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Universidad de Zamboanga - Ipil

School of Business and Management

Business Administration Department

Course Title : Elective 6

Course Credit : 3
Descriptive Title : Special Topic in Marketing Management
Prerequisite Subject/s : Management 1
Semester/School Year : 1st Semester, S.Y. 2018-2019
Curricular Year : 4th year

Program Educational Outcomes (Business Administration program):

Upon completion of the BSBA program, students should:

1. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resources management, production and operations management and
strategic management)
2. Apply information and communication technology (ICT skills as required by the business environment)
3. Plan and implement business related activities
4. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
5. Analyze the business environment strategic direction
6. Innovative business ideas based on emerging industry
7. Manage a strategic business unit for economic sustainability
8. Conduct business research

Course Description: The course covers range of major issues impacting on human resource management in organizations including demographic and social change, ethics in HRM,
managing diversity, assessment center techniques, the impact of Government Legislation on HRM, the contribution of HRM to improving productivity, managing outsourcing,
career development and mentoring.
Course Requirements:
Pre-Mid : Case study in how marketers use demographic information
Midterm : Research paper about the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
Pre-Final : Case Study in international marketing
Final : Conduct a seminar related to marketing management topic

Grading Criteria:

Premid to Pre-Final Term Final Term

Quizzes …………………………………………….. 30% Exit Assessment (Seminar on Consumer Education)……………………………………50%
Recitation …………………………………………….. 20% Major Exams ……………………………………50%
Major Exams …………………………………………….. 50% Total ……………………………………100%
Total …………………………………………….. 100%

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
a. display familiarity with the major concepts and tools in current theory and practice
b. apply academic theory to the discussion and explanation of reap-word situation
c. demonstrate critical and creative thinking in being able to formulate and justify appropriate recommendations and/or solutions to service problems;
d. recognize the importance that businesses should place on being able to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of their decisions ad expenditures;
e. show improved communication skills in various formats (e.g. written and oral) and for various purposes (e.g. informing, persuading, justifying); and
f. exhibit improved information literacy skills in being able to source, evaluate and summarize appropriate information on a given subject or topic in marketing

Course Policy:
a. There will be no cellphone or text use during class, computers, and tablets are acceptable if they are used to do research in order to participate in class discussion.
b. If emergencies arise, it is expected that you will meet with the instructor during the office hours or by appointment via email to work-out a realignment of the grading protocol,
including providing verifiable documentation for emergency-based missed deadlines. There will be no realignment of the grading protocol for any student unless it is due to
unforeseen emergency.
c. Attendance is required. Ten (100 consecutive absences without notice means dropped.
d. No special quiz and special exam, students are required to take exam on the scheduled date and time except for an extreme cases, specially related to life threatening reasons,
there only can excuse be considered.
e. No late submission of assignments or homework. If the student will be absent of for one reason or another won’t be able to attend, find ways or means so that the assignments
or homework will reach the professor on that day or session.
f. I will be expecting that the students will come to class prepared by having thoroughly read and understood the lesson(s) for the day of session.
g. researches and reports may from time to time be required and assigned on an individual or group basis on topics relative to the subject course.
h. Quizzes are announced or unannounced.
i. If the students is late for 15minutes and above will be considered absent. However, he may still enter the classroom.
j. Unless the teacher will announce or a notice is posted at the Bulletin Board of the School. We will have classes every meeting date whether it will be a holiday, double red alert,
stormy or otherwise.

Course References:
a. Robert G. Medina Ph.D (2008) Principle of Marketing; Rex Book Store
b. E. Jerome McCarthy, PhD and William D. Perreault Jr. Oh.D (1993) Basic Marketing A Global-Managerial Approach 11thEdition:Irwin Inc.

Other References:
a. William F. Schoell and Joseph P. Guiltinan (1988) Marketing Edition: Allen and Bacon Inc.

f. http://oll.libert
Learning Plan
Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
Pre-mid 1. Discuss the meaning of consumer Consumer Education within a. Lecture discussion  Quiz 1: Consumer education
education Philippine Context within the Philippine Context
 Consumerism b. Cooperative Learning (Pen and Paper)
2. Identify the different objectives of  Objective of Consumer
consumer education Education c. Think, pair, share  Quiz 2: Consumer Cooperative
 Guidelines from companies (Pen and Paper)
3. Describe and apply the basic in response to consumer d. Group Presentation
cooperative principles education  Quiz 3: Relationship marketing
 Common Frauds committed e. Individual presentation and marketing communication
4. Identify the types of consumers against the consumer (pen and paper)
cooperative and present examples f. Case study
 Activity 1: Group Presentation
5. Discuss and apply the forms of on common frauds committed
directing marketing against the consumer (Rubric
on individual presentation)
6. Discuss and describe telemarketing
 Activity 2: Individual
presentation on common
frauds committed against the
consumer (Rubric on Individual

 Output: Case study on

consumerism (Rubric on case

 Pre-mid Examination
Term Learning Outcomes Contents/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
Midterm 1. Discuss in their own word the Service Marketing a. Lecture discussion Quiz 1: Service Marketing (pen and
meaning off service marketing  Service-Profit Chain paper)
b. Individual/Group
2. Identify the types of service branding  Service encounters and Presentation Quiz 2: Customer Value Management
Service Quality (pen and paper)
3. Evaluate the relationship process c. Cooperative Learning
management  Service Branding Activity 1: Group presentation Service
d. Brainstorming encounter and service quality (rubric
4. Compare and contrast the  Relationship Management on presentation)
relationship process management from e. Case study
relationship experience design  Complaint and Recovery Activity 2: Individual presentation on
Management f. Think, pair, share Customer asset management (rubric on
5. Illustrate the business model presentation)
innovation and market innovation Customer Value Management g. Research
 Relationship Process Output: Research Paper
Mid-term Examination
 Relationship Experience

 Customer Asset

 Business Model Innovation

 Market Innovation
Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
Pre-final 1. Describe the nature and characteristic Service Marketing and non-business a. Lecture discussion Quiz 1: Service marketing and non-
of service marketing Marketing business Marketing (pen and paper)
b. Consultation
2. Identify and discuss the importance of  Nature and Characteristics Quiz 2: Internal Marketing (Pen and
marketing in service business of services c. Cooperative learning Paper)

3. Recognize and analyze the ways of  Types of service production d. Brainstorming Activity 1. Group Presentation on
entering foreign market Types of Service Production (rubric on
 The importance of e. Think, pair, share Group Presentation)
4. Identify and describe the steps in Marketing in Service
internal market business. f. Individual Presentation Activity 2: Select article on Identifying
opportunities in international markets
International Marketing g. group Presentation
(rubric on article selection)
 Ways of entering foreign h. Seminar/Training Output: Case Study in international
marketing (rubric on Case study)
 Identifying Opportunities in Pre-final
International Markets

 Steps in Analyzing Internal

Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
Final 1. Discuss in their own word the importance Marketing Planning and Control a. lecture discussion Output: Seminar (Consumer
of marketing planning Education)
 Importance of b. Cooperative learning Exit Assessment: Conduct a seminar
2. Discuss and apply the concept of social marketing Planning related to marketing management
responsibility c. Research topic
 Marketing Planning
3. Relate to real life situation the social d. Consultation Final Examination
issues that affect marketing
 Approaches to
4. Discuss and share the meaning of Marketing Control

Terms Assessment Methods Assessment tools Performance Target

PREMID TERM Quiz Pen and paper test Students are expected to gain knowledge on Pre-midterm topics with 75%
level of proficiency
Performance Assessment Rubric on Case Study The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with
75% passing
Pre-Mid major Exam Pen and Paper Test The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on topics
covered for pre-mid term
MIDTERM Quiz Pen and paper test Students are expected to gain knowledge on midterm topics with 75% level
of proficiency
Performance Assessment Rubric on Research paper The BSBA students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency in compilation
Midterm Major Exam Pen and paper test The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on topics
covered for midterm
PREFINAL Quiz Pen and paper test Students are expected to gain knowledge on midterm topics with 75% level
of proficiency
Output Training/Seminar The BSBA students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency in the
strategic plan writing
Performance assessment Rubric on Case Study The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with
75% passing
Pre-Final Examination Pen and paper The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on topics
covered in Final
FINAL Output Seminar Students are expected to gain knowledge on covered in the Pre-final with
75% level of proficiency
Exit Assessment Rubric on Conducting Seminar The BSBA students should submit reflection paper on selected article with
75% passing
Final Major exam Pen and paper The students are expected to achieve 75% level pf proficiency on topics
covered in Final

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by: Approved by:

Instructor Program Chairperson, BSBA, BSA Librarian Staff School Administrator

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