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Business Proposition

EVENTI is a platform where artists like musicians, poets, comedians & storytellers

can share their talent. They organize monthly cost-effective events in all major cities of
Gujarat over a weekend with curated performances. They envision to get into Artist
Management platform for budding artists to pursue a successful career.
About the founder

S Nath is an engineer born and brought up in a remote city of Gujarat, having a lot of
aspirations to grow and progress in life. He is an excellent team manager and has the support
of team members and interns through thick and thin.

About the Business

Current Stage of business

At present they are doing routine events in megacities of Gujarat, have a loyal customer base
and many new customers are inclined to participate in events, with an intention to be
entertained and celebrate arts overall.


They face competition from local organizers of such events. Poetry meet-ups and Music
Meetups. Participation price for them is 30% lesser than EVENTI. Indirect competition from
Canvas Club, Laughter Factory, other large-scale events.

Capital Raised

They have been bootstrapping for 2 years. Do not have any direct investor interest. Around 5
lac of capital from friends and family to manage operations.

Growth Strategy

Organizing high decibel events with renowned performers can fetch them a lot of visibility
and also increase the revenue as the ticket size could be higher.

Having long-term brand partnerships

Scaling in bigger cities.

Creating a long-term USP that can engage their brand with customers and having well-
renowned artists to perform at the events is a challenge they are required to focus on.

Creating Investor interest and getting funding support.

Managing large scale events

Creating a long-term USP that can engage their brand with customers and having well-
renowned artists to perform at the events is a challenge they are required to focus on.
Creating Investor interest and getting funding support.

Managing large scale events


Eventi has been organizing events for a long time but they have been facing serious issues in terms of revenue
generation. The ticket size of the event participation is Rs 150 to Rs 250 and they have approx 100 customers
per event. They have been trying to partner with various brands for sponsorship to create an additional revenue
model but have not been able to fair well in the same. What improvements in the revenue model would you
suggest them moving forward?

Enhancing the revenue generation model of eventi:

1. Membership: people with the membership will get invites to the events happening in and
around the city.
2. Merchandising: just like Bewakoof sells t-shirts with catchy slogans and phrases written,
eventi can sell its own t-shirts with content relevant to artist world (be it any art or art in
3. Government grant: government supports you when you do something for good cause.
Organize events not only with a motive of providing entertainment but use these events to
support a social cause (eg: hunger/food waste). Government provides funding for such
events through various schemes and yojanas.
4. YouTube channel income: record your events, put the videos on your YouTube channel.
When different artists are performing at different places many people are unable to attend
the event. But YouTube will bring viewership worldwide. This can become a source of
income if the channel is monetized.
5. Local sponsorship: it will be difficult to get big brands onboard as sponsors because of the
low turnout in our events. Local brands who seek to expand their business are in a constant
search of such events. We can take local sponsorship eg: restaurants, supermarkets,
gymnasiums etc.
6. Corporate event undertaking: corporates’ founders’ day, anniversary etc are the events
when corporates plan to celebrate and treat all its employees. We can undertake these
events because artists are called for such events.
7. Schools, colleges, universities: a very strategic step to increase revenue would be to tap
educational institutions in the state and organise events on campus.
Business Proposition

Derive is working on developing an unbiased platform that aims to provide the most
scientific and rational career assessment and guidance. It helps users discover and pursue new
and exciting careers. They do this by matching users with their abilities, passions and

A 24*7 AI-powered chatbot for users providing superior career advice for all their career
planning needs. This covers advice for stream selection, career selection and career change

Offerings to Teachers:

 Well-developed, fully vetted psychometric test for teachers. Psychometric assessments have
been mandated by CBSE across all its affiliated schools in India
 Enable better understanding of the candidate and their best accommodation to get the best
from them
 Provide an indication of the working style favoured by the candidate
 A better understanding of how a candidate interacts with both their environment and fellow

Derive is focused to solve the following concerns via its Business Proposition

1. Lack of scientific career counselling

2. Lack of rational, reliable and continuous personal & career assessment tools

Problems 1 and 2 lead to disappointing career choices

3. Wrong career decisions lead young adults into jobs they don’t like
4. Wrong career choices lead to job dissatisfaction, frequent job changes, impatience and lack
of core competencies

Problems 3 and 4 create major setbacks for companies in terms of productivity and
growth. They also pose a great challenge to recruiters in employee hiring, training and
About the founder

Arjun and Sandy are college buddies who have the necessary experience working on
technologies and also doing selling/business development for various brands. Arjun leads the
show by engaging with schools and teachers and selling the product. Sandy works on
networking with investors and attends events to promote the brand. Sandy also supports
Arjun on business developments and strategic tie-ups.

About the Business

Current Stage of Derive

 Contacted schools for tie-ups and partnerships and have received a positive feedback.
 Developing the post-beta version of the final product.
 The website is under development
 Tie- up with prominent chains of schools with whom they have successfully conducted a
pilot run. They are also associated with MPS Jaipur and are the counselling partner for the
biggest career fair held in Jaipur in October 2018.


No direct competition. Psychologists use non-digital methods to evaluate their clients and
also the numbers they address are not mass focused.

Capital Raised

25 Lakhs bootstrapped capital raised for 1.5 years.

Business Model Planned.

 The yearly subscription model for students and professionals

 Schools can opt for annual subscription plans for as low as Rs. 300/annum/teacher


Derive team is enthusiastic, young and experienced who has served in space of mental health, technology and
education. Derive is looking for partnerships to grow strategically, with the funds coming in handy too. They have
a little bit of traction but convincing schools and authorities for spending on this domain are very difficult.
Currently, both the founders have been doing the selling by themselves. How do you suggest them to reach out
to newer markets and expand rapidly?
Business Proposition

BetaHealth is an IT platform focused on the health sector, wherein it uses artificial intelligence for basic diagnosis
of blood pressure, diabetes, Vitamin D, B12, Cholesterol etc in rural areas. It is supported by a physical machine
which collects blood samples and the presents diagnosis within minutes. BetaHealth has partnered with
pharmacies in the city which dispatch medicines within 24 hours to the said patients. BetaHealth is aiming to
solve the problems faced by rural citizens in maintaining their health as facilities are not effective and efficient in
most of the villages.

Some important facts and figures about BetaHealth look like the following –

Acquired close to 25K users through B2C • 50+ Doctors on-board across 10+ specializations • Have successfully
closed few initial B2B deals. • Backend ready for Data collection through consultation, pharmacy and diagnostics.

Some competitors are Niramai, LiveHEalth, Practo, Portea, MUrgency but the one differentiator for BetaHealth
among all is the fact that BetaHealth is primarily targeting tier 3 and vernacular regions.

About the Founder

Prakash Varma is an IIT and IIM graduate with 8 years of experience as a consultant with a leading Multinational
company. He has expertise in SASS, Artificial intelligence and UI/UX, which has proven to be monumental in the
success of the platform Betahealth. He started working on this platform 3 years ago and has been applauded by
the Government of Uttar Pradesh for taking an initiative towards improving the health of the state.

About the business

Prakash’s growth plan for BetaHealth looks like this –

Year Revenue B2C B2B Customers Rural Health Centres Employees

2020 40 Lakhs P.A 200000 100 10 10
2023 2 Crore P.A 1000000 400 50 25
2026 6 Crore P.A 50000000 1000 100 50
Prakash believes in partnering with trusted sources instead of reinventing the wheel and facing the struggles all
over again. Since he was aware every village has a centre that provides either a cable service, basic groceries or
milk and dairy products, he tried to get in touch with them. All he had to do was place the machine and an
operator in these places to gather a proof of his concept on the platform. So far he has been successfully
running operations in one small village in Uttar Pradesh. Recently he received seed funding from an angel
investor in Chandigarh for 70 Lakhs. He decided to set up a team since operations were increasing at a very fast
pace. He got an office on rent and hired a few employees to help him run the business. As he made future plans
of reaching out to more villages, he realized it would make more sense if he partnered with some NGOs already
having presence in those areas. He also planned to sell his platform to pathology labs and hospitals. He
thoroughly believed that he was a Product guy, a techie and that sales was not his cup of tea. He could talk about
his product endlessly since he had created it, but when it came to talking about it with an agenda in mind, he
fumbled and lost his chain of thought. This strong belief led him on the lookout for a Sales Manager, who could
solve this problem and generate more sales for the business as it was expanding into newer segments. He first
hired a Technical engineer to support him with the development of the platform. He was also expecting a funding
of around 40 Lakhs from a private individual investor.


The Chandigarh based Angel investor referred a very experienced Sales Executive from Chandigarh to Prakash
for the position of a Sales Manager. Prakash called up the sales guy and asked him about his salary expectations
and when could he meet in person to sign the documents. They met in a few days and the Employment offer was
made at a remuneration of 1 Lakh per month with a contract of 1 year, which was duly signed by Ravi (Sales

Since Prakash believed he knew nothing about sales, he made weekly phone calls to get an update from Ravi.
Ravi on the other hand said the same thing every time “This is not how it works. Sales takes time and it is a
continued effort. I will let you know when there is a conversion.” This is an example of how things were going on
the sales front for Prakash’s business

Prakash kept working hard day and night to upgrade his platform, meeting investors for the next round of funding
and meeting as many NGOs as possible. He also had to manage the day to day operations of his business. As a
CEO, he was struck by the decision making paralysis. At one hand he trusted the Chandigarh Angel investor
enough to not question his suggestion and on the other he was not getting any sales conversions.

Even though Prakash has a ground breaking platform with a potential to revolutionise the healthcare scenario in
Uttar Pradesh, his lack of knowledge on the sales and HR front arrests the market expansion of his product.
Suggest an approach which not only helps Prakash to tackle the situational problems but also educate him to
become an allround entrepreneur.


1. Getting education from iit and iim will not make u a specialist in all the fields.
prakash will continue facing such situational obstacles because he is not perfect in
all the areas of business. He must concentrate on the core and heart of the
2. As an entrepreneur he must have decent amount of experience in all the fields but
should have the specialist handle a particular domain (finance, supply, sales,
operations, hr etc.).
3. outsourcing is always the best way of doing business while boosting others business
4. I feel patience is one such qualitative ingredient that makes an entrepreneur
complete. Prakash should have patience while having high expectations.
5. An entrepreneur should fire the deviants from the business especially who are more
of a liability than assets (yielding no benefits)
6. When you receive funding, investors make sure that their investment goes in right
direction. For this they are always there to provide you with resources, experience,
and guidance. Initially, an entrepreneur is new to the industry, thus faces a lot of
problems. Investors can help the entrepreneur.
7. He can bring his colleagues (from iit and iim, where he studied) onboard to work in
different departments.
8. government also provides with funds and expertise if you are new in the business

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