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Saint Mary’s Angels College of Valenzuela


Syllabus In Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8


Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa sa: (a)
Naisasagawa ng mag-aaral ang: (a) mga angkop na kilos tungo sa
misyon ng pamilya bilang natural na institusyon ng
pagpapatatag ng pagmamahalan at pagtutulungan sa sariling pamilya;
lipunan; (b) misyon ng pamilya sa pagbibigay ng
(b) mga angkop na kilos tungo sa pagpapaunlad ng mga gawi sa pag-
edukasyon, paggabay sa pagpapasiya at paghubog ng
aaral at pagsasabuhay ng pananampalataya sa pamilya; at (c) isang
pananampalataya; at (c) panlipunan at pampulitikal na
gawain angkop sa panlipunan at pampulitikal na papel ng pamilya.
papel ng pamilya.
A Speech Exposition (Tourism Project) is being organized by a newly Elected Barangay Chairman to promote peace and justice in the
community, gender and sexual sensitivity among community members, strong foundation of the family relationship and their social
interactions with the preservation of environment and you tasked to be an event planner to propose a written action plan for the
upcoming exposition that will put into account of the cultural background of the concerned community which involves literature, past
& current issues and its system etc. Relatively, the barangay officials will be there as your audience. The following are the criteria:
Content, Evidences presented, Relevance and organization of the presentation, and Impact of the presentation.
To organize a speech exposition which will present different topics: peace and justice, gender sensitivity &
Sexuality, family issues, and social interactions.
Role Planner
Audience Barangay Officials, community
The planner will coordinate with the newly elected Barangay Chairman concerning the organization of a speech
exposition which aims to promote peace and justice in their community, gender sensitivity among community
members, family issues and their social interactions with the environment. They will also propose a written
action plan for the upcoming exposition that will put into account of the cultural background of the concerned
community which involves literature, issues, system etc. They will likewise be asked to deliver a speech. The
members are divided into groups of who will make a written action plan (planner), who will deliver their speech
(orator), researchers who will gather the necessary data through research.

Product Speech Exposition

Standards Content, Evidences presented, Relevance and organization of the presentation, and Impact of the presentation
Outstanding Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
(5) (4) (3-2) (1)
Contains in-depth Contains understanding of Demonstrates little Lacks understanding of
understanding of the the theme and presents understanding of the theme the theme and
content and accurately research information with an and presents research presents only the most
presents researched adequate degree of information with fair degree basic parts of the
information. Content is accuracy. of accuracy. Content lacks information. Content is
well-organized, and the Content is organized, and organization and the group unorganized, and the
group clearly delivers the the group sufficiently does not clearly deliver the message is difficult to
message. delivers the message. message. understand.
Most of the evidences are Does not have any
All evidences are evidence that was
concrete and based on Most of the evidences are
Evidences concrete and purely
reliable sources though not concrete and do not based on reliable
Presented based on reliable
some parts of it are just based on reliable sources. sources and it was
opinions. purely opinions.
Relevance The product is very The issues are not
and relevant to the issues in Some of the issues are Most issues are outdated, timely at all, and the
Organization our society today. The outdated, and the and the presentation is a product is not relevant
of the presentation is well- presentation is organized. little bit organize. to the situation of the
Presentation organized. society today.
Presentation fully Presentation engages most
Impact of Presentation engages only
engaged the audience of the audience and may Presentation does not
the few of the audience and
and would be easy to provide some helpful engage the audience.
Presentation would not be helpful.
learn from. information.

ESP 8 | 2
Mini-Task # 1 Mini-Task # 2 Mini-Task # 3 Mini-Task #4
Article Interview Role Play Poem
Topic/s: Topic/s: Topic/s: Topic/s:
 Ang Pamilya bilang  Ang misyon ng pamilya sa  Ang misyon ng pamilya sa  Ang Panlipunan at Pampulitikal
institusyon ng pagbibigay ng edukasyon, pagbibigay ng edukasyon, ng Papel ng Pamilya
lipunan paggabay at paghubog ng paggabay at paghubog ng
pananampalataya pananampalataya
Time Reference/
Learning Learning Learning
Values Evaluation Frame/Tim Bibliograph Materials
Objectives Content Activities
e Budget y
At the end Topic: 1. Activity #1 Motivation 3 days (150 Teacher-  Paper
of the Ang Describing the Motivation Formative minutes) made  Pen
lesson, the pamilya symbol of Ask the students Assessment  Coloring
students bilang Family to make a (Individual) Materials
are able to: natural na symbolism of
institusyo their family,
a.) n ng inside of it let
Understand lipunan them to write
the role of their family
Family as name. Outside
an the symbol,
institution describe your
of the family in words
society that Realizing the or phrases.
promotes good deeds of Activity #2 Formative Reference:  Story entitled
strong each Story Analysis Assessment Constantina “Ang Di Nila
foundation members of Read the story Group (as a S. Arrogante Alam” by
of the family entitled “Ang Di class) Edukasyon sa Benjie A.
relationship Nila Alam” by Pagpapakata Amarillas.
, peace and Benjie A. o8
justice. Amarillas. Then
answer the
b.) Value following
the family questions.

c.) Activity #3 Formative Reference:  Paper

Compose To assess Checklist Assessment Constantina  Pen
an article their List down the Individual S. Arrogante
ESP 8 | 3
which knowledge role of each Edukasyon sa
explains the about the members of the Pagpapakata
relevance lesson family which o8
of family express real love
and its and solidarity.
obligation Activity #4 Summative Teacher-  Props
in the Role Play Assessment made activity  Costumes
society Make a scenario (Performanc  Music
playing the roles, e Task)  Script
functions and Group
duties of family Presentation
as a natural
institution of love
and unity to
develop oneself
toward good
Activity #5 Formative Teacher-  Aralinks
Quiz Assessment made activity
Let the students
to find out the
answers with the
given types of
Activity #6 Summative Teacher-  Short bond
Creating Own Assessment made activity paper
Article Group Work  Ballpen
Ask the students (Mini-Task)
to gather data
regarding the
importance of
family, its
functions and
duties in
community and
to foster
harmonious and
ESP 8 | 4
(Mini Task)
Activity #7 Collaboratio Teacher-  Power Point
Presentation n Work made Activity  Laptop
Presentation of Summative  LCD
Article through Assessment
power point (Performanc
presentation. e Task)

At the end To compare Activity #1 Formative 3 days (150 Reference:  Book

of the and contrast Pre- Assessment minutes) Fr. Romeo B.  Paper
lesson, the the reality Assessment (Individual) Gonzales  Pen
students from Ask the students My Family: a
are able to: expectations to complete the Gift of God
table by listing
the roles of their
parents. (The
roles of my
parents versus
my expectations)
Activity #2 Formative Fr. Romeo B.  Book
Charts Assessment Gonzales  Notebook
Ask the students Individual My Family: a  Paper
to describe the (Written Gift of God  Pen
qualities of their Work) (p. 26-29)
Father and
Mother using
bubble map.
Practice value 1.2. Double
of solidarity Bubble Map –
compare and
contrast the
roles of your
SDG: Peace, mother and
justice and father.
strong 1.3. Brace Map
institutions – Analyze what
ESP 8 | 5
are siblings and
what roles they
Reference: Fr.
Romeo B.
Develop good Activity #3 Formative Teacher-  Bond paper
communicatio Small Group Assessment made Activity  Pencil
n in the Discussion Group  Pen
community Let the students  Ruler
to do the sharing
about their
activity and their
answers on the
questions with
their respective
Activity #4  Visual aids
Lesson Proper  Notebook
 Pen
Activity #5 Formative Teacher-  Props needed
Mini-skit – Assessment made Activity  Script
group the Group
Develop the students into 5 (Mini-Task)
value of groups. Ask
gratitude them to portray
a situation of
possible result if
each members of
the family play
their roles and

Activity #6 Summative Teacher-  Video

Interview Assessment made Activity  LCD Projector
Ask the students Collaborative  Speaker
to conduct an Work  Laptop
interview in their
ESP 8 | 6
Choose three
families in your
that you can
interview. Ask
the members of
the family how
play their role
and how they
face challenges
as one family to
maintain the
solidarity, peace
and justice.
Activity #7 Summative Teacher-  Compilation
Portfolio Assessment made Activity data
After conducting Collaborative  Folder
the interview, Work  Reflection
collect all the Performance paper
data the Task
gathered and
compile it in
portfolio. Each
group will write
their reflection of
what they have
learned after the
Activity #1 Formative 3 days (150 Good  Colored paper
Pre- Assessment minutes) Character  Pen
Assessment Individual Matters K-12
Ask the students Edition 8 (p.
to communicate 45)
to their Veronica E.
parents/guardian Ramirez,
s through Ph.D.
composing a
ESP 8 | 7
letter on how
they have
instrumental to
make you the
person that you
are today.

SDG: Activity #2 Good  Visual Aids

Partnerships Lesson Proper Character  Power point
for the Goal Matters K-12
Edition 8
Fr. Romeo B.
Gonzales, MS
My Family: A
Gift of God
Reflect one’s Activity #3 Formative Fr. Romeo B.  A story of
attitude as a 3R (Read, Assessment Gonzales, MS “Parents Get
teenager to Reflect and Individual My Family: A Angry at Their
parents React) Gift of God Daughter”.
Read the brief (p.42)
selection entitled
“Parents Get
Angry at Their
Awareness Reflect and
influence of React on the
commercials situation of the
to everyone teenager if you
were in her
Reference: Fr.
Romeo B.
Gonzales, MS
My Family: A Gift
of God (p.42)
Activity #4 Formative  Paper
ESP 8 | 8
Commercial Assessment
Analysis Written Work
Ask the students
to watch TV
about family. List
down the title of
the commercial
and write a brief
description about
this if it is shows
a good example
of having
Promote harmonious
awareness relationship.
Activity #5 Summative Teacher-  Props
Talk Show Assessment made Activity  Costumes
Present a talk Group  Script
show where
there are five
students to act
as parent-
guests, ten
students as
teenage children,
and one student
as TV host. The
talk show should
tackle the
similarities and
differences of
families’ traits
before and
today. Show how
the family
reflects the
attitudes and
behavior of the
ESP 8 | 9
Activity #6 (Written Fr. Romeo B.  Bond paper
Narrative Work) Gonzales  Pen
essay Individual My Family: a
Ask the students Gift of God 8
to prepare a
narrative essay
about this topic
“My Family, My
First School of
Activity #7 Summative Teacher-  Props
Role Play Assessment made activity  Costumes
Portray the big Group  Script
factor of the (Mini-Task)
Television Performance
programs and Task
characters which
affects the
behaviors of

Activity #1 Formative 3 days (150 Edukasyon sa  Story entitled

Motivation Assessment minutes) Pagpapakata “Sa Isip Ko”
Ask the student Group o  Book
to group Jennifer E.  Bond paper
themselves Quinto
according to the
barangay or
where they
SDG: belong. Let them
Partnerships read the “Sa Isip
for the Goal Ko” and answer
the following
Activity #2 Good  Power point
Lesson Proper Character  Visual aids
ESP 8 | 10
Matters K-12
Promote Unity Edition 8
and Solidarity Veronica E.
Fr. Romeo B.
Gonzales, MS
My Family: A
Gift of God
Activity #3 Formative Fr. Romeo B.  Bond paper
Communicate Table Chart Assessment Gonzales, MS  Visual
in the Form teams of (Group) My Family: A aids(manila
community in four and do a Gift of God paper or
a process walking tour of cartolina)
the school
Each student in
a group will be
responsible for
about one type
of place in the
Then present
your data in
class. (Follow the
format of chart
on page 73)

Activity #4 Formative Fr. Romeo B.  Piece of bond

Letter Assessment Gonzales, MS paper
Let the group to (Group) My Family: A
compose a letter Gift of God
addressed to the
local officials or
Promote individuals. Give
ESP 8 | 11
Solidarity your suggestions
for improving the
Reference: Fr.
Romeo B.
Gonzales, MS
My Family: A Gift
of God
Activity #5 Formative Teacher-  Script
Mini-skit Assessment made activity  Props and
Divide the class (Group) materials
into 5 groups. needed
Distribute the
ways of
cultivating and
unity in the
country with the
country and
portray a role
play showing it.
Activity #6 Formative Fr. Romeo B.  Drawing
Think-Pair- Assessment Gonzales, MS materials
Share (Group) My Family: A
Draw images of Gift of God
peace and love
experiments by a
family. Post your
drawings in the
classroom for
everyone to look
at. Let the other
group to look on
your work and
prepare yourself
for the questions
ESP 8 | 12
that they are
going to ask.
Activity #7 SUMMATIVE Teacher-  Oslo paper
Poem ASSESSMEN made activity  Design
Compose a T materials
poem about the (Performanc
family in relation e Task)
to the (Mini-Task)
Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa sa: (a) konsepto ng pakikipagkapwa; (b) pakikipagkaibigan; (c) mga konsepto tungkol
sa emosyon; at (d) mga konsepto sa pagiging mapanagutang lider at tagasunod.
Naisasagawa ng mag-aaral ang: (a) isang pangkatang gawaing tutugon sa pangangailangan ng mga mag-aaral o kabataan sa
paaralan o pamayanan; (b) mga angkop na kilos upang mapaunlad ang pakikipagkaibigan; (c) mga angkop na kilos upang
mapamahalaanan ang kanyang emosyon; at (d) mga angkop na kilos upang mapaunlad ang kakayahang maging mapanagutang
lider at tagasunod.
A rapid increase of unemployment rate currently occurring in the Philippines. The main reason why Filipinos leave the country is that
there are less job opportunities here than abroad (research based). Also, we are deeply influenced by the culture of Western and
Eastern countries. So, DOLE holds a training program not only to improve job seekers’ communication skills and self-esteem but also
to expose them with logical questions about disaster preparedness that can be possibly experienced locally and abroad. The goal of
DOLE is to prepare job seekers in a job interview regarding their advocacies that are evidently represented in their portfolios during
the application whether to pursue employment abroad or local (literature is provided). Your role is to be a job seeker. Your target
audience will be the relatives of OFW and locally employed. The following are the criteria: Content, Candidate Integrity, Reflective
thinking, and Oral Presentation.
To prepare job seekers in a job interview regarding their advocacies in employment whether to pursue
Goal employment abroad or continue local employment facing possible consequences to know their ideas
about disaster preparedness.
Role Human Resource or a Job Seeker
Audience Relatives of OFW and locally employed

ESP 8 | 13
An increased unemployment rate is currently experienced in the Philippines. The main reason why
Filipinos leave the country is that there are less job opportunities here than abroad. Another reason is
that we are so much influenced by the culture, of Western and Eastern countries. So, DOLE holds a
Situation training program not only to improve job seekers communication skills and self-esteem but also to
expose them with logical questions about disaster preparedness that can be possibly experienced
locally and abroad. The members are divided into groups: resume, research (working locally or
abroad/ disaster preparedness), attire to be worn during interview.

Product Job interview simulation

Standards Content, Candidate Integrity, Reflective thinking, and Oral Presentation
Outstanding Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
(5) (4) 3-2 (1)
Information is usually
Information is accurate. Information is
Information is accurate. accurate. Choice of
Choice of subject supports inaccurate. Choice of
Choice of subject supports subject supports some
Content and goes beyond content subject does not
content standards/surface elements of the content
standards/surface supports content
understanding. standards but excludes
understanding. standards.
Responses are
Responses are inconsistent or
Responses are all Responses are generally somewhat inconsistent contradictory. No
consistent. Concrete and consistent. Concrete and or contradictory. concrete or specific
specific examples are specific examples often Concrete and specific examples used. The
used. The candidate used. The candidate examples occasionally candidate provided no
provides verifiable provides verifiable used. The candidate verifiable information
information for all claims. information for most provides some for claims, and/or
claims. verifiable information claims may be
for claims. exaggerated or even
appear manufactured.
Shares what has been
Shares what has been
learned, why it is No evidence of
Reflective learned, why it is When prompted, some
important to the individual reflection on the
thinking important to the reflections occur.
and society. Evidence of learning.
strong metacognition.

ESP 8 | 14
Speaks fairly clearly
and with some
Lacking in clarity when
Speaks clearly and with Speaks clearly and with confidence, maintaining
speaking, lacking in
confidence, maintaining confidence, maintaining eye contact during
Oral eye contact and/or
eye contact during the eye contact during much some of the
Presentation confidence. Not
entire presentation. Well- of the presentation. presentation.
prepared adequately to
prepared to present. Prepared to present. Student(s) could have
used more time to
Mini-Task # 1 Mini-Task # 2 Mini-Task # 3 Mini-Task # 4
Video Clip Logo-making Reporting (situation analysis) Environment Advocacy
Rubric Rubric Rubric Rubric

Topic/s: Topic/s: Topic/s: Topic/s:

 Ang Pakikipagkapwa  Pakikipagkaibigan  Emosyon  Ang Mapanagutang
Pamumuno at Pagiging

Time Reference/
Learning Learning Learning
Values Evaluation Frame/Tim Bibliograp Materials
Objectives Content Activities
e Budget hy
At the end of the Topic: Ang Activity #1 Formative 3 days (150 Teacher-  Visual Aids
lesson, the misyon ng Motivation Assessme minutes) made  Paper
students are able pamilya sa (Complete nt activity  Pen
to: pagbibigay Me) Individual
ng Ask the
a.) Understand edukasyon, student to
the concept of paggabay sa group
interconnecting pagpapasiya themselves
with others at paghubog Develop according to
(family, friends, ng being the barangay
neighborhood, pananampala responsible in or subdivision
communication taya act where they
and emotion) belong. Let
them read the
b.) Value the role “Sa Isip Ko”
of Individuals as Develop love and answer
ESP 8 | 15
to promote peace and the following
and justice compassion questions (p.
c.) Show Activity #2 Formative Teacher-  Aralinks Hub
appreciation of Pre-Test Assessme made
one’s attitudes Ask the nt activity
and behaviors students to Individual
Acknowledge get their
d.) Build a good deeds notebook and
harmonious towards answers the
relationship to others following 10
effectively questions (p.
communicate 109-111)
with others Activity #3 Formative Internet  Aralinks Hub
regardless of Short Clip Assessme  Laptop
age, color and Viewing nt  Speaker
religion Show Students will
gratitude watch the
short clip
where it
shows how to
give love and
Expressing e to others.
feeling and After viewing,
emotions let them
prepare their
about it.
Activity #4 Formative Teacher-  Journal note
Flashback Assessme made
Ask the nt activity
students to Individual
write their
when they
ESP 8 | 16
show love
to those in
need and
what did they
do to that
person. Let
them write a
Activity #5 Summativ Teacher-  ¼
Collage e made Illustration
Promote In a ½ Assessme activity board
Harmonious illustration nt  Coloring
Relationship board, paste (Individual) Materials
a picture of  Pictures
those people  Plastic cover
who helps
you in good
deeds. Below
Develop the pictures
creativity make a
report on how
they interact
with you and
what are the
big factors
when you
have them.
Activity #6 Formative Teacher-  Paper
Gratitude Assessme made  Pen
Letter nt activity
This activity
will give them
chance to say
what they feel
and what
ESP 8 | 17
they want to
say to those
people in
their lives.
After giving
the letter, let
them to give
a hug to one
Activity #7 Summativ Teacher-  Aralinks Hub
Video Clip e made  Laptop
Ask the Assessme activity  Speaker
students to nt
compile a Group
short clip of Presentatio
their n
everyday life
on how do
they interact
to those
people with
and no
with them.
The video will
prove also
that all of us
need one
Activity #1 Formative 3 days (150 Teacher-  Visual Aids
Motivation Assessme minutes) made
Ask the nt activity
students to Individual
describe the
ESP 8 | 18
posted on the
board in
s through
web map.
Activity #2 Formative  Visual Aids
Lesson Assessme  Laptop
Proper nt
Topics are:
“Features of
and “Effective
n in Building
Activity #3 Formative Teacher-  Visual Aids
Sharing Assessme made
Students will nt Activity
be group with Collaborativ
their friends e Work
inside the
One of them
will pick a
prepared by
teacher. Give
them time to
reflect and
share their
opinions and
about it.
Activity #4 Summativ Teacher-  Coloring
Logo- e made Materials
making Assessme Activity  Glue
ESP 8 | 19
As Friends, nt  Art materials
think of a (Performan
symbol of ce Task)
which will
describe your
relationship to
one another.
This symbol
will be your
which truly
leave a
trademark in
your lives.
Prepare 1/8
board and
this will be
post inside
To assess the Activity #5 Formative Teacher-  Aralinks Hub
knowledge Quiz Assessme made
This will nt Activity
assess the (Written
knowledge of Work)
learners. It
consist 20
Promote items with
Harmonious different
Relationship types of test
at Aralinks
Activity #6 Formative Teacher-  Oslo paper
Slogan Assessment made  Design
Come up of a (Group) Activity materials
ESP 8 | 20
slogan which
with your
Develops the friends. And it
critical will be use as
thinking one of your
props in your
role play.
Activity #7 Summativ Teacher-  Stage
Role Play e made  Props
The students Assessme Activity  Costumes
will prepare a nt  Script
role play (Performan
where it ce Task)
Assess their showcases Collaborativ
knowledge in the big factor e
responding of friendship Presentatio
and how does n
n affect the
Nurture the Activity #1 Formative 3 days (150 Teacher-  Piece of
comprehensi Motivation – Assessme minutes) made paper
on and ask 10 nt Activity
understandin representative (as a class)
g of s from the
Individuals class. The
game is a
of charades
and sing-a-
long. Each
will pick a
piece of
paper, inside
ESP 8 | 21
of it there is a
given title of
the song that
they need to
sing it with
the emotions
asked. The
Assess rest of the
oneself class will
towards guess only
attitudes the emotions
that the
trying to
Activity #2 Formative Edukasyon  Book
Promote Pre- Assessme sa  Paper
alertness and assessment nt Pagpapakata  Pen
accountable Ask the Individual o 8 (p. 167-  Visual aids
students to 170)
answer the 10 Modyul para
items on how sa mag-aaral
do they Unang
respond for Edisyon,
each 2013

Activity #3 Formative Internet  Aralinks Hub

Film Assessme  Laptop
Viewing nt  Speaker
The students (as a class)
will watch the
cartoon movie
“Inside Out”.
The story is
about a life of
a girl who is
facing a
ESP 8 | 22
transition in
her life. And
answers the
question after
Activity #4 Formative Teacher-  Journal note
Reflection – Assessme made
after the film nt Activity
viewing, ask (as a class)
the students
to share their
insights about
this and
welcome their
Activity #5 Formative Edukasyon  Visual aids
Lesson Assessme sa  Powerpoint
Proper nt Pagpapakata  Book
o 8 (p. 167-
Modyul para
sa mag-aaral
Activity #6 (Written My Family: A  Cartolina
Daily Work) Gift of God  Paper
Emotions Individual (p. 116)  Pentel pen
(Chart) Formative Fr. Romeo  Pen
Ask the Assessment B. Gonzales,  Ruler
students to MS
make their
Daily Log of
ESP 8 | 23
Write your
emotions or
feelings a
day, then
write a
remark how
you handle
your emotions
to fulfill
Present your
work after.
Activity #7 Summativ Teacher-  Aralinks Hub
Reporting e made  Power point
(Situation Assessme Activity  Laptop
Analysis) nt  Projector
Learners will (Group
be divided Work)
into five
groups. The
situations will
be distributed
to them and
they need to
think of their
This activity
will help them
to think
wisely on the
Activity #1 Formative 3 days (150 Teacher-  Visual Aids
Motivation Assessme minutes) made
Ask the nt Activity
students to (as a class
ESP 8 | 24
describe the
Duterte as a
leader of the
Activity #2 Formative Edukasyon  Story of
Story Assessme sa “Kesz” on
SDG: Gender Analysis nt Pagpapakata page 199
Equality Read the (as a class o8
story of Modyul para
“Kesz” on sa mag-aaral
page 199, Unang
and then Edisyon,
Be a good answer the 2013
leader following

Activity #3 Edukasyon  Book

Lesson sa  Power point
Proper Pagpapakata
Modyul para
sa mag-aaral
SDG: Climate 2013
Change Activity #4 Summativ Teacher-  1/4
Picture e made Illustration
Perfect Assessme Activity Board
Print out a nt  Design
picture of a (Performan materials
person who ce Task)
SDG: Climate can call Individual
Change him/her your Output
leader. Put
ESP 8 | 25
that admire
you most
about him/her
to be your
leader. On
the other
side, paste
your own
photo and
think of your
own ways on
how to be a
good leader
in simple
ways inside
and outside
of the

Activity #5 Formative My Family:  Aralinks Hub

Identificatio Assessme A Gift of God  Journal
n nt Fr. Romeo note
As a leader in (Written B. Gonzales,
your Work) MS
community, Individual
lists down the
activities that
can help to
save the
Mother Earth.
on how you
put it into
ESP 8 | 26
Activity #6 Summativ Teacher-  Powerpoint
Environmen e made  Laptop
t Advocacy Assessme Activity  Aralinks Hub
Let the nt
students to Collaborativ
be the leader e Work
in their
The group will
come up an
advocacy and
which will
truly help
The advocacy
should be
inside the
Activity #7 Summativ Teacher-  Power point
Presentatio e made presentation
n Assessme Activity  Laptop
Present their nt  Projector
advocacy Collaborativ  Aralinks Hub
campaign and e Work
its objective.



Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa sa: (a) mga konsepto Naisasagawa ng mag-aaral ang: (a) mga angkop na kilos sa
tungkol sa pasasalamat; (b) pagsunod at paggalang sa magulang, isang pangkatang gawain ng pasasalamat; (b) mga angkop
nakakatanda at may awtoridad; (c) mga konsepto sa paggawa ng na kilos ng pagsunod at paggalang sa magulang, nakatatanda
mabuti sa kapwa; at (d) katapatan sa salita at gawa. at may awtoridad at nakaiimpluwensya sa kapwa kabataan na
ESP 8 | 27
maipamalas ang mga ito; (c) mga angkop na kilos sa isang
mabuting gawaing tumutugon sa pangangailangan ng mga
marginalized, IPs at differently abled; at (d) mga angkop na
kilos sa pagsasabuhay ng katapatan sa salita at gawa.
Our country will be hosting the upcoming United Nations (UN) promoting peace and alliance with other countries. Your network is
invited to make a commercial propaganda that will serve as the highlights of the introductory part of the program. Our goal is to
make a commercial propaganda that promotes partnership among Philippines and other countries such as Asian and European, in
reducing the gap in mutual understanding showing an organized plan in disaster awareness that war can bring. Being a commercial
artist, you are expected to include peace, unity, and disaster awareness through slogans and posters. You need to provide a
research for the basis of your propaganda. Your expected audience are the Under-secretary Department of Tourism, and Tele
viewers. The following are the criteria: Content, Message, Mechanics, and Presentation.

To make a commercial propaganda that promotes partnership among Philippine and other countries
such as Asian and European, in reducing the gap in mutual understanding showing an organized plan in
disaster awareness in case it may happen in real life such as war. A research on how to make
propaganda is needed.
Role Commercial Artist
Audience Undersecretary Department of Tourism/ Televiewers
Our country will be hosting the upcoming UN DAY promoting peace and alliance with other countries.
Your network is invited to make a commercial propaganda that will serve as the highlight of the
Situation introductory part of the program. You may include slogan and posters through peace, unity, and disaster
awareness. You need to provide a research for the basis of your propaganda. The task is to be graded
based on the following criteria.
Product Commercial Propaganda
Standards Content, Message, Mechanics, and Presentation
Outstanding Good Satisfactory Needs
Criteria (5) (4) 3-2 Improvement

ESP 8 | 28
Information is accurate and is Information is accurate and is Information is
presented in a way that presented in a way that usually accurate. Not The information is
persuades the target audience persuades the target audience persuasive but inaccurate. Does
Content while supporting the topics while supporting the topics demonstrates not persuade or
discussed and demonstrating a discussed and demonstrating understanding of demonstrate the
deep understanding of the basic understanding of the some topics topics discussed.
lessons. lessons. discussed.
Message is upbeat, to the Message is mostly clear, but Message is confusing
Message is missing
point, simple, and catchy. The there is some confusion. and unclear.
Message or inappropriate for
commercial appropriately Connection to the audience is Connection to the
the audience.
addresses the audience. noticeable. audience is weak.
Video and audio
Video and audio is of good Video and audio is of
Video and audio is of high quality interferes
quality. Storyboard is Very adequate. No
quality. Storyboard is detailed, with persuasion, no
Mechanics basic, and script has been storyboard and script
and script has been edited and storyboard, and
edited and is persuasively has been edited and
is persuasively written. script is difficult to
written. is factually written.
Presents in the style of a No evidence of
Presents in polished manner.
professional commercial Little rehearsing, rehearsing,
Evidence of some rehearsing,
Presentation producer. Carefully rehearsed, acting was recordings were
acting was effective, filmed
precisely acted, carefully adequate. hard to see and/or
and/or recorded.
filmed and/or recorded. hear.
Mini-Task # 1 Mini-Task # 2 Mini-Task # 3 Mini-Task # 4
Gratitude Letter Slogan Mini Action Plan Trophy-making
Rubric Rubric Rubric Rubric
 Content – 5  Content – 5  Content – 3  Description/Content – 5
 Application of the lesson – 5  Impact – 3  Application of  Creativity – 3
 Organization of Ideas – 3  Integration of the lessons – 3  Application of the lessons – 3
 Punctuality – 2  Cleanliness of the output – 2
understanding – 5  Punctuality - 2
 Punctuality - 2
 Punctuality - 2  Organization of
idea- 2

ESP 8 | 29
Topic/s: Topic/s: Topic/s: Topic/s:
 Pasasalamat sa ginawang  Pagsunod at paggalang  Paggawa ng  Katapatan sa salita at gawa
kabutihan ng kapwa sa mga magulang, mabuti sa
nakatanda at may kapwa
Mini Task 1: GRATITUDE LETTER (for someone they are thankful for)
Essential Question:
Why do we need to be grateful, obedient, and honest?
Learning Evaluatio e/ Reference/
Learning Objectives g Values Materials
Activities n Time Bibliography
At the end of the Pasasala  Motivation – Through 3 days
lesson, the students mat sa Inside the assessing (150
are able to: ginawan square, cut the things minute
a. describe the ways and paste a to be
g s)  Short
of showing picture of the grateful Quiambao, D.
kabutiha important for using a bond
gratitude for the Sandoval, K. Good
n ng persons you table paper
kindness of other Character Matters 8
kapwa would like to Formative  Pen
people (p. 117). 2016. Vibal
express your Assessme  Coloring
(EsP8PBIIIa- gratitude. Cite nt Group, Inc.
9.1); their kind (Pre-
b. examine examples deeds, when assessmen
of situations that and how these t)
show gratitude or affected you. Individual
 Listing – Through
the lack of it
Make a list of citing the Gonzales, R. B. My
(EsP8PBIIIa- Develop things for things to  EsP
9.2); Family: A Gift of God
sense of which you are be notebook
c. prove that (p.144). 2017. Phoenix
simplicity thankful, thankful  Ballpen
gratitude is beginning with for using a Publishing House, Inc.
the letter “A” list

ESP 8 | 30
recognizing that and going Formative
many things come through the assessmen
to us through the whole t
alphabet. Individual
grace of God and
that gratitude is the
opposite of  Story Through
entitlement analysis – analyzing
Read the story a story
mentality or the Arrogante, C. et al.
entitled using  Copy of
belief that we “Salamat Po”. guide Edukasyon sa
deserve the things the story
questions Pagpapakatao 8 (p.
we desire “Salamat
Formative 90-91). 2013. Vibal
(EsP8PBIIIb- assessmen Po”
Group, Inc.
9.3); and t
d. perform acts that Group (as
a class)
show gratitude
 Checklist – Through
(EsP8PBIIIb- Put a check evaluating
9.4). mark on the the  Manila
column frequency
showing how of
frequent you showing Cartolina
Edukasyon sa
are the the ways (Pattern of
Pagpapakatao 8
following ways of the
(DepEd Learning
of being expressing Checklist)
grateful. gratefulne Module)
 EsP
ss notebook
 Ballpen
 Discussion/L Through  Cartolina/
Promote Quiambao, D.
ecture class Manila
the Sandoval, K. Good
discussion Paper/
Character Matters 8
(p. 119-120). 2016. Power
e of being
Vibal Group, Inc. point
ESP 8 | 31
Edukasyon sa on
Pagpapakatao 8 (Visuals)
(DepEd Learning  Chalk

Gonzales, R. B. My
Family: A Gift of God
(p.143-145). 2017.
Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc.
 Plan of Through
action – making
the value Identify your plan of Quiambao, D.
 Short
of being personal traffic action to Sandoval, K. Good
observant light of show Character Matters 8
on own gratefulness. gratitude (p. 119-120). 2016.
using  Ballpen
developm Vibal Group, Inc.
ent personal
traffic light
 Letter of Through
Gratitude – expressing
 Short
Put into Write a letter one’s
to someone gratefulne bond
action the
you are ss using a paper/Col
value of Teacher-made activity
grateful for letter ored
and cite ways Formative paper
on why you are assessmen  Pen
grateful. t
MINI TASK 2: SLOGAN (about the importance of obedience and respect for other people)
Essential Question:
Why do we need to be grateful, obedient, and honest?

ESP 8 | 32
Learning Evaluatio e/ Reference/
Learning Objectives g Values Materials
Activities n Time Bibliography
At the end of the Pagsuno  Motivation – Through 3 days
lesson, the students d at The teacher identifying (150
are able to: paggala will state some own minute
a. recognize the ways situations. The actions
ng sa s)
that show respect students will Formative Teacher-made activity
mga identify if assessmen
as the result of
magulan they’re guilty t
peace and justice
g, or not. Group (as
(EsP8PBIIIc- a class)
10.1);  Graphic
da at
b. explain the effects Organizer –
of the absence of Using the
obedience and graphic
d organizer,
respect for parents,  Manila
identify at
the elderly and Paper/
Identifying least three
authority commands Cartolina
the Edukasyon sa
(EsP8PBIIId- given by your (Pattern of
possible Pagpapakatao 8
10.3 & parents, the Graphic
consequen (DepEd Learning
EsP8PBIIId- elders and the organizer)
ces of authorities. Module)
10.4);  EsP
choices Write the
c. examine existing notebook
violations of  Pen
effects of
respect towards following and
parents, the elderly not following
and authority these
(EsP8PBIIIc- commands.
10.2)  Selection Through Amarillas, B. et al.  Copy of
analysis – analyzing Edukasyon sa the
Read the a selection Pagpapakatao 7 (p. selection
ESP 8 | 33
selection using 113-114). 2016. St.
entitled “Ang guide Bernadette Publishing
Tunay na questions House Corporation
Pasaway” by Formative
Benjie A. assessmen
Amarillas t
Group (as
a class)
 Picture Through
analysis – analyzing
The teacher the
will post common
Practice pictures or situations
being situations and happening
observant the students in the
in will analyze society
whether this now that  Pictures of
pictures show do not Teacher-made activity different
respect or not. show situations
making respect
conclusion using
s based on pictures
it Formative
Group (as
a class)
 Discussion/L Through Edukasyon sa  Cartolina/
ecture class Pagpapakatao 8
discussion (DepEd Learning
Formative Module)
assessmen Power
t Quiambao, D. point
Group (as Sandoval, K. Good Presentati
a class) on
Character Matters 8
(p. 128). 2016. Vibal (Visuals)
Group, Inc.  Chalk

ESP 8 | 34
 Reflection – Through
The students reflection  Speaker
will watch the using  Projector
video entitled video
om/ watch?v =RN  Laptop
“Ang Aking analysis
Hui99xeIs  Copy of
Pagtanda -
Sulat ni Nanay the video
at Tatay”
 Slogan – The Through
students will citing a
create a general
slogan about statement
the about
importance ofobedience
the obedience and and  Oslo Paper
importanc respect for respect  Pen
e of other people. using Teacher-made activity
 Coloring
obedience They will slogan
present it inSummativ materials
respect the class e
nce Task)
MINI TASK 3: MINI ACTION PLAN (that will address some of the needs in their respective communities)
Essential Question:
Why do we need to be grateful, obedient, and honest?
Learning Evaluatio e/ Reference/
Learning Objectives g Values Materials
Activities n Time Bibliography
At the end of the Paggawa  Pre- Through 3 days Quiambao, D.  Copy of
lesson, the students ng assessment evaluating (150 Sandoval, K. Good checklist
are able to: – Identify good
ESP 8 | 35
a. recall the good that mabuti strengths, deeds minute Character Matters 8  EsP
he/she has done sa capabilities or using s) (p. 135). 2016. Vibal notebook
for others kapwa skills you can inventory Group, Inc.  Pen
offer your Formative
community. assessmen
11.1); t
b. identify the needs Individual
of different types of  Voting – The Through
people that the class will be assessing
youth may respond grouped by the
to (EsP8PBIIIe- the observatio
communities n and
11.2); and
Develop where they involveme
c. explain the idea belong. They nt of
the value
that because of the will identify student in
of being
desire to make life the needs of their
pleasant for other their respective Teacher-made activity
and to give communities communiti
the through listing es
inspiration to other
communit at least five Formative
people, doing good
y (5) and rating assessmen
deeds should be them where 1 t
done is the highest Group
wholeheartedly, priority. They
thus responding to will share it in
God’s call to serve the class.
mankind without  Discussion/L Through Edukasyon sa  Cartolina/
ecture class Pagpapakatao 8
expecting anything Manila
discussion (DepEd Learning
in return and Develop Paper/
Formative Module)
offering sacrifice concern assessmen Power
for the sake of the for the t Quiambao, D. point
needy common Group (as Sandoval, K. Good Presentati
(EsP8PBIIIf-11.3 good a class) on
Character Matters 8
& EsP8PBIIIf- (p. 136-137). 2016. (Visuals)
11.4). Vibal Group, Inc.  Chalk

ESP 8 | 36
 Quiz – Ask Through
the students answering
to answer a a short
short quiz quiz to
what the
students  Paper
Teacher-made activity
learned  Ballpen
from the
 Gathering Through
information researchin
– The class g a person
will be divided that can
into four to serve as a
Appreciati five (4-5) role model
ng the groups. Each Formative
good group will look Assessme
for a person nt
deeds Teacher-made activity
who can be an Group
made by
inspiration for
other students in
people doing good
deeds to other
people. (Use
of Library or

ESP 8 | 37
 Presentation Through
– The presenting
students will the
present the chosen
person they role model
chose and the using slide
data they presentati  Aralinks
gathered on Teacher-made activity
about him/her. Summativ
(Use of e
Aralinks) Assessme
nce Task)
 Mini Action Through
Plan – Using assessing
the the
Showing observation observatio
they made n and
care for
about the involveme
other needs in their nt of  Short
people respective student in bond
Teacher-made activity
through communities, their paper
planning the students respective  Ballpen
for a will create a communiti
mini action es
plan that can Formative
help their assessmen
community. t
MINI TASK 4: TROPHY-MAKING (for acknowledging their honest deeds)
Essential Question:
Why do we need to be grateful, obedient, and honest?

ESP 8 | 38
Learning Evaluatio e/ Reference/
Learning Objectives g Values Materials
Activities n Time Bibliography
At the end of the Katapata  Motivation – Through 3 days
lesson, the students n sa The teacher analyzing (150
are able to: salita at will play the the minute
a. recognize the: commercial of actions in  Speaker
gawa s)
importance of Gustin. the  Laptop
presented om
truthfulness, ways  Projector
video /watch?v=zJcTtetwB0
of showing  Copy of
Formative E& feature=relmfu)
truthfulness, and Assessme video
effects of not being nt
truthful Group (as
(EsP8PBIIIg- a class)
12.1);  Picture Through
b. examine cases of analysis – analyzing
The teacher the
youth violating
will post common
truthfulness(EsP8P pictures or situations
BIIIg-12.2); and situations and happening
c. explain that being the students in the
Peace, will analyze society
truthful in word
Justice whether this now that
and action shows  Pictures of
and pictures show do not Teacher-made activity
commitment to situations
Strong honesty or show
truth and having
Institution not. honesty
strong conscience using
(EsP8PBIIIh- pictures
12.3 & Formative
EsP8PBIIIh- assessmen
12.4) t
Group (as
a class)
ESP 8 | 39
 Discussion/L Through Q uiambao, D.
ecture class Sandoval, K. Good
discussion Character Matters 8
Formative (p. 136-137). 2016.
Assessme Vibal Group, Inc.  Cartolina/
nt Manila
Group (as Gonzales, R. B. My Paper/
a class) Family: A Gift of God Power
the benefit (p.173-176,179-180, point
of being and 182-184). 2017.
truthful Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc. on
Edukasyon sa  Chalk
Pagpapakatao 8
(DepEd Learning
 Collage – Through
Create a illustrating
collage that the nature
Value will best of lying Gonzales, R. B. My  Pictures
honesty illustrate lying, using Family: A Gift of God  Pen
and its effects, and collage (p.185). 2017. Phoenix  Coloring
integrity what you can Formative Publishing House, Inc. materials
do to stop it as Assessme
a vicious cycle. nt
 Social Through
Observe Experiment experienti
the status – open an al learning  Foods
Honesty Store using Gonzales, R. B. My
of  Improvise
outside of your social Family: A Gift of God
integrity d venue
classroom. experimen (p.176). 2017. Phoenix
present in for the
Bring some t Publishing House, Inc.
a learning food and Formative store
institution school items, assessmen
then out a t

ESP 8 | 40
price on each. Group (as
At the middle a class)
of the store,
put a little jar
for them to
put their
money and get
their change.
 Worksheet - Through  Manila
Consider the assessing Paper/
Exercise consequences oneself Cartolina
of honesty and regarding
the ability (Pattern of
dishonesty. honesty http://www.teacherpla
to be Formative the pages/ how-
mindful of assessmen worksheet
one’s t )
actions (Individual  EsP
) notebook
 Pen
 Quiz – Ask Through
the students answering
to answer the the short
20-item quiz. quiz
Summativ  Paper
Teacher-made activity
e  Pen
 Trophy- Through
making – The acknowled
Appreciate students will ging the
the choose an honesty of  Art
honesty of honest person a person Teacher-made activity
other they know and using
people create a trophy
trophy for Summativ
ESP 8 | 41
acknowledging Assessme
their deeds. nt
nce Task)


Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa sa: (a) mga Naisasagawa ng mag-aaral ang: (a) tamang kilos tungo sa
konsepto sa sekswalidad ng tao; (b) mga karahasan sa paghahanda sa susunod na yugto ng buhay bilang nagdadalaga
paaralan; at (c) mga konsepto tungkol sa agwat teknolohikal; at at nagbibinata at sa pagtupad niya ng kanyang bokasyon na
(d) epekto ng migrasyon sa pamilyang Pilipino. magmahal; (b) mga angkop na kilos upang maiwasan at
matugunan ang mga karahasan sa kanyang paaralan; (c)
paghahain ng mga hakbang para matugunan ang hamon ng
agwat teknolohikal; at (d) mga angkop na kilos sa pagharap sa
mga epekto ng migrasyon sa pamilyang Pilipino.
The Radio broadcasting company you are working at formulated a segment where it talks about the effect of illicit ways in one’s
health, an organized plan about disaster awareness. Your company’s goal is to conduct a Radio Broadcasting Propaganda about the
effects of illicit drugs in our health that is very visible in our society and submit an organized plan about disaster awareness about
war and an infomercial about taking good care of one’s self. You are assigned to anchor the said segment where you are required to
conduct a research focusing on the people including health workers who experienced or still experiencing the said situations. You
need to provide a statistics and data presentation to compare and contrast the data gathered if they have the same result. The
following are the criteria: Content, Message, Organization, and Creativity.

To conduct a Radio Broadcasting Propaganda about the effects of illicit drugs in our health that is very visible in
Goal our society and submit an organized plan about disaster awareness, in case, it may happen in our country such
as war and an infomercial about taking good care of one’s self.
Role Radio Broadcasters/Anchor
Audience Radio listeners

ESP 8 | 42
The Radio broadcasting company you are working at formulated a segment where it talks about the effect of
illicit ways in one’s health, an organized plan about disaster awareness. You are assigned to anchor the said
segment. You are required to conduct a research and interview to the people who experience or still
experiencing the said situations and health workers to take good care of one’s self in case there’s war. You need
to provide a statistics and data presentation to compare and contrast the data gathered if they have the same
result. The task is to be graded based on the following criteria.
Product Radio Broadcasting Propaganda
Standards Content, Message, Organization, and Creativity
Outstanding Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
(5) (4) 3-2 (1)
Information is accurate Information is accurate
and is presented in a way and is presented in a way
that persuades the target that persuades the target Information is usually The information is
audience while audience while accurate. Not persuasive inaccurate. Does not
Content supporting the topics supporting the topics but demonstrates persuade or
discussed and discussed and understanding of some demonstrate the topics
demonstrating a deep demonstrating basic topics discussed. discussed.
understanding of the understanding of the
lessons. lessons.
Message is upbeat, to the Message is mostly clear,
point, simple, and catchy. but there is some Message is confusing Message is missing or
Message The commercial confusion. Connection to and unclear. Connection inappropriate for the
appropriately addresses the audience is to the audience is weak. audience.
the audience. noticeable.
Extremely well organized; Somewhat organized;
logical format that was Presented in a thoughtful Choppy and confusing;
ideas were not
easy to follow; flowed manner; there were signs format was difficult to
presented coherently
smoothly from one idea of organization and most follow; transitions of
Organization and transitions were not
to another and cleverly transitions were easy to ideas were abrupt and
always smooth, which at
conveyed; the follow, but at times ideas seriously distracted the
times distracted the
organization enhanced were unclear audience
the effectiveness of the
ESP 8 | 43

Was engaging,
Was at times interesting
provocative, and
and was presented
captured the interest of Was well done and Was not organized
clearly and precisely;
the audience and interesting to the effectively; was not
was clever at times and
maintained this audience; was presented easy to follow and did
Creativity was organized in a
throughout the entire in a unique manner and not keep the audience
logical manner; limited
presentation; great was very well organized; interested; no use of
variety of visual aids and
variety of visual aids and some use of visual aids visual aids
visual aids were not
multimedia; visual aids
colorful or clear
were colorful and clear

Mini-Task # 1 Mini-Task # 2 Mini-Task # 3 Mini-Task # 4
Infomercial Survey Debate Letter
Rubric Rubric Rubric Rubric
 Content – 5  Content – 3  Content – 5  Content - 3
 Application of the  Application of the lessons – 3  Impact – 2  Impact – 3
lesson – 5  Punctuality - 2  Integration of  Organization of Idea – 2
 Organization of Ideas  Punctuality - 2
 Organization of idea- 2 understanding – 5
 Punctuality – 2  Evidences Presented - 3
Topic/s: Topic/s: Topic/s: Topic/s:
 Ang Sekswalidad ng  Mga Karahasan sa Paaralan  Agwat Teknolohikal  Epekto ng Migrasyon sa
Tao Pamilyang Pilipino
MINI TASK 1: INFOMERCIAL (about the nature of sexuality and what actions must be done to prepare them to the next stage of
their lives as adolescents)
When do properly managed Filipino values result in realistic hope and direct one towards achieving his/her goals?
Learnin Fram
Learning Learning Evaluati Reference/
g Values e/ Materials
Objectives Activities on Bibliography
Content Time
ESP 8 | 44

At the end of Ang  Pre- Through 3

the lesson, the Sekswali assessment – answering days
students are dad ng Ask the a 10-item (150
able to: students to True of
Tao minut
a. understand answer the 10- False quiz Quiambao, D. Sandoval, K.
the item short quiz. about es)
Good Character Matters 8 (p.
meaning of sexuality
human Formative
151). 2016. Vibal Group, Inc.
sexuality Assessme
(EsP8IPIV nt
a-13.1); Inndividu
b. examine al
current  Motivation - Through
issues The students comparin
concerning will paired up g and
the with their contrastin
perception opposite sex. g with
of human Acknowled Using Venn opposite  EsP
sexuality ge other Diagram, they sex using
Teacher-made activity notebook
(EsP8IPIV people’s will identify Venn
a-13.2);  Pen
identity their similarities Diagram
and and differences. Formative
c. perceive Assessme
that nt
understandi Group
ng human (dyads)
sexuality is  Situation Through
important in analysis – The analyzing
preparing Develop teacher will situations
for the next firmness present and  Pictures
phase of situations and sharing of Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8
on the of
adolescent the students will one’s (DepEd Learning Module)
life and decision situations
share what they thoughts
fulfilling made will do if they’re about it
your in the given Formative
vocation to circumstances. Assessme
ESP 8 | 45
marry or nt
offer Group (as
yourself to a class)
God in  Group Through
service Discussion – voicing
(EsP8IPIV The class will be out
b-13.3 & divided into two observed
EsP8IPIVb (2) groups, violations
-13.4). male and of human
SDG: female. Each sexuality
group will list Formative
Gender Teacher-made activity
examples of assessme
violations of nt
human sexuality Group
done by the
opposite sex.
they will explain
it to the class.
 Discussion/Le Through https://www.studentachievem
cture class
discussion content/uploads/Human-
 Cartolina/
Formative Sexuality-Lesson-Plans.pdf
Assessme Manila
Realize nt Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8 Paper/
the Group (as (DepEd Learning Module) Power
importanc a class) point
e of Gonzales, R. B. My Family: A Presentati
Gift of God (p.192). 2017.
chastity on
Phoenix Publishing House,
Inc. (Visuals)
Quiambao, D. Sandoval, K.  Chalk
Good Character Matters 8 (p.
157). 2016. Vibal Group, Inc.
 Interview – Through  Recorder
Prepare at least clarifying
Teacher-made activity  Pen
3-4 questions one’s
 Paper
about sexuality questions
ESP 8 | 46
and choose about
someone you sexuality
think has the using
knowledge to interview
answer your Formative
question. Write
it in a graphic nt
organizer. Group)
 Infomercial – Through
Using the identifying
information you
action to
gathered usingprepare
oneself in
the interview,
make an entering
infomercial the next
about the level of
SDG: nature of adolescen  Phone/Ca
Gender t life using
sexuality and Teacher-made activity
equality what actionsinfomercia
must be done to l
prepare them to
the next stage e
of their lives as
adolescents. nt
nce Task)
MINI TASK 2: SURVEY (to know what type of school violence is visible in the respective learning institution where they belong)
Essential Question:
When do properly managed Filipino values result in realistic hope and direct one towards achieving his/her goals?
Learning Learning Evaluati e/ Reference/
g Values Materials
Objectives Activities on Time Bibliography
At the end of Mga  Pre- Through 3 Quiambao, D. Sandoval, K.
ESP 8 | 47
the lesson, the Karahasa assessment – expressin days Good Character Matters 8 (p.
students are n sa State whether g opinion (150 169). 2016. Vibal Group, Inc.
able to: Paaralan you are agree about a minut
a. identify the or disagree with given
types, the following statement
causes and statements. Formative
effects of Assessme
violence at nt
school Group (as
(EsP8IPIV a class)
c-14.1);  Situation Through
b. examine the analysis – analyzing
effects of Read and the
bullying one analyze the effects of  Big
oneself and short bullying Amarillas, B. et al. Edukasyon speech
others statements from using sa Pagpapakatao 7 (p. 180- bubbles
(EsP8IPIV students that situation
181). 2016. St. Bernadette (Stateme
c-14.2); witnessed analysis
c. demonstrat bullying Formative Publishing House Corporation. nts)
e ways of assessme  Chalk
avoiding nt
any kind of Group (as
violence at a class)
school  Worksheet – Through  Manila
(EsP8IPIV Ask the identifying Paper/
d-14.3); students to oneself as Cartolina
and Take time answer the 20- a victim
(Copy of
d. perform to reflect item test to or a bully Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8
acts that know if they are Formative Worskshe
for one’s (DepEd Learning Module)
prevent victim of assessme et)
violence bullying or they nt  EsP
and protect are one of the Individual notebook
human bullies.  Ballpen
rights at
SDG:  Discussion/Le Through Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8  Cartolina/
Reduce cture class (DepEd Learning Module) Manila
d-14.4). inequalitie Paper/
s Quiambao, D. Sandoval, K. Power
ESP 8 | 48
nt Good Character Matters 8 (p. point
Group (as 170-171). 2016. Vibal Group, Presentati
a class) Inc. on
 Chalk
 Letter Through
composition – giving
Practice The students pieces of
will write a advice to
caring for
letter for the stop
others bullies showing bullying  Short
through the pieces of using bond
Teacher-made activity
participati advice they letter paper
ng in the want to tell compositi  Pen
issues them to stop on
bullying. Formative
 Survey – The Through
students will identifying
conduct a the visible
survey to know school
Enhance what type of violence
problem- school violence using  Paper
Teacher-made activity
solving is visible in the survey  Pen
skills respective Formative
learning Assessme
institution nt
where they Group
 Poster – Using Through  Laptop
SDG: the survey they posting  Bond
Reduce conducted, the reminders
Teacher-made activity paper
inequalitie students will to stop
create poster school  Printer
portraying a violence

ESP 8 | 49
slogan to stop Formative
specific school Assessme
violence. nt
MINI TASK 3: DEBATE (answering the question “Does technology strengthen our relationship with other people or it just divides
and separates us from each other?”)
Essential Question:
When do properly managed Filipino values result in realistic hope and direct one towards achieving his/her goals?
Learning Learning Evaluati e/ Reference/
g Values Materials
Objectives Activities on Time Bibliography
At the end of Agwat  Pre- Through 3
the lesson, the Teknoloh assessment – sharing days
students are ikal The teacher will what they (150
able to: post a symbol know
a. define of technology. about
digital The students technolog es)  Picture
Teacher-made activity
divide, will define it y (symbol)
examine: using a word. Formative
the Assessme
difference in nt
perception Group (as
of a class)
technology  Survey – The Through
and the class will have a identifying
implications short survey who
of having about frequently Gonzales, R. B. My Family: A
access to technology. use  Chalk
Gift of God (p.218). 2017.
technology internet  Questions
Phoenix Publishing House,
(EsP8IPIV Formative for survey
e-15.1 & Assessme Inc.
EsP8IPIVe nt
-15.2); Group (as
b. perceive a class)
ESP 8 | 50
that  Worksheet/In Through
understandi terview – The analyzing
ng the ways students will be the
different given 10 logos opinions
generations of the of people
perceive commonly used that
digital application or belong to  Photocop
divide can website online. different y of
Teacher-made activity
promote They will ask generatio worksheet
good their parents n about  Pen
human and siblings to technolog
relationship; name, define, y
and is and cite the Formative
important to purpose of each Assessme
the logo. nt
promotion Individual
of the moral  Discussion/Le Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8
right of cture (DepEd Learning Module)  Cartolina/
people to Manila
equal SDG: Quiambao, D. Sandoval, K. Paper/
opportunity Decent Good Character Matters 8 (p. Power
to Work and 180). 2016. Vibal Group, Inc. point
Economic Presentati
his/her Amarillas, B. et al. Edukasyon
economic Growth on
sa Pagpapakatao 7 (p. 231-
condition (Visuals)
232). 2016. St. Bernadette
(EsP8IPIVf  Chalk
-15.3); and Publishing House Corporation.
c. perform  Quiz – Ask the Through
acts that students to assessing
respond answer the 20- what was
properly to item short learned
the objective quiz. using quiz
Teacher-made activity
challenges Summativ
of digital e
divide Assessme
(EsP8IPIVf nt

ESP 8 | 51
-15.4). Work)
 Data Through
gathering – gathering
The class will be data,
divided into two analyzing
groups in it and
preparation for forming
the debate. own
Sharpen They will search conclusion
for the data and s
information that Formative
ss in the they can use for Assessme
issues the debate, nt  EsP
evident in answering the Group Teacher-made activity notebook
the field question “Does  Pen
of technology
technolog strengthen our
relationship with
other people or
it just divides
and separates
us from each
other?” (Use of
Laboratory or
 Debate – The Through
groups will use making a
their researched stand and
expressing information in a prove it
one’s debate. with
opinion concrete Teacher-made activity
and evidences
making a Summativ
stand e
ESP 8 | 52
nce Task)
MINI TASK 4: LETTER (for someone who is in abroad informing them the effects of migration to Filipino family and for the families
of the OFWs to explain why some of Filipinos need to work out of the country)
Essential Question:
When do properly managed Filipino values result in realistic hope and direct one towards achieving his/her goals?
Learning Learning Evaluati e/ Reference/
g Values Materials
Objectives Activities on Time Bibliography
At the end of Epekto  Pre- Through 3
the lesson, the ng assessment – analyzing days
students are Migrasyo Read the letter giving (150
able to: of an OFW opinion
n sa minut
a. explain the mother to her about the
common Pamilyan child. status of es) Amarillas, B. et al. Edukasyon
Value love
reasons of g Pilipino migration sa Pagpapakatao 7 (p. 236-  Copy of
overseas and its 237). 2016. St. Bernadette letters
works and effects Publishing House Corporation.
its effects Formative
(EsP8IPIV Assessme
g-16.1); nt
b. describe the Group (as
conditions a class)
common to  Clip viewing – Through
OFWs The students guide
families the will watch a questions  Copy of
(EsP8IPIV importanc portion of the the movie
g-16.2); e of movie “Anak”  Projector
c. analyze how communic and identify the  Laptop
justice and ation in effects of  Speaker
love can the family migration in
strengthen Filipino family.

ESP 8 | 53
OFW family  Discussion/Le Through Quiambao, D. Sandoval, K.
relationship cture class Good Character Matters 8 (p.  Cartolina/
s discussion 192, 202-203). 2016. Vibal Manila
(EsP8IPIV Formative Group, Inc.
Acknowled Paper/
h-16.3); Assessme
and ge the nt Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8 Power
d. perform importanc Group (as (DepEd Learning Module) point
actions for e of family a class) Presentati
OFW solidarity Gonzales, R. B. My Family: A on
families that Gift of God (p.229). 2017. (Visuals)
will enable 
Phoenix Publishing House, Chalk
them to
express Inc.
their loving  Quiz – Ask the Through
support for students to answering
their OFW answer the 15- a short
members item short quiz  Paper
Teacher-made activity
(EsP8IPIV objective quiz. Formative  Pen
h-16.4). Assessme
 Exercise – Through
Using a table, identifying
give the the action
following: that
 Responsibilit needs to
y or action be done
in facing the to face
effects of the  EsP
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8
migration; effects of notebook
(DepEd Learning Module)
 How can migration  Pen
this Formative
strengthen Assessme
the family’s nt
readiness in Individual
facing the
effects of

ESP 8 | 54
 How to put
into real life
this action

 Interview – Through
Interview a proving
SDG: person in your the  Photocop
Decent community who discussed Quiambao, D. Sandoval, K. y of the
has an OFW effects of
Work and Good Character Matters 8 (p. Interview
family member. migration
Use the Formative
200). 2016. Vibal Group, Inc. Sheet
Growth interview sheet Assessme  Pen
attached on the nt
reference book. Individual
 Letter – The Through
students will strengthe
write a letter for ning the
someone who is bond of
in abroad the family
informing them using
the effects of letter
migration to compositi  Short
Filipino family. on bond
family Teacher-made activity
Also, they will Summativ paper
write a letter for e  Pen
the families of Assessme
the OFWs and nt
explain why (Written
some of Work)
Filipinos need to Individual
work out of the

ESP 8 | 55

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