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Uzul the Terrifying

The PCs have been implored by a villager from
Yarlford to come help with them wolf attacks.

The group leaves first thing on the 20 th of Gelbmont.

Evening on that day they’ll encounter a wyvern (124)
in the forest (orange star). Travel on the 21st gets them
through the hills south of Yarlford, and on the 22 nd
they’ll arrive a few hours after their journey for the
day begins.

The village is home to about 1,000 folks, and

amenities reflect this. There have been three attacks
since the beginning of the month, and about a dozen
villagers have died. Each time it has happened, a pack
of huge wolves has come in the night and slain
livestock and villagers. They’ve only been seen this
last time; the first two times they were gone by the
time folks were awakened.
Area 1
There are rumors among the villagers that the wolves Uzul’s lowest guards, a half dozen goblins
are the pets of a “horrible beast, Uzul the Terrifying, (7,2,8,8,9,7) are stationed here. The passage north is
who lives in a cave north of the river” and who “is a blockaded. They have a total of 21cp, 21sp, and 37gp.
servant of The Thrir, and his wolves feed on the souls If these or any other of the Goblinoid guards are
of those they devour”. questioned, they give little information other than
“Master Uzul slumbers” and that he “will awaken
About six miles upriver, the party will find a crude when the time is right.”
rope bridge being guarded by two ogres (55, 64), on
Area 2
the far side of the river. “Oi, yorn't orcs. Da big orc
said no’ ‘o le’ anyone wots not green cross.” Uzul and his minions avoid this area, as it is home to a
giant spider (24). Other than bones (mostly giant rat
The entrance to Uzul’s cave is just another mile north and a few goblinoid) and a handful of goblin spears,
of the bridge. there is no loot.
Area 3 Area 9
Old crates litter this room, providing nesting spots for This room has been setup as an altar to Chaos. Offal
giant rats (11,9,5,8,9,11). There is nothing of value in and bones are scattered about. Uzul will occasionally
this cavern. If this cavern is cleared but then passed by use this to summon a bärtigdämon with who he’ll fight
again, another four rats (3, 12, 9, 11) rush out to attack to keep his combat skills sharp. If the altar is
the PCs as they’re passing. interacted with, it can possibly summon a
bärtigdämon (49) who immediately attacks.

Area 10
Area 4
The area beyond the archway (the octagonal room) is
Skeletons animate from the rubble piles in the east
shrouded in a purplish mist. As soon as anything
(14, 15, 12) and the west (10, 13, 19, 12). If the
passes through the mist, four hobgoblin (13, 13, 11,
western pile is searched, a ruby worth 300gp can be
10) guards are released from stasis and they attack
with swords made of purple energy (+5, 1d10+3
necrotic damage). The swords dissipate when their
Area 5 wielder is slain.
One of Uzul’s more elite guards is stationed here, in
the SW corner. This hobgoblin (18) be aware the PCs When all four guardians have been slain, a horrible
are coming unless they take extra precautions to be rumble begins sounding from the sarcophagus before
stealthy. In addition to his sword, he’s armed with a its lid blows into thousands of pieces and Uzul rises.
blowgun (+3, 1 point of piercing, 3d10 poison damage
+ poisoned, DC 17 CON save for half damage and no Uzul has 187 hit points, and knows Chaos Magic. He
condition). He will try and attack from the shadows fights long enough to slay at least two of the PCs,
with his blowgun, then will yell an alarm and switch to leaving at least two of them alive before giving his
his sword. diatribe and using the spell Escape to vanish.


This is where Uzul’s dire wolves (28, 41, 39) are kept. CALLED THE TERRIFYING, EATER OF FLESH,
When the hobgoblin in area 5 sounds his alarm, the SCOURGE OF RICHWOOD, HARBINGER OF
wolves are who join the fray. TCHORT, HAND OF ORCUS, RAPER OF SOULS!
A glow can be seen from outside of this cavern. The
floor is carpeted with small, glowing indigo YOU DO NOT DIE TODAY, MORTALS, FOR I
mushrooms. They smell incredible, like fresh fruit. If ALLOW YOU TO LIVE. LIVE IN FEAR OF THE
eaten, roll 1d6. On a roll of 1-4 they heal 2d4 hit TERROR YOU HAVE UNLEASHED. LIVE IN THE
points. On a 5-6 they cause long-term madness. Once KNOWLEDGE THAT YOUR GODS WILL NOT SAVE
picked, they become impotent after 5 minutes. YOU!

Area 8 Wrap up
Some sort of memorial has been carved into the Award the PCs 500xp each for clearing the dungeon.
southern wall of this room, thought it’s hard to make it They will have good news (slain wolves) and bad
out from a distance. If PCs get close to examine, then news (unleashed a svartalf) to deliver back to
three ghouls (27, 26, 31) claw their way up from the Yarlsford...
dirt around the broken flagstones.

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