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Having a good nutrition practice at a young age is an extremely important part of maintaining

your Health and Wellness. As we grow older, we find that we can’t always eat like we did when
we were younger and there comes a time, we must balance our diet with certain foods and
supplements. Like most things in life, there’s pros and cons, you just have to know when to make
the right decision... Listed below are three terms along with definition, that can be used as
references. Feel Free to print, save or email!
The term organic refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. In the United
States, organic crops must be grown without the use of pesticides, genes (GMOs) and sewage-
based fertilizers.
Mayo Clinic Staff, (2012). Organic foods: Are they safer? More nutritious? Retrieved June 24,
2019 from Mayo Clinic:
The Non-GMO Project, (2018). Mission and Values. Retrieved on June 20, 2019
World’s Healthiest Foods, (2014). About Organic Foods. Retrieved June 24, 2019 from World's
Healthiest Foods:
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)-
GMO’s a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been
modified using genetic engineering.
Center for Food Safety, (2019). GE & Your Food. Retrieved on June 20, 2019 from
Library of Congress, (2015). Restrictions on Genetically Modified Organisms: United States.
Retrieved on June 25, 2019 from:
Schlosser, E. (2001). Fast food Nation: The Dark side of the all-American meal. Boston: Mariner
Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Retrieved on June 23, 2019 from
Food-Borne Illness-
Food and Drug Administration, (2019). Foodborne Pathogens. Retrieved on June 25, 2019 from
Food and Drug Administration, (2019). What you need to know about foodborne illnesses.
Retrieved on June 20, 219 from
Healthy People 2020, (2015). Dietary Guidelines. Retrieved on June 25, 2019 from

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