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Name :____________________________________________________

School :____________________________________________________

Sex: _____________________________________________________

Area: _____________________________________________________

Experience: _______________________________________________



You are requested to respond the inventory for the purpose of the research. It is
requested to you to read each statement carefully, there are no right and wrong
answers what is required is your own individual feeling or opinion about the
statements. Read each statement and decide how you feel about. To do this, you have to
put a tick mark (√) on any one of the three alternates given. If agree with the statement
you put a tick mark in the first, if you neutral, put a tick mark in the second, if you
disagree put a tick mark in the third one.

Think in terms of general situations rather than specific ones. There is no time
limit but you are requested to cooperate in responding and submitting the inventories
as possible as so that research may be carried out purposefully and quickly.

Thank you


Area-1 Professional Aspirations

1. I motivate my pupils to learn well.
2. I discourage them to think independently.
3. I encourage their original ideas.
4. I exchange my ideas with them.
5. I encourage them to make their own decisions in classroom management.
6. I guide them to cultivate good habits.
7. I tolerate the errors in their behavioural changes (intellectual and moral) in order
to develop them constructively.
8. I maintain cordial relations with them.
9. I act as a loco-parent for them.
10. I act as a friend, guide and philosopher to them.
11. I am impartial in assessing their academic work.
12. I maintain emotional balance with them.
13. My colleagues give respect to my ideas.
14. I maintain cordial relations with colleagues.
15. I am undemocratic in class-room management.
16. The size of the class has no impact on my teaching.
17. I find no monotony in my routine class work.
18. I take my classes punctually.
19. I am consciences in performing my duties.
20. I attend the Daily Assembly in my school.
21. I take part in additional duties such as polling census work etc, willingly.
22. I welcome suggestions on my academic activities.
23. I enjoy the freedom of expression in my profession.
24. I discourage malpractices in examinations.
25. I do so paying scant attention to the results.

Area-2: Professional Aspirations

26. I make myself available to my pupils out of the school hours also, for their
27. I give them educational as well as vocational guidance.
28. I discourage creativeness among them.
29. I develop logical reasoning in them through my class work.


30. I adapt my teaching to the needs of individual differences among them.

31. I co-operate with my colleagues for our mutual constructive guidance.
32. I discuss with my colleagues on academic matters.
33. I conduct private tuitions to supplement my income.
34. I take decisions for the proper management of the classes.
35. I conduct the school programmes in such a way as to serve the needs of the
local community.
36. I use my professional security for the benefit of my pupils.
37. I view of the security of my job; I work without fear or favour.
38. I use the opportunities available to improve my academic qualifications.
39. I keep in touch with the latest developments in the methods of teaching my
40. I read in touch with the latest developments in the methods of teaching my
41. I read books and journals for my professional growth.
42. I strive for my professional growth by participating in the in-service
programmes willingly.
43. I secure professional growth by undertaking action research.
44. I see the T.V. News-Bulletins regularly.
45. I use general knowledge in teaching, wherever it is applicable.
46. I ma very much benefited with the subject of psychological foundations of
education in my class-room teaching.
47. I grade the questions in school examinations in terms of their difficulty level.
48. I use the pupil’s responses in examinations, to give them remedial instruction.
49. I love to work in professional organisations.
50. I enjoy my professional status.
51. I am personally interested in the teaching profession.

Area-3 Professional Skills

Area-3(a): Academic Proficiency
52. I clarify the doubts of my pupils in my subjects.
53. I work hard to acquire an up-to-date knowledge in my school subjects.
54. I strive to enrich my knowledge of the content in the subjects I teach.


55. I evince keen interest in attending the library.

56. I am satisfied with the library accommodation in my school.
57. I utilise my leisure time for writing articles on education.
58. I use my leisure time to prepare instructional materials regularly.
59. I participate in the academic meetings held by Education Department and

Area-3 (b): Teaching Ability

60. I encourage pupils to acquire practical knowledge.
61. I prepare my daily lesson-plans before going to classes.
62. I use suitable teaching aids in my classes.
63. I prepare new models of teaching aids every year.
64. I don’t teach my subjects systematically.
65. I adopt new teaching methods like team teaching, group discussion etc.
66. I use electrical gadgets and T.V. in the classroom teaching.
67. I use Community Resources for enriching my classroom instructions

Area-3 (c): Organising Skills

68. I take up experimental projects to improve my teaching techniques, procedures,
and methods.
69. I participate in the subject club activities.
70. I participate in the Science fairs/ Science Exhibitions.
71. I discourage my pupils to participate in Dramatic clubs.
72. I take active part in Intramural competitions.
73. I involve myself actively in the Annual Day Celebrations of my school.
74. I participate in the social service camps.

Are-3 (d) : Linguistic Proficiency

75. I make my pronunciation intelligible to all the students in the class.
76. I use simple language, appropriate to the class level.
77. I don’t like to use simple sentences in my language.
78. I use colloquial style in my classes.
79. I speak in the classes with reasonable pauses, intonation and accent.
80. I observe the necessary modulations while explaining the lesson.
81. I always learn to use correct language while communicating to the students.


Area-1 School facilities

82. My school is located in healthy surroundings.
83. My school has adequate and suitable physical facilities.
84. My school is having drinking water facilities.
85. My school has adequate sanitary facilities.
86. A Committee of pupils and Staff assist the School Administration to maintain
the sanitary facilities in my school.
87. My classroom is decorated with photos of national and international leaders.
88. My school library has out-dated and unsuitable books.
89. Books are stocked in good and attractive book-shelves at my school library.
90. There is no qualified librarian in my school.
91. My school has separate reading room with all the required facilities for reading
92. My school Laboratory has adequate accommodation. It is convenient to conduct
all the Science Classes: Demonstration Classes and Experiments in my school
93. My school play-ground is adequate to conduct a variety of sports and games.
94. My school has adequate games and sports material.

Area-2: School Administration

95. I follow the suggestions given by the Head Master and other authorities.
96. I involve myself actively in the preparation of institutional plan.
97. My work-load is optimal i.e., neither too heavy nor too light.
98. I treat some of the assignments given by my school Head Master and the other
superiors as useless for improving my academic work.
99. I often accept these assignments to win the favour of my superiors.
100. My academic talent is properly recognised in my school.
101. There is team-spirit among my school staff.
102. My school Head-Master receives good co-operation from his office staff.
103. The office staff co-operates with all the teaching staff in their academic, para-
academic and non-academic activates.
104. I co-operate with my school non-teaching staff in their work.
105. My school Head-Master maintains friendly relations with all the staff-members.
106. He does not confer any undue favour on any one of the staff-members.


107. He gives proper recognition to the good work done by them.

108. He is democratic in his school administration.
109. He adopts a humanitarian approach to his staff.
110. His supervision provides constructive guidance to the school staff and pupils.
111. His guidance is available to all the staff, without any exception.
112. He guides them to prevent their errors.
113. He pardons them for their errors and also helps them to rectify them.
114. He takes action against them whenever their errors result in moral turpitude
among the pupils.
115. He guides us to understand the importance of avoiding such errors.
116. We respect him for his moral stature.
117. My School Managing Body keeps in touch with all the school activities.
118. They strive to satisfy the felt needs of my school periodically.
119. My school assists all the Teacher-Welfare Activities.

Area-3: Educational Administration

120. My school provides good working conditions to all its staff by
a. Protecting their seniority.
b. Sanctioning their normal increments every year.
c. Granting leave as per rules.
d. Providing the academic requirements and the necessary infra-structure for
the proper functioning of the school.
121. I explain to the pupils the need for the rules and regulations issued by the State.
122. I help neither the gifted Pupils nor the slow learners in my classes.
123. I co-operate with school administration to involve the students in matters such
as fixing holidays, dates of examinations etc.
124. I help my school to satisfy all the conditions, prescribed for its recognition.
125. I co-operate with the school authorities for the smooth conduct of all the school
and public examinations.
126. I co-operate with my school authorities in Admission work.
127. I follow the syllabus prescribed by the Government.
128. I implement the suggestions given in the syllabus for pupil’s practical activities
129. I don’t follow the suggestions given at annual inspection of my school.


130. I endeavour to achieve the objects of non-detention policy to evaluate and

improve my pupil’s learning.
131. I work hard to win distinctions such as National awards in my profession.
Area-4 : Environmental Impact through-Family Community and Value System

Area-4(a): Family
132. My parents have helped me to develop certain favourable attitudes towards
133. My family members refuse to support my professional aspirations.
134. I avoid projecting my family worries into my school work.
135. I think aloud with my family members about my school problems.
136. I try out my plans of innovative teaching on children.

Area-4 (b) : Community

137. My school parent –teacher association gives its support to my school activities.
138. I inform the parents of the progress of their wards as well as their difficulties if
any, from time to time.
139. My school resources are made available for the programmes of the Local
community, without detriment to school activities.
140. My school participates in the social and cultural functions of the Local
141. My school organises its social service programmes to serve the Local
142. My school receives community –support for its activities.
143. My sincerity and commitment help me to command respect from all sections of
the society.
144. My school authorities deal effectively with the pressure groups that approach
them in matters of admissions, conduct of examinations etc.
145. They study the demand in a realistic situation.
146. They open a dialogue with them, in a friendly atmosphere.

Area-4 (c): Value System

147. All my school personnel keep aloof from local politics.
148. My school authorities politicize the school issues.
149. They are guided mostly by social values in disposing of these issues.


150. They are guided by similar values i.e., higher values in dealing with the caste
and religious groups of the community.
151. They don’t allow any pressure-group of he community to pressurize the
legitimate interests of their school work.
152. They deal with all these pressure-groups democratically, on a higher ethical
153. They strive to keep up their school morale in spite of the problems created by
these groups.
154. They manifest their belief in their behaviour that a person with low morale may
get temporary pleasures with these groups, but will fall ultimately.
155. They maintain high morale even if they are temped with money and other
material benefits by these groups.
156. They manifest their belief in their behaviour that a person with low morale may
get temporary pleasures with these groups, but will ultimately.
157. They maintain high morale even if they are temped with money and other
material benefits by these groups.
158. They caution the teachers having low morale to be careful with these groups.


Sr. No. Agree Neutral Disagree

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Dr. S.P. Anand

Please fill up the following information:

Name:................................. Rural/Urban………………..

Age:................................... Designation………………….



Name of the Higher Secondary School:............... Experience…………………..


You are requested to respond the inventory for the purpose of the research. It is
requested to you to read each statement carefully, there are no right and wrong
answers what is required is your own individual feeling or opinion about the
statements. Read each statement and decide how you feel about. To do this, you have to
put a tick mark ( √ ) on any one of the five squares given. If you strongly agree with the
statement you put a tick mark in the first, if you agree, put a tick mark in the second, if
you are undecided or uncertain, put a tick mark on the third, if you disagree put a tick
mark in the fourth and if you strongly disagree put a tick mark in the fifth one.

Think in terms of general situations rather than specific ones. There is no time
limit but you are requested to cooperate in responding and submitting the inventories
as possible as so that research may be carried out purposefully and quickly.

Thank you.


1. Teaching profession brings mental Peace to the teacher.

2. Teaching even in Govt. School is Miserable.

3. Teaching, because of the nature of his profession should be simple living and
high thinking.

4. Teaching in a college is a boon while teaching in a school is Cure.

5. Teacher can determine the future course of a nation.

6. Teachers if they want respect in the society, because of their being teachers, will
have to forge some financial gain and work with a missionary spirit.

7. The teaching profession is a very degrading one.

8. One dislikes being called Master-Ji in the bazar by one another.

9. I aspire for the day when I shall leave teaching in the school.

10. Teachers success lies in the success of their students.

11. A teacher should feel proud of introducing himself to anyone as a teacher

working in a school.

12. Teaching often becomes monotous after few years.

13. Thank God I am a Teacher.

14. Teachers enjoy no appropriate rewards for their work.

15. Most people are considerate of their daughter to become teachers.

16. One should not advice one’s son or daughter to become teacher.

17. Teaching profession is better than other professions in several aspects.

18. Principles of the schools don’t act as friends and guides but becomes master of
the teachers.

19. Teachers are responsible for knowing home conditions of every one of their

20. Teaching is respectable Job.

21. One in teaching profession is in search of truth.


22. A teacher should not be expected to do more work than he is paid for.

23. The teaching profession opens field of knowledge for the adopter.

24. Teaching is the best refugee of those who are unemployed

25. Teaching can be called as Interesting profession

26. One has to remain a school teacher because of his poor academic career

27. Teacher learns throughout their lives

28. Teaching in schools sucks intelligence as Initiative

29. Teachers live a dull life

30. Very able people will be wasting time and energy and teaching profession



Strongly Strongly
S. No. Agree Undecided Disagree
disagree Disagree



Please fill up the following information:

Name:................................. Rural/Urban………………..

Age:................................... Designation………………….

Sex:.................................... Qualification…………………

Name of the Higher Secondary School:............. Experience…………………..


The present inventory consists of 90 statements aimed to identify the

professional attitudes of the teachers. There is considerable disagreement as to what
these attitudes should be; therefore, there is no right or wrong answers. What is
required to your own individual feelings or opinion about the statements? Read each
statement and decide how you feel about. To do this, you have to put a tick mark (√) on
any one of the five squares given. If you strongly agree with the statement; You put a
tick mark in the first, if you agree, put a tick mark in the second, if you are undecided
or uncertain, put a tick mark on the third, if you disagree put a tick mark in the fourth
and if you strongly disagree put a tick mark in the fifth one.

Think in terms of general situations rather than specific ones. There is no time
limit but you are requested to cooperate in responding and submitting the inventories as
possible as so that research may be carried out purposefully and quickly.





1. If I have a son entering college. I would have encouraged him to become a


2. A classroom should not be as quite as grave-yard.

3. Students behaviour should be taken into consideration by the teacher.

4. Students work hard if they are not given freedom to as ask questions in the class.

5. Students are generally sincere.

6. A teacher respects everybody.

7. Individual differences among the students should not be paid much attention.

8. Teaching develops personality and character.

9. Classroom teaching makes the students disciplined.

10. Freedom should not be given to the students to learn according to their own

11. Pupils should be given freedom to express their views in the class.

12. Teachers are not free to express their views.

13. Those who fail in other fields of work usually become teacher.

14. Teaching work becomes easy in the classroom.

15. Students learn more by love than punishment.

16. Pupils should not be let down before the class.

17. Classroom teaching begets social atmosphere.

18. Students don’t live together in harmony with one another.

19. When one sees a teacher he feels like laughing at him.

20. No occupation is better than the teaching profession.

21. Students learn best by doing.

22. Now a days students don’t obey their teachers.

23. Everybody pays attention to what teacher says.


24. Teachers are boastful.

25. There should be no student’s union in schools.

26. Teachers don’t determine the moral standards of a nation.

27. Student’s health is an important responsibility of school.

28. Just one method of teaching is not suitable for all the student’s

29. Students observe discipline only in the school.

30. Most of the teachers are greedy.

31. Students are generally disinterested in national problems.

32. Group activities don’t create a sense of cooperation among the students.

33. Teaching profession has a bright future.

34. Teaching profession appears to be interesting only in the beginning.

35. Bright and talented students often suffer in classroom teaching.

36. The surrounding of school have an impact on learning process.

37. Students should not be given freedom to think.

38. Classroom teaching doesn’t inculcate a feeling of self confidence in the students.

39. Pupil remains unsatisfied if their doubts are not clarified.

40. People don’t look down upon teachers.

41. I take pride in telling that i belong to teaching profession.

42. Classroom teaching makes students to respect each other.

43. The talents of students remain hidden if due attention is not paid to their special

44. Students should enter the class only after obtaining permission from the teacher.

45. Teachers don’t have a sense of humour.

46. There are more disadvantages in the teaching profession.

47. Classroom teaching strengthens the desire to learn.

48. I want to take up the teaching profession only because my parents wish so.

49. Books are not all in all for students.


50. Students can become good citizen only when teachers are good teachers.

51. I get pleased when mischievous students get a beating.

52. One, who does according to what he says, has the qualities of a teacher.

53. Classroom teaching needs a change.

54. Different activities performed by the students should not have a place in their
final evaluation.

55. Good relationship between teacher and taught is essential for learning.

56. Students should not be allowed to ask questions in the class.

57. Teachers cannot satisfy the intellectually superior students.

58. Students can do anything in order to get through the examination.

59. There is a distance between teacher and students in classroom teachers.

60. It is a curse to remain in the teaching profession.

61. Back benchers don’t get proper attention in classroom teaching.

62. It is good that now-a-days attitude of students is given importance.

63. Teaching methods of past were better than those of today.

64. While assigning home task, pupil ability should be taken into consideration.

65. The place of the student should not be supreme in classroom teaching.

66. Teaching is very stimulating profession.

67. Weak students gain a lot through the revision of the lesson by the teacher in the

68. One who doesn’t inflict corporal punishment on students is a poor teacher.

69. One should not even dream of becoming teacher in his life.

70. Students often talk non-sense in the class.

71. Good learning condition is created when the relations between teacher and
students are warm and friendly.

72. Teaching profession makes people lazy.

73. Classroom teaching is book centered rather than pupil centered.

74. Keeping students informed of their progress has little effect on learning.


75. The teacher should not make lesson interesting for students.

76. A good teacher has little need for charts, maps, diagrams and other.

77. Most students don’t respect the teachers.

78. Teaching makes a teacher tired.

79. Teaching profession is not a good medium serving humanity.

80. One should fit the curriculum to the students and not the student to curriculum.

81. Students take pride in the best and attractive environment of the school.

82. Students should have the right to express this agreement to what the teacher says.

83. One of the difficulties with modern schools is that discipline is often scarified to
the interest of the student.

84. The classroom teaching the principle of “Learning by Doing” cannot be


85. I will not take up any other job except teaching.

86. If I don’t get any other job, I will join the teaching profession.

87. Teachers should not strict in their dealings with students.

88. Teachers are the leaders of the nation.

89. If a student doesn’t understand an assignment, it is usually the fault of a teacher.

90. A teacher’s job is primarily one of the teaching and explaining the subject matter.







S.No. District Name of Higher Secondary school

1 Srinagar Girls Higher Secondary School, Sonwar.
2 Srinagar Girls Higher Secondary School, kothibagh.
3 Srinagar S P Higher Secondary School, Srinagar
4 Srinagar Boys Higher Secondary School, Jawaharnagar.
5 Srinagar MP Higher Secondary school.
6 Srinagar Girls Higher Secondary School, Amira Kadal.
7 Srinagar Boys higher secondary school, Tailbal.
8 Srinagar Boys higher secondary school, Hazaratbal.
9 Srinagar Boys higher secondary school, Shalimar.
10 Srinagar Girls Higher Secondary School, Nishat.
11 Srinagar Girls Higher Secondary School, Soura.
12 Srinagar Boys higher secondary school, Soura.
13 Srinagar Girls Higher Secondary School, Zadibal.
14 Srinagar Boys Higher secondary school, Batamaloo.
15 Srinagar Girls Higher Secondary School, Khanayar.
16 Srinagar Boys higher secondary school, Palpora.
17 Srinagar Boys Higher Secondary School, Nawakadal.
18 Srinagar Girls Higher secondary school, Nawakadal.
19 Srinagar Higher secondary school Mujgund.
20 Srinagar Higher secondary school, Zainakot.
21 Srinagar Higher Secondary Gund Hassi bath.
22 Srinagar Boys Higher Secondary School, zadibal.
23 Srinagar Girls Higher Secondary Nowhatta.
24 Srinagar Boys Higher Secondary School, Khonmoh.
25 Srinagar Girls Higher Secondary School
26 Ganderbal Boys Higher Secondary School, Kurhama.
27 Ganderbal Boys Higher Secondary School, Lar.
28 Ganderbal Higher Secondary school Gund.
29 Ganderbal Boys Higher Secondary School, Harignawan.
30 Ganderbal Boys Higher Secondary School, Ganderbal.
31 Ganderbal Girls higher secondary school, Ganderbal.
32 Ganderbal Girls higher secondary school, Nunner.
33 Ganderbal Boys Higher Secondary School, Manigam.
34 Ganderbal Boys Higher Secondary School, Kangan.
35 Ganderbal Girls higher secondary school, kangan.


36 Ganderbal Higher secondary school, Chattergul.

37 Ganderbal Boys Higher Secondary School,Wakura.
38 Budgam Girls Higher secondary school, Magam.
39 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, Khag.
40 Budgam Higher secondary school, panzan.
41 Budgam Higher secondary school, zoohama.
42 Budgam Girls Higher secondary school, budgam.
43 Budgam Boys Higher secondary school, budgam.
44 Budgam Higher secondary school, hardpanzoo.
45 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, soibug.
46 Budgam Girls Higher secondary school, wadwan.
47 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, wathora.
48 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, B.K.Poora.
49 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, Budgam.
50 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, Khanda.
51 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, Nagam.
52 Budgam Girls Higher secondary school, Nagam.
53 Budgam Higher secondary school, khansahab.
54 Budgam Higher secondary school, arigam.
55 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, beerwah.
56 Budgam Girls Higher secondary, beerwah.
57 Budgam Higher secondary school, chari sharief.
58 Budgam Higher Secondary School, Pakharpoora.
59 Budgam Higher Secondary School, Parnewa.
60 Budgam Higher Secondary School,Kanir.
61 Budgam Higher Secondary School, surisvar.
62 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, Magam
63 Budgam Higher Secondary School, wager.
64 Budgam boys Higher Secondary School,sholipora.
65 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, Waterhail.
66 Budgam boys Higher Secondary School, Ichigam.
67 Budgam Higher Secondary School, Drang.
68 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, chandoora.
69 Budgam Boys Higher Secondary School, hafroo, batapoora.
70 Budgam Girls Higher Secondary School, Narbal.
71 Budgam Girls Higher Secondary School, Charisharief.
72 Anantnag Girls Higher Secondary School, Dialgam.


73 Anantnag Boys Higher Secondary School, Achabal.

74 Anantnag Boys Higher Secondary School, H. Turoo.
75 Anantnag Girls Higher Secondary School, Aishmuqam.
76 Anantnag Boys Higher Secondary School, Anantnag.
77 Anantnag Girls Higher Secondary School, Anantnag.
78 Anantnag Boys Higher Secondary School, Kokernag.
79 Anantnag Girls Higher Secondary School, Sogam.
80 Anantnag Boys Higher Secondary School, Bijbihara.
81 Anantnag Girls Higher Secondary School, Bijbihara.
82 Anantnag Boys Higher Secondary School, Doru.
83 Anantnag Boys Higher Secondary School, Kabamarg.
84 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Mattan.
85 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Nanil.
86 Anantnag Boys Higher Secondary School, Salia.
87 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Seer.
88 Anantnag Girls Higher Secondary School, Qazigund.
89 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Shangus.
90 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Utrasoo.
91 Anantnag Girls Higher Secondary School, Nowgam.
92 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Srigufwara.
93 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Kullar
94 Anantnag Govt. Higher Secondary School
95 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Mehand.
96 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Larnoo.
97 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Verinag.
98 Anantnag Higher Secondary School,Veesu.
99 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Y.K. Pora.
100 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Akhingam.
101 Anantnag Higher Secondary School,Wandevalgam.
102 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Arwani.
103 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Wanpoh.
104 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Kadipora.
105 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Chittergul.
106 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Hakura.
107 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Marhama.
108 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Sallar.
109 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Pahalgam.


110 Anantnag Higher Secondary School, Soaf.

111 Kulgam Higher Secondary School, devsar.
112 Kulgam Higher Secondary School,Kelam
113 Kulgam Boys Higher Secondary School,DH Pora
114 Kulgam Boys Higher Secondary School,Manzgam
115 Kulgam Boys Higher Secondary School,Arreh
116 Kulgam Boys Higher Secondary School,Razloo,Kund
117 Kulgam Higher Secondary School,Katrasoo
118 Kulgam Boys Higher Secondary School,Ashmuji
119 Kulgam Boys Higher Secondary School,Kulgam
120 Kulgam Girls Higher Secondary School,Kulgam
121 Kulgam Girls Higher Secondary School,Koimah
122 Kulgam Higher Secondary School,Yaripora
123 Kulgam Higher Secondary School,Bugam
124 Kulgam Higher Secondary School,Frisal
125 Kulgam Boys Higher Secondary School, Malwan
126 Kulgam Boys Higher Secondary School , Chowgam
127 Kulgam Higher Secondary School ,DK Marg
128 Kulgam Higher Secondary School, KB Pora
129 Kulgam Higher Secondary School, Nihama
130 Pulwama Higher Secondary School, Dadsara
131 Pulwama Boys Higher Secondary School , Noor Pora
132 Pulwama Higher Secondary School, Kaka Pora
133 Pulwama Higher Secondary School, Ratni Pora
134 Pulwama Higher Secondary School, Pinglena
135 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Loragam
136 Pulwama Boys Higher Secondary School,Khrew
137 Pulwama Girls Higher Secondary School,Khrew
138 Pulwama Boys Higher Secondary School,Ladhu
139 Pulwama Boys Higher Secondary School,Pampore
140 Pulwama Girls Higher Secondary School,Pampore
141 Pulwama Boys Higher Secondary School,Lethpora
142 Pulwama Boys Higher Secondary School,Drabgam
143 Pulwama Boys Higher Secondary School,Pulwama
144 Pulwama Girls Higher Secondary School,Pulwama
145 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Hall
146 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Kiol


147 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Drabgam

148 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Rajpora
149 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Rehmoo
150 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Panzgam
151 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Tokina
152 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Wasoora
153 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Litter
154 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Neira
155 Pulwama Boys Higher Secondary School,Tral
156 Pulwama Girls Higher Secondary School,Tral
157 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Newa
158 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Arihal
159 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Samboora
160 Pulwama Higher Secondary School,Satora
161 Shopian Boys Higher Secondary School, Twangam
162 Shopian Higher Secondary School,Zeinpora
163 Shopian Higher Secondary School,Munadgufan
164 Shopian Higher Secondary School,Keygam
165 Shopian Higher Secondary School,Kellar
166 Shopian Boys Higher Secondary School, Shopian
167 Shopian Higher Secondary School,Hermain
168 Shopian Girls Higher Secondary School, Shopian
169 Shopian Higher Secondary School,Kapran
170 Shopian Higher Secondary School,Narpora
171 Shopian Higher Secondary School,Imam Sahib
172 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Boniyar
173 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Phali Pora
174 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Bijhama
175 Baramulla Boys Higher Secondary School, Bomai
176 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Dangar Pora
177 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Fateh Garh
178 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Lari Dora
179 Baramulla Boys Higher Secondary School, Hadi pOra
180 Baramulla Boys Higher Secondary School, Rohama
181 Baramulla Boys Higher Secondary School, Delina
182 Baramulla Girls Higher Secondary School, Singhpora Klaan
183 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Pattan


184 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Palhallan

185 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Goshabugh
186 Baramulla Boys Higher Secondary School, Uri
187 Baramulla Girls Higher Secondary School, Uri
188 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Dangi wacha
189 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Behram Pora
190 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Nowgam Kandi
191 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Chandi Lora
192 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Khai Pora
193 Baramulla Boys Higher Secondary School, Baramulla
194 Baramulla GirlsHigher Secondary School, Baramulla
195 Baramulla GirlsHigher Secondary School, Town Baramulla
196 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Wagoora
197 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Kreeri
198 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Kachwa
199 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Nowpora
200 Baramulla Boys Higher Secondary School, Sopore
201 Baramulla Girls Higher Secondary School, Sopore
202 Baramulla Girls Higher Secondary School, Hygam
203 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Tarhama
204 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Shhera Abad
205 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Mirgund
206 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Kunzar
207 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Harda Shoora
208 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Chandoosa
209 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Batangoo
210 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Nihal Pora
211 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Lal Pora
212 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Athohra
213 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Kehtangaan
214 Baramulla Higher Secondary School,Doobiga
215 Bandipora Boys Higher Secondary School, Bandipora
216 Bandipora Boys Higher Secondary School, Alloosa
217 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Bandipora
218 Bandipora Boys Higher Secondary School, Aragaam
219 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Araan
220 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Hajin


221 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Ajas

222 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Naid Khai
223 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Sumbal
224 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Safapora
225 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Nowgam
226 Bandipora Boys Higher Secondary School,Baudaub
227 Bandipora Boys Higher Secondary School,Daawar
228 Bandipora Boys Higher Secondary School, Izmarg
229 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Badugam
230 Bandipora Girls Higher Secondary School, Daawar
231 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Purana tulail
232 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Sultan daki
233 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Ghada Khud
234 Bandipora Higher Secondary School,Nadihal
235 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School,Sogam
236 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School,Lalpora
237 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School,Takipora
238 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School,Kalaroos
239 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Maidanpora
240 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Kupwara
241 Kupwara Girls Higher Secondary School, Kupwara
242 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Halmathpora
243 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Trehgam
244 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Kralpora
245 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Vilgam
246 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Muqam hindwanpora.
247 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Langate
248 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Handwara
249 Kupwara Girls Higher Secondary School, Handwara
250 Kupwara Higher Secondary School,Warpora
251 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Kalamaabad
252 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Magam
253 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Zachaldara
254 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Drugmul
255 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Hatamula
256 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Kandikarna
257 Kupwara Girls Higher Secondary School, Tangdar


258 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Tadd

259 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Doodi
260 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Keran
261 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Lonhari
262 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Kandikhas
263 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Unisoo
264 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Tarathpora
265 Kupwara Higher Secondary School,Nagrimalpora
266 Kupwara Higher Secondary School,Warsan
267 Kupwara Girls Higher Secondary School, Sogam
268 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Teetwal
269 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Ashpora
270 Kupwara Girls Higher Secondary School, Langate
271 Kupwara Girls Higher Secondary School, Trehgam
272 Kupwara Higher Secondary School,Karihama
273 Kupwara Boys Higher Secondary School, Behnopora
274 Kupwara Higher Secondary School, Batapora


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