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Anunciata University

English Degree



 María Auxiliadora


 María Celeste Ruiz Vallejos.

 Breydi José Arcia Ruiz.

Work of:

 Persuasive Paragraph.

Day of deliver:

Saturday, May 11, 2019.

What is a persuasive paragraph?

A persuasive paragraph tries to convince the reader that a particular point of view is worthy of
consideration. It wants you to consider both sides of an issue, but it reveals a bias in favor of one
side over another. Facts may be presented in support of a position, but the writer is not being
objective. The point of view is subjective.

Points For Writing a Persuasive Paragraph.

When teachers assign a persuasive paragraph, they often link the topic to material from class. If
this is the case, flip through your textbook and notes for ways to begin. Jot down ideas that
relate specifically to the assigned topic.

Once you specifically know what you will persuade, make a small outline of your ideas. Your
outline should contain a:

› topic sentence

› two or three supports (or ideas)

› concluding thought

As you research and continue brainstorming, you can always add to the outline.

› Research

› Organization

› Tone

› Reviewing


Once you have brainstormed and outlined your paragraph, look at a variety of sources to support
your ideas. Persuasive papers often include several sources, as they should. If limited to a
paragraph, don't use more than one or two sources. Readers will discredit you if you are merely
reporting information. The bulk of your paragraph needs to be original content, only supported
with primary sources. Keep track of sources and document them when finished.


Look at your outline as you write the paragraph. Gain your reader's attention with a shocking or
little-known tidbit. Questions (Did you know that…) are fairly common; think of unique wording for
your paragraph. The interesting information should lead into the topic sentence, or the map for the
paragraph. Consult back to your outline for the order of points. Add transitions between your main
ideas. End the paragraph with a concluding punch, or something that will impact your reader. As
you finish, think of what you want the reader to remember and turn that reflection into your final


When writing in a persuasive tone, it is important to remain objective. Although writers may feel
passion and emotions concerning the subject, students best deliver a message when the reader
doesn't walk away feeling belittled or bossed around. Likewise, do not assume that readers have
predisposed ideas or feelings. Present your argument skillfully and powerfully. Don't try bullying
your readers into agreeing with you, because they won't. Direct your message in a helpful and
understanding tone instead.


Too often a student places a period at the end of her final sentence and turns the paper over to the
teacher. Doing so will ultimately result in a lower grade than the student could actually earn. Read
over the paragraph for clarity and ask yourself, "Does this make sense"?

Look for misspelled words and incorrect punctuation. It helps to read the paragraph aloud or to
have another person read over it as well. Be sure that your topic sentence explains what the
paragraph will cover. Review your sources to be sure you attributed information correctly. Finally,
check that you have conveyed the correct tone and message.

Here's an example of a persuasive paragraph:

Immigration contributes to the overall health of the American economy. Despite recent concerns
expressed about illegal and some legal immigration to the United States, this country has largely
benefited from the skills, talents, and ambition that immigrants bring with them. American
businesses gain from a good source of affordable labor, while towns and cities are revitalized by
immigrant families who strengthen communities through civic participation and the generation of
new economic activity. The United States must continue to welcome new arrivals and help those
who are already here; otherwise, the country will lose the advantages it has over other
industrialized countries that compete against us in the global marketplace and seek to recruit from
a vast pool of unskilled and skilled global workers.

You may recognize this from the lesson on paragraphs. The position is supported by facts, but
some of it is hearsay (what the writer has heard), and some of the ideas are rooted in the writer's
subjective viewpoint. Opposing views are not directly recognized in this paragraph, however, they
may be hinted at. A paragraph or an essay that is persuasive anticipates an argument.

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