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An angle modulated signal

x,(t) = 10 cos[1(8irt + 3 sin(21r)(103)t]
is present across a 50 ohm resistive load. Find:
(a) the total average power;
(b) peak phase deviation;
(c) peak frequency deviation.
(d) Can you determine whether this is FM or PM?
6.33. A sinusoidal message signal of frequency 1000 Hz is used as a modulating
signal in an AM and FM system. The unmodulated carrier amplitude is
the same in both systems. The peak frequency deviation of the FM
system is set to four times the bandwidth of the AM system. The
magnitude of the spectral components at fc ± 1000 Hz are equal for both
systems. Determine the modulation index for the AM and FM systems.
6.34. Consider an angle modulated signal
xe(t) = 10 cos(wct + 3 cos to„,t), fm = 1000 Hz
(a) Assume the modulation to be FM. Determine the modulation index
and find the transmission bandwidth when (i) co,„ is increased by a
factor of 4, and (ii) when (0,„ is decreased by a factor of 4.
(b) Assume the modulation to be PM. Calculate the modulation index
and the bandwidth when (i) co n, is increased by a factor of 4 and (ii)
decreased by a factor of 4.
6.35. An audio signal x(t) has a bandwidth of 15 kHz. The maximum value of
lx(t)1 is 1 volt. This signal is used to frequency modulate a carrier at
100 MHz. Estimate the bandwidth of the FM signal if the modulator has
a frequency deviation constant (a) 1000 Hz/volt; (b) 5000 Hz/volt; (c)
50,000 Hz/volt.

6.42. An Armstrong-type FM modulator is shown in Figure 6.55. A 200 kHz

crystal oscillator provides the carrier waveform for modulation and for
the final frequency down conversion. In order to avoid distortion it is

_41 Frequency
modulator --ill Mixer .1---)-
__________ WBFM
Frequency = 108 MHz
multipliers = 90 kHz
200 kHz

Figure 6.55 Armstrong FM modulator.

desired to keep the maximum angular deviation of the NBFM signal to

0.15 radians. The message signal has frequency components in the range
of 30 to 15 kHz. The modulator output is to have a carrier frequency of
108 MHz and a frequency deviation of 90 kHz.
(a) Select appropriate multipliers and mixer oscillator frequencies to
accomplish this WBFM modulation.
(b) If the 200 kHz oscillator drifts by 0.1 Hz, find the drift in the carrier
of the WBFM signal.
(c) If the WBFM carrier frequency is to be within ±1 Hz of 108 MHz,
what is the maximum permissible drift of the 200 kHz oscillator?

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