Good Teaching May Be in Sonata Form

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Mahalvah Lou Ruiz-Torres

Good Teaching May Be in Sonata Form


When before, the music teachers were given an authority regarding all music subjects matter,
developing of music curriculum materials, evaluators of students’ performance, and controller
of classroom discipline, now, each area of music teaching has been given attention by the music
teachers and research communities and methodologies and strategies have been come out -
the effective music classroom teaching and rehearsal learning situation viewed in sonata form.
Good teaching might be artistically and scientifically structured is the purposed of this article.

Exposition – the art of teaching music involve the ability to analyze or compose two theme
connected by a bridge. First theme which is the musical task: analysis of conducting, rehearsal
skills, elementary music teaching skills, performance objective and composing. After composing
the musical task, the bridge or how it should be presented to students should be considered.
The effective teaching and learning approaches and techniques for musical tasks presentation
are very important. And the most important theme of all, the second theme: the analysis of
who will be taught (age, sex, experience, current knowledge, performance capabilities, and
etc.) that might affect students’ progress in learning the musical task. So, observation, analysis,
evaluation should be done before the class or rehearsal.

Development – demonstrate the art of teaching which takes place in the classroom or
rehearsal. One way to increase the level of student commitment to the musical task is to
reduce active teacher involvement with the task and increase students’ participation with the
task. The teacher should become a facilitator from Theme I to Theme II.

Recapitulation – provides an opportunity for music teachers to assess the students’

independence in interacting with the musical task. In short, the teachers are the evaluators.
They evaluate the learning process of individual students. If they cannot play their instruments,
if they are not enjoying musical class or rehearsal, and if they are constantly inattentive, then
reforming of the exposition and development should be needed.

Coda – the music teachers’ ultimate goal: excellence in teaching.


As a music student teacher, I realized that the students learning will reflect on the teacher. It
would be a positive or a negative. A positive is if the children learned from you, and the
negative is if the children didn’t learn from you. so, this article is a great help for music teachers
to be to become an affective and good teachers. It was tackled here on how the musical task
should be presented to the learners in an effective and positive way through approaches and
strategies. And we are also reminded that our ultimate goal is excellence in teaching.

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