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Prepared by:

Malicad, Reymaris B.

Classroom Assessment and Children with Disabilities
Classroom assessment has a great potential to enhance student learning, especially among
children with disabilities. If the assessment is designed with its appropriate purpose, learning for
children with disability can improve. To identify the purpose of assessment for children with
disability is critical for effective use.
Common Areas to Assess for Individuals with Special Needs Fitness
1. Endurance refers to the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite
fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions.
2. Flexibility is the capability of an individual to perform different physical routines
without incurring pain on certain body parts.
3. Strength refers to the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power.
4. Body composition is the proportion of fat, muscle, and bones of an individual’s body.

Motor Ability
a. Balance refers to the state of equilibrium or equipoise; the equal distribution of weight,
amount, etc.
b. Speed is the rapidity in moving, going, travelling, proceeding, or performing.
c. Agility is the ability to move quickly and easily.
d. Eye-hand/eye-foot coordination is the ability of the person to move in three-
dimensional space with the proper coordination of the eye-hand/eye-foot.
Social-Behavioural Skills
a. Self-control refers to the ability to control one’s emotions, behaviour, and desires in
order to obtain reward, or avoid punishment.
b. Following directions is the capability to follow instruction leading to accomplishment of
a goal.
c. Staying on task is the ability to complete a certain task without directing attention to
something else.
d. Coping with frustration and conflict refers to the ability to adjust to different events
leading to frustration and conflict.
e. Positive attitude refers to the optimistic concept that enables an individual to make
sound decisions.
f. Safety skills refer to the ability of the individual to maintain function to a certain activity
without posing much danger to self and others.
Holistic Rubrics for Special Education
 The main advantages of holistic rubrics are their simplicity, speed, and reliability.
They are easy to understand because of their simplicity. The overall reliability of
this process is also considered to be high.

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