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During cargo operations at port, the company received a complaint from the terminal
that upon returning from shore, some crewmembers from Chem Venus were found
intoxicated and misbehaving whilst passing the terminal gates.

After being notfied by the company, the Master carried out alcohol test for all crew
and 3 crewmembers tested positively, which is a violation of the company policy. A
cabin search was then conducted; one full bottle of Bacardi Rum was found in crew
cabin and in another cabin one empty bottle of wine was found.

The Company has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy regarding illegal Alcohol and drug use.
The use, possession, or distribution of Alcohol and illegal drugs is prohibited and will
absolutely not be tolerated. A positive Alcohol / drug test will be conclusive evidence
of prohibited Alcohol /drug use.

As an immediate action the following persons were dismissed under breach of

contract due to violation of the Company’s Drug and Alcohol policy:
1. BSN - Suterdhar, Balbir Singh
2. WPR – Komara, Madhu
3. MSM – Vagrumekar, Rajendra Vassu

Furthermore, the following actions will be taken:

1. The crewmembers will bear all the cost of repatriation including for his own
2. The crewmembers will not be re-employed with ASM or any of the group
3. An official complaint will be filed against these crewmembers and send to the
flag state. The flag state will take disciplinary actions by revoking the flag state
4. An official complaint will be sent to the manning agent.

Reminding all crew:

1. Officers, crew members, family members, or shore staff visiting / joining the
ship are not allowed to bring alcohol or drugs on board the ships.
2. Consumption of alcohol is not allowed on board of Tankers.

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3. All personnel sign an acceptance letter that the D&A policy is well understood
and consequences of not following the policy are understood.
4. Violation of the alcohol and drug policy will lead to immediate termination of
your contract and costs for repatriation and relievers will be for the account of
the violator.

Besides of safety hazards and violation of the company policy, above case is giving the
company a bad exposure and can lead to commercial ban of the vessel by oil majors.

Therefore, the company sees no other option than to strenghten its barriers in order
to avoid breach of our company drug and alcohol policy.

On top of the already existing procedures the following procedures will be enforced
with immediate effect.

New crewmembers and crew upon returning from shore shall:

1. Allow the gangway watch to search his baggage for the possesion of alcohol /
drugs and relevant records are kept in the visitor logbook.

2. Pass the CCR where an alcohol test will be performed by the OOW witnessed
by a crewmember on watch. Records will be kept for occasional review by office.

3. The Master who is approving each shore leave shall warn the crewmember
about the D&A policy and the consequence of not comlying with the policy.

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Dear Master/Chief Officer/Chief Engineer/1ST Engineer,

Please  to confirm and return a scanned copy by email


Ref: SA_01_2018

Subject: Multiple Violations of Alcohol Policy

 Received, studied and filed (bulletin board) Safety Alert 01/2018.

 Confirm that each crewmember joining the vessel will be searched for
possession of alcohol/ drug and records are kept.

 Confirm that each crewmember joining the vessel will pass the CCR for a
breath alcohol test carried out by the OOW in presence of duty A/B.

 Summary of the meeting will be completed and reported back to office in

designated form in additional safety meeting held before 25th of February 2018

------------------------------ ------------------------------
Full Name of Master Signature of Master

------------------------------ -----------------------------
Full Name of Chief Officer Signature of Chief Officer

------------------------------ -----------------------------
Full Name of Chief Engineer Signature of Chief Engineer

------------------------------ -----------------------------
Full Name of 1ST Engineer Signature of 1ST Engineer

----------------------------- -----------------------------
Date Received Vessel’s Stamp

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Handout and summary of the meeting

 You can also discuss the keywords below in order to determine onboard
areas/topics for increased awareness.

- Violation of company drug and alcohol policy

- New procedures in place with immediate effect.
- Consequences of violation

 What factors contributed for bad practices and lack of safety awareness causing
these incidents?

 Could some of the factors identified be present on board your ship?

 What would you suggest to improve the standards and awareness on board?

 What will I do in order to prevent this from happening to me o/b my vessel?

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