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print "enter a number through standard input\n";
my $a=<STDIN>;

print $a . "\n";

#hex function

my $a=0x2e;
my $r=hex($a);
print $r;

#oct function
my $c1=0x2e; #hexadecimal
my $a=oct($c1);
print $a ."\n";
my $c2=057; #Octal format
my $a2=oct($c2);
print $a2 . "\n";

my $c3=0b101110; #binary format

my $a3=oct($c3);
print $c3;


#convert the number in to stringi

my $p=10;
my $str=sprintf("%lx",$p);
my $str1=sprintf("%lo",$p);
my $str2=sprintf("%lb",$p);
my $str3=sprintf("%lf",$p);
my $str4=sprintf("%e",$p);
print $str . "\n";
print $str1 ."\n";
print $str2 . "\n";
print $str3 . "\n";
print $str4 . "\n";

#example of sqrt
my $a=sqrt(16);
print $a;

#int function..

my $price=9.95;
my $dollar=int($price);
print $dollar;


#abs function calling

my $a=-3.4;
my $b=abs($a);
print $b;


my @a=qw(raju vishnu pankaj);

#to remove
#my @a1=splice(@a,1,1);
#to add
print "@a" . "\n";


my @scores = ( 1000, 13, 27, 200, 76, 150 );

#my @scores=(2,4,1,6,8);
my @sorted=sort(@scores);
print "@sorted\n";
my @reverse =reverse(@sorted);

#print "@reverse";


my @a=qw(one two three four);

print "length of a array is $#a\n";
my $a1=@a;
print "lenth of a array is $a1\n";
my $a2=scalar(@a);
print "length of a array is $a2\n";


my $i=15;
my $j=12;

my $c= $i cmp $j;

print $c;


my $decimal=12;
my $hex=sprintf("%08lx",$decimal);
my $oct=sprintf("%08lo",$decimal);
my $bin=sprintf("%08lb",$decimal);

print "hex value is $hex\n";

print "oct value is $oct\n";
print "bin value is $bin\n";


multiple line string docoment

my $str=<<'endofstring';

print $str;

#join function

my $str=join(" and ",qw(raju rajesh ana prankaj));
#print $str;

my $str=join(" and ", 'raju','rajesh','ana','pankaj');
print $str;


#split function
my $data='raju\brajesh\ana\bhushan';
my ($fname,$sname,$tname,$foname)= split(/\\/,$data);
print "firstname is $fname\n";
print "secondname is $sname\n";
print "thirdname is $tname\n";
print "fourth name is $foname\n";


#find out substring

my $i="welcome to incise";

my $j=substr($i,8,4);
print $j."\n";

#to find out lenth of a string

my $str="welcome";
my $len=length($str);
print $len."\n";

#string concatenation
my $str="raju"." rajesh";
print $str;

#string repetition operator

my $str="raju " x 5;
print " $str";

###########################chop and chomp

my $i="welcome";

print " i is $i\n";
print " i is $i\n";

##########################variable interpolation
my $i=5;

print "i value is $i\n";

print 'i value is $i\n';

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