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Burgos Ave., Cabanatuan City


Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

General Directions:
1. Read the directions carefully.
2. Write your answer in the test booklet.
3. No erasures. Erasure means wrong.
I. Identify the word/s best described by the following phrases.
1. An informally organized social entity, characterized by a sense of identity.
2. These are established rules that ensure the regular and predictable behavior of actors within a
3. These are practices, norms, traditions, culture, conduct and belief systems of a community.
4. Conventionally refers to a political community of organized groups operating within the authoritative
parameters of the state.
5. A branch of science that deals with the examination of human societies.
6. A study of social behavior, the interaction and influence of individuals and groups on each other.
7. This serves as initiators of community action.
8. Refers to the relationships of power and control between individuals and groups in the community.
9. Refers to the people’s way of life.
10. These are communities characterized as pastoral, agricultural and located along the periphery of urban
centers or in the countryside.
11. Refers to the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by
geographic proximity to address issues affecting the well - being of people.
12. Collective action by the community for the purposes of arresting crisis, addressing a challenge, solving
a problem or accomplishing a specific outcome.
13. Occurs when community members engage I collective action, people empowered, problems are
solved, social change occurs.
14. Study of structures, developments and functioning of human society.
15. Refers to the means by which members of a community allocate, produce and distribute scarce
resources to address their wants and needs.
16. Are explicitly communicated, embodied in legally codified documents or artifacts.
17. Focuses on how a community is shaped by the physical space and the location of its resources.
18. Individuals or groups who do not have direct authority but capable of shaping decisions that affect the
19. It focuses on the scope of communities with respect to its geographic dimensions.
20. The core component of community engagement.
II. TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is wrong.
1. Learning about communities is key to appreciating our daily interactions with others.
2. Individuals in a community take part in creating and formulating institutions.
3. Being part of social movements requires commitment and activism.
4. Grassroots organizations and movements are instrumental in political party formation.
5. Interrelationships and organizations are mediating elements that connect an individual with the
6. Learning about the different dimensions of communities gives stagnant change and development.
7. Grassroots communities are able to weaken the sense of community when working together in
pursuing an identified task or goal.
8. Influencers occupy important position in the hierarchy of power within the community.
9. Social change occurs when there is a rise in technology.
10. Attention should be drawn to the upper group of the community.
11. Solidarity is a result of an individual’s decision to give greater importance to collective interest than self
- interest.
12. Marginalized and vulnerable communities are more susceptible to community problems as basic social
services are unavailable.
13. Community based organizations are profit oriented to be utilized in addressing specific social issues.
14. Projects and activities implemented in the community for a specific time pursued community
15. Community development is pursued and achieved when citizens, by virtue of their solidarity,
implement community action.
III. Enumeration:
1–4 Structural dimensions of a community
5–9 Functions of a community
10 – 15 C’s of community engagement
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