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Bad habits I have

1. Being more than 5 minutes late to an appointment

2. Picking your nose
3. Checkin your cellphone or Ipad at meals
4. Eating with mouth open
5. Having alligator arms (never picking up cheecks)
6. Talking during movies
7. Facebook addiction (more than 3 hours a day)
8. Going to the mall or shopping to kill the time not for any especific need
9. Playing Videogames
10. Finishing a book you hate just to get it done
11. Trying to change another person opinion
12. Over indulging on netflix

A bad habit is a negative behaviour pattern. Bad habits may seem harmless, but they have
detrimental effects in the long run. One of the best known bad habits is procrastination, which is
the habit of delaying activities that must be attended to replacing them with other more irrelevant
or pleasant activities such as being on the cellphone or seeing a lot of Netlflix, to evoid this habits
we need to have more orderly our priorities.

In other hand, we have some habits like picking our nose or eating with open mouth, we think that
bad habits are the worst and that is the reason because we must not have bad habits.

In conclusion, all bad habits are detrimental in our lives and we need change it, by good habits.

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