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Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 151 (2017) 15–20

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Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

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Motion Rehab AVE 3D: A VR-based exergame for post-stroke

Mateus Trombetta, Patrícia Paula Bazzanello Henrique, Manoela Rogofski Brum,
Eliane Lucia Colussi, Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi, Rafael Rieder∗
Universidade de Passo Fundo, BR 285 Km 292.7, Bairro São José, Passo Fundo, RS, Zip Code 99052-900, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background and objective: Recent researches about games for post-stroke rehabilitation have been in-
Received 23 February 2017 creasing, focusing in upper limb, lower limb and balance situations, and showing good experiences and
Revised 13 July 2017
results. With this in mind, this paper presents Motion Rehab AVE 3D, a serious game for post-stroke reha-
Accepted 9 August 2017
bilitation of patients with mild stroke. The aim is offer a new technology in order to assist the traditional
therapy and motivate the patient to execute his/her rehabilitation program, under health professional
Keywords: supervision.
Stroke Methods: The game was developed with Unity game engine, supporting Kinect motion sensing input
Serious game device and display devices like Smart TV 3D and Oculus Rift. It contemplates six activities considering
exercises in a tridimensional space: flexion, abduction, shoulder adduction, horizontal shoulder adduction
and abduction, elbow extension, wrist extension, knee flexion, and hip flexion and abduction. Motion
Rehab AVE 3D also report about hits and errors to the physiotherapist evaluate the patient’s progress.
Results: A pilot study with 10 healthy participants (61–75 years old) tested one of the game levels. They
experienced the 3D user interface in third-person. Our initial goal was to map a basic and comfortable
setup of equipment in order to adopt later. All the participants (100%) classified the interaction process
as interesting and amazing for the age, presenting a good acceptance.
Conclusions: Our evaluation showed that the game could be used as a useful tool to motivate the patients
during rehabilitation sessions. Next step is to evaluate its effectiveness for stroke patients, in order to
verify if the interface and game exercises contribute into the motor rehabilitation treatment progress.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the affected hemisphere, being able to reach upper limb, trunk and
lower limb [5].
Stroke has often been described as a brain disease caused by The rehabilitation process consists a set of procedures to treat
the interruption of the blood supply to the brain, which can be the most of function lost by the patient, improving the functional
classified in two main types: ischemic or hemorrhagic [1]. It’s re- and intellectual capacities from neuroplasticity, and reeducating
sponsible for one death every 6 s [2], and the chance of having a motor and cognitive functions [6]. The use of various techniques
stroke approximately doubles for each decade of life after age 55. during therapy provides a better response to treatment, since the
Sometimes, this disease can affect individuals in the early age, in- process of adaptation and cortical reorganization of each patient
cluding young adults [3]. can happen in different ways. This way, it is necessary the con-
About 50% of patients who survived a stroke have limitations in stant use of new alternatives of treatment, without replacing those
the daily life activities, affecting their quality of life [4]. The stroke that already exist.
causes several motor and functional changes to the individual, like The goal of post-stroke rehabilitation therapies is to manipu-
paralysis on one side of the body. The most common paresis is late an interaction between motor recovery and cortical plasticity.
hemiplegia (total loss) or contralateral hemiparesis (partial loss) to However, as time goes by, patients tend to get tired and think the
training process is monotonous, which often leads to loss of mo-

tivation for rehabilitation. According to Joo et al. [7], motivation is
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: trombetta.mateus@gmail.com (M. Trom-
one of the elements that have great influence in the plasticity of
betta), patriciabazzanello@hotmail.com (P.P. Bazzanello Henrique), the Central Nervous System (CNS), so it’s important to offer alter-
brum.manoela@gmail.com (M.R. Brum), colussi@upf.br (E.L. Colussi), natives of treatment that contemplate this factor. In this context,
carolina@upf.br (A.C.B. De Marchi), rieder@upf.br (R. Rieder).

0169-2607/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
16 M. Trombetta et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 151 (2017) 15–20

games for rehabilitation can increase motivation by offering a rich ing the interaction process [24]. If these devices are not available,
and distinctive environment [8]. it is possible to use Smart TV’s 3D to simulate three-dimensional
Looking for attractive, motivating and effective rehabilitation space.
techniques, technology has been highlighting [9]. According to Bar-
ros et al. [10], the use of digital therapeutic games in rehabilitation 2.2. The game
centers are increasing. For the authors, such games are considered
very useful, since they allow therapy sessions to be customized ac- The Motion Rehab AVE 3D is an exergame for the upper limb
cording to the abilities of each individual. Moreover, the capture of motor and balance rehabilitation supporting patients with mild
natural movements enhances the motivation to perform the activ- stroke. For that, the game proposes an interactive way of encour-
ities indicated by health professionals [11–14]. aging patients to perform exercises that require spatial awareness.
Considering the types of games available for rehabilitation, the The application also considers the importance of the ease of use
ones that stand out are the exergames. They have a stimulating and clarity of information on the game interface.
and interactive nature, explicit educational purpose and offer an It is important to emphasize that this software is an evolution
enriched environment of elements that motivate the learning of of the game created by Fiorin et al. [25] when the user interacts in
motor skills [15,16]. a 2D interface. This new version contemplates an immersive sce-
Exergames that use motion sensors, such as Kinect, are able to nario that explores the interaction with virtual elements scattered
capture the patient’s natural movements, promoting a physical in- within the patient’s range.
teraction. They work as a virtual mirror, because they assist the pa- Another relevant point is that this project aims to offer a tool
tient in the perception of movements and can offer a visual feed- to assist the upper limb motor function recovery process, cooper-
back [13,17,18].The use of interactive devices makes the treatment ating to the balance. These functions are related and have extreme
more encouraging, stimulating the human senses (mainly sight, importance in the development of daily activities for post-stroke
hearing and, in some cases, touch). patients.
In the same perspective, Hocine e Gouaich [19] say that using It is also important to highlight that the stroke sequelae can
therapy with exergames, it is possible to provide instantaneous vi- result in a diverse of implications depending on the type of brain
sual feedback, in addition to being a challenge to the patient. For injury, severity, location and number of strokes. For this reason, it
Barcala et al. [20], this visual feedback is an active way for the is necessary to map particular disabilities of each patient, in order
motor control performance, and also benefits the motor learning to customize the rehabilitation process [1]. With this in mind, we
process, because it considers the stages of self-correction of the opted to develop a first version of this game considering activities
executed movements, and benefits the neural plasticity of the pa- that can be executed by patients with mild paresis.
tients. Motion Rehab AVE 3D (software registration number: BR 51
With this in mind, our approach presents the first version of 2016 001373 7, INPI - Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office) con-
Motion Rehab AVE 3D, an exergame for rehabilitation of post- templates different exercises in a 3D space: flexion, abduction,
stroke patients with mild paresis. This game supports the motion shoulder adduction, horizontal shoulder adduction and abduction,
sensor Kinect and virtual reality devices. This paper is organized as elbow extension, wrist extension, knee flexion, and hip flexion and
follow: Section 2 presents the game development. Section 3 shows abduction. The aim is to simulate six activities (Fig. 1) in which the
results and discussions of the pilot study of one of the game exer- patient must move his hands, upper limbs, lower limbs and trunk,
cises. Finally, Section 4 shows the conclusions and future work. in order to get the objects and score. All activities developed for
the game contemplates exercises used in conventional physiother-
2. Methods apy sessions.
Firstly, the user access a gesture-based menu to select some
2.1. Development tools level and difficulty to play, and an avatar to represent himself
(health elderly, male or female) during the game. The use of this
The tools used for the development of the game Motion Re- feature may improve, for example, proprioceptive stimuli and vi-
hab AVE 3D were: (1) Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0, (2) Unity game sual feedback during game interactions.
engine to create the game interface, (3) Kinect V2 examples with The game context consists of a character representing the
MS-SDK package and (4) the support for stereoscopic visualization. movements made by the player mapped in front of Kinect. On the
Kinect is a device that recognizes body movements through a top of screen, it is informed the score, remaining time and level
camera with RGB video detection; a depth sensor; an infrared sen- difficulty.
sor to capture spatial changes; and a microphone for voice com- In the first activity (Fig. 1a) the patient must stay in orthostasis
mands [21]. This way, it is possible to capture and map the patient and perform shoulder abduction and adduction movements, elbow
movements during the game. and wrist extension, exercising the upper limb motor function.
Unity is a game development tool with a set of resources for In the second activity (Fig. 1b) the game explores the balance
rapid development of interactive 3D or 2D applications using C # and lower limbs. The patient must stay in orthostasis and perform
or JavaScript [22]. It also support devices like Kinect and Oculus hip flexion movements to get the objects that falls from the top of
Rift. the scene with his feet.
The Kinect V2 Examples with MS-SDK package, developed by The third activity (Fig. 1c) works with the upper limbs. The
Adikari et al. [23], contains resources for mapping the user’s move- patient must remain in orthostasis position and perform shoulder
ment for the virtual character in Unity. It supports Kinect 2.0, and abduction and horizontal adduction movements, along with elbow
provides scripts that exemplify the integration of devices consider- and wrist extension, exercising also the upper limb motor function.
ing the user’s natural movements. The fourth activity (Fig. 1d) exercises the lower limbs, where
Regarding the visualization, this game supports the use of the patient must remain in orthostasis and perform hip abduction
HMD’s, such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Through them, it is pos- and adduction movements. This stage requires the patient to get
sible to use stereoscopy, a technique to create or improve the il- the objects with his feet.
lusion of depth from the analysis of two images, obtained through The fifth activity (Fig. 1e) exercises the upper limbs, where the
binocular vision. This way, it is possible to explore the ability of patient stay in orthostasis position and performs shoulder flexion
spatial perception and the sense of immersion and presence dur- movements in order to get the objects that fall in front of him.
M. Trombetta et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 151 (2017) 15–20 17

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

(E) (F)

Fig. 1. Screenshots of the Motion Rehab AVE 3D exercises.

Finally, the sixth activity (Fig. 1f) involves an exercise of hip and 3. Results
knee flexion, where the patient must get the objects with his knee,
training the balance. In order to test the game, a pilot study was conducted, consid-
Motion Rehab AVE 3D also monitors the player’s score. Hits and ering the user interaction only the first activity of the game (Level
errors are reported to the physiotherapist at the end of the activity, 1, abduction movements and shoulder adduction, elbow and wrist
in order to evaluate the patient’s progress. The interval between extension, to train upper limb motor function), in third-person.
each activity is two minutes to avoid muscle fatigue [26]. If some Our initial goal was to map a basic and comfortable setup of
exercise is not performed correctly (like forgetting to pick up a cor- equipment in order to adopt later with post-stroke patients. There-
rect object), the game counts as an error. fore, we defined a study using two different visualization devices:
Some researches evidence the possibility of effectively work- Smart TV 3D and HMD. We assumed that if healthy participants
ing the learning and training in the post-stroke rehabilitation pro- are comfortable with a specific equipment configuration, this could
cess. Noveletto et al. [28] evaluated the dynamic balance training probably be replicated for post-stroke patients (considering the
in post-stroke patients using a board with sensors to capture the same age range).
movements, with good results. Bosse et al. [29] emphasized the Our sample considered 10 healthy participants with ages be-
standing balance training with different challenges for stroke pa- tween 61 and 75 years old, eight females and two males. Of these,
tients with hemiparesis. In the case of Motion Rehab AVE 3D, if 20% already had played some computer game and 10% related to
the patient with a mild paresis presents some difficulty to execute know one of the devices used in the test.
the planned activities in standing position, he/she can realize them For the interaction process, we defined 30 s to perform the
in seated position, since this posture does not interfere during the tasks, avoiding a tiring experience. A two-minute interval were ap-
capture of movements by the camera. plied for rest between the uses of each equipment. Brum e Rieder
During the activities, visual feedbacks are displayed with infor- [27] questionnaire was used to collect the user preference data
mation about the score, user action (whether it is correct or not), (Table 1, 20 questions), using a 5-point Likert scale. We also in-
suggestions for how the activity should be done, and motivational structed subjects to report verbally difficulties in relation to physi-
messages. In addition, alert and stimulating sounds are triggered cal effort.
for each feedback presented. These resources are intended to stim- To balance the comparison half of the participants used, firstly,
ulate user attention and encourage him/her to easily complete the the Oculus Rift (HMD) and after Smart T V 3D (T V), and the other
task. half in reverse (TV and HMD) - as shown in Fig. 2.
According to Garber et al. [30], it is recommended a patient The following groups were defined for analysis:
self-report to control the physical effort, and inform about his/her
physiological measures that may be being monitored. It is impor-
tant to highlight that a health professional (physiotherapist) and a • HMDTV: participants wearing the HMD, in the first experience,
computer science team attended the game development. and interacting with the TV, in the second experience;
• TVHMD: participants interacting with the TV, in the first expe-
rience, and wearing the HMD, in the second experience.
18 M. Trombetta et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 151 (2017) 15–20

Table 1
Proposed questionnaire for 3D user interface evaluation.

N° Question

When I used the Oculus Rift...

1 I felt comfortable during the interaction in the game, using different equipment
2 I felt immersed, the interaction with the game was transparent, arresting my attention
3 I felt present within the virtual scene of the game, as if I were part of it
4 I felt good, the interaction with the game and the equipment did not cause discomfort, such as motion sickness, headache, dizziness or nausea
5 I felt oriented because the equipment provided a better visual perception of the 3D space
When I used the Smart TV 3D...
6 I felt comfortable during the interaction in the game, using different equipment
7 I felt immersed, the interaction with the game was transparent, arresting my attention
8 I felt present within the virtual scene of the game, as if I were part of it
9 I felt good, the interaction with the game and the equipment did not cause discomfort, such as motion sickness, headache, dizziness or nausea
10 I felt oriented because the equipment provided a better visual perception of the 3D space
About the 3D User Interface, it allowed...
11 To use and interact easily in the game
12 Clarity on the steps to be followed to perform the tasks in the game
13 Adequate and sufficient time for the execution of the tasks
14 Naturally to perform the tasks of the game, without difficulties
15 Easily to visualize, interpret and understand the interactive elements of the game (visual aspects)
16 To listen and assimilate easily the sound elements of the game
17 Easily to pick up objects in 3D space
18 To have a fun experience
Another questions
19 The theme of the game is associated with your age
20 Rest intervals during the experiment were sufficient

Table 2
Results for HA and HB hypotheses.

Hypothesis: questions U-value Z-score p-value Mean ± Std. Deviation

HA: Q1 x Q6 49,0 −0,04 0,97 4,60 ± 0,97 × 4,80 ± 0,42

HA: Q2 x Q7 49,0 −0,04 0,97 4,30 ± 0,67 × 4,20 ± 1,03
HA: Q3 x Q8 46,0 −0,26 0,79 4,60 ± 0,70 × 4,60 ± 0,97
HA: Q4 x Q9 44,0 −0,42 0,67 4,40 ± 1,35 × 4,90 ± 0,32
HA: Q5 x Q10 50,0 0,04 0.97 4,60 ± 0,97 × 4,60 ± 0,97
HB: Q11 11,0 0,21 0,83 4,60 ± 0,70
HB: Q12 10,0 0,42 0,67 4,90 ± 0,32
HB: Q13 10,5 0,31 0,76 4,00 ± 1,63
HB: Q14 11,0 −0,21 0,83 4,40 ± 1,26
HB: Q15 10,0 −0,42 0,67 4,90 ± 0,32
HB: Q16 12,5 0,10 0,92 5,00 ± 0,00
HB: Q17 9,5 −0,52 0,60 4,10 ± 1,20
HB: Q18 12,0 0,00 1,00 4,70 ± 0,67
HB: Q19 10,5 −0,31 0,76 3,60 ± 1,58
HB: Q20 12,5 0,10 0,92 5,00 ± 0,00

the evaluation compared HMDTV and TVHMD groups of 5 partici-

pants, and analyzed the remaining questions (11 to 20), which con-
sidered interface elements and the protocol adopted.

4. Discussions

We identified that 20% (four participants) presented some diffi-

Fig. 2. Participants during the task with HMD (left) and Smart TV 3D (right). culties in terms of spatial orientation. They did not capture the ob-
jects proposed during the task because they did not perceive that it
was necessary to open their arms in a slightly larger angle (phys-
• We elaborated two alternative hypotheses to analyze the re- ically) to reach the objects. Another 20% (four participants) pre-
sults: sented this same difficult in the beginning of the interaction pro-
• There is difference between using the HMD and the TV to play cess – but, along of the experiment they perceived what should be
the Motion Rehab 3D (HA, General); done and they were able to execute the test normally. None of the
• There is usability difference between the groups of the experi- subjects reported physical effort difficulties during the pilot study.
ment (HB, Group HMDTV x Group TVHMD). The tests also showed, subjectively, that visual and aural feed-
backs must be more intuitive to help in the user understanding
The tests to evaluate HA and HB did not present statistically and cause more immersion. Moreover, we viewed the participants
significant results, rejecting the alternative hypotheses, as shown present a greater ability to complete the task in third-person per-
in Table 2. In the HA’s case (U-critical = 23), the comparison con- spective. This shows, in the comparison between questions Q1 x
sidered the 10 participants and an analysis of the first 10 questions Q6 and Q4 x Q9, a small advantage in the sense of comfort for TV,
(impressions about each device). In the HB’s case (U-critical = 2), because this device offer a common type of visualization for these
M. Trombetta et al. / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 151 (2017) 15–20 19

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