Who We Are: Kehamilan Resiko Tinggi

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Who we are
Don’t be shy! Let them know how great you are. This is the back cover of
your booklet, so it’s one of the first and last things the recipient sees.

It’s a great place for your ‘elevator pitch.’ If you only had a few seconds
to pitch your products or services to someone, what would you say?

 Consider including a couple of key takeaways on this back cover…

 Just remember that this is marketing—if you want to grab their
attention, keep it brief, friendly, and readable.

Contact Us
If you have a physical location, provide brief directional information, such
as highways or landmarks:

[Street Address
City, State ZIP

Phone: [Telephone]

Email: [Email address]

Web: [Web address]

STIKES Kusuma Husada

Table of Contents Our Products & Services
Overview of Programs........................................................................ 1
Apa itu kehamilan risiko tinggi?
Getting Started ................................................................................... 2 Kehamilan risiko tinggi adalah suatu kondisi
kehamilan yang bisa mengancam kesehatan dan
What to Include ............................................................................... 2
keselamatan ibu dan janin. Kondisi ini bisa
Focus on What You Do Best .......................................................... 2 disebabkan karena komplikasi saat kehamilan,
namun bisa juga disebabkan oleh suatu kondisi
Don’t Forget the Mission .................................................................... 3 medis yang sudah ibu miliki sejak sebelum
Make It Your Own .............................................................................. 4

Customize in Almost No Time ........................................................ 4

Bayi Bisa Prematur ?
Make It Picture Perfect ................................................................... 4
Kehamilan risiko tinggi paling rentan dialami
Our Products and Services ................................................................ 5
oleh ibu yang pernah memiliki masalah pada
kehamilan sebelumnya, misalnya melahirkan
secara prematur.

Hamil Usia Tua

Usia Anda juga dapat memengaruhi seberapa
besar kemungkinan Anda memiliki kehamilan
berisiko tinggi.

[Web address]
[Web address]
Make It Your Own Apa penyebab kehamilan risiko tinggi?
1. Penyakit ibu
If you think a document that looks this good has to be difficult to
format, think again!

We've created styles that let you match the formatting in this
brochure with just a click. On the Home tab of the ribbon, check out Gangguan darah, Penyakit ginjal kronis,
the Styles gallery. Depresi, Tekanan darah tinggi, HIV atau
AIDS, Lupus, Kegemukan, Diabetes.

This is the Quote style. It’s great for

calling out a few very important points.
2. Gaya hidup penyebab kehamilan risiko tinggi

Kehamilan risiko tinggi tidak hanya disebabkan

oleh penyakit yang dimiliki ibu sebelum
Customize in Almost No Time
kehamilan, tapi juga bisa disebabkan karena
To try out other looks for this brochure, on the Design tab of the gaya hidup tidak sehat seperti mengonsumsi
ribbon, check out the Themes, Colors, and Fonts galleries. minuman beralkohol, merokok, dan
Have your own company fonts or colors? No problem! Those penyalahgunaan obat
galleries give you the option to add your own.

3. Komplikasi kehamilan

Cacat lahir, Perkembangan janin lambat,

Hamil kembar,


[Web address]
KEHAMILAN RISIKO TINGGI Apa yang harus dilakukan ketika Anda memiliki
DAN PENCEGAHANNYA kehamilan risiko tinggi?
1. Periksakan diri secara rutin, terutama di masa-masa awal
Definisi Kehamilan Risiko Tinggi kehamilan
Minggu-minggu pertama adalah masa penting pertumbuhan awal bayi.
Kehamilan Risiko Tinggi adalah salah satu kehamilan yang Ibu hamil dapat memeriksakan kehamilan mereka untuk mendeteksi dan
di dalamn ya kehidupan atau kesehatan ibu atau janin dalam
menangani kemungkinan kelainan pada bayi.
bahaya akibat gangguan kehamilan yang kebetulan atau unik..
(Sarwono, 2010) Dengan pemeriksaan rutin, dokter juga dapat memberikan penanganan
dini jika Anda berisiko atau terdeteksi mengalami diabetes gestasional
dan preeklampsia.
“Your company is the greatest. I can’t
imagine anyone living without you.” — Add a picture caption here.
2. Konsumsi vitamin hamil
Mengonsumsi vitamin asam folat setidaknya 400
Very smart customer mikrogram per hari sebelum dan selama 3 bulan
pertama kehamilan dapat membantu mencegah
cacat tubuh pada bayi, terutama saraf tulang
belakang dan otak.
Focus on What You Do Best
If you’re using this booklet for a company brochure, these middle
pages are a good place for a summary of competitive benefits or 3. Jaga berat badan agar tetap normal
Add a picture caption here.
some of those glowing testimonials, like the one above. Kehamilan identik dengan pertambahan berat
badan. Tapi usakahan jangan sampai melebihi
You might also want to mention a few of your most impressive 11-15 kilogram. Terlalu sedikit berat badan yang
clients here: bertambah juga termasuk ke dalam kategori
kehamilan risiko tinggi karena risiko kelahiran
 Big, important company
prematurnya tinggi
 Really well-known company

 Very impressive company

Additionally, you could include a bulleted list of products, services, or
major benefits of working with your company. Or just summarize
your finer points in a few concise paragraphs.
[Web address]
2 3

[Web address]

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