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Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement


This Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure agreement (hereinafter, the “Agreement”) is made and entered
into by and between ________________a legal entity, duly organized and registered under the laws of
__________________, having its registered address at:__________________ («Receiving Party»)
represented by Founder __________________acting under the Charter, on the one part, and

a legal entity duly organized and registered under the laws of having its registered address at: Bitzon
Technologies Inc. («Disclosing Party»), represented by acting under the other party (each one referred
to herein as the “Party” and together referred to herein as the “Parties”).

1. The following terms shall have the meanings defined below:

1.1. “Confidentiality of Information” means a requirement mandatory to be met by the person gaining
access to certain information not to submit such information to Third Parties without the consent of its

1.2. “Confidential Information” means any information, including information of a business, technical or
financial nature, including without limitation any information in respect of Disclosing Party’s activity,
employees, clients, contractors and transactions and the content of correspondence, meetings,
negotiations, discussions and deliberations relating to its activity and transactions, and information
about persons who participate, attend or are mentioned in the above, and any other information
relating thereto disclosed to the Receiving Party by the Disclosing Party in any form (including written,
oral or electronic). Any information received by extracting, processing, generalizing or analyzing
Confidential Information shall also be regarded as Confidential Information.

1.3. “Delivery or Disclosure of Confidential Information” means disclosure of Confidential Information by

the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party within the scope and on the terms and conditions provided
for herein, including the Receiving Party’s obligation to take confidentiality protection measures
specified in this Agreement and the applicable laws.

1.4. “Disclosure of Confidential Information” means any act or omission by the Receiving Party which
results in Confidential Information in any possible form (including oral, written or electronic form)
becoming known to a Third Party without previous consent of the Disclosing Party.

1.5. “Third Party” means any corporate entity, which is not a Party of this Agreement or individual who
is neither an officer, nor employee of the Receiving Party.

2. Subject Matter of the Agreement

The subject matter of this Agreement is to guarantee the Confidentiality of Information disclosed by the
Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party for the specified purposes.

3. Confidential Information Delivery (Disclosure) Procedure

3.1. Confidential Information may be delivered (disclosed) by provision of access by the Receiving Party
to the portal where the Disclosing Party shall place the Confidential Information.

3.2. Delivery (Disclosure) of Confidential Information may also take place by delivery of tangible media
containing such Confidential Information or electronically by sending the documents using an email.

3.3. Orally disclosed information shall be deemed to be Confidential Information.

4. Obligations of the Receiving Party and authorized disclosure of Confidential Information

4.1. The Receiving Party shall hold the Confidential Information in strict confidence and shall not disclose
Confidential Information to any Third Party, shall not use Confidential Information for any purpose other
than the Purpose of the Delivery or Disclosure of Confidential Information.

4.2. The Receiving Party shall treat the Confidential Information with at least such degree of care which
the Receiving Party exercises in respect of its own confidential information in order to prevent its
unauthorized use, dissemination or publication. The Receiving Party shall keep the Confidential
Information and any copies thereof in a secure location and in a way appropriate to prevent
unauthorized access by Third Party.

4.3. The Receiving Party shall have the right, without prior consent of the Disclosing Party, to disclose
the Confidential Information to its employees on a strict need-to-know basis and solely to the extent
required for fulfilment by them of their professional obligations towards the Receiving Party, provided
that the Receiving Party shall procure that such employees either are already bound by professional
duties of non- disclosure regarding the Confidential Information or have undertaken obligations of non-
disclosure of the Confidential Information similar to those set out herein.

4.4. The Receiving Party shall keep a record of all its employees who have access to Confidential
Information and within five days from receipt of a request from the Disclosing Party shall provide a
report on such access, including the person’s name, the materials such person reviewed, and the
reason(s) for such review.

4.5. If the Receiving Party becomes aware of or has any reason to suspect that Confidential Information
was or is being disclosed to any Third Party, the Receiving Party shall as soon as practicable notify the
Disclosing Party and immediately take any and all possible measures to prevent any further disclosure.

4.6. All content, products, code and idea discussed & created involving this partnership is owned by the
Disclosing party.

5. Return and Destruction of Materials

5.1. Confidential Information is owned by the Disclosing Party. At the request of Disclosing Party or upon
expiration of this Agreement, any tangible media containing Confidential Information shall be returned
by the Receiving Party to the Disclosing Party; all copies and reproductions made by the Receiving Party
shall be immediately destructed; and Confidential Information contained in electronic form on the
Receiving Party’s computers and data storage media shall be irreversibly deleted.
6. Liability of the Parties

6.1 The Receiving Party shall be liable for the Disclosure of Confidential Information and shall reimburse
the Disclosing Party for any loss resulting from such violation.

7. Applicable Law

This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the
subject matter of this Agreement (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by
and construed in accordance with the law of Canada.

8. Dispute Resolution

All the disputes and differences which may arise out of the present Contract or in connection with same
are to be settled, without resource to common law courts, in Canada in accordance with the rules of
procedure of the above Court the awards of which are final and binding upon both sides. The language
of the proceedings shall be English. The award of the arbitration tribunal is final and binding on the

9. Duration

This Agreement shall take effect after the execution hereof by the Parties and shall remain effective for
five years from the moment of getting relevant confidential Information by the Receiving Party.

10. Miscellaneous

10.1. The Parties have agreed that this Agreement may be concluded by sending a scan of the signed
Agreement via e-mail. The Parties recognize legal effect of such a copy, i.e. they recognize that such an
Agreement is legally binding and entails creation of relevant rights and obligations. The original of the
Agreement shall be sent concurrently with the sending of the scan of the Agreement.

10.2. The Receiving Party may not assign and/or transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement
to any Third Party without the Disclosing Party’s prior written consent.

10.3. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any
negotiation or communication related to the subject matter of this Agreement preceding its execution.

10.4. Any amendment or supplement hereto shall only be effective if executed in writing and signed by
duly authorized representatives of each Party.

10.5. If and to the extent that any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, it
shall be given no effect and shall be deemed not to be included in this Agreement, but everything else in
the Agreement shall continue to be binding.

10.6. The authorized persons of the Parties shall confirm having all necessary powers to perform actions
related to signing the Contract by copy of registered charters and sending Contract from official
performer email address ________________ to official Customer email address
11. Addresses and Details of the Parties

Receiving Party Disclosing Party

Company name: ___________________ Company name: « Bitzon technologies Inc. »

Location: ________________________ Location: 860 Main St Moncton, NB, Canada

Address for correspondence: ___________________ Address for correspondence:

Signature: Signature:

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