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Fase: Planeación

Definir las características del producto y/o servicio.


Presentación en Inglés: Características de un Producto.

FAVA - Formación en Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje






March of 2019
Phase 1. Preparation of the product or service data sheet

FAVA - Formación en Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje 2

Formato para Desarrollo
de Evidencia
Phase 2. Development of the prototype of the product or service
The development of the market study of the creation of a collection of sportswear, is
made with the purpose of satisfying the needs of people who perform some type of
sports practice, so that they can acquire clothing appropriate to their preferences in
the physical store and / or in the virtual channel.
The prototype is a first model that serves as a representation or simulation of the
final product and that allows us to verify the design and confirm that it has the
specific characteristics proposed. As a company we rely on some concepts and
didactic and innovative ideas for the creation of our prototype.
1. That it be visual and tangible. This way you will begin to learn about that idea

2. Adopt the mind of a beginner. It is about making a prototype of "what can not be
done". You have to have an open mind and you can not allow knowledge to block
you in the search for your business model.

3. Feel comfortable and let everything flow. In early stages the direction to be
followed is not clear, so you have to explore several routes and be open-minded to

4. Use creativity techniques. They will help you create innovative prototypes and get
out of what is always done to explore new paths.

5. Create "Shrek" models. These are extreme and out-of-the-ordinary prototype

models that are unlikely to be built. They will help you generate debate and learn
from everything
Phase 3. Creation and Development of the Brand


A brand is a Name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination thereof, whose purpose
is to identify the goods and services of a seller, in technical terms, whenever a name is
given for a new product is creating a brand .
We know the importance of the brand of our products, which has been designed and
produced, to preserve it and protect it adequately throughout the storage process.


• It is easy to recognize.
• The slogan reflects the service goals.
• The name is allusive to the service offered.
Formato para

Phase 4: Characterization of the phases of the life cycle of your

product or service

1. Introduction:
In this phase the product is introduced into the market. The main
characteristics of this stage
They are the following:
- Sales are low.
- The product is acquired only by a small group of people called
who are the first to adopt a fashion; They are the opinion leaders.
- The competition is little or no.
- The launch cost is very high since the investment represented by the
design has not been covered
of the product, the parades, the catalogs to present the collections and
other costs.
- The costs of realization are high due to the small volume produced.
- The price is too high.
- The distribution is selective.
- Investment in advertising is high.
- The risk is that the product is not accepted.

2. Growth:
In this stage the product is accepted and more and more consumers are
interested in that style.
The main characteristics of this phase are the following:
- Sales increase strongly.
- The product is acquired by the "early adopters" who follow the
initiators and who
they want to differentiate themselves from the majority, but they do not
have the audacity or the economic power of the
- Competition is growing.
- Manufacturers copy the most salient details and simplify the rest to be
able to answer
to the growing demand. They make practically the same models with
fabrics and accessories
cheaper and less careful than the original styles.
- Series production allows lower prices and many consumers can buy it.
- The distribution is intensive.
- Investment in advertising is high.

3. Maturity or Culmination:
The main characteristics of this phase are the following:
- Sales are at the highest point and tend to stabilize.
- The product is acquired by the "early majorities" corresponding to
large sectors
They adopt a fashion because they like it, they do not feel
uncomfortable when using it because they see it in
the media and other people whom they want to be like.
- The competition is intense.
- The product is sold and distributed a lot, there are numerous
variations within the style and
entrepreneurs offer different prices to suit the needs of each consumer,
that expensive and cheap versions are made in the same fashion.
- Prices are low.
- The distribution is intensive.
- Investment in advertising is moderate.
- The duration of the fashionable product in this phase depends on its
popularity. When he manages to become
in a classic it will continue to be consumed for several seasons and will
be offered with some
detail that aggiorne or with some change of fabrics or colors.

4. Declination:
The main characteristics of this phase are the following:
- Sales decrease.
- The "early majorities" corresponding to the previous phase, begin to
tire of the products
in this fashion because they observe that they start selling below the
price that
They paid and they realize their depreciation. Then, the product is
acquired by the "majorities
delayed "that were not willing to pay the price of the product when it
was an style and life cycle of the products of the textile industry
in its heyday These customers are more insecure and they buy the
fashionable products when they
They have imposed massively and are found in all the windows of the
- The distribution is selective.
- Retailers begin the liquidations because they need to pay their
suppliers and because
they want to take place in the premises for new collections. Logically,
while this
Fashionable product declines, other products are in the previous phases
of the life cycle.
- The advertising investment is minimal.

5. Obsolescence:
In this phase few consumers want to buy the product. These consumers
are called
"Laggards" and acquire the product although it has already gone out of
This is the moment when the decision is made to discontinue the
product and replace it with
another that is in the phase of initiation of the cycle of life.
The life cycle described above corresponds to a fashion product, but
there are
other two categories of life cycles: passing styles and fashions.
As we indicated above, fashion is an accepted style that enjoys
popularity and acceptance
in a given field and that they have a transitory character. In contrast,
style is a way
distinctive expression that appears in a field of human endeavor.
A style can last in time and be valid for irregular intervals.
Finally, passing fashions appear, are quickly adopted, reach a maximum
in a short time, and they have an equally rapid decline. Your acceptance
cycle is short,
and tend to attract a limited number of followers among those who are
looking for emotion
or they want to distinguish themselves from others. Fads do not survive
because they usually do not
they satisfy an intense need. They immediately capture the interest of
the public, they are
adopted with great enthusiasm, soon reach their maximum level and
quickly disappear.
Next, the curves referring to style and passing fashion will be graphed
(Kotler and Keller, 2006):
As we have seen, the fashionable product presents a life cycle composed
of different phases.
In this regard, Kotler and Keller (2006) point out that the strategy of
differentiation and positioning
it must change throughout the life cycle of the product. The authors
consider that accepting
that products have a life cycle means understanding that their duration
will be limited.
In addition, it implies admitting that the sales of the same will go
through different phases and each of
they will present threats and opportunities. With respect to profits, they
will increase
or they will decrease in the different phases. Finally, the products will
demand different
marketing, finance, production, purchasing and human resources
strategies in
each of the phases.
Formato para Desarrollo

de Evidencia


Project name: Product or Service Design, phase 5: Product life cycle monitoring
Identification (NIT): 890.200.686 - 7
Area: Quality and audit
Period of monitoring: Included between March 2019 and April 2019
Time: 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Responsible for the design of the plan: Fabián Alejandro Mora Rueda

We will use the monitoring plan as a management tool in order to track and control the life
cycle of our product in an organized manner. Through a series of elements we will verify
the fulfillment of the initial planning, in such a way that it is possible to identify the
achievements and difficulties presented in the process and thus take the corrective
Since the monitoring plan can identify strengths that allow taking advantage of
opportunities in the environment, it is important and convenient to establish innovative
strategies to expand the local market to international levels in the short, medium and long
term. It will also make it possible to identify the faults that arise in each of the elements
that each phase brings together and make corrections that are required to avoid losses.

Consolidate a permanent monitoring and control system in order to monitor and evaluate
methods and procedures of the life cycle of the product, through the use of elements for
the collection of information that will yield results for further expertise.
 Find the profitable point of the product against the commercial dynamics of the sector
 Define the market coverage and the number of points where the product is accessible
 Measure the participation of our product in the market achieved in the short, medium
and long term
 Discover the degree of presence of the competition in front of our product
 Discriminate the clients of those who consume the product and the potentials to
 Quantify the volume of sales in a period of time

The products as well as the beings of the animal or vegetable world have a life cycle that
recognizes different stages in their evolution and we want to identify, in changing times,
what is happening with our product.
Technological factors, the action of competition and the change in consumer behavior have
a counterproductive effect in this aspect of monitoring. The exposed methodology not only
allows us to know the status quo of our product, but also gives us elements and skills to
anticipate, innovate and develop the necessary creativity to follow the evolution of the axis
of time, which in our current and future times will be each time more uncertain and
On the other hand, the development of the product strategies to be applied is based on the
identification of the stage of the life cycle to which the product belongs. But, not all the
products fulfill their cycle going through all the stages, since there are cases in which, due
to the inefficiency of the strategies, one can pass, for example, from the introduction to the
decline and disappearance, or from the growth stage to the decline and disappearance.



Estimation of the degree of
Laptop, Tablet, Google
Market research customer satisfaction with our
forms, Excel
product throughout the cycle
Means by which all the Laptop, Formatos de la
processes within the company norm ISO 9001
Identify important market
variables by throwing data and Laptop, SPSS statistical
Analysis of statistics
processing them in order to software
benefit economically
Exclusive study of those items Laptop, Software type
Analysis of costs that generate derogations to MyABCM of cost analysis,
the general budget Excel
Through the use of the senses
make a complete review of the
Review of the recordings of
Ocular inspections procedures and if they are
the security cameras
being developed according to
the established guidelines
Use of hardware and other
office and electronic tools Laptop, Tablet, Excel,
Instrument reading
sufficient and necessary for PowerPoint
cycle monitoring
Petitions, complaints, claims,
PQRSD Satisfaction surveys
suggestions and doubts
F. Schedule and activities

Product Life Cycle Schedule

Phase Activity Time

Introduccion Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
production plan
marketing plan
Product Launch
Promotion of
improvement plan
Plan to improve

g. Financing plan

Minimum investment
Factory adjustment
Rent house 3,000,000
Information equipment 5,000,000

Machinery 25,000,000
Furniture and equipment 15,000,000
Telephony 300,000
Website 2,000,000

Total 80,300,000
h. Responsible

Establish personnel in charge of the study of cost analysis, allowing you to identify the
behavior of costs, utility and benefits for the creation and implementation of organizational
strategies in order to make our product more productive and competitive in the market,
being able to determine their behavior in the market and the degree of satisfaction of the
needs of customers.

i. Indicators or measures of action

The indicators to be established must analyze the cost-benefit ratio of the product, taking
into account production capacity, infrastructure, and market requirements.

j. Definition of factors and parameters in each of the phases of the life cycle of
your product or service

In the product introduction stage it is placed in the market, so it was necessary to establish
a brand, a price policy in accordance with the competition, a distribution and
commercialization model was established in the physical and online stores.
In the growth stage, the tendency to have competitive prices is maintained by offering a
high quality product, which does not allow for more growth in sales, increasing and
improving distribution channels, and promoting complementary products.
In the maturity stage, the aim is to counteract the competition by revising the distribution
channels, at the same time as the product is perfected and the advertising campaigns are
It is expected to have a product so well positioned in the market, which innovates with the
current needs of customers and remains always valid in the market of private clothing

k. Monitoring sheet
not approved

Phase Activity
Annual evaluation
Introduccion Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
production plan
marketing plan
Product Launch
Promotion of
improvement plan
Plan to improve

L. Recommendations
In order to comply with the actions established for each phase of the product's life cycle, it
is necessary to establish continuous monitoring actions for each of the phases as well as
continuous evaluation and establishment of improvement actions that allow us to offer a
quality product at prices competitive and always satisfying the needs of customers who
perform physical activity or any sport that use our brand's clothing

• Procedimiento para Realizar las Actividades

Kotler y Keller, 2006
Formato para Desarrollo
de Evidencia

FAVA - Formación en Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje 8

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