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SYSTEMIC MYCOSIS Coccidioidomycosis Histoplasmosis Blastomycosis Paracoccidioido Penicillosis

CAUSATIVE AGENT Coccidioides immitis Histoplasma Blastomyces Paracoccidioido Penicillum marnefei
capsulatum dermatitidis brasillensis
GEOGRAPHIC San Joaqiun Valley North America North America Central and South Southeast Asia
DISTRIBUTION US Southwest America
PREFFERED Alkaline soil, semi-arid Soil with high Moist environments Acid soil in humid Soil and decaying
ENVIRONMENT FOR climate Nitrogen content in wood, tree bark areas vegetation
GROWTH & rotting vegetation
IMPORTANT Erythema nodosum or
MANIFESTATIONS Erythema multiforme Pulmonary lesions, Granulomatous & Chronic, Inflammation,
OF PRIMARY Valley fever/ San residual lung suppurative lesions granulomatous suppurative &
INFECTION Joaquin Valley fever- calcification & disease, granulomatous
mild respiratory delayed mucocutaneous/ cutaneous or
presentation hypersensitivity petechial lesions mucocutanneous
DISSEMINATION Reticulo-endothelial Skin &bones, GUT, Mucosal surfaces Skin, face
Face, neck, meninges tissues of the spleen, CNS & spleen of the nose,
& skin liver, lymph nodes & mouth & GIT
bone marrow
ANTIGEN FOR Coccidioidin & Histoplasmin Blastomycin Paracoccidioidin None
Delayed hypersensitivity
reaction, 2 weeks.
EXOANTIGEN HS, F, HL H,m A 1,2,3 1,2,3,4
PRIMARY Amphotericin B Amphotericin B Amphotericin B Ketoconazole Amphotericin B &
ANTIFUNGAL Itraconazole
MICROSCOPIC Barrel-shaped Tuberculate Lollipop Hyphae that are Thin, hyaline and
MORPHOLOGY arthroconidia macroconidia appearance; Very septate & hyaline septate; resembles
(mold) fine hyphae that are paintbrushes
septate & hyaline;
septate & hyaline;
rope like strand
MICROSCOPIC Spherule Resemble Large thick-walled Pilot wheels Small yeast like cells
MORPHOLOGY blastoconidia, cell appearance that have internal
(yeast) ellipsoidal yeast cells cross walls
inside macrophages
COLONIAL Powdery, wooly, or Albino type: white in Colony of uniform & Beige or brown Blue green to yellow
MORPHOLOGY cottony color hyaline septate & pigment with a colonies (top) with
(mold) Brown type: brown in conidia yellow-brown maroon diffusible
color reverse; white to pigment (reverse)
cream colonies in
COLONIAL No yeast form colony Small, heaped pasty White to light tan, White to light tan Flat, granular
MORPHOLOGY colonies with or gray, with a colonies
(yeast) wrinkled/folded wrinkled/folded
topography & waxy topography
Arthroconidia: Cell wall Cell wall Cell wall 25c
Cell wall laters- determinant: determinant: determinan:
Outer: Alpha 1-3 glucan Alpha 1-3 glucan alpha glucan
Mannan Intracellular parasite Multinucleated
CHON 4 w incubation Rarest
Lipid 25-30c 2 w incubation
Inner: Darling’s Disease
3-0- methyl mannose
*can be biological
1-2 w incubation
40c , 20% CO2

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