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Ajay Misrty (Android Developer)

- Make Application for live location map in google map from API
- Implement Google Map in UI
- Get Location (Latitude, Longitude) from Network Provider (without enable GPS and
Internet Connection) and show marker in Map
- Pass that Location getting from Network Provider in to API (continuous while
location of user will be changed or every fixed time interval)
- Project Status - Completed

EixTracker (React-Native):
- Design UI of App in React-Native (Login, Dashboard, Manage Task, Add Task, Delete
Task, Update Task, Daily/Incident Report, Add Report, Edit Report, Add Attachment,
Delete Report, add Report Note, Edit Report Note, View Report, Delete Report Note,
Forget Password, Reset Password, Change Password, View Attachment, View User
Profile, Edit User Profile, My Client List)
- Install following libraries for Components:
o npm install @types/react-native-vector-icons
 this library has rich collection of vector icons
o npm install react-native Nativemodule –save
 used for getting communication between Native and React-Native
o npm install react-native-event-bridge --save
 used for established bridge between native and React-Native for data
o npm install react-native Navigation –save
 used for navigate from one Activity to another Activity
o npm install react-native-photo-upload –save
 used for upload photo
o npm install --save react-native-textarea
 used for using multiline text input view
o npm install react-native-datepicker –save
 used for date picker from calendar
o npm install --save react-native-modal-datetime-picker
 used for time picker from clock
o npm install --save react-native-mediapicker
 used for pick media (photo or video) from gallery
o npm install react-native-customized-image-picker –save
 used for select multiple photo or video or combination of both
 also used for getting photo or video from camera
o npm i react-native-timeline-listview
 used for show timeline list
o npm install react-native-actionsheet --save
 used to show Bottom Sheet for select option
- implement API at Native side
o add client ID in add Report (in API as well as in UI Dropdown)
- access module as per user role (working)
- validation and show error on input components (working)
- view attachments and open image in popup and pinch to zoom (working)
- push completed code on BitBucket

- add decline button in Quote Module
- change drop down in vehicle details
- remove mileage field from Add Quote
- redirect from schedule dispatch to vehicle listing done
- redirect from quote confirm to vehicle listing done
- add new screen for view Dispatch Details on click of dispatch list cell
- add quick change option on bottom (map, status change, SMS, call, email, photos)
- add bottom sheet for instant status change in ViewDispatchDetail Page
- redirect to phone dialler screen while press call button done
- changes in Map (showing pin in Africa bay) is resolved
- map shows today's dispatch only done
- pull to refresh dispatch list and today's dispatch list done
- search with year-make-model and year-model-make done in vehicle listing as well as
dispatch listing
- Correct capitals on dispatch types (Bid, Auction, Drop Off, Block Out Time)
- Generate release apk and update on google play in Alpha testing

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