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ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Like all types of dementia, Alzheimer's is 1. Worsened ability to take in and -Stress management
caused by brain cell death.3 It is a remember new information, for example: -Quality Sleep
neurodegenerative disease, which means -Mental Stimulation
there is progressive brain cell death that "Repetitive questions or conversations -Healthy Diet
happens over a course of time. Misplacing personal belongings -Regular Exercise
Forgetting events or appointments -Social Engagement
The total brain size shrinks with Getting lost on a familiar route."
Alzheimer's - the tissue has progressively 2. Impairments to reasoning, complex
fewer nerve cells and connections.3,4 tasking, exercising judgment:

brain neurons "Poor understanding of safety risks

Nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. In Inability to manage finances
Alzheimer's, there are microscopic Poor decision-making ability
'plaques' and 'tangles' between and within Inability to plan complex or sequential
brain cells. activities."
While they cannot be seen or tested in the 3. Impaired visuospatial abilities (but not,
living brain affected by Alzheimer's for example, due to eye sight problems):
disease, postmortem/autopsy will always
show tiny inclusions in the nerve tissue, "Inability to recognize faces or common
called plaques and tangles:3,4 objects or to find objects in direct view
Inability to operate simple implements, or
Plaques are found between the dying orient clothing to the body."
cells in the brain - from the build-up of a 4. Impaired speaking, reading and writing:
protein called beta-amyloid (you may hear -
the term "amyloid plaques"). "Difficulty thinking of common words while
The tangles are within the brain neurons - speaking, hesitations
from a disintegration of another protein, Speech, spelling, and writing errors."
called tau. 5. Changes in personality and behavior,
for example:

Out-of-character mood changes, including

agitation; less interest, motivation or
initiative; apathy; social withdrawal
Loss of empathy
Compulsive, obsessive or socially
unacceptable behavior.
CEREBRAL PALSY Cerebral palsy is caused by a brain injury The effects of cerebral palsy will vary from Insisting on pre-natal care, including
or problem that occurs during pregnancy child to child depending upon the severity running tests that might identify
or birth or within the first 2 to 3 years of a of the disorder and may include the problems early, when they can
child's life. It can be caused by: following: potentially be treated
• Employing electronic fetal
Problems from being born too early Contractures of the muscle tissue due to monitoring during the delivery process to
(premature birth). severe tightening of the muscle ensure that a child is not in distress and
Not getting enough blood, oxygen, or (spasticity), which can inhibit bone growth, that a child is receiving adequate levels
other nutrients before or during birth. cause bending of bones, and result in joint of oxygen
A serious head injury. deformities, dislocations, and partial • Counseling a woman about
A serious infection that can affect the dislocations. healthful practices during pregnancy,
brain, such as meningitis. including preconception counseling with
Some problems passed from parent to Lung disease: People who have CP may a father or partner
child (genetic conditions) that affect brain struggle with lung disease and breathing • Managing health conditions,
development. problems. such as infections. Also, treating
Malnutrition: swallowing and feeding sexually transmitted diseases, such as
problems can be a real challenge for herpes, which studies have shown may
someone who has CP to get proper be transmitted to a child
nutrition. • Ordering genetic tests to identify
Mental health disorders: people who have the presence of conditions that can
cerebral palsy may have mental health cause neurological troubles that are
problems like depression, social isolation, inherited
and challenges associated with • Ensuring that a child is up-to-
challenges of CP. date with immunizations to curtail the
Neurological conditions that may worsen possibility of infectious diseases like
over time rubella
Osteoarthritis a painful degenerative bone • Properly responding to and
disease addressing emergency situations, such
as bleeding, that occur during pregnancy
• Employing testing such as
TORCH testing, which assesses and
monitors immunity in women that do not
immediately demonstrate immunity, and
documenting APGAR scores, which
assess a baby’s heart rate, muscle tone,
reflexes and skin condition immediately
after birth
• Staying current on industry
standards of care
• Educating patients in terms of
best practices before, during and after
• Maintaining a history void of
medical malpractice and birth injuries
• Checking a child for jaundice
after delivery
• Treating a child during the
vulnerable months after he or she is born
through well-baby visits designed to
identify and correct medical conditions
that could lead to brain injuries, as well
as tracking a child’s growth and
PARKINSON’S DISEASE Parkinson's disease is caused by the  Tremor. A tremor, or shaking, Exercise in middle age reduces the risk of
progressive impairment or deterioration of usually begins in a limb, often Parkinson's disease later in life.[7]
neurons (nerve cells) in an area of the your hand or fingers. You may Caffeine also appears protective with a
brain known as the substantia nigra. notice a back-and-forth rubbing of greater decrease in risk occurring with a
When functioning normally, these neurons larger intake of caffeinated beverages
your thumb and forefinger, known
produce a vital brain chemical known as such as coffee.[64] Although tobacco
dopamine. Dopamine serves as a as a pill-rolling tremor. One smoke causes adverse health effects,
chemical messenger allowing characteristic of Parkinson's decreases life expectancy and quality of
communication between the substantia disease is a tremor of your hand life, it may reduce the risk of PD by a third
nigra and another area of the brain called when it is relaxed (at rest). when compared to non-smokers.[46] The
the corpus striatum. This communication  Slowed movement basis for this effect is not known, but
coordinates smooth and balanced muscle (bradykinesia). Over time, possibilities include an effect of nicotine
movement. A lack of dopamine results in Parkinson's disease may reduce as a dopamine stimulant.[46][65] Tobacco
abnormal nerve functioning, causing a your ability to move and slow your smoke contains compounds that act as
loss in the ability to control body movement, making simple tasks MAO inhibitors that also might contribute
movements. to this effect.[66]
difficult and time-consuming. Your
steps may become shorter when Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and D,
you walk, or you may find it have been proposed to protect against the
difficult to get out of a chair. Also, disease, but results of studies have been
you may drag your feet as you try contradictory and no positive effect has
to walk, making it difficult to been proven.[46] The results regarding fat
move. and fatty acids have been contradictory,
 Rigid muscles. Muscle stiffness with various studies reporting protective
may occur in any part of your effects, risk-increasing effects or no
body. The stiff muscles can limit effects.[46] Also, there have been
preliminary indications of a possible
your range of motion and cause
protective role of estrogens and anti-
you pain. inflammatory drugs.
 Impaired posture and
balance. Your posture may
become stooped, or you may
have balance problems as a
result of Parkinson's disease.
 Loss of automatic
movements. In Parkinson's
disease, you may have a
decreased ability to perform
unconscious movements,
including blinking, smiling or
swinging your arms when you
 Speech changes. You may have
speech problems as a result of
Parkinson's disease. You may
speak softly, quickly, slur or
hesitate before talking. Your
speech may be more of a
monotone rather than with the
usual inflections.
 Writing changes. It may become
hard to write, and your writing
may appear small.

STROKE numbness or weakness that starts The brain is an extremely complex organ Strokes are often deadly—but they can be
ischemic stroke (caused by blood suddenly, most commonly on either the that controls various body functions. If a prevented. The NSA states that around 80
clots) left or right side of the body (face, arms, stroke occurs and blood flow can't reach percent of all strokes can be avoided by
hemorrhagic stroke (caused by or legs are often affected) the region that controls a particular body taking some steps:
ruptured blood vessels that cause confusion, difficulty comprehending function, that part of the body won't work
brain bleeding) language, or trouble talking that begins as it should. check your blood pressure and
transient ischemic attack (TIA) (a without warning cholesterol levels regularly
“mini-stroke,” caused by a temporary sudden vision problems (in one eye or If the stroke occurs toward the back of the don’t smoke, and drink alcohol only in
blood clot) both) brain, for instance, it's likely that some moderation
severe, piercing headache, with no clear disability involving vision will result. The exercise regularly
cause, that starts suddenly effects of a stroke depend primarily on the eat a low-fat, low-salt diet
difficulty walking because of sudden loss location of the obstruction and the extent Managing your risk for stroke with simple
of balance or dizziness of brain tissue affected. but important lifestyle changes can go a
Within the category of ischemic strokes, long way towards prevention.
there are two sub-types of strokes caused Right Brain
by blood clots:
The effects of a stroke depend on several
An embolic stroke occurs when a blood factors, including the location of the
clot forms in your body and eventually obstruction and how much brain tissue is
reaches your brain. affected. However, because one side of
the brain controls the opposite side of the
A thrombotic stroke is caused by a clot in body, a stroke affecting one side will
an artery that supplies blood to your brain, result in neurological complications on the
known as “thrombosis.” Thrombosis can side of the body it affects. For example, if
be “large vessel” or “small vessel” the stroke occurs in the brain's right side,
depending on the size of the artery the left side of the body (and the left side
affected. of the face) will be affected, which could
There are two kinds of thrombosis that produce any or all of the following:
can lead to a stroke: large vessel Paralysis on the left side of the body
thrombosis and small vessel disease, also Vision problems
called “lacunar infarction.” Thrombotic Quick, inquisitive behavioral style
stroke is caused by an artery disease Memory loss
called atherosclerosis, which is followed Left Brain
by the formation of blood clots.
Small vessel disease, or “lacunar If the stroke occurs in the left side of the
infarction,” is the other type of stroke- brain, the right side of the body will be
causing thrombosis. Small vessel disease affected, producing some or all of the
develops from a blood clot in a small following:
artery. Paralysis on the right side of the body
Speech/language problems
According to the NSA, researchers are Slow, cautious behavioral style
uncertain about the exact cause of Memory loss
lacunar infarction. But they do know that Brain Stem
the condition is related to high blood
pressure. When stroke occurs in the brain stem,
depending on the severity of the injury, it
can affect both sides of the body and may
leave someone in a ‘locked-in’ state.
When a locked-in state occurs, the patient
is generally unable to speak or achieve
any movement below the neck.

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