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Storiesby People
l|| Searching for Truth

Compiled in Appreciation of

Sant Thakar Singh


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Stories hy People
Searching for Truth

Concept by: Veronica Eich
Edited by: Robert Thurber
Cover design: Wayne Pope
Original artwork: Stephen Henriques

Copyright ©RainBird PubUshing

United States
All rights reserved. Printed in the
of America. No part of this book may be used
or reproduced in any manner without the written
consent of the publisher. Except in the case of brief
quotations for the purpose of review^s or articles.

First English Printing-1997

ISBN: 0-917019-14-8


Introduction v
Foreword vii

The Scent of Jasmine 1

Master Brought Me to Him 4

The Big Rain 7
Meditating During the Earthquake 9
I Am the Bread of Life 1

The Inner Master 13

Nana's Initiation 15
Heightened Perception l6
On the Beach 18
Powers of the Mind 20
His Radiant Form 24
I Know
Don't 25
A Way to God 28
Over the Cliff 34
One Day in Paradise 35
The Inner Voice Led Me 37
How Master Found Me 39
How God Led Me to the Master 41
The Inner Guidance 44
Among the Books 46
A Child Came Back To Life 47
The Protective Bubble 52
The Hint 54
At First I Had Doubts 56
Two Sets of X-Rays 59
He Promised to Come Back 6l
Everything You Ask For 63
Who Wants God Will Find Him 65
The End of a Long Road 66
The Answ^er 70
A Traditional Story 72
Help for a Woman Close to Death 74
Invisible Hands
My Friend's 79 Death
First Heal Yourself 82
The Earthquake in Mexico 88
Sunny's Story 90

Glossary 91
Sant Thakar Singh 96
Further Information 98

I oday more and more people are feeling dissatisfied
4^ with a purely materialistic lifestyle and are begin-
ning to search for a deeper meaning to their existence. They
are coming to the understanding that egotism and selfish-
ness,which are the consequences of our separation from the
Godly principle of love, are the causes of suffering. The
search for God begins when we ask the question, "How can
we realize this love?"
In this book, people from different backgrounds and
countries tell how God led them to a living, God realized
Master, either through a vision or through some special
occurrence. Also included are accounts by people who have
received amazing help and protection from a Master in times
of need. This collection of stories shows the different ways
in which a change was brought about in the lives of these
people, and how they became connected with the inner
God Power. These stories will also give the reader some
insight into the subject of spirituality, and will show how
everyone can reach God when the love, yearning, and
request for guidance are strong enough.
The Master people after initiation not to speak
about inner experiences encountered during meditation.
Each person must make the inner journey to his Creator
completely alone, and every inner experience is a private
giftfrom God for each individual soul. Therefore, in this
book, generally, only events before initiation or special
occurrences not specifically involving meditation are
described. The language used in these stories has been kept
as close as possible to the original narrative and is therefore
generally quite simple and colloquial rather than literary.

The Editor

I here have been so many situations in my life that

g^weve helped by God. Difficulties and problems
came to me for which there were no solutions in worldly
ways, and I was amazed to see that at once they were taken
up by the God Power. Although there were many examples,
I you just one or two.
will tell
When was serving in the Indian government in the

Amritsar District in 1961, a drain was to be dug on the right

side of a line. I explained these things to my people, but
they laid it out on the left side, the opposite side from where
I had told them. Only after the contractors completed the
work did I learn that it had been dug in the wrong place.
This was a real problem, for all the property owners on
the left side would wonder why their land had been used
when it had not been paid and why the land reserved

on the other side for the project was lying untouched.

It was my habit not to tell things to anyone. That night I

returned home very burdened thinking, "What to do ... what

to do?" but nothing came to me. I could not sleep all night,
and early the next morning I went to the site when no one
was there —no workers, no contractors, none of my men. I

thought, should first check everything for myself." If you


do something wrong and tell people, then there are rumors

and you are given a bad name.

I went work early the next morning, mea-
to the site of the
sured the drain, and was astonished to see that there was
only a small part in the beginning of the drain that was dug
on the left side, but the major part (some 20 or 30 feet) was
on the right side. This was a great change. I thought, "What
can God not do?" I then felt satisfied there truly is God
Power. So many other things also happened in my life.
Once I was my small motorbike to and from a work
site when thunderstorm began. Although there were
a big
large puddles, I managed to drive around them and missed
all of them. Just at that time a big bus drove by and hit a

large hole right beside me filled with water, which splashed

water and mud all over me. I thought, "Now I am all dirty
and have to go a long distance back home to change
clothes." When I got off the motorbike, however, I was
astonished to find not a single drop of mud on me any-
There are many similar examples. You should find your
own. These stories are for your information so that you too
may enjoy the same kind of help. God is there to help us in
every way. If you ask Him for the kingdom of the whole
world, He will create a new world for you without disturb-
ing the kingdoms of world. He will create ten more and
say to you, "All choose any of them." This is because
He has the authority: "God made heavens and earth, He
spoke and it was done." He is with you. He is your own
self, He is not separate from you. This you will come to real-

ize: how you will join Him and become One with Him. His

will is your will. When a drop joins the ocean it becomes the
ocean. In the same way, you too will also join that ocean of
life, light, love, glory, beauty, and perfection, and you will


Sant Thakar Singh

January 28, 1991
The Scent of Jasmine
/I was studying French in Paris. This period became
^/ the most important spiritual milestone in my life. For
two weeks I had been going almost daily to the Church of
Sacre Coeur, hoping at least once in my life to hear the
wonderful music of the great organ. But so far my ardent
wish had not been fulfilled. One day my friend came to
visit me in Paris, and we went together to the church. She

had been raised in a very religious environment, and she

suggested that we both light a candle in remembrance of
our mothers.
But I replied to her in open disbelief, "Oh, what use is

that? God doesn't hear me anyway."

She answered: "Come on, just light the candle."
At the very moment we were lighting our candles, the
organ began to play its lovely melody. We embraced each
other and cried. As I looked toward the altar, I felt a deep,
deep pain in my heart and something from within my
innermost being burst forth, "Whoever you are. Power of
the Universe, Creator of all things, how can I find You?
Please show me the way."
The following week we returned to Germany and I
called up an old friend whom I had not seen for eight
years. My friend was an initiate of Sant Thakar Singh, and
he explained this path of meditation to me. I had always
wanted to meditate, but thought that first I had to prepare
myself by going through so many other yoga techniques. I
was therefore very surprised to find out at my first satsang
meeting that all people are accepted by the Master, even if
they have never meditated before in their life.

As my friend was driving me home after the meeting, I

2 Believe in Miracles

said to him, "Look how beautiful the sky is —

tonight I wish
I were up there among the stars."
He replied, "But that's all inside you. You only have to go
within to find it."

Then I that my prayers had been answered and that I


had finallyfound my path. After that first visit to the satsang

I cried for one week. I didn't know why, but I felt that tons

and tons of heavy burdens were being washed off me with

that flood of tears. At the next satsang, I told my friend about
this experience. He informed me that sometimes when a
soul has sweet yearning the Master appears to that soul
inside, even before initiation. He said further that in case I
had any questions I could write to the Master. This really
astonished me, for I thought that Masters were unapproach-
able and I would never have imagined I could simply write
a letter to Him.
After I had written to Sant Thakar Singh, my yearning
grew more intense, and all I could think of was Him. My
mind was trying to tell me to be careful, because there are
so many false Masters. Some of my friends had been misled.
The following night I had a dream that I will never forget.
I found myself in a sea of flowers, all glowing in the most

marvelous colors. The scent of sandalwood, rose, and jas-

mine floated in the air, and I felt intoxicated by those won-
derful fragrances. Surrounded on all sides by flower blos-
soms, I floated upwards.
Suddenly the scene changed into a beautiful Japanese
garden, wonderfully laid out on a hill. The garden was sec-
tioned into five different levels, and on each level flowers
grew. A small spring ran down through all the levels. I
seemed to fly upwards from level to level. At last, I ended
up sitting on a wooden post looking down and across the
The night was steeped in a beautiful indigo blue light,
with alittle fog here and there. To my left there was a shad-

ow, but I knew I should not pay any attention to it. I looked
The Scent ofJasmine 3

to ni\- riglit, and began walking —or rather floating —along.

After a short distance I saw Master Sant Thakar Singh sit-

ting on He was dressed

a bench. in brilliant white, and was
smiling at rushed toward Him and knelt at His feet. He
me. I

took my hand and laid it on fiis cheek, all the while look-
ing deep into my eyes as an electric current of energy shot
through me. My soul was raised up and freed from the
prison of the body. I experienced a profound feeling of love,
as never before felt in my life. I was free, I was born anew,
I was with my Father!
turned around and saw a friend
In this state of ecstasy, I

standing in front of me. She was taller than life, and her long
blonde hair was shining gold, while her radiant blue eyes lit
up her entire face. I cried and she took me into her arms.
"Why are you crying? Wake up, wake up!" she said. She had
spent that night in my room, and the next day recounted I

my dream to her.
A few months later was initiated through a representa-

tive of the Master. My friend was also initiated some time

after. The Master had shown me the way to Him in a dream.

Master Brought Me to Him
ft grew up Moslem but could not find God
in Iran as a

^ in the mosques. When I was 15 years old I went to

the United States. I thought that God must be Christian and
if I became a Christian maybe I could find Him. Yet even
after my baptism I could not find God.
I started reading books and studying different paths and
religions. In my mid-twenties I moved to Southern
California —
what I thought to be the mecca of spirituality
in North America. There I tried many methods of medita-
tion, studied with many teachers, and read many books of
the Far Eastern masters.
My yearning for God became so intense that I desired
Him with all my heart. Yet the more I tried to find Him, the
less I was satisfied with the results. All the paths I investi-
gated brought me only temporary peace, but none could
really give me a direct experience of God. I became des-
perate in my search, at times even becoming very angry.
Nothing on this earth satisfied me —not love, wealth,
traveling, relationships, nor any other thing that is sup-
posed to make people happy and satisfied. I knew how
temporary all these things were; I wanted everlasting love,
richness, beauty and happiness. But how to find it? Where
was God? Where should I look? Every path said to look
within. I knew God was there but how could I tap within?
They don't teach you that. Everyone says go within, but
My dissatisfaction with life and my yearning for God
took me to the Far East. I knew I wanted a Master Who
was living, a true Master Who was God-realized, and felt

that I would recognize Him when I saw Him.

Muster Brutifibt nic to Him 5

In my more looked, the less I was able to

travels, the I

find Him. My sorrow grew more intense and life was horri-
ble for me. wished for death maybe then I could find
I —
Him on the other side. But He would not take me and end
this misery of mine.
I returned to California with more yearning in my heart
and soul than ever before. One day I saw a picture of a holy
man in a spiritual newspaper. This beautiful, magnificent
Master from India was going to be in my town. His eyes cap-
tured me
through the picture. They were so intense, loving,
and gentle, so Godlike. I looked at His picture for a long
time and felt very moved. Finally I closed my eyes to medi-
tate and prayed to God.
At that moment, that holy man appeared before me some
distance away and gave me a gesture with His hand to come
to was afraid to leave my body, but His eyes were
Him. I

filled with so much love that all I wanted was to go to His

beautiful loving eyes. I came out of my body. As I stood

looking at Him from a distance, the ground underneath me
moved toward Him. He looked back at me with love and
compassion. The floor beneath me moved me closer and
closer to Him. His energy was so intense that I could not
bear the love and excitement of my soul, and I opened my
eyes. Iknew He had found me.
I went to His lecture. When He entered the auditorium, I

could Godly energy filling the room. He sat on the

feel His

podium so glorious and dignified, so majestic. In all my
searching I had never met anyone as magnificent and king-
ly as this Godman. God's energy was pouring from every

pore of His holy being. Although I could not understand a

word He said. I felt totally embedded in His energy. I knew
He was the One and 1 wanted to go to Him immediately to
let Him know how much 1 had searched for Him.
During the meditation I was allowed to sit at the very
front. The Master entered the room and I listened to the talk.
My mind started to play with me. "What if He is like the
6 Believe in Miracles

Other ones?" I thought. I started to doubt and fear. I did not

want to make a mistake.
After awhilecame out of meditation and looked at Him.

I did not even dare to blink because I was afraid that I

would miss seeing where He would look first after opening

His eyes. The room was packed with people.
Finally He opened His eyes and looked straight into my
eyes for a long time. It seemed like an eternity. He smiled
and nodded His head in a "yes" way. I felt so small and
embarrassed that I had tested God and had allowed my

mind to interfere. Nevertheless, I had received my answer

and was now content.

The Big Rain
1 r here was a man from the eastern side of India near
^^Bengal who had a teacher of the spiritual hfe. In
India sometimes older men are referred to as Baba, which
means Father,and so this is what the man called his
teacher. One day the devotee went to the old man and said
"Baba, I want to find salvation, I must become enlight-
ened." The Baba thought for a moment and then closed his
eyes and said, "Yes my son, you may find salvation, but
only after the big rains have come."
The man was very excited because it was May and the
monsoons in India are in July, only two months away. So
he went on with his meditations (the teacher had given
him some form of mantra and meditation) and patiently
awaited the coming of the rains. When the rains did come
they were heavier than anyone could remember. The dis-
ciple hurriedly went to his teacher saying "Baba, the rains
have started and they are really big, will you now give me
what it is I seek, may I have salvation?" The old man
smiled, and then laughed and then said "My dear son. this
is not enough rain."

Dejected the disciple returned home and continued his

meditations. He still had some hope as it was often raining
in the month of December, and anyway that was only six
months away so it was not really long to wait. When
December came it was an unusually wet time, and toward
the end of the month a very strong wind blew in from the
West and brought with it the heaviest rain of the year.
Taking this as a sign, the man rushed again to his teacher
saying, "Baba, no one has ever seen such a rain, is this the
sign that you will initiate me into the beyond?" Now the
8 Believe in Miracles

Baba began laughing and laughing and the disciple, who

had never witnessed such behavior from his teacher, was

very confused he could not understand what was happen-
ing. Finally when Baba stopped laughing he held the man
in his arms and lovingly said, "No, my dear one, this is still
not enough rain!"
A few months after the rains came in December the old
Baba left the physical body for the beyond. The devotee
helped to arrange for the funeral and following the cere-
monies sadly walked to his home in the nearby village. After
some time he sat on the floor of his home and began weep-
ing and weeping for his beloved. After awhile his crying
became more intense from the separation he was feeling for
his Baba, and through his pain he became so intoxicated
that he rose above body consciousness.
There in the higher regions, still weeping uncontrollably,
he met his teacher. With a look of understanding the Baba
came to his disciple to steady him, "Now my child, this is
enough rain. Your desire for enlightenment is to be granted
...only I am not your Master. Your Master lives in the
foothills of the Himalayas and His name is Sant Thakar
Singh. It was my job only to take you to Him. He is the
Master, He will take you home.

Meditating During the Earthquake

t the time of a great earthquake some years back,

/I a Mexican initiate of Sant Thakar Singh
ing as a doctor in a large metropolitan hospital in the cen-
was work-

tral part of Mexico. Many thousands of people perished in

and yet miraculously not one initiate or
this catastrophe,
family member was injured or sustained any serious loss of
This doctor usually came to her office very early in the
morning, as it was her habit to meditate there for some
hours before her shift began at the hospital. On this fate-
ful morning, she found her reserved car space occupied

and ended up parking her car across the lot in another

area. She went into her office and began her meditation as
usual. She felt and the time seemed to have
a great peace
passed more quickly than usual. When she opened her
eyes and looked at her watch, she realized she had medi-
tated longer than was her custom.
Suddenly she heard desperate cries for help in the hall-
way. Attempting to open the door, she found it was
blocked. She heard people calling her name. When she
finally pried her way out of the office she saw what had
happened. While the God Power had kept her in medita-
tion the building had collapsed around her. Everyone was
worried for her because she was nowhere to be found. She
had been deep in meditation, reposing in the protective
arms of the Master.
Many people died in the hospital, patients as well as
staff. She knew it was an act of God that saved her from

certain death.
An interesting side note: all the cars in the part of the
10 Believe in Miracles

parking lot where she usually parked her car were destroyed
by the rubble that fell on them, but her car had escaped the
destruction due to fact that she had been forced to park
away from her normal stall. So, not only did she escape
injury, but her belongings were spared as well.

I Am the Bread of life

/ or quite some time I had been suffering from

'I "depressions and doubts. My wliole life seemed in
question and I could no longer see any meaning in it. I felt

I had to find a new way of living which could satisfy and

me, and which would provide me with a goal worth

reaching. So I searched for guidance by reading countless

books, studying the biographies of famous personalities,

and talking with many, many people. However, I found
nothing which satisfied me and was caught in a steadily
growing desperation, although viewed from the outside I
seemingly led a nice life.
Then one night I dreamed I was standing in front of an
old life-sized copper engraving in my parents" house that
depicted 77?^ Last Supper. Spellbound, I was watching the
figure of Jesus Christ amidst His disciples, sudden- when I

ly noticed that His right hand was moving and had reached

out of the picture. I could observe something forming in

the palm of His hand that finally took the shape of a small
loaf of bread. I saw this small bread breathing and pulsat-
ing as if it were a living being, a living bread, and the
words, "I am the bread of life" came into my mind. Then I

saw how the bread began to transform itself, becoming

more and more solid and shining, until it finally turned into
a luminous nugget of gold. The gold was shining from
within and slowly separated itself from His hand. As it
floated toward me, it seemed to be tremendously heavy
and yet light at the same time, but when I stretched out my
hand to grasp it, it disappeared.
Very moved, I looked into Jesus Christ's face. It seemed
to have changed and taken on features unknown to me.

12 Believe in Miracles

Then His eyes met mine and there was white light around
His head.
Some days later I met a friend whom I had not seen for a
long time. She told me she had been to India and had found
a living Godman there, a competent Master of true spiritual-

ity Who was capable of awakening the soul and Who could
connect us with God.
This same friend told me a short time later about an on-
coming lecture tour through Germany by a Master named
Sant Thakar Singh, the One she had met in India.
September when I was finally standing in front of the
Master, He was surrounded by a throng of people and did
not utter a word. The roaring hustle and bustle of the airport
seemed suddenly hushed. For a moment, time stood still and
held its breath. Then His eyes met mine and I recognized
Him immediately as the face in my dream. Later I realized
that it was really He Who recognized me. When the student
is ready the teacher appears.

The Inner Master

/ I t the end of the year 1975, I began my search for

/ I a spiritual guide. I visited different schools of yoga
wimout finding any satisfaction at all.

One day was I kicked out of an ashram Mexico by the

leader himself. Frustrated and despondent, I went home
and locked myself in my room. I sat on the floor and start-
ed crying aloud, "My God, am I not also your son and
don't I have the right to know you? What should I do?" I

stayed motionless for a long time.

Suddenly, the whole room was illuminated with an
intense light and a person was standing in front of me. He
was dressed in white, had a very shining beard, and wore
a turban. He told me, "Don't cry anymore, my son, I am
your Master now and forever, until eternity." After saying
this, He faded away, disappearing along with the light. I

stayed there crying for perhaps two or three hours.

Because I had not asked Him Who He was or where to
find Him, I started looking for Him in different yogas and
paths —unsuccessfully.
A year passed by, and the vision of my Master appeared
to me approximately every 15 or 20 days. In one of those
visions an old person appeared first, followed by my
Master. For a second both merged together into one shin-
ing and beautiful form. Then the old man told me, "He is
my very dear son and successor." After saying this, both
of Them disappeared. But still I did not know Who They
were or even Their names.
Some time later I met a disciple of Surat Shabd Yoga.
This was one spiritual school I had not heard of before.
The disciple invited me to a meeting and I accepted. In the

14 Believe in Miracles

meeting room there was a photo of a Master Whom I did not

Someone asked me if I would follow this path, and I
answered, "No, I need to find the Master Whom I see
Then the disciple who had invited me said, "I want you
to understand that the Master you is my
see in the photo
Master Sant Kirpal Singh. He died and now His successor is
coming to Mexico soon."
He showed me the photo and when I looked at it my
whole body shook, torrents of tears ran down my face, and
I could not speak. I was looking at the picture of Master

Thakar Singh the Master Whom I had seen inside for more
than a year! Immediately I asked how to contact Him for sat-
Iwrote the Master Who replied, "I will be very glad to ful-
fill your wish. I am coming to America soon and then you

will be initiated."
Seventy-two hours before He arrived in Mexico, I saw
Him inside. He took me out of the body and gave me the
names of God. He told me, "Within three days I will give
you the initiation personally." This indeed happened.

Nana's Initiation

// I
hile visiting Dakar, Senegal, as messengers, a
Ly\y young Moslem woman spent time in our court-
yard, and we began to develop a friendship with her. She
often came to talk about what we were doing and was
interested in hearing about the teachings of the Master.
Her face showed she was in discomfort and she often
walked with a limp. She told us she had a rash over most
of her body that was causing her great pain.
One day she told us that she wished to be initiated, "Just
now." We noticed that she was having a lot of pain and
suggested that she wait until her rash improved, as we
were afraid she would be distracted from the meditations,
but she insisted.
During the she was indeed distracted, and un-
able to sit for more than 10 minutes without discomfort.
However, she was still able to have good experiences.
The next day she came to visit and we noticed such a
lightness in her step —she was even smiling and laughing!
She said that she slept well for the first time in weeks, and
the rash no longer burned as it had. It had even signifi-
cantly diminished.
As time went on, the rash all but disappeared. It was
wonderful to see Nana dancing and singing. She said that
she was so grateful to God for curing her.

Heightened Perception

/I ran away from home in 1972, when I was young,

^/ and came to a place in the Eastern United States that
was near to where Sant Kirpal Singh was staying on His
last American tour. I did not know of the Master's presence

but I was drawn by a strong power. I became a vegetarian

and went into the woods to be alone. At night I walked
through the fields near His ashram, yearning for some
understanding. had dreams of being in the company of

Godly men, but in the light of the day the knowledge of

the Master was kept from me.
Later I began to develop extraordinary extrasensory
powers. From within I could see things that had either
occurred or were about to occur, and I could tell many
things about a person just by touching them or hearing
them speak.
All my perceptions were heightened without any at-
tempt on my part to develop these powers. Although I
hadn't felt religious, I started praying to God to take away
these powers, for I feared they would cause difficulties.
One evening during the height of these occurrences, a
man appeared to me in a dream Who was dressed in
white, with a long white beard and shining face. He told
me He was and that from tomorrow all these
there to help
strange powers would be gone and would be replaced
with a connection to God. He told me I could relax and
that all would be well.
I thought this man must be some saintly person. The

next day I spent some time in the library, searching

through various religions books for His face, but without
success. A tremendous peace did come over me then and

Heightened Perception 1 7

I began pursuing this vision in my dreams.

I read holy books on God, and one day stumbled onto

Songs of Kahir hy Saint Kabir which stimulated my desires

for some connection with a higher source. Later I saw a pic-
ture of a Sikh Master, Guru Nanak, and knew He resembled
the man I had seen in my dreams.
One day someone sent me a book by Sant 'I'hakar Singh.
After reading it I knew that it was He Who had appeared to
me a month earlier; His words had a familiar ring to them.

And then there was that smile there was something in His

smile a warmth, a welcome and a sense of peace.
I knew then that the earlier vision had finally become a

reality and that I was going home.

On the Beach

/in 1981 my husband I went on holiday to

^/ Portugal. One day was almost unbearable,
the heat
so we decided to cool off with a swim in the ocean. There
was a very strong wind blowing, causing the waves to be
six feet high. At the sight of these waves we were afraid to
go into the water, especially since no one else dared to do
so. Eventually 1 decided to go in anyway, thinking I would
get heat stroke if I could not cool off.

It was on my body, so
refreshing to feel the cool water
I waded in a little deeper. Suddenly a huge wave came

toward me. Before 1 had time to act, it lifted me up high

and then pressed me down to the ocean floor.
I am sure this must have lasted for only a few seconds,

but it seemed like an eternity. I had my eyes closed tight-

ly and felt the wave rolling me forward. My body was
pressed together tightly in a ball. Then I remembered the
Master. In that same instant I saw a phosphorescent pro-
tective sphere around me. 1 felt warm and could breathe.
I was still rolling around on the bottom without any sense

of direction, when a voice spoke to me very clearly, "No

water can drown you." It was the Master's voice. I felt
embedded in Him and felt totally safe.
Then suddenly I was no longer being rolled forward, but
instead another huge wave lifted me out of the water and
tossed me roughly onto the sand. Dazzling sunlight hit my
eyes. I saw people standing around me staring at me with
bewildered faces. Sensation then returned to my body and
I realized I was covered with sand.

My frightened husband ran up and helped me walk back

to our spot on the beach. My legs were still very shaky. He

On the Beach 19

told nic liow and the others had seen me being dragged

away by the gigantic wave, and everyone feared would I

never come up again.

Although outwardly had recovered my poise, inside
1 I

was still shaking. What

had just experienced went against

all natural laws. Yet it did happen.

1 was lost in deep reflection for awhile, and at the same

time felt intensely happy. I expressed all this to my husband.
My adventure at the bottom of the ocean caused the awak-
ening of a deep, grateful love and a trust in the protective
power of the Master.

Powers of the Mind

,rior to my initiation, I had studied metaphysics

for years. I practiced healing through "laying on
of Ifands," and in this way cured headaches, torn muscles,
damaged nerves, broken bones, and other ailments. I
became an able channel of the healing power. Before I did
any healing I asked that I might be filled with the power
of Christ and that He do the healing. I believed I was help-
ing people with this given capability.I developed the abil-

ity to do past and was able to go back

life readings,
through approximately 100 past lives of my own. At times
I had been a beggar, sometimes a person of great power

and understanding. Yet, even with all that power and wis-
dom, I was still born again in a body.
I also learned to travel into the future. It became easy to
leave the body and go wherever I wanted. I learned how
to read the thoughts of others and to talk to them mental-
ly. I also learned how to communicate with animals, to

interpret auras, and to see the beings of the nature king-

dom: angels, dwarfs, fairies, and more some not so pleas- —
At that time, a friend of mine received initiation from
Sant Thakar Singh. This friend spent two days telling me
all about the path, what it was, and what it offered. He told
me of the different inner planes and the different sounds
to be found there. "This is a journey of the soul, not of the
mind. Study it and test it!" I agreed.
asked the Master to make an arrangement
That night I

with me. I asked Him to show me all the inner planes and
make me hear all the sounds I had been told about. In turn
I would follow the path and become a vegetarian. I knew

Puwets of the Mind 21

that only God Himself truly could do all these things. I also
told Him that if He couldn't do this, then everything that had
been told to me was false. I knew God was everywhere and
could do anything.
I lay down and began meditating. After only a few min-
utes, I heard a very loud high-pitched ringing in my right ear
which moved over my head and then down into the middle
of my head. Moments
began to hear the tinkling of lit-
later I

tle bells, like chimes, followed by big bells. At first only one

bell, then tw^o bells, then more and more, until it sounded

like hundreds of huge bells. As the bells quitted down I

heard running water like a very fast stream, and then thun-
der in the distance. As that faded I began to hear a small
drum, not much at first, but then it grew louder as more
drums joined in. Big drums started playing more and more,
so loud I could hardly stand it. They quieted down and far
off in the distance I heard a wooden flute, very soft at first,
but soon it drew and became louder and stronger
until it was all I could hear. Then it also quieted down and
faded away.
I became aware of a huge beam of light that came down
into my head from as far up could see. There were five
as I

different planes of light and each plane was separated by a

very thin layer where strands of light came off the main
beam. These strands slowed down and became the sounds
I had been hearing. I was given to understand that the
sound and the light were really the same, merely vibrating
at different speeds, but both came from the same source.
I remember thinking to myself, "This is all very nice, but

itcould only be my imagination!" At that instant I felt myself

being withdrawn from my body. Starting with my feet, the
feeling crept up my legs, past my knees to my hips. As it

reached my hips, it started in my hands also. The feeling of

withdrawal continued until it reached my chest. At this point
my breathing stopped. 1 was feeling very calm and peaceful

although 1 remember thinking that I should be scared.

22 Believe in Miracles

Then I also felt withdrawn from my heart. My heart

stopped and I thought perhaps I was dead, except that I
remained peaceful and felt very calm. At this point my think-
ing stopped. I lay there and felt the feeling creep up my
neck into my head. All the energy and consciousness that
filled my body was now condensed in my forehead, about
the size of a baseball. For some time I remained there, and
then in a flash I was completely withdrawn from my body.
I found myself in a long tunnel of light. At the end of the

tunnel was a light so bright I could hardly look into it, but
it called me toward it.

As I walked along, I came to many doors on each side of

the tunnel, and opened each door as I came to it. Through
the first door I saw masses of humanity, everyone so busy
but really doing nothing. Through the next door I saw all the
planets, moon, stars, all the universe. When I opened the
next door found all the psychic powers and mental pow-

ers. When I reached the end of the tunnel, I saw a light that

was brighter than if I were staring directly into the sun. Yet
at the same time the light was easy to look at, very inviting
and warm. Within this light I saw a fiery golden throne. I
recognized the person on the throne: it was the being whose
picture my friend had shown me, Sant Thakar Singh. He
looked like gold fire. His long beard glowed. He sat motion-
less, watching me and smiling. As I moved forward I saw

behind Him hundreds of beings Who were all lined up,

watching, and waiting. Some of Them I felt I recognized,
and then I knew these beings were all Masters Who had
come before Thakar Singh. I watched for awhile, then
turned and left.

Next, I remember being in the body, but only in my fore-

head. I had to force my consciousness down into my chest.
Then my heart began to beat and my breathing started
again. It took perhaps 30 minutes for my consciousness to
return to my hands and feet. It was as if I had been dead.
That was the end of my metaphysical studies. I had made
Pouv/y of the Mind 23

an arrangement with the Master, and He had fulfilled it.

Shorth' after my initiation, the Master took all those powers
or abilities away. I heard a huge door close and the power
went out. I tried everything to get these powers to work
again, but heard was the Master's voice chuckling.
all I

Iappealed to Him in person on the next tour to give back

a few of these powers, because I was using them t(^ help
people. He things were just powers of the
said all

mind that kept themind excited and the ego inflated. He

explained that all those acts of healing earned new karma
for me and robbed the other people of the experience they
were to go through. He added that all those abilities were
just traps of the mind to keep us imprisoned here. In spite

of seemingly losing all those abilities, I have gained so much

more that I cannot even express it in words. It took a long

time for me to understand that night's experience. I saw the
Master as He really is —One and the same as God. Only
when I understood this could I leave the path of the mind
and follow the Master instead.

His Radiant Form
i r his is the story of a friend of Sant Thakar Singh who
^^was the mother of 13 children and died in 1983.
Two years before, she had been lying very ill in a coma

for 22 days in a military hospital in Mexico City. One day I

went The doctor explained to me she was

to visit her there.
very close to death and there was no hope of recovery for
her. She could neither see nor talk, and was being kept alive
through tubes.
One day while I was sitting at her bedside, she suddenly
woke up and soon satup in bed talking to me. It was aston-
ishing to witness this amazing recovery. She told me she had
asked her Master to let her live long enough to see all her
children initiated. Afterward the doctor took me to one side
and told me with a look of utter bewilderment on his face
that although he didn't believe in miracles undoubtedly one
had just taken place.
Her deepest wish came true in 1982 when all her children
became initiated.
Time passed and again she got very sick. Before she died,
she asked someone to ask me to visit her. When I went to
see her she said, "My dear brother, I am very happy because
Ihave verified that our Master is all-powerful.
I have seen His radiant form and He has told me I will be

going in three days. I can tell only you. This is why I asked
you to come here. I am very happy. I am going to join Him,
He Who is all love and Who is waiting for me."

I Don't Know

/K essengers
the Master travelling through
Thailand came across a young
Japanese man sitting on a bus who was on his way to
India. After some inquiries as to where he had stayed the
night and with the reply that he had stayed in the very
same lodge as the missionaries, they asked him why he

was going to India. His reply was unusual he simply said,
"I dont know." Curious to find out more, one of them

asked him where he was going in India and again came

the reply, "I don't know." A little surprised that anyone

would be going to so vast a country as India without any

plans, the messengers thought that surely he might be vis-
iting someone. They asked the Japanese man whom he
was going to see. Again the reply was "I don't know."
The t^vo messengers gave the young man a pamphlet on
the Master and His teachings, telling him that there in the
lap of such a Godman one could find rest and peace and
the answers to one's questions. So curious was the boy that
when he read the words through a few times he smiled
and said, "I like this very, very much."
They lost track of him in the vastness of the Bangkok
Airport. Since the airport was so busy with a lot of people
going to many places, they assumed they would not see
him again.'When all the formalities of securing boarding
passes, checking luggage, and arriving at the proper gate
had been accomplished, the missionaries found themselves
in line to board the airplane. Much to their surprise the
person standing in line next to them was the Japanese
man. After exchanging greetings they spoke to him again
about the Master (much to his delight).
Once on the airplane bound for India they discovered it

26 Believe in Miracles

was more than a coincidence that this man had seats close
to theirs —some stronger hand was at work here. They took
this time on the plane to speak to him in greater detail about
Master's teachings. The Japanese man showed continued
enthusiasm but still looked a little confused.
After going through customs and immigration at the Delhi
airport, the messengers found themselves standing on the
crowded street in front of the airport. It began to look like
this man was following them because when they turned
around they saw him standing very close to them and look-
ing quite lost. After giving phone
him number
a and address
of Master's Ashram in the city of Chandigarh and asking him
not to go there until some days had passed to allow Master
to come down from the mountains, they bid him farewell,
not expecting to see him again.
When the messengers arrived in Chandigarh, who should
they find but this same Japanese man
sitting on the floor of

the ashram. That evening the Mastercame down from the

mountain, unexpectedly early, and was about to give sat-
sang to the Westerners who had come to see Him. He at
once noticed this Japanese man and asked him who had
sent him. He said the messengers had told him. After the sat-
sang Master asked that the seeker be given some informa-
tion about the path so that he then could be initiated.
After some more talk of the path the young man was ini-
tiated into the Light and Sound meditation. He enjoyed this
meditation very much and over the following days he spent
all his spare time in the corner in sweet meditation. Every

time the Master came down to walk or to give talks this

young man would be close behind Him, and when the
Master gave satsangs he was fully attentive. When Master left
to go back to His ashram in the mountains He asked this
young man to come with Him, which he did.
After spending two weeks meditating in the blissful
atmosphere of the Master's ashram it was time for the
Japanese man to return to Japan. Just before he left, the
Beliere in Minulcs 27

Master asked him to become a messengers of His words in

Japan (a blessing for which most ha\c iiad to wait several
years). The young man went away fiiifiiled and happy.


A Way to God
^ / / s a child I was very religious. I developed a strong
I love for Christ and often shed tears of sorrow when
I thought about how much the Son of God had suffered for
us, and how He had sacrificed Himself. Every evening I used
to go over all the faults I had committed during the day,
especially whether I had hurt anyone, and then would pray
to God for forgiveness. Afterward I would keep on thinking
about Christ and about His love, until tears of longing came
to my eyes.
Beginning at the age of 14, it often happened that for a
short moment I saw the radiant face of my beloved Christ
looking at me lovingly and filling me with happiness.

Blissfully, I would then close my eyes. My whole being

would seem to shrink together to the size of a small ball and
yet strangely enough, at the same time it would also seem
to expand.
I would then begin and would feel weightless
to travel
a wonderfully liberating feeling. I would enjoy this feeling
until the fear came, as it always did, that I was going to lose
my body. Quickly I would open my eyes and was always
astonished to find that nothing had changed on the outside.
I also heard sounds that could not be heard on the out-

side. The first few times I asked my mother or our house-

keeper whether they could also hear these sounds, but they
only asked, "What sounds?" and looked at me with such
blank faces that I felt really foolish. After awhile I stopped
asking such questions.
As I grew older my questions increased. Although my
own childhood had been happy, I still felt strongly the suf-
ferings of mankind in my heart. Why does God allow so
many people to suffer if He is the God of love? Why are

1 Don't Know 29

there wars and diseases? Why do small children go hungry

and suffer? No one could give nie any satisfactory answers.
As began to see the suffering of the world more vividly,

my life became correspondingly more difficult. Since I real-

\\ believed that I should be able to find some way to release
people from their sufferings, I investigated all possible
avenues such as politics, Marxism, ecology, psychology, phi-
losophy, new scientific discoveries, and so on. But each
time, had to recognize that none of these could provide a

solution to the basic problem. Now and again I heard talk

of a guru, but I was convinced that this direction was only
for those who needed a father figure.
When my beloved mother suddenly died, I stood by her
grave with dry eyes and somehow knew, "It is only her
body that has died. Her joyous nature and her unique be-
ing can never die."
After that, for the first time in my life I experienced a peri-
od of deep depression. Material life seemed to me to be a
jail without any sense; the cheerfulness of others was hol-
low and unreal; all the hustle and bustle of the world were
without meaning; and all so-called love and sympathy were
Perhaps might have committed suicide had I not felt very

strongly that logically life cannot take life from its own self.
If I had to continue suffering, at least I would try not to cre-

ate suffering for anyone else. This resolution, along with an

intense longing to reach God, was the framework that kept
me together and allowed me to go on living.
Although I was no longer consciously interested in God, I
knew Him as the power behind all of creation, that He is the
motor that makes everything run, and that His spirit perme-
ates and gives life to the smallest molecule and particle. An
intense longing to reach God filled me. At the same time, I
was painfully aware of how powerless I was to achieve this.
Everything in me was shouting, "Please lead me to You."
One day a man came to visit me, bringing with him a
30 Believe in Miracles

musical instrument had admired at the house of

tliat I

some friends. He asked me

if I would like to have it. I was

just about to eat my supper and invited him to share my

meal. He declined, saying that he was a vegetarian. "Aha,"
I thought, "one of those 'cabbage-eaters.'"
"Is it for health reasons?" I asked him.
"No," he replied, "for ethical reasons." He told me that
he meditated. He believed that eating slaughtered animals
went against the law of love and darkened the inner light.
"How interesting!" I thought.
This same man brought me books and other literature by
his Master, Sant Kirpal Singh. On reading these books, the
scales fell from my eyes and I found the answers to all the
questions I'd raised ever since childhood.
I read that only a living Godman can connect us with the
holy spirit that brings us back to Father God: "No man
Cometh unto the Father but by me." During the reading of
this literature my inner ear was opened, and for weeks I
could hear the loud ringing of church bells. At first I did
not understand and wondered if there were a service going
on nearby church. Later I realized that this was com-
in the
ing from the gracious God Power.
I wanted to be initiated as quickly as possible, but was

refused by the representative of Sant Kirpal Singh.

Regularly I used to visit the meditation meeting, and felt

great peace and inner intoxication in this loving atmos-

phere. One day panic overcame me: I was afraid that the
Master would die, and so I sent my initiation application to
India. However I soon received the sad news that Sant
Kirpal Singh had left the physical body, just before my let-
ter had reached Him. I took the fateful letter and hid
myself crying, full of despair.
For one-and-a-half years every morning and evening I

prayed that God might send me a perfect living Master. I

heard from disciples of Sant Kirpal Singh that they had
seen the new Master in a vision in the form of a radiant
A Way to God 31

and loving child, and that He would appear in about one-

and-a-half years. The story also went around that Sant Kirpal
Singh had said that a particularly strong man would come
after Him.
One-and-a-half years after Sant Kirpal Singh's death, sev-
eral of His initiates decided to fly to the ashram in Delhi.
Shortly before they left, I had a strong urge to accompany
them. Something seemed to be pulling me without my
understanding why. In spite of some initial difficulties every-
thing worked out smoothly. My visa came through faster
than normal and with my husband I flew to India.
The next day I was again feeling heavy and full of sad-
ness — still had no Master.
I went to Kirpal Singh's house

hoping to experience some intoxication. At this point an

Indian man with a light violet turban and rolled beard
stepped out of the house. He said everything which had in I

mind, but in a much nicer way than I could ever have

expressed. I thought, "Thank you, Kirpal, for sending this
This incident changed my plan of going for a walk, and
instead I turned toward the library. This man accompanied
me there, talking to me all the while. I was still feeling sad
and gloomy and did not really listen to Him.
Then it occurred to me, "Maybe He thinks I'm someone
special!" and without looking at Him I said, "I'm not initiat-
ed." 'With these words tears involuntarily came to my eyes,
for this was the source of my sorrow.

The man put His hand on my shoulder and said some-

thing like, "You are already our sister." He came into the
library and took the biography of Baba Jaimal Singh out of
my hand which I had chosen from the bookshelf.
"This is a very inspiring book," He commented.
I was still too caught up in my own misery, however, to

pay much attention to Him. Then in a moment He was gone.

I had not really looked into His face once.

Twice on the following day, while thinking about God, I

32 Believe in Miracles

had the feeling of almost being pulled out of my body. I

attributed this to Kirpal Singh. As the other seekers and 1

were drinking our afternoon tea, this same happened

for the third time, apparently without any reason. At this mo-
ment, the Indian man who was looking after us came in and
told us, "The new Master is here!" and he added that the
Master had been in the ashram for the past three days.
I said to my husband, "Who can He be? There are only a
few people in the ashram, could it be the man from yester-
The door opened and Who entered the room with a long
beard and a white turban? It was indeed the man from yes-
terday. In a friendly way He greeted us and introduced
Himself, His name was Thakar Singh. He sat down modest-
ly and drank tea with us.
Two days later the first initiation was to take place. During
those days I passed through a period of fear and doubt and
intense praying. was clear that this man was really attrac-

tive. He was humble and yet a king at the same time.

These two extremes of our world were combined in perfect
harmony in Him. He was calm, joyful, and serious all at
once. With His wonderful eyes, a look from Him went into
the heart and soul in a way never before experienced with
another human being. Butwas He really the successor of
Sant Kirpal Singh?
When He He laughed with His whole being, and
when He was in a serious mood there was great dignity
around Him. When He spoke of God he awakened the long-
ing and love in me. He seemed wise and noble and at the
same time had the air of an unspoiled and innocent child.
Was He a perfect Master?
During this time I slept very little and prayed for a sign.
With great longing I looked down from the roof of the
ashram toward Kirpal Singh's house and said to Him, "If you
would only tell me 'Yes' or 'No'! How can I recognize and
decide by myself?" The second night I was again on the roof
A Way to Gucl 33

praxing v\'ith closed eyes, when a dam opened within me

and tears flowed for a long, long time. I cried without emo-
tion and a great quietness came over me. With my eyes still

closed, I saw a golden glittering ball of light with rays pour-

ing forth the fathomless love of Sant Kirpal Singh. A second
golden ball now appeared from and the love
the right side
of Sant Thakar Singh was radiating from it. The two golden
balls of light merged into one and enveloped me with their
love. It was Kirpal Singh and Thakar Singh at the same time.
God had heard my prayer and had sent me the answer.
The next day we were initiated. In my excitement, I could
not understand all the words of the mantra but even so I was
pulled up and felt blessed within. At this initiation many of
the people saw the Master inside. Although from the outside
things appeared to be conducted in a very matter-of-fact
way, there was a very powerful and charged atmosphere.
After the initiation, I again remembered the inner sight
that I had as a 14-year-old girl. Now the circle was complete.

Over the Cliff

One day
initiate of Sant Thakar Singh was dri-
on a curving hilly road in the north-
ern part of the state, he came upon a hairpin turn. He was
travelling at a high rate of speed, and was not wearing a
safety belt. He put on his brakes to slow down the car and
discovered they were no longer working. Instead of taking
the turn, the car went over the side of the cliff and tumbled
down, striking the rocks. When it struck the first rock the
man could hear the first word of Simran resounding in his
ear.When the car staick the rocks for a second time he
could hear the second word of the charged names resound-
ing in his ear.
Some power then took him and he was
out of the car,

standing on a small space on the side of the hill, watching

the car going down the wheels were going this way, the
body and the engine were going that way; everything was
shattering in front of him. While he was watching these
events pass before his eyes he thought: "I should check to
see what condition my body is in." When an accident
occurs, one is often in shock and does not feel anything. He
looked himself over but could not find even a little scratch
or bruise, and he climbed to safety. When he looked over
the cliff, he saw his car shattered at the bottom of the hill.
The love Master has for His initiate saved his life.

One Day in Paradise

/ or years I had been searching for God. Eagerly I

I had read all available literature about the different
spiritual paths, but again and again I reached a point where
"something" did not fit in with everything else and the
whole doctrine lost its logic.
After a very painful experience with an Indian yoga mas-
ter who turned out to be a fake, I was completely discour-
aged and did not want to know anything further about yoga,
Masters, or Indian teachers.
One day a friend of mine gave me books and audio cas-
settes of Sant Kirpal Singh and Sant Thakar Singh. She tried
to convince me was a true path.
that her path
Since I was curious and wanted to please her, I began
reading. read very attentively because I wanted to prove to

myself that this w^as also an untrue teaching like all the oth-
ers. Sooner or later the whole thing would become illogical.
Every evening before going to sleep I read a few chap-
ters. Although I w^as searching for faults, I could find no con-

tradictions. The more I read the more clear and understand-

able the teachings became. Even after I had read hundreds
of pages about the path of the Masters, I could not find one
illogical sentence.
Then I began because
to consider the living Master,
according to this path it was only He
can give us the Who
connection to God. Again and again I looked at His picture,
talking silently to Him. Most of the time I accused Him of
being a deceiver like all the others I knew. I was not will-
ing to trust Him.
One evening I was again reading one of the Sant Mat
books, and was quarreling mentally with the so-called

36 Believe in Miracles

Master. Suddenly a continuous whistling sound came from

above and grew louder and closer until I could hear it in my
right ear. The sound lasted quite a long time. There was a
strange and wonderful feeling connected with it, and I knew
it was from the Master. Nevertheless, I felt very frightened

and crawled into bed pulling the covers over my head.

The next morning I awoke even before the alarm went
off. Something had changed. I felt clear, fresh, full of ener-

gy, and very happy. Normally I always felt depressed at this

time of day. I did not waste time in thinking why I felt so
much better and went to the countryside to see my parents.
During the bus ride there, I tried to analyze my intensely

happy state of mind from the depth of my soul I felt happy
and contented. Everything was so easy and harmonious. 1
could not understand why I was being blessed with such
feelings. Everything was pure "beingness" in total harmony.
The entire day passed in this heavenly and wonderful
mood. No negative thought had a chance to enter my con-
scious mind. I even doubted that anything bad or evil had
ever existed in my life. I went to bed late in the evening and
enjoyed my new consciousness until I fell asleep.
The next morning I awoke in my normal state of con-
sciousness. Recognizing that I had lost that paradise was the
most painful moment of my life. I could see that it had been
a gift. But from whom? Until then I had not thought about
it, but simply took everything for granted. I remembered the

sound which had come to me when

had been thinking

intensely about the Master. That could not have been an

accident. He wanted to show me something: His wonder-
fulness, the experience of happiness and harmony in Him,
the promise of a true Master to bring me back to my real
Later, through the grace of God, I received the connec-
tion and was able to find permanent access to this source.

The Inner Voice Led Me
// I
lien I had just finished my schooling at the age
Ly\y of 20, I suffered a major identity crisis. I no
longer knew who I was or what I was doing here. I only
wanted to die.
Sitting in my room silently cried out to God, "If you

really exist, now is high time to come and save me."


Suddenly found myself beyond the body in the midst


of incredible colors and sounds. A voice spoke to me saying

I didn't need to have any worries, and that in the future I
would always have inner guidance. With a wonderful feel-
ing of bliss, I once again found myself in my body.
During the days that followed, I constantly heard that
same voice giving me instructions. Following its guidance, I

quit my job. sold everything that I owned, and without any

delay married an old friend of mine. Finally the voice
instructed me to buy tickets to Delhi for me and my hus-
band. The was
be via Amsterdam. Although this
flight to
seemed quite strange to me, somehow I knew that every-
thing would turn out just the way it should. Luckily my new
husband also had enough confidence in the inner voice to
go along with me. Our relatives thought we were totally
mad, but we did not mind.
At the Amsterdam airport we saw a woman with her son.
I heard the voice telling me to go to whatever place the

woman was We
asked her if she was flying to Delhi,
and were surprised to hear her say she had a seat booked
on the same airplane as we did. She was going to a Master
Who was living in Delhi.
During the flight she told us about Sant Kirpal Singh and
His successor Sant Thakar Singh, Who had just entered upon
the succession a few weeks before. This was our first

38 Believe In Miracles

acquaintance with the idea of having a Master.

When we entered the ashram in Delhi, the Master's sec-
retary meet us. He embraced us and said, "Finally,
came to
you are here. The Master has spoken several times of you.
He said that a young couple from Germany would be in the
ashram before he started His first tour of Germany." We
were simply astonished.
I like to remember the wonderful way in which He
chose to bring me to Him, even though I had not even been
searching for a guru.
He heard my prayer when I wanted to put an end to my
life, and since then He has been my permanent inner com-

How Master Found Me
/ or a long time 1 had been deeper and deep-
er into negative ways, drinking too much, and
generally leading a dissipated life. Somehow I pulled myself
out of it to some degree and obtained a job in Japan.
When I got there I found to my dismay that the contract
was in reality a "white slave" job. I took refuge in a Zen tem-
ple in southern Japan. In this very peaceful atmosphere, I

began to realize there was a deep hole and sadness within

me, a longing for something I did not know.
There were few foreigners in the prefecture, so the ones
who were there came to know one another quite quickly. I
was very drawn to one woman in particular who was won-
derful, so strong, compassionate, and fun to be with.
One night I came upon her meditating in the library, and
much to my surprise I not only saw her but also an amaz-
ing radiant figure of another person. I excused myself quick-
ly, but waited until she came out to ask her who the other
figure was.
"My Master, Kirpal Singh," she said. "He left the body in
Incredibly, I did not inquire further into this amazing
When it came timehome, I learned that I had
to return
a free stopover in Hawaii. Thissounded great, so I wrote to
the one person I knew there, a woman I had worked with
many years before. Since we had lost contact, there was
only an off chance I would find her. Nevertheless, a few
weeks before I was to depart, I received a letter from her
inviting me to come and visit.
When I reached her home I found it filled with posters

40 Believe In Miracles

about the coming visit of her Master, Sant Thakar Singh. Not
only was He coming to the Big Island of Hawaii, but He was
actually going to stay at her home.
I read the books she gave me and to my astonishment,

found that Master Thakar Singh was the spiritual successor

to Sant Kirpal Singh, whose radiant form I had been blessed
to glimpse in Japan.
As the days for the Master's visit approached, I began to
dream of Him. I had no doubt that I was supposed to be ini-
tiated, but didn't really even know what that meant. I just
trusted that this was no coincidence.
It was only a few short hours after the holy initiation that
I learned just how right it was. Voices came to me saying,
"We can't have her, we'll never have her now."
Needless to say, I didn't sleep a wink that night and
arose at daylight. I felt asked the
awful. Later that day, I

Master what in the world had happened. He looked at me

with such love and compassion, with eyes that can see
everything, and said, "It was some karma, my dear. It is over
and you are to go on with your meditations."
A few days later I mentioned this story to a Hawaiian ini-
tiate. Her eyes became wide with astonishment. As it turns

out, the voices I described were a familiar entity to the

Hawaiians, and those who are "visited" by such fiends are
usually dead within two weeks.
In a way, I feel very blessed that this incident happened
so graphically and so soon after initiation. It left no room for
doubt, not even for a single second. I saw from the very
beginning how powerful and loving the Master is. How
blessed all of us are whom He has taken into His arms.


How God Led Me to the Master

A y path to the Master was a series of small, unre-

lated and seemingly inconsequential steps. A
month before my connection my trek toward the Master
began to pick up speed. As a participant in a psychic study
group, had two interesting visions during the guided fan-

tasies which had nothing to do with the format of the pro-

The was a vision of myself walking through the

streets of Morocco with a very ordinary, poor. Middle

Eastern man. We continued walking out of town, across a
meadow and to a pond where we stopped to gaze at our
To my amazement the reflection of
reflections in the water.
my humble companion was that of a handsome man in daz-
zling white, complete with turban.
The following week's vision took me to a dusty desert
where was walking alone, looking down as I walked.

Suddenly I came toe to toe with a man's long, narrow feet

in sandals, and as I raised my eyes I found myself looking
into the face of Jesus. We gazed into each other's eyes, com-
municating telepathically. and received this message: "You

have come this far, and you are now ready to continue on
your own."
I turned and walked away from Him, not feeling desert-
ed or afraid, not excited or proud —not feeling anything
just going. knew He wouldn't be there for me anymore,

but I also knew that it would be all right.

During the third week taught my most intensive psy-


Camp. The classes

chic class ever at a Spiritual Adventure
were held in the mornings and I was available for counsel-
ing and rebirthing every afternoon. There was a client of
mine w^ho had been trying to stop smoking for months. She

42 Believe hi Miracles

had the leathery skin and bad body odor of a heavy smok-
er. On Wednesday she disappeared from camp for a few

hours to get initiated by Sant Thakar Singh. When she

returned to the camp she was ecstatic. There was no ques-
tion that smoking would ever be a problem for her again. I
was very happy for her and delighted that her problem was
solved, but it still did not register that there was anything in

this for me.

On the last day of camp a woman begged me for one
last consultation and rebirthing session, which we were able
to squeeze in. As we walked to our cars to leave, she told
me about another counselor who lived in my area, who
practiced transpersonal psychology (as I did), and who was
interested in Eastern philosophy.
On Saturday I attended a conference for Science of
Mind. By the end of the day I was finished with Science of
Mind. I went home and cleared away all of my Science of
Mind and then wondered what would fill the vac-
uum I created? I really didn't know.
My client who had been initiated phoned me on Sunday.
Her car wouldn't run, and the friend who had taken her to
be initiated also had car trouble. Would I be interested in
hearing this living Master from India give a talk?
Remembering my resolution made a few days previously to
follow any leads like this, I gladly volunteered.
We were 20 minutes late to the talk and the room was
crowded with people. There was not even standing room
left, but in the middle of the auditorium three seats awaited
us. The Master talked about the folly of gathering material
wealth which has no eternal value.
At the end of the talk I gathered the paperwork to be
filled out for the next initiation. With the Master power to

help me, vegetarianism was the easiest part of my initiation.

I also found no difficulty with the hours of meditation or the

part about taking intoxicating drugs. I also gave up work-

ing with psychic powers, not having known all the implica-
Huw Cioil I.cil Mc to the Master 4j

ticms involved at the time. This led to my discovery that

God's help through the Master Power works to make me far
more effective than 1 was with the boost of psychic power.

The Inner Guidance
• /Auring one of my stays in India, one of the
* Master's German disciples brought a Japanese

man with him to the ashram. The disciple had just arrived in

Delhi and was instructing a taxi driver to take him to Sawan

Ashram where was staying at the time. The
the Master
Japanese man, who happened to be standing nearby, had
overheard him and asked if he could come along.
When the two of them arrived at the ashram we were
curious about this friendly and unassuming oriental man
who carried only a small briefcase. He went to see the
Master without hesitation and was immediately initiated. The
Master told us that he had a good karmic background and
had enjoyed very good experiences in the meditation.
This new initiate told us his special story of how he had
been led to the ashram. He was living in Los Angeles as a
businessman. Thirteen years ago he had been initiated into
a kind of meditation originating in the Far East and meditat-
ed a lot. For seven years a radiant and noble figure had been
appearing to him inside whenever the man was in a critical
situation (or in danger of being led astray). He did not rec-
ognize this Saint and assumed He was a late Master from the
line of teachers he was following at the time.
Seven years after this Master's first appearance, the man
heard the Master's voice inside telling him that the time had
come to go to Delhi, India, where he should be initiated by
the Master living in Sawan Ashram.
As he was standing in front of the airport exit with no
idea of how to find Sawan Ashram, he overheard the young
German disciple tell the taxi driver, "To Sawan Ashram." His
problem was solved.

Ihe Inner Guidance 45

The Japanese man didn't even know the name of the

Master at the ashram. When the Master showed the man a
picture of Baba Sawan Singh, the man was filled with joy,
for he recognized the noble Saint Who had been helping
him for the past seven years.
For the next few days we hardly saw the new disciple,
as he seldom came to meals and was meditating all the time.
When his short vacation was over at the end of four days,
he returned home with his tiny briefcase in his hand and his
Master within.

Among the Books
^^/ or many years a woman in Louisiana had been
. / searching desperately for a higher spiritual life.
One day she was visited in her dreams by a man she
described as "very old and wise looking, with long white
hair and a beard." This man (Whom she later recognized as
Kirpal Singh) told her to go to a particular bookstore in the
heart of the city, and there among the books she would find
the answer she so desperately sought.
set out to find this bookstore and end
The next day she
her long search. While she was browsing through the books,
she overheard a man talking to someone about Sant Thakar
Singh Who was going to be in town shortly. She approached
this man and asked him who Sant Thakar Singh was. In
reply the man gave her a book and told her that on the fol-
lowing day there was going to be a meeting where the path
of inner Light and Sound would be discussed. She thought
this must be the clue given to her in her dreams.
The next day she went to the meeting. As she was lis-

tening to the people talk about the meditations, the man

Who had appeared in her dreams walked in the door and
sat down beside her. He told her He was Kirpal Singh, that
thispath was the true one, and that she would get initiated
that evening. He explained to her in detail the method of
meditation, then picked up His cane and walked out again.
She stayed that evening for the initiation. Aftei-ward she
said she had already known the whole process, as she had
been given the information by a kindly old gentleman Who
was there earlier.
Although Sant Kirpal Singh had left the body years pre-
viously. He had come to guide this woman home.

A Child Came Back to life

^^ hortly after Thakar Singh's visit to the Hawaiian

^ y Islands in July 1985, a strange, terrifying, and yet
wonderful incident occurred. My friend was visiting us and
we were showing him the beauty spots of the island. We
took him to the famous Black Sands, not far from the resort
at Kalapana where the Master stayed for one night. My

friend and I were surfers, so we went out and did some

bodysurfing. My wife and the children went to the Queen's
Bath, a protected lagoon with no waves and shallow water.
My and I finished our bodysurfing and returned to
the beach. As we approached, noticed a large crowd of

people and a fire tmck on the beach. As a parent I immedi-

ately became worried and started mnning to see what had
happened. In the distance I saw two of my children, but not
my six-year-old. When I reached there, I saw him lying on
the sand with a large group of people standing around star-
ing awkwardly. He had an oxygen mask on his face and was
barely breathing. He was white and purple, and not much
life was left in his small body.
I immediately got down and started to use Shiatsu, but
his body felt as hard as a piece of wood and I could get no
reaction of any kind. A few minutes later the paramedics
arrived and began their own procedures. While doing their
work, one of them asked to be told what had happened and
was told the following:
Our son and his sister were out snorkeling in water
approximately 50 to 75 feet from the shore, with my wife
keeping watch from the beach. When she noticed the chil-
dren had become separated and she couldn't see our
youngest son, she hurried to the spot where my daughter

48 Believe in Miracles

had seen him dive down, taking her mask with her. The

Master Power instantly pointed her in the right direction,

and she saw our son lying motionless about 25 feet away on
the bottom of the lagoon. She dove as quickly as she could
and pulled his lifeless form out of the water, but at that point
he was clinically dead.
Later was determined he had been on the bottom for

about three to five minutes. There was no heart-beat, and

his lungs and stomach were totally filled with water. My wife
turned him over and started thumping him on his back and
immediately water came streaming out of his mouth and
As she carried the child toward the beach, a man ran out
and took over the process: more thumping, then mouth-to-
mouth resuscitation for the next 10 to 15 minutes, until the
lifeguard arrived and put an oxygen mask on. Shortly there-
after I arrived.
The paramedics took him to their ambulance and
radioed the hospital for instructions. Then they gave him an
injection to reduce swelling of the brain that might occur.
Due to radio interference, it took them approximately 20
minutes to get further instructions from the hospital. I over-
heard one saying that he doubted if the little boy would
even make it to the hospital, because his vital signs were so
low. I prevailed upon them to let me ride in the back with
him. I felt that if he were going to die, wanted to spend

the last moments of his life with him. Then off we went, a
40-minute drive to Hilo Hospital.
I was praying, begging, and thinking of the charged
names called Simran with all my might. Also I was asking
how Master could let this happen to one of His disciples. I

remembered the Master sitting in our living room a few

weeks before, and my commenting on how my son was
running around one foot off the ground after hugging and
lovingly enjoying the warm embraces in the Master's lap. I

begged our dear Master not to take our son away.

A Child Came Back to Life 49

We had already lost our second child after three blessed

days of life, and it took us aimcxst seven years to recover
fully from that sorrow. I had finally recaptured my faith and
love in the Master power, especially after Thakar Singh's
recent visit, and felt I was just beginning to understand the
word "receptivity." I didn't want to lose that feeling again.
As we were I was praying
traveling in the ambulance,
and knowledge that I had to bring
also applying every bit of
my boy closer to life. I understood it was not in my hands,
but I also understood that the Master would not want me to
sit by idly. He would want me to use the tools He had given

me to do my part however small.
After about 20 minutes my son jerked his foot away from
the sharp pressure was applying, and as I continued he

began to respond little by little. The paramedics were

impressed and surprised and told me to continue carefully.
Soon we arrived at the hospital where he was taken into the
emergency room. They wouldn't allow me in, so I went and
found my wife, my friend, and my family to tell them what
had occurred during the ride. I went back and waited out-
side the emergency room door. When a doctor came by I
asked permission to go inside, which he allowed.
The doctors were in the process of taking water out of
his stomach. Even after all the water he had expelled previ-
ously, at least one more pint came out. They were taking
blood, x-raying his lungs, and performing many tasks. Soon
he had bowel and urine movements. I called his name and
at that point his eyes flickered and he said "yeaah" very
slowly. The doctors were very happy to see that happen.
Then he slipped back into unconsciousness.
After approximately one hour in the emergency room
we moved him to intensive care. Outside the unit there is a
large sign which says: "One Visitor Only; Five Minutes at a
Time." With Master's grace, in our case that sign was totally
ignored, for at least one or two of us were allowed to be
with him continuously. I had made up my mind to stay with
50 Believe in Miracles

him the whole time, and indeed it happened that

if possible,
way. After the medics got him all hooked up, they left the
room and I was alone with him.
After some 15 minutes passed, he suddenly opened his
eyes and asked, "Where's Master Thakar Singh?"
I was so surprised, I said, "What?"
Again he repeated his query, "Where's Master Thakar
Not knowing what I said, "Son, do you know
to answer,
you and that you drowned?"
are in the hospital
He then looked around excitedly and said, "Where's
Master Thakar Singh, I've been with Master Thakar Singh."
He was very disappointed at not seeing the Master in the
room, and so he closed his eyes and with what little strength
he had, slammed his head back on the pillow, obviously
wanting no part of the world where his Master was not!
We were thankful and relieved. I thanked Master for giv-
ing him those words which I so desperately needed. I was
so amazed to hear him speak. As far as I can remember,
those were the exact words he said.
During the next four to five hours, as we were sitting by
his bed he would come briefly to consciousness and say
things like, "I've been in Master's house, it's so beautiful!
I'm seeing Master inside and outside," and more in the same
vein. With Master's grace, he was making very rapid
improvement. We were allowed to stay by his bedside, and
every time they poked a needle in him or he would awak-
en for any reason, we were there to give him lots of love
and assurance. I don't think there was one time when he
would awaken that he wasn't greeted with tremendous love
and attention.
The doctors said he would be in the intensive care unit
for three to four days, and an additional week in the hospi-
tal for observation. They were getting ready to transfer him

to Honolulu if immediate improvement didn't occur.

At 6:00 the next morning, just as the sun was coming up
A Child Came Back to Life 51

(H'er the horizon, he woke up. He was hungry and inquisi-

tive about what had happened, and although still weak, he
was very clear. I knew at that time he was okay and would
be coming home soon. The doctors took him out of inten-
sive care by 9:00 a.m., and by 2:00 that afternoon we were
able to take him home with us. The doctors could not
believe the incredible recovery, but they had no choice;
there was no reason for him to stay any longer.
Just a footnote: that morning at 8:00 a.m. my wife and I
took a break and left a friend with our son. We went down
to the park by the bay for breakfast. A canoe regatta was
being held and there were large crowds of people in atten-
dance. I saw the man who ran out into the water at the
Queen's Bath and began the lifesaving process on our son.
We went up to him and introduced ourselves, and thanked
him profusely for his help.
He looked at me with a faraway look and said, "I have
something to tell you. I am an alcoholic and a habitual pot
smoker. Usually by 2:00 in the afternoon I am either drunk
or stoned. But yesterday I couldn't use alcohol or drugs.
Someone or some power wouldn't let me. And not only that,
the same power kept telling me to stand on the edge of the
water and look in the direction where I saw your wife pull
your son out of the water!"
Thishappened on Friday afternoon about 2:00 p.m.,

and by 2:00 p.m. the following day our son was released
from the hospital. By Sunday morning he was tearing
around the house with the other children who came to sat-
sang at our house.
Even now our youngest son has absolutely no fear of the
water or the beach. I think it is his favorite place. If I ask
him about the experience, he only says, "I drowned and was
with Master." That's what he remembers.
If you want to test the faith of an initiate, go see one

die. I saw my son die and return to life.

The Protective Bubble

/I was in a very serious car accident and at the

^/ moment of impact it seemed as if time had stopped
and everything was in suspended form, almost in slow
motion. It was like a dream or something unreal, but in real-
ity it was an experience of great awakening because every

second became intense awareness, focus, and concentra-

We were began to spin across the
helpless as the car
freeway. Immediately I put up my hands to protect my head
while we were being thrown around in the car and I closed
my eyes. I had my eyes closed the whole time but I did hear
the terribly loud noises of metal crashing and tires screech-
ing on the pavement. It was very frightening.
Everyone connected to Master has a story of protection

and this is mine one of love and comfort and complete
safety. I heard the mantra audibly during the accident and
my attention immediately went to my third eye. Consciously
I began to speak the words along with the voice I was hear-

Immediately I felt a protective bubble all around me. I
felt completely calm and at peace, as if I were in the eye of
a storm, right at the still point. Now
calmed down and was

not afraid any more. As the car spun across the freeway we
were hit a number of times and I was not sure when it
would end.
There was a very special gift that I had not understood
before. The experience only lasted a few moments but it
was a "timeless feeling" of eternity ... of knowing. The expe-
rience was this: I felt removed from the car, about three feet
above where I was sitting in the car. I was completely

The Prated h v Bu bhle 53

removed from the drama that was taking place below me. I
was aware that perhaps the next hit of the cars would crush
me and that would be killed. Yet Master helped me to

understand that if the car were crushed and even if the bod-
ies wx^re cmshed, nothing would change. I would not be

any different nor would there be any change not to my —

consciousness nor to myself. I would not be in this body,
but did not feel at all that I would not exist or that it would

be dark it was just light and clear.
When the car finally stopped, I opened my eyes and
looked to see if the person sitting next to me was all right.
We uere both crying and happy at the same time saying,
"We're alive! We're alive!" We both knew that Master had
saved us. Then my friend began shouting, "He was here,
Master was here. He was sitting right between us on the
seat, I saw him!" Since he had to keep his eyes open to try
to control the car in the crash. Master came to comfort him
in the physical.
Of course was completely destroyed, but due to
the car
Master's grace there was not a scratch on either one of us.
When the ambulance arrived the driver heard what had hap-
pened and said, "It's a miracle that you two are still alive."
One nurse at the hospital even said, "Someone must be
watching out for you two." To which we both replied with
a smile, "Yes, we know."

The Hint
1 r hroiigh friends of mine I came to know a woman
^^who had the gift of "second sight," also known as
clairvoyance. One day she invited me to her house for a visit
where we talked about God and the world. I mentioned I
had a Master and was meditating. While I was still telling her
these things, she had a vision which she recounted to me
immediately afterward.
She saw a man with a white turban walking up an
ascending path toward a house. Although she could only
see Him from behind, she felt very attracted to Him and His
noble way of walking. For a moment she thought of Him the
way a woman thinks of a man she feels attracted to.

Thereupon the man turned around and threatened her play-

fully with His index finger, "No, no, not in this way!" He
moved His index finger in the way the Indians do —not
moving the hand, only the finger.
I told her I could recognize from her description that she

had seen my Master going toward His house in Pimpalner,

which sits on a hill. Then she became interested to learn
more about Him. She did not want to know more about the
meditations, but the Master had impressed her deeply.
When we saw each other again some time later, she
asked me at once about Sant Thakar Singh Who was still on
her mind. She complained that lately she had hardly been
able to "see" anything, and she could not imagine why that
It was obvious to me was behind this. He
that the Master
prohibits His from using any psychic powers
(including clairvoyance) to prevent the ego from becoming

The Hint 55

Although this woman was not yet initiated, she had seen
the Master in a vision and had felt Him. He once
attracted to
said that if a person looked at a Him
with even a
picture of
little heart feeling, that person would be under His protec-

tion to some extent. did not tell her any of this. The Master

had planted the ^i^t^d in her and it will sprout at its proper

At First I Had Doubts
/§ I
hen met the Master, I was living in a spir-
I first

Ly\y itual community where I was practicing yoga

and meditation, and working in the community's health
food store. Several years earlier I had dedicated my life to
finding God and serving humanity, and had taken initiation
into the path of Kriya Yoga from an advanced disciple of
Paramahamsa Yogananda.
Although I had heard and read so many wonderful sto-
ries of Saints and Masters, I had never met one in the phys-
ical body, and yearned to see one. I went to see every holy

man who came into the vicinity, but none of them really
touched my heart and I would go away convinced that this
was not my path.
I knew it was the highest blessing to have a living
Master, but maybe it was not my destiny in this life-
felt that

time. So I made up my mind to be loyal and to devote

myself 100 percent to the path that I was already following.
I was having good results with the meditation techniques

that I was practicing, and felt guided and protected by the

spirit of Yogananda. But the aching in my heart to have a
living teacher kept getting stronger and stronger. I prayed to
Yogananda to guideme toward the Truth and to prepare me
for the blessed day when I would be able to meet my true
Then one day while I was working at the health food
store, a woman brought in a poster of a Saint Who was giv-
ing satsangs in the area. Out of curiosity I read the poster
and learned that SantThakar Singh would be in the area for
the next four days. had never heard His name but was

attracted to His face. Like a magnet His picture drew me

At I-'init I Had Doubts 57

hack again and again, and would stand there entranced,


gazing at His radiant and loving eyes.

L'ntbrtunately, my mind was very hard and skeptical
about going to see another "Master." I kept telling myself it
would just be a waste of time and that I should be more
kiyal to the path I was already following.
For the couple of days that Master Thakar Singh was

in town, resisted going to see Him. But on the third and


last day He was giving satsangs, a co-worker suggested that

we go to the morning satsang on our way to work. He was

\ ery eager to see the Master as he had met Kirpal Singh

many years ago and had been very impressed with Him. My
friend consinced me that it would be good just to hear the
Saint and to receive His blessings.
When we arrived at the hall, I was inwardly praying to
God to show me if Thakar Singh was indeed a true Master.
My heart was ready but my mind was still very skeptical.
When the Master first walked into the room He seemed just
like an ordinary person to me. There was nothing spectacu-
lar or glorious about His appearance or demeanor. When He
began speak I couldn't understand a word He said. He
was very low key and subtle, and seemed to be simply a
sweet, kindly older Indian man speaking English.
After the satsang w^as over I felt like a small child whose
Mother was about to leave, and all I could think of was to
talk with Him and receive His blessings. I had no questions
or problems to discuss, and had not even considered asking
for initiation. All I knew was that I had to be near Him.
The Master greeted me very sweetly and lovingly, and I
found myself sitting across from Him, grasping His hands
and gazing into the fathomless depths of His eyes, unable to
utter a single w^ord. He finally broke the silence and we
began to talk about all the things in my heart. He spoke with
such a gentle, quiet authority and then told me that I should
come back the next morning and take initiation.
Things were happening too fast for my mind to keep up,
5S Believe in Miracles

and I felt I should have more time to think it over. As I was

already scheduled to work, I told Him that I didn't know if

I could come at that time. He just smiled and said gently, "I

think you will be able to come."

my heart and soul were joyous, but
After the interview
my mind was going crazy with doubts. What was getting I

into? And how could get out of work to attend the initia-

tion the next morning?

All that night I prayed and meditated as earnestly as I

could, but was no vision and I felt no

by sunrise there still

definite guidance. I decided that it was ridiculous and fool-

hardy for me to leave the path I had been following for so
many years, to leave the wonderful community I loved so
much, and to take up with some Master Whom I had never
heard of before. I would just go to work and forget all about
this initiation business.
Yet it was as if some magnetic force were pulling me to
the Master. I found myself getting dressed, getting into my
car,and driving straight toward the initiation place. As I
entered into the room where initiation was to be held, I
found myself telling everyone, "I don't know what I'm doing
At that point I was not making the
really responsible for

decision the Master had made the decision for me and I
was not to worry about anything. After the initiation process
was over, the Master became my Father and Mother and
dearest Beloved of my soul. I could feel His Godly love for
His children, and knew that He would be my guide and pro-
tector all along the journey home.

Two Sets of X-Rays

/I n a small village near the Master's spiritual retreat in

^/ the heart ofMexico some messengers were giving a
public program on the path of Light and Sound. It was a
Saturday morning and many people from the surrounding
areas were on their way to the talks held in a local commu-
nity center. One of the families arrived an hour early with
their two children and prepared to take initiation into the
spiritual sciences. As they parked their car one of the little
girls (who had lots of energy) jumped out of the car and

began amning across the street to the hall. Much to the

shock of the onlookers a car came out of nowhere and
struck the little girl in the middle of the street. The father and
many other bystanders rushed to the crumpled form of the
little girl in the street. They at once realized that the girl was

near death, so they carefully placed her in the back of a car

and quickly went off to the hospital.
In the emergency room of the small hospital the doctors
were at a loss as to what to do because the only x-ray tech-
nician had taken the day off. However, to everyone's aston-
ishment the x-ray technician happened to walk into the
emergency room at that moment, looking for some paper
she had forgotten. After some hours on the x-ray table it was
determined that most of her bones from the waist down had
been crushed. The damage was so extensive that doctors in
the local hospital recommended that she be taken to the
nearest largest city of Pueblo, some three hours away.
The journey was a long and difficult one for the family
as the girl remained in a coma and they were afraid for her
life. When they finally arrived at the larger hospital they
found that the doctors had been notified of the situation.

60 Believe in Miracles

Before beginning surgery tlie iiead doctor asked for a sec-

ond set of x-rays to confirm the ones that had been taken
that morning. No one could believe the results that came
in —the doctors could find no damage at all to the little girl's
body, only some bruises and a small cut. The doctors were
so puzzled that they took another set of x-rays, just to be
sure. Again the results were the same: there was no indica-
tion of any broken bones.
A little while later the girl regained consciousness. She
was very buoyant and happy. When asked what she remem-
bered of the ordeal she said that she remembered walking
in the street and then being whisked away from in front of
the car by a kindly old man in a turban. The family returned
the next day and took initiation.

He Promised to Come Back
/I was 13 years old and sitting in class at school. Our
^/ teacher put on a record of Indian classical music.
While listening to it I fell into a trance and saw a Master
inside Who spoke to me, "You are mine and I will come
back to you during your lifetime." From that very moment
my search for the Master began and I waited for His words
to come true.
Many years later read the book, Path of the Masters.

This book gave me new hope, but again in vain. Time went
by, I married and had two children. I had everything I could

wish for a house of our own and a comfortable lifestyle.
When I was 30 or 31, I had an auto accident with bad
after effects. For two years I suffered the most terrible pains
imaginable and often had to scream from the agony. During
this period my husband me, taking the children and all

of our money. I was completely disillusioned with all world-

ly love and worldly things, and now longed only for God.

When my weight fell to 80 pounds everyone thought I

would die. Suddenly one day I miraculously regained my
health. The doctors could not believe their eyes and were
totally perplexed.
Shortly thereafter I saw a picture of Sant Thakar Singh in

a spiritual newspaper. I recognized Him at once. It was He

Who had appeared to me inside when I was listening to the
music in the classroom. Immediately I called the contact
number given paper and asked for initiation. The
in the
Master's approval had to be obtained and unfortunately He
could not be reached at that time. While I awaited His
answer, I cried and prayed. I yearned to receive the con-
nection with the inner God Self.

S2 Believe in Miracles

Finally the Master's permission came and I received the

holy through His representatives. The Master had
kept His promise to return to me.

Everything You Ask For
/In nn' heart have always felt that God took very

^/ personal care of me, and that He was full of love

and forgiveness. Sometimes I would stay up late at night
asking Him to appear to me, working myself into a real fren-
zy, but nothing happened.
Because I always asked questions about reincarnation,
karma and psychic phenomena, I was the black sheep in
school. After awhile I realized that my teachers and elders
could not give me satisfactory answers to my questions, and
began my own exploration of psychology, mysticism, meta-
physics, and the teachings of the East.
About five years before my initiation as I was about to
go to sleep one night, a dark-skinned man appeared to me
whom I did not know. He leaned over my bed just as a lov-
ing parent would look upon a sleeping child. I was taken by
surprise, and a few moments later He was no longer there.
Early one morning not too long after this, the same mys-
terious man leaned over me again. It was the day I was in
great fear because I was to have an operation.
About two years or so went by before my visitor came
again. One evening I was sitting at home with a friend dis-
cussing spiritual topics when we saw a man in unusual
white dress walk up the stairway and disappear into the
Since she and I used to wonder if there were a Master

for us, perhaps one from the remote Himalayan mountains,

we laughed and said, "Oh, it must be our Master."
A few moments later another friend, who had just gone
to bed in a room upstairs, rushed out shouting that a man
all dressed in white had come in and leaned over her bed.

64 Believe in Miracles

Trying to sound as if we were all-knowing, we told her it

was our Master. Neither of us had heard about Sant Thakar
Singh at that time.
Over the next two years I could not get rid of the idea
that I had to find this Master Who kept appearing to me. Yet
I was afraid He was only on some spiritual plane and not in

the physical body. Otherwise surely He would have stayed

around long enough to introduce Himself.
About this time my worldly life began falling apart, and
my heart was now breaking to find Him. Somewhere, some-
one loved me, really loved me. I even began seriously med-
itating and became a vegetarian. One day during meditation
my mysterious Master came again and seated Himself beside
me. After some minutes He was gone again.
As a result of this experience I developed a strong feel-
ing that my Master was physically alive in India. I would
repeatedly see in my mind's eye a time when we would be
finally reunited physically. He would be so happy to see me
that He would embrace me, hold me in His arms and kiss
me. Then I would think this surely was not the way a spiri-
tual being like a Master would act.
All my hopes, my dreams, and inner visions came true
when at last I met my Master, Sant Thakar Singh, Who had
been coming in and out of my life for years. He greeted me
in exactly the same way as the inner glimpses of my loving
and caring Master had shown me.
He said to me, "You will receive everything that you ask
for, and even that which you do not yet know." He con-

firmed His previous appearances in my life saying, "These

things you have really seen and there willbe much more
even." When I asked Him if it was really He Who had always
appeared. He replied, "I have always been with you."

Who Wants God Will Find Him

/I t was in the spring of 1981 while staying in Sawan

^/ Ashram met an friend who told me
in Delhi, that I

the following story of how she had found the Master.

She had been initiated by another master seven years
previously. While staying at the ashram of that master, she
had a vision in her meditation where her master led her onto
a high mountain. With a movement of his hand, he asked
her to look down — a picture of terror lay at her feet.

Everything was deserted and destroyed as one could imag-

ine it would be after a great natural catastrophe. She also
saw dead people.
Her master told her, "A greater One than 1 will lead you
through this destruction so that no harm will come to you."
He also told her the Master's name would be Sant Thakar
After the meditation she immediately ran to her master
and when she told him about her vision, he pretended it
was all deception. Nevertheless, she could never forget this
inner experience with its significant words.
After awhile she know a disciple of Sant Thakar
came to
Singh, seemingly by accident. When he told her the name of
his Master, she knew was the same man she had been

informed about in her meditation.

The End of a Long Road

^^ ^ my
I had a strange pain that was
ver since childhood
companion until I reached the age of
22. My longing for God and the painful awareness of being
imprisoned in matter were two spurs that kept me searching
I wanted relief from that constant pain, and the more I

tried to get rid of it the more my painful longing for God

increased. Yet I also recognized that many of my selfless
wishes were being fulfilled by God whenever I prayed to
Him. I was blessed to foresee my own spiritual development
and also those people whom I would meet in the future.
Further I was shown how work
the spiritual powers secretly
and how they unfold themselves. I knew that somewhere
there had to be a true Master and that one day I would find
my way to Him.
I immersed myself completely in Jesus. He became my
standard and my support, and I developed a great longing
to emulate Him and to serve God. Sometimes I saw white
light on my forehead between my eyebrows, and a few
times for a short moment I also saw the figure of Jesus
wrapped in white light. After such visions I felt very con-
soled, yet such moments were always short-lived because as
soon as my consciousness started to gather at the third eye
center, it seemed as though something was dragging me
down to my feet. Then I could not remain focused on the
During this time Ion the small balcony
often meditated
of my flat. Somehow I had developed my own method of
meditation. One afternoon I was sitting in meditation trying
to calm myself through concentration. My eyes were still

The End of a Long Road 67

Open when I felt my consciousness had become concentrat-

ed at the third e\e. Then I saw the powerful, radiant figure
of an old man with a white heard and turban appear in front

of m\' third eye. His eyes were full of love and light. In the
background a choms was chanting five mantras unceasing-
ly. experienced love without emotion a love far surpass-
I —
ing anything I had ever experienced.
It w as not until a long time later, shortly before my outer

initiation, that I learned that this holy man was Sant Kirpal
After the vision I felt went and
very elevated. Wherever I

whatever I did, I felt the presence of God. There was no fear

and no pain for me anymore. Some spiritual powers devel-
oped in me that enabled me to leave the body at will and to
travel with my astral body. The urge to meditate increased
and whenever possible I did so and experienced great
The things of my outer life became more and more
unimportant to me, and I barely felt the desire to eat. I was
able to encourage others who were also searching for God,
who felt discouraged or despairing in their quest.
However, from that day onward I also had to experience
strong negative powders working against me. Most of the
people I knew^ began to avoid me and because of my views
would call meThey even began to do some hostile
things to me. So one day, I turned my back on all those peo-
ple and their city and left to start my search for a Godman.
I went to Rome when I was 22 years old. I was standing

among some other young people in a market-place, not

knowing what was going to happen next, when the police
arrived. They arrested all those young people, whom I knew
only slightly, and arrested me along with them. It turned out
that these people were dealing in drugs, and since I was also
suspected of the same crime I was sent to jail. Although
nothing could be proved against me, I had to spend nine
months there while waiting for my trial.
68 Believe in Miracles

This was truly a terrible and dark time for me. I became
the target for the aggressions of my fellow prisoners who
knew all kinds of cruel games. I was helplessly at their
mercy. I went through dreadful situations and had to expe-
rience the depth of fear. After some time all emotions in me
died. Even God seemed far away and I felt totally aban-
doned. My trial finally took place after nine months and I

was set free.

Later I had been very close to the goal of
learned that I

my search, for Sant Kirpal Singh had been in Rome on a lec-

ture tour at that time. However, something kept me from
physically meeting Him.
After my release from prison it was as though all life in
me had died. I had been forced to suffer so much that I had
to suppress my fears and emotions just to be able to bear
the situation. Every feeling had been killed I could not —
even feel sadness.
Not until one year later did I try again to come in con-
tact with God. I prayed and had a vision where I stood small
and insignificant among tall, white-dressed figures. The
ground beneath us was made of glittering blue-white-gold-
en light. All the figures were looking toward a golden throne
upon which sat someone I believed to be Jesus. He rose,
came toward me and said, "I will put you on My throne and
all your sins will be forgiven, and you will find the salvation

you have been yearning for."

After this experience, life gradually reawakened in me.
Depression and fear had been replaced with comfort and
hope. Still, there was a long time of waiting ahead of me
until I found a living Master.
One day I heard about Sant Thakar Singh and felt that
He was the One for Whom I had been waiting so long. As
I read the books about Sant Mat, there was the recognition

of a familiar truth.
When Sant Thakar Singh came to Germany in 1987, 1
went to one of His talks. At that moment He blessed me with

The End of ii Long Road 69

a glimpse of His true being. I saw His wonderful aura and

how within His body there was a harmonious pulsation of

Light that at the same time resonated Sound. Tiie Light and
Sound Him joined together as a resounding
radiating from
light. looked like strings of light which dissolved,
At times it

then streamed back into new sounds, which in turn sent out
more rays of light. I heard the sounds of flutes, harps, and
oboes that joined together forming one melody and then
separated again. The Light and Soimd were inside and out-
side Him. The Sound was wonderful, incredibly attractive
a strange, yet familiar, melody made of white light.
He poured out His blessings to me and in His presence
I became peaceful. realized that I had reached the end of

a long, long road and had found God. The final step was to
take the holy initiation from the Godman Who finally found

The Answer
i r hroughout my have been richly blessed with
life I

^y inner experiences.
Because my dearest wish in life
was to find my way back to God, it was very important to
me to have a true Master. I implored God to show me the
way, to show me the Truth. It was a prayer from the depth
of my heart. I expected that God would give me a clear indi-
cation after I had developed more spiritually (perhaps in
one or two or more years).
One night I was awakened by the sound of music. On
my bedside table stood a radio and automatically I reached
across to switch it off. But the radio was not even switched
on. I sat up in bed to find out where the music was coming
from. Was it from the discotheque across the street?
I heard tremendously loud organ music that filled the

whole room, yet it was the middle of the night and it could-
n't be coming from the neighbors. The music grew more and

more intense, more and more intoxicating. When it had

taken full possession of me, I felt my life currents begin to
flow quickly upward from my feet. It was as if someone
were pulling them up higher and higher until they rose up
through my body.
My breath grew short and I became afraid. Suddenly I
felt I was about to die. During these last moments the

thought went through my head that I was not ready to go

yet, so much still had to be done. I was terribly frightened,
and with my last breath I called for the Master. Suddenly my
life currents became concentrated at the third eye center and

I left the body.

After a few seconds, consciousness returned to my body.
The wonderful intoxicating music was still resounding in my

7 be Answer 71

room, hut now it was like a soft, gentle rain. A continuous

harmonious flow of energy surroimdeci me. There was no
light switched on, yet the room was bathed in a soft glow,

just enough so that the outlines of things could be seen. For

a long time continued sitting up in bed enjoying this ethe-


real atHKxsphere.
It was obxious that contraiy to my own expectations,
God had given me a clear answer that very same night: the
inner organ music originates in the highest spiritual realms
and only a competent Master can lift the soul to such levels.

A Traditional Song

very strange and wonderful thing happened to a

friend and me. We live in the country of Zaire and
in March of 1995, we went in the mountains 20 km from
Kinshasa to sit in meditation for the celebration of Master
Thakar Singh Ji's birthday on March 26. We came to a place
that we all now refer to as "Thakar Hill," so named because
it is the highest point in the area.
When we sat to meditate, a light rain began to fall and
disturbed out meditations for one and one half hours. So
we again sat in meditation at 11:30 pm. We were reciting
Simran (the five holy names) when the Master appeared out-
wardly to us in a white coat. He was so shining and radiant
and His aura shone through the mist and made it seem like
it was daytime.
Again the next day Master appeared to us outwardly, but
this time He was amidst many important people who had
already left their bodies. At the head of them was Zairian
prophet Simon Kimbangu and his disciple Beya Majadika
and they asked us, "Why are you in contact with Master
Thakar Singh?" Master was close to them and wanted to
come toward us but they seemed to be stopping Him from
coming. Again Master tried to come to us and again they
stopped Him. Master then told me to sing a traditional reli-
gious song in our native language and to finish with the sec-
ond word of Simran. I sang Tshiluba which says, "Here are
the disciples of God," and then I finished with the second
word of Simran.
Immediately the barrier broke and Master was in our
midst. The song had a very strong affect on the prophet and
his people, but it was only when the second name was spo-


A Traditional Song 73

ken that everything opened up. While the Master was speak-
ing to me He said that they should know that He didn't
come to destroy our religion, but came in the name of the
all-powerful God, the Redeemer. He had come to save us.
So you see the importance of the strength of Simran
we are capable of breaking all barriers that would stop us
from attaining God. We are thankful to the Master for His
power and protection.

Help for a Woman Close to Death

/In 1977 was in Vancouver, Canada where Sant


^/ Thakar Singh was waiting for His American visa. It

was His second tour to the United States and many
American souls were waiting for Him. The powers of dark-
ness, however, were trying to prevent His entry.
an anti-guru and anti-spirituality
In the United States,
wave had arisen, probably caused by the abuses of too
many false prophets and moneymakers. Yet there was still
hope that the Master would be allowed to enter, so He wait-
ed for His visa with a small circle of disciples.
Meanwhile in California, there was a woman waiting
desperately for His She was the mother of three small

children and had separated from her husband. The woman

had recently been diagnosed as having cancer in an
advanced stage. Her doctor explained that with a successful
operation her life could be prolonged for some time. Still,
the cancer was spreading throughout her body and she
would never be able to return to normal health. The doctor
advised that she put all her affairs in order for her children,
was no assurance she would survive the operation.
as there
The poor woman went home completely devastated.
What was to happen to her children? She prayed to God for
the entire night and implored Him to help her for the sake
of her children.
Some days later, she came to know an initiate of Sant
Thakar Singh. He consoled her by saying that the Master
could surely help her when He came to California. From
then on, all the woman's hope was directed to the arrival of
the Master. But as it turned out. He did not obtain the visa
for the scheduled tour date. The woman's fear grew — in just

Help for a Woman Close to Death 75

a few days the operation was to take place. If only she could
see Him and be initiated before then.
Full of fear, she prayed, cried, and hoped that He would
come in time. When there were only two days left before the
operation, she was able to get the telephone number and
called the Master in Vancouver. In tears, she described her
situation to Him and asked Him for help. He made an
exception and initiated her over the telephone. At the end
of the initiation He told her, "Don't w^orry, I will always be
with you."
When she hung up the phone, she saw Him standing
next to her in His radiant form. He smiled at her, full of love
and comfort in confirmation of His promise. After this expe-
rience she had no more fear.
Tw^o days later she went confidently into the hospital for
the operation. When under anesthesia, she left her physical
body and experienced the entire operation with full con-
sciousness. She saw how the nurses and doctors prepared
her and how the surgeon prepared to open her stomach.
She also saw the Master appear and place Himself directly
behind the surgeon. He then put His arms through the arms
of the surgeon, thereby performing the operation Himself.
The operation was successful beyond the expectations of
the doctors, and the woman recovered quickly. The doctors
could not believe it themselves and they talked of a miracle.
Still the hardest thing to explain was that there was prac-
tically no cancer found anywhere even
else in her body,
though she w^as x-rayed several times. She soon left the hos-
pital and returned happily and thankfully to her children.
She had to periodically visit the hospital for one more
year, for the doctors could not believe that this terminal dis-
ease had simply disappeared. Only when the very last signs
of cancer had gone were they finally convinced. Shaking
their heads, they told her they had never before experienced
anything like There was no normal explanation for it.

The misfortune of the woman had taken a wonderful

75 Believe in Miracles

turn.She experienced so much help in her daily life and

became stronger through the meditations. She was very
thankful to God and the Master for allowing her to survive
and to raise her children.

Invisible Hands
I wo days before a trip to India to see the Master,
^/^ the following incident happened: On a cold, rainy
evening, my husband and I drove toward the only intersec-
tion with a traffic light in our village. I remember thinking
that my husband was driving too slowly to make our
appointment on time. My next thought was that we had not
fastened our seat belts, but I didn't worry about it because
we would be at our destination in a few minutes.
We were crossing the intersection with the green light
when suddenly headlights approached us from the right
side. I just had time to think, "My God, Master, this can't be
happening!" when we heard a big crash and pieces of glass
were raining on us. My husband yanked the steering wheel
around to prevent another collision, but now we were head-
ed straight into a street lamp. After another big crash our car
came to a standstill.
'What had happened? Another car had not seen the red
light and had hit us from the side. 'When our car came to a
stop we looked at each other in absolute amazement. The
silence was filled with a wonderful inner sound that both of
us could hear.
As we had not been using our seat belts, we should have
been thrown into the windshield by the force of the crash.
At the ver}' least w-e should have suffered facial injuries. Yet
we were not hurt at all.
I was the first to find my voice and said, "Master was our

seat belt!" 'When the other car hit us broadside, I had the
feeling I was being pressed into the car seat. During our col-

78 Believe in Miracles

lision with the lamp post, "someone" held me by the shoul-

ders so that would not be thrown into the windshield. My

husband also had the same experience.

When the police came a little later, we could tell them
truly that our seat belts had been "in place." Our car, how-
ever, did not fare so well —we had to sell it for scrap.
Even today when I remember this incident, I can feel the

pressure of those invisible hands.

My Friend's Death

friend was a young man (only 21 years old)


who died in 1977, from cancer. He had been

initiated by one of Sant Thakar Singh's representatives in the
hospital less than trwo weeks before. The day after his initi-
ation 1 met him as I was bringing him lunch.
When I saw him for the first time on Monday morning I
was horrified by his appearance. Due to his incurable dis-
ease he had become reduced to nothing more than skin and
bones and looked utterly miserable.
We talked about the teachings of the Masters and medi-
tated together as far as it was possible for him, for he suf-
fered tremendous pain. Since the day of his initiation he had
refused the daily morphine and accepted only "normal" pain
reducing injections. He wanted to remain fully conscious.
Ten days before his death he told me he had heard an
entire orchestra playing during the Sound meditation. I
reminded him that he was not to tell his inner experiences
to anyone. As if in confirmation of this, a few minutes later
he was no longer able to talk without great effort. Soon after,
he was forced to write down anything he wanted to com-
municate, and by the weekend he could not even do this
When I visited my friend on Sunday, accompanied by
another initiate, he showed us a piece of paper on which his
uncle had written the alphabet. With a pencil, he pointed to
the different letters to make us understand what he wanted
to tell us. At first we did not understand his meaning, so he
tried a second time. We guessed "Friday morning" and he
nodded. At that time we did not have the slightest idea what
he meant.

80 Believe in Miracles

During these last days many initiates came to meditate

with him at all hours of the day and night. They all observed

that his hospital room was filled with a very peaceful and
spiritually charged atmosphere.
On the following Thursday my friend's uncle called me
in the evening to ask me to come as quickly as possible, as
it was would be my friend's last night. Indeed
certain this
the doctors had been expecting his death for days. When I
arrived an hour later at the hospital, he was no longer react-
ing to anything. He looked like a skeleton covered with
parchment paper, but he lay calmly and peacefully in bed.
Every now and then he lifted one hand, as if in greeting.
He nodded faintly and even smiled a little, as if he were talk-
ing to someone. In the course of the next few hours his
breathing became quite normal, calm, and regular, so that
his parents felt no qualms about leaving his room to rest in
another room.
His uncle and I stayed. The uncle asked me about the
Path of the Masters and I answered as best I could. (Neither
he nor my friend's parents were initiated at that time.) Then
we were silent and I tried to meditate.
Shortly after 3:00 a.m. there was a rattling sound in my
friend's throat. It was that strange sound that precedes the
last breath. I had never witnessed the dying process before

but had read about it in the writings of Sant Kirpai Singh.

"Now he is going," I said, and I stood beside his bed. His
uncle ran out of the room to bring a nurse.
So I was the only one to witness him taking his last
breath. I saw his eyes turn upwards. On his forehead where
the third eye center is located, a bright spot formed.
Suddenly whole body and even his bed were bathed in
a warm, brilliant light that was made up of white, golden
and sparkling blue-green colors. The light was so bright that
I turned around to see if anyone had entered the room and

turned on another light. But there was no one. The only

light in the room came from a small lamp over the water
Belieiv in Miracles 81

basin. I had the strong feeling during this period that


the Master Himself was in the room.

Even when his parents and his uncle along with the
nurse came into the room, nothing changed. Even after the
doctor had confirmed his death, the light remained the
same. My friend lay there looking so peaceful, so uplifted
and wonderful, that even his relatives were astonished. They
said they felt sad, yet at the same time they felt peace and
an indescribable joy.

The parents kept looking son for a whole hour

at their
and only then did they allow his body to be taken to the
hospital mortuary. His uncle and I accompanied the body,
and when my friend was put on the stretcher, his uncle saw
the bright warm spot on his nephews forehead.
In the meantime, my friend's parents had started to gath-
er his few belongings room, and I helped them. As I
in the
took several objects belonging to me from the bedside table,
I noticed the writing paper with the words "Friday morning"

on it. At that moment it suddenly dawned on me that this

was Friday morning, and that he had been aware of the
exact time of his death.

First Heal Yourself

s a result of my own disease and suffering, I

74 became interested in the knowledge of

and 'at the age of 38 I began my training as a naturopath.

This resulted in a change in my orientation; I moved away

from allopathy toward a healthier and more natural lifestyle.
During this period my yearning for God increased, and
the search for Him became a firmly established part of my
life. I prayed day and night.
My husband was forced to go to the hospital where he
lay for seven coma, and every day I went to visit
weeks in a
him. Although he no longer showed any visible signs of life,
we were able to communicate through our thoughts. This
proved to me that people who are unconscious can still per-
ceive and even communicate with others at another level of
consciousness. Finally he died. My daughter and I witnessed
a fine mist (his soul) escaping from his body. He looked
very relaxed and peaceful as he lay there dead.
This event awakened my curiosity and I read my first
book about karma. Through learning about the law of cause
and effect, and through the insight that we have all created
our destiny in former and present lives, all bitterness in me
I began to study a healing technique called "Reiki." The
healing power was pouring out of my hands and I
thanked God for this grace. I considered that power as grace
from God. I took the first degree of my Reiki training, then
the second degree, and it seemed as though the world
belonged to me.
One day I had an accident, suffered a concussion, and
had to lie in bed for six weeks. During that time, I expen-


Beliet'e in Miracles 8

enced my first withdrawal from the body where I saw myself

lying on the bed. From that time on was able to look into

people, to see their problems and difficulties and the caus-

es of their diseases. Even when people called me from a
long distance I knew what was wrong with them. This was
all very bewildering to me. Sometimes I lay awake at night

pondering and ciying about this strange gift. People told me

that it was a gift from God and that I should make use of it.
My Reiki teacher urged me to take my third degree, but
the training was very expensive and did not have enough

money. A friend of mine who was taking the same training

course lent me the required sum. With great eagerness, I

tackled the work and even helped my teacher to organize

more Reiki courses.
were often phone calls from
After these courses, there
the participants asking for help.They could not handle the
energy that was awakened and were having great difficulty.
However, no one took care of these people afterward, and
at my home the telephone often rang day and night. I

described the people's problems to my teacher, but she felt

no responsibility toward them. The people had paid their
money, received their training, and the rest was of no con-
cern to her. This attitude created considerable differences
between us.
My search for God continued, and I was initiated into
Transcendental Meditation (TM) where I received the first

mantra. We were only allowed to meditate for 20 minutes

twice a day because it was dangerous to do the meditation

for a longer period (there was no inner protection as there

is with the meditation of the Light and Sound). This method
did not satisfy me either.
One night as was meditating, all the potted plants in

my room began to glow and I saw an old man of lovely and

noble appearance. I could tell from His clothing that He was
from India. He smiled at me and could feel love awaken-

ing in me. Then He vanished.

84 First Heal Yourself

At that timeforesaw events of the future, but since I


I put these and the appear-

could not interpret these visions
ance of the old man out of my mind.
I prayed always the same prayer: "Please, God, show me

someone who is leading the same life today as Jesus Christ

did in His day." I read stories about Masters, and my desire
kept growing to have a real living Master of my own. I tried
everything —dream seminars, astrology, working with a pen-
dulum, chakra seminars, and many others — ^yet inside I con-
tinued to feel a vast emptiness. I realized that one easily
becomes dependent on all these practices without finding
any real peace.
During the night I would see those people who would
be coming the next day to seek my help. I saw that some of
these people had gone to black magicians acquiring powers
that could hurt others. But then those seekers themselves
were bound by the dark powers and had to suffer. So even
these people came to me, hoping to regain their inner peace
through prayer or laying on of hands. After every session I
would be so exhausted that I had to go to bed. In this way,
I believed that I was helping others, but in reality I was not

even able to help myself.

One day I was sitting with a friend in a vegetarian
restaurant, and she drew my attention to a poster with a pic-
ture of Thakar Singh. "Another so-called holy man!" I
thought. Only three months before, I had returned from
India where I had spent some time with Sai Baba. I had seen
him materialize things in front of others. Although this had
made quite an impression on me, it still did not satisfy my
yearning for God. I told my friend I thought this Saint only
wanted money like all the others. Yet before leaving the
restaurant, I noted down the date and place of the talk.
A few days later I went to His lecture. When the Master
came in. He looked at me and suddenly I was in an altered
state of consciousness. My intellect stopped working alto-

gether I could not understand a word that was said. I
Believe hi Miracles 85

Stayed for the initiation and started home at around 11:00

p.m., .still in a dazed state.

It seems that must have dozed off while driving,


because suddenly my mind cleared and I saw that 1 was

heading straight into a wall with my car. had a terrible 1

moment of panic. The car was almost at the wall, but instead
of colliding with it, the car swerved gently to avoid the
obstacle. 1 knew the impossible had happened: I certainly
had not had time to turn the steering wheel. I looked to the
side and there the Master sat in the passenger seat, smiling
so sweetly. For the rest of the drive home He remained
beside me; could catch glimpses of Him out of the corner

of my eye. This was my first experience with the Master.

During the night, however, I was attacked by feelings of
doubt. Until now, Jesus Christ had been my companion and
I was afraid that I had betrayed Him.
In a state of intense turmoil drove back to the Master I

the next morning. So many questions were tormenting me:

For instance, why had we been told during the initiation not
to do any spiritual healing?
He was silent for awhile, and then said, "Spiritual heal-
ing is not the subject in this world. On the physical plane
we should use physical remedies, such as homeopathic and
ayurvedic medicines. Go on keeping Jesus in your heart. I
am not taking you aw^ay from Him; rather, 1 am helping you
to find the way to Him. Respect and appreciate whomever
you like. I only want to be your friend, or father, or teacher,
or whatever you like to call me." With these words a weight
lifted from my heart.
In the ashram I noticed the photo of a Saint hanging on
the wall. It was Baba Sawan Singh, the Grand Master of my
Master. I recognized Him immediately as the old man who
had appeared to me in my room among the shining plants.
have spent almost two years at the feet of
At this point, I

my beloved Master, and sometimes He grants me a peep

behind the curtain. In this way I have learned that all the
86 Pi^t Heal Yourself

hard physical sufferings which I have had to undergo

(including 25 operations) are the back payments from a for-
mer life in which I had also healed people through certain
powers. Now I understand that all these so-called healing
powers create very heavy burdens of karma for the healer.
By and by, the Master has revealed to me the inner con-
nection between cause and effect. Under the law of karma
it is legitimate to help others through means of physical

medicines (especially useful are the homeopathic and

ayurvedic medicines). But all help through means of astral
powers is reckoned as interference and incurs karma.
Through such powers people are only helped for the
moment, and the karma is postponed until later. They lose
the chance to acquire necessary experiences and to pay off
their karmic debts by suffering their diseases. And so they
have to go through it all again in another life.
Moreover, those people who believe they are helping
others out of the goodness of their hearts, and who in the

process call on the God Power or the Christ Power within

themselves, also have to suffer terrible consequences for
their interference.
Most people do not have the slightest idea that it is not
the God Power that is doing the healing, but other (much
lower) powers, and behind these powers are devils. Both
the healer and the person being healed are then bound to
these lower powers under the law. Every action or service

has to be repaid in greater numbers if not in this life, a fol-
lowing life. The devils who had attacked me earlier came
from those diseased persons whom I had "helped."
I also understood that certain therapies, which are
becoming more and more popular (such as "rebirthing"), are
also a type of interference and therefore go against the law
of karma.
Several times people came to me who had been practic-
ing various kinds of meditation, and theytold me they left
their bodies during the meditation but then had difficulty
Belieiv in Miracles 87

coming hack to it. This was due to the fact that they had no
inner protection or guidance.
One woman j')racticing TM
the ivundalini power
awakened in her, enormous energy par-
and the flow of this
alyzed her. For two years this woman was searching for help
from doctors, miracle workers, so-called Masters and others.
Only when Sant Thakar Singh connected her to the inner
Light and Sound, and she began to meditate on them, was
she healed by the God Power. Today she can walk again.
From my own experience, I can say that even if you take
all the different seminars which are being offered on all the

various healing techniques, you will still remain alone with

your problems. The only true helper is God.

The Earthquake in Mexico

A y parents and I lived on the tenth floor of a thir-

teen-story apartment building. It was shortly
after 7:00 in themorning that we felt the earth vibrating. My
father was in his room and my mother was still in bed recov-
ering from an operation. I quickly ran to her to calm her
down, since objects were being thrown around wildly in our
apartment. Within seconds our building collapsed.
After about two or three minutes I became conscious
again and opened my eyes. I immediately asked my mother
how she was. She was okay. But my father called for help
as his legs were buried under some debris.
Something very heavy had fallen on my chin. I was
unable to remove it as it was too big. Only after I cried to
God for help did this heavy object suddenly become as light
as paper, and I was then able to remove it easily.
There was only a dim light in the room, but enough to
see. Two openings let in fresh air. I pushed all kinds of rub-
ble out of my way and managed to get outside the apart-
The lower five stories of our building had been pressed
together like a carton. The next five stories had fallen upon
the lower ones. The three stories above us had been cata-
pulted through the air so that our floor was now the top
When we crawled out from under all the debris, people
immediately came to help us. My mother was able to walk.
Some initiates looked after us and took us to the nearby
house of another initiate. I had the feeling that everything,
down to the smallest detail, had been planned. All my other
relatives even showed up suddenly to help us.

Beliei>e in Miracles 89

Later my father told us that just before the building col-

lapsed, he had seen a bright shining person who lovingly
but powerfully pushed him into a safe place.
During this earthquake not a single initiate nor any fam-
ily member was injured.

Sunny's Story

/§ I
working as messengers in Africa we met a

Ly\y young man by the name of Sunny, an initiate in

Port Harcourt, Nigeria who helped us set up the talks in a
neighboring village called Eleme.
After a long day of moving chairs and tables and arrang-
ing the satsang hall, he was so tired that when he finished
late in the evening, he took a nap before going to his mid-
night shift. Unfortunately, he overslept and was unable to
find transportation to the job site, some ten miles away.
Dejected, knowing he would be fired for his absence, he
returned home, leaving his fate in the hands of the Master.
The next morning he went to work to try and explain
what had happened, but when he came in the gate his fel-
low workers were hard on him, insisting he had come to
work the night before! When Sunny protested he had not
come, they laughed and said they had all seen him. One
coworker even told him he had walked hand-in-hand with
Sunny to the lunchroom.
Sunny checked his time card and sure enough, he had
checked in. But how was this possible? Even his reports
were filled out properly and his bosses were unaware of any
of his work being unattended to.
Sunny had a big smile on his face when he told us this
story.Work is hard to come by in these parts and surely
Master Power had saved his job.



Ashram: Place of meditation and devotional service.

Holy Center, often located at the dwelling place of a Saint.

Baha Sawan Singh: Hazur Sawan Singh (1858-1948).

Born in the Indian month of Sawan (July) 27, 1858 in
Northern India. The spiritual Master of Sant Kirpal Singh and
Grand Master to Sant Thakar Singh. Considered the Great
Master or Saint, He carried out His spiritual work in Beas
District of the Punjab. Hazur served in the military and
worked in the Civil Engineering Department as an overseer
for the Indian government. He was loved and respected by
all people He came in contact with, regardless of caste,
creed or color. During His years of service. He connected
approximately 150,000 people to the inner Light and Sound.
Hazur died on April 2, 1948, at the age of 90.

Darshan: To have the loving look of the Master. "The

eyes are the windows of the soul." The look of a perfect
Master acts as a purifying means through which the seed of
spirituality may be sown.

Godman: A true Master Who

has reached the highest
perfection, namely, oneness with God. One commissioned
by God to free yearning souls from the continuous wheel of
transmigration (birth and death), by reconnecting them with
the inner Light and Sound of God, so that they may return
to their original source.

Initiate: One who has received connection with the

inner Light and Sound (the primordial manifestations of
God), as given from a competent living Master.

Initiation: "Baptism." Introduction and connection to the

inner Light and Sound that is given by the living Master (or
by an authorized representative of the Master).


Kal: Indian word for time. Devil or the negative power

ruling the lower three planes (physical, astral, and causal).
Opposite to God Power.

Karma: The law of cause and effect, of action and reac-

tion. "As you sow, so shall you reap." System of the lower
three planes of existence in the domain of Kal.

Maharaj: An Indian term of great respect meaning

Master or highest Lord.

Manav Kendra: Self-sufficient man-making center,

where people are educated morally, physically, intellectual-
ly, and spiritually, usually in an agricultural setting.

Naam. The Divine Word or Sound Principle reverberat-

ing in all creation, made audible to the spiritual aspirant
through the grace of a competent living Master. The Creative
Power of God; God-in-action.

Sant: Saint. One with an access to the purely spiritual

realm —the Sach Khand (the First Grand Division in cre-
ation). It is the highest rank in the spiritual hierarchy.

Sant Kirpal Singh: (1894-1974). Born Febmary 6, 1894,

in Northern India. Worked as a civil servant in the Indian
government, retiring in 1946. At the time of Baba Sawan
Singh's death in 1948, Kirpal Singh took over the spiritual
duties of His Master, which He carried on until His death on
August 21, 1974. Master of the present living Master, Sant
Thakar Singh. Founder of Sawan Ashram in Delhi and of
various Manav Kendras (man-making centers). President of
the Worid Fellowship of Religions from 1957-1971. Was the
first non-Christian in a thousand-year-old tradition to receive
the honored Golden Star of Malta from the Order of St. John
of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta. Made three world tours: in


1955, 1963-64, and again in 1972. In 1972 established the

Unity of Man Conference, a gathering of all the world's reli-

SantMat: Literally, the Path of the Masters, the holy path

leading back to God. Called the "Science of the Soul", it is

the practical essence of all religions, but is not identified

with any one religion, sect, doctrine, or dogmatic belief.
Also referred to as Surat Shabd Yoga.

Sant Thakar Singh: Born March 26, 1929. The present

living perfect Master; worked for 26 years as an engineer for
the Indian government until 1976, when He retired on His
pension to take over the spiritual work of His Master, Sant
Kirpal Singh.
Prior to His initiation in 1965, Thakar Singh served as the
head of a religious organization for the Sikh faith. He has ini-

tiated thousands of souls into the Light and Sound of God

during the course of His extensive travels throughout the

Satgwm: Master of Tmth Who is competent to initiate the

disciple into the mysteries of the beyond (see also
"Godman"). "Word made flesh."

Satsang: Literally, gathering of the Truth; being in the

company of a Saint or a perfect Master; spiritual gathering in
the name of a Master. Biblically.

Simran: "Remembrance." In Sant Mat used to denote the

repetition of the five holy names (Sanskrit) that the disciple
receives at the time of initiation; these five names act as a
password and protection for the spiritual regions within.

Sound Meditation: The ancient practice of meditation on

the Creative Life Force, the Naam or Word, which is there


reverberating in all creation. Tiiis innerSound is made audi-

ble to the aspirant through the grace and competency of a
living Master Who is One with God.

Sumt Shcihd Yoga: "Surat" meaning attention. "Shabd"

meaning Sound Current; Naam; Word; Music of the Spheres;
etc. The actual practice of reconnecting the individual soul

or consciousness with the inner Light and Sound of God;

also referred to as Sant Mat.

Third Eye: The seat of the soul. Located between and

slightly above the eyebrows; known as the single eye.

Yoga: Sanskrit word meaning union: to join or reunite.

The spiritual practice aims at stilling the mind.

Sant Thakar Singh

i hakar Singh was born in a rural setting in the vil-

^^lage of Kaithan in Northern India on March 26,
1929. Being the first person in the history of His village to
become educated, He pursued a career as an officer in the
civil engineering department of the Indian government,

retiring on His own pension in 1976.

Thakar Singh's strong lifelong desire to find God cul-
minated in 1965 when He attended the discourses and was
initiated into the holy Light and Sound by the living Master
(Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, 1894-1974). In 1974, following
the call of His Master, Thakar Singh began a mission dedi-
cating His life to helping others find this connection to God.
Master Thakar Singh lives on His pension, never
charging or taking money for His services. He gives freely of
His time to help the poor and afflicted, offering hope for a
better existence through one's own inner connection. He is

a true embodiment of love, humility, and simplicity.

Thakar Singh advocates a simple life, honest work
and service to humanity. "In love, serve one another," is His
request to all. Whether one calls Him brother, friend. Saint,
or teacher. His true help to humanity lies in the gift of God
that He has been commissioned to give to seekers of truth.

J P'stributed by:
% k O n .

u Edition Naam USA

N^iywi P.O. Box 117
Umpqua, Oregon 97486
Tel; (541) 459-5211

For ^-^^^n^rrn^^n about the path of

Sant Mat, contact
Know Thyself as Soul
lol] free;
Further Information

Sant Thakar Singh has authorized various people throughout

the United States and other countries to convey this holy inner
connection for those sincerely interested. For a list of names and
locations of these people, as well as further information regarding
the teachings of the Masters, contact:

Kirpal Light Satsang, btc.

Communications Group
P.O. Box 117
Umpqua, Oregon



11 is very often considered that miracles

are just stories invented out of the imagi-

nation. But in fact very few people know

what a miracle truly is... The philosopher

Locke says that miracles are like a letter

.^ of promise from God. which Saints bring
with Them to this world.... The Masters
will tell you that the greatest "miracle" is

when They raise the soul above the mind

and the senses, thereby severing the knot
which binds it to the wheel of births and
deaths.... Masters have the most miracu-

Pkii^ f.: lous power of making the Holy Naam

(Truth) manifest In others — what more
miracle than this is to be desired?

Sant Kirpal Singh

"The Way ot the Saints"


Painting by Steplien Henriques

Cover Design by Wayne Pope

9 780917"019142

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