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Retno Ariza S Soemarwoto1, Marisa Anggraini2, Hetti Rusmini2, Sidik Rahman Hakim2
Departemen of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Lampung
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati
Background: Smoking is an activity that have been main and biggest cause of death in
society and difficult to prevent. Motives or driving factors for why children smoke are
friend factors, personal factors, family factors, and advertising factors. Adolescent attitudes
are shaped by the role of the family which includes family structure, family smoking
behavior and family upbringing. Objective: Knowing the influence of the family on the
smoking behavior of elementary students in Bandar Lampung City in 2019. Methods: This
research was in the form of observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The
sample of this study was 901 students obtained using cluster sampling. Data analysis using
chi square. Results: There was a significant relationship between family smoking
behaviour towards smoking behaviour of students p = 0.003. There was a relationship
between family structure and family parent care on smoking behaviour of students with
their respective values namely p = 1,000 and p = 0.069). Conclusion: There was a
relationship between family smoking behavior and smoking behavior. However, there is no
relationship between the integrity of the family structure and permissive family caring for
smoking behavior. Keywords: Smoking, family structure, family smoking behavior,
family upbringing.

INTRODUCTION Taryaka and Hurriyati found that
the motives or driving factors for why
Smoking is the main and biggest children smoke are friend factors,
causes of the death in society wich personal factors, family factors, and
difficult to prevent. Cigarettes can kill advertising factors (Taryaka &
up to half of the users, even more than 7 Hurriyati, 2011). In addition, Komasari
million people was die each year by and Helmi found that three factors
smoking. (World Health Organization, causing smoking behavior in
2017). adolescents were psychological
World Health Organization satisfaction, parental permissiveness
(WHO)estimates that there are at least towards adolescent smoking behavior,
346 million smokers in the world with and peer influence (Komasari & Helmi,
amount of children aged 13-15 years 2000).
estimated at around 25 million children. Family plays a strategic role in
In the Association of South East Asia shaping the attitudes of adolescents,
Nations (ASEAN), the countries with especially parents. Parents are role
the highest adolescent smokers are models for children, deep interactions
Timor Leste with 15.7% followed by between parents and children, giving
Butha with 14.0% then Indonesia birth to similar characters. So that
occupies the third position with 11.5% families who have smoking behavior
(WHO, 2017). will influence the smoking behavior of
Based on data from the Riset adolescents (Kustanto, 2015).
Kesehatan Dasar 2013(Riskesdas), the Control and supervision require
proportion of smokers in Indonesia has the role of parents to apply the right
been alarming. There are smokers who parenting style for their children. The
smoke from an early age, namely age 5- right style of parenting done by parents
9 years at 0.7%; 10-14 years old at will have an impact on the behavior of
9.5%; age of 15-19 years is 50.3%; age children to adulthood. Father's role,
of 20-24 years is 26.7%; age of 25-29 especially in father's permissive
years is 7.6%; and ≥ 30 years old at parenting style, influences the desire for
5.2% (RI Kementerian Kesehatan, smoking in children (Husna & Hastuti,
2013). In addition, WHO also states that 2015).
in Indonesia there are 25.6% of smokers The integrity of the family can
aged 10-11 years, 10.9% of smokers also influence the desire to smoke
aged 8-9 even there are smokers aged because there is a vacancy that will
less than 7 years as much as 8.9% cause children to become less attentive
(WHO, 2014). and less in control (Septiana et al.,
According to the Riskesdas of 2016). Family structure can affect
Lampung Province in 2007 it was stated children's development. Children from
in Lampung Province that smokers aged divorced parents have a risk twice as
10 years and over were 28.8% with 90% likely to behave naughty than children
smoking inside the house. The highest who come from intact families.
percentage was found in Tanggamus Teenagers who do not live with both
District 33.6% followed by West parents also have a risk of smoking
Lampung 33.3%, and Bandar Lampung (Loke, 2013).
City 24.8% (RI Ministry of Health,
2009). METHOD

The design of this study is Elementary Schools in Bandar
analytic observative with cross sectional Lampung City, spread across 20 sub-
approach. The population used is districts. Data were obtained by
elementary school students in the distributing questionnaires containing
Bandar Lampung city in 2019, there questions about students' smoking
was 94,796 students in 177 elementary behavior, family structure, family
schools which are divided into 20 sub- smoking behavior, family upbringing.
districts. This research was conducted during
The number of samples used in January 2019.
this study were 900 samples, which
were calculated based on formulas RESULTS
(Notoatmodjo, 2010). The sampling Characteristics of the samples can
technique used is cluster sampling. This be seen in table 1.
research was conducted in 20

Tabel 1. Characteristics of the samples (n=899)
No Demographic N %
1 Sex
Male 475 52,8
Female 424 47,2
2 Age
10 18 2,0
11 462 51,4
12 346 38,5
13 60 6,7
14 11 1,2
15 2 0,2

Table 1 shows that the highest age that the majority of respondents were
of respondents was at the age of 11 male as many as 475 (52.8%).
years, namely 462 (51.4%), where the Respondents' smoking behavior,
youngest age was 10 years and the family structure, family smoking
oldest was 15 years. Table 1 also shows behavior and family upbringing in this
study can be seen in table 2 below:
Tabel 2. Variables Distribution and Frequency (N=899)
No Variable N %
1 Respondents' Smoking Behavior
Smoking 456 50,7
Not Smoking 443 49,3

2 Family Smoking Behavior

Smoking 736 81,9
Not Smoking 163 18,1

3 Family Upbringing
Permisive 55 6,1
Non-Permisive 844 93,9

4 Family Structure
Non-Intact Family 72 8,0
Intact Family 827 92,0
Based on Table 2, that the many as 844 (93.9%) and family
smoking behavior of the majority of structures owned by respondents the
respondents is in the smoking category, majority in the whole family category
which is 456 people (50.7%). In this were 827 (92.0%).
study the smoking behavior of From the results of the chi square
respondents was divided into categories analysis, it was found that the variables
of Smoking and No Smoking. of family smoking behavior were
In Table 2, that the majority of related to students' smoking behavior (p
respondents have a family with smoking <0.05). Whereas for family structure
behavior as much as 736 smoking variables and family upbringing are all
categories (81.9) and family care not related to students' smoking
patterns obtained by the majority of behavior (p> 0.05). For more details can
respondents are Non-Permissive as be seen in table 3.

Tabel 3. Family Influence on Smoking Behavior (n=899)

Smoking Behavior
NO Family Factors Smoking Not Smoking p
N(%) N(%)
1. Family Smoking Behavior
Smoking 391(50,1%) 345(46,9%)
Not Smoking 65 (39,9) 98(60,1)

2. Family Upbringing
Permisive 35(63,6%) 20(39,4%)
Non-Permisive 421(49,9%) 423(50,1%)

3. Family Structure
Non-Intact Family 37(51,4%) 35(48,6%) 1,000
Inctact Family 419(46,7) 408(49,3%)
DISCUSSION generation to generation. The majority
of family heads in Indonesia have a
There are many reasons that smoking behavior, besides that male
trigger the emergence of students' family members who are considered
smoking behavior. In general, smoking mature enough such as older siblings,
behavior is a function of the uncles or grandfathers have similar
environment and individuals. That is, habits so smoking behavior is
smoking behavior is caused by internal considered normal for adult men. In the
factors, not only caused by elementary school group, which
environmental factors. included the early adolescents who had
Family Smoking Behavior a great desire to know the taste of
cigarettes, supported by the smoking
The chi square test results of behavior of the father and siblings, they
family smoking variables with smoking would make the students smoked
behavior showed relationships between (Wulan, 2012).
family smoking behavior with smoking
behavior (p = 0.003), where as many as
50.1% of students from smokers
families had smoking behavior. This
shows students with smokers families, Family Upbringing
such as father smoker, one brother of oe
one of the family members who behaves The chi square test results of
smoking, then will had the risk of family parenting variables with smoking
smoking behavior. behavior showed no relationship
The results of this study are between family structure and smoking
supported by research conducted by behavior (p = 0.066), where only 35
Wahyudi (2014) who found that the (63,6%) of students who came from
majority of parents of smokers had families with permissive parenting had
children who had a smoking habit of smoking behavior. This shows that
36.9%. So there is a relationship students with permissive family care
between parents of smokers and have no risk of smoking behavior.
smoking habits in children. Another The results of this study are in line
supportive research result is the results with the results of research conducted
of research from Andrade (2017) which by Pramintari, Hastuti and Djamaludin
found that respondents with mothers or (2013) on high school students who
fathers of smokers had 2.0 and 2.5 times showed that there was no significant
more risk of becoming smokers. relationship between the role of parents
This is in line with the theory put both parents' parenting style and
forward by Durkin and Helmi cited by parental example with adolescent
Wahyudi (2014) that the concept of the cigarette consumption behavior.
first socialization developed from However, the results of this
sociology and social psychology which study are different from the results of
is a process of transmitting values, research conducted by Kharie (2014)
belief systems, attitudes and behaviors which shows that the type of parenting
from previous generations to that is most widely applied by parents to
generations after that. children is permissive parenting. In
Smoking in the family is a serious addition, another study from Husna and
problem, because it occurs from Hastuti (2015) found a significant
relationship (p <0.05) between father's
role especially in the father's permissive attitudes and behavior. But with the
parenting style (r = 0.364, p <0.05) with presence of communication and giving
the smoking tendency of students. good attention to students it will provide
In fact the results of this study good control for students. The
indicate that there is no relationship application of family communication
between family caring for adolescent patterns as a form of interaction
smoking behavior which can be caused between parents and children and
by the adolescent's internal factors, between family members has
namely self-esteem, self-control, and implications for the child's emotional
self-efficacy. Teenagers who have self- development process (Setyowati, 2005).
esteem, self-control, and self-efficacy
tend not to be involved (Pramintari, CONCLUSION
2013). The results showed a correlation
Famiy Structure between family smoking behavior and
smoking behavior in elementary school
Family structure, especially non- students in Bandar Lanpung City in
intact families is one of the factors in 2019. However, there was no
the occurrence of smoking behavior in relationship between family structure
students (Septiana, 2016). Family is a and family upbringing with smoking
very influential environment for behavior in elementary school students
children's development. Place for in Bandar Lampung City in 2019.
planting values and norms and Suggestions for parents not to
establishing behavior in children. consume cigarettes in front of their
Without a complete family structure, children and to supervise with non-
there can be a vacancy that results in the permissive parenting so that the level of
emergence of smoking behavior in control of students' smoking behavior
children. can be monitored so as not to enter into
Chi square test results of family smoking behavior. In addition, if the
structure variables with smoking family structure turns out not to be
behavior showed no relationship intact, it is hoped that it will continue to
between family structure and smoking provide good attention and
behavior (p = 1,000), where only 8.1% communication for the development of
of students from non-intact families had children's behavior.
smoking behavior. This shows that
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