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Running head: UDL WORKSHEET

Universal Design for Learning Worksheet

Caleb Ricks

National University 


Prepare and add a Title Page to the document. Respond to each prompt clearly and
concisely following APA form and style guidelines.

1. Examine the diagram below. Study the functions of the various parts of the

Regions of the Brain


2. Examine the diagram below. Study the areas of the brain related to the “Why”,
“What”, and “How” of learning.

Continue by reviewing the material about the parts of the brain at http://
anatomy_of_the_brain_85,P00773/ . \

3. The second diagram comes from the CAST website. Study the diagram. Think about
how the 3 principles of Universal Design for Learning are related to activation of each of
the 3 areas of the brain identified in the diagram. The 3 principles are:
A. Multiple Means of Representation
B. Multiple Means of Action and Expression, and
C. Multiple Means of Engagement.

4. Explain how the definitions of the regions of the brain in the first diagram relate to the 3

regions of the brain in the second. (Maximum 100 words)

The affective networks of the brain displayed in the second diagram, which facilitate learning,

engagement, and motivation, relate to the temporal lobe and frontal lobe of the brain in the first

diagram, both of which control learning, behavior, movement, thinking, and memory. The

recognition networks, which control how learners gather facts and categorize what they see and

hear, corresponds to the occipital lobe (sight), parietal lobe (language comprehension) and

temporal lobe (hearing and feelings). The strategic networks corresponds almost exclusively with

the frontal lobe, which controls thinking, memory, and behavior.

5. Given the information in the two diagrams above, explain the 3 Principles of Universal

Design (Multiple means of Representation, Multiple Means of Action and Expression and

Multiple Means of Engagement) in terms of how they relate to brain function. (Maximum

300 words)

Because Multiple Means of Representation involves different ways in which students gather

information and internalize the lesson, I believe it relates to the recognition network and to the

temporal and occipital lobes of the brain. The recognition networks, as described by CAST

(2019) controls how one gathers facts, categorizes information, reads, and hears. The temporal

lobe controls how one hears and learns and the occipital lobe dictates what one sees. Because the

occipital lobe, temporal lobe, and recognition network all control how one sees, hears, and

categorizes information, they all correlate to Multiple Means of Representation. Because no one

person sees, hears, and categorizes in the same way, providing Multiple Means of Representation

(visual, written, auditory) allows all types of learners to categorize the presented information.

Multiple Modes of Engagement correlates to the affective networks and therefore corresponds to

the frontal lobe (thinking, memory behavior, movement) and the temporal lobe (thinking and

hearing). No one learner engages in learning the same way. Some may be kinesthetic learners

and thus require movement to engage (frontal lobe) while others learn best from listening to

lecture (temporal lobe). Either way, providing Multiple Means of Engagement allows different

types of learners to engage with the lesson through affective networks. Lastly, Multiple Means of

Expression correlates to the strategic networks of the brain that control how one performs tasks

and expresses one’s ideas. This relates to the frontal lobe of the brain that controls thinking,

memory, and behavior. All students think and express their ideas differently. Some, for example,

would benefit from illustrating a theme from a novel (visual) while others would benefit from

writing a formal essay about the theme or creating a podcast about the theme (auditory).

Providing students with Multiple Means of Expressions allows the student to display his/her

learning in the manner in which his/her brain thinks.

6. How does this help you understand the 3 principles of UDL)? Given this information,

how you might structure each principle in the classroom? (Maximum 400 words)

UDL is universal and therefore one mode or method of instruction is far too limited to reach the

diverse learners in the classroom. Every student does not learn alike, and assuming all students

will gain the same amount of knowledge from the same method of instruction is the very issue

UDL hopes to address. Having Multiple Means of Representation can include visual and

auditory presentations. For example, as a teacher, I can provide written text, which is one form of

visual presentation, alongside a graphic, which is another form of visual presentation.

Furthermore, I can incorporate a video, which combines both auditory and visual presentation in

one. In this way, I could use three different methods of presentation in one class period for one

lesson, reaching more students and providing more opportunities for students to engage and

express their learning rather than just providing one method of instruction. Multiple Modes of

Expression can range from visual, physical, oral, or auditory. For example, with a given

assignment, a teacher could provide multiple choices for the assignment. Perhaps, in my

example, my students are learning about Romeo and Juliet. As the teacher, I may provide

multiple project choices for students. For visual, I may provide the chance for students to

illustrate/draw an important scene of the play or draw a specific simile or metaphor from the

play. In terms of physical expression, I may allow groups to act out a scene in front of the class.

For oral and auditory, I may allow students to recite a soliloquy from the play or rewrite a section

in more modern English. Provide Multiple Forms of Engagement promotes student interest,

encourages effort, and encourages collaboration. Not all students can learn by silently sitting

through an hour long lecture. Using collaborative lessons and self-regulation while building upon

past lessons and providing opportunities to reteach important concepts is the best way to do

so. Collaborative work can be kinesthetic, auditory, visual, and social, offering multiple forms of

engagement for students.

7. Extend your thinking. Recall what you have learned about the similarities and

differences among children from ITL404 or ITL604. Explain 2 ways UDL can be an

effective means for addressing the learning needs of both typical and atypical students.

(Maximum 200 words)

As previously stated, UDLs are universal and therefore are not only limited to atypical students.

Of course, a student who is deaf, for example, would benefit from a lesson that provided

Multiple Means of Representation and did not solely rely upon auditory learning. However, a

typical student with no special needs who is a visual learner would also rely upon the teacher

providing representations other than auditory. UDL is design to reach all learners, atypical and

typical, special needs and general education. Another example of UDL benefiting both atypical

and typical students is through Multiple Means of Expression. Some typical students are far

more artistic than literary. A student, for example, could draw a picture that captures the theme,

motifs, tone, and ideas of a novel in the same way a student who wrote an essay could. Providing

Multiple Means of Expression also benefits atypical student. A student with sensory motor

disabilities, for example, would benefit from creating an analytical podcast rather than struggling

to write an essay in class.

8. How easy or difficult do you think it will be to effectively implement the principles of

UDL in your own classroom? Why do you think so; provide rationales? (Maximum 150


I do not think it will be difficult for me to implement UDLs in the classroom. Not only do I think

it is beneficial for my students to be presented with multiple means of expression, representation,

and engagement, but I also think it is important for me as a teacher to provide these. If I always

provided my students with the same method of instruction, I could not expect improvement from

them. Furthermore, I believe I would grow bored of my own instruction. Providing multiple

means to my students not only allows different types of learners to learn, but it also allows my

students to engage with literature in various ways. There is no one correct way to learn, no one

correct way to interact with literature, and I am a huge proponent in providing various modes of

presentation, engagement, and expression in the classroom. 



CAST. (2019). About universal design for learning. Retrieved from


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