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Occupational Noise-induced Hearing Loss

Article  in  International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine · July 2010

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M H Azizi
Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences


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Occupational Noise-induced
Hearing Loss
MH Azizi

Academy of Medical Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a well-known entity in daily practice of otolaryngol-
Sciences of the IR Iran, ogy. A wide variety of NIHLs are work-related. Occupational noise is the most common cause
Tehran, Iran
of NIHL in adults which is up to now considered incurable and the best approach to it is to
utilize maximal protection. An effective noise exposure prevention program consists of iden-
working environments as well as performing periodic audiologic evaluation of those who are
based on the related data available on PubMed up to early 2010.

Keywords: Noise; Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced; Occupational Diseases

Introduction gram and in due course in 1939, Bunch

oise is considered as an “unwant- explained broadly the audiometric find-
ed sound”1 with various harmful ings of NIHL.2
effects on health. Noise-induced At global scale, the major cause of NIHL
hearing loss (NIHL) is an irreversible in adults is occupational noise3 which
damage of the cochlear hair cells of the in- seems to be currently increasing in devel-
ner ear. It may present as partial or total oping countries.
hearing loss and its severity depends pri-
Occupations at risk
marily on duration of noise exposure and
sound intensity. Noise production has raised parallel with
The history of occupational NIHL the industrial growth and technologic ad-
(ONIHL) probably dates back to many vancements and presently, many people
centuries ago, even though as Alberti stat- in the world are exposed to intermittent or
ed, it only became a major occupational continuous hazardous sound levels (>85
aural disorder after discovery of gunpow- dB) at their work environments.
der and has increased significantly after Many workers including those engaged
the Industrial Revolution. From audio- in heavy industry, factories, forge ham-
logical point of view, for the first time in mering, coal and ore mining, construction,
1886, Thomas Barr described the “boiler- cement plants, gas processing industry
Correspondence to maker’s deafness” related to shipbuilding. and mechanical engineering as well as
Mohammad-Hossein Then, the histological features of NIHL in mill and stationary machine device opera-
Azizi, MD, Otolaryn-
gologist, the organ of Corti of the inner ear were tors and workers at oil refineries are at risk
Academy of Medical
Sciences of the IR Iran, demonstrated by Haberman in 1890. Af- of occupational NIHL. For instance, in a
Tehran, Iran. terwards, Fowler described the character- metalworking company in Brazil, the rate
Tel: +98-212-293-9869,
E-mail: istic noise-induced 4 kHz notch on audio- of suggestive cases of NIHL was around

116 Vol 1 Number 3; July, 2010


M. H. Azizi

15.9%.4 In a similar survey studying NIHL One study showed that 36% of firefight-
among the US mine workers, the investi- ers had a moderate to severe SNHL at 3, 4,
gators found that certain pieces of equip- or 6 kHz.13 They were exposed to a harm-
ment in coal primary plants were the ful level of intermittent noise from sirens,
loudest sources of noise production.5 In air horns, engines of emergency vehicles
another investigation performed in Iran, and fire trucks.14
the audiometric assessment of the work- Railroad service employees including
ers in a textile plant who were occupied locomotive crew are also exposed to noise
in spinning and weaving units confirmed and at potential risk of developing ONI-
a significant increase in the prevalence of HL.15
high frequency sensorineural hearing loss Farmers may face occupational hearing
(SNHL).6 In another study on 384 workers loss for exposure to noise produced by ag-
at an oil refinery in Taiwan, the research- ricultural machineries. Concurrent expo-
ers showed that those workers who had sure to chemicals including solvents and
been exposed to noise for more than 15 pesticides may also potentiate their hear-
years had an increased hearing threshold ing impairment.16
shifts at high frequencies (i.e., 3, 4, and 6 The drivers and operators of heavy
kHz).7 trucks would be exposed to noise. In a re-
Civilian aviation started in the first cent study from Iran, it was shown that in
decades of the twentieth century.8 Flight professional drivers hearing impairment
crews, pilots, airline ramp employees, and appeared earlier at 4 and 8 kHz than lower
maintenance workers at airports are all frequencies.17
at potential risk of NIHL. In a study per- Hearing status of 200 traffic policemen
formed on full-time male workers working in Moscow was compared to that of 50 po-
at a large metropolitan airport in Korea, it licemen who had been working in offices.
was shown that occupational noise expo- The results revealed a higher prevalence of
sure, other risk factors (e.g., non-occupa- ONIHL in traffic policemen.18
tional noise exposure, history of pervious Among musicians, rock and roll devo-
ear diseases, taking ototoxic drugs, smok- tees are especially at risk of developing
ing and hypertension), and use of hearing ONIHL. Professional orchestral musicians
protective devices were significantly asso- also run the risk of developing ONIHL.19
ciated with hearing status of these work- In a study, players of the principal trum-
ers.9 In another study conducted in 2007, pet, first and third horns and principal
out of 609 pilots aged between 26 and 68 trombone were at the greatest risk of ex-
years, 431 (70.8%) had SNHL.10 posure to excessive continues noise, while
Military personnel including pilots the percussion and timpani players were
are exposed potentially to loud sounds. at the maximum exposure to excessive
Acoustic trauma may occur during mili- peak noise levels.20
tary service due to impulse or blast wave In the past few decades, the occurrence
noise exposure.11 The prevalence of hear- of ONIHL in dentists has been discussed
ing loss in an army aircrew was reported in the literature. For instance, Bail and
in 1996 by Owen. The study revealed that coworkers reported the shifts of hearing
those aircrew with more than ten years of thresholds at 4 and 6 kHz in a group of
flying experience had a hearing threshold dentists.21 Other studies also confirmed
shift correlated with their age and number the problem of early hearing loss among
of years of flying.12 dentists which is caused by high-speed air  Vol 1 Number 3; July, 2010 117


Noise-induced Hearing Loss

Rose and colleagues confirmed the

popular sport of stock car racing as a po-
tentially significant source of noise expo-
●● Noise-induced hearing loss is an irre- sure. They found that the peak sound level
versible damage of the cochlear hair six meters away from the track was 109 dB,
cells of the inner ear. which was higher than permissible sound
●● Occupational noise is the most com- Another study showed that several or-
mon cause of noise-induced hearing thopedic instruments produced sound lev-
lossin adults. els between 95 and 106 dB with potential
risk of developing NIHL.28
●● Tinnitus as an occupational noise-
induced symptom should always be Symptoms
considered in those with noise-in-
duced hearing loss. Besides to SNHL which is caused by pro-
longed noise exposure, the association of
●● Exposure to noise of pregnant wom- NIHL and tinnitus is fully described in the
en at working places may affect the literature and it has been shown that tin-
hearing of their unborn children. nitus would be increased with progression
of noise-induced auditory damage. The
severity of tinnitus depends on age and
turbines.22 duration of noise exposure.29 In case of
In a 12-year prospective study carried occupational noise exposure, many tinni-
out on hearing thresholds of 477 profes- tus sufferers probably remain undetected.
sional divers in Norway, the investigator Therefore, tinnitus as an occupational
found a correlation between hearing im- noise-induced symptom should always be
pairment and diving. In that study, hear- considered in those with NIHL.30
ing loss was noticed at frequencies of 4
and 8 kHz.23 Moreover, permanent bi- Risk Factors
lateral SNHL has been demonstrated in
professional scuba divers.24 Barotrauma, Rheumatoid arthritis and
decompression sickness and noise are re- diabetes mellitus
garded as the main causes of hearing loss Employees with rheumatoid arthritis
among different diving groups.23 or diabetes mellitus who are working in
The problem of noise exposure in em- noisy environments are at a higher risk of
ployees of a hospital kitchen has been developing NIHL.31
reported in a study; the author recom-
mended metal-to-metal contact must be Chemical substances
reduced as much as possible and hearing
Hazardous effect of noise on hearing may
protectors should be provided to employ-
be potentiated by concurrent exposure to
ees working in the dishwashing room until
ototoxic or non-ototoxic chemical sub-
proper control is applied.25
stances. For instance, it has been shown
The researchers in Denmark assessed
that exposure to low to moderate levels
the hearing loss among the seafarers and
of carbon monoxide or hydrogen cyanide
fishermen and reported that hearing loss
can increase the likelihood of developing
was a common problem among the work-
NIHL.32 In another study, the role of ex-
ers of the engine rooms of ships.26
posure to organophosphate pesticides as a

118  Vol 1 Number 3; July, 2010


M. H. Azizi

risk factor for developing hearing loss in tioning factory in southern China, 2400
those farmers who were simultaneously workers who were exposed to noise were
exposed to noise has been discussed.33 evaluated. The authors reported that heat
The relationship of toxic solvents in exposure may act as a risk factor in devel-
car paints and risk of developing hearing opment of SNHL.41
loss associated with occupational expo-
sure to moderate noise intensity has also Hyperlipidemia
been reported. The author pointed out the Although it is suggested that the serum tri-
possible synergistic destructive effects on glyceride level of workers exposed to high
the cochlear hair cells in the inner ear of level of noise be meticulously controlled
exposure to toxic solvents in car paints to lessen the risk of NIHL,42 further large
and moderate exposure to occupational scale studies are needed to make this as-
noise.34 The harmful effect of exposure sociation more clear.
to industrial metals such as mercury on
sensory perceptions of workers including Noise intensity and frequency range
their auditory sense has also been report-
In a study carried out on the workers in-
volved in steel mills, lumber mills and
marble shops exposing to noise levels >85
Ototoxic drugs
dB, the authors concluded that noise in-
Taking ototoxic drugs and working simul- tensity, regardless of its frequency range,
taneously at the noisy work places would was a possible independent risk factor for
increase the risk of developing NIHL. The developing hearing loss.43
synergistic ototoxic effects of concurrent
exposure to noise and taking aminoglyco- Diagnosis
sides has been discussed earlier.36
As ONIHL is incurable, its early detection
and rehabilitation are highly recommend-
Smoking and age
ed. No specific otologic or exclusive audio-
Smoking may enhance the development of metric findings can be detected in those
ONIHL.37 The effect of smoking on devel- with NIHL,44 thus, accurate history taking
opment of NIHL in 504 workers in a large and audiometry are of paramount impor-
wagon manufacturing company exposed tance in making the correct diagnosis of
to risky noise level (>85 dB) was investi- ONIHL. The earliest audiometric finding
gated. The results revealed a higher preva- is SNHL involving mainly the 4 kHz fre-
lence of hearing loss in smoker workers in quency.45,46 Differentiating NIHL from
comparison to non-smokers.38 other conditions needs a complete otolog-
Researchers showed that after the age ic evaluation.47 High frequency audiomet-
of 40 years, there was an additive interac- ric notches may be seen in those who did
tion between smoking and development not have any history of exposure to high
of NIHL at high frequencies, mostly at 8 level of noise. Therefore, though history of
kHz.39 It has been shown that age was an noise exposure is an important clue in the
important factor for development of NIHL, diagnosis of NIHL, all workers, regardless
particularly among those workers exposed of their exposure history, should undergo
to noise levels below 98 dB.40 regular audiometry to detect NIHL as ear-
ly as possible.48
In a case-control study in an air condi-  Vol 1 Number 3; July, 2010 119


Noise-induced Hearing Loss

Prevention senior manager and the capability of

middle managers (chiefly in produc-
For decades, many controlling legislations
tion and engineering sectors) are re-
on NIHL have been passed worldwide
especially in the industrialized countries,
•  The level of noise exposure over spe-
nonetheless, as Thorne, et al, pointed out
cific time periods should be measured
despite this endeavor “the current strate-
by dosimeters.57
gies seems to be unsuccessful or insuffi-
•  Performing periodic hearing appraisal
ciently implemented or both.”47 In order
in those who are exposed to excessive
to lower the risk of ONIHL, the following
sounds is crucial for early detection
remarks should be considered in a suc-
and prevention of ONIHL.58
cessful hearing conservation program:
•  Exposure to noise of pregnant women
•  Engineering controlling means should
at working places may affect the hear-
be instituted to decrease the number of
ing of their unborn children. The low
sources of noise production49 and to re-
frequencies of hearing of unborn chil-
duce the level of noise produced.3
dren are more affected.59
•  Providing free of charge, hearing pro-
As the ONIHL seems to be a prevalent
tective devices for employees working
occupational disorder in Iran due to in-
at noisy environments is essential.49
dustrial growth and technologic advance-
Training of workers, especially for
ments during the last few decades, the fol-
lower skilled ones, to use these devices
lowing major points should be considered.
correctly is very important.49 Long-
Further detailed studies on various as-
term application of such protective
pects of ONIHL are required at national
devices depends mostly on comfort of
level. To the best of my knowledge, the
the worker and it plays a major role in
information on the level of occupational
its acceptance and effective wearing.50
noise exposure and statistics of the associ-
Rosborg showed that permanent use of
ated hearing impairment in Iran are scarce
hearing protective devices was associ-
which warrants conduction of further sci-
ated with good preservation of hear-
entific studies on this issue. Furthermore,
ing,51 nevertheless, the efficacy of these
employees and workers should be given
devices mostly depends on their prop-
adequate training in noise, its dangers and
er use.52 It is also reported that 68%
preventive measures.
of workers did not utilize any hearing
Implementation of proper rules and
protective devices in noisy working
regulations by responsible health authori-
ties is mandatory. Historically, the activity
•  The health care authorities should
pertaining to the safety of workers and the
make an effort to reduce noise produc-
occupational health standards has been
tion in industry to the permissible ex-
started in Iran since 1946. Then, some
posure level (i.e., <85 dB).54 In addition,
rules and regulations were approved and
the recommended work schedule for
the Labor Inquiry General Administration
those working in noisy environments
(Edareh-e Koll-e Bazrasi-e Kar) became
is working a 12-hour shift followed by
in charge of safety measures at work. Af-
a day off.55
terwards, in 1984, the Ministry of Health
•  In order to implement the hearing con-
took this duty over. Finally, the agenda
servation measures as well as special-
was revised in 1991 and the Ministry of
ist technical knowledge of noise and
Health and Medical Education became the
the related legislation, headship of the

120  Vol 1 Number 3; July, 2010


M. H. Azizi

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