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Rethinking Beauty: Trends in the 21st worker into helping you move some furniture.

Century Beauty does make a difference.

 Why beauty serves a threat to some

“Probably the most difficult thing a beautiful people because of the societal norms that
has been raised in the society. They often
woman has to deal with is social rejection.”
believe that better looking people have
Dr. Dale Archer M.D.
much more of a go in life. They often think
The Psychology of Beauty that better looking people get things
easily, are more privileged, more
As listed by the Top 10 Things, the top thing that appreciated and more confident. Because
makes a man or a woman threatening to his or of this insecurity, studies suggest
her fellow sex is beauty. “beautiful people” are often outcasts and
are rejected because they pose a threat to
1. The key to perceive beauty is the face.  Beauty is a complex theme and its nature
-According to Princeton psychologists Janine is one of the most talked about topic for
Willis and Alexander Todorov, first over a long time in the context of the
impressions are formed in less than a tenth western philosophy. Its controversy has
raised a lifelong debate about what really
of a second.
is its definition. Some say its subjective,
-When we first meet people, usually, the first
wherein the infamous quote “Beauty is in
thing that we notice or we look at is the face. the eye of the beholder,” comes in and
These faces of newly met people will others say beauty is objective where it
somehow serve as our first impression of takes into account the objective feature of
them. By that, we use our first impressions beautiful things.
on determining whether we should build a
relationship or not. DEFINITIONS OF BEAUTY
2. "Companies that place a premium on 1. Ultimate Values
hiring very attractive people had on -Goodness, Truth and Justice
average higher revenues than similar -Primary theme of the Ancient Greek,
companies which did not." Hellenistic and Medieval philosophers.
Daniel Hamermesh 2. "Beauty is no quality in things
themselves: It exists merely in the mind
which contemplates them; and each mind
Beauty Pays
perceives a different beauty. One person
-From the New York Times interview, may even perceive deformity, where
Hamermesh found out that for beautiful another is sensible of beauty; and every
people in general, "Most of us, regardless of individual ought to acquiesce in his own
our professed attitudes, prefer as customers sentiment, without pretending to regulate
to buy from better-looking salespeople, as those of others. (Hume 1757, 136)"
jurors to listen to better-looking attorneys, as 3. “A concept of beauty occurs when all
voters to be led by better-looking politicians,
parts work together in harmony so that no
as students to learn from better-looking
one part draws unjust attention to itself.”
3. Beautiful women have it even better Aristotle
and get away with things ordinary people -The keys and the parts of the car work
can't. together.
- Try talking an officer out of a ticket, or walking -Our legs work together to get us from one
in without a reservation and getting a table at point to another.
that hot new restaurant or talking that male co- -A child learns how to count 1, 2, 3.
4. Provide a perceptual experience to the -Though, it makes those who have undergone it
eye. feel beautiful and valued in China, the process
5. A combination of qualities, such as has professed a number of side effects such as, it
shape, color, or form that pleases the makes the feet dysfunctional, women can also
aesthetic senses, especially the sight. acquire infection, experience paralysis and
-“A beautiful woman.” muscular atrophy.
-“The Golden Ratio” 2. Lip Stretching
-Many African tribe women who as early as a
HOW DO WE PERCEIVE BEAUTY TODAY? little girl can stomach, have their lips stretched
WHEN AND HOW CAN ONE SAY AN through metal rings or lip plates inserted in their
INDIVIDUAL IS BEAUTIFUL? lips to show the ultimate beauty that is believed
-Dress, act, carry ourselves, social status, in their tribe.
wealth, race, body shape and size 3. Giraffe Necks
 The society has provided the people a -Commonly experienced in tribes along the
different definition beauty, a border of Thailand, and also African tribes in
redefined one. It tells us that there are Kenya and Tanzania.
certain looks that look more beautiful -As early as possible, little girls, until they grow
than others and people have become old, have their necks stretched like giraffes by
so engrossed by the standard that has placing a level of metal rings around their necks.
been set that just as fast as a news or 4. Elizabethan Women
information may spread, these beliefs -Elizabethan beauty include whitening the face,
have already become a stereotype. plucking the eyelashes, shaving back the hairline
to show a prominent forehead.
STEREOTYPES OF BEAUTY 5. Georgian Wig Vanity
1. Beauty really only comes in one -In the late 1700s, women were so engross to
package. wear such big wigs.
2. Beauty=Thin -Women take long hours to prepare their desired
3. Beauty is expensive. wig and they often sleep sitting up and have their
4. Darker skin tones haves less need for heads scratched using head scratchers that can
sunscreen. be related to the back scratchers that we have
5. Beauty has to hurt. today.
6. Women with oily hair do not need -The “hair” could be as tall as 30 inches and lice
conditioner. and headaches were common those times.
7. Women lose their beauty as they age. 6. Corsets
-Aside from making it hard for women to sit
BEAUTY: THEN AND NOW down, before, societal standards also make it
1. Footbinding hard for women to breathe through the use of
-In China, they consider those with corsets.
small feet beautiful. -Waistline may appear look smaller however this
-As early as the age of 5, Chinese also promotes a dysfunctional internal organs
women undergo through a painful and irregular air flow.
process of reducing their foot size 7. Flappers
through the process of footbinding. -Women opted to breast reductions in the year
-Footbinding process include folding 1920s just to be able to have the “flappers” dress
the toes to the woman’s sole and style fit them perfectly.
breaking and arching the feet.
PHILIPPINE CONTEXT 2000- In these years, the Filipinos have come to
100 YEARS OF PHILIPPINE BEAUTY slowly accept the “Filipina beauty” with less
make-up but heavier lipstick without mostly
1910- Still emerging from the colonial era, a touching the hair to make it look natural.
combination of American and European beauty.
1920- Fernando Amorsolo’s painting Palay 21st CENTURY TRENDS
Maiden, suggested a nostalgic pre-colonial time 1. SWAG POP(ULAR) CULTURE
kind of beauty. This has served as the time’s
Pop Culture- pop culture means modern
trend setter of what should be a dalagang
popular culture that is majorly seen in mass
media and is aimed at the younger population.
1930- The kind of beauty that emerged this time
was brought by the Americans who occupied the Swag- Invented by the Hollywood gay people
country. The type of beauty that became a trend meaning, secretly we are gay. Other claims
are those that exemplifies fair or white skin. An include that swag came from the Scottish term
example of it is a Filipina named Queen Marga swagger or the swaying of the skirt. The
who won a Carnival in Pasay which lasted for famous singer Jay-Z also claimed that he first
two weeks, a depiction of American influence. used the term swag in his song Soulja Boy and
1940- This is the inception of World War II. Men as well as Justin Bieber, in his song If I Was
and women participated in defending against the Your Boyfriend.
Japanese regime. The birth of the Amazons of
In terms of etymology, there are really no
Huk Rebellion.
concrete evidences of where the term swag
1950- Two of the proponents of the birth of this
came from but as time went through and so
kind of fashion or trend in the Philippines are
long that this term has been used, this has
Marilyn Monroe and Debbie Gibson.
become a jargon in the fashion industry
1960- This sky-scraping style was likely born
meaning cool and in.
out of the incredibly popular bouffant of the
1950's. The exaggerated look, which involved 2. KILAY IS LIFE
piling one's hair on top of the head in a conical With the fast paced world right now that is
shape and setting it in place with copious largely influenced by technology through the
amounts of hairspray, got its name due to the internet and the existence of gadgets, many
fact that it looked similar in shape and size to beauty or make-up videos have already been
an actual beehive. Made popular by the musical circulating the internet that is also one of the
group, The Ronettes, the beehive was seen reasons why other beauty trends such as
everywhere from celebrities such as Aretha kilay is life has influenced the people,
Franklin to television shows like Star Trek. especially women nowadays.
1970- Flowerpower. The infamous Jesusa WHY IS THE OLD FASHION COMING BACK?
Purificacion Sonora or the well renowned Queen WHAT FUELS THE COMEBACK?
of the Philippine Movies in the 1960s and 1970s,
Susana Roces, debuted this look in the The comeback of some old fashion trends is
Philippines. fueled by the presence of media, especially
the social media. Now that we are already in
1980- The trend during these times was a
the 21st century, there is already an easy
combination of the Filipino and United States
access to information which can be found on
popular culture: Colored eyelashes, heavier
the internet and the information, can already
lipstick and make up and the start of most be easily disseminated and can easily be
women taking notice in their eyebrows. conformed with.
1990- The birth of zigzag hair and long hair.
Social Conditioning- Society works on
unconsciously training and influencing
individuals to have certain beliefs, dreams,
desires, and to react in a certain way.
We conform because of social influence.


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