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Rampage in Las Vegas These tears allowed for all sorts of

otherworldly creatures to come to Earth and
by Brandon Flaherty
wreak havoc across Las Vegas for the better
Famous 90's actor Bojack Horseman and part of three days until a news helicopter
scientist Rick Sanchez were finally brought caught both Horseman and Sanchez at the
into custody top of Caesar's Palace in their attempt to
after a three eradicate the creatures. This footage resulted
day long in Horseman once again being in the
"rampage of spotlight and becoming
destruction" famous yet again, which
throughout in turn led to the closing
the greater of all portals and the
Las Vegas metro area. What seemingly disappearance of the
began as a relatively quiet party at "Meseeks" and creatures
Horseman's estate in Henderson, Nevada, that entered through.
turned into a series of events that led to both When brought in for
Horseman and Sanchez nearly destroying questioning, both Horseman and Sanchez
half of Clark County, Nevada. Sanchez, a disappeared through yet another portal. The
renowned scientist the world over, utilized a only evidence left in the interrogation room
"portal gun" to bring interdimensional beings was an empty liquor bottle.
whose sole purpose is to accomplish menial  
tasks. These beings, known as "Meseeks,"
found themselves unable to perform a task CRIME SOLVED BY MONSTER 
that Horseman deemed "integral" to the
by Robert Pressman
reinvention of himself as an actor. As more
and more tasks were piled on top of each Another murder in Hollywood’s Toontown,
other in finishing the first said task (making but this time, ​Detective Pikachu is on the
Horseman "famous again"), more and more case! In order to solve this case,
"Meseeks" were brought through the inter Detective Pikachu was forced to step into
dimensional portal created by Sanchez, thus the shoes of Detective Eddie Valiant,
resulting in multiple inter dimensional tears. most known for having solved Toontown’s

Mixed Up News of Las Vegas 1

infamous ​Who Framed Rodger Rabbit start a Ryme City annex adjacent to
case. This time a major figure in politics Hollywood to make new Pokémon movies
in Ryme City was the murder victim. The easier to create.
crime was similar in nature to those
Valiant solved. Eddie Valiant retired in CAR 54 INCIDENT
1988 at age 71 after more than 50 years by Troy Kieser
in both the LAPD as a detective; and later
as a private detective. Valiant is known for Officer Gunther Toody and officer Francis
successfully solving the 1947 Hollywood Muldoon were found dead in their squad
Toontown murders of R.K. Maroon, head car 54 in New Orleans. The investigating
of Maroon Cartoon Studios, businessman officers Dwayne Pride and Christopher
Marvin Acme, owner of both ACME LaSalle of NCIS: New Orleans crime unit
Corporation and Toontown, and the reported that officer Toody and Muldoon
previously unsolved murder of his own never stood a chance. Eye witnesses
brother. reported Toody and Muldoon looked
confused at the
Roger Rabbit was accused of the murder automatic weapons
of Roger Clifford, the new head of Maroon the suspects where
Cartoon Studios and the human firing. One eye
representative of Toontown. Mr. Clifford, witness reported
originally from Ryme City, Pokémon Land, that Toody said
commuted between Ryme City and “What is an UZI”.
Tinseltown. He had decided to serve both Toody and
Pokémon and Toons to make up for his Muldoon’s uniforms
father’s villainy. appeared to be old
Roger Rabbit was seen leaving the office uniforms from 53
of Roger Clifford, just before Clifford was precinct Bronx New
found dead by the cleaning crew. After an York. LaSalle stated, “These uniforms
exhaustive investigation by Detective were worn by officers in the early 60’s in
Pikachu, Benny, the toon taxicab, who Bronx, New York”. Officer Pride thought
had been helpful to Eddie Valiant in the that Toody and Muldoon were leaving a
past, has been charged with the murder. costume party. The question that
It was found that he had run over Mr. bothered Pride is where did Toody and
Clifford in his office because he thought Muldoon get the early 60’s police guns?
Mr. Clifford had plans to close down While Pride was looking over the car for
Toontown near Hollywood and move it to clues, he heard a call over the radio “Car
a suburb in Ryme City. However, that 54, where are you?” Office Lasalle and
was never Mr. Clifford’s intention. Mr. eye witnesses were surprised to see the
Clifford left plans that show he wanted to vintage model police car in downtown

Mixed Up News of Las Vegas 2

New Orleans. Pride and LaSalle will keep stated, "At this stage there is nothing
the NCIS: New Orleans crime unit and modern medicine can do for Mr. Foghorn
press informed of all breaks in the case. Leghorn."

House  M.D.  Diagnosis'  Gigantic  Rapper Post Malone to Release

Chicken, Foghorn Leghorn  Fragrance Line “Better Now”
by David Neary by Mike Taack
Foghorn Leghorn, a man sized talking NEW YORK,
chicken, has unrevealed shocking results NY - Seeking
after being examined by world renowned to capitalize on
doctor, House M.D. rumors of his
For the first time in his life, Foghorn
Leghorn sought out medical examination
perhaps to
after continuous and ongoing daily chest
counter that narrative--the successful
pain. After seeing numerous specialists,
young rapper, songwriter, and recording
Foghorn still was left with more questions
artist known as Post Malone is branching
than answers. After 13 months of dead
into a new business venture in the field of
ends, Foghorn was sent off to New Jersey
fragrance. Ever the enigmatic public
where he was examined by House M.D.
figure, Malone was cagey when asked
at Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital.
about what motivated his decision to get
To put it briefly, the unusual size of the into the crowded field of designer cologne:
chicken is the consequence of a tumor on “I might wear skinny pants one day; I
the pituitary gland. A gland that regulates might wear thrift shop pants the next day.”
growth hormone. The tumor on the According to his manager, Dre London,
pituitary gland overstimulated the what the artist means is that he can shift
production of insulin growth factor-1. The styles and interests fluidly, thanks to his
overproduction of 1GF-1 explains the creativity and passion. “Look, what Post
gigantism of Mr. Foghorn Leghorn. told me is that he really just wants to
capture the essence of what it is to be a
The ill-fated tumor that resides in the
young, successful rapper at a time music
cranium of Foghorn Leghorn has also led
is a very competitive field,” London said.
to the growth of his interior organs. The
“So he created a scent that he feels
ongoing chest pain is the consequence of
represents the olfactory equivalent of hard
an ever increasing growing of his heart.
work and success.” Some industry
After withstanding decades of uninhibited
insiders who have gotten a sneak-sniff of
growth, the outcome appears to be grim.
the scent in question say that the odor
Heart failure will soon set in. House M.D.
misses the mark a bit. “Personally, I think

Mixed Up News of Las Vegas 3

that ‘Better Now’ smells like stale Hot police? I, Squidward Tentacles,
Cheetos and foot sweat,” remarked one unrecognized talent, want to report a
worker at Agilex Fragrances, the noise complaint on the so called ‘Fresh
cologne’s manufacturer. “Then again, I’m Prince.’ All he does is sing this annoying
probably not part of the target audience.” song about him being from West
Philadelphia, being born and raised and
Curious consumers can find out for
chillin at this playground.” Squidward went
themselves whether the scent really is
on to report how he is far more musically
better now when it debuts for limited
talented than the rapper. What is next for
release at Target and selected Lee’s
the Fresh Prince in Bikini Bottom? Stay
Discount Liquors stores in Las Vegas this
tuned for more on the story.
fall (the rapper is a notoriously big fan of
the chain when he is in Sin City). The
scent is expected to be priced for retail at Today's Struggle: "The Modern
$110. Crime"

“The Fresh Prince of Bel Air” by Melike Durmaz

becomes the Fresh Prince of “My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my

Bikini Bottom? business to know what other people don’t
know," said Sherlock as he entered the
by Angel Basilio
crime scene. He asked to talk to the victim
The Fresh Prince has just been reported and he approached Kim Kardashian, who
to be kicked out of Bel Air. Apparently his was soaked in water and weeping.
uncle and aunt have had enough of his "Madam, can you explain what
“West Philadelphia mindset” and he has happened?" he asked in a humble
reportedly been moved to Bikini Bottom manner. "My diamond earrings are lost!"
and moved in with Patrick Star. In a quote exclaimed Kim. "It was $80,000!" Sherlock
from the starfish, where he says, “Leedle Holmes understood the importance of the
leedle lee,” he expresses his emotions matter. “You know my methods, Watson,"
about the new fish in town. The Fresh said Sherlock. He then asked him to jump
Prince had moved here in order to get into the water where the earring had been
away from his unaccepting family. lost. As he looked at Watson struggling to
However, commotion has risen in the swim, he remembered the times when he
town of Bikini Bottom from noise was asked to solve the hardest of
complaints about the Fresh Prince. Local mysteries, murders, and robberies. "This
citizen, Squidward Tentacles, called the new generation," he sighed, "has the
police late last night. We are able to weirdest of difficulties."
release the recording of the call. In the
call Squidward says, “Hello, is this the

Mixed Up News of Las Vegas 4

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