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The desire of the keeper

Iliescu Cristina Eliza

Conservare si restaurare
anul I
Dear reader, what you now hold in your hands is my work, my soul
and a piece of my knowledge. And you will soon see, as I have, that
there are fantastical creatures living among us, hidden through
mimicry and magic. The creatures also represent the furniture of one’s
mind .This book will give you the tools and techniques needed to lift
the veil and see the
unseen. Once you have this sight, you will never see things the same
way again. The creatures you will meet are truly a sight to behold, and
most of them do not like being observed. But, over time, I have
garnered their trust.
So, reader, beware. I beseech you, beware.
We have calcium in
our bones, iron in our
veins, carbon in our
souls, and nitrogen in
our brains. 93 percent
stardust, with souls
made of flames, we are
all just stars that have
people names.
People observe the colors of a day only at
beginnings and ends, but to me it's quite
clear that a day merges through a multi-
tude of
shades and intonations with each passing
moment. A single hour can consist of
thousands of different colors. Waxy yel-
lows, cloud-spot blues. Murky darkness.
In my line of work, I make it a point to
notice them.
˙ ǝɹǝpǝʌ ǝp ʇɔund ʇlɐ uıp
The world is full of magic things,
patiently waiting for our senses to
grow sharper.
W.B. Yeats
You can’t kill a nightmare,
but you can scare it. And
there’s nothing so feared
by nightmares as milk and
Eu nu sunt altceva decât
o pată de sânge
care vorbeşte.
-Nichita Stănescu-
The scariest monsters are
the ones that lurk within
our souls.
Ah, who will save me from existing?
do you ever realize how terrifying the
concept of the soul is?
i'm trapped inside a dying body on a dying planet in a
dying universe with no way out but death.

i feel really claustrophobic right now.

Discard your mask
next to me.
For, I, too, desire
the darkest things.
In a world where
everyone wears a mask, it's a
privilege to see a soul.
să nu te sperii, îngerule,
că-n locul grădinii din
pieptul meu ai să găsești
pământ uscat ce îmi îm-
bracă sufletul.
eu mă înec în noroi și-n
petale de flori uscate.
nu știai că-n Rai nu e loc
pentru mine?
I was never really
insane except upon
occasions when my
heart was touched.
Ai auzit vreodată zarva
inconsolabilă a unei absențe,
ca o alarmă cu volumul dat
atât de tare că simți că-ți crapă
pereții în
For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word
De unde-şi are raiul -
lumina? - Ştiu: Îl luminează iadul
cu flăcările lui!
Să scapi de Timp. Să ieşi din Timp. Priveşte
bine în jurul d-tale: ţi se fac din toate părţile
semne. Încrede-te în semne. Urmăreşte-le…

Mircea Eliade - Noaptea de Sânziene

“What of Art?
-It is a malady.
-An Illusion.
-The fashionable substitute for Belief.
--You are a sceptic.
-Never! Scepticism is the beginning
of Faith.
--What are you?
-To define is to limit.”

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