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Chapter no 12

Business finance
Choose the best possible answer

1. According to ___ business finance is the flow of capital and credit that makes business possible
 George terry
 Kriz and dugger
 B.O wheeler
 CA deller
2. Business finance means the ____ required for meeting the organizations financial requirements
 Capital fund
 Extraordinarily huge finance
 Loans
 None of above
3. The term in which finance is invested in fixed asset
 Working capital
 Fixed capital
 Business finance
 None of above
4. Working capital is the finance that is invested in ___ of the business
 Current asset
 Fixed asset
 None of above
5. Finance ___ the strength and viability of business
 Decrease
 Maintain
 Increase
 Fixed
6. ___ business attains high profit on the first day of commencement
 All
 No
 Only three
 None of above
7. ___ has now changed the geography of the business battle field
 Atm network
 Online transfer
 Information technology
 Marketing
8. Advertisement is a ___ for every business
 Luxury
 Cheap
 Affordable
 None of above
9. Short term finance is needed to fulfil the ___ of business
 Loss
 Accrued payments
 Current needs
10. ___ and other import & export are used as a guarantee to take loan from bank Nd that loan
amount can be used as finance for short term period
 Trade credit
 Bill discounting
 Bill of lading
 None of above
11. Co-operative societies can arrange ___ financial assistance for businessman
 Short term
 Medium term
 Long term
 All of them
12. Duration of medium term finance is
 6 to 10 years
 5 to 10 years
 4 to 8 years
 1 to 5 years
13. Tem finance certificate (TFC’S) are also used as a source of
 Short term finance
 Medium term finance
 Long term finance
 None of above
14. Long term finances are those that are required on permanent basis or more than ___ years
 Ten
 Eight
 Five
 Three
15. Debenture and participation term certificate are also used as a source of
 Short term financing
 Medium term financing
 Long term financing
16. Leasing is also a source of ___
 Short term finance
 Medium term finance
 Long term finance
17. ___ means the owner, own funds
 Equity finance
 Business finance
 Debt finance
 All of them
18. Joint stock company raise their capital from the issuance of__
 Profit
 Equity shares
 Reserves
19. Equity finance ___ the solvency of the business
 Increases
 Decreases
 Liquidate
 None of them
20. ___ means to borrow funds or to arrange for investments from external sources
 Equity finance
 Business finance
 Debt finance
21. The concept of leasing started almost ___ years ago
 6000
 5000
 4000
 2000
22. ___ was the world’s first registered leasing company
 Burmingham wagon co
 Southern Babylon oxes
 My enterprise
23. Burmingham wagon co was registered in ___ as a first leasing company
 1855
 1856
 1857
 1858

01. Kriz and dugger

02. Capital fund
03. Fixed capital
04. Fixed asset
05. Increase
06. No
07. Information technology
08. Luxury
09. Current needs
10. Bill of lading
11. Short term
12. 1 to 5 years
13. Medium term finance
14. Five
15. Long term financing
16. Long term finance
17. Equity finance
18. Equity shares
19. Increases
20. Debt finance
21. 5000
22. Burmingham wagon co
23. 1855

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