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Specific Characteristics of Special Penal Laws

(Gen. Rules & Exceptions)

I. They punish acts not defined and punished by the Revised Penal Code.

o A law that merely amends a provision of the RPC is not a SPL.

Ex. The Anti-Cattle Rustling Law modifying Art. 308, 309
And 310 of the RPC does not define or create a crime which
is mala prohibita.

o But: - Anti-Carnapping Law though it amends Art.

310 of the RPC does make carnapping mala
- Art. 3(e), R.A. No. 3019

II. Intent to commit the crime is immaterial since the act is considered MALA

o RPC: Felonies requires DOLO (MALICE. It necessitates mens rea

(criminal or evil inent).
Or c u lp a.

o SPL: Mala In Se
- "Has the law been violated?"
- Good faith is therefore not a defense.

III. Modifying circumstances are not considered in determining the penalty.

IV. Degree of participation is not considered in determining liability.

o Only the principal is punished.

-A person who person who knowingly deals in property
which are the fruits of theft or robbery is merely an accessory
under the RPC.
-He is however the "principal" under the Ant-Fencing Law.
o No Accomplices (Art. 18) or Accessories (Art. 19)
Unless the law specifically provides so.

V. The criminal act is punished only if it is consummated.

VI. Special penal laws are controlling in relation to the offense it punishes and
is not subject to the RPC.
o Art. 10.

VII. The RPC is supplementary to special penal law when the SPL follows the
nomenclature of penalties in the RPC.

VIII. Conviction under the RPC for an act also punished by a SPL does not give
rise to double jeopardy.

IX. A felony under the RPC cannot be complexed with an offense under a SPL.

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