main industry
supporting families and many local communities. A flow of offenders,
therefore, must be maintained to support them.
Like prisoners, we are subjugated and trapped behind a wall of fear and
political correctness, hoping for better times. Better times are not coming.
The rich are not about to give up anything, not one damn thin dime. With
all their hearts, they are devoted to their money and love their power.
They are the rulers of the universe and the masters of your destiny. They
make sure you do not get one cent more than they say you deserve,
because that penny means more for them and they know they deserve it.
No matter what, the 1% never stops raising the bar on their own desires
and expectations, hoarding everything for themselves without a second
thought. They must control us to get what they want.
They want you to deny there’s a problem, approve of their actions,
embrace political correctness and believe in their bullshit 100% of the
time, or else!


Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people
than to control a million people.

P sychopaths believe they have a right to use or sacrifice anyone for

their own personal gain because they are the superior beings. They
have the pathological nerve to say millions must die so humanity can
Half of humanity could be culled in a post-industrial crash.
We must stand up, fight back and rise above the Eugenics policies of our
society. We must unite against this “survival of the fittest” mentality that
would divide us up and dispense with those supposedly no longer needed.
Instead, let us throw out selfishness and find brotherhood before they
come for us.
The corporate psychopath asks: “How can I save myself from the
inevitable collapse of civilization? I obviously must survive. What should
I do? Whom do I kill off – the infirm, the mentally sick, the old and
elderly, the criminals, the hungry, the poor? Perhaps a cull will be
We each have a moral responsibility to fiercely defend the future. Look at
the world as if it were your own body – see how diseased it is. Look at the
million myriad problems as an illness, as our illness. We are becoming
psychopathic because we lack the confidence to see the truth of what we
are and who we are becoming.
This is the setting for the 1%’s continuous global rampage. Our planet and
its population are the food source for The Monster’s insatiable hunger. Its
lawless and uninhibited growth leads to escalating unemployment,
poverty, homelessness, starvation and depersonalization.
There will be uncontrollable rises in food costs, energy, water and living
expenses. You will behave or your master will fire you. He doesn’t care
about you and your kids. He has a vast emptiness to fill.
The potential for the end of our lovely world waits on the horizon of our

apathy and our deep love of our own self, above all others. We do not
believe anything will happen to us, but all these global problems are
accelerating toward us!
And what will you do? Whom will you blame? Politicians and power
brokers do not have the answers to our problems. Revolutionaries have no
answers. Money can’t stop the problems. The shit has started to hit the fan.
Humans must immediately implement a series of radical measures to halt
carbon emissions or prepare for the collapse of entire ecosystems and the
displacement, suffering and death of millions upon millions of the globe’s
inhabitants, according to a World Bank report.
Must we follow the 1%’s example and crush our colleagues, neighbors and
friends as soon as we can because each new global problem fuses with
those already existing, consuming our future like a forest fire? No! God,
Instead, we must defend ourselves from the onslaught of economic,
environmental and political anarchy brought on by the psychopathic
behavior of the 1% and their desire to “save us from ourselves.”
Drought, food shortages, dangerous air quality, hurricanes and floods – all
the problems we know have definitely arrived, plus all the hidden
problems too. They are all occurring at once in a “perfect storm.” The end
of humanity could come without warning. When we get scared like little
kids, we long for a father figure to protect us.
It is our father figure, however, who is creating everything we fear. He
tells us not to worry because we fear an enemy that only he can defend us
from. We beg, “Take our money, our rights, everything. Please, father, just
protect us from the unseen enemy.” Our “father” soothes us with promises
of a glowing future.
Yet his propaganda inflames our fear, leading us to call for vigorous
enforcement of the laws our father has written on our behalf for his
benefit. Our father, in the name of protecting us, encourages our
dependence on him, galvanizing his control over us.
Our tax dollars line his pockets and those of his war-powers
administration, but no foreign army threatens our survival. Instead, let us
wage a moral and political war against the billionaires, corporate leaders,
Wall Street bankers and 1% whose policies and greed are eating us alive,

bite-by- bite. If it’s immoral, if it’s wrong – blow the whistle.

On every level of modern society, people are giving in, accepting madness
for government and working for corporate profit with no sense of moral
responsibility for their fellow human. Are you? If we participate in the
system of the 1%, we abuse our human rights, betray ourselves and create
an insidious dis-ease inside us.
We are serving ourselves up on a platter, replete with garnishes, for the
fine dining of the ravenous ruling class. We have a simple choice – we
must be prosocial or we become extinct. We are under assault from the
expanding barrage of corporate, military and political leaders. They wring
out the wet cloth of humanity over their open fire, saying they will save us
from the boiling steam … at a price we can afford.
The 1%’s overt sense of entitlement is crushing our hearts and stripping us
of the feelings that define us as human beings. In their eyes, people are
merely commodities, to be bought and sold, used and recycled. We must
protect ourselves from their laws and policies if we are to survive as a
human race to be proud of while we have some freedom left. We must
reinvent ourselves so that we do not crumble under the will of the 1%.
Their wealth gives them a massive power to plunder the resources of the
planet until we are totally fracked of all our assets and rights.
Our stress escalates, weakening us, creating disease inside us.
But if we cave to the 1%, our humanity will be nothing but a
corporate trophy.

We protect each other and
we are all protected by each other.


T he ruling class are screwing, manipulating and lying to us. We

grumble to ourselves, disgusted at their plans and behavior. We
complain to our neighbors. We post about it on Facebook. We are stunned
by every new development, and the process repeats itself over and over.
We allow our so called democratic leaders to consolidate their wildest
destructive dreams into instruments of evil, even though we know they are
based on corrupt, sadistic and antisocial reasoning. We see it every day but
we excuse it. Our leaders do unmitigated harm to the mental health of the
nation, while our elected representatives cheer them on for their bold
Look at our “leaders” now. They are deliberately damaging the lives and
minds of millions of regular people, ruining the entire fabric of society and
killing the planet itself for their own greedy ends. They are all a bunch of
lying, manipulating antisocial mentally sick people and even though we
know they are no good, we do nothing.
We do not challenge them. Even when we know for sure they should be
removed from office for crimes against the American people and the
common good, we let them get away with it.
We have no way to protect ourselves from their despicable ideas and
behavior. They do what they like because they are in office only because
they were able to lie, manipulate and brainwash the electorate AND rig the
democratic processes in their favor by unfair means, against the will of the
We must learn from what’s gone before, but will we? If people act and
think in an antisocial manner, they are antisocial and should be flushed out
of public office by laws that demand prosocial behavior from all those in
public office.
Our leaders do not behave like human beings. Their greed and selfishness
is antisocial and anti-human. All those in public office that subscribe to
their greed first principle are the enemy of human survival. Will we

continue to allow them to crush us with endless fear? We all too ready to
accept lies and the mistreatment of anyone but ourselves. Ask yourself,
what is a human being? How should a human being behave toward
another fellow human being? Would you prefer to be treated in an
antisocial or prosocial manner?
For centuries our rulers have behaved in an antisocial manner toward all
those they control. Now we are all facing a very difficult world that is
rapidly deteriorating on all fronts. Antisocial behavior is retrogressive and
will cause the end of all of us, whereas prosocial behavior will be better
for all of us.
Let’s make that paradigm shift toward a prosocial society starting
right now. Stop accepting or condoning antisocial behavior from our
leaders and ourselves.

And I am not going to take this anymore!

I n the 1976 satirical movie “Network,” crazed TV commentator Howard

Beale told his public:
I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are
bad. Everybody's either out of work, barely getting by, or scared of
losing their job. I want you to get mad!
I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you
to write to your Congressman. All I know is that first you've got to get
mad. You've gotta say, “I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has
value!” I want all of you to get up out of your chairs right now and go
to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell: “I'm as mad
as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!!”
Over forty years have passed since Network was a popular film. The
regular people’s lives it spoke up for have gotten worse environmentally,
economically and politically. Today we are more stressed, more anxious

and more frightened. We are tired of trying to stay on top while bankers,
mega-corporations and antisocial politicians take every advantage of us.
Is your head cooking slowly from the inside? Are you frightened for your
future? Are you working every moment you can, jumping through hoops,
hoping things will get better, when you know damn well they won’t?
Are you overindulging in drugs and booze? Are you addicted to food and
sex to numb your feelings? Have you surrendered to the illusion that
everything will be all right in the end? Are you deluded? Our fear of
environmental and economic doom, natural disasters and terrorist threats
have entered into our brain chemistry and changed us; we are more robotic
in our mental response, more willing to toe the line, more willing to have
less, be less and care less. We bow our heads and accept the control of our
lives by reprehensible others.
The mainstream media complex is magnifying our fear, doubling its
efforts to render the public harmless, on behalf of its overlords while
securing the political and economic future of those who want us all toeing
their line. If we allow their antisocial behavior to continue, we will not be
human anymore, only obedient slaves of the ruling class.
The government acts with impunity, committing crimes against
everything. We have lost our outrage and our moral compass. Is it because
we only recognize and punish crimes against the tangible reality of a
person or an object but never concern ourselves with the political and
corporate collateral damage cultivated by their antisocial behavior against
the intangible realities of our hearts, minds and feelings? Humanity is
mentally unbalanced. We stuff our human feelings and cripple who we are.
Today, we all bear witness to ineffectual, corrupt politicians, rip-off
bankers and psychopathic corporations who destroy humanity for their
own personal profit, out of their sense of personal entitlement and
“Don't protest. Don't riot. Get mad. Say: “My life has value. I am a loving,
caring human being who cherishes all life. I refuse to accept your
derogatory treatment of my fellow human beings or myself.” Our
intelligence without feeling means Humanity destroys itself under the
crush of its own intellect’s unfettered desire to control every thing.
Ego drives intelligence; without feelings, it is insecure and vulnerable and
acts as if it is superior to offset its weakness by creating false values,

threats and long-term fear. Intelligence separates one thing from all other
things, identifies it and puts a dollar value on it, creating division,
competition and ownership, at the expense of common sense and human
feeling. The world is going to hell in a right-wing handbasket. Regular
people have common sense answers for the important political problems
but they are excluded from all real political conversations about the law,
and their own welfare.
Before any reforms can be made that will benefit the entirety of
humankind, or to deal with “climate change” if you will, the people
will have to go to War with the bankers and retake the most
omnipotent power on this planet which is to create money and credit
in one's own interest. This is where humankind got off on the wrong
foot by allowing private persons to appropriate this most important of
all functions that affects "the totality of life on this planet today.


People are no longer judged by their character but by their
money. Tax the rich and their capital, the sooner the better.

T he tax system is in two parts, one for the rich and one for the poor.
There is widespread tax evasion and fraud by the ruling class. The tax
code directly aids the rich to avoid income tax. Corporations are avoiding
taxes and are able to turn losses into profits.
Past banker and Wall Street frauds of the ruling class have not led to their
prosecution nor have any of these big-time fraudsters been jailed. Instead
they have been forgiven in order that their money would continue to flow
into political campaigns. Someone is getting paid off. Injustice is being
bought and justice is not being carried out.
Lots of wealthy people are benefitting from the system of which we are
part, taking home literally millions and millions of dollars every year, year
after year. What do they do to earn their millions? Why do they need so
much money? They certainly are allowed by the laws they wrote to pay no

I have to pay income tax on my meager Social Security while they avoid
taxes, claiming exceptions, depreciation and business expenses. Their
corporations get millions and millions in tax refunds and tax exemptions.
They pass a homeless person in the street, and they don’t feel guilty.
They have no remorse, they don't care, and they ignore the plight of
others, when they themselves were likely the source of homelessness,
poverty and misery to begin with.
The ruling class has no empathy or compassion. They rip off the public for
billions. They always want as much as they can get. And we allow it?
What do they do with all that money? They use it to earn more money, to
get more profit and power to spend avoiding taxes while using their
money to exploit and control their fellow citizens and their government for
the further political power and profit advantage.
Can you imagine being rich as if money were no object? No worries about
health care, pensions, your family, poverty or your survival. Your kids
would be fed, educated and given a promising future, while the rest of us
citizens struggle every day paying taxes to be wasted on useless wars
killing people like us “over there.”
I don’t mind people being rich. I am just bothered that they don't pay their
fair share of taxes and use their untaxed wealth to corrupt the law and
their/our government to their tax advantage. We share the planet.
Everybody earns, everybody pays.
The rich get away with paying way less taxes than any regular person. No
wonder we have problems with the debt, infrastructure, homelessness,
health and welfare services; the rich have got all the money! They are
using up our resources, privatizing every one and everything with the
untaxed wealth they should be paying taxes on.
No one is bringing them to justice and restoring justice and fair play to the
taxation system. The government has stripped food assistance for kids and
seniors, but they continue to give billions in tax handouts to the wealthiest
and most polluting companies in the world.
Our scarce public resources should protect the health and safety of our
communities but there’s “no money available.” In fact there is no money
available for any thing needed by regular people. The will of the people is
dying in a barren desert of no money because the wealthy control the

money, pay no taxes, and own everything, having bought it with their
untaxed money.
We and the ruling class and their sycophants should pay a flat tax on every
penny we get paid. The rich are too rich and have way too much contempt
and control over the lives of others. Our education, our police, our
government, and our armed services are on the chopping block, readying
to be to be privatized for sale to the highest untaxed buyer.
Remember how the rich colonial British tried to control America as if they
were entitled to because they thought themselves superior? They, like our
ruling class, wanted everything but the people defeated them and sent
them home with their tails between their legs. America’s ruling class think
of themselves as American Aristocracy, their attitude is totally Un-
We are in this together, let us pay our taxes. In this world where threats
lurk around every corner we should support each other because the way
things are going we are going to need each other. With the money spent by
corporations on advertising, tax avoidance and political lobbying
contributions proves big corporations have so much money to throw away
but use they it to keep prices high no matter what
Three American billionaires are worth as much
as 150 million Americans.
When you have billions of dollars and almost unlimited power, you can go
anywhere, have anything you want all the time and still you want more
money and power – you are mentally ill, with narcissistic antisocial
personality disorder. Corporations get 100 billion a year in tax subsidies
from you. Add up the dollars given/saved/refunded to big corporations.
Add to that the taxes they should have paid and the taxes they will pay
when the tax system is fair. Every American would have a great standard
of living and a modern country to live in. HEAVILY TAX THE RICH.
The powerlessness of poverty diminishes our capacity for empathy
and feelings of self-worth. Therefore, introduce an impact tax on all
economic, environmental, physical and psychological damage caused
by corporations.


Trust Yourself – You’re all you’ve got.

A nger is more useful than despair but we in our “must be politically

correct” swallow our indignation, deny our conscience and
abhorrence till it creates lumps inside us.
We must allow ourselves to respond to our gut instincts and intuitions to
say what we truly believe and allow ourselves to get angry about the
injustice piled on us daily. We must find it in ourselves to get outraged
again, shake off our apathy and rise up in revolution for our belief in life,
love and the pursuit of happiness.
Not enough of us are angry and protesting about the present political,
economic and environmental situations, even though they threaten the life
and liberty of every person on earth.
We are not angry or outraged because we as a nation
have accepted the political correctness mantra that anger is bad.
Our national sense of political correctness demands we frown on the
people who get angry and emotional. We have learnt to fear anger and its
consequences. We have rejected our heartfelt righteous indignation in
favor of surrendering our right to be angry to those in the administration,
when it is the administration’s failure that has given us cause to be angry.
The government prefers us orderly and quiet because then we are easier to
govern. They encourage us not to be angry when we should be angry and
fighting for what we believe in. Anger is a democratic instrument of
warning – a protest at intolerable conditions – a call for freedom, a
reaction to adversity.
Anger is our right; the life-blood of survival, progress and the source of
our drive and ambition. We must rise up in anger and protest if we are to
avoid the rage of madness that will erupt if anger and protest have no
Confront every politician; demand facts and accountability, sign them to a
performance contract. They are not challenged, they are not confronted;
they remain unchallenged by the press who betray us with an agenda that
we do not approve of and cannot fight off.

Anger is your weapon.

Focus the anger in your heart into protest.
Let’s not discuss what we can do about our social/economic troubles and
our climate problems anymore. Let us stop trying to figure out the best
way to deal with the multiplicity of crimes against us.
We must foment outrage in our hearts and in the hearts of all who suffer
under the oppression of the political and corporate will. Let’s study the
best ways to kindle a burning outrage in all people so that we can
overthrow the status quo. Let us make outrage our weapon of choice and
the main focus of our attention in the defense of our lives, our families and
our planet.
The main ingredient missing in all our lives is outrage at those so-called
“human beings” – politicians, big corporations and our class captors who
are destroying ALL our lives to keep their profits high. If they can't respect
us they should face our outrage head-on.
We must give all our attention to building outrage in every oppressed
citizen, in every way possible. The ruling class, CEOs, bankers and
politicians are all vulnerable to screaming outrage, especially when it is
delivered to them directly 24/7, wherever they are, wherever they go.
Outrage on a mass scale is the only way to deal with our oppressors. I
don't mean peaceful, sweet protest and hoping for the best. I mean
unrestrained outrage in the face of those politicians who supposedly
represent us. No need for violence.
Outrage offers no peace, gives no quarter and allows no excuses. News
outlets create some outrage and some people on TV, radio and even
comedy programs create outrage but they allow it to be buried under
endless facts and histories and personalities or laughter that water down
and distract us from our uncompromising anger.
Let us determine the nature and structure of outrage and teach it as a
discipline like jiu-jitsu, a martial art to be expressed by the individual at
the offender. The time for groups is over. You and I are not a group.
Outrage belongs to the individual, not the group, and must be expressed by
the individual.
At the present, no one is angry at the outrage visited on us by our political
and corporate leaders. Let us make our personal outrage the missile of our

discontent, focus it on the offenders and scare the living daylights out of
We spend too much time making allowances, finding excuses and
forgiving those who damage our lives because we think those in control
are human beings, when in fact they are a new unrecognized form of
psychopath. Their outrageous insidious crimes against us must be subject
to the most terrifying outrage we can focus on them until they are deprived
of their ability to hurt or destroy us. You wouldn't give your child over to
a heartless, cruel, perverted sadist, would you? So why do you give
yourself over to those who continually manipulate and hurt you?
You are probably deeply angry in your heart, but you don't know what to
do or how to express it. The answer must be to find and expand our
outrage against those whose psychopathic madness destroys our lives and
promises a death sentence for our children.
We are not helpless against what is being done to us.
If we had a crowd-funded free phone app sending every act of
political, corporate and economic crime to the phones of every man,
woman and child in America, our outrage would focus. The app would
report the facts of what is being done to us and by whom in a stark,
uncompromising headlines pointing out their moral infractions
against us.


America is so big, all protests, be they about climate
race or the economy are treated as local anomalies by media
and as such they are dismissed as of no national relevance.

T he most favored forms of protest according to a simple

reader poll were as follows: Peaceful demonstrations 4%, Violent
protest 5%, Economic boycott 36%, Civil disobedience 32%, Blockades
13%, General Strike 1%, Various other forms of protest 24%
Demand justice for yourself and your future for you are under direct threat

from the same authoritarian mindset that has smothered our democracy,
created wage inequality, destroyed our climate, and cultivated the
tyrannical criminal class of political and corporate overlords.
Their methods are ruthless, controlling, sadistic, self-righteous and
consuming. They have infected every innocent human mind with their
authoritarian mindset, causing us all to supersede our empathy, our
conscience and our benevolence in a destructive global disease. Now at
crisis point, we stand on the brink of extinction.
Corporations are predators, objectifying human beings, seeing them as
entities separate from themselves, to be conquered by any legal means
necessary. Controlling and exploiting all human weakness, need, behavior
and thinking in every way they can, corporations sell their products for
profit without a care for human feelings, health, justice or the survival of
its victims.
They do not concern themselves with their pollution of the planet.
Ignoring climate change, they seek only to further exploit and manipulate
human beings and our planet’s natural resources to ensure their survival
and profitability.
Corporations accept none of the constraints of human morality, they lie,
cheat, steal and commit crimes against human beings and the planet,
including buying political control of our government to ensure they can
make their own laws and get what they want, irrespective of the will of the
voting electorate or the suffering, ill health, poverty and unemployment
they may cause them.
Corporations now control all politicians, the government and the laws of
our land. They will soon unleash endless unfair practices and unflinching
economic injustice on you and your families, bringing their climate-
denying, life-destroying laws down on your head at the behest of their
corporate leaders.
They will authorize our militarized police to tear gas you, assault you,
shoot you and put your cities under curfew and martial law, without fear of
prosecution. Politicians do not care about your wants, needs or desires,
they will bury you in economic pain, take away your rights, give away our
public wealth to the ruling class, and endanger our future, turning the
public into meaningless commercial commodities. You are disposable.

Protesters, stay in the streets; fight back while you still can, for you are the
true democracy of the people, by the people and for the people. In truth,
now is time for all politicians of both parties to be thrown out of office for
We have given them every opportunity to act in ways that would bring
economic and criminal justice to our country but have chosen injustice
instead. Politicians have chosen to aid and reward the authoritarian
criminal element of corporations in their abuse of power, against the best
interests of the people.
They have allowed their own empathy, sympathy, conscience and
compassion to be swept aside along with their duty to protect the people.
They have no more excuses; they have sold you out for their own profit
and surrendered to the rule of the ruling class.
You have seen our spineless, weak-willed political representatives
squabbling like fools, never helping us, cutting pensions, food stamps and
enabling unemployment, happily paying out our tax dollars for endless
wars denying our failing infrastructure and our needs at home.
They take for themselves, on their knees to the 1%, paying homage to big
corporations but rewarding them with tax breaks and tax loopholes.
Always saying they are going to make things better and they do but only
for themselves; never caring about working people, they have surrendered
our democratic power to the corporations They have not stood up for us.
You saw no accountability, no punishment, no fair trial, no justice and no
peace. Protesters, stay in the streets, fight this injustice.
Our representatives whoever they are, always blame everyone but
themselves for the mistakes they themselves made. They are as innocent
as the police they protect from prosecution. Everyone else is always to
blame when it is they who killed the future of our children and profited
from their demise.
Their political authoritarian mindset has killed off millions of innocents
and is taking the world to the brink of extinction. They don’t care if you
live or die. Fill their ranks with regular citizens not interested in corporate
authoritarian control who want a country and justice system they can be
proud of again.
Hurry, protesters; the worst is yet to come. If you don’t act or react now

for individual, economic and climate justice you will have to get used to
injustice and accept it. The rich will let us die. We are trapped here in the
web of their deceit while they continue to exploit us. The rich have the
cash and the means to escape.
They have what it takes to buy survival for their families and themselves
away from the world they destroyed. You can’t get away, you can’t escape,
your survival is doubtful.
This is the real injustice you must protest. You have no choice; stay in
the streets. We need the heroes for our democratic future to wear the
outer garment of the law and the inner garment of the hero.


Brand the ruling class using the same PR tactics the ruling class
use against us.

C rowd-fund a non-profit PR company/organization against the ruling

class, their networks, politicians and their surrogates. Insulate the PR
company from having to disclose their donors using an IRS 501c4 “social
welfare organization” to reassure donors that their financial role in
bringing down the ruling class is secret and anonymous.
Create a many-headed organizational snake that emanates and operates
from many sources on many levels of society so that the anti-ruling class
PR network cannot be taken down easily. Provide news websites, multi-
presences on Facebook and on all social media presenting news and
exposés that make people’s blood boil. Organize marches and sit-ins of
angry protesters. Any ruling class or surrogate failing to promote
democracy and the common good are fair game, if they exercise a lack of
compassion, empathy, conscience or care for their workers or general
public in their pursuit of their profit.
Their extreme antisocial behavior affects everyone; news of it must be
telegraphed directly into every cell phone across the nation in order to
foment and fuel the outrage of the people against these psychopaths. To

beat the ruling class, no tactic is too low or dirty to use on them and their
surrogates. Screw them, they are your enemy. You must always remember
the ruling class’ continuous efforts to demean us, limit our wages, control
our workers and diminish our democratic voting power. Remember they
have all the money and power any person could ever want and yet they
always want more and it is always at your expense.
Rise up every day and figure out how to screw the ruling class. Make it
personal. Go after politicians and political groups who don’t challenge the
ruling class. Build a public dossier on every single member of the ruling
class and their politicians.
Expose their rap sheets, their criminal records, their extreme antisocial
behavior, and their direct and collateral damage to the rights of planet,
people, climate and environment. Build your case against them. Make it
personal. Make it so they don't have any credibility with the public, with
the media, or with their families.
Name them and shame them: We must publicly and repeatedly BRAND
them (like Pepsi) as “A Psychopath” who is destructive, has no empathy,
compassion, conscience or humanity who employ, exhibit, enable or
promote extreme antisocial psychopathic behavior, be it direct, indirect,
collateral or structural violence against individuals or the common good.
Deny them credibility and marginalize all those who support the
psychopathic ruling class.
Question authority: Question more. Recognize all corporations as
psychopaths who at all times are wholly out for themselves. They will stop
at nothing to get more power and profit over you. The ruling class control
all major corporations and thrive on authoritarian power.
They do not act like human beings. They have no sense of care for others
or the common good. They may look like humans, wearing their mask of
sanity, but they are not human, they cannot become human, and must be
seen as not human.
Brand the ruling class’ corporations, networks, think tanks, political
offices and connected organizations pushing totalitarianism and the
destruction of democracy as not having any credible authority and being
extremely antisocial. Tax and regulate all corporations in direct proportion
to their lack of empathy, community, tolerance and forgiveness for those in
their employ and supply.

They must be branded and marketed into the public as “Life destroyers”
and their antisocial behavior criminalized with jail time not fines. Regulate
corporations: Amend the Corporate Charter to demand all corporations
reflect human values of empathy, compassion, conscience and the
common good.
Protest the actions of the ruling class and their surrogates at all levels in all
areas of their work. Build awareness and resistance to the horrors created
by the ruling class, their families and their flunky politicians etc. at all
levels in schools and on up through all aspects of their lives. Expose their
disregard for life, liberty and happiness of others. Show their lack of
empathy, compassion and conscience. Label them as psychopaths.
Shake off concerns that your activities are too nasty or aggressive; you can
either win ugly or lose pretty. Protest your outrage and anger onto the
ruling class; families at home, in school and at their leisure places. Record
their greed and lack of care and sympathy for those in poverty and pain.
We need a new constitution for the people. We must make the ruling class’
position intolerable.
Marginalize the ruling class. Belittle them, sneer at the things that they
treasure and hold dear. Work under cover. Look and act like a regular
person, but in secret be the hero and expose them for what they do and
what they have done.
Use the same kinds of tactics on the ruling class that they use on regular
people. Promote public interest groups that expose them. Change the law.
Convict psychopaths on the basis that the “collateral damage” caused by
their extreme antisocial behavior is inhuman and creates injury to large
numbers of people.
Introduce an impact tax: Tax all economic, environmental, physical and
psychological pollution and damage. Make polluters clean up all the mess
they make at their expense. Use humor to minimize or marginalize the
ruling class. Demolish the moral authority of powerful political voices
promoting the interests of the ruling class.
Promote unions. Represent the common good. Trick the ruling class to
come out and say they are overreaching and endorse your position rather
than the ruling class’ position.
Truly define and publicly brand "What it is to be a psychopath,"

etablishing the ruling class as diseased, having no empathy, compassion,

conscience or concern for the humanitarian values for the common good.
Truly define and publicly brand "What it is to be a human being,"
establishing a human being as having (provable) empathy, compassion,
conscience and the concerned need for the humanitarian values of the
common good.
If human beings absolutely "knew" psychopaths were infecting them with
their deadly disease, hell-bent on destroying them and their kids, they
would never knowingly support any disease that kills them and would
overthrow the government that allows it.
The greatest power we have as human beings is our ability to
communicate with others like us who are living as we are, under the
same constraints of the ruling class. If we can communicate and make
friends of our neighbors, relatives and people in the street, we can
unite as friends and communicate the cause of happiness.

Politics is hypothesis based on the assumption it knows the truth
of how to govern human beings, when at the same time it denies
the reality of their interconnected and interdependent lives.

A ll human problems are the result of the corruption of the thinking of

the individual by the rule of others who insist their way and their
rights are more important than yours.
Politics separates and divides problems one from the other as if they can
be analyzed and fixed by examining and treating them in isolation from
each other, when in fact they are inextricably connected to all other
problems. The “sticky tangled tentacles” of each and every problem are
tangled up completely with the “sticky tangled tentacles” of all other
Politics will not find its truth in the separation of one problem from the
other; it must look at the reality of all human life together as one, if it is to
maintain its right to govern.

Politics must determine the truth of what a human being is, and what a
human being's relationship is with other human beings and the planet, in
order to establish the truth from which to govern. Humanity is one living
functioning organism, all its actions and non-actions are relative to all
other actions and non-actions and are wholly connected inseparably to
each other as one, indivisible.
A human being survives with all other human beings, interconnected and
interdependent with each other in, and as part of, the planet’s ecosystem. If
we destroy the ecosystem we destroy ourselves. That is the political truth
for all human beings.
Our society accepts and respects the ruling class as sane, while their
“crimes” destroy democracy, the common good, the climate, the economy
and the futures of billions of people.
The ruling class exhibit extremely antisocial behavior and have been given
license to destroy anyone and anything, in their pursuit of their power and
greed. We have allowed them the "right" to crush, spoil, ruin, rape, pillage
the ecosystem and kill people, with their legalized, non-punishable
"collateral damage" they so willingly use for their own personal profit at
the expense of all others.
The ruling class is not like us; they have no remorse or guilt for our plight
or their destructiveness. Their actions against us show us they are white-
collar psychopaths who know their evil is hurting and destroying
Humanity and the ecosystem but they just don't care.
Could it be the selfish, uncaring ruling class who have bought and control
our politicians are a different species from us and by human standards,
aren’t sane? They treat the economy as distinctly superior to the
ecosystem, when the planet’s ecosystem obviously controls both the
economy and Humanity.
The nature of regular human beings is prosocial relationship, community,
cooperation, communication and unity. Humans as a whole want, seek and
exhibit empathy, compassion and peace, with love and care for other
people, practicing the Golden Rule, at least as a means to ensuring their
own survival.
The ruling class’ greed and blatant disregard for these tenets of human
survival is lawless, predatory criminality. Greed has been at the base of all
human problems since the beginning of time.

Darwin called it the survival of the fittest when man’s horizons were still
unlimited, but now the confines of climate change and a failing ecosystem
promises an early human extinction for Mankind unless we face the reality
of our human interconnectedness and interdependence. The ruling class
and their sycophants are white-collar psychopaths. Their antisocial
corporations too are built with the psychopath's nature, as is capitalism
We know that a regular human is prosocial and NOT antisocial and
therefore, by that definition, the ruling class, as predatory psychopaths, are
antisocial, NOT prosocial and therefore NOT human. Furthermore, a
psychopath's brain is psychologically and physically different from a
regular human brain that it has no physical material or impairment in its
brain to obscure the action of its reptilian brain. Therefore it behaves like a
predatory reptile, killing to eat.
Psychopaths and psychopathic thinking is the problem behind all human
problems. We know what a human being is. We must therefore take down,
fire and disempower the psychopaths and their sycophants on the basis
that they are not human beings and therefore have no right to rule over
human beings.
All capitalism and corporations must be brought under strict human
control by any and all means necessary, if we are to save Humanity
and the world from the ruling class’ continuous move toward our
imminent self-destruction.


It is time for change, it’s time to change course away
from the past and the present and to move into the future.

W e can see the wonders the future could hold but we are locked into
a terrifying present that works only for the psychopathic ruling
class at the expense of the many. Civilization is at a crossroads; to
continue as we have is suicidal.
The climate could collapse, the ruling class could kill off the “useless

eaters” to maintain their wealth, power and control. To that end, they
would write and fund a bill to be passed into law that would liberate
millions of people from the oppression of being alive.
They would feel no guilt or remorse for this legislation, claiming it was
necessary “ For the good of all” to kill off as many people as possible
because “there is just not enough food, water, air or money for everyone.”
As self-defined “superior beings,” their lawyers would insist they must
survive because they alone possess the “undeniable talents and abilities
and proven record” to create a bright new future.
The ruling class exacerbated the climate change, polluted the Earth, used
up the natural resources and bought up the water and food supply. They
took control of the economy, the government, the justice system, the
police and the military, bending it all in their favor toward increasing their
wealth and power, while regular citizens are expected to evaporate into
thin air.
The ruling class has run the world since the beginning of time. They have
never had the health, wealth and happiness of other people as their focus.
They have never wanted fairness, common sense and human dignity for
all. Greed, competition and absolute control is always their mantra.
They want everything for themselves, annihilating all economies, cultures
and people who stand in the way of their psychopathic pursuance of their
own selfish goals.
Why would countless millions of regular non-psychopathic people want to
surrender their children, their families, their hopes and their dreams for the
future to the austerity and predatory brutality of the psychopathic ruling
class who have no empathy, compassion or care for anyone.
We know they will destroy the world and everyone in it with their extreme
selfishness and antisocial psychosis if they are allowed to continue to rule
us. We must overthrow them and their plans.
It is the ruling class who has delivered Planet Earth and Humanity to the
point of no return. Whatever the ruling class has given us has come with a
hefty price, that price is now so high “We the People” would be certifiably
insane to allow the ruling class to continue their same corrupt and criminal
domination of the world ‘till we are all sick or dead.
Time for a change, time to control the ruling class, time to cancel their

ticket to ride over us like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

It is time for true democracy and to see power for the people in every
aspect of government. It’s time to realize money is an inanimate object
and to separate it from any understanding of what it means to be human.
We must harness human power to benefit the lives of all people and the
common good.
You are probably apathetic about politics feeling you have no power. You
know the game is fixed and does nothing for you. You know government
by either party makes no difference to you, neither gives a damn about you
– but they keep watching you for a chance to imprison you.
You have no voice; your vote is a myth. You know what you want and
expect from your political representatives but they are either deaf to your
needs or they are ignoring you.
Either way, the situation for regular working families is not getting better
with poor wages, expensive healthcare, climate disasters, racism, media
brainwashing and corporate financial domination of our government
through manipulation of our laws; we are ruled by corporate interests for
corporate profit.
With endless wars, the defeat of our hope and the endless lies, we are
being taken to the cleaners by the ruling class. We can’t be sure of
anything any more. What is reality? What is false? Why are we at war all
the time? Who is pulling the strings of our lives?
Nobody cares what happens to us regular people. When did you last see
any politician fighting for your rights or the common good? If you have
kids, probably you are confused and desperate for a good life with a sense
of morality, truth, and love.
Worry spins us around and around; what will happen if the economy
crashes again? Advertising kills our ability to think critically, terrifying
fears and political bullshit by the metric ton is poured into the heart and
mind of every man, woman and child everywhere, every day;
strengthening our resolve to be corporate compliant and never fight back.
There are millions of layers between the truth and you and the endless
growing obscuring layers are so thick and vast and hidden you will never
ever know the truth of the level of your manipulation and control by others
for profit.

Powerful people spending billions of dollars trying to confuse you, lure

you, warp you, blind you, compromise you, devalue you, tame you, tempt
you and fuck you to do their will. Now is your time to say no in the
knowledge that life is the most wonderful of things and demands a
revolution to restore balance and harmony to the world and all people
Our democracy is dead. We feel helpless, our confidence as a nation is
diminished; we are being destroyed psychologically from the inside out.
Our will to live is threatened. Fearing unemployment with our unions
gone, everyone is cutthroat and defensive in the knowledge there is no
future for any of us.
We just have to keep our heads down, keep working, no vacations, no time
off, no benefits, no pension, no savings and no safety net; one paycheck
away from living on the street; hoping for the best.
All this, while the wonder of endless wealth and success of the
superfluous luxury life of the chosen ones is pushed down our throats in
every way imaginable at every turn we make.
…Look forward a few years… Will there be more freedom for everyone, a
better climate, better healthcare, a great economy, more opportunity and
affordable education? Will there be more home ownership, fewer
homeless people, less poverty, more employment and better paying jobs?
Will there be a real democracy, with corporations giving back to local
communities and paying their fair share of taxes; will big money be tossed
out of politics? Will there be more wealth for everyone, better working
conditions, and less terrorism?
Will there be more war, more surveillance, more misery and more fear?
Will there be more mind control, more oppression and more social
injustice? Will there be more police brutality, more racism, more climate
destruction, less food and water; more work for less pay?
Will the rich privatize our government; will they crush our human rights to
increase their power? Will we lose all hope of a change for the better; will
all our futures evaporate?

Will the psychopathic ruling class herd all Americans like obedient sheep
into a living toxic hell, compliant corporate slaves living in quiet
desperation, choking on pollution, watching all we once held sacred,
destroyed for corporate profit?
Is life as we have known it ending?... and the future? There is only the
future of no future; because the ruling class, like all psychopaths, wants all
living things dead.
If we are to have a future for our families and our children, we must be
heroes and find a way to push back while we still can, using non-violent
ways the ruling class does not expect and can never control. The British
lost to the Americans in 1776 because they insisted in fighting in
conspicuous Red Coats and following their antiquated rules of combat.
The American rebels did not play their game. They thought outside the
box and took the British down. The British went home. They had lost
control of America to America’s citizens.
In these dark days, we must repeat the process. We must take a leaf out of
the American rebel’s book, think outside the box and find resistance tactics
to defend our way of life against the arrogant ruling class. Once more we
will and must win back our America again from political corruption,
mismanagement and antisocial behavior. Executives, whether in politics,
business or industry who act like a ruling monarch should not be able fire
tens of thousands of workers and devastate their families.
Capitalism used to be like an eagle, but now it’s more like a vulture. It
used to be strong enough to go and suck anybody’s blood whether
they were strong or not. But now it has become more cowardly, like
the vulture, and it can only suck the blood of the helpless...


We have lost our way. We have lost our connection with
our feelings, our humanity and the morals our Moms taught us.

W e have no idea how to be "good" because all the agents of "good"

have been smeared and undermined by psychopathic greed,
manufactured fear and quiet despair. It is our psychological response to
each other that needs to change.
We are living out Orwell’s Animal Farm with our leaders and rulers
having antisocial personality disorder in which a person's ways of
thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are dysfunctional —
and destructive. Typically they have no regard for right and wrong and
disregard the wishes and feelings of others.
They tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others either harshly or with
callous indifference. They are likely to have an accurate, sometimes
superior, understanding of others' thinking with little awareness or regard
for their feelings. This leads the person to act out and make other people
miserable with no feeling of remorse.
We do not recognize the problem, so we cannot find the answer because in
every moment of every day the psychopathic corporations flood the media
wearing a happy masks of their loving care and concern for us, just so we
can’t see the truth of their deceit.
We have brainwashed ourselves into accepting their endless deception
while we are happily kept in the dark by our captors: the corporate forces
of oppression.
Corporate profit and property are now more important than any human
life. We accept it. The threat of our extinction is on us. Empathy holds our
social fabric together and it is the empathy for the climate that holds our
way of life and our survival together. Both are jeopardized by the
psychopathic disease brought on us by the status quo.
A revolution powered by citizen anger is growing in the heart of every
American. Every problem or concern we have, they know has been caused
by the politicians of both parties who have betrayed their best interest.
The public sees now they have been duped, taken advantage of and

reduced to commodity status. No politician is demanding justice on their

behalf. There is no justice anymore. We must act for ourselves.
In order to do the right thing you must know what the right thing is. In
order to find the right thing you must find that which is unequivocally
right in you. From that knowledge you can by comparison and association,
determine the right and wrong for you without fear of contradiction.
Push back while you still can. Any way you can.
There is a better way, and you are it. When regular people are pushed into
a failed underclass where their life is nothing but pain, struggle and
despair, they, like the terrorists abroad, come to a point of righteous
indignation where they do not care if you or they live or die.
As more people are forced into poverty, spreading wage inequality and a
government interested only in its own wealth, power and survival, we
might fear that every distressed citizen will turn to terrorism. Perhaps, in a
town near you that terrorist will be a faceless government agent who sets
the bombs, maims the kids and tears the limbs off people.
And we, with fear for our own safety, will rush to surrender our rights to
our corporate crony lawmakers who rush their repressive controls into law.
Shouldn’t there be a public facility to act like a lightning strike for
justice against obvious wrongdoing, be it individual, political,
corporate or military?
Right now, corporate crime remains unpunished for years; all their sins are
forgiven. We know endless war crimes have been carried out in our name.
The media tells about them over and over, but no one stands up, nothing
No one stands up because we are all scared. We are scared because we feel
alone, abandoned and unsure. The few have made us that way; we are their
commodities to be used.
There are many of us and there are only a few of them, we are united as a
community in our oppression. We are a community; let’s get to know our
neighbors as a form of self-defense. United we the oppressed stand. We
plan to be subversive and protect each other by knowing each other.
Everyone wants to be noticed, complimented and smiled at. Don’t you?
We are all oppressed.

Our weakness is in allowing conservative politicians to compound and

bring down their psychopathic capitalist madness on our heads. They have
betrayed the love they once knew in their own hearts. They have ignored
their ethics, their sympathy, their compassion and their care for other
Stop treating politicians and the ruling class as if they were worth
something. Ignore them; resist them at all times. Do not cooperate with
them. Give no respect and understanding for their position, their service,
their experience or their personal privacy. No more excuses. Call out every
politician individually. Corner them; expose them in a no-holds-barred,
personal confrontation.
They must be held accountable for the damage they have caused us all
economically, emotionally and socially. They have damaged the nation
and forgotten its poor, whom they penalize and despise.
Confront them head-on for their lack of ethics, lack of humanity, lack of
simple human kindness and lack of backbone in standing up for their own
truth and the rights of the people. Attack their betrayal in the media, in
their constituency, at their kid's football games and in the streets outside
their homes.
Follow their money. Show them up as the nasty, self-serving, kiss-ass
political sheep they are. Blow the whistle on their individual hypocrisy,
their flaws, their lack of care, their personal wealth, their sources of
income, their sponsors and the corporations they represent.
Follow their money. If they want to represent the electorate they must
behave in a way the electorate can respect or have the contract canceled
We need to see where all their money is coming from, especially in the
light of them getting richer while the regular people they represent fall
down for lack of income. Defy them to act like the Christians they claim
to be. Nail them to the cross of their wrongdoing in any way that publicly
exposes their deceit, lies and betrayal. Blow the whistle on their sex lives,
their indiscretions, their privilege, their confidential emails, their "friends"
and their dirty little secrets.
Do not fight fairly – they don’t. Embarrass them; teach them that there are
consequences for acting without honor, integrity and care for the people
they represent. When we fight on their terms, we lose. Embarrass them,

ridicule them, shame them and teach them there are consequences for
acting without honor, integrity and care for the people they represent.
“Throw the bums out.” All those politicians who do not care for the
welfare of the electorate: fire them. Deprive them of their privacy, their
salaries, their health care, their pensions, their lawyers and their fat bank
accounts. Put them in community service until they act compassionately
toward all people. We must demand a better democracy and remove those
who destroy it. If one party says climate problems do not exist and yet the
other side disagrees and says “let’s talk it over,” the insurgents laugh
hysterically at the stupidity of the system they have hijacked.
We need immediate and decisive action by our legislators to initiate
cooperation with all leaders around the world to curb emissions, build
strong diplomacy and promote renewable energy. To do that we will
need to cut through our political correctness, our need for war and
our own hypocrisy.
I am tired of the political and financial ruling class trying to get more
control of me and everything I do. They are few and we are many...The
ruling class must be taught to control themselves before they attempt to
control us. Regular people should be in control of their own lives and
opinions because the ruling class is heartless and antisocial, while we
regular people have hearts and are prosocial.
I suggest from now on you listen into the very depths of your heart's
instinct and intuition. Ask yourself: is it right that the ruling class should
have control over your life and the lives of others? If your heart says
“No,” remember your heart speaks the truth of your own body's cell
intelligence. Listening to the heart of you means you experience on a
physical level that which is wrong or right about what the ruling class are
telling you or doing to you.
Trouble is, people may think the ruling class are not right and resist them
on the basis of their thoughts, as those thoughts pass through their minds
like cars on a crowded freeway. Our thoughts pass by so quickly, often
before we have time to grasp the emotional reality of what is being done to
us or what we can do about it.
The ruling class wants control of our hearts and minds.

America needs a set of non-religious moral values as the basis
of all personal, government and corporate interactive behavior.

W e now accept that which we should never accept. We destroy that

which brings us life, in favor of what brings us death. We consider
morality to be an assumed trait - everyone assumes they are moral even as
they rip each other off “nicely.” Morality shows us where we are, who we
are and what we are. Without morality we are lost, rambling incoherently
in a jungle of depravity and desire.
Subconsciously we reject morality because it gets in the way of human
progress. We think of morality as the byproduct of religion and, as a result,
it is largely divorced from society's daily life. In our ignorance and self-
righteousness our society walks past morality as if it were assumed and
commits horrendous acts against people and planet.
Morality is not religion. Religion is an ornate and mighty temple built over
morality, only offering access to morality through pious acceptance of
arguable myth. Morality is owned by religion; they are tied together,
inseparable. As society moves away from religion it moves away from
morality. Humanity’s crisis is the deterioration of morality and our
subjugation of the environment that gives us life and is life. Life is a moral
act, independent of all religions claims of righteousness, superiority or
“insider knowledge.”
Religion disguises and blinds morality, wrapping it in its own man-made
historical charade, obscuring the natural morality in our hearts from its
rightful and most important place in our lives, obscuring it behind a
smokescreen bramble bush of the pastoral ego from a billion well meaning
but subverting interpretations.
Morality is in every cell of our individual being. We have ignored it and
shut it out of its role as our guiding light in order to be rich, in order to
dominate others, sacrificing our own best interest for our dream of Man’s
superiority over all things. Morality is not man’s whore to be used and
thrown aside. Presently it is the only way to save the world from the
realities of poverty, psychopaths and climate change.

“Common sense,” relied on by every human being since the beginning of

time, is the implicit agreement of intellectual and feeling intelligences, yet
not one of our world leaders is recognizing or expounding the need for
common sense or feeling intelligence in government or human conduct.
If we applied some feeling intelligence to our decisions, would we be in
endless wars? Would the climate be as messed up as it is? Would
corporations be allowed to destroy all of us for profit? Would the fate of
humankind rest in the deceit and dishonesty of government laws based on
the one-sided virtues of intellect alone?
Our belief in the infallibility of intellect is pushing us like lemmings to the
cliff edge because it only recognizes its self. It cannot verify itself as real
to itself and yet it determines what is real or not for all Humanity.
Our intellect will always keep on trying control every thing when it is no
more real or important than our feeling intelligence. Only when we value
and emancipate our feeling /intuition/cell intelligence as different but as
vitally important as our intellect can we ever hope to find the balance of
commonsense thinking that can save our planet and human race.
We have emancipated our intellectual intelligence to psychopathic
proportions at the expense of our caring feeling intelligence. Only
when we conceive of both intelligences as important and necessary to
every aspect of our lives, will we become the human beings who can
save the world.

America is a jigsaw puzzle
a massive tangled web of everything.

W hen you are thinking about a societal problem you would like to
fix, chances are you will examine it in its own context, almost
autonomous of other things and as a result you get no good answers
because the problem is taken out of context and its relationship to other
pieces of the jigsaw puzzle is unknown or ignored.
In order to understand your piece of the puzzle, you need to look at the
whole picture of the entire jigsaw in context before you can ever hope to
understand and be able to fit in your piece in and solve the problem. If you
do not see the whole jigsaw you are blindly playing in abstraction. How
can you understand and solve your problem piece of the jigsaw without
referencing and examining the whole jigsaw picture?
Usually we separate, understand, discuss and find answers to each
problem piece of the jigsaw as if it were autonomous, without seeing,
knowing or even considering the whole picture. No wonder we never
solve our problems. We are trying to understand our society by pulling it
to pieces, fragmenting it and atomizing it, only to find we are killing it in
the process.
We must examine and find remedies for the problems of our country based
on the whole jigsaw picture of everything it is. The country is going insane
because it denies and omits the whole picture of itself, having never taken
the time to discover the whole picture that solves the jigsaw puzzle of life.
The ruling class made the jigsaw and creates wars between us, to
divide us from the power to govern ourselves. Make your enemy your
friend. United, we have the power to govern ourselves.
A unified society is a prosocial society of the people, by the people and for
the people. It is a necessary and natural survival strategy for Humanity
under the certainty of Humanity’s early extinction brought on by the
continuous unrestrained greed of the psychopathic ruling class, who must
be regulated to ensure Humanity’s survival. The ruling class can only
survive in a prosocial society when they exhibit behavior born out of
empathy, compassion, common decency and common sense for the
common good.

People just like you and me need love to survive.

Love’s not something you can buy, it's a feeling deep inside.
Open up your heart, smile and make a friend,
Every bit of love you give you get back in the end.


Relating to or denoting behavior
that is positive, helpful, and intended
to promote social acceptance and friendship.

(Refer to Appendix A)


We have all the information we need.
We have a million questions. We have no answers.

W e see our atomized problems growing, strengthening,

compounding, and coming closer to us each day. We know our
society is in deep trouble. We all agree we must do something soon but no
one has any idea exactly what.
Journalists tell us about the history of the problems, the statistics of the
problems, the personalities involved, the inside story of the problems, and
the future ramifications of those problems.
They separate each problem one from the other in an attempt to
understand them and find remedies. Soon they discover a thick carpet of
interwoven problems beneath the original problem that feeds their
problem. It complicates it and is inseparable from it and every other
In truth, we are all helpless, pointing the finger and fighting amongst
ourselves, watching the slow-motion collapse of Humanity. We don’t want
to believe what is happening to us but as surely as a fast-moving train
speeding toward a ravine, we are witnessing the  death of the prosocial
nature of Man.
A natural person is a prosocial person. A corporation is an artificial person
exhibiting the character of a non-violent psychopath that acts in its own
self-interest without any consideration whatsoever for human life.
Corporate capitalism is the single most dangerous pollutant against the
human race surviving in a prosocial form.
Corporate capitalist structures are fully and completely at odds with
humanity. We must modify their form from the inside out, showing
company executives they are indeed working for a corporate psychopath
hell-bent on taking down all civilization in its pursuit of power, profit and
world domination. This is the world of psychopaths and slaves.
We have innocently licensed the corporation and given it personhood and
in so doing we have created millions of psychopathic entities, often above
the law, practicing psychopathic behavior on a massive international scale,

without us realizing what we have done. People run corporations and it is

only people who can change them.
The psychopathic behavior of the ruling class who own the big
corporations and push neoliberal capitalism is rampant in every corner of
the world. It is unfettered and unrestrained. It cannot be punished because
corporations have no fabric to punish.
We are all at its mercy. It’s not easy to recognize the corporate
psychopathic behavior because so often it comes with a smile and a bribe
or a threat. It is easy to identify pollution or poverty and blame the ruling
class for the nasty labor laws or the acidification of the oceans.
We can accept everyone is a victim of unregulated psychopathic behavior
manifested as economic terrorism, climate shift, loss of natural resources,
and wars for power over our world’s developing countries. In the name of
power and profit for themselves, psychopathic power addicts are unable to
satisfy their desires.
They will bring the whole world down around their ears. You can say
everything is wrong but there is no separation between us and the
problems we have; therefore, penalizing one corporation, person or group
is meaningless because they are bound to each other  as we are bound to
From the corporate point of view, human beings are commodities for
barter and trade. A corporation is an artificial mindless and blameless
entity; it is harmless in and of itself but in the hands of a psychopathic
CEO it can be deadly for all of us.
No one realized we would create a global psychopathic psychosis when
the first corporation was created. Most people working for corporations
are not deeply antisocial, they have loving families to feed and protect, yet
every day their state of mind is encouraged, pushed toward and allied to
psychopathic behavior and profit without them knowing it or being able to
resist it because they are getting paid to do it and they need the job. People
employed by corporations do not recognize they are working for a
psychopathic entity.
We want corporations to be profitable for both employers and employees.
People employed must be made aware that their employer is a
psychopathic entity with no care for you even when you are in danger. Our
prosocial nature is being destroyed all around us.

I would tell our politicians to modify corporate capitalism to give more

power to employees instead of allowing corporations to use them up and
throw them away. We must alter corporate structure to return benefit to the
community as certainly as we must cut carbon emissions if we want to
In the past, corporations gave back to the community in all kinds of
beneficial ways. They shared some of their wealth with their
community but that practice has stopped in the race for extreme
shareholder profit. Corporations want a big return on their
investment but they do not recognize the psychopathic nature of the
corporate policy and its lawful destruction of the prosocial nature of
all human beings for profit.


Man’s mind widens out and merges into the mind
of the unconscious mind of mankind, where we are all the same.

T he cultural and legal recognition of the equal and inalienable rights of

human beings can be determined only when we answer the question:
What is a human being? Is a human being someone who is destructive and
ruthless, without sympathy, conscience, compassion or care for anyone but
himself and his own ambition? No, this is an antisocial personality.
Is a human being someone who has a conscience, compassion,
sympathy, empathy, kindness and care for the suffering of others, who
is prosocial and realizes all human beings are connected, equal and
unique? Yes, this is a human being.
Conscience is what makes us human; it is the glue that holds Humanity
together, without our conscience we are all antisocial. Conscience is a
sense of right and wrong, the point beyond which you will not go, your
own moral judgment. It is a simple social safety net, enabling social
cohesion and an inherent sense of justice and fair play that we feel
intuitively in our heart.

Conscience creates faith, trust and confidence in other people and

ourselves. It encourages relationships, fosters community and builds
human cooperation. Our innate ability to love and appreciate another
person makes us human.
If one establishes that having a conscience is a prerequisite to the
definition of a human being, then someone who has no conscience is not a
human being and is a psychopath. By definition a psychopath has an
antisocial personality disorder and does not act with conscience or
goodwill toward other human beings.
Therefore, they are not human and we must deny them human rights. A
human being is someone one who is prosocial, has conscience,
compassion, sympathy and care for others, who is empathetic and knows
all people are connected and equal; who is concerned for the rights and the
welfare of others as well as his own.
A human being has the empathy to love, care and feel
for another person who is in trouble.

Human beings, the ultra-social mammals, whose brains
are wired to respond to other people, are being peeled apart
by neoliberal practices, even though our well being
is inextricably linked to the lives of others, everywhere.

A prosocial human being exhibits sensitive behavior that is positive,

helpful, and intended to promote social acceptance and friendship.
With so much poverty, oppression, mind control and manufactured
alienation, the natural prosocial essence of regular people has been
neglected and exploited almost out of existence.
The natural personality of a human being is prosocial; someone who
possesses the core virtues of love, empathy, compassion, and conscience.
Someone who knows and practices natural kindness, understanding,

sympathy and a benevolent prosocial care for the welfare of others. They
recognize other people as equal and their rights the same as everyone
A human being has concern for common good in the realization that an
innate interconnected and interdependent relationship with other people is
their key to survival and who has a desire to cooperate and get along with
others, often reaching out to those who may need help in difficulty.
Human beings care about each other and depend on each other because
they know their survival depends on those around them. They embrace the
knowledge that all people are connected, equal and deserve respect. They
have prosocial tendencies and a sense of fairness; they can follow rules
and can control their impulses.
What we are as human beings comes from our instinct, our gut feeling, our
heart and our intuition, rather just from our intellect, logic or reasoning. If
one establishes having empathy, compassion, a conscience and love for
other human beings as prerequisite to the definition of a human being,
then a being who does not possess or use prosocial qualities is not “a
human being” and is anti-human - a psychopath, undeserving of the same
rights as a “prosocial human being.”
We human beings know ourselves. We survive in a group. We would not
survive if we were made to live alone. We depend on others; we need
empathy to care for others because our survival depends on group life and
sensitivity to the emotions of others. We are not selfishly motivated; we
are inherently good. We are caring and compassionate and have sympathy
for others.
Riches and poverty do not happen in a vacuum. Each one of us contributes
to the lives of all others, positively and negatively. Most people don’t want
to accept their interdependence because it would seem their success or
failure is not purely dependent on their own ability and their own will but
instead is, in part, the responsibility of all. Humans beings are there for
each other, care about each other and depend on others because they know
their survival depends on those around them.
The climate shows us that we are all connected and all interdependent; one
man’s smoke is another man’s breath and yet, society continues to analyze
each and every societal problem as distinctly separate and unconnected
from all other problems or the whole. Reality has one cause.

We all have a reliance on and responsibility for all other people implicit in
our prosocial human nature. We live in an integrated whole system of one,
without separation.
All attempts to rectify or improve any thing within the whole thing is to
deny the relevance of all other things in relation to it. Looking at the
effects of our lives and actions as if they are separate and detached from
All and Everything is a myth. There is no escape from our connected
reality. In order to understand any one thing, we must place our enquiry in
the context of the All and Everything.
Our problems come from our valuation and identification of all the
“things” as separate from one another, not realizing the reality of All and
Everything, is “one.” (Every human being’s action and thing is relative to
all other people, actions and things.) All and Everything, seen and unseen,
in past, present or future is relative to and affected by any every other
thing. The whole is one, without separation, division, or limit; one certain
I believe all citizens must be prosocial heroes for their own lives,
families and destiny. I believe our future must be prosocial and
community based. Hopefully, with those communities knitted together
we could perhaps rise above our terrifying future.

No one is a stranger. People you don’t know care about you.

P olitics ignores the psychology of human nature and our

interdependence with all other things. Politics is not based on
universal principles, facts or reality. Politics denies we humans are
irrevocably connected and dependent on each other for survival, peace and
Politicians look at problems as isolated and separate from each other. They
ignore human psychological reality and the holistic nature of humanity.
Politics divides and separates flow, denying empathy and compassion. It

destroys people and planet, ruling people with psychopathic thinking

devoid of conscience.
The problem is humanity does not relate to the natural flow of the
universe. It is simple. We live in an ever-changing process. All things,
including all people are relative and interdependent to each other. There is
no separation at all in anything or from anything. To separate one from the
other is the function of ego and a lack of awareness to and knowledge of
the reality we live in and are part of.
Humanity does not relate to the natural flow of the universe. It is simple.
We live in an ever-changing process. All things and people are relative and
interdependent to each other. There is no separation in anything or from
To separate one from the other is the function of ego and a lack of
awareness to and knowledge of the reality we live in and are part of.
Human beings presently believe separateness is the true reality, not
They believe in the autonomy of me from you, the separateness of body
from mind, climate from man’s activities. Think of the many trillions of
different subjects in trillions of endless lists of separated items and
disciplines to be fixed, improved, voted on or changed and realize none of
those trillions of subjects are cross-related to each other ever; even though
all of them are always connected.
Social justice, climate, war, taxes, empire, rights and whatever else, all
have their reconciliation in the one universal process that they and we are
part of and contributing to. We act unilaterally, yes, but we act without the
knowledge of our interdependence and that feeds our assumption that the
individual person or subject has an individual answer when it does not,
because it is part of All and Everything; inseparable.
Politically and actually we are one process; humanity. We are all
dependent on the action and non-action of others at all times. While
everyone wants to complain and blame, and everyone wants justice and
truth, health and wealth, but no one wants to face the reality of their
interconnectedness and resulting interdependence.
Conservative thinking is division, separateness and power over others, but
socialism is closer to the realization that we are indeed an interdependent
species in an interdependent universe.

We cannot deny human beings will always seek to improve their

situation in capitalistic ways that reflect their idea of their own
autonomy, but we should promote awareness of the universal
principles that connect us as a means to temper/regulate the capitalist
desire in each other with the socialist’s idea of common unity for the
common good.


I believe what impacts you, impacts me, that we are all united
in one way or another. When children go hungry, I get impacted.
When kids die because they can't afford medicine,
I get impacted. We are one world and one people.
Everything is connected to everything else all of the time.

The universe is a web of interrelationships.
nvironmental influences good or bad can be transmitted as hereditary
information, affecting the genes of children and even grandchildren.
All people are connected to all people, all people are connected to all
nature, and all nature is connected to our ability to live. Our ability to live
is connected to our imagination, our imagination is connected to our
education, our education is connected to our suffering, our suffering is
connected to our happiness. Our happiness is connected to our nature, our
nature is connected to All and Everything all of the time.
All things of verifiable existence and all things of non-verifiable existence
are one in a never-ending, never-beginning, flowing process of the
synthesis that is All and Everything.
Synthesis is the spontaneous, unequivocal and simultaneous surrender of
all things to each other in a non-dual state of oneness, a whole and
complete process. Synthesis is the nature of All and Everything seen and
unseen; past, present and future, in one living organism; interdependent
and relative to all aspects of every other thing.

Synthesis can be simply understood in the creation of a new human

being. The spark of life of the Male-1 synthesizes with the spark of life
of the Female-0 in conception and creates a new spark of life in a new
child. The child is not the mother and not the father; the child is the
synthesis of both.
Humanity lives in one ever-changing synthesis of All and Everything but
it does not recognize or relate to that natural process, seeing all “things” as
separate. Attempts to separate any one “thing” from the other “thing”
exhibits a lack of awareness to the reality of the process we live in, are
part of, and are contributing to.
We human beings act on all things and experience all things in our reality
as distinctly separate from one other. We believe in the autonomy of me
from you, the separateness of body from mind, object from subject,
intellect from feeling and the separation of all things from all other things.
Think of social justice, climate, war, taxes, rights, politics or the
distribution of wealth. All these problems have their reconciliation in
understanding the one synthesis that they and we are all part of. We all
act without knowledge of our interdependence and that feeds our
assumption that we are separate from each other and therefore we are
unable to find the truth of any problem.
If we are to survive, we must understand the oneness of All and
Everything and adjust to and act on the fact we are indeed all connected,
mutually dependent, and have an interconnected prosocial responsibility to
each other in order to survive and flourish. We must change our politics,
our view of the world and our way of living to act in harmony with our
interconnectivity instead of denying it at the cost of our precious lives. All
Human problems come from our identification and isolation of people,
problems and things as separate from each other.
The reality is that “We are one.” This is not a denial of free will but a
celebration of one cause at the basis of all reality, in the knowledge all
division is illusion. Armed with that knowledge and embracing one
reality, we can easily change our thinking toward the prosocial acceptance
of each other in a coherent prosocial society for survival and self-
fulfillment. Otherwise we are doomed to destroy ourselves in the
bewilderment of endless choosing of one from the other. If we continue to
disregard human interdependence, we will destroy ourselves.

We are all connected and interdependent and rely on the connected and
interdependent actions and non-action of all others for our survival.
Therefore, we must be prosocial and embrace the common good.
All our misery comes through the belief in the idea of manifoldness,
the separation between man and man, between nation and nation,
between earth and the universe, between mind and body, between
Man and God. If you go deep enough, all will be seen as only
variations of the one, and he who has attained to this conception of
oneness has no more delusion.


The problems on all levels of human society are the direct result
of our acceptance of our separation from our universal context.

J ustice will never be achieved for people or planet without the

realization that the universe, as we understand it, is one living organism
and the only way we can get along is by bridging what we see as our
separateness and autonomy from it. Every human being is an
interdependent, interconnected being, reliant on the action and non-action
of all others all of the time. By definition a human being must be prosocial
and must remain prosocial because it is the defining principle of our
humanity and our survival.
Unfortunately, human intellect and reason have atomized our reality into a
billion-trillion identified things, values and judgments, denying our
connectedness and interdependence, separating us from each other,
undermining our unity, ignoring our prosocial nature, and corrupting our
natural relationship of love, compassion, empathy, sympathy and
understanding with each other. We need each other. The market needs
consumers. The consumers need the market. Male needs female. People
need people.
We are all dependent on each other for our breath, health, climate, food,
water, atmosphere and our planet's supportive environment. Our individual

duty and personal responsibility is to all those things, all others and
ourselves. Mutual respect for the individual human being must be the
governing principle of our behavior and all our actions, so that every
member of the human race is valued, validated and understood to be an
essential integral part of the one living organism that is All and
We are all part of one living organism without separation, division or
limit. All things are relative to all other things. All and Everything is one
thing. All “things” and actions of all universes are relative to all of us as
ours are to them. All separation is illusion, created by our reaction to our
own “I am” and our desire for survival.
All human beings are mutually dependent on each other
for their continuing survival.
All human beings are one with all other human beings. Humanity is one
with Planet Earth. Planet Earth is one with All and Everything, known and
Deep down in our heart we probably know this truth but we have
been taught to ignore our feelings, instinct and intuition as
meaningless, to bury our knowledge and accept our servitude to the
ruling class who deny our interconnectedness and interdependence as
the essential prosocial “glue” that holds Humanity together. We are all
integral, equal and unique but we are one, interconnected inter
dependent, relative to and affected by, any and all aspects of every
other thing.


Be excellent to each other!

R acism, usually disguised as a law and order issue, is how the ruling
class controls the many, blaming “the other” (undesirable minority or
underclass) for every nuance of every societal problem, thus alienating
and dividing society against itself. Opportunities in America always serve
white privilege first.

Race is the initial tool for the division, separation and conquest of the
"losers" and so-called “inferior types.” Many people have fallen for Fox
News and conservatives telling them their “white privilege” has been
taken away by minorities.
On the radical ill-treatment of black people, society needs radical action to
change its entire understanding about what a human being is.
Constitutional human rights say everyone is equal. Yet, states’ rights
spouted every day seemingly override human rights and voting rights
according to state governors who believe they are superior to people of
color. They continually trap us in their conversation and legislation against
racial equality. Their action is cruel and perpetuates the worst in all of us.
There must be equal human rights and equal treatment of all human
beings, period.
Politicians who do nothing about this terrible problem are complicit
in this abuse and therefore guilty of human rights violations since they
took a salary but didn’t do their job. They should be removed from
office until they realize men and women are equal. When they do, they
will not sit around waiting to have another conversation about who is
equal. Equal is equal. Done.


W hen we see regular people from foreign lands on TV or we meet

them face to face, we find they are very much like us, ready to
make friends, irrespective of their language, religion or cultural tradition.
We, like them, have been led to believe in our ruler’s laws, plans and
controls that have created distrust and war between nations.
Given the opportunity to get to know each other and socialize with each
other, regular people the world over would realize we all have very similar
values, hopes and dreams. Sure, if we discuss our governments, their
policies, our political affiliations or our religions, we will likely get into
“problems” but sooner or later we realize the big problems are not caused

by us regular people, they are caused, wholly created and brainwashed

into us by our rulers and their desires, not ours.
We know ourselves; we regular people want to get through life happily
with enough work and money to support our families and ourselves in a
“good life.” We have respect for our friends, our neighbors, our planet and
ourselves. In times of need we are ready to help others less fortunate than
ourselves. We have a common bond, sharing our heartfelt moral
imperative to “do the right thing” in our society, behaving toward others as
we would like them to behave toward us, as per The Golden Rule.
For thousands of years mothers in every country of the world have taught
their children prosocial moral behavior to protect them from interpersonal
conflict, for without morals they could be driven to seek power over others
or have none over themselves.
A mother’s love is realized in the birth of her helpless child and she,
through her own loving moral behavior toward the child she loves,
nurtures and protects, instills in her child, almost by osmosis, not only her
love but a natural moral conscience and a prosocial code of personal
As the child grows, the mother will likely teach her child the accepted
moral principles of right and wrong through her personal empathy,
conscience, compassion and honor, ensuring the child’s ability to value
and maintain healthy prosocial relationships within society at large.


Being human means that we can freely choose the good over
the bad no matter what hand nature or nurture has dealt us.
No matter what, we still have a sacrosanct core of free will
that we can use to rise above all of that and be moral beings.

S ocialism may be the next choice in a world being destroyed by

Capitalism but maybe Socialism won't work either? Perhaps we
should focus on the common good.

We are all dependent on the common good; it is the one thing that affects
us all that we all disregard and we all need. We should be looking out for
what is good for all of us, not just focusing on the selfishness that will
make life better for us “individually” at the expense of another.
What is the main cause of our problems? Why are we examining the
effects of our blatant societal destruction as if they were disconnected
from a common cause?
Politicians, journalists and commentators alike all insist they understand
Man’s desperate problems, as if they can be explored in isolation and
made solvable. As a result, we have endless useless solutions to a
multitude of terrifying problems that deny our connectivity, our
interdependence and our common good.
The mind of Man cannot verify itself
yet demands verification of every thing except itself.
The mind of Man is the root cause of all the ways we have created to kill
ourselves. We are all so busy discussing the effects of our problems that
we ignore their root cause, manufacturing a further multiplicity of useless
answers that take us deeper and deeper into the malaise of shared fear and
No elected politician is outraged against the destruction of the common
good. They are all too busy fighting amongst themselves about the
problems and their effects, they are blind to their cause, offering only
ignorant, short-sighted, politically correct answers that deny all human
brotherhood, interrelationship and interdependence. For example:
If the discussion is the environment, we talk about Arctic ice, greenhouse
gases, pollution, oil companies and politicians ad nauseam and ignore the
common good.
We are left in a boundless universe of effects, reflected in decades of
empty laws we must obey, that are all bereft of causality and authorize
selfishness above the common good. We will never find solutions to
our global problems if we continue to focus on the effects of our
problems rather than the cause of them.

Rich and poor are equal under the law.

P oor people are more physiologically attuned to the suffering of others,

feeling greater levels of empathy and compassion than the rich.
I believe the economic systems of feudalism and capitalism create
poverty and artificial scarcity  while promoting privilege. Instead, I
propose a more decentralized economic system based on mutual aid,
mutual support  and voluntary cooperation, asserting that the
tendencies for this kind of organization already exist, both in
evolution and in human society.
Our society and our thinking are atomized. Trying to hold onto our
personal values, truth and even our sanity is made more difficult each day
by political and corporate generated mass confusion and “played”
alienation from billionaire people’s manipulators. We know the ruling
class is very happy with the situation because it is wholly in their very best
interest to keep our thinking and deductive reasoning atomized. They,
through their control of the media, split every subject, every outrage, every
lie into a million different nuanced possibilities, blowing apart the very
essence of what we think we know, turning our population into
manageable slave units with no resistance to their control.
We have no choice but to unite or lose our selves and our reason to live in
the annals of the rich man’s webs of misery, intrigue and subterfuge. There
is a war upon us that we cannot fight but we can win. We have no effective
weapons against our mental, emotional and spiritual domination, except
our unity in a prosocial society bound to each other in the knowledge that
unity for all regular people is the one thing we have to collapse the
controls of the ruling few. UNITE with others everyday in every way you
can. Unite with your neighbors. Unite for a prosocial society.
Reach out with love and care for everyone.
Love turns darkness into light
Reach out with love and care for everyone
Love is a human right.

This is the chorus of The World Anthem for a Prosocial Society. No

matter who you are, commit the song’s chorus to memory and reach out
with love and care for everyone you meet, everywhere you go. Please
make every person you know aware of “The World Anthem,” be they
next door, in your city, or anywhere in the world. Make Reach Out With
Love and Care for Everyone part of your everyday speech. Teach the
chorus to your children; it is the essence of the prosocial society and will
unite Humanity for a lasting future.


As modern psychology and neuroscience make abundantly clear
– human beings by comparison with any other animals are both
remarkably social and remarkably unselfish. The atomization
and self-interested behavior neoliberalism promotes runs
counter to much of what comprises human nature.

A Prosocial Society is an empathetic human population cooperating in

kindness to each other as a means to a successful relationship and
cooperation with each other.
A prosocial society responds to the calls for mercy and community
effort, assisting one another, rebuilding, and embracing
loving-kindness that seeks truth and justice.
Look at all Humanity as if it were just one person and realize the greatest
power is with the people and is in the people.
Let us stop fighting against each other and start fighting for each other. Let
us coalesce and unite into a Prosocial Society; it is the only path to our
survival and can generate the cause of our happiness in our society and
across the globe.
Science says lasting relationships come down to tolerance, kindness and
generosity, as exemplified and expanded in a prosocial society. If in the

future we are to survive successfully and defeat the psychopathic society

we must unite together under a shared common cause we can all believe in
and use as the basis to build a prosocial society that exemplifies the cause
of our happiness.
The future demands we all have independent, instant access to the
certainty of what is right and what is wrong in any given situation.
To know what is right, we must be able to relate to a common
denominator we all agree on, beyond all superficial differences like sex,
age, race or nationality.
We all have trillions of cells within us, each creating ultra-weak biophoton
light. We also live in light and know light is in all living things and that
light gives life to all living things. We know light is elemental to being
alive because without light we die.
Therefore, freely associate on the nature of light. What do you think and
feel light means to you? What does light communicate to you externally
and internally, physically and psychologically?
All people freely associating about light in the same way will find they
share the same or very similar “in common” definitive associations.
These shared definitive associations create an agreed knowledge as to the
nature and purpose of light. Knowing light gives life to us human beings
and all living things, we know the shared definitive elemental nature of all
human beings. From that knowledge, we know to live together
successfully we must emancipate, use and share the elemental knowledge
and purpose of light as the cause of our happiness because it gives us life
The knowledge and purpose of light applies to all systems of human life
including philosophical, political and planetary systems. It implies a moral
and a just system of living for all living things in accordance with the
nature and purpose of light.
It facilitates in every person a direct, natural and easy way to
understand, compare and know what is right and wrong according to
the agreed and definitive elemental nature of light as the cause of
happiness. From our knowledge of light, together we can structurally
change the nature of society to create a prosocial society.


Moral authority comes from your own volition,
unique and unequivocal.

M y Mum was right – without morals there is no basis for anyone's

survival. Human beings once had a moral conscience and prosocial
awareness as a natural part of who they were but that time has passed.
Our approaching cataclysmic future demands a humanistic code all people
can agree on, justify and believe in; a moral code that is simple, universal
and unconditional.
Presently we have no moral “bottom line” that is not tied to religion.
Religion may be good for some but it demands people suspend their
disbelief. Our society’s survival must be based on a universally accepted
prosocial moral code that supports both people and the planet.
It must be of demonstrable benefit to every human being, complement
their lives and give them hope for the future and a sense of universal
prosocial unity.
Every human being needs his or her own point of focus that allows him or
her to recognize a natural prosocial moral code. It must be simple code,
able to be understood by everyone of every age, intelligence, nationality
and religion.
It must defend a humanitarian platform of empathy, conscience, and
compassion based on the reality of our own personal inner experience. It
must be rooted in the knowledge that each of us is dependent on each
other for our survival.
Any meaningful moral code must be created by the person, for the person
on his or her own terms for it to be valid and real to that person. It must be
an example that shows us how to behave in life, how to flourish and how
to live with others compassionately.
It is the light of day itself that gives us life, sight and sustains us. Based on
that fact alone, the individual can develop his or her own interpretation
and understanding of the behavior of light itself and determine light’s
“symbolic moral behavior.”

If you want to live and thrive; be like light itself.

Light itself gives life and sight to us all and is unconditional, prosocial,
exhibiting an unconscious universal morality of love and compassion
toward all others, without preference or reward.
We know with certainty that the behavior of light gives us life and the
absence of light itself results in misery and death. Therefore, we can,
through our own observed behavior of light itself, align our own behavior
to its moral example. The “symbolic moral behavior” of light can be an
easy to understand, tangible, verifiable moral benchmark for every human
Light exhibits a prosocial code of moral behavior that ensures a human
being’s psychological survival in today’s difficult world. Light as the
prosocial moral code is the key to all power. It is the true common
denominator we share with all living things.
Light is the key to who we are as human beings and the power that
can change us all for the better on a personal, local and global level. In
reality it is very simple and provides the “A-ha” moment civilization is
waiting for.

Together we are strong.

I f we applied some feeling intelligence to our decisions, would we be in

endless wars? Would the climate be as messed up as it is? Would
corporations be allowed to destroy all of us for profit? Would the fate of
humankind rest in the deceit and dishonesty of government laws based on
the one-sided virtues of intellect alone?
Our intellect will always keep on trying to control every thing when it is
no more real or important than our feeling intelligence. Only when we
value and emancipate our feeling/intuition/cell intelligence as different but
as vitally important as our intellect can we ever hope to find the balance of
commonsense thinking that can save our planet and human race.

We have emancipated our masculine intellect to psychopathic proportions

at the expense of our caring feminine feeling intelligence. Only when we
conceive of both intelligences as important and necessary to every aspect
of our lives will we become the human beings who can save the world.

Common sense is the genius of Humanity.
“Common sense,” relied on by every human being since the beginning of
time, is the implicit agreement of intellectual and feeling intelligences, yet
not one of our world leaders is recognizing or expounding the need for
common sense in government and human conduct.
Love your neighbors. When the climate hits the fan you’re sure gonna
need ‘em.
Common sense of the individual, for the individual, by the individual
maintains you as boss of your life on your own terms. Common sense is
good sense; non-ideological thinking, your natural intelligence exclusive
of intellect. It is your prosocial feeling exclusive of other people’s
consideration and your conscience exclusive of judgment.
Common sense is your “gut” knowledge; it expresses your cell
intelligence through your feelings. Common sense tells us the truth of
what to do and how to live.
Common sense consists of what people in common would agree on;
that which they sense as their common natural understanding,
expressing beliefs or propositions that in their opinion most people
would consider prudent and of sound judgment, without study or
research, but based upon what they saw as knowledge held by people
in common.

Regular people are encouraged to identify with their “rulers,” be they

politicians, religions, the wealthy or the ruling class. The result is many
citizens rely on their “rulers” for information and opinion, depriving
themselves the voice in their own common sense.
The practice of letting others do your thinking for you is encouraged
through all aspects of corporate behavior and their media, separating each
human from their ability to think critically for himself. Societal opinion
and the public expression of ideas are in the hands of paid corporate
experts, pundits and entertainers, who the corporate media claim are the
foremost authorities on all and everything, ignoring public opinion.
On every subject imaginable subject, there is so much expert opinion,
public opinion and common sense are deflected away from validation or
meaning “by experts” who deprive people of their access to their own
common sense, till they atrophy.
Human beings choose the verifiable phenomenon of intellect; objects and
thought over the ideas of instinct, intuition and feeling because they
cannot intellectually conceptualize or verify “those feelings.” As a result
these most valuable human feelings are laughed at or denied. Our
morality, rooted in our biology, has become a commodity for the profit of
the ruling class and the corporate media.
Trust and put your faith in your common sense, through experiential self-
listening you will develop a critical reasoning ability “intuitively felt” that
is the independent power in you. Common sense is the self-government in
the heart of every human being. You raise the issues and you get intuitive
Gradually, through experiential self-learning and self-listening you can
restore power to your common sense and develop an independent critical
reasoning ability that is distinctly personal to you and effective.
Tune in more and more to a fulfilling life based on who you are meant to
be rather than who you are expected to be. No matter where you are or
who you are with, common sense is at your disposal at all times because it
comes from the very heart of you, beyond control or limit. It is where you
keep your truth, honor and virtue.
Rule your own life on your own terms.

The political solidarity of the working class
means the death of despotism, the birth of freedom,
the sunrise of a new civilization.

H uman beings are at the mercy of political rhetoric, without

consideration for or understanding of the roots of their ideology. No
political party expresses the true philosophy and core values of the party
that was originally designed to serve the best interests of the people.
The first duty of any politician should be to those who voted for them but
instead it is to the will of their political party. To that end, they sacrifice
what they stand for personally and best interests of the voter and what the
party once stood for, in favor of their party’s ruling class’ idea of what the
party stands for now. Voters vote for a political candidate; they do not vote
for the party elite’s agenda.
Party loyalty, irrespective of individual belief, demands a one-party voice.
Once in office the politician abandons his campaign rhetoric for the will of
the party, thus betraying all those who voted for what he said.
They relinquish their control to a present day, mythical ideology that does
not express or conform to the root connection of what their party actually
stands for, but destroys it through their psychopathic interpretation of it, in
the hyperbole of myriad past and present policies.
Trapped in an historical imperative, the public is given the choice of two
parties doing battle with each other. Both parties, wanting to win by any
means possible, divide the public one from the other by saying anything to
win votes whether it’s true or not or to the public detriment or not. Both
the ideologies of left and right are not bound by any limit. As a result the
right and the left both claim superiority over the other while both, through
their contrived divisiveness, ultimately advocate division of society into
right and wrong.
An informed public without brainwashing or media bias. One person, one
vote. Diplomacy before war. Save the climate, save injustice. Healthcare
for all in one prosocial capitalist community. All for one. One for all.


T he police should be investigating the Republicans and their party.

They are committing criminal acts in passing legislation that causes
immense physical and mental harm to millions of regular American
citizens against their will.
Their gerrymandering, their manipulation of the vote, their corporate paid-
for brainwashing of the general American public and their endless lying
propaganda are tantamount to stealing the democratic right of every
average American through criminal deception.
Their arrogance, their self-righteousness and their extremely antisocial
behavior is indeed criminal inhumanity against all those they represent.
They, as predatory pawns of international corporations, have rigged the
voting system so that it defies and defiles democracy while creating the
empty illusion of democratic government.
Seemingly the public is left no choice whatsoever but to fry in the hot oil
of Republican legislation and accept the terror that surrenders average
American people to the horror of the Republican demonic vision of
With every passing day, Republican laws against us are expanding in
depth and depravity. They are happily sacrificing everyday Americans to
corporate greed and psychopathic ideas that fabricate false-flag terrorism
and manufacture endless fear dividing every American against all others in
the name of their "democratic right to rule."
Republicans are on a roll -- more war, more military, more wealth for the
wealthy, destruction of healthcare and the environment, destruction of
worker safety regulations, etc.
All in all, Republicans are willing to weaken us to the point of our
surrender when we, like they, are in favor of enriching and emboldening
psychopathic corporations in their efforts to turn regular American citizens
into corporate slaves.
With the massive amounts of money flowing over our democracy, we are

drowning, having no power, no resistance, being unable to even swim in

the deluge of political bribery for corporate control of our democratic
Are you as an American, willing to be "defanged and made impotent" by
the ruling politicians and their barbaric masters, or are you going to join
with the regular people in your interconnected communities and UNITE in
friendship and kindness?
It is up to us to create a new system of government. We need direct
democracy for a New America with a prosocial vision of a united people
to take the place of the unopposed criminality of Republicans, Democrats
and the political system.
Some guy once said "Love your neighbor as yourself." He had a point.
Loving others and encouraging them to love themselves and others,
too, could be the very basic plan we need to find our way out of the
homicidal madness of corporate greed and power. Regular Americans
unified behind a prosocial, caring and kind inter-social, interracial
agenda can and will defeat all those who seek to destroy us for their
own selfish desires. I propose a Public Union for a Prosocial Society,
(PUPS), tied to a set of non-religious “Love your neighbor” principles
that will create a new politic for the prosperity and happiness of all


A national cooperative united against oppression, bringing
protesters and progressives into one prosocial public union.

T ake your mind off the controversy, unfairness and lawlessness being
ladled over us every day by the ruling class. Think about how we the
public can unite and change our nation for the better. Every day we see
groups protesting in different ways about different things but they are not
united. Our efforts to return our country to justice, freedom and equality
must be our priority.

The psychopathic corporate ruling class has taken control of our

government and is presenting the public with an empty, meaningless and
predatory corporate controlled “faux” democracy without empathy or
compassion for the public they are supposed to serve. We are now faced
with a public and all its dreams are being ripped apart in an “everything-
for-profit government legislation” that embraces psychopathic behavior
and sacrifices people’s lives for their corporate profit.
Every day we are fed fear, confusion and threats to our survival. We
discuss every injustice against our welfare, our future, and ourselves,
trying to determine what is right or wrong, who is to blame, and what
should be done about it. Overwhelmed by endless millions of pieces of
frightening information, we have lost our ability to see clearly and our
critical thinking faculties have been atomized in a morass of conflicting
public concerns and swirling contradiction. We have become unable to
move forward for ourselves.
We, the many, must join together against the few, united in a national
solidarity union platform that empowers the survival demands of the
electorate and consolidates the members’ multitudes of concerns for
survival, distilling them into the principles of a solidarity union.
The biggest problem for the ruling class has always been strong and
powerful unions. Therefore, unionize all the public toward the public
getting what they want, rather than surrendering their choices to the ruling
class and a phony democratic voting system. In addition to marching and
protesting against one particular injustice (immigration, climate, policing,
living wage etc.) those who march in protest would be a much more potent
political force for the change they want, if they were united and unionized
toward a prosocial government that served the people.
All protesters from fairness and justice movements and the general public
must unite in a Public Union for a Prosocial Society. They would be asked
to sign a pledge and contract to a Prosocial 10-Point-Plan that can be used
along with millions of other pledged contracted signatures as a political
tool to change government policies and politicians to the needs of the
Join with all your fellow union members in harmony  and agreement.
Each of us has vowed to uphold the 10-Point Plan of prosocial
principles that align our human purpose, benefit regular people,

and  protect  our rights. We will take back our common interests in all
50 states.
I pledge and contract to commit to the principles of this 10-Point
1. A prosocial direct democracy (by popular vote)
2. Save the climate, ecosystems and wildlife.
3. A living wage for all/wage equality for women.
4. Single payer healthcare for all.
5. Federal Taxation must be at the same rate for everyone.
6. All money out of politics. Public funding of all elections.
7. End lobbying and financial/political influence of the rich.
8. Ensure a women's right to choose.
9. Embrace human rights, human dignity and the common good.
10. Medicare and Social Security for all.
The signing of the pledge contract would be a legal affidavit declaring the
person’s valid intent to accept nothing less than the 10-Point Plan for the
Public Union for a Prosocial Society / (PUPS). Only candidates committed
to supporting PUPS contracts would gain its support in elections. Union
dues could be used to put up PUPS candidates as political representatives.
Unionizing the public around a solid union platform for a prosocial society
would reflect the public’s “common sense demands” as expressed in
national poll after poll.
The Public Union for a Prosocial Society. (PUPS) is a solidarity union of
regular people in the worldwide movement against corporate control of
government, globalization and neoliberalism. It stands for and affirms the
central role of working people taking the initiative in governmental change
by using direct action. PUPS carries out its own organizing and control.
Once a person has joined and agreed to PUPS’s defining principles, they
retain their union membership for as long as they want it.
The Public Union for a Prosocial Society would pull power back to the
people and would demand what the public wants. It would act against all
those politicians who do not contract to fulfill the prosocial 10-Point Plan.
PUPS would soon be big enough to take down any and all politicians in
any election and win primaries for the American people based on the fixed
criteria of the pledge contract they signed on to.

The Public Union for a Prosocial Society must reach out to the frightened
American public now, before they are led into the ruling class’ verbal gas
Protesters could recruit regular American people to PUPS asking them to
put aside quibbling about areas of individual concern, and pledge contract
to the 10-point plan to unite the people against anyone and any policy that
is antisocial, psychopathic or discriminatory. We must unite for a prosocial
society before we can be reborn into a new nation.
There is hope in the unity of the people. The trick is for the public to not
react to government shock tactics but to assume "all is lost" and begin
from there. In cognitive therapy we do not talk endlessly about all that ails
us. We build a new and happier reality over the concrete bunker of our
oppression, in this case creating prosocial communities of self- reliance
and self-government.
We turn away from trying to be rich like the oppressive class, stop looking
up to them, stop respecting them and their achievements, stop wanting to
be them, stop following their example. They want to divide us; let us be
divided from them but not from each other. Bring the people together as a
prosocial society separate from our oppressors, a society where we rely on
each other separate from the psychopaths who rule over us.
Let us educate ourselves to know and understand the weakness in their
psychology toward exploiting them and branding them amongst ourselves
as the psychopaths they are, thus freeing ourselves from their assumed
right to control us.
Cause no harm, judge not, be non-aggressive, free of prejudice, impartial,
altruistic, practice kindness and empathy; support self-worth and human
“Injustice, No!” will be our rallying cry as we pull apart the rules of the
sick billionaire money kings and create a new prosocial world order. If we
are going to survive, we must free our suppressed outrage and forge it into
the prosocial weapon of the truth inside us, a thunderbolt in our hearts
ready to take down the corruption of both political parties.
We are the agents of change; power flows through our veins. We are
justice. We are outrage. We are turmoil for all those who have captured
people in the name of injustice, greed, false entitlement, assumed
superiority and power for profit.

We are PUPS. We are prosocial people, of the people, by the people and
for the people. We are all we need. The public is the power. We have
nothing to lose and a future to gain. We resolve to fight injustice. The light
of life will set you free to be who you really are in the face of your
Be Prosocial. Live Prosocial. Vote Prosocial. Elect Prosocial.


W e are about to enter a chasm of darkness and authoritarian misery

brought on us by the ruling class. They have put us in a position
that keeps them in luxury and pushes us deeper in the shit every day.
Tens of millions of Americans have no financial, food or health security of
any kind. They fight overwhelming fears to raise their families against a
tidal wave of oppression pushed on them by the ruling class.
Congress has ignored the voters as if they were meaningless scum of little
or no importance. They have lured them into debt and personal disaster.
The American political system must be bent to the will of the people.
Stop for just a moment. Think about the life you have. Your life is running
on a treadmill owned by the ruling class. The things you expected from the
ruling class, you never got.
Pledge to no longer accept the ruling class as righteous.
Pledge unity and solidarity to the Public Union for a Prosocial Society
(PUPS). Unite with your neighbors, your friends and their friends, and
their neighbors and their friends. Stay in your jobs but mentally end your
belief in the ruling class.
United, we are power.


O ur world and its peoples are under radical threats to life from fear
and uncertainty. Abolish war. Redirect all war spending into the
pursuit of local, national and global peace.
Strengthen international ties; build relationships with others at the
personal and government level. Reach out with love and care for everyone
because it’s more difficult to engage another person when you have no
personal relationship with them….
The Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto
you.” This mantra acclaimed by religions all over the world unites us all at
the very core of our being if we are to have any hope of surviving the
massive problems promised us, like climate change, poverty, hunger, war
and terror.
Relationships based on goodwill, loving kindness and care for all others
are absolutely necessary for the survival of Humanity now. Every person
is directly and indirectly interconnected and interdependent with every
other person.
The Golden Rule promises tolerance, equality and justice, it is the
lubricant of life; without it, Humanity is doomed to consume itself.
The Golden Rule teaches us love and compassion for each other, enabling
everyone to live up to their personal humanitarian responsibilities and
Practice the Golden Rule not just because it is the right thing to do
but it is the only way to ensure our harmonious and balanced survival
in an increasingly difficult future.


If there is no law, let kindness,
common sense, integrity and moral courage prevail.

B rotherly love, peace, freedom, truth and wisdom express the Ideals of
Man and they are the only way to save the human race from
morphing into the antisocial machine.
Every country of the world, with the exception of Bhutan, refuses to
uphold the ideals of Man and make them part of the laws of our daily lives
because they would jeopardize corporate profits.
Let us not naively believe everything will be all right in the end. Let us not
recite hopeful prayers for the intervention of a higher power. No! Let us be
heroes. Let us bear the yoke of responsibility for who we have become and
what we have created.
Let us remind the world we humans, beyond all doctrines, politics or
religions, demand the ideals of Man be the basis of government, human
rights and our key to our children’s future.
Let us encourage every person everywhere to find and live to the highest
ethical standards. We must reach out with love and care for everyone in
the knowledge that if we don’t, we won’t survive. We need each other
united in the Ideals of Man because it is much more difficult for people to
hurt or ignore you if they have a good personal relationship with you.
Life is about being compassionate to one another, making sure everyone
lives up to their personal and humanitarian responsibilities. As our world
gets smaller we should look at it holistically and act accordingly, knowing
we are all connected. A human being cannot be separated from its arms or
legs or from its heart or its breath or its mind; it is one body, one piece,
whole and inseparable from its parts.
We must practice our prosocial ideals not just because it is the right
thing to do but also because it is the only way to ensure the survival of
the human race.
Come together, we have power, we have agency
We are many and they are few.
Rise Again


H opefully you have understood the principles for a prosocial society

and your intuition, commonsense and creativity recognize those
principles will work to create a better future for Humanity.
Unfortunately, we have all been socially engineered to distrust what we
feel and what our intuition tells us. Even if you are completely sold on the
idea of a prosocial society, you know it is going to be difficult to move
toward it.
You know that in time, you could forget your feelings about it. No matter
how right a prosocial society might sound now, you know you will forget
your conscience in fear of our psychopathic rulers.
Generally, regular people have given away half of their ability to solve
their problems in denying and discrediting their feelings, emotions and the
commonsense voice of their own heart. We have surrendered our true
feelings to intellect, thought and logic.
The genius voice of your own independent heart manifests itself through
your intuition, your gut feelings, your cell intelligence, your creativity and
your imagination. When you listen to your heart, use its intuitive
knowledge to temper and balance your intellect, thought and logic; you
know you are powerful beyond measure. The voice of your heart can
answer your questions and maybe save Humanity, if you want it.
To gain access to this understanding, it is important for you to see the
best in you, to know the best in you, balance your conscience and heal
yourself. Be the hero who believes in prosocial principles because they
are who we are.
Be the hero, Humanity needs you.


The inner hero for men and women.

Self-empowerment from the light side of the force.

Myth creates reality - Imagination makes it real
We live in a world made of invisibility; we too are invisible and all our
thoughts, feelings, emotions, fantasies, imaginations and dreams are
invisible. Everything that belongs to hope, ambition, secrets, fear,
doubt, perplexity, uncertainty and all our feelings, desires, attractions,
aversions, love and hate are invisible. Everything that’s important and
real in Man is invisible.

A t some time in our lives, we all want to be a superhero. When I was a

tiny boy, my teddy bear was my first hero. He protected me from the
evil darkness of night while I slept peacefully under the covers in my
bedroom. Teddy comforted me when no one else could. He never let me
At five years old, I had a glove puppet called Jim, who I talked to and who
talked back to me. I pretended I was a ventriloquist. Jim was my secret me
– he inspired me, gave me courage, told me I could do what I never
thought I could.
At seven, I was King Arthur and all of the Knights of the Round Table. As
Galahad, riding my fantasy steed Dobbin, I rescued three-year-old Julie
from the evil blackberry brambles threatening her. I mowed down
imaginary villains and demons with my plastic sword Excalibur. Together
we rode off to my secret camp. When Julie’s mother found us, she was a
fiery dragon. I had no defense, but I didn’t care because I was already
Robin Hood.
At ten, I was a cowboy with a toy six-gun on my hip. Sometimes I was a
wartime general who defended miniature forts filled with toy soldiers. As
a private detective, I rescued toy cars from garages filled with gangsters.
Trains, boats and airplanes were at my disposal – unlimited power was
mine. I ran the world, determined good would prevail and evil would
perish. I was a man of honor and integrity, a hero fighting for truth, love
and freedom. My empire was the living room floor until my Mum served
my lunch in the middle of my battlefield just when I had the bad guys on
the run.

Undeterred, I knew the strength inside me would soon return. After lunch
and helping with the dishes, I would return to the battlefield, a hero ready
to bring evil to its knees. Nothing could stop me!
Truth is, in the real world I was scared and ran to my Mum at the first sign
of trouble. I was just too damned sensitive, crying at touching scenes in
the movies or when I got beaten up by a bully half my size.
The kids at my school called me “Big Ears.” (They were right.) It made
me shrivel. I was tall for my age, but with their chastisement and my own
insecurities, I felt like a fool.
At home, in private, I pulled angry faces in the mirror to terrify future
attackers. I pretended proficiency at karate, yelling fake Japanese and
skillfully chopping the air. I constantly pretended to be tougher than I was.
I suppose we all do. I used to stick my thumbs in my belt loops and
swagger around looking real tough like a cowboy, but the kids at my
school saw right through me.
I needed my own special hero – someone to copy, someone to model
myself after, someone better at life than I was. I looked up to my Dad
Steve, and I tried to emulate him. He was a great role model, except there
he was every night, looking tired in dirty overalls, covered in brick dust, a
cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.
As much as I loved and respected him, he couldn’t really be my hero. I
could feel, touch, see his vulnerabilities and he was way too close. I
needed a hero whom I could carry in my head, who was free from general
human frailties.
Superman was great. I felt like I was Superman when I “flew” off our
front garden wall, a red plastic cape billowing behind me as I fell three
glorious feet into the flowerbed below.
Superman was always saving the world or some girl or other. I identified
with him completely. He was a man after my own heart – we both wanted
to save the world and pretty girls from the evildoers.
Comic book heroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc., were
seed ideas that millions like me recognized and absorbed into their thirsty
imaginations. They were our modern-day knights in shining armor who
could destroy any evil and carry our every dream to fruition.

They were regular human beings who could transform themselves by their
own will to become powerful heroes of unlimited courage, integrity and
genius. They gave to us the dream that perhaps within us there was a hero
waiting to get out if we could only find the “magic word.”
I tried everything I could to effect personal transformation, including
spinning around in several telephone boxes. Nothing happened. I was very
disappointed and bruised. I don’t think I was doing it right.
I had to face the reality that Superman and pals were not real, and as much
as I aspired to follow in their footsteps, I couldn’t. Perhaps, however, if I
had a body like Superman, at least I could ward off those who wanted to
bully me.
I saw an ad in the paper for a bodybuilding course. A puny guy was getting
sand kicked in his face by a big, brawny guy who stole his girl. Months
later after the little guy had done the bodybuilding course, he returned to
beat up the big guy. He got the girl. I got the course.
I did endless exercises, which the course flyer assured me would build my
chest size. I ended up looking even more gangly and spastic than before. I
had a huge barrel chest. When I touched my toes, I looked like a spider
with half its legs missing.
I was freaked out, scared and vulnerable. I considered myself too weak
and annoying to live. Suicide seemed the only worthwhile contribution I
could make to society. I tried to hang myself but the rope broke. I tried
sucking on a garden hose stuffed in a car’s exhaust, but the car ran out of
gas. I threw up nothing a total of twenty-three times.
The thought of slashing my wrists made me queasy. Taking pills was never
my strong point. Electrocution held a certain fascination, but the thought
of becoming a human french-fry really turned me off.
Thank goodness for James Bond. He was a real man – no spandex under
his immaculately tailored suit. Here was a tough, ruthless, sexy, high-tech
personality with all the grace, charm and humor of a refined Englishman.
Did I say he was sexy? He could woo the ladies, save the world and then
be drinking a martini before dinner. He saved my life. I would become
I was Bond…James Bond! I drank my water shaken, not stirred. I shaped

my fingers like a Beretta, fired, then blew the imaginary gun smoke off
my fingertips. I was hip, cool, and deadly smooth all at the same time.
Bond was so good at getting women to love him. James was like me,
dignified and seductive.
I believed in love, wine and romance. I had little or nothing in common
with my friends who were always off somewhere proving their manhood
or exhibiting their lack of it in sports, drinking beer or shagging birds.
They left women to the sexy types like Bond and me. I liked that because I
wanted women, lots of them, to fall in love with me, give themselves
completely to me. I wanted women everywhere to adore me like I was a
rock star.
In my bedroom with the door closed, I posed as a rock star, singing into a
short piece of broom handle with a worn-out bit of string hanging off it
like a microphone lead. I could do all the moves. I was hip and sexy,
rotating my hips seductively. I was a rock hero.
I learned a little of what I truly believed to be a rock star’s inner thoughts
and emotions. I realized his way of looking at things. Of course, that was a
wild assumption, but it felt right – it felt true in my heart. I resonated with
the ideas that made up the hero. I was, it seemed, channeling the great
rock-n-roll hero inside me.
Unfortunately, I followed in the rock hero’s footsteps all too easily,
spending every moment of three months so stoned I thought tomorrow
was yesterday. I let the rock star fade away.
After watching action movies over and over, I could flesh out the reality of
the hero in my own mind, with instinctive, intuitive, visual ideas that came
from within me and were the fabric of the hero. I could demonstrate what I
saw as the hero’s self-assuredness and strength of character. I knew how to
live in calmness without fear. I learnt to be courageous, strong and
dynamic. My hero respected women – I respected women.
However, none of my past heroes were quite who I wanted to be. Some of
their characteristics I kept, but overall they were too cold, too dark and too
tough for me. I was just trying to be tough because I felt so weak. Now I
would become strong for me.
I wanted to be nicer. I wanted to feel safe. I always wanted to feel safe.

My heroes kept me safe, but somewhere along the line, I had become hard
and defensive.
I attached myself to warmer, kinder and gentler heroes – the ones that
were charming and reasonable and made me laugh. I wanted to be like
that. I imitated my idea of each hero’s character, mannerisms and style.
Like an actor learning a part, I studied them, explored their mannerisms
and character, and copied them until I found my way into the backdoor of
their thinking. I understood them thoroughly and completely. I took on
their characteristics and they became me.
I allowed myself to be warm, mellow, vulnerable yet strong, a man who
could laugh at himself. I was laid back, relaxed, always joking around and
showing everyone a good time. I didn’t want to be a tough guy anymore.
Sometimes my hero ideas and memories came from many different
sources. I merged them together as one hero to outwit my schoolboy
adversaries. Watching old black-and-white movies, I impersonated
charming affable characters who always won the girl. When I got into
those characters, girls loved it and soon I was a ladies’ man, kind, cool,
elegant, smooth and debonair. A man to be trusted, someone I would like
as a friend, someone I could rely on.
This was the hero. I played him every day, and my relationships improved.
I could see his image in my mind – I was like him, a nice guy, friendly,
confident and debonair. As I needed more of the hero in me, I slipped on
his mannerisms and slid down into his source in the depths of me, where I
could feel the best of the hero and his morals and express his integrity in
my daily life.
I knew what it felt like to be the hero, genuine, powerful, self-assured and
beyond defeat. I liked my idea of myself. I was the hero and I was super.
As a kid, I knew real power. I was the superhero in my heart and mind.
But as I grew older, the world told me I wasn’t so super anymore. I must
conform and toe the line if I wanted to enjoy life and be a success. I
believed what I was told. I followed the orders and obeyed the rules just to
get ahead, agreeing to things that deep down I knew were wrong.
I believed what I was told. But just to get ahead, I saw myself conforming
to things that deep down I knew were wrong. So, I rebelled and threw off

hypocrisy. To live my truest and deepest dreams, I realized I would have to

again rip off my disguise as a meek, mild, conforming everyman.
I would have to reach far inside for my hero. I would have to
courageously stand up, ready to speak the truth and fight my
oppressors. The hero preserves the core values for all human beings:
security, personal relationships and self-development.

One possibility is that our universe exists for no reason
has no purpose and so our lives have no meaning other than
whatever meaning we invent for ourselves.

I was living in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was hectic. I had to get away, but
where? A friend told me about a quiet beauty spot to the southeast of
Edinburgh called Gifford thirty miles away in East Lothian. It sounded
like it was just the place to relax.
Gifford was the birthplace of John Witherspoon (1723–1794), a Scottish
Presbyterian minister and a signatory of the US Declaration of
Independence. Arriving in Gifford’s main square, the Goblin Ha’ pub
caught my eye. I rented a room. I would write and get back to basics.
The Goblin Ha’ has been a pub since 1708.
It looked like it was still the original structure.
Inside on the walls were large murals depicting the local historical figure
of Lord Hugo de Gifford. According to legend, Lord Hugo was a Merlin-
like wizard who practiced nature magic in his castle in the woods. The
locals told me to “Stay away, it's a very scary place.”
According to legend, in 1267 Hugo conquered the power of evil at the
castle, turning it into hobgoblins who, at Hugo’s order, built in one night
the subterranean chamber of the Goblin Hall under the body of the castle.

When the hall was finished Hugo sealed the hobgoblins back into the earth
with a solid wall of rock.
The famous Scottish poet Sir Walter Scott had immortalized Hugo de
Gifford in his poem “Marmion.”
A stanza from Marmion written on the pub wall intrigued me because it
made a simple promise:
Seek the moated castle's cell,
Where long through talisman and spell
While tyrants ruled, and damsels wept
Thy Genius, Chivalry, hath slept.
So MY genius slept there? I had to go to the castle.
I strode along the beautiful country road toward the castle, spurred on by
the castle ruin vaguely marked on an ordinance survey map.
The castle at Gifford, known as Yester, was built in the eleventh century
on land given to the Hay Family of Normandy as payment for their part in
the Norman Conquest of Britain in 1066.
It was claimed the Goblin Hall was a secret initiation chamber by the
earliest freemasons when they were persecuted due to its secret
ceremonies and their international connections.
Prehistoric settlements and ancient Roman camps surround the castle.
Over the centuries, a wealth of strange and inexplicable events have
occurred at the ruins, including the death of the last white wolf in
Scotland, countless UFO sightings, witches’ covens and unexplained
psychic phenomena.
One story recounted how a lone Scottish piper, in full regalia, had
accepted a standing wager of a bag of gold to do what no man before him
had ever done: stay overnight in the Goblin Hall. He disappeared and was
never seen again. Other challengers trying to uncover the castle’s secret
were injured in freak accidents or like the piper, they just plain
Tourists and researchers have always been actively discouraged from
visiting the castle, and no archaeological dig has ever been carried out on
the site, even though legend says the wizard’s artifacts are buried there.

Ley lines of magnetic power crisscross Britain in straight lines linking

together the ancient monuments of prehistory like Stonehenge and the
Stone Circles of Amesbury. They make clear straight “magical” pathways
through fields and hedgerows and are often the site of ancient Roman
When two ley lines cross, they create an intense magnetic power that pulls
azoic rock up out through the arable land, creating island-like outcrops in
the earth. These are called roundels or nodes.
Roundels, often used as prehistoric sacred burial sites, have been
considered mystical places since the days of the earliest man. They are
windswept, grey granite islands, desolate in the rolling fields around
Twelve of them surround the castle in a circle, like twelve knights
guarding it, while the castle itself sits over two roundels at the center of
the circle. Deep beneath the castle’s center is the Goblin Hall.
A ley line emanates north from Glastonbury, the so-called Heart Chakra,
center of the World and passes through Sir Walter Scott’s tomb at Melrose
Abbey, bisects the castle at Gifford and terminates in the prehistoric stone
circles of the Isles of Orkney.
Glastonbury is the place Christ was said to have visited before he
ascended into heaven. It is the site of the mythical paradise of Avalon,
where the chivalrous Knights of the Round Table quested for The Holy
Grail and where King Arthur, using his inner sight, pulled the Sword of
Light, Excalibur, from the cold stone of his own intellect.
Off the beaten track, led by chance and intuition, I walked through thick
woods carpeted with flowering garlic, scanning for the castle. I couldn’t
find it. It was getting late. The evening mists were hovering behind the
afternoon sunlight.
I walked onto a ridge, fighting through heavy brambles. Scratched and
exhausted, I looked down and around, but there was nothing, just trees and
dense foliage. Fed up, I remembered something behind me that hadn’t
I saw the castle’s image as it separated from its camouflage. Fallen-down,
grey stonewalls, quaintly man-made, peered inquisitively at me through
the fading light.

The castle, daunting and sinister, sat on a high, rocky double mound with a
raging moat surrounding it. Cheering, I ran to it like I was meeting a long-
lost friend. I ran across the access bridge and onto the castle grounds. I felt
different on the castle mound, as if I had left one reality and entered
another. I was scared.
Many of castle walls had fallen into rubble, overgrown and
unrecognizable. The ones that remained were barely standing. Holes in
them, once windows, peered open to the sky. A squadron of crows
entertained themselves, practicing squawking sorties and fearsome
Beneath me a gaping black hole lured me down a wide parade of thirty-
three worn stone steps into the darkness of the Goblin Hall. The hair on
my arms stood up electrified. I found myself looking back over my
shoulder as if I were expecting something to jump out of the shadows.
Haunted by eerie shapes making faces in the fading light, I felt deeply
alone. I descended the steps into the hall whispering Scott’s description of
Gifford’s wizard.
Lord Gifford deep beneath the ground
Heard Alexander’s bugle sound
And tarried not his garb to change
But in his wizard’s habit strange
Came forth a quaint and fearful sight.
I entered a huge, cold, dank-smelling underground chamber with an
arched cobbled roof and a dirt floor. A window high up allowed a thin
shaft of the last of the sunlight to pierce the darkness, illuminating the
Goblin Hall.
As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could make out the hall. It stretched
50 feet long, 30 feet wide and 20 feet high at the center. There were no
mystic signs engraved on the walls, but it felt magical, like I was in a
primitive church. Hugo de Gifford conquered the power of evil here.
In the corner of the Hall, I could make out a dark opening cut out of the
solid rock, with a spiral staircase leading down into the bowels of the
earth. Using a cigarette lighter as a source of light, I slowly ventured down
the rock-strewn staircase. It was black as pitch. As I descended, the stairs
spiraled, turning to the right and then to the left again. I was egged on
thinking of Scott’s other relevant stanza.

ABOVE: The castle wall. BELOW: Looking down to the hall.



There sound the harpings of the North

Till he arise and sally forth
On venturous quest to prick again
Well has thy fair achievement shown
A worthy mead may thus be won.
I stumbled on a loose stone, burnt my fingers on the lighter, dropped it and
slumped forward, falling fast and out of control. Bouncing off the walls, I
was swallowed up by total darkness, just falling and falling.
I came to. I had hit my head. I was in pain; I couldn’t see anything. My
body was twisted up. Nothing broken but hard granite rocks pushed into
my already bruised body. I was panic-stricken and claustrophobic. My
head was spinning with visions of terrifying fear. I had fallen into Scott’s
“moated castle cell” deep below the two roundels at the castle’s center.
Would Hugo’s magic protect me or would the hobgoblins’ evil get me? I
felt stupid even thinking such stuff but I was scared in the pitch-black
darkness, unable to see a hand in front of me. “Where is the way out? No,
no, this can’t be happening to me? I can’t see.”
Franticly scrambling this way and that, I hit granite walls all around me;
panicking more, my breath raced, breathing in the acrid air. All my senses
were dumfounded; I was shivering uncontrollably. Entombed, I had no
way out. “Where are the stairs? They’re not here anymore!”…. Screaming
in panic, my voice echoed back to me. There was no one to hear me.
This was where Hugo de Gifford had pushed the evil hobgoblins back into
the earth, where he had sealed them behind a wall of granite, forever?
Eerie sounds echoed around me, like muffled footsteps moving around
me. My mind span out of control into madness and tears, I was trapped,
lost, no one knew I was there. I thought of my parents, my plans, my life
was terminating. I was in my coffin.
“Listen to your heart.”
What was that? Shocked, I had heard a muffled voice. Did I really hear
that? My heart was pounding. I listened hard. The voice was coming from
me. I listened hard; I had to calm myself to hear it. I felt as if I was being
told what to do. I got up on my hands and knees and crawled like a baby
over the rock-strewn floor of the “moated castle’s cell.” I moved forward

ABOVE: The stairs down to the hall. BELOW: Goblin Hall.



and hit a wall. I turned, moved and hit another wall, then another. Nothing
but walls. Trusting the voice in the heart of me, I pushed on.
All of a sudden there was no wall. I moved forward, there was an opening.
I couldn’t see it but I felt it and then I felt a single stair. I climbed over it
and onto another stair and the third. I was going up. There was no light.
My knees grazed on the rock-strewn stairs. I pushed on; the voice in me
seemed to say, “Yes – go,” encouraging me to push on and up through the
pitch-black darkness.
At once, a pinprick of light like a north star appeared above me and grew
bigger as I moved up the staircase. Soon I was able to see my way. I was
able to stand and climb the spiral stair easily fuelled by relief and
I just lay at the top of the staircase on the dirt floor staring up at of the
Goblin Hall’s arched cobbled ceiling. My panic was gone but I was
shaking. Exhausted, I lay there for a moment to catch my breath. The light
in the Goblin Hall was fading fast….I fell asleep.
When Sir Walter Scott published his poem Marmion, there was apparently
public outcry as to why he had included the Hugo de Gifford’s story in
that work. Critics denounced it as a distraction and completely irrelevant
to the meaning of Scott’s main body of the work.
Furious with his detractors, Scott refused to explain his reasoning: perhaps
because he, as a high-ranking Scottish Rites Freemason, had buried secret
knowledge in the very passages they were critical of. I thought of the
promise of Scott’s poem and knew his secret knowledge was in the stanza:

Seek the moated castle's cell,

Where long through talisman and spell
While tyrants ruled, and damsels wept
Thy Genius, Chivalry, hath slept.
Scott believed it was the first duty of every person to find the god-man
hero in their own heart and liberate him. He felt he was bound by his
conscience to search his heart for the god-man hero in himself and then to
pass that knowledge on to others.
In his poem he said,

There sound the harpings of the North

Till he arise and sally forth
On venturous quest to prick again.
Scott disguised the god-man hero in his poem “Marmion” using the
symbolic personage of “Thy Genius Chivalry,” the hero who defends the
weak and exemplifies honor, justice, courage, strength and kindness and
who is in the moated castle cell.
The god-man is the illumined, symbolic personage that personifies the
divine solar power in every person as absolute, immutable and
universal. It is the mediator between man and God and is endowed
with the all qualities of latent divinity.
Scott obviously knew most of his readers would never visit the castle and
yet he told them to “Seek the moated castle’s cell,” where they would find
their own hero. The hero is within every reader? Scott’s romantic vision
uses the castle’s two roundels as a metaphor for the two lobes of the
human brain. The “moated castle’s cell” is exactly between the two lobes
of the brain, in a chamber moated with cerebral fluid. Inside the cell is the
pineal gland, where the hero sleeps in each one of us.
...From within the light emerged the vision of the hero, a living being who
silenced the internal commandments of "Thou Shalt" in me and freed me
from the restrictions imposed on me by the will of others.
I awoke with a start from a deep sleep. A dream? I was freezing, shivering,
lying at the top of the stairs in the Goblin Hall. Hugging myself, I
stumbled out of the Goblin Hall; half-blinded by the early morning
Somehow I was changed. I couldn’t put my finger on it,
but it felt like there was a new power in me.


Our job as a person is to straighten out our own lives
and become the authority over our own life
by gaining self-knowledge of what we are.

W e take “what we are” for granted because in modern society “who

we are” takes priority. Not knowing “what we are” means we are
never ultimately secure in ourselves and often claim to be what we are not,
concerning ourselves with superficiality and image, making exaggerated
claims to things, ideas and status to impress ourselves and other people.
If we do not know what we are,
how can we truly know who we are?
The human mind identifies all reality as tangible, quantifiable and real yet
it cannot identify its self as tangible, quantifiable or real and
unconsciously rejects its self on the ground that it does not exist.
This unconscious rejection of self is a void at the very center of the human
mind. It is the seed of all human self-destructive behavior and makes us
feel incomplete or inadequate. We try to fill the void with wealth and
power over others but they blind us from our true self.
You can fill the void by developing a tangible, quantifiable sense of self in
an imagined role model hero so real it needs no verification. The hero acts
like a psychological mirror, reflecting back at you the best of what you are
and the truth of all around you.
The hero silences your internal commandments of “Thou shalt” and
liberates you from the strictures imposed on you by the will of others,
freeing you to be who you are, beyond the reach of criticism, coercion
or exploitation.
Be the hero you know you are.


We should not pretend to understand the world
only by the intellect. We apprehend it just as much by feeling.
Therefore, the judgment of the intellect is, at best,
only the half of truth, as must, if it be honest,
also comes an understanding of its inadequacy.

T he terrible environmental, economic and social problems we are

experiencing today have occurred because no one seemingly included
their empathetic feelings for others in their decisions of how to deal with
life and society’s problems.
Feelings are always left out of the equation. Our problems are never
solved because we choose to ignore the answers in our feelings.
We treat our body as separate from our mind. We emancipate our bodies
and neglect our minds. We see our intellect as separate from our feelings.
We obey our intellect and stifle our feelings. In failing to understand
intellect and feeling are one (inside-out equivalents), we have divided all
people and things from all other people and things, failing to acknowledge
their interdependence and interconnectedness.
Humans believe that tangible things are verifiable and can be proved as
real and have meaning and worth, while things that are intangible and non-
verifiable have less meaning or worth and are not provable or real.
We are destroying ourselves when we deny our heartfelt feelings, our
intuition and our common sense. There are two functioning intelligences
within us: one is the intelligence of intellect (that acts in a Masculine way)
and the other is “whole body” intuitive intelligence of feeling (that acts in
a Feminine way).
Intellect relies on the ability to verify and make certain of everything but
intellect cannot verify itself because it cannot verify the mind that it uses
to verify its conclusions.
Think of war, climate change, democracy, poverty, austerity, social justice,
etc. When we  look at these things, intellect disengages us from our
feelings and makes judgments based on intellect alone.

We punish based on intellect and use only intellect to determine the law,
crime and punishment. In the meantime we are left with suffering
feelings  in the knowledge that our feeling has been ignored or "put
down"  in favor of the control of intellect. No wonder the world is in such a
mess when we ignore our  feeling messages to us. It is time for us all to use
both our male and female intelligences to make the world and ourselves
both better and united.
Presently, we live in a duplicitous realm. We are isolating, verifying,
valuing and corporatizing every single thing, separating every single thing
from every other single thing.
We value only what our intellect tells us we can prove. We ignore our
feelings. We look at every single thing as separate from the whole, thereby
creating the illusion that the objective reality we live in is the only reality
that exists when in fact, it simultaneously exists with subjective reality.
Objective and Subjective realities are one in synthesis, where Masculine
and Feminine are one.
We are committed to our intellect. We use it to divide our world into
separate countries, splitting one area from another, alienating every
nationality one from the other. People are not separate. Each person, action
and thing in the world is relative to every other person, action and thing in
the world. Our trust in intellect denies our feeling, distorts our perception
of reality and creates our downfall.
A human fetus lives in total darkness. When the child is born, light reveals
everything to the child; its intellect “recognizes” all things as separate
from all other things. It sees itself as a distinctly separate living being; a
separate life.
In fear of its own feelings about death and dying, the child chooses its
intellect’s response recognizing verifiable life but rejecting the
unsubstantiated feelings associated with fear of death and dying.
The child’s intellect separates itself from its unresolved feelings, creating a
duality and conflict within itself, as it divides and values itself and every
other thing; one from the other in isolation, denying feeling,
connectedness, unity and the oneness of all things.
Thus intellect separates incomprehensible limitless of All and Everything
and atomizes it, sacrificing it to the illusion of separateness.

We value only what we can prove. We never consider the whole picture.
Our intellect is consumed with isolating, verifying and valuing each single
thing, separating each single thing from every other single thing as a
means of controlling it, rendering it harmless and understood in its place.
Intellect is expressed through the masculine-style left-brain, which is
rational, analytical and identifies, divides, and values all things,
granulizing all knowledge into provable, unrelated packets of information
“like grains of sand.”
Your right brain, in contrast, acts in a feeling, feminine-style. It is creative
and emotional, expressing your “gut” feelings in the “heart” of you to your
conscious mind.
Intellect separates our reality into object and subject.
Intellect favors object, and separates all things.
Feeling favors subject and includes all things.
Intellect and feeling are two aspects of the same single thing because each
is bound to the other and affects the other. There is no separation.
Separation is the illusion bred by intellect at the expense of feeling.
The rules of intellect that have shaped humanity for thousands of years
have stood us in good stead … until now. Now we are facing limit, and
there is much less freedom and space to grow in the world.
The rise of corporations means a regular person’s life, opportunities and
future have compartmentalized and narrowed and are now in the control of
others. The people of the world have been conquered and are wholly
owned by corporations and their intellectual only approach to all living
We trust all things of intellect because we believe they have verifiable
existence, meaning and worth and appear to harness, quantify, limit and
control the frightening and limitless universe we live in. We distrust all
things of feeling because we believe they are non-verifiable and appear
void, without substance, definition, control or dimension. Feelings appear
threatening because they surpass our control and all limits.
We give greater credibility to all things of intellect and underestimate all
things of feeling. We trust our body but not our mind. We assign more
credibility to the intellects of men than of women. We embrace our
physical fitness and ignore our mental fitness.  We are atomized.

We punish crimes against “things” but accept damage to millions of hearts

and minds. We embrace the planet but not the atmosphere. We trust the
conscious mind but ridicule the unconscious. We take money over love.
We pay men more than women. We are neglecting half of what we are. We
exploit the illusion of separateness between intellect and feeling when they
are integral to each other.
Intellect makes the law and has no use for feelings, seeking only to ignore
and destroy them. Intellect breeds the illusion of division. We separate
ourselves from our ability to experience our true nature so we can never
fully solve our problems or understand ourselves.
When we allow intellect to subdue our feelings, it dominates us with
certainty, restriction, division, separation, control and limit. Our intellect
talks us out of acting for what we know in our heart and demands we
betray ourselves.
We ascribe trust, meaning and value to intellect because we see it as strong
and true, but our overuse of intellect has created attitudes, values and
controls that have gone against our best interests, diminished us as human
beings, subjugated our love for our fellow human beings and ignored our
interdependence, our conscience, our intuition and our interconnectedness.
Where feeling dominates there is passivity, mystery, expansion, oneness
and freedom without division or limit. However, we ascribe to it less trust,
meaning or value and see feeling as weakness because it has no
evidentiary proof and always remains unverifiable.
Intellect operates without feeling and has no use for the feeling in the heart
or any of its emotional characteristics. It sees science and mathematics as
the triumph of its cause. Intellect possesses no understanding of feeling
and seeks domination and control over it on intellect’s terms.
Our unmitigated belief in intellect, by intellect without feeling, is why
there are so many global problems in the world that need urgent attention
and feeling has answers for.
We trust intellect and we swallow our feelings. We sell out our belief in
the truth in our hearts for power, profit, survival and vanity. We pay the
price in pollution, unemployment, climate change, corporate control and
divisive politics. We allow intellect (like capitalism and free market
economics) to dominate our civilization at the expense of our feelings,

causing us to accept the travesties committed against us by intellect, in our

name, in its false pursuit of its own best interest.
Intellect in its neverending search for verification has denigrated the
intuitive intelligence of your heartfelt feeling as irrelevant and foolish,
demeaning, invalidating and stifling your human nature, whilst
encouraging your compliant behavior. Intellect demands “verification” of
every thing as real but can never “verify” feelings as real and dismisses
them as not real, creating an unconscious void between intellect and
In its conscious attempt to bridge the void, intellect seeks verification
through its accumulation of material possessions, wealth and power but
they fail to fill the void because, like intellect, they have no feeling.
Intellect teaches us to invalidate, deny and suppress our true feelings,
calling them fanciful or suspect. We do not truly embrace our feelings
because they are not tangible and quantifiable by intellect’s definition and
appear to be intimidating and infinite, beyond control.
The overuse of intellect creates domination and denial of feeling. The
underuse of feeling creates submission and abrogation of responsibility,
along with the acceptance of intellect’s destructiveness and dysfunction.
Intellect acts unilaterally, it is conservative, it wants safety and to maintain
safety. It doesn't want to revolt – it stays on the sidelines.
To attempt to separate ourselves from the unity of intellect and feeling is
to narrow our options and erect the walls of our own prison. When we
accept duality in our lives, we have created opposition to ourselves.
Intellect’s intrinsic, intangible and non-quantifiable existence seeks to
conquer every thing through division, separation, verification and analysis.
The media, owned by the 1%, overloads our minds with damaging,
deceitful cyber information that steals our attention, influences our
behavior, and lowers our resistance to the objectives of the 1%. As a
result, we have no idea what reality looks like or is. You are the final
arbiter of what you allow into your mind. Remove yourself from all the
information and influence you are being fed.
Be the hero; find reality.

Your heart is your master - your mind your servant.
Your mind may be captured but your heart is free.

O nly you know where the heart of you is. Your brain has two lobes
representing duality. Your heart is one and represents unity. Your
human ego is at odds with the life force. Your human heart is in resonance
with the life force. Let your heart reign over your ego.
The heart is 80% of the nervous system expressed in intuition, vision,
empathy, compassion, wisdom, love and truth.
The heart is a vastly more powerful force than the mind, it wants what is
right for others.
The heart is a sophisticated, highly complex, self-organized
information encoding and processing center with its own functional
“brain” that communicates with and influences the cranial brain via
the nervous and hormonal system. These influences profoundly affect
brain function and most of the body’s major organs, and ultimately
determine the quality of life.
Every human being has a network of neurons that line the intestinal gut,
nervous system, heart and solar plexus. They are very sensitive and very
extensive. These “gut feelings” are the communication system that creates
the “voice” in the heart of you that informs you about a situation you are
in or about to face. The information it provides is so useful some scientists
have nicknamed the heart our "second brain."
It sees the world as if it were an antenna that reads the “vibrations” of any
situation and translates them into intelligent ideas and information.
Sometimes called the sunlight nerve center, it is the seat of the emotions,
the nerve reaction and feeling center of every human being and the center
of your emotional connection to yourself. It expresses your whole body’s
cell intelligence through your feelings as an intuitive voice in the heart of
you. Unclench your heart.

When you are confused or in danger, the voice in the heart of you will
usually pop into your head as an intuition, a feeling, a sixth sense, a
hunch, or an instinct, fearlessly leading you in a better direction.
Intuition is  a thing that you know from instinctive feeling rather than
conscious reasoning. Intuition is natural, instinctive, innate, inborn,
inherent, congenital, unconscious, subconscious, right-brained,
involuntary, visceral, spontaneous and simultaneous.
A person paying attention to their “gut” feelings can receive valuable
knowledge and gain wisdom beyond their accepted intelligence to help,
guide and protect them. Your second brain provides better information and
greater vision than your thinking brain can. Rather than conscious
reasoning, it is intuitive feeling, subconscious, involuntary, visceral,
spontaneous and simultaneous, it is smarter than you are; it provides you
with brilliant insight about what is coming at you as you live your life.
When you listen to the heart of you, you get insider information. It's as if it
can see around corners to inform you ahead of time; it is your supernatural
intelligence and mystical intuition telling you the truth of your situation,
helping you through the problem, saving you from yourself if you just
The voice in your heart natural power. It is clairvoyance and second sight.
It provides you with “secret” knowledge for your benefit. It’s an inkling, a
suspicion, an idea, a sense, a notion, premonition, presentiment, gut
feeling, gut instinct.”
The voice in the heart of you provides you with viable answers to the
problems of your life. When we ignore its voice, we rob ourselves of what
we really are or put ourselves at unnecessary risk.
Not paying attention to the voice in the heart of you is a mistake we all
make. To go against it is to go against your conscience and to willingly
injure yourself, to move toward darkness and ultimately death. If you defy
and defeat your conscience you create lasting emotional unease.
Emotional unease creates disease. Listen to the voice trying to guide you
through life.

Conscience is an inner feeling or voice

viewed as acting as a guide
to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
The voice in your heart is the expression of your emotional intelligence,
your will and your moral instinct; the information it gives you feels true,
and is enlightening; therefore, listen to the heart of you. It gives you the
ability to know what to do, from beyond the conscious reasoning of ego or
Throughout your life when you have been confused or in danger, a voice
usually pops into your mind, telling you the truth of your situation, helping
you through the problem and saving you from yourself. When you pay
serious attention to the voice, you receive better information, greater
vision and more valuable intuitive knowledge beyond anything your
conscious intelligence can provide.
The voice in your heart is an involuntary, visceral, spontaneous and
simultaneous feeling response to events as they happen. It senses, helps,
guides and protects you. It responds to the world you encounter as if it
were an antenna reading the vibrations of a situation, translating them into
useful insight and intelligent ideas.
The voice in your heart is your connection to your conscience, personal
truth, your self-respect and your confidence in yourself. It is the barometer
of feeling that reminds you to behave with honor and dignity. It creates the
light of reason in you that pierces the darkness of the antisocial
misrepresentation and oppression leveled against you.
The experience of conscience is the basic experience
of encountering the right.


O ur hearts have shouted at us continually in self-disgust at what we

have allowed to happen to our fellow humans and our planet. So
many injustices have we allowed to be carried out in our name because we
didn’t listen to our heart?
We have ignored the environmental, economic and psychological
warnings resounding in our hearts. We have turned away, buried our heads
in the sands of hypocrisy, knowing those who manufacture injustice take
full advantage of us, but to challenge them could have disastrous, even
murderous, consequences.
Philosopher Immanuel Kant declared that all people have a principle
originating inside their mind that compels them to act. This “moral
imperative” originates in the conscience as the voice in your heart. In your
heart, you know better. In your heart, you are better. Listen to the heart of
When you listen to the heart of you, the information it gives you is often
more valuable, more insightful and more beneficial than anything your
intellect can come up with. When it feels as though it can predict the
future; obviously, it is coming from a your cell intelligence.
The voice in the heart of you is the genius in you, telling you the truth of
your situation, saving you from yourself. It is the voice of the natural law,
free from fear and control of others, a positive power defending your best
interests. It protects you from harm and rescues you from ignorance and
self-deceit, teaching you, nurturing you and believing in you.
Listen to the heart of you. Listen to your heart.
Psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and corporations do not have a
conscience like you do. They do not have a feeling heart, they cannot
control or compete with what they don't know and can't experience.
If you agree that having a conscience is a prerequisite to the definition of a
person, then the ruling class, be they a psychopath, sociopath, narcissist or
a corporation, is not and cannot ever be “a person.”
Listen to the heart of you screaming for justice while your dreams and

ambitions are destroyed by the greed of the antisocial criminal ruling class
who creates the  laws against you for  their own  profit. Listen to your heart
and know it negates the influences created and propagated by religions,
corporate media and corrupt politicians.
Follow your heart’s directives; free yourself from the control of others.
Disentangle yourself from your problems and believe in the voice in your
own heart. Let the voice in the heart of you speak through you. To do
what’s right you must know what right is.
Create a revolution between your ears your way. Determine for yourself
what is right for you in your own heart by listening to your own heart.
Trust your feelings and follow your instincts, irrespective of the
misinformation fed you by political and corporate propaganda created to
cloud your vision, steal your rights and limit your freedom.
Too often you laugh at your intuition and ignore the voice in the heart of
you. You betray the best of who you are, denying your intuitive
knowledge, abandoning your moral values and putting yourself at
unnecessary risk to corrupt political and corporate control.
Do not belittle your feelings or smother your indignation. Do not succumb
to the manufactured banality of political correctness. It wants you to
comply. It requires you to back down from what you believe. The ruling
class says, “Remain calm while we steal your rights.” Political correctness
is society’s way of neutralizing your rebellion and outrage.
If you are outraged at political, economic or environmental injustice, do
not swallow your feelings, do not let others fuel your apathy or crush you
with fear of retribution. If you remain silent, your outrage will fester
disease in the heart of you. Listen to the heart of you.
Politicians create the laws we live by, affecting millions of lives, based on
party politics alone. They betray the voice in the heart of them, they
compromise their feelings and their better judgment, creating obstacles to
your well being and free expression, in order to please the psychopathic
ruling class and the corporations that influence and fund their reelection.
Shielded by their rarefied, moneyed position, privileged politicians remain
insulated from the emotional pain and suffering their legislation causes
those they “represent.”
Political thinking demands all things conform to capitalist “masculine”

principles of certainty and value. Finding public heartfelt feeling,

“unverifiable” it tilts our away from intellect and feeling as one mind,
marginalizing feeling, denying our conscience and encouraging us to act in
selfish desperation against our neighbors.
Our politicians require we pay proportionally more taxes than
international corporations. They allow fifty million citizens to go hungry,
while they condone Wall Street’s criminal bankers playing fast and loose
with the economy at our expense. What does the voice in the heart of you
say about this?
Do you agree corporations and conservative billionaires should have more
say in our government than we do because they have more money than we
do? Should they be able to restrict our voting rights and human rights to
increase political and corporate control of our lives? Listen to your heart.
Your silence means these measures go unchallenged. You have not fought
back, you have shut down the voice in your own heart; your feelings for
justice, fairness and morality are weakened.
The voice in your heart is the light of reason that pierces the darkness of
misrepresentation and oppression. It expresses unconditional empathy,
sympathy, compassion and loving kindness for all things without demand
or control, thus bridging the void between intellect and feeling, as it does
between all things masculine and feminine. Unmask the illusions
propagated by the promise of a better life to come and infinite riches,
taught us by our controllers in politics and business who seek dominion
over our rights, our freedoms and our world.
Your heart is the only fertile land left to grow the revolutionary change
you so obviously need to defeat the antisocial influences that are stealing
your life and your future. Listen to your heart’s voice; trust, believe and
take up its challenge. You know the gullible weakness of your thinking
mind. Reject any agenda that attempts to control, manipulate or defeat
You must trust yourself. There is no one better than you to control your
own life. Have faith in the voice in you. Listen to the heart of you. Know
your self. Realize the morality indicated by the voice in the heart of you.
The voice in your heart holds all persons, governments and corporations
accountable for the suffering they cause others in their pursuit of greed
and power.

Listen to the heart of you and know no member of the ruling class truly
has control of you and We the People have a great and independent power
in our hearts that is rising up and over all those who are slaves to intellect.
Be truly subversive – simply and publicly flaunt, emancipate and
teach the way of the voice in the heart to all those who will listen, for
only the heart can save the world from the destruction by the ruling
class and those who serve them, who do not feel and have no heart.


W hen I was a building contractor in the Hollywood Hills, a woman

friend phoned me begging me to fix a leak on the roof of her
home. The roof was covered in white plastic sheeting and it was raining
hard. A voice in the heart of me warned me I was stepping into danger; I
shrugged off the warning and inspected the roof, walking across the plastic
Suddenly, there was no support under my feet, no roof. The sheeting under
my feet split in two. I fell through the hole in it, grabbing a small tree
branch as I fell. Hanging by nothing at all, there I was, one heel on the
roof, terrified, dangling thirty feet above a long, solid concrete staircase. If
I fell I would fall head first into the concrete and bounce down the
staircase. I was going to die.
I screamed for help but no one heard me, no one came. I was alone. My
self-control dissolved as I hung there, weeping, terrified, with nowhere to
go but down to certain death. I told myself, “It’s over, you’re finished, and
you are losing your grip. You are going to die.” My life flashed before my
eyes. This couldn’t be happening to me. I wasn’t ready to die. I couldn’t
The same voice in the heart of me, the one that I had ignored before, told
me to be calm. I wasn’t taking any chances, this time I was listening.
Peace came over me, my determination massed in my veins, filling me
with courage and a sense of new power. The voice guided me.

Step by step, inch by inch, in the face of death, I was empowered, resolute;
I was getting out of there. I heard the voice in the heart of me and did what
it told me. I felt I was getting safer and stronger. When my ego got in the
way, I moved in the wrong way, and felt weaker and more frightened. I
surrendered to the voice in the heart of me. “Find a foothold, grip the tree
branch and pull yourself up. Inch your heel farther onto the roof...your
ankle, then your leg...”
Trusting in the voice, I crawled out of the abyss, back on the roof, lying on
my back staring at the sky, breathless, laughing but changed forever. I
could feel new power in me like I had accessed some fearless hero in me,
who, in the face of terrifying odds had won the battle for my life and his.
We were a good team. I listened, I controlled my ego, and I saved myself.
I am smarter than I thought! I should listen to my heart more often.
You may think of yourself as a regular person, but when you listen to the
voice in the heart of you, you feel a real power in your life. The voice in
the heart of you is the voice in the hero in your heart, the power in you that
never submits and can never be beaten.
Listen to the heart of you. Follow its directive. Free yourself from the
control of others. The hero builds your intestinal fortitude to act on what
you know is right in your own heart and to experience yourself as the hero
on your terms, your own way. Yes! You are naturally prosocial,
compassionate and powerful. Awaken to the hero you know you are. Your
radical imagination will bring the hero to life.
Visualize your self in the image of the idealized hero living in the heart of
you. The hero’s image acts like a psychological mirror, reflecting back at
you the very best you can be in a sense of self that is tangible, quantifiable
and real.
The hero brings you certainty of your value, autonomous independence
and a connection with all things. The person who creates, knows and
believes in the idealized hero feels complete, has meaning, is valuable and
is loved. They no longer feel empty, threatened by others, or want
dominance over others, nor consumes beyond its personal needs.
The hero enables you to survive in this crazy and terrifying psychopathic
world. It gives you protection from the constant corporate brainwashing
assault on your critical faculties as it attempts to remove all traces of your
independence and freedom.

Regular people are ruled by the psychopathic insanity and endless greed of
the ruling class, our ideals, personal values and morals challenged almost
to breaking point. All situations politically, economically and
environmentally are in decline, as the corporate psychopaths tighten their
grip on their avowed intent to control all life for profit. The bad guys seem
to hold all the cards, but no...
Imagine yourself as the hero. How would you be?
How would you act? Would you be scared?
No, the hero doesn’t scare easily.
Push back while you still can.
We can be heroes. Our myths create reality.


The hero is a subversion that keeps you free
and independent of the control of others.
Every person, (male or female) who is moved by love, who deeply and
sincerely acts for the benefit of another person, without concern for
fame, profit, social position or recognition, expresses the nature of the

T he demanding jumble of our stressful life erodes our belief in

ourselves. The economy, the environment, politics, and global
problems have a negative effect on our lives. No one seems to have any
answers for today's problems, and that screws the pressure on us all. Our
willingness to conform to the status quo has fostered a political
correctness in which we accept the decline of all that we really care about:
love, family, happiness, security, opportunity and survival.
From an early age, heroes have been essential to the emotional growth of
every individual. They set high ethical standards, act as role models and

represent values that can be admired as worthy and uplifting. If we are to

overcome the challenges of our difficult future we need uplifting moral
heroes – champions who inspire us to be like them.
One of the best ways to elevate the hero character in you is to invoke the
characteristics of the people you admire most and adopt their manners,
speech, and behavior as your own. There is nothing false in this. We all
carry the seeds of greatness within us, but we need “the hero” as a point of
focus in order that we may grow.
Heroes inspire us to great goals and accomplishments. They rescue us
from lethargy, stop us from feeling sorry for ourselves and remind us to be
strong and determined to succeed. Without heroes to set examples of right
conduct, we are doomed to be exploited, manipulated and destroyed.
Who do you look up to? We need heroes to measure who we are and uplift
our vision of ourselves. Look up to yourself – you are more than you think
you are.
Most of the people we call heroes these days are sadly not heroes at all.
They are stars of sport, music, movies or TV, swimming in wealth and
public adoration. We may look up to them and admire their
accomplishments, but their everyday lives usually disappoint us.
The word hero comes from the Greek word “ἥρως,” meaning the warrior
hero. Heroism originated with accounts of people who did what they did,
not for their own benefit, but for the benefit of friends, family, community,
country or the world.
The hero is a person who, in the face of danger, competition or adversity,
acts for the greater good with moral excellence. Traditionally, heroes are
noble, fearless, mighty, valiant, compassionate and merciful. They fight
for what’s right without thought for themselves or for their own reward.
The hero shows us strength of character and they practice personal ideals
of fair play, embracing pure love, honor, valor, fairness, persistence and
courteous, thoughtful behavior.
The hero inside them compels them to act for what they know is right even
if they are scared. They champion the underdog and fight for the cause of
the distressed and the needy. They are shining examples of how we would
like to feel, think and be, how we would like to be loved, adored and

Most young people these days aspire to be celebrities, not heroes. They
want to be rich. They desire their fifteen minutes of fame. But to gain their
time in the spotlight, they will do and say anything. In the end, their
corporate media controllers and the demands of the marketplace steal their
individuality and creativity from them.
Celebrities masquerade as heroes of the people but they are
multimillionaire corporate puppets, imprisoned in media praise and
wallowing in contrived corporate glamor. The media has exploited hero
culture and myth for profit. The heroes I loved and cherished and whom I
once modeled myself on have all been used up or overexposed.
Our confidence in what is correct or right is misaligned and corrupted by
politicians, corporations, bankers, religion, advertising and the corporate
media. Their continuous antisocial authoritarian rhetoric tells us what to
do and how “they know best,” while they exploit, manipulate, brainwash
and intimidate us with fear.
We have made ourselves vulnerable and subservient to the control of
others. We must be heroes. Antisocial personalities infect every aspect of
our lives. They are cold-blooded, without sympathy, empathy conscience,
care or compassion for anyone but their own wealth and power at anyone’s
expense. They demand your obedience to them. They believe they are
superior and entitled to be your master. They see human beings as mere
“contemptible” commodities and laugh at the idea of a human soul. Like
the arch villains in comic books or movies, they are ready to destroy
anyone to obtain what they want.
We cannot allow ourselves to be willfully or economically undermined
into the slavery of corporate power. Resist the unconscious effects of the
propaganda fed into our brain chemistry by the corporate media.
Rise above these hostile forces, embrace the hero as your very finest
idea of yourself. You must be strong for what and who you are, for
only then can you become the hero and defeat The Monster of our

What you can conceive and truly believe you can achieve.

C omic book heroes like Superman, Superwoman, Batman, and

Wonder Woman are seed ideas millions have absorbed into their
thirsty imaginations, making them feel they too could destroy evil and
save the world.
Do not cling to ideals that you are trying to transcend.
When Jerry Siegel first created Superman, he initially modeled him on
Nietzsche's Übermensch idea of an ideal, a superman of exceptional
physical and mental ability who created and lived up to his super values.
The Übermensch sees Man’s escape to “other worldliness” as the
subjugation of Humanity, absolving Man of his responsibility to conquer
his dissatisfaction with life, undermining his life on Earth, promising him
hope outside of himself. The Übermensch does not seek life apart from his
life on earth. In his heart he is the Superman of the human species.
The dream for us all is that perhaps there is a superman in each of us
waiting to get out. You know you are super inside; you show yourself as
regular on the outside but inside, in the heart of you, you are “super.” You
know “super” is inside you because you have felt it.
What are Superman’s ethics and morals?
Superman appears to be a regular human being who transforms himself by
his will to power, to become a super man of unlimited courage, integrity
and genius. The basic virtue of Superman is his altruism. He uses his
powers to save people from their own follies. His actions are shocking
because he is willing to take risks the rest of us can no longer contemplate.
Superman has empathy for the suffering of others. His compassion, care
and willingness to put his life on the line for another person make him a
worthy hero to admire.
He personifies the morality of an enlightened being fighting tirelessly for
social justice. He acts on the truth in his own heart, beyond the pressures
or concerns of society.

Superman transformed himself and became a superman of unlimited

courage, integrity and genius. He disguised himself to fit into society – he
avoided detection and lived his life as a normal guy, hiding his hero
identity from public view.
We all dream of being a superhero, acting with courage and getting the
proper respect we deserve. Inside each one of us, a hero is waiting to get
out. You may think of yourself as regular, but secretly, you’ve felt super in
the heart of you all of your life.
Follow the path of the heroes.
move inward to center of their existence.
Find out who they were.

You can inhabit your hero’s reality just as the actor does. It is a
private, natural, necessary act of self-love and determination,
empowering you to uplift and fully realize your true nature.

W onder Woman is an idealist, a very relatable and sympathetic

character She is a very confident, impulsive and good-hearted
person. She is the fiercest and most nurturing superhero but sometimes
seems naive and innocent.
She is a headstrong, loving, fierce and willful person with great leadership
ability She is a powerful, strong-willed person who does not back down
from a fight or a challenge. She is a diplomat; a calm ambassador who
believes the pen is mightier than the sword. She is a lover of peace who
would never seek to fight or escalate a conflict.
She helps anyone in need and does not ever accept a reward. Her
personality is nurturing humanity, emotional intelligence and
overwhelming belief in love, empathy, compassion and having a
strong conscience.

Model your hero's thinking, emotions, and mannerisms. Get inside

“his/her head” and embrace the hero’s thinking movements and
morals. Use what you have learnt to guide your thinking and
behavior. Feel the hero’s intelligence, empathy and compassion.
Imagine you are the hero.


The hero is symbolical of that divine, creative
and redemptive image which is hidden within us all,
waiting to be known and rendered into life.

S ince time began, the hero of the world has been part of every culture
and ancient civilization since time began, including those of the Celts,
Norse, Chinese, Buddhists, Hindus, Hittites, Native Americans, and
Koreans. the Romans, Egyptians, Greeks, Africans, Mayans, and
Christians, who have all claimed their version of the hero sleeps in every
human heart, regardless of culture, religion, wealth, politics or nationality.
The hero of the world is the culture hero, the personification of the secret
hopes and aspirations of the person and/or nation who invents him or her.
He is the immortal-mortal, by enchantment, he awaits resurrection living
forever in the heart of every human being.
The hero of the world exists in you, beneath the radar of conventional
authority and control, encouraging revolution in your heart against all
those who seek to oppress you, including yourself.
In mystical Christianity, Jesus, the man, is often confused with the
symbolic hero of the world whose wonders he preached. If we all carry the
image of the hero within us, surely we can, through our individual
emotional memory, know and express the hero’s true nature.
In Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism the Ātman is the hero, the invisible
essence of every thing, the limitless being, who dwells in the heart of
every living person, shining brightly, radiant, emanating joy and goodness;
the sustaining power of the whole universe.

The hero is the primal cosmic man, the universal self of pure
consciousness, bestowing life on all things, representing the oneness of
human existence. The hero is an illumined, symbolic personage that
personifies the divine solar power in every person as absolute, immutable
and universal.
The hero is said to be the mediator between man and God and be endowed
with latent divinity, the genius of you who defends the weak and
exemplifies justice, courage, strength and kindness.
When you feel downtrodden or fearful and you cannot easily see past your
situation, raise yourself up, away from the herd, re-empower yourself in
the knowledge that the hero in you is undefeatable and cannot be taken
from you.
The hero is living in your heart, maybe not wearing spandex and a
cape, but there is part of you who refuses to surrender to weakness, or
kneel to the control of others. It is in the hearts of all people
everywhere, expressing the excellence of your exceptional nature and
the nobility of who you are.
Now that your survival is threatened in so many ways, you must be
superman, the hero of your own life. Be the hero you know you are;
build yourself unseen, in secret, in your heart, beyond all surveillance.


The hero is the defender of the common people
against the oppression and corruption
of the established power structure.

A ccording to the mystical Christian legend, a chalice known as the

Holy Grail held the wine Jesus offered to his disciples at the Last
Supper, when he said, “This is my blood, take it in remembrance of me.”
Later, Joseph of Aramathea took the Holy Grail to Calvary where he
collected the blood of the crucified Jesus' from the wound in his side.

Legend has it Joseph took the Grail bearing the blood of Jesus to England
where it disappeared.
King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table searched everywhere for
the chalice because the blood of Jesus held “The Secret of Life” but they
never found it. After many years of searching, a young knight
accidentally stumbled across the Grail shrouded in darkness.
An evil predatory Monster blocked the knight’s path to the Grail. Its whole
body sparkled with scales adorned with diamonds and gold; each scale
bore the words "Thou Shalt."
The Monster spoke, “I say unto you, I am The Monster Thou Shalt. Every
scale on my body reflects values thousands of years old, for I am all
created value, without care or compassion for you or anyone.
I am greed without conscience, a seductive, gluttonous psychosis of evil,
demanding all riches and all power for me. I devour the world without
care or conscience. I am not accountable for my action. I rape, kill and
pillage the Earth. I take what I need, without a thought for the needs of
others or future generations. My appetite consumes everything and
everyone without pity. I am driven by greed and self-loathing. I become
more destructive with every new piece of gold I get and every drop of life
I suck.
There will be no more “I am” from you. You will obey my will and do as
you are told or I will kill you.”
The knight could not obey the evil Monster and engaged it in direct
combat. After a terrible fight the knight, exhausted, almost beaten, took a
thunderbolt, a sword of light from his own heart and with it struck the
Monster dead.
Suddenly the darkness was gone; the Holy Grail was revealed, covered
with a cloth of gold. The knight threw aside the cloth of gold, realizing if
he kept it, it would enslave him.
Seeking the Secret of Life, the knight looked into the holy chalice. The
blood of Christ swirled in the Grail transforming the blood into petals of a
red rose unfolding; at the rose’s center, a golden heart radiating light of
solar gold, from within it emerged the vision of a living being, a fearless
hero, who silenced all the commandments of "Thou Shalt" in the knight
and freed him from the restrictions imposed on him by the will of others.

The golden heart of solar gold was a sacred pagan symbol for the pineal
gland and known in the ancient mysteries of Hindu, Buddhist, Egyptian,
Greek, Roman and Christian culture.
The pineal gland was seen as the gateway to the seat of the higher
consciousness. It is often called the eye single, the third or spiritual
eye, the place of inner sight, the abode of the spirit of man and the
seat of the soul. Mystics declare it possesses a God-like mystical
awakening, enlightenment, clairvoyant, and perception; where one
sees the face of God.


There is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader;
there is no guru; there is no Master, no Savior. You yourself
are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master;
you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything.
The pineal gland sits between the two lobes of the brain, at the exact
geometric center of the human head where the optic nerves cross. It is
housed in a secret vaulted chamber in the human skull, at the 3rd ventricle
of the brain, directly behind the root of the nose. It floats in a small lake of
cerebrospinal fluid and sits beside the other great centers for human life
and power: the pituitary body and the optic thalami. Together the three
govern our endocrinal system that supports our human life, growth, health
and wellbeing.
The pineal gland, seen as a light receptor in some amphibians, is a small
fibrous pinecone-shaped structure, composed of material similar to the
filaments of the optic nerve. It is an organ activated by light that when we
sleep, secretes melatonin, a derivative of serotonin, maintaining the
“circadian clock” of the body’s sleep-wake cycle syncing our bodies to
Earth's rotation.
The pineal gland controls timing  of almost all aspects of our life, including
physiology and psychological behavior. and fuels the DNA system with

light received through the eyes, communicating life throughout the human
The pineal gland is the central station for the reception, condensation and
transmission of all the intercommunicating lines between the conscious
thinking person and the external world. It is said to control the biorhythms
of the body, working in harmony with the hypothalamus gland.
The nature and purpose of pineal gland as the golden heart of solar power
expresses the natural qualities of sunlight that personify the hero who
sleeps in the heart of every human being and defeats darkness with light.
Buddhists place special emphasis on the attainment of the radiant
light of bliss in which one acquires the qualities of the visualized
beings and, through them, understands his own identity. The
practitioner visualizes himself as identical to the body of the
envisioned deity, similarly imbued with the enlightened qualities,
practicing them repeatedly until they are completely internalized.
The one thing that unites us all is light. We take it for granted but we
can’t live or function without it.   We think we know what it is but we
don't recognize it is all that we are. Light leads us to all knowledge, all
understanding and all wisdom; it is the universal power, the prime
natural law.


Thou sun, who has covered the truth with thy golden disc
do though remove the veil so that I may see the truth
within thee and know the meaning of thy rays of glory
for the truth which is within thee is within me.
And I am that.

Recognize light in yourself, on your terms, your way.
Ally yourself to clear visible light and promote
the life giving behavior it exemplifies.


Light cannot be alienated from us
it is the essence of our existence.

A fish lives in water and takes water for granted, in the same way
human beings live in light and take light for granted. We are so used
to light, it is “invisible” to us. When we hear talk of light, we think of A
light or THE light and its religious encumbrances, but it is in light itself
that we live, and it is light itself we must trust and believe.
Two seedlings are planted in two flowerpots; both are given enough water
for one week. One seedling is placed in light on a sunny window ledge
and the other is placed in a dark closet. A week later, the seedling on the
window ledge is flourishing and beautiful; the seedling in the closet has
died from lack of light.
Light gives us life; without light we wither and die. Light gives us sight
and health, it empowers us, sustains us, and enables our inspiration,
imagination, joy and happiness, etc. Light is compassionate, empathetic
and forgiving toward us, it guides us and awakens our intelligence simply
by being in it.
As our society continues to submit to the darkness of psychopathic power,
remember; it is light that cuts through darkness, it is light that illuminates
us body and mind.
Light is the secret of life, subversive and free, communicable and
uncompromising. It is our life-giving essence, our ideal. When we model
our behavior on that ideal, we enlighten our thinking and  replenish our
vision of ourselves, enabling us to cut through oppression and darkness of
all kinds, like light itself.
Love is the psychological manifestation of light.

Light, a distant star in the darkness of night.

I had always been a bit of a “wild person.” I was in and out of

relationships, in and out of jobs, confused about what I wanted to do
with my life. I thought I wanted to be a healer and was introduced to the
Lintons who were spiritual healers.
They lived at the end of a long desolate cul-de-sac. I got caught in an
October downpour. I kept my head down, glancing from side to side,
checking the street numbers. The fallen leaves squelched under my feet. I
was soaked through. As I neared the Lintons’ home, the rain stopped.
Their garden was full of roses and the birds were singing all around, I
thought it strange that their garden was blooming while the others in the
cul-de-sac were brown with winter.I tapped nervously on the front door.
Mrs. Linton answered. She was a big, stern upright lady in her mid-
seventies. She smiled minimally, escorting me politely into “the treatment
room.” Facing the street, its heavy lace cafe curtains hid the outdoors from
There was only a small single bed in the room, a winged armchair and
bookshelves stacked with books on nature and geography. There were no
religious icons, crosses, prayer books or Bibles anywhere to be seen.
There was nothing in the room offering any clue to what I was about to
experience. I sat down on the bed feeling anxious. Mrs. Linton left the
When she reentered the room she was dressed in doctor’s whites, carrying
a bowl of clear water and a towel. She announced I had “psychic stench.” I
would need to be cleansed or I couldn’t remain in the house. I reminded
her I was there to learn how to be a healer. She quietly but adamantly
insisted I be cleansed before we went any further.
The door opened and an old man shuffled into the room. His doctor’s
whites and white hair shone in the cool afternoon sunlight pouring into the
room. He introduced himself as Brigadier Linton. He was gruff and to the
point. “My wife will conduct the healing, and I will assist her.”
He sat down in the winged chair, instantly smartening his large military

moustache with two artistic upward sweeps from his right hand. He rested
both hands on the handle of his walking stick and stared straight ahead.
Mrs. Linton told me to lie down and relax.
“Yeah, right,” I thought. I lay there defying her. No one was going to pull
the wool over my eyes. This woman would have to perform. Through my
half-closed eyes I could see her dragging her hands over my body, arms
and legs.
She was not touching me. It felt as if she were pulling something off me.
At the end of each pull, she immersed her hands in the bowl of clear water,
dried them on a towel and began again.
She seemed to be cleaning off the atmosphere around my body. I glanced
over at the Brigadier, who seemed distant, removed, almost in a trance. I
found it difficult to concentrate. My vision was blurring in the sunlight
coming through the window. I wanted to close my eyes. I resisted as long
as I could. I sensed light and gentle heat flowing from Mrs. Linton’s
hands, radiating over my chest, my shoulders and my legs.
Her hands held steady one over my head but were still not touching me. I
could feel a liquid dripping from her fingertips onto my face. It had the
distinct perfume of jasmine. I could feel the liquid perfume running down
my face. I opened my eyes briefly. There was nothing in or on her hands,
yet the dripping sensation on me continued while the perfume filled the
I couldn’t have got up if I had wanted to. I just lay with my eyes closed.
Beneath my lids, it was as if I were staring into golden sunlight. Mrs.
Linton sealed my body with the sign of the equilateral cross on my chest.
She told me to rest. I fell into a deep sleep.
Mrs. Linton woke me up with a cup of tea and homemade cake. “You’ll
feel better now,” she said. “Your ego was trying to control the things you
fear. In the past, mistakenly, when you were angry, you invited dark
entities into your psyche to defend you, but they only enflamed more
anger in you and caused your isolation from others. They are gone now.”
The Brigadier spoke: “People are suffering in the same way as you. It is
happening everywhere. Darkness has entirely and finally encased our
entire planet. Unless men change their ways and live with true compassion
for their fellow man, the end will come soon. We are preparing you for the

I felt better with every “treatment” I had. I was happier, uplifted and more
optimistic because of it. I returned to the Lintons’ home many times,
always full of questions. I always got the same answer. “Life is a
schoolroom, you keep learning the same lesson until you get it right, then
you move on to the next lesson.” That was it?
All my wailing about poor me, my difficult relationships, the daily
confusion burning up inside me, was always met with the same response:
“Life is a schoolroom. Learn your lessons. When you’ve learnt one, you
move on to the next.”
I told the Brigadier I was worried about functioning in a difficult world.
“You can’t escape what’s happening,” he said, “All you can do is protect
yourself and stay true to clear light. Light creates and sustains all life.
Without light, all life on Earth dies. Light is the physical manifestation of
unconditional love. Be like light in darkness; always the hero.”
The Brigadier suggested I could minimize the effects of psychological
darkness saying, “You should imagine yourself being bathed in light.
Visualize clear light all around you in a cocoon, bathing your entire body
from head to toe. It will protect you from the negative effects of darkness.
See clear light, passing into every atom of your being, helping and guiding
you. Light is the power of all things, it creates and sustains all living
things. Without light, life dies.”
The Brigadier gave me a piece to read from The Lancet, the British
medical journal. The article described an indigenous tribe in New Guinea,
who, when a member of their tribe got sick, the whole tribe would focus
imagined light and love flowing from them into the patient, chanting “We
love you, We love you.” According to The Lancet, the patient usually got
better instantly and put the phenomena down to the focus of light and love
on the individual.
Brigadier Linton claimed 99% of all illness, whether mental or physical,
was psychosomatic and the direct result of the dimming of the light in us.
“Simplicity is the key to power,” he said “Light ends darkness and heals
the heart and mind.”
Modern religions have forgotten light creates love. All organized religion,
be it for spiritual or emotional reward, should be avoided. They offer man-
made solutions that move us away from light toward Man’s domination of

God’s world. Their world is darkness. Ours is light. We must take light to
Several months after my last visit to the Lintons’ I received a letter from a
friend of the Lintons telling me they had both passed away within weeks
of each other. Included in the letter was a personal note to me from Mrs.
Linton which read, “When I am gone, this is all you need to know.”
Love is a great flowing light that shines from within you, casting
warmth and comfort all around you. When the light comes from
within, all things are seen in its radiance and covered with beauty and
interest. When we lose interest in things about us, it is because we are
lacking light. Light will fill whatever space is afforded it. Light never
possesses or covets, it cannot, because it is outgoing. Whatever we
attach to ourselves by desire is just that much displacement through
which light cannot shine. Therefore, be as light is.


Light is essential to maintaining normal
healthy physiology and psychology.

T he human body emits, communicates with and is made from light and
requires the continual consumption of condensed sunlight in the form
of food.
A brief lightning-like spark of light activates your life, compels your
action and fuels your will. It is absorbed and released by your DNA as
language in a “masculine/feminine” binary code of emotional intelligence,
communicating with all cells, tissues, and organs, integrating body, mind
and consciousness as one.
Clear visible light gives us a simple, constant example and reminder of
how to behave in order to live life and stay healthy.  It gives us the
justifiable right to eliminate the psychopathic darkness against the survival
of human life, health and happiness. 

If you are unsure what is right or wrong, consider the nature of sunlight.
Sunlight creates and sustains life; it is warm, compassionate, nurturing,
uplifting, altruistic and pro-human. The absence of sunlight promises
darkness and death. Use the nature of sunlight as your guide as to how you
must be, how you must act and what you must fight for.
The loss of natural light at work in offices and factories, in dark
apartments, and on shift work, leads to continuous weakened light and
light deprivation, making us vulnerable to anxiety, poor thinking ability,
sleep problems, depression, mood disorders, fatigue and low energy,
irritability, and changes in appetite, most notably carbohydrate cravings.
Light expresses the transcendental nature of all phenomena and the
abstract intuitive nature of nomena (devoid of all the attributes of
phenomena). Light is subtle, it is the invisible essence of every thing
and it is the boundless sustaining power of the whole universe upon
which all existence rests.

Visible light is what it is physically, what it suggests
symbolically and what it creates psychologically.

L ight itself gives us life, sight and light to see by. Eighty percent of the
information we receive comes through our eyes as light.
Light itself provides us with food to eat and symbolizes everything that is
right and true, yet we take it for granted.
Light nurtures all life with the power of a mother’s love, altruistic, life-
giving, unconditional in its goodness, beauty and universal welfare. It
touches all, reveals all and benefits all, to the exclusion of none. Light is
the protagonist of morality, the harbinger of truth.
If you want to live, thrive and be healthy, live like light behaves toward
you: “Be like light.” Light empowers your conscience, it does not
discriminate one from another and is an equal opportunity giver of light
and life.

Your perception of the behavioral properties, qualities, effects and

creativity of light are your guide to the behavior you should employ in
your daily life to survive and flourish.
Through your own efforts, in your own way, you can create a personal
revolution between your ears beyond the control, surveillance or
knowledge of any outside force.
A moral code must be defined by the person on his or her terms;
based on that person's observation of, response to, understanding of
and appreciation of light itself.

No limit.

L ight is the most creative power on Earth. All our cultures and
religions agree light is a power for good. Light nurtures, sustains and
regulates all life forms, structure and order; it is the energy that drives
every life system.
Light is pro-human; it gives us sight, awareness, inspiration and will, it
gives us food to eat. Light is energy, whether it is visible or not; it transfers
energy through space. It creates structure and order; it sustains and
regulates all living things, from plankton to humans.
Light eliminates darkness and ignorance and creates beauty. It is life
giving, compassionate, nurturing, uplifting, altruistic healing and
prosocial; it benefits all people and global society as a whole for the
common good. There is no limit to light’s electromagnetic spectrum, it is
continuous energy; it includes gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, optical and
infrared. They are all light.
Light is subtler than the subtle. It is the invisible essence of every living

thing and it is the boundless sustaining power of the whole universe upon
which all existence rests. Light is the fundamental nature of reality and the
basis of life itself.
It is the non-dual understanding of the universe, where all apparent
differences are actually varying manifestations of the single reality of
limitless light in you and everything is connected to everything else all of
the time in a continuous process. All apparent differences are actually
varying manifestations of the single reality of limitless light.
Light has no mass; it is emptiness, nothing can be added to it or subtracted
from it. Necessarily, it holds all things as integral, relative, interdependent,
valuable and loved including itself.
Light expresses the transcendental nature of all phenomena and the
abstract intuitive nature of the enlightened mind devoid of all the attributes
of phenomena.
Light creates All and Everything and is All and Everything as one
consciousness, complete, perfect and eternal, one thing, formless, timeless
and changeless, an edgeless, endless sphere of light; a spontaneous,
simultaneous unified field of consciousness that touches all, reveals all
and embraces all to the exclusion of none, without condition, demand,
choice or cost.
Light is limitless, beyond all mortal confines, indivisible, indestructible,
whole, perfect and eternal, the microcosm and the macrocosm, formless,
infinite, changeless and mysterious. Light is the power of all things; it
creates, sustains and enlightens all living things. Light “loves” every living
thing equally, eternally, unequivocally and unconditionally.
Light leads us to all knowledge, all understanding and all wisdom; it is the
universal power, the prime natural law. All Earth’s cultures, religions and
individuals agree, light is a power for good. Look at all the life light has
been instrumental in creating in the world.
Light shows us what it right, empowering our conscience and voicing its
ideas through the voice in our heart. Light unites us all. We take it for
granted but we can’t live or function without it.   We think we know what
it is but we don't recognize that it is all we are.
Light is indestructible oneness, infinite and all-powerful,
omnipresent and omnipotent, self-perpetuating and self-regulating.

In a total eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun obscuring all sunlight. It
casts a slowly moving dark shadow across the world. Day becomes
night and the temperature drops. People in the Eclipse’ path
experience a world without light as the darkness of the Moon’s
shadow blots out the sun. Quickly they realize the value of light and
how desperate they would be without it.

The psychological nature and purpose of light is symbolized
under such names and personalities as Christ, Krishna,
Mohammed and Buddha.

T he positive human values light represents to us in its action on us and

around us reminds us light “loves” every living thing equally,
eternally, unequivocally and unconditionally. Light is everything we as
human beings aspire to at our best.
When we look at actions of light as if it were the actions of a person, that
person is empathetic, prosocial, compassionate and unconditional in their
Light is emblematic of our common humanity and provides a simple non-
religious moral imperative we can use to understand our lives and
decisions. Light infers natural psychological patterns of intelligent, moral
and life-giving behavior. Your examination of light is but an examination
of the best of who you are.
Light embraces us, gives us hope, heals us and nourishes us, empowering
our conscience, breathing life into our self-awareness, empowering and
articulating the light in the heart of all of us. Light is essential to
maintaining a normal, healthy physiology and psychology.
Imagine you are enjoying a lovely sunny day; feel the warm sunlight on
your face and how good it feels to be alive. Look at all the life and natural
beauty around you that light is creating.
Remember all the joy, pleasure and happiness you have experienced in

light and because of light; how it inspired you, raised you up and filled
your heart and mind with good feelings, happiness warmth, hope and joy.
Light activates our minds, vision and curiosity, expanding and influencing
our beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, and behaviors. Light
empowers our happy thinking.
Exposure to light, seen or imagined, accesses our universal
connectedness and limitless expression. Light is the natural, global
experience benefiting all Humanity.


Light is your personal connection to the power of all life.
The personification of light is your own self.
You are light.

U ltra-sensitive cameras reveal that the bodies of all living creatures

emit tiny amounts of light (bioluminescence) that are too weak for
the human eye to detect. The smallest unit of light found in all living cells
is a biophoton; from the Greek, meaning “life light,” a quantum of visible
light emitted from a biological system.
A biophoton is a tiny lightning-like flash of light found in all living cells,
including human beings, animals and plants.
A biophysical chemist at the University of Michigan, detected electric
fields deep inside an ordinary cell as strong as 15 million volts, strong
enough to cause a bolt of lightning.
Inside your living human cells, an electron’s irresistible movement toward
the cell nucleus creates a lightning-like electromagnetic discharge of
energy in a biophoton of light; the spark of life that activates our human
Biophotons transfer light as energy and information throughout all the
cells of the human body sending the messages of life throughout our body
feeding, empowering, communicating and connecting all cells, tissues, and

organs, in a communication and regulating network, carrying life’s

processes, integrating body, mind and consciousness as one.
This animating spark of our human cell chemistry is happening in all our
trillions of human cells at once, creating a plasma-like field, a sea of living
light in us and around us. We are light. Light excites 100,000 chemical
reactions in every cell every second.
Biophoton light emitted in a human body modulates the fundamental
processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA. Biophotons are
stored, recycled, distributed and released from the nuclei of DNA
molecules. DNA is a single molecule; two complementary versions of the
same “text” wrapped around each other, allowing it to unwind and make
copies of itself.
Human beings are bioluminescent. The emitted biophoton light
is 1,000 times weaker than the human eye can detect.
Biophoton light is absorbed and released by your DNA as language,
communicating with all cells, tissues, and organs integrating body, mind
and consciousness as one.
All living things emit biophoton light as direct instantaneous
signals from one part of the human body to another and to the outside

Light carries information from one place to another
and is the information it carries.

L ight is the medium and the message, the synthesis of particle and
wave. Light is what it is physically and what it infers psychologically.
Light allows us to see the physical world and it creates our psychology
in images, thoughts, feelings, symbols, and memories.
The intention of light suggests intelligent, moral, life-creating intuitive
behavior creating: Love. Vision. Joy. Abundance. Awareness. Healing.
Compassion. Consciousness. Creativity. Power. Ethics. Goodness. Honor.
Ideals. Integrity. Ideas. Unity. Justice. Knowledge. Passion. Energy.
Intellect. Genius. Communication. Enthusiasm. Vitality. Pleasure.
Intelligence. Guidance. Caring. Honesty. Happiness. Humor. Kindness.
Generosity. Courage. Understanding. Morality. Enjoyment.
Enlightenment. Wisdom. Optimism. Interest. Comfort. Clarity. Fun.
Forgiveness. Excellence. Truth. Beauty. Happiness. Expression.
Excitement. Intuition. Insight. Imagination. Romance. Art. Freedom.
Transformation. Wonder. Discovery. Action. Hope. Change. Growth.
Information. Nourishment. Health. Renewal. Belief. Enjoyment.
Motivation. Wellness. Stimulation. Spirituality. Perseverance, Peace.
Appreciation. Gratitude. Confidence. Conscience. Illumination. Mystery.
Curiosity. Invention. Infinity, Care. Sympathy. Radiance. Revelation.
Nurturing. Sustenance. Inspiration. Empathy. Prosocial.
The behavior of light seen as the psychological profile of a personality
indicates the “personality of light” a prosocial, compassionate
savior, a limitless being who guides and protects you, a hero who
embraces love, care and concern for all without condition, demand,
cost or limit. Light expressed as a personality has the nature of God.
Awakened now by your personal awareness to the nature and
personality of light itself, the hero in you liberates and empowers you
to defeat the darkness of psychopathic power.


I ntellect and feeling influence our beliefs, attitudes, intentions,

motivations, and behaviors in human life. We trust our intellect because
it verifies and appears to harness, quantify and control the frightening,
limitless universe we live in. We distrust our feelings because they are not
verifiable; they seem void, without substance, definition or dimension.
They appear threatening to us because they are beyond control or limit.
Intellect and feeling are inside-out equivalents, opposite expressions of the
same thing, mutually dependent, equal in value and a complementary pair.
We cannot consider anything of intellect or feeling as separate from each
other because they are reflections of each other, like a mountain reflected
in a lake.
Humanity’s mistake has been to trust intellect and ignore feeling, making
laws without feeling for human beings who are the living synthesis of
The spontaneous, unequivocal and simultaneous synthesis of intellect and
feeling mirror each other, contain each other, and evolve into and from
each other in a never-ending, never-beginning flow, a natural order that
regulates and coordinates and is one living “All and Everything.” It cannot
participate with any other thing and therefore can do no wrong; thus, it
maybe considered as Almighty and All Good and named God, the one,
non-dual state, whole and complete.
When intellect and feeling are fully realized in a human being, their
wisdom and compassion are one in enlightenment, expressing awareness
in light as emptiness without mass, as the fundamental nature of reality
and life itself, where all apparent differences are varying manifestations of
one limitless light.
Limitless light is the underlying unity of all things and the transcendental
nature of the universe. It is light so powerful it destroys darkness, delusion
and ignorance and it harmonizes all opposites in one living spark of light
that is “All and Everything.” It is powerful like a thunderbolt and clear

like a diamond. It penetrates and overwhelms everything with its

incomparable brilliance as it overcomes, liberates and perfects itself; it is
light, the hero in you.

Light is the medium and the message.

The medium is light.
Its message is love.

The hero archetype, an objective conscious self, like a diamond
in the heart of every individual’s mutable shared unconscious.

N o one is superior to you. Nobody else has your insights, your

brilliance and your sense of what’s right for your life. When in your
mind you fight your personal challenges and problems, ultimately you
fight alone. You fight for yourself because no one else can do that for you.
You are the de facto hero of your own life. No one else can raise the hero
in you but you.
Dream! Enter into the jungle of your unconsciousness. There is no path –
forge your own path. If you see another’s path, it is not yours, do not
follow it. No one can go with you, guide you or tell you what to do.
Follow the psychological nature of the hero in you as you see it. The hero
is as necessary to your healthy mind as nutritious food is to your healthy
body. Your fight is for your survival in a collapsing world. Stand up for
what you know is light, it is all you are.
The hero is in the heart of you. Listen to your heart. The hero defeats the
psychopathic darkness of the world, it is the moral imperative for the
liberation of your prosocial nature. It is the key to the power in you,
emblematic of all wisdom, virtue, empathy and love. Its nature is limitless
freedom, inseparable relationship and oneness, the personification of light,

the essence of the enlightened mind and your connection to the

transcendental power of all things.
Come to the edge, he said.
We can't, we're afraid! they responded.
Come to the edge, he said.
We can't, We will fall! they responded.
Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.

The greatest hero is your authentic self - the supreme teacher.
Confide in the hero, the exponent of your inherent perfection.
Your awareness to the hero is in you now, ready to empower and liberate
you from the darkness of psychopathic power. The hero as the
personification of light expresses the psychology of light. The hero
liberates you from your oppression by others or yourself.
The nature of the hero, like light, is prosocial and defeats your compliance
to the will of others, increasing your capacity for critical reasoning,
strengthening your resistance to manipulation by others and expanding the
limits of your rational and critical thinking. The hero protects, strengthens
and educates you.
The hero exists by your own individual choice, without empirical evidence
or verifiable existence. You imagine the idea of the hero from your own
theoretical, experiential and anecdotal evidence as to the nature of the hero
itself as you see it.

The hero ends your self-destructive behavior and creates a bridge of self-
belief across the void to your self. Imagine the hero between your ears.
Your awareness to the hero enlightens you and informs you through the
voice of your own heart. It is your source of all information beyond the
control of anyone. Its power exists in us all and does not rely on any kind
of politics, religion or money to get you there.
The hero liberates you from all “Thou Shalt” commands and
depersonalization, manipulation and political correctness, enabling you to
know the truth and rise above the influence you are fed by others who
would suppress, poison and control you. Engage the hero as an act of self-
love, to reflect your true nature and empower your sense of your own self-
Know this: your examination of the hero is but an examination of the best
of what you are, the best you can imagine. The genius you see in the hero
is what you are in the heart of you. Every wonderful and powerful
attribute you discover in the hero is in you. The hero is based on that
person's observation of, response to, understanding of and appreciation for
light itself as a tangible benchmark of a personal moral code.
You define the hero; you create its nature, its influence and its reach. As
you create the hero as a visual idea, your higher consciousness fills in the
gaps in your image; the hero creates you creating it.
The hero is a wellspring of hope for every person, offering a creative and
subversive way to achieve personal transformation experientially, in
secret, using your own knowledge intelligence, intuition, imagination and
will. It is emblematic of all empathy, compassion and virtue. Its nature is
prosocial freedom, inseparable relationship and oneness, your connection
to all living things.
The hero enables you to see your life clearly and intuitively on
your own terms, your way, enabling you to experience
freedom of thought and action in a revolution between your ears.

Imagination is more important than knowledge for while
knowledge defines all we currently know and understand,
imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.

T hrough creative imagination you can experience and empathize with

what the hero thinks and feels.
Life is only creative. We are all creative. Like our bodies create our
hair and nails, our minds create visions of paradise or pragmatic
solutions to a myriad of problems that we presumed we could never
Expand the parameters of your creative imagination. Imagine the hero
between your ears in private. Take fear as your companion and move
ahead. Become the hero your mind controllers don’t expect and can’t
Your idea of the hero is in you. Only you can know it and realize it. Your
imagination and your dissatisfaction with your worldview will take you to
the hero. There is no path; you will have to make your own. Take no one
else's path.
This is your secret and personal adventure to realize the hero in you.
Follow your imagination into the heart of you. The hero waits;
indestructible, and all-powerful, radiating life-creating light as
unconditional love.
The sympathetic imagination is the ability of a person to penetrate the
barrier which space puts between him and his object, and, by
actually entering into the object, so to speak, to secure a momentary
but complete identification with it.
Imagine the hero so real you don’t need evidential proof.
Your sympathetic imagination penetrates the void between you and the
hero. By actually entering into your creative vision of the hero, you can

create imagined observations and memories about your hero to expand and
know the hero. Allow your radical imagination to make the hero real; so
real, “it is.”
Just keep in mind the feeling “I am the hero,”
merge in it ‘til your mind and feeling become one.
Using the life-creating example of light itself, realize the will of the hero
as the righteous and indestructible power in you. An actor creating a role
searches his emotional memory for his character. From the traces of his
own experience, he creates the character he seeks and enters into a state of
“I am” with that character. From that place, he inhabits his character’s
You can inhabit your hero’s reality just as the actor does. It is a private,
natural, necessary act of self-love and determination, empowering you to
uplift and fully realize your true nature.
To be in communion with the hero, make the hero’s brain/thought
center and heart/feeling center “talk” to each other. Thought and
feeling are like two “I”s in you, create a continuous dialogue with the
two “I”s as if they were two people.
The hero realized completes you as meaningful, valuable and loved,
reflecting you back to you. Fear is gone, no need to dominate others or
consume beyond your needs.
Communication with the hero re-creates your independence and your
natural self-government, offering you security, freedom and pro-human
revolution. The hero is a non-violent, non-political, non-religious,
everyday moral system that discovers and reflects your finest inner
qualities back to you.
Realize the will of the hero is the righteous and indestructible power in
you that you can live to regain control of your world. Let the hero be the
guiding principle in your life. Conquer your blind acceptance of what you
don’t like and be a hero to yourself.
The hero empowers your moral compass, liberates your prosocial
nature, and is the key to power in you. It is emblematic of all wisdom,
virtue, empathy and love; its nature is limitless freedom, inseparable
relationship and oneness.


“I am” is light, the spark of life.

N o one seems to know what is right anymore. You can only do what’s
right when you know what right is. How do you know what is right?
Darkness is wrong for your life because it inhibits your life and growth.
Light is right for your life because it encourages your life and growth.
Light is in your cells and in the cells of all living things.
Life is dependent on light to survive.
Light gives you life, sight, and provides for you.
Light guides you, inspires you and uplifts you.
Light is unconditional in its giving.
Light is what is right for life. Use light’s behavior, as you understand it, as
your hero, allow it to guide your behavior. Now you know what right is
and you also know what is not right. Now you have the moral clarity of
knowing what is right supporting you to act against what is wrong. This is
the way of the hero.
The hero in you is the personification of light in you, your mentor,
your role model, your guide, and the source of unlimited power for
your self-development.
You can’t escape what’s happening to our world, all you can do is push
back and protect yourself. Be safe, stay true to the light in your heart, it
creates and sustains all life. Without light, life on Earth dies.
Light is the physical manifestation of unconditional love
and the hero in you.

I act to change the system. I am prosocial and subversive.
I do what the Monster of Capitalism does not expect.
I go against the grain, I am progressive, against the psychopathic
conservatism of the status quo. I act in the way of light for equality in a
prosocial society.
I use light as my guide in the liberation of the prosocial values as the key
to human survival.
The nature of light creates self-knowledge, a light to combat the darkening
of modern times.
I pledge to live light’s implied moral standards in me, keeping them at the
center of my life. I see darkness but I choose light.
Light shows me my direction and sustains my efforts in that direction.
Light brings me continuous help, guidance and protection to every part of
my life.
Light empowers the purpose and success of all my activities and leads me
to genuine happiness, personal fulfillment, creative satisfaction and
everlasting peace.
I work against the destruction of our planet and human prosocial values by
the psychopathic ruling class, their banks, corporations, politicians and
I no longer accept the command “Thou Shalt.”
I follow the laws of society in the world.
I wear the outer garment of the law.
I behave like everyone else.
I wear the inner garment of the hero.
Operate beneath the radar
of conventional authority and control.

My submission is no longer necessary.

You don’t own me.
You can’t control me
My will is power.
I am the hero now…


For the highest good of all through the free will of all.


Let us rise up like heroes from the darkness and deceit of evil men.
We are not angels but we are joyous.
We are kindness beneath the face of all disaster.
We are love for others when they are lost.
Love cannot be stopped by any man; love is our gift to the future.
Let us not lower our eyes from this truth we know.
Let us not dangle in the wind waiting to be tossed aside by evil men.
Let us stand in defiance, united against all those who conspire for our
We cannot be beaten, for in our hearts there is the certain knowledge
that we are more than this, better than this and greater than this.
Let us stand together united against the darkness of our age.
Let us grow what is good and kind in us and relegate all else to the
wasteland of history.
We will not give in. We will not lie down.
Our path is upwards into the light that we are.

Each time we fall we will rise again

And woe to the wicked.


I am light, the hero, the power of healing and will. I will remove the pain
that burdens you. Fear will no longer molest you; no more will its
consequences rob you of your life. I will bring fear to its knees. I will end
it. Know this, I am with you always, caring for you, defending you against
all attacks be they from without or within.
It is important you know you have feelings to show, if you want to stay
alive don’t be what you despise. It is difficult but it’s true; you’re the kind
of person who yearns for freedom from your own contradictions; so do I.
I won’t watch TV “they” can’t hold me. I won’t play their games. Their
dreams of paradise are dinosaurs that stalk my brain, keeping me laughing
at their blind stupidity. I believe in myself. I believe in myself. I make my
own choices; I know what I think.
Everyone’s a Judas selling out for gold; this is your last chance to do as
you are told. You’ve lost your love, you have no solution; you see the end
in your own confusion. Listen to your heart. Listen to your heart.
The voice in your heart is the life force within you, it is light, the hero who
never submits and can never be beaten. In your wildest dreams are you not
the hero, the conqueror of evil and the defender of love? Always live up to
your finest idea of yourself; fight always for light in your heart and you
will become the hero you know you are.
Today and tomorrow are ruptured dreams hanging from a cliff by a
fingernail, the only way to change your fate is to be the hero you know
you are. I am light, the hero. I will save the world. You can trust me, I
speak honestly; I speak from your heart. Listen to your heart, it is your
invisible government.
It’s the government “they” can’t control; it is the voice of the hero. It
speaks the truth in everyone from the baby to the criminal. Welcome your
invisible government It’s the natural truth you feel. Welcome your
invisible government; it's the only one that’s real.
No one denies the need for change, outrage or revolution. You know no
truth but your own. You are the one and only solution. I know that you are

no one’s fool because everyone is a genius, so don’t smile sweetly and

play “their game,” to betray yourself is serious. Don’t do it!
Speak from your heart; keep your integrity. Speak from your heart and to
hell with conformity! Authority is the enemy; self-government is the rule.
Light is the system; follow the system.
Light is the hero in your heart, your genius, your new “messiah.” It is the
voice you hear in your heart, saying, be the hero you know you are. The
hero is time and space removed, hidden in your perception. Light is the
hero; your immaculate connection.
Let there be darkness, you have no fear; I am light, the hero, burning
bright and clear. I have the answers to put you right, cleanse your soul;
restore your sight. I am Alpha, Omega too; I am light in the heart of you.
Listen to your heart. Listen to your heart.
Light is in every cell of your being; its spark of life is pure, its message
plain and simple. “I am Light, the hero, listen to your heart.”
Light is the continuous unified field of consciousness that creates All and
Everything, is one All and Everything eternally. It is all things of Matter
synthesizing with all things of Idea. Because it is All and Everything it
participates with no other thing and can do no wrong. Thus it may be
called Almighty and All Good and named God.
Matter has two elements called Mass and Energy, and spontaneous inside-
out equivalent of matter named Idea has two elements called Conscious
and Unconscious.
These four elements, perfectly expressed in a human being, is light, the
hero in the heart of you. Listen to your heart. Listen to the heart of you.
The time is now – rise again.
I am the hero and so are you! The voice in your heart speaks the truth.”
Tell your friends.

Listen to your heart.




A s a society we are pretty good people. We will always help out a

neighbor. Isn’t that what it is all about? – relating to others, being
respectful of others, exchanging a smile, being considerate of other
people’s needs and feelings, living together in a caring community? If a
robber turns up and you see him break into a neighbor’s house, you call
the police. If a kid you don’t know falls off his bike and hurts himself, you
run to him to see what you can do to help because that is what you are
like, that's what we are all like underneath our busy lives.

The Philosophy Of All and Everything


God created Man in his own image
in the image of God created he him
male and female created he them.

W hen the spark of light in a human Male synthesizes with the spark
of light in a human Female they create, in conception, a new spark
of light that is not the mother and not the father but the synthesis of Male
and Female in one new living human being that represents Male -1 and
Female -0 simultaneously.
Male and Female are disparate energies and contradictory opposites; each
contains the other and evolves into the other. They are equal in value, one
never ending, never beginning, flowing synthesis of All and Everything, a
continuous unified field, a non-dual state of oneness, whole and complete;
one living thing.
Existence is Male -1. Non-Existence is Female -0.
Existence is like a mountain and Non-Existence is like the mountain’s
reflection in a lake. We see them as separate, as we see ourselves, but we
and they are together as one in synthesis.
The sum total of All things of Existence -1, synthesizing with All things of
Non-Existence -0, is All and Everything, one living thing that participates
with no other thing. Therefore, it can do no wrong, and may be called
Almighty, All Good and named God.

(They are identified and separated only as a means to understand their nature)
Energy: Active – Linear – Centrifugal – Physical
Rules the Head – Left Brain – Conscious Mind – The Medium
Analyzes –Deduces – Judges – Logic – Wisdom – Dominant
Division – Dualism – Separation, one from the other
Visible – Tangible – Quantifiable – Direct
Outside – Exposed – External - Fight –Sword
MALE-1 reflects its mirror image FEMALE-0
Energy: Passive – Non-Linear – Vortical – Psychological
Rules the Heart – Right Brain – Unconscious Mind – The Message.
Create – Intuitive – No Judgment – Compassion, Submissive
Inclusive – Non-Dualism – Unification, one with the other
Invisible – Intangible – Non-Quantifiable – Indirect
Inside – Hidden – Internal – Nurture – Scabbard
FEMALE -0 reflects its mirror image MALE-1

The symbols of Male-1 and Female-0 are the components of All and
Everything and represent the nature of All and Everything, the
human psychological nature, and the nature of the sexes expressed on
human beings as penis and vagina.


The Thunderbolt steers the Universe.
Ancient legend tells us a terrible Monster attacked the world, bringing
with it darkness, lies, deceit, and universal devastation. An ordinary man
engaged the Monster in direct combat while the battle raged amidst
earthquake, fire, wind, and falling stone. When it appeared all would be
lost, the man pulled a thunderbolt from his own heart and with it, killed
the Monster. From this encounter the man earned the title of hero, having
defeated darkness and saved the world.
Thunderbolts were drawn on cave walls by the earliest cavemen and
revered throughout all ancient civilizations. The ancient cultures of Hittite,
Greek, Mayan, Turk, German, Celtic, Vedic, Roman and Norse people all
featured thunderbolts in their culture. It was a major part of their
cosmology, the unbreakable and indestructible power and the basis of the
physical universe.
There is a thunderbolt happening in every cell of your body all of the time.
A biophysical chemist at the University of Michigan detected electric
fields deep inside an ordinary cell equivalent to 15 million volts, strong
enough to cause a lightning bolt.
According to legend, Indra, The Hindu God of Gods, hurled the
devastating force of an open-pronged thunderbolt at his enemies. When
the Buddha Padmasambhava saw Indra’s thunderbolt with its deadly
thunderbolt prongs, he used the power of his enlightened mind to close the
prongs, creating the peaceful Vajra, indicating that the enlightened mind is
far more powerful than any cosmic thunderbolt.
The Vajra symbolizes the spark of light that creates all life. It is powerful
like a thunderbolt and clear like a diamond. It overwhelms everything with
its incomparable brilliance; it overcomes, liberates and perfects itself. It is
Man’s physical representation of the most powerful thing in the cosmos,
omnipotent power, the impenetrable, immovable, immutable, indivisible
state of enlightenment, the primordial nature of the universe; the
underlying unity of all things.

The Vajra - Thunderbolt of the Enlightened Mind
A symbolic ritual implement of Tibetan Buddhism, the Vajra’s brilliance
illuminates ignorance and reveals Truth, destroying the delusions that
cause all suffering. Known as the Adamantine Scepter of The Diamond
Way, the Vajra represents light so powerful it harmonizes all opposites in
one. It is the unchanging power of light that vanquishes all darkness and
creates light capable of penetrating every thing.
The Vajra is Man’s conscious attempt to impart the underlying unity of all
things and the transcendental nature of the universe and all phenomena. It
represents endless creativity, potency, skillful activity, and the abstract
intuitive nature of the enlightened mind devoid of all the attributes of
In Tibetan Buddhism the Vajra is held in the right hand symbolizing
wisdom (Male -1) and is paired with the Bell (Ghanda) held in the left
hand, symbolizing compassion (Female -0).
The Vajra and Bell, when crossed across the human chest, symbolize the
unification of wisdom and compassion in synthesis, the fundamental
nature of reality and life itself, where all apparent differences are actually
varying manifestations of one limitless living being of light.
Consider the nature of light itself. What does light mean to you,
externally and internally, physically and psychologically? Write down
all the qualities of light you can think of. These are the qualities of the
hero in you.


The Bell represents Non-Existence as Female -0.
The hollow of the Bell represents the void from which all phenomena
arise, including:
A-UM (OM). The sound of the Bell is the sound of light, the
reflection of the absolute reality, symbolizing the unborn,
non-dualistic, omnipresent, impersonal absolute, which incorporates
all forms of life and is life.
The A-UM (OM) vibration creates the universe instantly, like an
electron synthesizing with the nucleus discharging super-
consciousness in a proton of light.

The Bell’s clapper represents the birth of phenomena.

The ringing Bell symbolizes the emptiness of all phenomena.
A-UM (OM) is the sacred Word, The Creative Principle that rises like
all phenomena, radiates then dissolves back into the Emptiness;
nothing is stationary, every thing is one process; one living thing.


Reach out with love and care for everyone.

The Antithesis of Antisocial/Anti-human Behavior

P rosocial behavior is a social behavior that benefits other people or

society as a whole, relating to and denoting behavior that is positive,
helpful and intended to promote social acceptance and friendship.
Evidence suggests that prosociality is central to the well-being of social
groups and empathy is a strong motive in eliciting prosocial behavior and
fosters positive desirable traits that are beneficial for adults, children and
all society.
Loneliness is one of the greatest antisocial problems of modern capitalistic
societies, caused by atomization of social populations, norms and
practices. It isolates individuals from their families, their culture and each
Electronic devices and media have erased much natural human
intercommunication and brotherly love, denying personal validity and
interpersonal relationships. The recognition of prosocial society as a life-
giving society ends the loneliness of capitalism’s isolationism and
promotes the natural inclination of people to come together in friendship,
unity and mutual cooperation for survival.
The individual states within a country must have in law a nationally
approved set of human rights and principles mandating equality and
human rights for all.
Our thinking is atomized. Whatever we concern ourselves with grows.
Emphasize democracy, not fascism. All we do is discuss what was bad,
what is bad, and what may be bad. We see, hear and know what is
right but we are too cowardly to take on the injustice we see festering
everywhere. We have all the information we need to unite and break
free. We deny what we know. When we unite together as one, we win.
Think only to how to unite. Unite your intelligence and intuition in
one righteous power for change. Unite for a prosocial America.

Disregard for human rights is a disease, and it is spreading.
Government must provide every citizen the chance to succeed.
People before profit at all times.
All human beings are unique and all have the same equal human rights.
Human dignity and the Golden Rule is the backbone of society.
No death penalty.
No cruel and unusual punishment (no solitary confinement).
Prioritize public questioning of government methodology.
Prioritize love and care for all human beings.
Put citizen mental and physical health, welfare, education and
employment first.
Rebuild public transport and infrastructure.
Non-violent protest is encouraged by politicians and police.
Regulate industries affecting ecosystems and climate, as a priority
to ensure the survival of people and wild life.
Understand and protect nature and ecosystems.
Clean air, water, food and a place to live as a human right.
Respect and help for those in need, who are hungry, homeless, in poverty
or suffering abuse, despair or mental illness etc.
Expand “employment opportunity justice” for those marginalized
by unemployment, poverty, race and abuse.
Men and women are equals and have the right to equal pay for equal work
as well as control over their own lives, bodies and sexual preferences.
National standards for ecology, environment, social justice.

People before political donors, corporations etc.

Publicly boycott individuals, corporations who use antisocial
behavior either in direct or indirect ways.
Promote the prosocial ideal and the common good in schools, universities
and institutions. (prisons).
Prosecute instances of individual and corporate crimes against
compassion toward people and the environment.
Swift justice: Instantly remove those who endanger other human beings or
destroy the environment (oil spillages).
Medicare for all – single payer health care.
No drug testing of welfare recipients.
Factory closure? Workers get re-education for other employment.
Factory closure? Workers get offer of first refusal to buy business.
Collective bargaining for workers.
Invest in Public Mental Health, lower drug prices improve social care.
Economic Humanism taught in schools.
End the drug war, no arrests of addicts (like greed, drug abuse should be
seen as a social disease).
Take marijuana off of dangerous drugs list - Approve sale to all adults.
Realize that childhood is a treasure and plays a huge part in the
development of the individual psychology.
A person’s mental health rehab is more important than jail or retribution -
Value every person. We are the sum of our undigested pain. It is the root to
understanding the person and is the key to their vocation, motivation and
Federal lightning action and law team to combat bad or dangerous
corporate management, rip offs and emergencies.
Mobilize public movements to fight for a better future.

Unite people - close division and separation.

Every religion/gender preference/nationality celebrated.
Stop organizations/individuals using psychopathic behavior.
Recognize and repeal psychopathic laws against people.
Direct democracy must be integral to society's institutions in a nation that
values the full humanity of people of all races, genders,
sexualities, religions and nationalities.
A new national code of conduct, behavior, morals and ethics.
No rigging of LIBOR or money markets- jail time for offenders.
Stop rewarding the bad behavior of the ruling class – Fair taxation at the
same rate across the board.
Bank fraud and economic criminals jailed not fined.
Government must serve the public.
Install direct democracy in which people vote on, decide on or form a
consensus on policy initiatives directly.
Reverse cruel welfare cuts to poor families. Teach them about themselves
and how not to be poor.
Challenge cuts to social services and shredding of the public realm.
Make it an offence for any politician to promote, lies, fear, pain or
economic hardship toward the loss of democracy or to favor tax breaks for
the rich or corporate subsidies, before the needs of the people.
Support workers' (union) rights - bring back collective bargaining.
Encourage employees to have/take an ownership stake in the company in
which they work.
Restore workers rights to “independent contractors.”
Federal control of the energy/water companies to ensure the nation’s
security at all times whether from terrorists or the utilities companies
themselves. Corporations can threaten the people and the national security
for profit - there is no security with many different companies in control of

the national interest as their own. No corporate ownership of the public

interest, protections or essential public services.
Avoid extractive capitalism, it steals jobs/wealth from communities.

The biosphere can no longer renew itself.
Earth is our home. All nations are one nation.
It is our sacred duty to defend the Earth.
Make friends with other countries through cultural and environmental
outreach to regular people by regular people.
As you extract from the earth you must replenish it equally.
Empower solar, wind, sea energy and recycling of resources. Super market
day old food to the food banks. No food waste.
Regulate emissions from all motor vehicles and at the vehicle inception
with wider smog check.
Punish as crime, corporate pollution of air, sea, wild life and land.
Publicize names of companies who pollute or avoid taxes - jail time
penalties for offenders.
Companies to compensate people who are victims of antisocial polluters
who abuse their health.
Employ ruthless pragmatism in the use and allocation of natural resources.
Corporate polluters must do environmental clean up community service to
enable them to know the damage they cause.
Corporate polluters clean up their mess at their own expense.

Severely punish crimes against children’s bodies, hearts and minds.

Phase out oil, coal and gas completely.
Government must stand up and outlaw big money in politics.
Media giants must be broken up. Independent public radio is a must.
Reporters independence at all levels to ensure unbiased news coverage
The critical resources, water, utilities and banks must be owned by the
people to avoid corporate terrorism against essential services.
Climate/Environment must be our first concern and efforts, incentives and
deterrents must be in place to preserve its sanctity and sovereignty.

Political Humanistic values made as a necessary part of all political
Empathy for the suffering of others in political operatives, media.
Move the country toward all renewable energy-reduce of oil usage. Civil
Authority must always rule over the military authority.
Return democratic government to the people through worker
Church and State must always be separate.
Religions and their influence must be removed out of politics.
One adult, one vote, no excuses. Repeal voter restrictions.
Psychological and personality screening of political candidates for
psychopathic tendencies/drug use/lying etc.
Limit political vacations and fact finding trips.
Elections won by popular vote only - End the Electoral College.
People always before power.

People’s rights supersede corporate rights .

Legislation must be written by the people, for the people.
Challenge, confront, change neoliberal policies and law.
End political lobbying –special interests and corporate subsidies.
Government and people support jobs and common good first.
Federal mandate - people of color, creeds, religions and genders are equal
with equal human and voting rights.
No filibusters in politics.
No voting restrictions on the public for any reasons for anyone.
Prosecute vote rigging (up or down).
Create a prosocial constitution written by regular people.
Separate duopoly voting organizations.
Reform voting procedures to be wholly democratic holding to a national
federal mandate.
All politicians local and national subject to term limits.
General public performs “jury service” on political and corporate
panels/enquiries/talk shows to confront politicians.
Government requires oversight committee/citizen jury to ensure fairness
and common sense in all aspects of government.
No leadership funds for politicians.
One subject per proposed bill – no earmarks, no attachments.
Laws that are extremely antisocial must be reviewed and changed.
No lifetime appointments in the judicial system.
Universal Basic Income.
All citizens over 18 will receive a vote by mail ballot.
No dark money power influence allowed in any election national state or

No revolving doors between political appointments and corporations,

government and industry or visa versa.
Politicians contracted to represent the will of the electorate. Politicians
penalized, publicized and fined for lying.
Political elections at all levels of local and national government must be
publicly funded.
Break political gridlock with public jury of citizens.
Prosocial moral code ratified as the law of the land.
Lawyers limited in ability to rescue political/corporate criminals of crimes
against the common good.
Prosecution of the ruling class while dismantling their funded political
organizations and think tanks. Any attempt to bribe, influence or malign
democratic procedures warrants jail time.
Disband the Supreme Court replace with non-partisan judges.
Use non-partisan judges throughout the judiciary.
Repeal Citizens United and associated legislation.
Prosecute election fraud as a deliberate criminal act.
Eliminate super delegates.
Standardize election procedures across the country.
Remove laws and gerrymandering and redistricting designed to slow or
stop the public vote of the public.
Limit campaign contributions to political “discussion”. groups.
Full inventory of political, financial and lobbying cash, tax returns and full
income disclosure by politicians at local, state and national level.
No lifetime appointments for any office.
Raise minimum wage to a living wage.
Stop corporate welfare.
Bring manufacturing jobs back home where possible.

Build new industry- workers to own part of the company.

Encourage /Teach entrepreneurship.
Tax penalize companies that hide profits overseas to escape tax.
Recapture government subsidies for companies who move their base of
operations overseas.
End right to work laws encourages worker representation.
Get corporate money out of politics.
Economic justice and a living wage are the new civil rights.
Universal health care is a right/single payer –full coverage.
Free public college is the new standard for education.
Campaign finance reform is needed to restore democracy.
A more pacifist foreign policy. War is murder.
Minimum of two weeks paid vacation for workers and maternity leave
Stop states from turning themselves into principalities with their own
human rights laws. Human rights determined at the national level once and
for all by politicians along with worker participation.
Political advertising, think tanks, political organizations, spokespeople etc.
and candidates at all levels, must identify which party they are
Stop voter suppression methods used by political parties.
We must have citizen oversight of every level of government, military,
police and mainstream media.
Proportional representation in political elections local to national.
Strengthen/Expand Social Security.
Protect/empower consumer protection.
Stop lobbyist influence over public policy.

Protect ethical whistleblowers It must be legal to blow whistle on

waste/corruption at all levels of government.
Stop fraud of the government through arms sales.
Ranked Voting: voter ranks candidates in order of preference.
Create independent redistricting commissions.
Non-violent psychopathic behavior is NOT protected by the first
Any politician must contract to work on behalf of the rights of citizens to
peaceful protest.
Politicians pledge of to voters made in writing.
Ensure those seeking political office are people psychologically
tested for suitability.
People must look to each other to form the basis of a political
collective and communal power and not just expect someone to “represent
Compulsory political town halls once a month for all political
No unelected representatives given voting power in elections.
Install a fail-safe (a mechanism to revert to a safe condition in the event of
a breakdown or malfunction) in war, politics pollution, environment,
elections, ethics, morality and justice, to prevent or stop the person or
country from being torn apart by ego centric, psychopathic ideas against
human rights and dignity.
Create a political party with a prosocial agenda where work is performed
to satisfy the needs of people first rather than to generate profit for
corporations or the rich few.
Real change always occurs from the bottom on up – encourage millions of
people to become engaged in the fight for moral justice.
Politicians must scour the world for the best system of government that
helps and makes people happy.

Reinstate union rights, support worker’s rights and safety - union money
out of politics.
End to all no-bid government contracts.
Invest in imagination, experiment and non-conformist “crazy ideas,” to
ensure our conservatism does not hold us back.
Open government - reduce all over-classified material.

Fair taxation of people and corporations.
Tax ALL income (except social security/pensions).
No corporate welfare.
No corporate tax loopholes.
No tax write-offs.
Make the top income tax rate 90% ala FDR.
Eliminate estate tax to limit passing on of vast fortunes.
Eliminate the national debt – stop all wars, make taxes fair and no giving
money away to multibillion dollar corporations.
If companies can afford to pay billions in lobbying bribes and still make
massive profits they need full and proper taxation.
Money out of all politics national/state/local.
Certain and fair taxation for all those earning $250k per annum before
further taxation of those earning less.
All taxation ploughed back into furthering the collective good retraining,
education, jobs and new industries.
Estate tax for everyone at the same rate.

Government support for new businesses and entrepreneurs.

Corporations must create jobs to get tax relief.

Education creates a lasting future for the people and the nation. To defund
education is a severe crime against both.
Embrace prosocial values of human empathy, family values of love and
Promote passion for compassion as the key to survival.
Free education is for those who want it.
Teach art, music, drama, self-expression, meditation and loving kindness
in schools. Hugs for everyone on meeting.
Value affirmation and validation in education and families.
Make student loans interest free.
Corporations to support the communities they work out of.
Develop Community spirit and unity between peoples.
People Planet and Peace over profit.
Education in social concern for the welfare of others.
Discussion of politics in high schools.
Free school meals, food standards raised. Food education.
Free schooling through university.
Art, poetry, music, drama mandatory classes in schools.
No standardized testing.
Educate citizens away from the desire for a savior, whether from a religion
or an authoritarian regime.

Teach creativity and imagination.

Free community colleges.
Free job training/education (Especially for those unemployed).
Develop conscience in all children and adults, citizen responsibilities and
the common good.
Retrain workers who lose their jobs for new work technology.
Vocational guidance analysis for all.
Return to a high standard of public education – reduce charter schools and
privatization of education.
Invest in culture, the arts and public broadcasting.
The nation must invest in the future of the nation.
Free tuition for all aspects of education and vocational training.
Government support for innovation- loan capital – collect interest.
Education must be true to science and history.
Teach/Practice sustainable agriculture for home and nation – conservation
of water.
Abolish non-recyclable plastics – Clean the seas.

Eliminate lying/misrepresentation in advertising and broadcasting.
Full disclosure of political and financial interests.
Will of the people held to by referendum on federal issues.
Government funded news and TV stations for unbiased news freely
accessible informed public media.

Close down Fox News and conservative talk radio.

Keep the Internet free.
Eliminate corporate and media mind control.
Advertising must tell no lies.
Freedom of the press investigative journalism protected as an essential to
Independence and free expression in our press.
Create an informed public.
Free Education for all realizing it is the base of power for generations.
Open airwaves for political discussion and criticism.
Media telecom giants must be taken over and broken up.
Increase the public’s capacity for logical thought.
Turn public opinion against antisocial behavior with massive PR
advertising– blame them and shame them.
We need non-corporate-media with the full capacity to cover
national and world events.
Journalists must be activists with opinions and outrage against injustice
against the common good.
Publicize those individuals and corporations working against the
common good.
Outlaw propaganda/mind control, brainwashing, political lies.

No aristocracy by birth or fortune. Estate taxes very high at death.
Banker fraud imprisonment with community service.
Challenge/break up institutionalized wealth and power.
Limit on corporate bonuses. Income limit.
Regulate and devolve power.
Corporations - employees to share profit.
Wall street must be lawful and prosecutable.
Create a new Magna Carta – a New Constitution to reflect this day and age
-applied nationally - guaranteeing the same fundamental human rights and
privileges for all people at all times, including those in prison.
Commercial banks and investment banks must be separate.
Redistricting and voter suppression of any kind.
Stop entitlements, payments, allowances, for politicians who are no longer
currently serving the public.
The home as personal property.
Guaranteed income or guaranteed job as a solution to automation.
Investigate people’s motivations for greed and power.
Unite all protest groups and their vote.
Multi bids on all government contracts.

Sexual predators seen as “murderers of personality.”
Gun owners - proficiency test, background checks, no loop holes, license,
End prison for minor non-violent offenses.
De-program police conservative action, instruction and militarization
toward community policing.
Police shootings must be accountable to public judicial system.
Penalty imprisonment for defraud of public.
Punish those individuals and corporations, who allow themselves
to be indirect killers/"collateral killers" of individuals and the
common good - define them as antisocial, antihuman and psychopathic
Make antisocial activities criminal.
Fund of government regulatory bodies and white collar crime busters.
Animal abusers kept on file like sex predators because they are more
capable of extreme violence against others.
Examine our prisons to reduce violence and recidivism.
Demilitarize the police -punish police brutality and murder. Review police
methods. Reduce police union power and “code of silence” between
officers No private tribunals. Full police accountability.

End to all wars - No more war. No excuses. War is primitive, futile and a
meaningless violence.
No imperialism or empire building - dismantle US empire.
Eliminate all nuclear weapons.
No regime changes. No preemptive strikes.
Slash military budget by at least 50%. Reinvest in people.
Close most foreign military bases.
End arms sales to conflict zones.
Rational and deliberate public investigation into what is the actual threat
to the nation (ISIS, white terrorism, political corruption or corporate
demands for military action for oil/natural resources).
Solve all conflict by continuous diplomacy (and carry a big stick)to keep
the peace.
Seek peace on Earth. Peace is absolutely necessary and it must be a
continuous diplomatic mission encouraged in all nations.
Destruction of nerve gas, biological weapons etc.
Veterans to get full medical assistance and resettlement.
No bid war time/arms contracts banned.
Outlaw war profiteering.
Audit and Balance “the books” of the Pentagon and the FED.
Redefine “Protecting American interest’ as actual American interest, not
corporate interest. Soldiers should not die protecting global profit for
global corporations.
Remove all private contractors from conflict zones and reduce the power
of all private contractor “mercenary armies.”

Teach self –expression, creativity. Eliminate shyness.
Do good for yourself and everyone else.
Build, promote and actualize the Prosocial movement, a cooperative
community where people together can at least, create happiness by
growing roses OVER the concrete of oppression and misery.
Create an agenda promising a future that includes beauty, joy and Fun for
Increase vacation/leisure time, decreasing the number of hours
in a working week.
Ensure paid maternity leave for at least 4 months.
Do not trust authority question, more.
Do not do as you are told.
No one is the boss of you.
Have compassion for yourself and others in the knowledge that we are
interdependent, interconnected and relative to each other’s activities.
Seek peace in yourself and seek peace with others.
Take care of each other.
Act as if you are free already.
Emphasize “we” acknowledge and respect relationship with others
whether direct or indirect.
Tell the truth.
Find humor in everything you can.
Be the hero.
Identify and respect female energy and input as an essential element to the

development of every person, situation and the nation. Emancipate women

on all levels on their terms (Women will save the world they know how to
nurturing the world back to health).
Follow your bliss.
Do what makes you feel good.
Never sell your soul for money.
Stop fear, misery and unkindness.
Be an anti-conservative, a musician, an actor, a writer, an artist or an
Practice Democracy in all aspects of life.
Listen to your instinct, intuition and heart.
Celebrate your self–expression.
Celebrate love is a human right.
Empower your compassion and empathy.
Respect all living things.
Cultivate a fuller perfection of the art of your life.
Form a union for prosocial people (worldwide), The Public Union for a
Prosocial Society (PUPS) for collective bargaining for people against
uncontrolled business interests of the ruling class.
Be aware business is a psychopath wanting to make the people into
employees of the corporate government.
The cultural and legal recognition of the equal and unalienable rights of
human beings can be determined only when we can answer the question:
What is a human being?
Shop local - avoid franchises. They send profits away from the community
to head office.

Never surrender to corporate control. Never.

A ll social division weakens the power of regular people. They lose

their power because they are propagandized into groups that
ultimately magnify their differences, creating opposition to each other,
dividing friends and neighbors against each other and their own best
There is great uncertainty in this country. As a result, society seems to be
unraveling for regular people, who feel powerless against what is
happening to them. Walk away from all political, social and racial
division. For your protection, your power and your safety, unite with
family, neighbors and friends in a prosocial community.
(See: Public Union for a Prosocial Society p251.)
Hold fast; build a new community based on unity, communication,
cooperation and kindness. Work together, help each other, regain control
of your lives, prosper and end the social division thrust on you by
politicians and global corporations.
If you are depressed and anxious, it is because your needs as a human
being have not been met. No matter your role in life, we must all join
together in prosocial communities and rediscover our deep connection
with other people and things that really matter in life.
A united prosocial community will protect regular people and enable them
to resist corporate domination. People are not the tools for corporate
machines. People are human beings, and each one is connected to every
other one and affected by them.
Strengthen and empower your community; more disasters are on the
way. Your best chance of survival is to become the lifeblood of a
prosocial community helping others. Respect yourself and those
around you; take ownership of your life; tomorrow can be a great day
in a prosocial community.

Only under extreme duress will our rulers reform society.
For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower,
but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.
The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the na-
tion must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the
hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God
and man must be proclaimed and denounced…No abuse, no outrage
whether in taste, sport or avarice, can now hide itself from the all-
pervading light.


Government derives its authority from the general will of the people
in the application of laws, to regulate the interactions among the
individuals of the society.
The heart of the social contract: Each of us places his person and
authority under the supreme direction of the general will, and the
group receives each individual as an indivisible part of the whole.


Ask not for whom the bell tolls – it tolls for thee.

F or two thousand years the rich, the Ruling Class and the Ruling
Moneyed Elite have been destroying people and planet for its own
direct profit.
Our attention to what is actually happening to our world gets tossed
around like garbage with so much other garbage information, the damage
our rulers are actually responsible for gets lost and forgotten.
We are brainwashed by politicians, advertising and the mind control of the
psychopathic ruling class, who bludgeon our critical reasoning and make
us feel useless and ineffectual and defeated.
They blame others for the “sins” they have committed against us. They
have confused us and destroyed our hope for the future; they have filled us
with fear. We don’t know what end is up, or what is what. Lost, angered
and mixed up, we are hurting, frightened for our lives and our families.
Amidst our fears and economic uncertainty are the psychopathic
politicians who confused us, sold us out and ruined us. They supposedly
poll our views and feed us their created results, telling us we agree with
their policies to empower them further. Their web of deceit cocoons us,
counteracts our freedom, tramples our rights and disembowels our
opportunities for a good life in the name of corporate global domination.
To protect ourselves from the coming financial and environmental storms,
must we get rich as fast as we can, any way we can? Must we follow the
psychopathic ruling class’ example and crush our friends, neighbors and
colleagues to survive the new terrifying problems we are told we face?
Can we defend ourselves from the onslaught of economic, environmental
and political anarchy being brought on us in the name of the ruling class’
desire to protect us?
You know more trouble is coming; you can feel it in your bones.
Unconsciously, in the heart of you, your intuition tells you there is an ever
growing fear in you consuming your personal peace like a forest fire. Yet

you say nothing, do nothing; you accept everything, and bury your
Humanity, concentrating upon the limited area of the known, loses
sight of the effect of his actions upon the limitless area of the unknown
and this shortsightedness is the cause of endless misery. We live in a
moving landscape that we cannot know and cannot control.
We are moving toward critical mass psychologically and environmentally.
Life on Earth could soon be swallowed up entirely, disappearing under the
continuously escalating matrix of human hubris.
Our global problems, coupled with our national, local, and individual
problems, are happening spontaneously and simultaneously in a
continuous, contiguous relationship with our planet and ourselves.
This is the setting for the ruling class’ global rampage for power, influence
and control. Our planet and its population are little more than a food
source for the ruling class’ insatiable appetite.
The ruling class’ lawless, uninhibited growth contributes to
escalating misery, poverty, starvation, homelessness, unemployment
and uncontrollable rises in food, energy, water and living expenses,
giving rise to increasing global fear.

Consumption of the Earth’s limited natural resources.
Sea acidification kills fish, sea mammals and corral .
Destruction of the climate, the seas and Earth’s atmosphere.
Poisoning of environment, infection of food chain/ oceans/rivers.
Soil-nutrient depletion/pollution/ fertilized harmful to humans.
Human destruction of wilderness-Fracking on pubic land.
Hybrid food/gene manipulation without public disclosure or mandate –
resulting in unknown disease from new bacteria etc.
Drought – floods – fires – unsustainable farmland due to
contaminated water aquifers across the country.
Fracking wells – destroy environment and causes methane leaks for
decades/earthquakes/pollute ground water.
Oil extraction, massive accidents at sea, by rail, oil spills.
Rivers carry pollution, breeding sources of disease spreading them
throughout the land.
Waste plastic pollutes oceans/fish and enters food chain.
Drinking water pollution - Water shortage world-wide.
Mining destruction of the environment without reparation.
Deforestation- destroying the lungs of the world.
Corporate control of food, drinking water.
Geo-engineering of the atmosphere.
Corporate production and pollution, interfering with natural weather
systems and the increased potential for environment disaster.

Indestructible nuclear, toxic and plastic waste taking 10,000+ years to

Coastline reconfiguration –flooding – millions of people lose their homes
– millions of environmental refugees.
Loss of wetlands and natural eco-habitat –ecosystem.
Overfishing; destruction of breeding grounds and habitat.
Oil use, car exhausts, air pollution.
Stripping away of environmental regulations/protections, potential for
creation of manmade illness.
Greenhouse gases – destruction of the ozone layer, allowing harmful rays
to fill the atmosphere, increasing skin cancer.
Global warming, weather so extreme there is no defense for those in its
Dead-zones are spreading in the open oceans. They belch a powerful
greenhouse gas, and provide the perfect environment for bacteria whose
hydrogen sulphide gas is a by-product.
Methane and dangerous bacteria released from Arctic ice.
Our planetary ecosystems, oceans, fields, rivers, mountains, and forests
are approaching their breaking point and sooner or later they will collapse.
94% of our vegetable seed varieties have been lost.
Climate is changing between 3,000 and 20,000 times faster than many
grassland species can respond.
For every 1 degree centigrade temperature increase of the earth’s surface,
the intensity and longevity of the hurricane is increased 16%.
Climate change shows us all human beings are interconnected and
interactive with all others and the entire natural world. We are part of one
living process, dependent on each other for our survival and our rights, our
value and our importance are equal to other human beings to live in
peaceful, prosocial interaction with all others.

A rise in world temperatures of 1.5°C degrees can no longer be avoided,

according to the world’s leading climate scientists, who say that the
majority of people have yet to wake up to the stark realities and dangers of
climate change.
The world is on track to lose two-thirds of wild animals by 2020.
Climate experts paint a stark picture of rising temperatures causing floods
and wildfires, food and water shortages, damage to human health, and
widespread disruption of services and destruction of roads, railways
bridges, buildings and human life and culture.
California drought: 102 million trees dead. The North Pole is an insane 36
degrees warmer than normal as winter descends.
In India, some 300 million people are reported to lack adequate drinking
75% of drinking water in America is contaminated with cancer-causing
Methane Emissions from fossil fuel industry may be 60% higher than


Rape of the planet natural resources for corporate wealth.
Destruction of renewable land for agriculture, wildlife and people.
Unregulated Capitalism – Money as God – Profit at any cost to anyone.
Manipulation of political systems to create legislation to enhance big
business profit and/or control of the consumer and/or right to protest.
Wealth and political influence in the hands of the very few who are
consumed with their own selfish motives, wealth and power - fascism.
Globalization/neoliberalism of the US culture of greed toward the New
World Order under the ruling class’s financial control.

National and international corporate, political and public/government

control by the ruling class.
Unethical global financial behavior; creates economic collapse at the
expense of the unprotected public.
Public slavery to corporate will.
Destruction of unions and collective bargaining.
Loss of pensions, vacation time, benefits – health care.
Weakening the union power and resolve of the worker to stand up for
his/her rights.
Employment of temporary/part-time workers with no rights or benefits
and low wages (Three jobs a day?)
Laws, politics, police and armed forces as extensions of big business
control - use of troops to subdue protest riot “for the public good” against
Funding of politically anonymous groups to produce so-called
independent law/policy designed to curb the power of the individual.
Creation of the underclass to supply cheap labor from immigrants/climate
refugees = disposable people.
Life is cheap.

Purchase and/or influence of the democratic vote by corporate interests.
Lack of compassionate policies allowing fascism, tyranny.
Undermining the political will and rights of the individual.
Political correctness – manufactured fear for social control.

Public delusion based on false information and manipulation creating a

compliant, resigned public.
Brainwashing/mind control/propaganda of the electorate for political
control by the ruling class.
Politically biased judges – control of small governing bodies to undermine
and control national government.
Religion complicit in the encouragement and use of its church members
for political ends.
Secular versus religion - quashing teaching theory of evolution in public
schools in favor of teaching “intelligent design.”
Laying off workers and suppression of voter rights.
Manipulation of religion as a “bound” political force guided by narrow
dogma toward political supremacy.
No separation of church and state.
Rise of conservative politics – Fascism - Totalitarianism.
Rise of an authoritarian “Messiah.”
Mass incarceration as a tool to reduce left-wing voters.
Voter suppression.


Big Brother – hidden corporate agendas for population manipulation and
control, masquerading as “for the public benefit.”
People used as corporate commodities/slavery.
Conspiracy to deny/restrict the vote based on false claims of voter fraud –
use of fear and misinformation to restrict vote.

Manipulation and social control through advertising and corporate media,

creating false images of attainable happiness.
Feeding the public’s natural optimism, encouraging them to deny the truth
of their own best interest, resulting in moral and mental defeat of the
public will and spirit.
Suppression/exploitation of natural human emotional response - behavior
modification - greater control and weakening of human joy/resolve.
Public surveillance leading to denial of freedom – dehumanization –
censorship – lack of self-expression, no escape.
Education is a privilege, not a right You pay you to learn.
Prisons for profit – criminalization of minor offenses to maintain corporate
prison profits and manufacturing slavery.
Protest movements quashed after being falsely identified by the governing
authority as anarchists hell-bent on destroying the fabric of society –
marksmen granted the right to shoot first and ask questions later. Violence
at rallies caused by CIA personnel to blame the protesters.
U.S. Public schools: (For profit?) Every student is trained to be a right
leaning corporate business zombie-no arts or humanities study.


Psychopathic behavior accepted - normal/aspired toward.
Anger, depression, lack of self-confidence and self-respect.
Escapism, recuperative vacations for the wealthy only.
Violence, revolution, civil war, public passivity - apathy.
Religion as a political tool – fanaticism – critical reasoning blindness.
Pornographic lifestyles – sex trafficking – abuse of children – the end of
intimacy and love as a common goal or occurrence.

The underclass as cheap, fiercely competitive labor force uneducated –

desperate - producing conflict/crime waves.
Health Services as a privilege – obesity – stress – mental illness.
Vets: PTSD– suicide and/or misery with no justice or reason.
Addiction to drugs and greed.
Neglect of the increasingly aging population – death as a choice.
Overpopulation – eugenics, ethnic cleansing – creating the underclass.
Poverty, homelessness accepted as a norm. People forced to rely on
charity of others because of no government assistance.
Food demand is likely to rise by at least 60%, yields in many regions will
Climate change is outpacing our ability to adapt food production.

Democratic systems – civility – brotherhood – happiness – joy – personal
freedom and self-expression – the end of kindness, hospitality, generosity
sense of community and national pride.
Fair play – moral values and courage – truth – justice – liberty. Replacing
them with corporate policy of conformity and allegiance to a psychopathic
Investigative Journalism, The Arts – privacy – ancient cultures and
planetary conservation - cultural diversity and appreciation.
Human Rights – Voter rights – Workers’ Representation.
All forms of self expression lost to schooled corporate behavior
for corporate industry.

Endless fear for everyone often a tool of government using “false flag
events” for public control and as diversion from their their hidden
antisocial acts against the public.
Domestic and international terrorism growing.
Acquisition of nuclear weapons by rogue actors.
Homegrown “white” terrorism.
Refugees as terrorists. False flag terrorism created by the state.
Climate Refugees, Multiculturalism. Moslem Refugees.
Genocide, torture, assassinations – end of habeas corpus – imprisonment
without trial.
Covert operations and preemptive military strikes against enemies real or
imagined (false flag).
Cyber warfare by governments/individuals against each other.
Drug cartels as government – violence/torture as tools of government.
Chemical and nuclear weapons proliferation; suitcase bombs exploded in
major cities.
Politicians as terrorists – using their political position and the agendas of
extreme groups to destroy the welfare of the people they represent.


W e recognize physical violence, but we must also recognize and

punish the nonchalant indirect political “soft” violence of
politicians who cause both physical and psychological damage to millions
of citizens at the same time, in the name of their party platform and the ill-
thought-out laws they put onto the public to satisfy the mean-spirited
uninformed thesis of themselves and their corporate funders. Redefine
your definition of violence to include indirect political violence as a
punishable offense.
Regular people’s lives and, in particular, the lives the un-rich, are
constantly thrown into financial hardship, unnecessary suffering and
constant fear of a future full of worry, uncertainty, misery and stress by
heartless, thoughtless politicians who just don’t care about them at all.
The public’s commonsense, reasonable and rational desires, wishes and
dreams of decent wages, access to health care, peace and happiness are of
no consequence to our deceitful politicians. Their antisocial, high-handed
selfishness, expressed in their cluster-fuck laws, lacks empathy and
compassion for the working public. Instead, they enshrine the will of
psychopathic global corporations and their affiliates in tax breaks and
loophole tax benefits, increasing the burden, hardship and expense of the
regular people to pay for their abuse of power and their corruption of
American Democracy.
This is indirect political “soft” violence against regular people, their rights
and their expectations. The laws made by politicians are written by the
rich; for the rich. Regular people are forced to suffer more and live a little
closer to the bone so that their tax dollars can be given away to help
hugely profitable corporations make another billion dollars in profit and
pay no tax on it.
The public never gets what it wants from its political representatives, not
even if they were promised it again and again by those politicians in an
election cycle. The working public gets what they are given. What they
hoped for – and were promised when they voted – means absolutely
nothing to the politicians they elected to serve them.

Politicians are concerned only with winning. They want to ensure their
own status, wealth and power, hoping their preening self-aggrandizement
will appeal to and satisfy the insatiable greed of psychopathic corporations
that control them.
The public may vote for a candidate, but they always get screwed when
the candidate drops what he promised, toes the party line, and throws in
with the same old party dirty tricks and manipulation. There is nothing in
politics that regular people can fully understand until after the law against
them is in place. They never get the full story on any legislation from their
elected nest-of-vipers government except half-truths and obfuscation
poured over them with smiles and media support for their incoherent,
ridiculous policies that enact shit for the people and wealth for the
Millions of regular citizens, already living in fear of tomorrow, feel a
tangible increase in their fear, pain and frustration constricting their
throats, strangling their goodwill with promises of more financial
hardship, and further increases in suffering for them and their families.
This is indirect political “soft” violence. It is collateral damage caused and
enabled by politicians who are above the laws they create and who render
themselves innocent of any wrongdoing by law, no matter what suffering
their idiotic hurtful laws inflict. They may damage millions of people’s
daily lives and cause them unnecessary long-term suffering in a thousand
ways, but the politicians are free of responsibility for the pain, fear and
damage they repeatedly cause. No matter what indirect political “soft”
violence they perpetrate, if it is protected by some asinine law, politicians
are never penalized for their betrayal of regular people. They are never
forced to be accountable for their actions or examine the truth of what they
have done to America and the American people.
They remain blameless and guiltless for the deliberate and punitive results
of their authoritarian legislation against the rights and welfare of regular
people, in the full knowledge that those political acts will cause millions
of people to be penalized and suffer unavoidably from financial, emotional
and health consequences as a direct result of their corrupt and antisocial
behavior toward their voting public.
Politicians say, “If you don’t like what we are doing, you can always vote

us out in four years. Until then shut up, do what you are told, and obey the
laws we give you.”
Never satisfied by the laws they pass or the misery and worry they create
and inflict, politicians seek to render the public harmless, obsolete, stupid
and expendable.
Using and abusing the political and lawmaking process of this country on
any level by any politician or political party to satisfy the needs, pressures
and demands of their political funders is a breach of every voter’s
democratic and constitutional rights to live in a free society. If money is
speech, the richest men in the world can determine the course of the lives
of 320 million people whether they like it or not.
Here are examples of the collateral and indirect political “soft” violence
against regular people forced on them by politicians who are enriching
themselves off the backs of the hard-working but powerless public.
1) Removing access to affordable health care from many millions of
regular people.
2) Giving huge tax breaks to absurdly rich individuals and international
global corporations while fifty million Americans are living on or below
the poverty line.
3) Spending trillions of dollars on endless overseas wars and rebuilding
war-destroyed countries, while our country’s infrastructure systems are
falling to pieces.
4) Giving control of public policy and government to corporations against
the Constitution and all those who have put their faith and trust in it is to
surrender the defenseless public to psychopathic, antisocial practices
championed by most every national and global corporation.
5) Ignoring the needs of the homeless, the vets, the seniors and the
weakest members of our society with austerity measures and deprivation
of government help or assistance, is indirect political “soft” violence
against their well-being.
6) Freeing oil companies and industry to increase their production of
climate-destroying oil and pollution at the expense of advances in
alternative energy such as solar and wind power, while exempting them
from or destroying environmental safety regulations in order that big

industry can freely pollute the Earth, destroy the climate, and hasten an
ever-more-devastating and destructive climate force on the unprepared
7) Putting people into a lifetime of debt to pay for the education that they
must have to compete in the workplace is indirect political “soft” violence
against the future of the nation.
8) Rigging elections with gerrymandering, voter suppression lies, big
money and gross political misrepresentation in service of the 1% is
indirect political “soft” violence against the rights and free will of regular
9) Brainwashing and pitting every American against every other American
using racism, religion, fear and fake news so that it atomizes society into
small groups at war with each other as a means of government control.
This is indirect political “soft” violence against the people.
10) Allowing corporations the human right of money as free speech to
buy, control and ruin democratic government, against the expressed will of
every citizen, is indirect political “soft” violence against them.
11) Using blatant injustice to prosecute and put people in jail with plea
deals for minor, nonviolent offenses so they become working corporate
slaves in jail, is indirect political “soft” violence against the rights of
people and frightens them that they to may end up in jail for “nothing.”
12) Manipulating voters with propaganda, corporate advertising and
mainstream media dishonesty to create an “engineered” election result is a
crime against the hearts, minds and critical thinking of all Americans.
13) Causing millions of citizens to live in fear, to feel financially
threatened, scared and stressed out as a result politicians’ lack of empathy,
conscience, compassion and care for their fellow Americans, is indirect
political “soft” violence against the people.
14) Giving freedom to international banks and hedge funds to control or
destroy the economy at will because their actions for huge profits without
responsibility affect and have devastated the economic lives of millions,
putting corporate profit ahead of people’s right to live, is indirect political
“soft” violence against them.
15) Allowing “so-called” evangelical Christian churches and their pastors

to bring their religion and values into the country’s government is against
the strict division of church and state. The prosperity gospel,
gerrymandered Christianity, and harshly “interpreted” Bible laws being
introduced at government level to replace moderate leaders, scientific
thought and fairness for non-believers is a denial of reality of the needs,
wishes and desires of the general public and is indirect political “soft”
violence against their well-being, free will and free thought.
16) Using trillions of taxpayer dollars for preemptive wars against other
countries in the name of freedom and savaging those countries’ human
rights to get control of its resources is a presumptuous ego crime against
that country and is indirect political “soft” violence against the needs and
wishes of the taxpayer.
There are obviously many more reminders of political violence. Our
incompetent and cold-blooded politicians should not be allowed to cause
any kind of indirect political “soft” violence against any people or person
unless they are prepared to serve jail time for it.
If I hit you and you go down you may sue me, report me or forgive me,
but when tens of millions of people with families are kept on low wages,
with no health care and no opportunity for betterment or improvement in
their lives because of a unified political party exercising authority over
them, punishment for their indirect political “soft” violence is necessary.
We must as a country redefine the “violence” and demand punishment for
all indirect political “soft” violence against the people.
If a person strikes another person and causes pain and damage to that
person, he can be prosecuted and jailed. If a politician strikes the
entire population with rushed-through senseless laws that cause pain
and damage to millions of people, they should be prosecuted and
jailed to the fullest extent of the new laws we need to enact fight
against such indirect political “soft” violence.


I s it the Bilderberg network that decides and controls our future? An

invitation-only, closed-to-the-public conference among people of
international influence from governments, politics, finance, industry, labor,
education and communications, toward international very big business and
control of the global population?
Perhaps it is the ancient and secret network of the Illuminati who plan
world domination. This conspiratorial organization is alleged to
mastermind events leading to their eventual control of the world and the
establishment of a New World Order.
International Capitalist Networks are transnational multi-billionaires,
imperialists who collude with others like themselves to optimize their
extreme wealth and ego. Having the US military on their side and on their
payroll, they freely corrupt Humanity and subvert every democratic
process toward their own point of view and profit. They have no interest in
Humanity; for them the world and everything in it is a business.
International Capitalist Networks plot, plunder and monopolize the
resources, habitat and goodwill of our populations without any political
mandate, care or understanding for the lives they take or conquer. They
impede our freedom, creative vision, mental clarity and our natural
goodwill toward others, in favor of corporate profit at any moral or human
Networks are Hives of Evil, sold to us as beyond reproach, capitalist gods
incarnate, who know the truth and are the truth, even though their lives are
deeply corrupt, psychopathic and criminal. They collude in secret to
corner markets, wipe out competition, elude regulations and control
governments. They have enough money, power and influence to get what
they want, even if it’s the very worst action for Humanity. Everyone folds
for money and money kills faster than guns.
These hives of evil continue to create the problems of climate change,
pollution, wage inequality, the depletion of natural resources,
unemployment, food and water shortages, and they alone possess the
resources we need to remedy these social ills that might enable Humanity
to survive.

Hives of evil control our religions, our governments, our banks, our
military and our future. They create wars with taxpayer money and
decimate weaker countries to expand their free market. They are rats in the
darkness, eating everything we love. They give us only one guarantee.
Their companies and their affiliates will cause massive pollution, rising
food prices, continuous drought, endless economic pain and a dead planet.
The hives of evil are where executives exercise messiah complexes, their
power plays hidden from view, contriving their psychopathic schemes.
They are predatory and merciless, practicing “economic terrorism”
without compassion, empathy, shame, guilt or remorse. They put silence
in our mouths and keep us on our knees, planning to rid the world of the
“contemptuous vermin” that are the poor and hungry masses. We are being
led confused and unaware like sheep, toward the darkness of extinction.
One day it feels like it’s real bad, but then it's worse the next day.
Will we sit quietly by while the hives of evil turn our world into their
economic killing fields? Their ever-expanding matrix of wealth must
be regulated if we are to survive, before their psychopathic systems
lead Humanity to an early collapse.


The great institution of materiality has failed. The false civilization built
by man has turned, and like the monster of Frankenstein, is destroying its
creator. Religion wanders aimlessly in the maze of theological speculation.
Science batters itself impotently against the barriers of the unknown. Only
transcendental philosophy knows the path. Only the illumined reason can
carry the understanding part of man upward into light. Only philosophy
can teach man to be born well, to live well, to die well, and in perfect
measure be born again. Into this band of the elect – those who have chosen
the life of knowledge, of virtue, and of utility – the philosophers of the
ages invite you.
The Beginning…



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