El Fili Final Script

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SCENES 11-24


Donya Victorina (2) Basilio (11) Ben Zayb (1)

Paulita (4) Juanito (2) Padre Florentino (8)

Padre Irene (5) Isagani (4) Don Custodio (1)

Simoun (11) Capitan General (3) Padre Salvi (1)

Narrator: Our story begins where one ended. Crisostomo Ibarra came back as Simoun. Instead of doing
the lesser of the ways of evil, Simoun decided to twist the minds of others to start the revolution. He still
wanted to rescue his love, Maria Clara and free the Philippines by the ills of the society only to find out that
Maria Clara had passed on. He encouraged Basilio to join him but he declined. However upon learning the
death of his beloved, Juli, Basilio joined him in his cause. Now Simoun wants to have his revenge….

(Donya Victorina, Paulita, Padre Irene, Juanito)

D. Victorina: Que bonita, hija! You look very beautiful! Muy Hermosa! Magnifica! Bonita! Bonita! We look
like each other now!

Paulita: Gracias, Tiya!

(Paulita walks towards the altar to join Juanito)

Padre Irene: In the name of the father, the son and of the holy spirt. (prays in a way where he’s praying
over them, or giving a blessing) Juanito, will you take this woman, to be your lawful wife, in sickness and
in health, for richer and poorer, ‘til death do you part?

Juanito: I do.

Padre Irene: Paulita, do you take this man to be your lawful husband, in sickness and in healthm for richer
and poorer, ‘til death do you part?

Paulita: I do.

Padre Irene: May I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.



(It is 7 in the evening and the house of Captain Tiago is starting to fill with people, the venue of the wedding
of Paulita and Juanito. The coming of the Captain General is the only thing keeping them waiting from
starting the feast. In front of the house is where Basilio is watching.)

Basilio: I see Paulita has been wed to Juanito Pelaez! Poor Isagani! But there are lots of people here that
are innocent. I have to warn them.

(goes toward the house)

Basilio: Simoun has been kind to me. But those people are cruel. They deserve to die. But should I just let
others die?

SCENES 11-24
(Simoun, Juanito, Paulita)


Simoun: This is my gift for the newlyweds. (gives the special lamp)

Paulita Gomez: What a beautiful lamp!

Juanito Pelaez: Thank you so much, Don Simoun.

Paulita Gomez: Could we use this now?

Simoun: Sure, why not? Place it on the dining table.

(Simoun will leave)


(Basilio, Simoun, Isagani)

(open curtain)

Basilio: They shouldn’t get involved!

(Basilio approaches the door and tries to get in)

Basilio: Let me in! I have to save them!

(Simoun sees Basilio. He turned pale from nervousness, and went out eagerly.)

Simoun: Escolta, quick!

(Simoun leaves the stage ahead)

Basilio: He’s saving himself. I should leave, too.

(As Basilio tries to leave the stage, he meets Isagani on the road, going towards the party.)

Isagani: (looks surprised) What are you doing here?

Basilio: Come, Isagani! Let’s go! Let’s get away from this house! Come!

(Basilio tries to pull him but Isagani pushes him away with a sad smile on his face)

Basilio: For God’s sake! Let’s get away!

Isagani: Why should I leave? Tomorrow she will no longer be herself.

Basilio: (He can hear his friend’s pain.) Do you want to die?

Isagani: (shrugs his shoulders and looks at the house) I don’t know, Basilio.

Basilio: Isagani! Isagani! Listen to me! There’s very bright lamp in there, like electricity! It’s loaded with
dynamite. It’s going to explode any time now! Let’s go!

Isagani: No! I want to stay here! I want to see her one more time! Tomorrow she’ll be different.

Basilio: May God have mercy on you.

SCENES 11-24
(Basilio leaves his friend behind to save himself. Isagani suddenly realizes what Basilio was saying and
rushes for the other side of the stage)

(Capitan General, Ben Zayb, Donya Victorina, Padre Salvi, Don Custudio, Padre Irene, Isagani)

(open curtain) (play lively music)

(Basilio leaves his friend to save himself. Inside the house, the visitors were eating when they saw a piece
of paper) (Capt. General picks it up and reads it)

Capt.General: Written on this paper says, “Mane thecel, pares”

Ben Zayb: Bah! That’s just a joke!

D. Victorina: It’s not a good joke! I tell you, that’s a threat from someone who passed away a long time ago!

(Padre Salvi reads the letter)

P. Salvi: IT’S IBARRA! He’s the one who wrote this! It’s in his handwriting!

Capt.General: Continue the party! There’s no need to worry about such a worthless joke!

Don Custodio: What if maybe he wants to kill us all?

(Everyone in the party remained silent for 4 seconds, then suddenly the light of a lamp died)

Capt. General: Padre Irene, kindly raise the wick of the lamp.

Padre Irene: Un momento, por favor.

(Before Father Irene stands to approach the lamp, somebody from the shadows comes and takes the lamp.)


(The thief runs and jumps off the balcony, falling into the river *splash*. Seconds after, a strange explosion
was heard)


(Padre Florentino, Simoun)

Narrator: They ransacked his house and found weapons and gunpowder. He is being pursued by the civil
guards. He doesn’t want to surrender while he’s still alive so he drank poison and went to Padre Florentino
to confess. (Only Simoun will act out running then after he drinks the poison.)

P. Florentino: Are you suffering, Senyor Simoun?

Simoun: A little but the suffering will cease in a little while. Anytime now the poison will take hold of my
whole body.

P. Florentino: My God! What have you done? What have you taken? My God!

Simoun: Calm yourself. The night is coming and I don’t have much time. I must tell you my secret.

P. Florentino: But an antidote, Senyor Simoun! I have ether… apomorphine, chloroform. (looking for a

Simoun: It is useless! Don’t waste time… please…. Father, can you tell me if God is real?
SCENES 11-24
P. Florentino: Wherever we go, the Lord is there.

Simoun: Padre, I don’t want to die with this burden, this heavy feeling in my heart. I am Crisostomo Ibarra,
who has long been assumed to be dead. I have done so many evil. I just…

P. Florentino: The Lord will forgive you, child. He knows you wanted everything, that you were consumed
by your anger and your vengeance. He has plans for you, child.

Simoun: Do you think it is also God’s will that caused all that has happened?

P. Florentino: I cannot read into the thoughts of God, But He never sought out to cause us any harm.

Simoun: Why then has He refused me his support?

P. Florentino: Because your methods are wrong. Hate can only create monsters, crime and criminals. Only
love can bring in the means to an end. If our country is to be free one day, it would not be through vice and

Simoun: Why am I punished and not those who cause nothing but evil?

P. Florentino: The just and the deserving must suffer so that their ideas must be known and spread out.
The vase must be shaken and broken to spread its perfume. The rock has to be struck to bring out a spark.
There is something providential in the persecutions of tyrants, Senyor Simoun.

Simoun: Many thanks, Padre. Now, I have peace in my heart. (Simoun squeezes the hand of P. Florentino,
eventually losing its strength.)

Narrator: Padre Florentino found the remaining jewels of Simoun, went to the Pacific Ocean, throws away
all of it, hoping they wouldn’t be used by those driven by greed but would one day be used for the greater


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