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Technology and its Impact of Technology on the Academic Performance of

SHS Students of the Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School


First and foremost, we, the researchers would like to bring back all the
glory to the ever loving God Almighty for the provision, wisdom, strength and
guidance we needed to make this study successful. There’s nothing too difficult for
Him to do as we put our trust on him. We extend our sincerest gratitude to Mr.
Gilbert S. Baysic our thesis adviser, for her tireless commitment to us. He not only
encouraged us with words but her dedication and commitment in helping us
completes this thesis in a timely and efficient manner. The project provided us with
an opportunity to understand the fundamentals of research methods in a better
manner and apply them in everyday life. The insistence on taking up a socially
relevant topic like the use of social networking sites helped us to understand the
psychology and education of the people using these sites better and correlate the
research to human behavioral and mental aspects. We also would like to thank our
respondents for giving us their valuable time and providing us with the information
needed to carry out the research successfully. We also would like to thank our
classmates and friends for being willing to serve on our commission and extending
their advice for improvement. Finally, we would like to thank our families for their
constant support, guidance and motivation, who helped us immensely in completing
this project and for instilling in us a strong work ethic and belief that we can
accomplish anything we put our minds to.

The rapid development of modern technology that has been observed over the past
years has potential positive outcomes and concerns regarding the way students are
engaging with it and how it is making an impact on their learning and academic
performance. The world today is witnessing rapid acceleration in all areas of science
and knowledge, and a scientific explosion leading to more technological
developments and a new era known as the information age. The educational
systems must respond to these events and try to develop principles and standards
for selecting teaching methods to renew education and establish a modern
educational environment and an educational system that is compatible with these
changes. In addition, the educational system must be able to develop the learners
abilities, knowledge and skills.

Education is an integrated system designed to produce proper human being

who is interactive with their environment, trying to change it so students can do
their best. Technology, must have entered the educational field like other fields of
life for the purpose of improvement, development, and innovation. Recently,
teaching and learning methods have developed dramatically, particularly after the
emergence of modern technologies that are based on teaching and modern
technology. There have been a lot of studies that addressed the importance of using
modern technology, and the impact of using modern technology on the academic
performance of students.

Modern technology has the ability to interact with the student through
developed educational programs to achieve various behavioral and educational
objectives, save time, and reduce the effort of the teacher and learner. It also has
the ability to motivate learners to learn without boredom, because it contains the
feature of excitement and continuous interaction. Teaching with the use of modern
technology also creates the opportunity for students to choose the appropriate
method besides the presentation of multiple learning methods in a short time
through drawings, interaction during learning, playing videos and browsing the
internet website to explain various concepts. Modern education has entered
education and learning to be used in several areas, such as self-learning through
programmed learning of curricula and methodological educational activities,
conducting artistic works, coordinating the administrative work in educational
institutions, and overcoming the routine works that were time and effort

Technology is one of the latest phenomenon’s that make the whole wide world
cling to it. It has brought about changes in terms of communication. It also creates
positive and negative impact in the lifestyle of billions of people but most
particularly to the younger generation. Technology helps develop both intrapersonal
and interpersonal aspect of an individual. It unlocks the curiosity of an individual
on what is life and what is it all about. It may aid people in their academic life just
like how it supports a firm and a country in its economic, political, societal and
spiritual aspects. On the other hand, it still inculcates negative effects that have
been wide-spreading throughout the world. Considering the awaiting destruction in
the diverse facets of life of an individual, in his community and even this country.

This study will be conducted Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural

School(SEPNAS) Department where we selected students from SHS to pre-
determine the perceive effects of the impact of technology on the academic
performance of students. Modern technology has advantages and disadvantages in
Education and its impact on the academic performance of students. Technology in
education plays an important role in improving the educational skills and
knowledge of students. This is very important especially those who need to improve
their knowledge in order for them to achieve a successful life in the future.
Technology in education is manifested through the use of computers, overhead
projectors, laptops and other preferred modern technology that the professor wants
to use. This is also a great help for teachers since they can already enhance their
teaching skills and strategies every time they are facing their class. Modern
technology is essential for both students and the teacher but there are some
instances wherein modern technology is seen to be disadvantageous for both of
them as well. Some advantages of modern technology are, it promotes independent
learning for the students. Students can already learn on their own without
assistance of their parents and teachers. They can surf the internet in order to look
for the lessons they need to study. Quick accessibility and well-equipped with the
skills and knowledge in operating a computer would be very helpful for students.
Modern technology allows for easier access to information. The need for heavy books
to be brought back and forth from school and home is no longer needed with modern
technology. The books can stay in the classroom because the information that
students need is easily accessed on a computer. Modern technology also promotes an
exciting way to educate students. Since there are many images, videos and other
graphics and text that may be found on the internet, more students would feel the
excitement in studying through the use of modern technology. This is important in
order to arouse students’ interest in studying.

Modern technology also has its disadvantages. Students who rely heavily on using

modern technology can become lazy in their studying habits. Computers make it

easy to find answers that students barely have to look for them. This may result in

students having poor study habits and developing a lazy attitude toward their

education. Students may also forget the basic way of studying. Students would no

longer rely on the books for their courses since finding answers on the internet is

easier to do. Allowing students to surf the internet doesn’t necessarily mean that all

the things that they are going to discover are good for their mind and studies. There

are several things that are found in the internet which are not good for students so

they need to be properly guided by their teachers and parents whenever they use

the computer and modern technology. Technology in education plays an important

role in the study habits and skills of students and can impact their academic

performance. It depends on how the students choose to utilize the modern

technology available for them.

Some examples of modern technology are, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Scribd,


Some examples of modern technology are:

1. Power point Presentation- this mode of technology can help

communicate an idea to an audience.
2. Computer- It has become the life line of the young generation. The
present generation of students likes to embrace all the things in
modern technology.
3. Flash notes- allows students to upload their lecture notes and sell

them to other students who need more help or resources.

Purpose of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to determine the Impact of Modern

Technology on the Academic Performance of one hundred (100) selected SHS
Students of the Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS)

Specifically answers the following question:

1. The impact of modern technology use by the one hundred (100) SHS Students of
the Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) on their
academics performance in terms of:

1:1 Cognition
1:2 Psychomotor
1:3 Psychosocial/ Attitude and Behavior

2. The modern technology that the SHS student most preferred to enhance the
academic performance?

3. What is the mean difference between cognition, psychomotor, psychosocial,


4. Is there any significant impact in using modern technology in the academic

performance of student in SHS?


Research Design

This study used descriptive survey design. Since this design suited to
the researcher research problem “The Impact of Modern Technology to SHS
Students of the Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School
(SEPNAS).Wherein the subject varies among themselves, and this determined the
extent to which different condition and situation are taken with in the subject.

In addition, descriptive survey design is practical in obtaining the values of

facts and focuses attention on the most important phenomena of being reported in
this study. It is also necessary to discover the psychological and social aspect of
research by way of application or implementation of facts, to recognize between
facts or influences.

The researcher utilized survey questionnaire in gathering and

collecting data, for answering the research questions, that requires facts, sufficient

and accurate interpretation.

Participants & Research Site

This research was conducted at SHS Students of the Speaker Eugenio Perez

National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) located Roxas Boulevard San Carlos City,

Pangasinan. The participants of this study are the Senior High School Students.

Instrumentation & Data Collection

The researchers will distribute a survey form to each section in order to

determine the users of modern technology and must be accomplished within one

week. After the researchers collected the survey forms, a list of the respondents

which are modern technology users will be organized then copies of the main

questionnaire will be produced. The copies of the main questionnaire will depend on

the number of the respondents. However, extra copies will be reproduced if some

respondents loss their questionnaires. The respondents will be given two to three

days allowance to answer the main questionnaire. An officer of each section will be

selected to distribute and collect the questionnaires. Once the deadline of the

questionnaires arrived, the researchers will coordinate with the officers to retrieve

all the questionnaires completely. The questionnaires gathered will contain all the

needed data for the study and it will be organized, summarized, analyzed, and


Analysis of Data

Once the questionnaire was refined, the researchers asked permission from
the dean and chair of SHS in order to conduct the research. It was explained to the
chair that the researchers planned to survey the SHS students to conduct research
on how modern technology impacts the academic performance of the students. Once
permission was granted from the chair, the questionnaire was distributed. These
were distributed to the SHS students at Speaker Eugenio Perez National
Agricultural School (SEPNAS). The researchers found out the SHS students course
schedule and we sought them out during the class. We asked permission from their
perspective professors if we could distribute the surveys. Participants were given
time to respond and then the researchers collected the surveys within that day.
There were no incentives offered for participating in the research.

Upon retrieval of the questionnaires, the researchers tabulated the findings

and analyzed the data. The data gathering was systemized. The researchers had
made an assessment with regards to the effect of modern technology to enhance
academic performance by the SHS students of Speaker Eugenio Perez National
Agricultural School(SEPNAS), academic year 2018-2019. The responses were
analyzed with the subjects considered whole, only differentiating them by their year


The researchers wrote a letter to the registrar’s office to find out how many
students are currently enrolled at Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural
School (SEPNAS) in the SHS students. We were informed that there are 100
students enrolled in SHS. The total population of this study is 100 students (50)
Grade 11 students (50) Grade 12 students

This study uses the nonscientific or nonprobability purposive convenience

sampling technique in order to reason for using the proposed sampling method. The
remaining students were used to find out the validity and reliability of the
questionnaire. The research study focuses on the Impact of Modern technology to
the academic performance of one hundred (100) selected SHS student in Speaker
Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS), and according to the
researcher purpose and convenience.

The data for this research was collected using a survey questionnaire. The
survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and
individual questions formed by the researchers. The survey is divided into two
parts. The first part is comprised of four categories: Cognitive, Psychomotor,
Psychosocial and Attitude/ Behavior. In the questionnaire break down of the parts
and subparts linker scale was used to determine the level of add how the linker
scale was used.

Discussions and Implications

The conceptual paradigm of the study about the Impact of Modern Technology on
the Academic Performance of the one hundred (100) selected BSBA students at
Tomas del Rosario College

Independent Intervening The impact of

Variables Variables modern technology
could increase or
Technology Availability of modern
decrease in the
 Computer
Number of hours performance of SHS
 Tablet students
using modern
 Laptop technology
 Cellphone, etc.
Study habits



Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The independent variables on the far left box and how they affect the intervening

variables found in the middle box which includes the modern technologies such as:

computer, tablet, laptop, cellphone. These variables could increase or decrease the

result of the variables. Perception of SHS Students of the Speaker Eugenio Perez

National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) on their academic performance in relation

to the impact of technology.


The purpose of this study is to examine the impact modern technology

integration has on the academic performance of SHS students at Speaker Eugenio
Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS)The first chapter provides an
introduction of the topic and explains the importance of the research. The second
chapter discusses recent literature concerning the integration of modern technology
into education. The literature revealed that, when technology was integrated into
daily classroom activities, academic performance increased in the core subject areas
of reading, mathematics, and science. The conceptual framework and hypotheses
were presented in this chapter and were supported through direct links to the
literature. Chapter three articulated the methodology used in conducting this
research. This chapter outlines how the data was obtained and the study developed.
Chapter four presents the results of the multiple r analysis. The results were
analyzed and discussed in text format and through the use of tables, computations
and ranking. After analyzing the result, each hypothesis was either supported or
not supported, along with possible reasons explaining the outcome.
This study was conducted in Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural
School (SEPNAS) San Carlos City, Pangasinan with a total of one hundred thirty
three (133) respondents of Senior High students. Descriptive method was used in
this study. The researcher used a checklist-questionnaire method in order to reveal
the relationship of the variables. The special problem was conducted to determine
the impact of modern technology on the academic performance of SHS students of
Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) in Senior High
level, Year 2018-2019. It aims to find out the appropriate answers to the following
questions, the impact of modern technology on the academic performance in terms
of Cognition, Psychomotor, Psychosocial, and Attitude / Behavior.

Through this problem stated, the researcher came up with the following null
hypothesis: There in no relationship of the Impact of Modern Technology on the
Academic Performance in terms of cognition, psychomotor, psychosocial and
attitude / behavior of one the one hundred (100) selected SHS in Senior High level
at Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS).After
administering the questionnaire, the researcher used weighted mean and ranking
to determine the extent of student-related factor in terms of cognition,
psychomotor, psychosocial and attitude / behavior. Mean median and standard
deviation were used to determine the level of impact that modern technology has on
the academic performance of SHS students of Senior High School at Speaker
Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) in Senior High level.
Spearman who was used to test the significance of input and output variables.

Based on the data gathered, the overall weighted mean of the Impact of
Modern Technology on the Academic Performance of Senior High Students was:
Cognitive (3.41), Psychomotor (3.11), Psychosocial (3.66), and Attention/Behavior

The current study was conducted to investigate the impact of using Modern
Technology on the achievement and performance of SHS students in Senior High
San Carlos City, Pangasinan. It has been revealed by the results that the learning
achievement of SHS students of Senior High School at Speaker Eugenio Perez
National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) in Senior High level was not affected when
the teaching and learning processes are enhanced by Modern Technology. Although
it motivates the students to become more involved, active and interested in learning
it also depends on each individual student if they want to take advantage of these
resources in order to support their academic study habits.

Modern Technology promotes the collaborative communication and

interpersonal skills of students, and, consequently, changes their attitude to
learning but for some; they do not find that modern technology has enhanced their
learning capabilities. The research experiment has demonstrated that modern
technology, such as smart board and PowerPoint are very enjoyable, help in best
utilizing the lecture time, limit disruption by students, provide outstanding
methods for presenting the lecture materials, and enhance the concentration and
engagement of the students. But at the end, it is still up to the student to utilize
these provided means of modern technology.

Most of the academic staff and instructors at Speaker Eugenio Perez

National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) are integrating their teaching with Modern
Technology due to its easy access and availability. The academic staff and
instructors realize that adopting modern technologies can enhance their
communication with the students, reduce the teaching pressure caused by the
course material preparation and make the lecture material available at the time of
the discussion. The integration with Modern Technology will enable them to build
teaching competencies, and, therefore, will impact their teaching effectiveness and
Although, the importance of Modern Technology has been acknowledged by Senior
High San Carlos City, Pangasinan, there are some impediments facing both the
students and instructors in adopting Modern Technology. The insufficient
computing facilities and infrastructure, lack of sufficient technology budget and
modern technology investment, technical support and excessive budgeting and
resources consumption needed for training programs are among the obstacles facing
the college in adopting Modern Technology.

Professors Benoit Monin, Carol Dweck and James Gross and Doctoral student Alex
Jordan,(2008), “Stanford Research”, www.stanford-reseach .com

Walid Lemagni, “The effects of Technology on Academic Performance”


Becker, Jay H, 2000, Who’s Wired and Who’s Not: Children’s Access to and Use of
Computer Technology, Children and Computer Technology, 10 (2): 44-75

Carvin, A. 2000, Mind the gap: The digital divide as the civil rights issue of the new
Millennium, Multimedia Schools, 7 (1): 56-59

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