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Some things to consider during advising

1. Ask for the student’s grade slip. This will help you decide on the allowable load for the
2. Check the prerequisites of subjects. See to it that the student will only enrol the subject
if he/ passed the prerequisite.
3. Monitor the number of years spent by the student in CMU. A student is granted two (2)
years extension irrespective of the degree program. Approved leave of absence shall not
be counted in computing the Maximum Residency.
4. Remind those with INC grades that completion of INC must be done within one year
5. Do not allow a student to take more than 26 units including laboratory work. However,
a student with an academic record better than the average may be permitted to carry a
heavier load in the last year of his/her course.
6. For students with In Progress (IP) grade for thesis, let them enroll with zero (0) unit.
7. For students with INC grades and only need to complete the INCs in order to graduate,
advise them to enrol in Residency.
8. For transferee students, please remind them that validation of the subjects taken from
other school must be done within one year (two semesters) from the date of admission
to CMU.
9. An admitted transferee is not allowed to enrol in a subject/s the prerequisite of which,
taken elsewhere, has not yet been validated or repeated in this University.
10. Do not honor grades that are hand written on grade slip.
11. Update the student’s year level status.
12. For potential honor students, they should NOT carry less than the minimum number of
units as stated in his/her curriculum.

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