Reporting Cyberbullying: Parents of Bullied

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Unlike traditional "playground" bullying, cyberbullying can be done at any time, from any
location, and possibly worst of all, can be completely anonymous. It is not limited to the
playgrounds and street corners anymore. Cyberbullying knows no hours, locations, or set
medium. This makes for a newly difficult situation for the victim - it can feel like there is no
escape. “Bullying online is very different from face-to-face bullying because messages and
images can be: Sent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, Shared be shared to a
very wide audience, Sent anonymously.”

cyberbullying hurts more because the bully thinks that if the victim doesn’t see the bully,
they won’t get in trouble.
The victim can’t leave it behind at the end of the school day

Perhaps the greatest long-term effect is the loss of the home as a safe-zone.
Traditional bullying usually ended when a person was home, safe with their family.
Cyber bullying enters into the home and is with the students at all times
The parents of bullied students are advised to report the incident directly to the
school. If the bullying occurs away from school grounds, or if the victim has been
threatened, contact the police

Reporting Cyberbullying

There are multiple channels to report cyberbullying. Many websites allow users to
flag incidents directly through their application. For cyberbullying protection
across all websites, some technology users use third-party software to stop
online harassment. Several programs have been developed to prevent
cyberbullying, and most social media sites, including Facebook, have added
measures to combat cyberbullying with “report” and “block” functions where users
cannot view, reach, or interact with the victim.

“Reporting” and “blocking” actions give victims the power to remove themselves
from cyberbullying situations. These functions are not fool-proof, however.
Cyberbullies can use their anonymity to harass people from different accounts
without consequences. To help combat the issue and prevent future instances of
harassment, parents are encouraged to teach their children about online etiquette
and to report cyberbullying instead of retaliating.

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