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Basic equipment for separating liquid from vapor:

a. Gravitational force: reducing velocity so the liquid can settle out in the space provided
b. Centrifugal force: by changing the direction of flow


 Vessel Shell Thickness

Formula for calculating the required wall thickness for a vessel under internal pressure is given
by ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Section UG-27:


For spherical shells:


When seamless pipe used for vessel, can use the eq. 11.1. by substituting the proper tensile
strength. Wall thickness allowable variations: 12.5% from the nominal.
Eq. 11.1 will give the largest thickness for the vessel and may be used for preliminary weight
calculations. Pressure used: the design pressure of the vessel and must be chosen with more care
than often is used. Design pressure (usually chosen) 1.1x the normal operating pressure of the
vessel. (or 1.2x).
The ASME VIII Division 2 thickness can be taken to be 75% of that calculated by eq 11.1. German,
British, Japanese, Dutch, estimated 70%. (ONLY ESTIMATED NOT VALID) particularly at elevated
temp, cyclic conditions or large nozzle loadings.
Weight of an empty vessel including the head estimated with:


The weight of the internals (WI) and weight of the external nozzles (WN), estimated from table

The weight of the vessel can be estimated as:

L = S – S length in m or ft
This weight of the vessel and doesn’t include fluids from operations or hydrostatic test.
Skidded equipment the following factors have been found satisfactory for preliminary estimates:

Preliminary piping layout should be made for all major piping (4 inch and larger) and the piping
weight taken as 150% of the weight take off of major piping. Following preliminary estimates for
plot area of totally skidded process vessels can be made:


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