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Sinopsis by

wahyu asal tentrem S18051

Les Choristes

The Chorus or Les Choristes is a French film with the theme of education.
Tells of a failed musician, Clement Mathieu who tried to work as head of a
dormitory in a school containing problem children. Students are educated hard and
very disciplined, but instead of being obedient, children become even more wild.
Mathieu then tried a different approach with a disciplined and strict school
principal, Mathieu used music. The film opens when Pierre Morhange, a famous
conductor, gets word that his mother died. After the funeral, he got a visit from
Pepinot, an old friend who had been separated for 50 years. Laughing at the photos,
Pepinot gave a book entrusted by Clement Mathieu, their teacher, addressed to
Morhange. Its contents are a record of the story of his teaching experience at Fond
de L’etang. Clement Mathieu turned out to have a habit of writing in detail his daily
experience as a teacher, which separated him per school year. The book brought
them both back to 1949. The year Clement Mathieu arrived at Fond de L’etang
In 1949, fifty years earlier, Clement Mathieu, a failed musician, came to
Fond de l'Etang, a school where children were troubled, to work as boarders. At the
gate he saw a boy, named Pepinot, who was waiting for Saturday at the school gate,
saying he would be picked up by his father. But in reality Pepinot's father would
never come, his father was killed in a world war when the Nazis occupied France,
but Pepinot did not want to believe or accept that fact.
The principal, Rachin, applies a disciplined and strict life to his students.
The principle is "action-reaction", where if students violate the rules it must be
punished. The punishment given is usually in the form of confinement. When he
will introduce the school room to Mathieu, Maxence, the school guard who is old
enough to be caught in the trap of a child, he gets a serious injury. Mathieu was then
told by the head of the old dormitory about the perpetrator. Mathieu immediately
punished him, but the sentence turned out to be treating Maxence, Mathieu did not
want to apply the principal's "action-reaction" principle to his students.
In the evening Mathieu heard children singing songs with insulting lyrics.
From there Mathieu found an idea, he wanted to teach them to sing and form a choir
group. Mathieu then divided his students based on the type of voice, but one child,
Morhange refused to sing.
One night Mathieu heard a sweet voice, he searched for the source of the sound,
which turned out to be sourced from the classroom. Mathieu caught Morhange
singing sweetly. Because being in a class without teacher supervision is a violation,
Mathieu punishes Morhange. As a punishment, Morhange must come every day for
choir training.
The next day, a psychiatrist came to school, he brought a problem child to
be educated. But the boy, Mondain, had a very different level of delinquency, he
was very rude, wild and dissident. Monadain also supports other boarding children.
After stealing a watch, he was locked up for two weeks.
The choir slowly changed the children, they became more happy and rarely
troubled. The principal, Rachin slowly also slowly began to soften, he even came
into play with the children. But the problem began when Mondain was free, he ran
away from school, and at the same time all of the school's money was lost. Rachin
immediately dropped charges on Mondain who ran away, he immediately reported
to the police and put Mondain in jail.
After that Rachin banned the choir, but Mathieu did not just stop, he still trained his
choir group secretly.
the next day mathieu met with Morhange's mother, and Mathieu had an
interest in him. Mathieu plans to help Morhange get a music school scholarship in
Lyon because of his talent. Until one day, Morhange's mother invited Mathieu to
meet to discuss Morhange's opportunity to attend a Lyon music school, but instead
he found out that Morhange's mother was close to a wealthy engineer. Mathieu was
finally struck by disappointment. In fact, he omitted Morhange's solo part in the
In the last part of the film, a donor came to school because of news about
the choir. Rachin claims that this choir is his idea. When children appear singing, it
appears that Morhange does not join the group but in a separate place because of a
punishment. However, mathieu gave a part 2 solo opportunity to music. After that,
Rachin received an award and was invited to a donor meeting.
Mathieu and Maxence took advantage of Rachin's departure to take the children out
of school. When they left, it turned out that Mondain came and burned the school.
The result is a fire that destroys some of the school buildings. Mathieu was fired
even though he actually saved the lives of children, and Maxence was suspended
for two weeks. Even Mathieu is forbidden to relate and say goodbye to his protégé.
Mathieu walked out of school, hoping his students would break the rules to say
goodbye to him, but no one came out. Then he saw a paper airplane flying,
apparently the paper airplane was made by his protégé containing parting sayings.
Mathieu was moved and immediately went to catch the bus.
Some time passed, Morhange managed to get a music school scholarship,
and Rachin was finally fired for his "brutal discipline" method.
At the end of the film Pepinot follows Mathieu while heading for the bus. Although
initially refusing to bring Pepinot, Mathieu changes his mind and takes Pepinot
away with him. Pepinot's wish was fulfilled, he left on Saturday.

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