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1. Ask your partner(s) these questions. Ask follow-up questions.

1. Have you ever been a victim of crime?

2. What do you think is the worst crime a person could commit?
3. What do you think of community service as a punishment for crime?
4. Do you think the death penalty is a valid form of punishment?


 Types of crime and the trial (See vocabulary worksheet)

 Types of punishment

Match the type of punishment with its definition

community service house arrest fine jail time
license suspension life in prison traffic ticket

1 leaves marks on driving record/involves paying a fine
2 driving rights are removed for a certain period of time
3 pay money as a punishment for minor/petty crime
4 remain in one´s home for a certain period of time
5 do volunteer work such as teaching children about crime or cleaning up garbage
6 spend a certain amount of months or years locked away from society
7 spend the rest of one´s life in prison with no chance of going back into society

3. LISTENING: You are going to watch a report about an American judge's unconventional
sentences to minor offences. Answer the questions below with the information you hear.

1) Why does judge Cicconetti react with disbelief at the defendant's question?

2) What creative sentence did Cicconetti offered to 18-year old Victoria Bascom? What was her offence?

3) TRUE or FALSE? Public humiliation was the creative sentence imposed by Cicconetti to a woman who
peppersprayed a worker at Burger King.

4) TRUE or FALSE? Cicconetti's eye-for-an-eye method has significantly reduced repeat offence.

5) What creative punishment did Cicconetti offered to Moose's owner?

6) What offence did Jordan Walsh plead guilty to? Did he choose Cicconetti's creative sentence?

Do you agree with Cicconetti's creative methods? Discuss in groups.


In pairs, decide what punishment, if any, should be given to the person or people below.

 A 78-year-old woman who stole a pair of stockings from a department store.

 Three 17-year-old boys who set fire to litter bins and sprayed paint on parked cars.
 A middle-aged man who ran over his neighbour´s dog while driving under the influence.
 Someone who parks illegally causing major traffic delays
 An arsonist who sets fire to a beauty spot


In pairs, decide what punishment, if any, should be given to the person or people below.

 A 78-year-old woman who stole a pair of stockings from a department store.

 Three 17-year-old boys who set fire to litter bins and sprayed paint on parked cars.
 A middle-aged man who ran over his neighbour´s dog while driving under the influence.
 Someone who parks illegally causing major traffic delays
 An arsonist who sets fire to a beauty spot


In pairs, decide what punishment, if any, should be given to the person or people below.

 A 78-year-old woman who stole a pair of stockings from a department store.

 Three 17-year-old boys who set fire to litter bins and sprayed paint on parked cars.
 A middle-aged man who ran over his neighbour´s dog while driving under the influence.
 Someone who parks illegally causing major traffic delays
 An arsonist who sets fire to a beauty spot


In pairs, decide what punishment, if any, should be given to the person or people below.

 A 78-year-old woman who stole a pair of stockings from a department store.

 Three 17-year-old boys who set fire to litter bins and sprayed paint on parked cars.
 A middle-aged man who ran over his neighbour´s dog while driving under the influence.
 Someone who parks illegally causing major traffic delays
 An arsonist who sets fire to a beauty spot


In pairs, decide what punishment, if any, should be given to the person or people below.

 A 78-year-old woman who stole a pair of stockings from a department store.

 Three 17-year-old boys who set fire to litter bins and sprayed paint on parked cars.
 A middle-aged man who ran over his neighbour´s dog while driving under the influence.
 Someone who parks illegally causing major traffic delays
 An arsonist who sets fire to a beauty spot











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