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Name of Site : The Lodhi Hotel Record your response below, by choosing only one option

Safety Opinion Survey a) Agree b) Mostly Agree c) Mostly Disagree d) Disagree

Q1 Managers here are not interested in health & safety

Q2 My colleagues would never allow me to work unsafely

Q3 I understand the health & safety risks associated with my work

Q4 I have had no training in the risks associated with my job

Q5 incidents are not always reported

Q6 I report safety issues but get no feedback

Q7 incidents are investigated at this site

Q8 Appropriate PPE is always worn by people here

Q9 Health & safety briefings carried out at this site have been useful

Q10 My supervisor/manager does not talk to me about safety

Q11 Some health & safety rules are too difficult for me to follow

Q12 Supervisors sometimes turn a blind eye if people are not following safety rules

Q13 Getting the job done is more important than safety at this site

Q14 The health & safety committee do a good job at this site

Q15 The company takes health & safety seriously

Q16 I receive regular health & safety briefings

Q17 People here work safely

Q18 Sometimes people do not wear their PPE

Q19 I am not sure of the correct safety procedures for my job

Q20 Training is not seen as important at this site

Q21 Managers seldom talk to me about health & safety

Q22 I feel that I have a part to play in safety at this site

Q23 I understand my health & safety responsibilities

Q24 Supervisors set a poor example when it comes to health & safety

Q25 People I work with often break the rules

Q26 We sometimes have to ignore safety rules in order to get the job done

Q27 My supervisor/manager would never allow unsafe practices

Q28 The site manager is slow to react to safety problems

Q29 No recognition is given to people who work safely

Q30 The hazard reporting system works well here

Roles Engineering Housekeeping Managerial Top Management

(Kindly highlight with green colour against your job role)

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