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Improving Long Baseline „100– 300 km… Differential GPS

Positioning Applying Ionospheric Corrections Derived

from Multiple Reference Stations
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Elsa Mohino, Ph.D.1; Mauricio Gende, Ph.D.2; and Claudio Brunini, Ph.D.3

Abstract: The aim of this study is to develop a method to mitigate the ionospheric delay bias in long baseline differential global
positioning system 共GPS兲. The ionospheric delay is the main source of error when single frequency GPS receivers are involved in surveys
with baselines which exceed a few tens of kilometers. This article presents a technique that estimates the vertical total electron content
共VTEC兲 in several continuously operating reference stations 共CORS兲 and computes the slant total electron content 共STEC兲 for the receiver
of unknown coordinates. VTEC was obtained from the La Plata ionospheric model and an interpolation strategy was implemented in order
to calculate STEC values. Networks covering different areas and baseline sizes are studied. The strategy presented in this article could be
particularly useful when the accuracy of one decimeter is required and reference stations used are a few hundred kilometers away since
it provides a 50% improvement in position accuracy.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9453共2007兲133:1共1兲
CE Database subject headings: Global positioning; Land surveys; Errors; Data processing; Models.

Introduction coming the main limitation of the differential positioning accu-

racy for distances greater than a few kilometers. This limitation is
Due to spatial correlation of some GPS error sources 共satellite overcome using dual frequency receivers, which can account for
clocks and orbit errors, atmospheric delays兲, the differentiation of the ionospheric differential delay. However, the economic cost in
observations can improve position accuracy canceling or at least these cases is significantly increased. A tight economic constrain
reducing some of these biases. Depending on the precision re- usually limits the survey to single frequency receivers. Thus, dif-
quired and the available economic resources, several differential ferential positioning must be made using a reference station, re-
positioning techniques could be applied. If the desired accuracy is stricting the area to a few tens of kilometers surrounding this
about one meter, users can employ code differential GPS, a station. This paper presents a technique that enables the extension
simple and reliable technique requiring small observation time of single frequency differential positioning to areas with poor
spans. For greater accuracy, users must resort to phase differential CORS coverage 共maximum distances between network stations
GPS, because these measurements present one hundred times less up to 600 km兲 maintaining decimeter accuracy 共around 0.1 m in
noise than code measurements 共Hofmann-Wellenhof et al. 1994兲. horizontal components and 0.2 in the vertical one兲.
Nevertheless, due to the fact that all wave cycles are identical, This technique relies on the estimation of the ionospheric
phase measurements are not completely determined. Thus, this delay using multiple reference stations. In this sense, this study
phase ambiguity requires special processing techniques. can be compared with other studies such as Wanninger 共1997兲 or
Often, the ionospheric bias for short baselines, under 10 km Rizos et al. 共1998兲 which employ multiple reference stations to
long is well correlated and can be canceled with differential po- improve the accuracy and ambiguity resolution. For a detailed
sitioning 共Georgiadou and Kleusberg 1988; Odijk 2002兲. As the review of these techniques, see Fotopoulos and Cannon 共2001兲. In
baseline grows, the ionospheric delay tends to decorrelate, be- contrast with these studies, which deal mainly with rapid differ-
ential positioning at the centimeter level having baselines shorter
Dept. Geofísica y Meteorología, Univ. Complutense de Madrid, than 100 km, the methodology proposed here aims at obtaining a
Ciudad Univ., s/n, 28040, Madrid, Spain. E-mail: emohino@fis.ucm.es decimeter level accuracy with longer baselines. Within this range
Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, Univ. Nacional de of baselines, Odijk et al. 共2000兲 presents a technique based on the
La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, B1900FWA, La Plata, Buenos Aires,
estimation and interpolation of ionospheric delays with a network
Argentina. E-mail: mgende@fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar
Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, Univ. Nacional de of reference stations that improves the ambiguity resolution for
La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, B1900FWA, La Plata, Buenos Aires, network station distances under 200 km long. Colombo et al.
Argentina. E-mail: claudio@fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar 共2002兲 presents another technique to improve the ambiguity reso-
Note. Discussion open until July 1, 2007. Separate discussions must lution for double frequency receivers using a network of reference
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one stations increasing the maximum baseline up to several hundred
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.
kilometers long. This technique estimates STEC employing
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible
publication on November 28, 2005; approved on August 3, 2006. This the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña 共UPC兲 tomography
paper is part of the Journal of Surveying Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 1, model and interpolating STEC for the receiver of unknown
February 1, 2007. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9453/2007/1-1–5/$25.00. coordinates.


J. Surv. Eng., 2007, 133(1): 1-5

VTEC = STEC 冑 1 − cos2 E 冉 RT
RT + H
冊 2
As a first step, the ionospheric delay for all stations in the network
is estimated. This network must have at least three double fre- where E = elevation angle of the ray path; RT=Earth radius; and
quency reference stations in which STEC for each station-satellite H=height of the layer.
line is calculated using the LPIM model. As described in Brunini Finally, L1 observations for the reference station and the re-
et al. 共2004兲, the LPIM model is a two-dimensional ionospheric ceiver of unknown coordinates are corrected with the estimated
GPS-based model. Due to the dispersive nature of the ionosphere, STEC values. Differential positioning is then calculated using the
the total electron content encountered by the signal as it travels accumulation of all the observations in the session, which was
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across the ionosphere can be estimated by measuring GPS signals eight hours in all cases. Though a fixed receiver has been used for
in two frequencies 共namely L1 and L2兲. The LPIM model uses the this paper, the strategy chosen for positioning was to force a
geometry-free linear combination 共␾4兲 of simultaneous carrier kinematic solution as if a hypothetical rover L1 receiver were
phase measurements to remove all satellite-receiver frequency in- used. As a result, one position for each observation epoch was
dependent terms obtained. This technique is mainly intended for users that lack
access to scientific precise differential positioning software,
therefore, a commercial program was used and no tropospheric
␾4 = ␾1 − ␾2 = ⌬I + ␶R + ␶S + ⌬N 共1兲
parameters were adjusted; the Hopfield model with a standard
atmosphere was used to partially correct the troposphere.
where ␾1 and ␾2 = carrier phase observations on L1 and L2; A float solution strategy, where ambiguities are treated as real
⌬I = differential ionospheric delay between both GPS carriers; ␶R values, was chosen to obtain the coordinates. An ambiguity fixed
and ␶S = receiver and satellite inter-frequency hardware biases; solution, if correct, would be helpful to reduce the time session
and ⌬N = differential carrier phase ambiguity. The latter term is without losing accuracy 共Mervart et al. 1994兲, but the main focus
estimated by leveling ␾4 with the corresponding code geometry- of our work was to extend the range of use of a single frequency
free linear combination. Disregarding second-order terms, the dif- receiver and not to reduce the time session. In order to compare
ferential ionospheric delay is related to the slant total electron the results with the best possible solution, an ionospheric
content 共STEC兲 by free linear combination solution was also computed since all the
receivers involved in the experiment were double frequency

冉 冊
1 1 For each day, the time period analyzed 共from 11 to 19 h local
⌬I = − ␣ − STEC 共2兲
f 21 f 22 time兲 was chosen to contain daylight data and particularly the
ionospheric maximum, which typically takes place at 14 h local
time. All network station observations were used to calculate cor-
where ␣ = constant with value 40.3 m3 s−2; and f 1 and rections and these were applied to the observations in the rover
f 2 = frequencies of each GPS carrier. The LPIM model simulta- L1 receiver in the time period under analysis. Nevertheless, for
neously estimates the ionospheric slant total electron content and root mean square calculations related to each solution, two crite-
the receiver and satellite hardware bias, which are supposed daily ria were applied: On the one hand, in order to limit errors asso-
constant values. Brunini et al. 共2003兲 compared the LPIM derived ciated with the mapping function, which becomes less realistic as
hardware bias with CODE and JPL products and concluded that elevation decreases, a mask angle of 20° was set to the user’s
LPIM solutions are reasonable 共up to 0.9 total electron content location elevation; on the other hand, in order to limit errors as-
units 共TECU兲 for satellite hardware bias and up to 3.1 TECU for sociated with bad geometry, only epochs with a minimum of five
some receivers兲 and, so is the STEC absolute level obtained. Al- satellites were analyzed.
though in this work we use the LPIM derived STEC estimates,
the LPIM model also provides two-dimensional regional VTEC
maps based on a thin shell approximation of the ionosphere as
well as a spherical harmonic expansion on a solar-fixed coordi- Data
nate system.
The sampling rate for all cases studied in this paper was the In this study we analyzed four different networks; the analyzed
typical CORS sampling rate: 30 s 共Spofford and Weston 1998兲. days correspond to geomagnetic nonperturbed conditions 共Kp
The second step is to estimate STEC for the receiver of un- index never exceeded three兲 and years near the solar cycle maxi-
known coordinates, using a linear interpolation with an inclined mum 共2002 and 2003兲. These networks have been carefully se-
plane 共Wübbena et al. 1996兲 based on the STEC of each calcu- lected to guarantee good a priori coordinate values and high
lated line reference station to satellite. For a review of different quality receivers with all the required observables 共P1, P2, L1,
interpolation algorithms used with multiple reference stations, see and L2兲. In order to analyze the improvements achieved with the
Dai et al. 共2001兲. In this study, instead of using the station hori- use of the technique, networks have been chosen to contain four
zontal coordinates, the horizontal coordinates of the sub- double frequency stations, one of which was used as the unknown
ionospheric points 共the intersection points between the ray path position receiver. Table 1 lists the studied networks, which are
and the ionosphere, assumed as an infinitesimal single layer at a also graphically presented in Fig. 1.
height of 450 km兲 are taken into account for interpolation, as in
Wanninger 共1995兲 and Odijk et al. 共2000兲. In order to account for
the different elevation angles of each ray path, the estimated Results
STEC is transformed into VTEC using a simple mapping function
based on the assumption that there is an infinitesimal ionospheric This section summarizes the main results obtained. Three pro-
layer at a height of 450 km cessing methodologies were used: L1 data, L1 data with the cor-


J. Surv. Eng., 2007, 133(1): 1-5

Table 1. Analyzed Networks Including the Length of the Used Baseline Table 2. RMS Errors in Meters for the Ionospheric Free Linear
and Distance from the Rover Receiver to the Nearest Station in the Combination 共L3兲, L1 Noncorrected Observations 共L1兲, and L1 LPIM
Network Corrected Observations 共LPIM兲 Differential Positioning Results
Nearest Improvement
Reference Roving Days under Baseline station Network RMS L3 LPIM L1 共%兲
Network stations receiver analysis 共km兲 共km兲
Europe1 North 0.053 0.323 0.280 −15.1
Europe 1 Brus Lama Pots June 20, 626 300 June 20, 2002 East 0.049 0.349 0.415 16.0
Gope 2002 Height 0.248 3.221 0.453 −611.4
Europe 2 Gope Pots Wroc June 20, 209 209 Europe 2 North 0.045 0.046 0.266 82.6
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Bogo 2002
June 20, 2002 East 0.108 0.068 0.166 59.1
Dominican Bara Sped Lveg December 2–4, 127 90
Height 0.220 0.147 0.401 63.4
Republic Srod 2003
Dominican Republic North 0.019 0.036 0.163 77.8
California Ppt1 Ohln Chab December 3, 64 34
Mhcb 2003 December 2, 2003 East 0.012 0.048 0.237 79.6
Height 0.043 0.130 0.238 45.3
Dominican Republic North 0.030 0.044 0.120 63.2
December 3, 2003 East 0.015 0.036 0.188 80.6
rections provided by the presented technique and the ionospheric
Height 0.087 0.181 0.235 22.9
free linear combination 共L3兲.
Dominican Republic North 0.023 0.054 0.167 67.8
Table 2 shows the root-mean-square errors 共RMS兲 for each
December 4, 2003 East 0.017 0.047 0.184 74.3
baseline and position component 共north, east, height兲 calculated
with Height 0.092 0.215 0.513 58.2

California North 0.134 0.134 0.199 32.7
N December 2, 2003 East 0.101 0.079 0.088 9.4
兺 共xi − x0兲2 Height 0.109 0.188 0.235 19.8
i=1 Note: Percentage improvements of the presented technique are also
rms = 共4兲 included. La Plata ionospheric model=LPIM.
Where xi represents each position component 共north, east,
height兲 obtained after differential positioning 共from L1 direct ob- ionospheric error was greatly reduced, mainly in the horizontal
servations, L1 LPIM corrected observations and ionospheric free components, which show an improvement of approximately 60%
linear combination兲 and x0 is its “real” value 共calculated by dif- and greater.
ferent geodetic institutions with IGS standards that provided an The technique was also successful for the third network as it
accuracy below 1 cm兲; N is the total number of epochs taken into mitigated great part of the ionospheric effect. This fact is more
account for each day, component and solution, this is, those that evident in the horizontal components for which, in the central
met the established criteria 共a minimum of five satellites in view hours, a systematic southwest trend was visible for the noncor-
with an elevation above 20°兲. rected L1 data 共consistent with a reduction of the baseline length兲
It can be clearly seen that for the 626 km baseline, the pre- which was eliminated when employing the LPIM corrected L1
sented technique was not adequate. At this baseline length, the observations. Improvements range from 14% to 72% depending
ionospheric delay is spatially decorrelated; the distance between on the component and day under analysis. Nevertheless, for the
the reference stations is too long and the interpolation scheme fourth network, the presented methodology did not report such a
does not work. In the second case, with a shorter baseline, the great improvement. Strictly speaking, this result is related to the
length of the baseline, which is so short that the ionospheric re-
sidual delay after simple differentiation of observations is very
small. This error was then not significantly reduced with the
present methodology.

Error of the Technique and the Ionospheric

Differential Effect
As the unknown position receiver was a double frequency re-
ceiver, differences between STEC estimated with the interpola-
tion methodology presented here have been compared with the
STEC directly obtained from the LPIM model. These residuals
are considered as the error of the technique for the STEC estima-
tion in each line receiver k to satellite s for each epoch 共errsk兲
errsk = STECsk − STECsk 共5兲
where STECsk is the interpolated STEC between receiver s and
satellite k, and STECsk the corresponding LPIM calculated STEC.
Similarly, the residuals between the STEC obtained with the
LPIM model for the receiver of unknown coordinates 共STECsk兲
and the STEC calculated at the reference station 共STECrs兲 can be
Fig. 1. Analyzed networks regarded as the ionospheric effect in differential positioning 共effsk兲


J. Surv. Eng., 2007, 133(1): 1-5

Table 3. Root-Mean-Square Values in Total Electron Content Units for the vertical one. The absolute improvements tend to show similar
the Technique’s Error Estimating the STEC and for the Ionospheric values for horizontal and vertical components but as vertical
Differential Effect root-mean-square errors for the L1 solution are bigger for the
Network Day Error Effect vertical component, this component is less improved in a percent-
age sense.
Europe 1 June 20, 2002 1.25 4.00
From the results obtained we can conclude that the presented
Europe 2 June 20, 2002 0.56 1.40
methodology is quite successful, showing an improvement of
Dominican Republic December 2, 2003 0.52 1.28
over 50% in most cases. It should be noted, though, that the
Dominican Republic December 3, 2003 0.68 1.09 technique must be restricted to baselines ranging from one hun-
Dominican Republic December 4, 2003 0.57 1.41 dred to three hundred kilometers for middle geomagnetic latitudes
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California December 2, 2003 0.68 0.94 共between 30 and 60°兲.

effsk = STECrs − STECsk 共6兲

Table 3 lists the root-mean-square error of the technique and
the ionospheric differential effect, taking into account all satellites The writers would like to thank the reviewers for their comments
in view for each day under analysis. For the first network, the and suggestions, which have been a great help in improving the
square root error in the STEC estimation 共1.25 TECU兲 is greater manuscript.
than for any other analyzed network 共under 0.68 TECU兲, confirm-
ing that, in this case, the methodology is not adequate, the base-
line is too long and the interpolation method fails. However, for Notation
the fourth network located in California. The differential iono-
spheric effect is lower than for any other analyzed network, and The following symbols are used in this paper:
quite close to the error of the technique. Due to this, the presented E ⫽ elevation angle;
technique does not provide much improvement for short f 1 ⫽ GPS L1 carrier frequency 共1575.42 MHz兲;
baselines. f 2 ⫽ GPS L2 carrier frequency 共1227.60 MHz兲;
H ⫽ height of the infinitesimal ionospheric layer in the
thin sell approximation;
Conclusions N ⫽ total number of data for each day that met the
established criteria;
This study presented a technique which allows the extension of RT ⫽ Earth radius;
differential positioning with a roving single frequency receiver for xi ⫽ position component obtained after differential
baselines whose length amounts to a few hundred kilometers. In positioning;
this way, users with a low cost receiver can obtain decimeter x0 ⫽ “real” position component value;
accuracy even in areas with poor reference station coverage. Nev- ⌬I ⫽ differential ionospheric delay;
ertheless, there are limitations for the application of the technique. ⌬N ⫽ differential carrier phase ambiguity;
On the one hand, as the interpolation error grows with the dis- ␣ ⫽ constant with value 40.3 m−3 s−2 relating ionospheric
tance between stations, the methodology is not adequate when the delay to STEC;
maximum distance between stations in the network exceeds ␾1 ⫽ carrier phase measurement on GPS L1;
600 km 共maximum distance between station is approximately ␾2 ⫽ carrier phase measurement on GPS L2;
540 km in the Europe 2 network, while it is well over 1100 km in ␾4 ⫽ carrier phase geometry-free linear combination;
the Europe 1 network兲. The ionospheric spatial correlation is ␶R ⫽ receiver inter-frequency bias; and
greatly reduced, which makes it impossible to obtain a good ␶S ⫽ satellite inter-frequency bias.
STEC interpolation, an essential step for the improvement of the
differential positioning. This superior limit will also depend on
the region where the network is placed. On the other hand, there References
is a lower limit for the application of the technique. For short
baselines, such as the fourth network 共64 km long兲, the method- Brunini, C., Meza, A., Azpilicueta, F., VanZele, M. A., Meza, A., Gende,
ology does not report a significant improvement as the residual M., and Daz, A. 共2004兲. “A new ionospheric monitoring technology
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greater improvement for the horizontal components when com- perturbed ionospheric representation according the electron content
pared to the vertical one. This can be seen by comparing from GPS signals.” J. Geophys. Res., [Space Phys.], 108共A2兲, 1056.
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J. Surv. Eng., 2007, 133(1): 1-5

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