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We need to remember the following sequence to start with :

Chart 1

S.No. Planets Dasha ( Years)

1. Sun 6

2. Moon 10

3. Mars 7

4. Rahu 18

5. Jupiter 16

6. Saturn 19

7. Mercury 17

8. Ketu 7

9. Venus 20

It is important to remember their sequence and years.

Now we know there are 27 nakshatras, please plot them starting with KETU as follows :

Chart 2

S.No. Planets Dasha ( Years) Nakshatra

1. Sun 6 3 12 21

2. Moon 10 4 13 22

3. Mars 7 5 14 23

4. Rahu 18 6 15 24

5. Jupiter 16 7 16 25

6. Saturn 19 8 17 26

7. Mercury 17 9 18 27

8. Ketu 7 1 10 19
9. Venus 20 2 11 20

Based on above sequence we see that every planet has three nakshatras and are in sequence of original
number +9,+9.

Why we started the numbering from Ketu is that the first nakshatra in First Sign Aries belongs to Ketu.

Now let us remember few things as follows :

1. There are 12 signs

2. There are 27 Nakshatras
3. Each Nakshatra has 4 charans which means 108 charans
4. 108 devided by 12 signs gives us 9 charans, which means each Sign will have 9 charans.

Now let us plot the planets and their charans keeping in mind the above planet sequence against Signs.

Chart 3

S.No. Sign Planet(Charan) Planet(Charan) Planet(Charan)

1 Aries Ketu(4) Venus(4) Sun(1)

2. Taurus Sun(3) Moon(4) Mars(2)

3. Gemini Mars(2) Rahu(4) Jupiter(3)

4. Cancer Jupiter(1) Saturn(4) Mercury(4)

5 Leo Ketu(4) Venus(4) Sun(1)

6. Virgo Sun(3) Moon(4) Mars(2)

7. Libra Mars(2) Rahu(4) Jupiter(3)

8. Scorpio Jupiter(1) Saturn(4) Mercury(4)

9 Saggitarius Ketu(4) Venus(4) Sun(1)

10. Capricorn Sun(3) Moon(4) Mars(2)

11. Aquarius Mars(2) Rahu(4) Jupiter(3)

12. Pisces Jupiter(1) Saturn(4) Mercury(4)

If we combine just the number sequence of chart 3 and chart 2 wherein take number 1-9 from
Nakshatra sequence and from chart 2, we get the following chart for remember purpose only.
Chart 4

Signs Planets and charan

1 5 9 1(4) 2(4) 3(1)

2 6 10 3(3) 4(4) 5(2)

3 7 11 5(2) 6(4) 7(3)

4 8 12 7(1) 8(4) 9(4)

Signs are starting from Aries and Planets are starting from Ketu.

Now let us see the nakshatras associated with each planet

Chart -5

S.No. Planet Nakshtra(1) Nakshtra(1) Nakshtra(1)

1 Ketu 1.Ashwini 10. Magha 19. Moola

2 Venus 2.Bharani 11.P. Phalguni 20.P.Asadha

3 Sun 3.Krittika 12.U.Phalguni 21.U.Asadha

4 Moon 4.Rohini 13.Hasta 22.Shravana

5 Mars 5.Mrigasira 14.Chitra 23.Dhanistha

6 Rahu 6.Ardra 15.Swati 24.Sat Bhishaj

7 Jupiter 7.Punervasu 16.Vishakha 25.P.Bhadrapad

8 Saturn 8.Pushya 17.Anuradha 26.U.Bhadrapad

9 Mercury 9.Ashlesha 18.Jyeshtha 27. Revati

Now let us understand the steps.

1. Sequence of Planets and their years of dasha. The sequence is same for drawing nakshatra
chart as well as calculation of dasha.
2. Sequence of Signs and their starting point for nakshatras which is ketu.
3. Mark 4 charans of each planet by sequence against signs considering nine charan in a sign.
4. Remember three nakshatra associated with each planet.

I think the above will help for easy remember.

Please suggest any better option.

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