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The Deborah Number By M.


The following lines are from an after- physics where such problems will be the time of observation of God is
dinner talk presented at the Fourth dealt with." infinite. We may therefore well de-
International Congress on Rheology, I said, "This branch of physics al- fine as a nondimensional number the
which took place last August in Provi- ready exists; it is called mechanics of Deborah number
dence, R. I. Marcus Reiner, research continuous media, or mechanics of
continua." D = time of relaxation/time of
professor at the Israel Institute of
"No, this will not do," Bingham re- observation.
Technology, is currently in the United
plied. "Such a designation will frighten The difference between solids and flu-
States as a visiting professor at the
away the chemists." ids is then defined by the magnitude
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn.
So he consulted the professor of of D. If your time of observation is
classical languages and arrived at the very large, or, conversely, if the time
designation of rheology, taking as the of relaxation of the material under
motto of the subject Heraclitus' iravra observation is very small, you see the
psi or "everything flows." material flowing. On the other hand,
Rheology has become a well-known if the time of relaxation of the ma-
branch of physics, but most typists terial is larger than your time of ob-
In 1928 I came from Palestine to think it is a misprint for theology. I servation, the material, for all practi-
Easton, Pa., to assist Eugene Cook constantly receive mail addressed to cal purposes, is a solid. In problems
Bingham at the birth of Rheology. I the Theological Laboratory of the Is- of industrial design, you may intro-
felt strangely at home. There was rael Institute of Technology and, on duce the time of service for the time
Bethlehem quite near, there was a the occasion of the Second Interna- of observation. When designing a
river Jordan and a village called little tional Congress at Oxford ten years concrete bridge you make up your
Egypt. T h e situation was, however, ago, there was a special coach in the mind to decide how long you expect
also slightly confusing. T o go from train at Paddington Station reserved it to serve, and then compare this time-
Bethlehem to Egypt, one had to cross for the members of the Theological interval with the time of relaxation
the river Jordan, a topological feature Congress. This seems ridiculous, but of concrete.
which did not conform to the original. there is some relation between rheol- It therefore appears that the Deb-
Then there were, here, places such as ogy and theology, and on this I want orah number is destined to become
Allen town to which there was no anal- to say a few words. the fundamental number of rheology,
ogy. And this could lead to strange Heraclitus' "everything flows" was bringing solids and fluids under a com-
situations, such as when a girl at not entirely satisfactory. Were we to mon concept, and leaving Heraclitus'
school was asked where Christ was disregard the solid and deal with fluids -n-avra pei as a special case for infinite
born and replied, "In Allentown". only? There are solids in rheology, time of observation, or infinitely small
When corrected by "No, in Bethle- even if they may show relaxation of time of relaxation. T h e greater the
hem," she remarked, "I knew it was stress and consequently creep.* Deborah number, the more solid the
somewhere around here." The way out of this difficulty had material; the smaller the Deborah
In Palestine I was working as a civil been shown by the Prophetess Deb- number, the more fluid it is.
engineer doing science as a hobby. In orah even before Heraclitus. In her There is a story they tell about two
1926 a chemist had asked my help in famous song after the victory over the students of theology. They were prais-
the problem of the flow of a plastic Philistines, she sang, "The mountains ing the Almighty God. Said one: "For
material through a tube. I solved the flowed before the Lord." When, over God, one thousand years are like a
problem and derived what is now 300 years ago, the Bible was translated minute. And as He is the Creator of
known as the Buckingham-Reiner into English, the translators, who had all, a thousand dollars are for Him
equation, Buckingham at the US Na- never heard of Heraclitus, translated like a cent." Said the other: "Wonder-
tional Bureau of Standards having de- the passage as "The mountains welted ful; next time I pray to God, I shall
rived the equation before. When Bing- before the Lord"—and so it stands in pray, 'God, give me a cent'." Said the
ham learned of my work, he invited the authorized version. But Deborah first: "What will it help you? He will
me to Lafayette College. knew two things. First, that the moun- say 'Wait a minute'."
When I arrived, Bingham said to tains flow, as everything flows. But, This man did not take care of the
me, "Here you, a civil engineer, and secondly, that they flowed before the difference between God's and his own
I, a chemist, are working together at Lord, and not before man, for the time scale. And this is the connection
joint problems. With the development simple reason that man in his short between rheology and theology. In ev-
of colloid chemistry, such a situation lifetime cannot see them flowing, while ery problem of rheology make sure
will be more and more common. We that you use the right Deborah num-
* and at this Congress a large number of
therefore must establish a branch of papers deal with solids. ber.


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