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On the first part of the video, it tells that in the documentary will be giving reasons

and samples on how “numbers” are related to everything that has been here on earth since the
beginning. They will discuss and explain everything and share information about the video
entitled Mathematics - The Language of the Universe.
The first example they gave was all about constellation, on how constellation involves
in our life; how they might control our destiny. They also tackle about the day & night that
we experience, the 4 seasons which are summer, autumn, winter and spring and that these
examples have patterns to follow in order to repeat its order. Tells that “pattern” is really a
big thing that involves in our life. On how we create our things that deals with the pattern
itself. These patterns turned out to be a powerful tool which is MATHEMATICS. The
patterns that are made that also turned out to be Mathematical equations that solves problem
from the simplest form here on earth up to the biggest problem that involves the outside part
of the earth. f. The patterns that are made that also turned out to be Mathematical equations
that solves problem from the simplest form here on earth up to the biggest problem that
involves the outside part of the earth. Mario Livio stated that wherever we are, we encounter
numbers and some of them like Fibonacci are really a mystery why they appear patterns here
on earth.
Pi or π described as unending number but stated as 3.14 and has a lot more to explain
with if you search further about its equation. Almost everything with or without circle, Pi
may be involved with it. Including the length and distance of a wave, Pi will appear and will
always be involved with it.
Max Tegmark, author of Our Mathematics Universe explain how a computer game
involved mathematically on how they are being operated. He stated that “our physical world
doesn’t just have some mathematical properties but has only mathematical properties”.
In pythagoras, explain how equation and music relate to each other. By practicing the
patterns of number you can also create pattern of melody or music. The tempo and the pitch
of the music are also represented by numbers that when you make some patterns, you can
create music by itself.
Plato, a great philosopher was also introduced in the documentary. He is somewhat
related in math and also famous for those mathematicians for he believed that Geometry and
Mathematics exists in their own ideal world. To many mathematicians, mathematics was
really discovered rather than invented.
Animals also identify quantity just like the example of Lemurs, they tend to think
cognitively that they prefer foods which has the larger amount of quantity. Not only lemurs
but also different kinds of animals. But in the video, lemurs tend to learn about numbers
compare to other animals.
Mathematics can be really our tool kit for survival by us recognizing patterns & shapes and
also have a sense of time. But mystery still remains even if we have a lot things that are
related to mathematics. Also discussed at the video about the representation of Aristotle on
how are things.
Physicist are also introduced in the video like Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei and Aristotle
who gave principles about mathematics and how they are related in our world. By their
experiments, they prove something about gravity and the falling of objects here on earth.
For me, this video really gave an idea for the people how helpful mathematics is and how it
surround everything here on earth where we live. From the time we wake up, to the things
and routine that we are doing, all the things that surrounds us. Mathematics teaches how to
count, how to have sense of time, how build houses how to plan things, make patterns and
everything. Without it, we can never learn anything and we will be ignorant for the things
around us. I’m also thankful for those people who discover everything about mathematics and
that’s why we learn a lot in school and we became interested in some topics that learned from
it. I realize that mathematics is not that really hard if we get interested to it, when we focus on
how to make the formulas of every equation, on how patterns work, on how things are related
outside the universe and everything. And it really excites me whenever I learn new things
about mathematics. And in everyday life, our knowledge really help us to cope with other
people and how to use things around us is just related to it.

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