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Prafful Bhansali

Age : 22 Years Phone : +91- 8286355363

Nationality: Indian Email id:

Year Qualification Institute CGPA/ %

2012 -2016 B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) IIT Bombay 8.54/10
2012 -2016 Minor (Computer Science) IIT Bombay 7.4/10
2012 XII, CBSE Samrat Public School, Ajmer 92.20
2010 X, CBSE Maheshwari Public School, Ajmer 9.8/10


Opera Solutions, Big Data and Analytics, Noida [JUN ’16-till date]
Analytics Specialist
- Worked on delivery of data driven software products for predictive modelling and business insights
Project: Operation Clean Money, A government of India Project to identify tax evaders [Feb ’17 – till date]
 Used PMGKY and Post demonetization data to identify High Risk Individuals using XGBoost and KNN
 Results being used by Income Tax department to send notices and recover unpaid taxes
Project: Market value prediction of second hand cars using KNN based model [Jun ’16 – Feb ‘17]
 Achieved using a self learning model based on K- Nearest Neighbours and Kalman filters
 Generated an average incremental profit of USD200 per vehicle for the client

University of Michigan, USA [May '15 - Jul '15]
Asphaltene size distribution | Guide: Prof. H. Scott Fogler
 Processed images of asphaltenes and analyzed the particle size distribution using ImageJ software
 Reviewed the 5th edition of Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering by Prof. H. Scott Fogler
 Received letter of recommendation and acknowledgement in the book
64 Squares, Data Analytics, Pune [Dec '14]
Development of Analytics Platform
 Incorporated new features in a platform for sales analysis of clients using PHP
 Implemented an algorithm for word separation from a string in R , reduced running time from 10s to 3s

 Awarded the Institute Academic Prize (IIT Bombay) for the year 2013-2014
 Secured Department Rank 1 in the autumn semester (Jul '13-Nov '13) among 118 students


Discrete Log Project | Guide: Prof. Virendra R. Sule, EE Dept., IIT Bombay [Mar '15]
 Computed the discrete log using baby step giant step algorithm with Pohlig hellman reduction
 Implemented the algorithm in SAGE which computed the discrete log of 20-digit number in 0.1s
D - Mart Problem | Guide: Prof. Ganesh Ramakrishnan, CSE Dept., IIT Bombay [Mar '14-Apr '14]
 Designed and implemented efficient data structures to keep track of number of products
 Data structures were chosen depending on the relative number of searches, addition and purchase.

 Programming Language and Software: C, C++, Python, R, Java, OpenFOAM, ANSYS Fluent, Aspen Plus
 Key Courses: Data Structures, Analysis of Algorithms, Linear Regression, Linear Algebra, Probability

 Runner-up in Chem-o-philia, 2015 a national level chemical engineering quiz competition
 Created awareness and raised funds for HelpAge India, NGO

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