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Questionnaire on Skills Migration for Seychellois in the Country

Thank you for participating in the NHRDC Skills Migration Questionnaire. The National Human
Resources Development Council (NHRDC) is conducting a study on the impact of migration on
the local labour market and the purpose of this questionnaire is to gain insight on the
motivations and reasons qualified Seychellois choose to apply their knowledge in a foreign
country rather than in Seychelles. The results of this questionnaire will provide feedback for our
study and propose solutions intending to reverse brain drain.

Confidentiality Clause: The information provided in this survey will be used for the purpose of
the study only. The survey will remain confidential and will not be distributed. Anonymity will
remain at all times.

Date of Submission: 9th January 2012

Section A - Social and demographic characteristics and education

(1) How old are you? Years

(2) Sex

Female ( )
Male ( )

(3) What is the highest level of education you have completed?

a) Primary Education ( )
b) Secondary Education ( )
c) Post Secondary Education ( )
d) Undergraduate Degree ( )
e) Post Graduate Degree ( )
f) Masters ( )
g) PHD ( )

(4) What was your field of Study?

(5) In which country did you go to university? Name the university you attended

1 Skilled Migration Questionnaire

Section B - Employment Background

(6) Are you in Employment? Yes ( ) No ( )

If yes, name the organisation you are currently employed at?

(7) Name your Post Title

(8) Is your job relevant to the qualification obtained? If Yes or No state the reasons why

Section C - Intentions

(9) What do you think are the reasons for highly skilled people in Seychelles to migrate to a
foreign country (Tick all that apply)

a) Higher Salary Abroad ( )

b) Better Job Opportunities ( )
c) Prospect of Career Development ( )
d) Lack of Job Satisfaction in Seychelles ( )
e) Lack of Continuing Education Opportunities ( )
f) Presence of Family Abroad ( )
g) Crime and Social Problems in Seychelles ( )
h) Higher Quality of Life than in Seychelles ( )
i) Political Reasons ( )
j) To Gain International Experience ( )
k) Lack of Suitable Employment in Seychelles ( )
l) High Cost Of Living in Seychelles ( )

(10) According to you, among the reasons stated above, what would be the primary reason
for migrating abroad?

(11) Any other reasons why you think that skilled Seychellois migrate abroad that is not
mentioned above.

2 Skilled Migration Questionnaire


(12) Have you given any serious thought of migrating abroad? Please state why

Yes ( )
No ( )

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Date of Submission: 9th January 2012

3 Skilled Migration Questionnaire

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