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Minutes of Democrats Abroad Guatemala

Executive Committee meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 12:00 noon

Via Skype
Members in Attendance: John Chudy, Chair; Mary Lou Ridinger, Vice Chair; Kee
Adams Evans, Events Coordinator; Dave Evans, Acting Treasurer; Juan Pablo Aris,
Counsel; Scotney Young, Media Contact.

Call to order: 12:20 pm

Approval of Agenda and Minutes: May meeting minutes and June Agenda approved.
Treasurer’s report: Acting Treasurer, Dave Evans, reported that Q4901 that he received
from Tom Totino remains DAGT’s balance on hand. Additionally, Q345 have been
donated anonymously to cover production costs of the first run of DAGT Bumper Stickers.
Chair’s Report: The chair will prepare and send out an email recruiting volunteers to fill
the offices of Treasurer and Secretary. As these are elected positions, DAGT bylaws
Article XVII: Vacancies will be applied to volunteers appointed on a temporary basis. The
same email will also address the still vacant MeetUp Group chair for Guatemala City.
Events for 2019: Film Series, ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ will be shown on July 17th. Promotional
emails and FB posts will be sent out once Casa Convento Concepción is confirmed for the
date and time. Matewan likely will be shown in August. Kee will propose dates for
Matewan, Green Book and To Kill a Mockingbird.
Debate Watch Party: (in two parts) June 26 & 27, will be hosted by Kee and Dave at
their home in Antigua. It will be a potluck. A promotional email and FB post will go out
soon. A short “Who won the debate” survey will be taken after the debate each night.
Scotney will attempt a parallel FB-based survey for those members who do not attend the
debate watch party.
July 4th Sundowner with Fireworks. The event will go forward based on Kee’s email
survey in early June that generated a positive response from over 25 members,
representing both singles and multiple persons. The menu this year will be the same as in
years past to include popcorn and tostadas de frijoles y guacamole, and drinks for sale. It
was mentioned that more wine and a better mix of soft drinks be purchased this year.
Fireworks at the same level as last year will be purchased. John will check on availability
of personnel for the popcorn machine and preparing and serving the tostadas. The food
table needs to be located near the drinks so people don’t overlook it as happened in 2018.
Fund Raisers: five Lo Siento Caps remain and will be on sale at the July 4th event. Kee
reported on the Democrats Abroad Guatemala bumper sticker campaign. A first run of
100 bumper stickers is now available. Sale price is Q20 each or 3 for Q50. They will be
available for purchase at the Debate Watch party and at the July 4th event. A two-day turn
around for subsequent production runs means more can be available quickly.
2019 FPCA promotion: A possible VTR event may be scheduled in Antigua for August.
In the meantime, Scotney and Kee will look into producing a short 60 second video
featuring “Why I should do and FPCA every year,” for posting on FB and possibly
Americas Regional Meeting: Regional Vice Chair, Kathy Rothschild’s notice regarding
a Regional Meeting October 25 - 26, 2019 in San Jose, Costa Rica, to center on voter
registration and GOTV approaches for 2020, was discussed. The Webex monthly meeting
will take place June 20th. John will send info and logon coordinates to Kee and Scotney
in case they have time to participate. On the agenda June 20th will be Amanda Mohar
from the Global Communications Team who will present ideas on voter outreach and do’s
and don’ts of communications in election years.
DAGT’s July meeting will take place on Thursday, July 11th at 12:00 noon at El Sitio
Travel Notes: Juan Pablo will be out June 16 to 21, and from July 19 to August 6. Mary
Lou will be out July 11th.
Adjourned: 1:32pm

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