Improve Your Knowledge

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The Lincoln Marching Band and Flags are selected for the prestigious honor

through an audition process. The Lincoln musicians work hard during the school
year to prepare their music and improve their marching technique for this grand
marching technique for this grand marching performance. The group gets a
plaque to commemorate the parade performance at Disneyland.


Prestigious honor through an audition process – prestigiosa honra através de

um processo de audição

Plaque – placa

Improve your knowledge

1. Read the texts carefully and answer the questions. Work in pairs.

a) When is Disney Festival?

b) Which state of the USA are these three schools from?

c) What is the biggest marching band? How many musicians are there?

d) Who is Glenn Walp?

2. Visit the sites mentioned in the texts and complete the sentences:

a) Wells Middle School`s winning band is directed by


b) Lincoln Middle School is The Home of The


c) Benicia Middle School is The Home of The


d) A regular day in BMS stars at_______________and ends at _____________

LCMS Band Program

The LCMS band program includes 170 students and 5 classes. Beginning Band
is open to onyone who wants to learn to play a woodwind, brass, or percussion
instrument. Intermediate Band is for developing musicians.

Advanced Band is by selection only for accomplished musicians.


Accomplished – talentoso / hábil

Read the text, choose the correct alternative and then translate the

(B) is for Begging Band (I) is for Intermediate Band (A) is for Advanced Band

( )” accomplished musicians “ means


( ) ”woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument” means


( ) ”for developing musicians” means

Now, it`s your turn! Do some research about an American Marching Band
and write a paragraph about it. Don`t forget to mention the site!








3. Improve your knowledge

1. Let`s find the right player !

There are twenty – two players in the sport game. The ball is oval-shaped. We
wear helmets and shoulders pads during the matches. I am an
______________________________. My name is Samuel.

There are twenty- two players in the sports game. There are male and female
teams. The all is round. I am a ____________________. My name is Siang.

There are two or four players in this game. We use a racket and a small ball to
play it. I am _________________. My name is Karen.

There are five players in each team in this game. We have to shoot the ball
through a hoop to score points. I am a _____________________. My name is

There are nine players in eachteam in this sports game. It is used a small ball, a
bat and gloves to play it. We score points by running and touching markers on
the ground. I am a _____________________________. My name is Joseph.

5. Improve your Knowledge

1. Read the text on page 34 again and complete the sentences using:

sports orgnization multi - sport event Special Olympics physical

disabilities children Paralympic Games intellectual disabilities

__________________________ is the world's largest __________________

For ______________________ and adults with_________________________

The ______________________________ is a major


involving athletes with__________________________________________.

2.Read the information and answer the question:

There are hundreds of Special Olympics offices all around the world, and all of
them need people at various areas during the year. The best way to become a
volunteer is to find the Special Olympics office nearest you.


nearest - mais próximo

a) Where are these Special Olimpics offices?



b) What is the best way to become a volunteer in this organization?



c) Is it rewarding to be a volunteer of Special Olympics organization? Why?

Why not? ( personal opinion )



Now, it's turn! Write about some special activities that you do on your

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