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The Suicide Forest

We were all best friends like all the other, but not anymore, not ever, because they’re all dead. I made

the wrong decision to follow them to listen to them, I should’ve said them to stay at the hotel and chill

in the swimming pool but we messed up. But why did this happened? I will tell you why and get ready to

be sick because this is going to be gory and bloody.

When you are reading this I’ll probably in an asylum, strapped to a bed with an empty bottle of

sleeping pills on my pure white bed sheet, I still have horrible flashback bout that day, my friends and I

were all on a holiday in Japan. Kay, PT and I thought it was going to be a great trip, but then we end up

having a horrible decision. Before that, we were playing truth or dare in a hotel named Osaki-nawa,

where we were supposed to be staying for the whole week in Japan, but something in our head tells us

to do something more challenging and dangerous. So we dared ourselves to go to one of the most

haunted place in Japan that we knew and sleep over for 4 days. Thinking about it now it’s just so stupid

and nuisance then the place we final agreed with each other was the suicide forest.

On the outside we could see boards over boards of letter advice the people not to go for suicide

but to choose another way and numbers to call for help. When we sneaked in to the forest we could

already feel the chills on our spines and down to our hands and legs so Goosebumps follow with it. I was

forced to go first so my first step was on to the gooey mud that was probably whet after the rain, it

splashes all over my shirt then to PT and Kay. Well that was a great start, but we manage to let it pass. I

pulled out a long string and tied it to a tree incase if we get lost and hid it under ground. Then we got

deeper and deeper inside, after a few minutes we starting to see posters that shows missing peoples

and old mattress covered in dry leaves probably was left there for a long time. Then deeper and deeper

in we saw bunches of sting tied in a ring from the person that manage to kill themselves before. The

deeper we get the weirder felling we feel in our guts, it was in total silence no insects, no birds, no frogs,
not even a single scratch from leaves, soon the only thing we hear is our guts and each other. The

silence of the forest was too quite that it soon makes us feel uncomfortable. So we stopped and stay as

far as we could go, we build a tent and laid our sheet down and sleep. When I first stepped in there I

already felt a fishy and eerie feeling of this place and sooner more and more strange things happened

around us, there was a shadow crossing behind our tent but it was in total silence. Well I tried to ignore

and went to sleep. In the middle of the night I was probably in my deep beautiful sleep so I could be

hipped for tomorrow, but as much as I remember I saw PT’s legs in front of me walking away from the

tent, thinking he’s probably going for a pee, but then it was taking so long so I woke Kay up and ask him

if he knows where PT is going. But none of us knew until we heard a horrifying shout coming on the right

side, around 3 to 4 meters away, the exact side that PT went to. We panicked and ran there, until that

moment I knew I was wrong, we were wrong. When we arrived Kay fell down on to his knees and sob, I

was standing there felt sick in my stomach and a gut feeling that I will vomit. The thing we saw was PT’s

body separated from his head and a huge puddle of blood. His hands were broke into 2 and his fingers

were bended back and his face expresses everything, deep in his eyes we could see the horrifying image

of a woman that killed him, but the eyes weren’t in his face, not on his head but it was laid on top of his

hands. I was speechless and the only thing I see is the goriness and bloodiness of the body. I felt sorry

for what I did and it felt like I am standing on a sea of dark, dark water full of blood and slowly I sunk

down deeper and deeper, the blood soaked my head clogged my ears and mute my vocal cords that I

just can’t scream and everything around me was just in total silence. Then I turned my head back and

saw a woman hanging from a tree right above Kay, it felt like my heart and mind sunk and don’t know

what reaction to feel so I just backup and shouted as loud as I could. The moment I shout the hanging

lady fell down from the tree groaned she turned her head around looking straight to Kay’s eyes, sucked

his soul and hypnotized him. She stood up turned her body and went right straight to Kay, her hand got

longer and longer, then finally her rusty and old nails, sharpened like knifes bent Kay’s neck, pull the
bones out, and chopped his head, after that she went for his eyes. She pulled them out and throw his

right eye to the left and eat the other. I didn’t know what she looked like yet but then everything

blacked out like I was hypnotized, she turned back and the thing I saw was her face. She has a terrible

face her eyes were gone and the only thing there is left is wholes on her for head, then from that whole

blood started to drip down to her mouth and chin, she slowly opened her mouth and get ready to have

her second meal. But somehow I got out of her “black realm” and threw a rock to her face, she shouted

in pain. Then I followed the sting back to the entrance of the forest. I ran and ran and finally saw a police

officer, my body was covered in dirt and blood, I sobbed and point to the forest, before I could say

something, my eyes turn back and I faint. The next morning when I woke up I was in a hospital, the

moment I woke up I shrunk to a corner and held my leg then I cried. The police manage to find the two

bodies and they put it in the body bags and bring back to the hospital for some kind of examination.

Well that is me for now.

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